HomeMy WebLinkAbout12 Burch Road, Yarmouth STRUCTURAL PACKAGE [11-29-21]DRAWING LISTS1 COVER SHEET AND STRUCTURAL NOTESS2 FOUNDATION PLANS3 FIRST FLOOR FRAMING PLANS4SECOND FLOOR FRAMING PLANS5 ATTIC FRAMING PLANS6 ROOF FRAMING PLANS7 WIND DETAILINGS8 STRUCTURAL SECTIONS AND DETAILSPROJECT SPECIFIC DESIGN CRITERIA:1. DESIGN CODES AND CRITERIA: THE MINIMUM STRUCTURAL DESIGN SHALL BEIN ACCORDANCE WITH THE MASSACHUSETTS STATE BUILDING CODE, IBC2015, ASCE 7-10, AND ANSI/AWS D1.1 STRUCTURAL WELDING CODE - STEEL.2. IN ADDITION TO THE BUILDING DEAD LOADS, THE STRUCTURE IS DESIGNEDFOR THE FOLLOWING LOADS:CITY/TOWN OF DESIGN CRITERIA: YARMOUTH, MASNOW LOAD: GROUND SNOW LOAD (pg) 30 PSFWIND LOAD: BASIC WIND SPEED (Vult) 140 MPH3. LIVE LOAD REDUCTION SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH ASCE 7-10.4.SOIL BEARING CAPACITY: FOUNDATIONS HAVE BEEN DESIGNED TO BEAR ONUNDISTURBED SOIL HAVING AN ASSUMED ALLOWABLE BEARING CAPACITY OF1 TON PER SQUARE FOOT. SOIL BEARING CAPACITY TO BE DETERMINED BYSOIL TESTS PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. IF BEARING MATERIALS WITH LOWERBEARING CAPACITY ARE ENCOUNTERED, THE UNDERLYING UNSUITABLEMATERIAL SHALL BE REMOVED AND REPLACED WITH SUITABLE MATERIAL TOBE APPROVED BY THE ENGINEER.5. THIS HOME IS LOCATED WITHIN A REGULATED FEMA FLOOD ZONE.FLOOD ZONE CLASSIFICATION: ZONE AEBASE FLOOD ELEVATION: 11' (TO BE CONFIRMED BY SURVEY, OUT OF SCOPE)6. ALL FLOOD VENT OPENINGS TO BE LOCATED WITHIN BOTTOM OF WALL AT12-INCHES OR LESS ABOVE THE HIGHER OF INTERIOR OR EXTERIOR GRADE.ADDITIONALLY, NO PORTION OF THE DESIGNED FLOOD VENTS SHOULD BELOCATED ABOVE THE BFE ELEVATION. IT IS ASSUMED ALL PROPOSED FLOODVENTS WILL BE PLACED ENTIRELY BELOW THE BFE, IF ALTERNATE FLOODVENT LOCATION/ELEVATIONS ARE REQUIRED DURING FINAL DESIGNADDITIONAL ENGINEERING APPROVAL WILL BE REQUIRED.7. SPECIFIED FLOOD VENTS FOR THIS PROJECT SHALL BE SMARTVENT MODEL#1540-420 - INSULATED FLOOD VENT, 16"x8" AND LOCATED AS SHOWN ONPLAN. A MINIMUM OF 2 VENTS PER FOUNDATION WALL ARE REQUIRED.TIMBER FRAMING:1. FOR ROUGH WINDOW & DOOR (BOTH INTERIOR & EXTERIOR) OPENING UP TO3-FEET USE 2x6 HEADER BEAM; FOR 3- TO 6-FOOT OPENINGS USE 2x8 HEADERBEAMS; AND, FROM 6- TO 8-FOOT OPENINGS USE 2x10 HEADER BEAMS; ANDDOUBLES FOR 2x4 WALLS & TRIPLES FOR 2x6 WALLS, EXCEPT AS NOTEDOTHERWISE ON THE PLANS OR SPECIFICATIONS. IF LVLs ARE SPECIFIED ONTHE PLANS, PROVIDE SOLID 4x4 POST SUPPORTS FOR DBL HEADERS & SOLID4x6 OR 6x6 DFL #2 POSTS FOR TPL HEADERS OR AS OTHERWISE SPECIFIEDON THE PLAN. CONTINUE ALL STRUCTURAL POSTS DOWN TO FOUNDATIONOR BEAMS BELOW (SOLID BLOCK TO DROP BEAMS)..2. ALL FRAMING LUMBER SHALL BE HEM-FIR GRADE #2 OR SPF (SPRUCE PINEFIR) GRADE #1 / #2 OR APPROVED EQUAL (UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED),AND SHALL MEET THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE AMERICAN FOREST AND PAPERASSOCIATION. MINIMUM TIMBER FRAMING MATERIAL PROPERTIES:ALLOWABLE BENDING STRESS (Fb): 875 PSI MIN.ALLOWABLE COMPRESSION STRESS (Fc): 1,150 PSI MIN.MODULUS OF ELASTICITY (E): 1,400,000 PSI MIN.OTHER FRAMING MATERIAL FOR INTERIOR NON-LOAD BEARING STUDS MAYBE SUBSTITUTED ONLY UPON APPROVAL OF THE ENGINEER.3. ALL EXTERIOR FRAMING SHALL BE PRESSURE TREATED (CCA TREATED)SOUTHERN YELLOW PINE GRADE #2.4. BUILT-UP