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HomeMy WebLinkAboutMemorandum to ApplicationArutter March 2, 2022 1085 84-7 By Hand Delivery Ms. Celina Villa Office Administrator Town of Yarmouth Zoning Board of Appeals 1146 Route 28 South Yarmouth, MA 02664 Jean L. It. Kampas Direct Line: (508) 790-5434 Fax: (617) 310-9680 E-mail: RECEIVED MAR 0 2 2022 YARMOUTH BOARD OF APPEALS Re: Cape Cod Hospital and Winterberry Solar, LLC / 4, 30, 34, and 40 Bayview St. Modification of Special Permit No. 4715 Dear Ms. Villa: This office represents Cape Cod Hospital and Winterberry Solar, LLC (a wholly owned subsidiary of NextGrid, Inc.), collectively the "Applicants." Cape Cod Hospital is the owner of the properties located at 4, 30, 34, and 40 Bayview Street in West Yarmouth, shown on the Yarmouth Assessors Map 36, Parcels 8-10 and 93 (the "Property"). The Property is located within the B 1 and R25 Zoning Districts, and partially within the Aquifer Protection District ("APD"). Currently, the Property is used by Cape Cod Hospital as an accessory parking lot for its adjacent hospital use, which parking lot was authorized by Special Permit No. 4715, recorded in the Barnstable County Registry of Deeds in Book 30991, Page 58, a copy of which is enclosed herewith. With this proposal, the Applicants seek to construct carports for canopy -mounted solar panels over the existing parking lot, along with three ground -mounted equipment pads and utility poles. The proposed solar use is exempt from local zoning bylaws pursuant to G.L. c. 40A, ยง 3, and the proposed solar canopy structures satisfy all dimensional requirements under the Yarmouth Zoning Bylaw. Additionally, although some in -lot trees have been relocated, the proposal fully satisfies the in -lot tree requirements set forth in Section 301.4.6 of the Bylaw. Finally, the battery storage required for the proposed solar use is located outside the APD, thus, no special permit relief is required under the APD provisions. Accordingly, no zoning relief is required for the proposed use or structures. However, zoning relief is necessary in the form of a modification to the prior Special Permit for the Property, Application No. 4715. In particular, the Applicants seek to modify Condition 1 to reflect the plans submitted herewith, and seek to modify Condition 3 to clarify that no hazardous materials shall be stored within the portion of the Property located within the APD. Furthermore, the Applicants will obtain any necessary licenses from the Board of Health in connection with the proposed battery storage on the site located outside the APD. Nutter McClennen & Fish LLP 11 1471 Iyannough Rd, P.D. Box 1630 / Hyannis, MA 02601 / T: 508,790.5400 / Ms. Villa March 2, 2022 Page 2 In support of this application, we enclose the following information and materials for filing with the Yarmouth Zoning Board of Appeals: 1. Two (2) original Yarmouth Zoning Board of Appeals Special Permit Applications with the Abutter Lists; 2. Thirteen (13) copies of a plan set containing the Existing Conditions Plan dated August 16, 2021 and the Site Plan dated August 16, 2021, last revised February 16, 2022, prepared for NextGrid, Inc. by BSC Group, 349 Route 28, Unit D, West Yarmouth, MA 02673; 3. Ten (10) copies of each of the deeds to the Property, recorded in the Barnstable County Registry of Deeds; 4. Two (2) copies of previous Zoning Board of Appeals Decisions Nos. 4715, 4354, 3899, and 2405; A check in the amount of $208.96 payable to the Town of Yarmouth, which represents the $200 filing fee plus the cost of postage of notice to abutters (excluding duplicates). In addition to these materials, please note that we are still working on finalizing the photometrics plan for this proposal, and will submit that as soon as possible. We would request that this application be scheduled for the next available Zoning Board of Appeals hearing, preferably the March 24, 2022 meeting, if possible. Kindly let us know which date it will be heard so that we may mark our calendars accordingly. Please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions, comments, or should you require any additional information with this filing. Thank you very much for all of your assistance. Very truly yours, Enclosures cc: Cape Cod Hospital and Winterberry Solar LLC, Applicants 5464485.1