BEAMS SHALL BE SPIKED AS FOLLOWS:x3-PLY MAXIMUM, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED USING LVLs ANDCONVENTIONAL FRAMING LUMBER SHALL BE FULLY SPIKEDTOGETHER WITH 2-10D NAILS AT 12" O.C.x4-PLY BUILT-UP FRAMING AND LVLs ARE TO BE SPIKED TOGETHERWITH THREE (3) SIMPSON SDS 14"x6" SCREWS @ 12" O.C. OR ASOTHERWISE NOTED ON THE DRAWINGS; OR AS RECOMMENDED BYTHE MANUFACTURER.4. USE FULLY NAILED METAL CONNECTORS (TECO, SIMPSON; OR APPROVEDEQUAL): JOIST OR BEAM HANGERS WHEN JOISTS OR BEAMS FRAME INTOANOTHER JOIST OR BEAM MEMBER. PROVIDE METAL POST CAPS AND BASESFOR ALL POSTS.5. PROJECT EXTERIOR WALL FRAMING TO BE 2x6 @16" O.C.CAST IN PLACE CONCRETE:1. CONCRETE WORK SHALL CONFORM TO THE LATEST AMERICAN CONCRETEINSTITUTE FOR "BUILDING CODE REQUIREMENTS FOR REINFORCEDCONCRETE" AND "SPECIFICATIONS FOR STRUCTURAL CONCRETE FORBUILDINGS".2. CONCRETE: MINIMUM 28 DAY COMPRESSIVE STRENGTHS F'c (28-DAYS)FOUNDATIONS 3,000 psiSLAB-ON-GRADE 3,500 psiCONCRETE SHALL HAVE A SLUMP OF NO MORE THAN 4 INCHES AND AIRENTRAPMENT OF 4-6%. THE USE OF CALCIUM CHLORIDE IS NOT PERMITTED.PROVIDE PROPER CONCRETE PROTECTION OR HEAT IN COLD WEATHER ANDMAINTAIN PROPER CURING PROCEDURES IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE A.C.I.3. BACKFILL UNDER ANY PORTION OF THE FOUNDATIONS SHALL BE COMPACTEDIN 6 INCH LIFTS OF GRAVEL COMPACTED TO 90-95% OF MODIFIED PROCTORDENSITY, AS APPROVED BY THE ENGINEER.4. DO NOT BACKFILL EXTERIOR WALLS ANY HIGHER THAN 3 FEET ABOVE THETOP OF FOOTING UNTIL PERMANENT STRUCTURAL SUPPORTS (FRAMEDFLOORS AND SLABS) ARE IN PLACE. BRACE ALL WALLS AND GRADE BEAMSDURING BACKFILLING, IF NECESSARY.5. NO FOUNDATION SHALL BE PLACED IN WATER OR ON FROZEN GROUND.6. FOOTINGS SHALL BE PROTECTED AGAINST FROST UNTIL PROJECT ISCOMPLETED.7. NOTIFY BUILDING DEPARTMENT FOR INSPECTION AT LEAST 24 HOURS PRIORTO SCHEDULED PLACEMENT OF CONCRETE.8. PLACEMENT OF CONCRETE POURS SHOULD HAVE A VERTICAL 2"x4" KEY WITHCONTINUOUS REINFORCEMENT (40 BAR DIAMETER MIN.) THROUGH THECONSTRUCTION JOINT.9. DAMP PROOF ALL FOUNDATION WALLS BELOW GRADE, OTHER THAN FROSTWALLS.CAST IN PLACE CONCRETE REINFORCING:1. REINFORCING BARS SHALL CONFORM TO ASTM A615 OR A706 GRADE 60.2. REINFORCE ALL SLAB AS FOLLOWS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, FURNISHWWF IN FLAT SHEETS:SLABS ON GROUND: 6x6-W1.4xW1.4 (21#) WWF3. THE FOLLOWING MINIMUM CLEAR CONCRETE COVER SHALL BE PROVIDEDUNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE ON THE DRAWINGS:CONCRETE CAST AGAINST EARTH, ALL BAR SIZES 3"CONCRETE EXPOSED TO EARTH OR WEATHER, ALL BAR SIZES 2"4. UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE, BARS SHALL BE CONTINUOUS AND SHALL RUNCONTINUOUSLY AROUND CORNERS. BARS SHALL HAVE STANDARD HOOKS ATDISCONTINUOUS ENDS.5. SPLICES SHALL GENERALLY OCCUR AT MID-SPAN FOR TOP AND MIDDLE BARSAND AT SUPPORT FOR BOTTOM BARS AND SHALL BE STAGGERED. PROVIDECLASS B SPLICES FOR ALL CONTINUOUS REINFORCEMENT, UNLESSOTHERWISE NOTED.6. ALL REINFORCING SHALL BE DETAILED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ACI 315MANUAL OF STANDARD PRACTICE FOR DETAILING REINFORCED CONCRETESTRUCTURES. PROVIDE BAR SUPPORTS, SPACERS, AND ACCESSORIESRECOMMENDED IN THE ACI DETAILING MANUAL, PUBLICATION SP-66. ALLREINFORCEMENT DETAILING, LAP SPLICES, AND EMBEDMENTS SHALLCONFORM TO THIS MANUAL. ALL ACCESSORIES, SUCH AS SLAB BOLSTERS ANDBEAM AND SLAB CHAIRS IN CONTACT WITH EXPOSED SURFACES SHALL BEPLASTIC-COATED.7. SET AND TIE ALL REINFORCEMENT BEFORE PLACING CONCRETE. SETTINGDOWELS AND REINFORCEMENT INTO WET CONCRETE IS PROHIBITED.8. MINIMUM ANCHORAGE SPLICE REQUIREMENTS FOR REINFORCING BARS, ANDTEMPERATURE REINFORCEMENT IN ALL CONCRETE SLABS SHALL BEACCORDING TO ACI 318, UNLESS OTHERWISE SHOWN ON DRAWINGS.9. NO CONCRETE SHALL BE CAST BEFORE REVIEW AND APPROVAL OF THEREINFORCING AND EMBEDDED ITEMS HAVE BEEN OBTAINED FROM THEENGINEER.10. ANY ADDITIONAL DRILLING OR CORING SHALL NOT DAMAGE REINFORCINGBARS.11. SET ANCHOR BOLTS AND EMBEDDED PLATES REQUIRED FOR CONNECTION OFWORK BY OTHERS.COORDINATION AND CONSTRUCTION:1. FIELD VERIFY EXISTING DIMENSIONS AND ELEVATIONS WHICH AFFECTFABRICATION PRIOR TO SUBMITTAL OF SHOP DRAWINGS AND FABRICATION.2. REFER TO ARCHITECTURAL AND MECHANICAL DRAWINGS FOR ADDITIONAL,EMBEDDED ITEMS, SLEEVES, FLOOR PITCHES, FILLS, AND DEPRESSIONS.3. STRUCTURAL FRAMING PLANS ARE TYPICALLY DRAWN AS REFLECTED PLANSSHOWING BEAMS, WALLS, AND COLUMNS ON THE UNDERSIDE OF THE LEVELSHOWN.4. BRACE ENTIRE STRUCTURE AS REQUIRED TO MAINTAIN STABILITY UNTILCOMPLETE AND FUNCTIONING AS THE DESIGNED UNIT.5. DO NOT BACKFILL FOUNDATION WALLS SPANNING BETWEEN BASEMENTSLABS AND STRUCTURAL FLOORS UNTIL SUPPORTING SLABS ARE IN PLACE.6. VERIFY EXACT SIZE AND LOCATION OF ALL WALL, FLOOR, AND ROOFOPENINGS PRIOR TO SUBMISSION OF SHOP DRAWINGS. SHOW ALL OPENINGSON SHOP DRAWINGS.8. IN ACCORDANCE WITH GENERALLY ACCEPTED CONSTRUCTION PRACTICES,CONTRACTOR WILL BE SOLELY AND COMPLETELY RESPONSIBLE FORCONDITIONS OF THE JOB SITE, INCLUDING SAFETY OF ALL PERSONS ANDPROPERTY DURING PERFORMANCE OF THE WORK. THIS REQUIREMENT WILLAPPLY CONTINUOUSLY AND NOT BE LIMITED TO WORKING HOURS.9. THE DUTY OF THE ENGINEER TO CONDUCT CONSTRUCTION REVIEW OFCONTRACTORS PERFORMANCE IS NOT INTENDED TO INCLUDE REVIEW OFADEQUACY OF CONTRACTORS SAFETY MEASURES IN, ON, OR NEAR THECONSTRUCTION SITE.DESIGNER :PROJECT / CLIENT:NO.DATESHEET TITLE:COMMENTSOFREVISIONSPROJECT:DRAWN BY:CHECKED BY:SCALE:DATE:STRUCTURAL ENGINEER:SSB Engineering, LLC146 Front Street, Scituate MA 02066www.ssbengineering.com857.504.1065ENGINEER STAMP:TARA LYNN STRASSBURG, P.E.DRAFTCOVER SHEET andSTRUCTURAL NOTESNO SCALES1 STRUCTURAL DESIGN DRAWINGSLINEAL INC9 Standish Street Duxbury, MA 02322FITZPATRICK RESIDENCE12 Burch Street, Yarmouth MA 02664E. ArrudaT. StrassburgNovember 22, 2021S8FITZPATRICK RESIDENCE12 BURCH STREET,YARMOUTH MA 02664 8'-1018"8'-138"234"58'-1112"22'-4"8'-1018"14'-912"22'-214"17'-9"10"234"14'-912"44'-2"58'-1112"26'-858"3'-434"18'-758"9'-114"5'-6"9'-514"9'-438"19'-1014"8'-834"NEW CRAWL SPACESLAB ON GRADE4" CONCRETE SLAB w/6x6-W1.4xW1.4 W.W.F. AND 6 MILPOLY VAPOR BARRIER ON 6"COMPACTED BASE.GARAGESLAB ON GRADE4" CONCRETE SLAB w/6x6-W1.4xW1.4 W.W.F. AND 6 MILPOLY VAPOR BARRIER ON 6"COMPACTED BASE.VERIFY ALL FLOOD VENTLOCATIONS IN FIELD,MIN 2 PER WALL. SEE S1FOR DETAILS. (TYP)BF2012"BF20FRAMINGOUTLINE(TYP)FRAMINGOUTLINE(TYP)PT SILL TO BE ANCHORED TO FOUNDATION WITH58-INCH DIAMETER ANCHOR BOLTS WITH 3"x3"x14"PLATE WASHERS SPACED AT 32" OC. THERE SHALL BEA MINIMUM OF TWO BOLTS PER PLATE SECTION WITHBOLTS LOCATED NOT MORE THAN 6-INCHES FROMCORNERS AND AT ENDS OF EACH PLATE SECTION.ANCHOR BOLTS SHALL EXTEND A MINIMUM OF SEVENINCHES INTO CONCRETE (TYP ALL SILL PLATES)BF28BF36BF36BF36BF36BF24BF24BF204'-2"1'-434"5'-312"5'-5"6'-1"6'-234"3'-634"8'7'-1112"10" CONCRETE FROST WALL. INCLUDE VERTICAL GRADE60 #4 BARS @56" O.C. IN FOUNDATION, ALTERNATEBENDS INTO FOOTING. HORIZONTAL GRADE 60 #4BARS WITHIN 12" OF TOP AND AT MID HEIGHT (2HORIZONTAL BARS TOTAL). PROVIDE CORNER BARS ATALL CHANGES IN WALL DIRECTION. (TYP AT FROSTWALLS)24" WIDE x 12" TALL CONTINUOUS FOOTING @ 48"MIN. DEPTH BELOW GRADE SET ON UNDISTURBEDSOIL. FOOTING STEEL REINFORCEMENT AS (2) #4GRADE 60 LONGITUDINAL BARS (TYP). INCLUDE 2x4KEYWAY. (TYPICAL ALL FOOTINGS AT FOUNDATIONAND FROST WALLS)F1F2F26'-5"15'-434"8'-5"8'BF36BF36BF28F3F3F3BF20BF20BF209'-114"9'-914"7'-3"7'-3"7'-3"7'-612"7'-3"12"12"12"HOLDDOWNS, SEEGARAGE PORTALDETAIL ON S7MPBZ POSTBASE (SEE S7)MPBZ POSTBASE (SEE S7)SIMPSON HDU8-SDS2.5HOLDDOWN WITH 78"∅HDG STEEL THRU BOLTTHROUGH 1B07. CONNECTTO MINIMUM TRIPLE STUDNO.DATESHEET TITLE:COMMENTSOFREVISIONSPROJECT:DRAWN BY:CHECKED BY:SCALE:DATE:STRUCTURAL ENGINEER:SSB Engineering, LLC146 Front Street, Scituate MA 02066www.ssbengineering.com857.504.1065ENGINEER STAMP:TARA LYNN STRASSBURG, P.E.DRAFTE. ArrudaT. StrassburgNovember 22, 2021FITZPATRICK RESIDENCE12 BURCH STREET,YARMOUTH MA 02664S8FOUNDATION PLAN1/4" = 1'-0"S2 1FOUNDATION PLANSCALE: 14" = 1'-0"FRAMING LEGENDFOUNDATION FOOTING12"BF20BF24PIER FOOTING AND SIZEPIER ABBREVIATIONS:BF20: 8" TUBE w/ BIGFOOT BF20 BASE.BF24: 10" TUBE w/ BIGFOOT BF24 BASE.BF28: 10" TUBE w/ BIGFOOT BF28 BASEBF36: 12" TUBE w/ BIGFOOT BF36 BASE12": 12" SONOTUBENOT ALL PIER SIZES MAY BE USED ON THIS PLAN SETNOTE: 2'x2' PRECAST CONCRETE PIER MAY BE USED ASALTERNATE FOR PIERS BF28 OR SMALLER.FOUNDATION WALLSTRUCTURAL POST:LALLY COLUMNBF28FROST WALLSTRUCTURAL POST:STEEL HSSFOOTING / COLUMN SCHEDULEID LALLY (1)FOOTING SIZE (2)FOOTINGREINFORCEMENT (3)TOP PLATE BOTTOM PLATEF14" 16 ga.34" (wide) x 34" (long) x 17" (deep)(3) GRADE 60 #4 BARS E.W.@ BOTTOM 718" x 814" x 14" [4 ply] 538" x 814" x 14" [3 ply] 358" x 814" x 14" [2 ply]6" x 6" x 14"F24" SCH 4046" (wide) x 46" (long) x 23" (deep)(4) GRADE 60 #4 BARS E.W.@ BOTTOM 718" x 814" x 12" [4 ply] 538" x 814" x 12" [3 ply] 358" x 814" x 12" [2 ply]6" x 6" x 12"F312∅ SONOTUBE40" (wide) x 40" (long) x 20" (deep)[MINIMUM 48" BELOW GRADE](3) GRADE 60 #4 BARS E.W.@ BOTTOMALL BEAM TO POSTCONNECTIONS USE SIMPSONHDG CC SERIES POST CAPALL POST TO SONOTUBECONNECTIONS USE SIMPSON HDG CBPOST BASE(1) LALLY COLUMNS TO BE CONCRETE FILLED, 3000 PSI CONCRETE. MAXIMUM HEIGHT DESIGNED = 10'-0".(2) FOOTING TO BE SET BELOW TOP OF SLAB AT DEPTH NO LESS THAN SPECIFIED DEPTH OF FOOTING .(3) REINFORCED CONCRETE FOOTING TO HAVE SPECIFIED REBAR IN EACH DIRECTION, LOCATED IN THE BOTTOM 13 OF FOOTING DEPTH.(4)ALL LALLY COLUMNS TO HAVE BOTTOM PLATES ANCHORED TO FOOTING. USE LALLY LOCK SADDLE TOP PLATE BY DEAN COLUMN, OR USE TOP PLATES SPECIFIED IN SCHEDULE ABOVE.EXISTING FOUNDATION WALLDRAWING NOTES:1. FOUNDATION DESIGN IS BASED UPON AN ALLOWABLE SOIL BEARING PRESSURE OF 2000 PSF. SOILBEARING MATERIAL CAPACITY TO BE DETERMINED BY SOIL TESTS PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. IF BEARINGMATERIALS WITH A LOWER BEARING CAPACITY THAN 1 TON PER SQUARE FOOT ARE ENCOUNTERED ATTHE SPECIFIED ELEVATIONS, THE UNDERLYING MATERIAL SHALL BE REMOVED AND REPLACED WITHSUITABLE MATERIAL TO BE APPROVED BY THE ENGINEER.2. ALL BACKFILL UNDER STRUCTURAL SLABS, MATS, AND OTHER FOUNDATION ELEMENTS SHALL BECOMPACTED IN MAX 6" LIFTS TO 95 PERCENT OF MAXIMUM DRY DENSITY PER ASTM D1557, UNLESSOTHERWISE INDICATED OR SPECIFIED. FOUNDATION ELEMENTS SHALL REST ONLY ON SUITABLEUNDISTURBED OR COMPACTED STRUCTURAL FILL. STRUCTURAL FILL GRADATION SHALL BE NO LARGERTHAN 1", BETWEEN 10% AND 60% PASSING THE NO. 20 SIEVE AND NO MORE THAN 5% PASSING THE NO.200 SIEVE.3. PROVIDE 6" MINIMUM CRUSHED STONE UNDER CONCRETE SLAB. GRADATION FOR CRUSHED STONE SHALLBE NO LARGER THAN 1", BETWEEN 10% AND AND 50% PASSING12" AND NO MORE THAN 5% PASSING THENO. 4 SIEVE. CRUSHED STONE REQUIRES COMPACTION BY MAKING AT LEAST THREE PASSES PER 6-INCHTHICK LIFT (OR THINNER) BY A VIBRATORY PLATE COMPACTOR OR VIBRATORY ROLLER WITH MINIMUMSTATIC WEIGHT OF 200 POUNDS. NO COMPACTION TESTING IS NECESSARY FOR THE CRUSHED STONEFILLS. CRUSHED STONE FILLS THICKER THAN 12 INCHES SHOULD BE PLACED IN ONE-FOOT LIFTS ANDSHOULD BE MONITORED BY A TECHNICIAN OR GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER.4. PROVIDE SHEETING, BRACING AND UNDERPINNING TO PROTECT ADJACENT UTILITY STRUCTURES, ASREQUIRED.5. OPEN EXCAVATIONS AROUND BUILDING PERIMETER MUST REMAIN DRY. REMOVE WATER FROM OPENEXCAVATIONS PRIOR TO BACKFILLING.6. SHORING AND BRACING FOR THE LATERAL SUPPORT OF EXCAVATION SHALL REMAIN IN PLACE UNTIL ALLPERMANENT STRUCTURAL SYSTEMS ARE COMPLETE AS APPROVED BY THE ENGINEER.7. CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE TEMPORARY BRACING FOR ALL FOUNDATION GRADE BEAMS DURING THEOPERATIONS OF BACKFILLING AND COMPACTION.8. ALL REQUIRED INSERT SLEEVES, CONDUITS, EMBEDMENTS AND PENETRATIONS MUST BE VERIFIED WITHRESPECTIVE TRADES BEFORE CASTING CONCRETE.9. NO FOUNDATION ELEMENT, BEAM OR SLABS SHALL BE PLACED ON FROZEN SOIL OR IN WATER.10. THE OWNER AND ENGINEER ASSUME NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE VALIDITY OF THE SUBSURFACECONDITIONS DESCRIBED ON THE DRAWINGS, SPECIFICATIONS, BORING LOGS, OR TEST PITS. THE DATAIS INCLUDED ONLY TO ASSIST THE CONTRACTOR DURING BIDDING AND SUBSEQUENT CONSTRUCTIONAND REPRESENT CONDITIONS ONLY OF THESE SPECIFIED LOCATIONS AT THE PARTICULAR TIME THEYWERE MADE.11. ALL ORGANIC SOILS SUCH AS TOPSOIL OR ORGANIC FILL FOUND NEAR THE SURFACE IN SLAB LOCATIONSMUST BE REMOVED. THE UPPER TWO FEET OF FILL AND ANY ORGANIC FILL MATERIALS EXPOSED AT THEBASE OF EXCAVATION SHOULD BE REMOVED TO INORGANIC FILL OR UNDISTURBED SILTY SANDS.COMPACTED STRUCTURAL FILL SHALL BE USED AS NEEDED TO GRADE BEFORE GRAVEL BASE AND SLABPLACEMENT. 2x8 PT SYP DECKJOISTS @ 16" O.C.DB01: (2) 2x8 PT SYP F.F. BEAM AROUND PORCHPERIMETER. HANG FROM PT LEDGER W/HDGSIMPSON HU26-2 HANGERS. NOTCH ONE PLYINTO EACH POST, SEE S8 FOR DETAIL.6x6 PT CONTINUOUS POSTS DOWNEACH SIDE OF DB01, CONNECT DB01 TOPOSTS USING (2) 58" CARRIAGE BOLTSAT EACH POST. SEE S8 FOR DETAIL.2x10 PT SYP #2 LEDGER BOLTED TO BAND JOIST W/ 12"DIAMETER LAG BOLTS @ 16" O.C. (STAGGERED). BOLTS TOBE A307 GRADE. USE WASHERS THAT PROVIDE AT LEAST 1SI OF BEARING SURFACE AREA. IF LAG SCREWS ARE USED,THEY SHOULD PENETRATE 12" BEYOND BAND BOARD.(TYPICAL, LEDGER TO EXTEND 2" BELOW BOTTOM OF BANDJOIST TO PICK UP ALL DECK FRAMING)6x6 PT POST DOWN. POST CONNECTIONTO FOUNDATION USING SIMPSON PBSPOST BASE OR EQUIVALENT. POST TOBEAM CONNECTIONS USE SIMPSON CCSERIES POST CAP OR EQUIVALENT.1B01: (3) 1178" LVL F.F.CONTINUOUS BEAM, ALIGNWITH WALL & POSTS ABOVE1J01: 1178" AJS 140 I-JOISTS @16" O.C. (TYP UNO)1J01: 1178" AJS 140 I-JOISTS @16" O.C. (TYP UNO,PROVIDE SOLID BLOCK AT BEARING WALL ABOVE)1J02: 1178" AJS 20 I-JOISTS @16"O.C. (PROVIDE SOLID BLOCK ATBEARING WALL ABOVE)(3) 1178" LVL F.F. BEAMS, ALIGNWITH EXTERIOR WALLS ABOVEARCH TO PROVIDE MOISTUREBARRIER BELOW JOISTS AND BEAM ATENTRY TO PREVENT EXPOSURE. REFERTO MANUFACTURER'S INSTALLATIONSPECIFICATIONS (TYP).1B02: (3) 1178" LVL F.F.CONTINUOUS BEAM, ALIGNWITH WALL & POSTS ABOVE838" CANTILEVER (TYP)1J03: 1178" AJS 140CANTILEVERED I-JOISTS @16"O.C. (PROVIDE SOLID BLOCKAT BEARING WALL BELOW)(2) 1178" LVL F.F. JOISTSEACH SIDE OF STAIR1178" LVL RIM BOARD1B03: (3) 1178" LVL F.F.CONTINUOUS BEAM, ALIGNWITH WALL ABOVE & HANGEACH END FROM 1B04 & 1B05.1B04: (3) 1178" LVL F.F.BEAM, ALIGN WITH WALLABOVE & HANG FROM 1B02.1B05: (3) 1178" LVLF.F. BEAM, ALIGNWITH WALL ABOVE6x6 PT POSTS DOWN, USESIMPSON CC SERIES POST CAPOR EQUIVALENT. ALL POSTS TOSONOTUBE CONNECTION USESIMPSON CB POST BASE OREQUIVALENT. (TYP ALONGFRONT BEARING WALL)GARAGESLAB ON GRADE6x6 PT POSTS DOWN, USE SIMPSON CCSERIES POST CAP OR EQUIVALENT. ALLPOSTS TO SONOTUBE CONNECTION USESIMPSON CB POST BASE OR EQUIVALENT.(TYP ALONG REAR BEARING WALL)1B07: (3) 1178" LVL F.F.CONTINUOUS BEAM,ALIGN WITH WALL ABOVE.1B06: (3) 1178" LVLF.F. BEAM, ALIGNWITH WALL ABOVE& HANG FROM 1B071B06: (3) 1178" LVLF.F. BEAM, ALIGNWITH WALL ABOVE& HANG FROM 1B072x10 PT SYP DECKJOISTS @ 16" O.C.DB02: (2) 2x10 PT SYP F.F. BEAM AROUNDPORCH PERIMETER. HANG FROM PT LEDGERW/HDG SIMPSON HU210-2 HANGERS. NOTCHONE PLY INTO EACH POST, SEE S8 FOR DETAIL.6x6 PT CONTINUOUS POSTS DOWNEACH SIDE OF DB02, CONNECT DB01 TOPOSTS USING (2) 58" CARRIAGE BOLTSAT EACH POST. SEE S8 FOR DETAIL.2x12 PT SYP #2 LEDGER BOLTED TO BAND JOIST W/ 12"DIAMETER LAG BOLTS @ 16" O.C. (STAGGERED). BOLTS TOBE A307 GRADE. USE WASHERS THAT PROVIDE AT LEAST 1SI OF BEARING SURFACE AREA. IF LAG SCREWS ARE USED,THEY SHOULD PENETRATE 12" BEYOND BAND BOARD.(TYPICAL, LEDGER TO EXTEND 2" BELOW BOTTOM OF BANDJOIST TO PICK UP ALL DECK FRAMING)6x6 PT POST DOWN. POSTCONNECTION TOFOUNDATION USINGSIMPSON PBS POST BASEOR EQUIVALENT. POST TOBEAM CONNECTIONS USESIMPSON CC SERIES POSTCAP OR EQUIVALENT.1B08: (3) 1178" LVLF.F. CANTILEVEREDBEAM, ALIGN WITHPOST ABOVE &HANG FROM 1B011B08 SIM: (3) 1178" LVL F.F.CANTILEVERED BEAM, ALIGNWITH WALL ABOVE & HANGFROM 1B01SIMPSON HDU8-SDS2.5HOLDDOWN WITH 78"∅HDG STEEL THRU BOLTTHROUGH 1B07. CONNECTTO MINIMUM TRIPLE STUDNO.DATESHEET TITLE:COMMENTSOFREVISIONSPROJECT:DRAWN BY:CHECKED BY:SCALE:DATE:STRUCTURAL ENGINEER:SSB Engineering, LLC146 Front Street, Scituate MA 02066www.ssbengineering.com857.504.1065ENGINEER STAMP:TARA LYNN STRASSBURG, P.E.DRAFTE. ArrudaT. StrassburgNovember 22, 2021FITZPATRICK RESIDENCE12 BURCH STREET,YARMOUTH MA 02664S8FIRST FLOORFRAMING PLAN1/4" = 1'-0"S3 2FIRST FLOOR FRAMING PLANSCALE: 14" = 1'-0"HANGER SCHEDULEMATERIAL HARDWARE(2) 134" LVLsMGU3.63-SDS(3) 134" LVLsHGU5.50-SDS(4) 134" LVLsHHGU7.25-SDSHANGER NOTES:1. FOR ALL LVL HANGERS, USE SCREWS LONG ENOUGH TO ENGAGE ALL PLYS OF THE LVL BEING CONNECTED INTO.2. ALL CONVENTIONAL LUMBER TO USE FULLY NAILED METAL JOIST HANGERS.3. LVLs THAT FRAME AROUND STAIR OPENING MAY USE NAILED LVL HANGERS INSTEAD OF SCREWED HANGERS ASSHOWN IN HANGER SCHEDULE.FRAMING LEGENDSTRUCTURAL BEAM: LVLSTRUCTURAL BEAM: CONVENTIONAL LUMBERFLOOR CEILING JOIST: CONVENTIONAL LUMBERSTRUCTURAL BEAM: STEELSTRUCTURAL POST: LALLY COLUMNSTRUCTURAL POST: CONVENTIONAL LUMBERROOF RAFTER: CONVENTIONAL LUMBERSTRUCTURAL POST: LVLBEARING WALL BELOWBEARING WALL ABOVE①②③DOOR/WINDOW HEADERS:STRUCTURAL POST ABOVE(3) 134"x714" LVL 2.1E 3100 SP CONTINUOUSHEADER w/ 4x6 DFL #2 POSTS EACH END.STANDARD HEADER (REFER TO STRUCTURAL NOTES, SHEET S1)(3) 2x8 SPF #2 CONTINUOUS HEADER w/ (2) 2x6STUDS EACH END AND AT ALL STUD POCKETSEXISTING BEARING WALL BELOW STRUCTURAL POST: STEEL HSSDRAWING NOTES:1. REFER TO ARCHITECTURAL PLANS FOR ELEVATIONS AND FLOOR LAYOUTS. NOTIFY ENGINEER IF CONDITIONS VARY FROM SHOWN ONTHESE PLANS. REFER TO GENERAL STRUCTURAL NOTES (SHEET S1) FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION AND SPECIFICATIONS.TIMBER FRAMING MATERIALS:1. TIMBER FRAMING MEMBERS SHOWN ON THIS PLAN HAVE BEEN DESIGNED TO MEET THE STANDARD FRAMING SPECIFICATIONS, NOTEDIN THE GENERAL STRUCTURAL NOTES ON SHEET S1 OF THIS PLAN SET.2. TIMBER FRAMING MEETING STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS, IN GENERAL, WILL BE ABBREVIATED ON THESE STRUCTURAL PLANS, UNLESSNOTED SPECIFICALLY OTHERWISE ON STRUCTURAL PLANS - ALL TIMBER FRAMING MATERIALS ARE TO MEET THE FOLLOWINGSPECIFICATIONS:CONVENTIONAL LUMBER:a. BOARDS & BEAMSxINTERIOR (UNTREATED): SPRUCE-PINE-FIR (SPF), GRADE #2xEXTERIOR (TREATED): SOUTHERN YELLOW PINE (SYP) PRESSURE TREATED (PT), GRADE #2.b. POSTSxINTERIOR (UNTREATED) - SPECIES AS NOTED ON DRAWING.- DOUGLAS-FIR-LARCH (DFL), GRADE #2.xEXTERIOR (TREATED): SOUTHERN YELLOW PINE (SYP) PRESSURE TREATED (PT), GRADE #2.ENGINEERED LUMBER:a. I-JOISTSxSEE TO ENGINEERING PLANS FOR SPECIFICATIONS - JOIST TYPE/GRADE VARIES. REFER TO JOIST MANUFACTURERINSTRUCTIONS (AS WELL AS STRUCTURAL PLANS AND CALCULATIONS) FOR REQUIRED I-JOIST BRACING, STIFFENERS,and/or CONNECTORS.xJOIST HANGERS SHALL BE METAL AND ARE TO BE OF SUFFICIENT LOAD RATING TO CARRY DESIGN LOADS, HANGERTYPE/STYLE IS CONTRACTOR PREFERENCE. FOLLOW INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS BY MANUFACTURER (FASTENERS,STIFFENERS, ETC) TO OBTAIN PROPER JOIST HANGER CAPACITY.b. BOARDS & BEAMS:xINTERIOR (UNTREATED): LAMINATED VENEER LUMBER (LVL) SOUTHERN-PINE (SP) , GRADE 2.1E 3100 SP, WIDTH 134"(UNO).xEXTERIOR (TREATED): PARALLEL STRAND LUMBER (PSL) w/ PRESERVATIVE TREATMENT. (BEAM SIZE AS NOTED ONSTRUCTURAL FRAMING PLANS). EXTERIOR PSL HORIZONTAL MEMBERS TO BE TRUSJOIST® 2.0E PARALLAM® PLUS PSLSL2 MOIST USE RATED; OR AN APPROVED EQUIVALENT BY ENGINEER.c. POSTS:xINTERIOR (UNTREATED): LAMINATED VENEER LUMBER (LVL) SOUTHERN-PINE (SP), GRADE 1.8E 2650xEXTERIOR (TREATED): PARALLEL STRAND LUMBER (PSL) w/ PRESERVATIVE TREATMENT. (POST SIZE AS NOTED ONPLAN). EXTERIOR PSL HORIZONTAL MEMBERS TO BE TRUSJOIST ® 2.0E PARALLAM® PLUS PSL SL2 MOIST USE RATED;OR AN APPROVED EQUIVALENT BY ENGINEER. 2x8 PT SYP CEILING JOISTS @16" O.C.SEE DETAIL ON S8 FOR CANTILEVEREDJOISTS OVER GARAGE DOORPB02: (3) 2x10 PT SYP F.F. BEAM AROUNDPORCH PERIMETER. HANG FROM PT LEDGERW/HDG SIMPSON HU210-3 HANGERS.PB03: 5 14" x 11 78" PSL SL2MOIST USE DROP BEAM6x6 CONTINUOUS PT POSTS DOWN, USESIMPSON CC SERIES POST CAP OREQUIVALENT. ALL POSTS TO SONOTUBECONNECTION USE SIMPSON MPBZ POSTBASE OR EQUIVALENT. (TYP EACH SIDEOF PB03, SEE DETAIL ON S8)POST UP(TYP)ROOF OUTLINEABOVE (TYP)②②②②2J01: 1178" AJS 25 I-JOISTS @16" O.C. (TYP UNO)2J02: 1178" AJS 25I-JOISTS @16" O.C.,PROVIDE SOLID BLOCKAT BEARING WALL ABOVE2B02: (3) 1178" LVL F.F.BEAM, ALIGN WITH POSTAND WALL ABOVE. SOLIDBLOCK ADJACENT 2 BAYSEACH SIDE @4' O.C.4x6 DFLPOST DOWN4x6 LVLPOST DOWN4x6 LVLPOST DOWN2x8 PT SYP #2 LEDGERFASTENED TO EXTERIORWALL USING LAG SCREWSTHAT PENETRATE 2"MINIMUM INTO EACH STUD.BRACKET, BY OTHERS.FASTEN TO 4x6 POST WITH(2) SDS OR TIMBERLOKSCREWS PER BRACKET, MINEMBED 2" INTO POSTS.4x6 DFL FULL HEIGHTPOST DOWN, CONNECTPOST TO TOP &BOTTOM PLATE W/METAL CONNECTORS(2) 1178" AJS 25 I-JOISTS, ALIGN WITH WALL ABOVE(2) 1178" AJS 25 I-JOISTS, ALIGN WITH WALL ABOVE2B02: (3) 1178" LVL F.F.BEAM, ALIGN WITH POSTAND WALL ABOVE. SOLIDBLOCK ADJACENT 2 BAYSEACH SIDE @4' O.C.①③(2) 1178" LVL F.F. BEAM, FASTENRAFTERS ABOVE TO TOP OF BEAM.4x4 DFL POSTS DOWN EACH END2x10 PT SYP #2 LEDGERFASTENED TO EXTERIORWALL USING LAG SCREWSTHAT PENETRATE 2"MINIMUM INTO EACH STUD.6x6 CONTINUOUS PT POSTS DOWN,USE SIMPSON CC SERIES POST CAPOR EQUIVALENT. ALL POSTS TOSONOTUBE CONNECTION USESIMPSON PBS POST BASE OREQUIVALENT. (TYP @ FRONT PORCH,SEE DETAIL ON S8)①①②①①①①①①①①GB01: (2) 1114" LVL GARAGE HEADERW/4x4 DFL POSTS DOWN EACH END.SEE S7 FOR GARAGE PORTAL DETAIL.2B03: (2) 14" LVL F.F. BEAM W/4x6LVL POSTS DOWN EACH END2J01: 1178" AJS 25 I-JOISTS @16" O.C. (TYP UNO)2J01: 1178" AJS 25 I-JOISTS @16" O.C. (TYP UNO)6x6 LVL POST DOWNW/POST CAPORHSS 4x4x14" POSTW/6x6x12" TOP &BOTTOM PLATE(2) 1178" LVL F.F. BEAM @STAIRS W/DOUBLESTUDS. HANG FROM 2B01.PROVIDE SOLID BLOCKAT BEARING WALL ABOVEOPEN TO BELOW,STAIRWAY4x6 LVLPOST DOWN4x6 DFLPOST DOWNPB04: (3) 2x12 PT SYP DROPBEAM, HANG FROM PB03 &POST DOWN W/4x6 DFLPB04: (3) 2x12 PT SYP DROPBEAM, HANG FROM PB03 &POST DOWN W/4x6 DFLOPEN TO BELOW2x10 PT SYP CEILINGJOISTS @ 16" O.C.2B01: (3) 1178" LVL F.F.CONTINUOUS BEAM,ALIGN WITH WALL ABOVEHANGER SCHEDULEMATERIAL HARDWARE(2) 134" LVLsMGU3.63-SDS(3) 134" LVLsHGU5.50-SDS(4) 134" LVLsHHGU7.25-SDSHANGER NOTES:1. FOR ALL LVL HANGERS, USE SCREWS LONG ENOUGH TO ENGAGE ALL PLYS OF THE LVL BEING CONNECTED INTO.2. ALL CONVENTIONAL LUMBER TO USE FULLY NAILED METAL JOIST HANGERS.3. LVLs THAT FRAME AROUND STAIR OPENING MAY USE NAILED LVL HANGERS INSTEAD OF SCREWED HANGERS ASSHOWN IN HANGER SCHEDULE.3SECOND FLOOR FRAMING PLANSCALE: 14" = 1'-0"NO.DATESHEET TITLE:COMMENTSOFREVISIONSPROJECT:DRAWN BY:CHECKED BY:SCALE:DATE:STRUCTURAL ENGINEER:SSB Engineering, LLC146 Front Street, Scituate MA 02066www.ssbengineering.com857.504.1065ENGINEER STAMP:TARA LYNN STRASSBURG, P.E.DRAFTE. ArrudaT. StrassburgNovember 22, 2021FITZPATRICK RESIDENCE12 BURCH STREET,YARMOUTH MA 02664S8SECOND FLOORFRAMING PLAN1/4" = 1'-0"S4 FRAMING LEGENDSTRUCTURAL BEAM: LVLSTRUCTURAL BEAM: CONVENTIONAL LUMBERFLOOR CEILING JOIST: CONVENTIONAL LUMBERSTRUCTURAL BEAM: STEELSTRUCTURAL POST: LALLY COLUMNSTRUCTURAL POST: CONVENTIONAL LUMBERROOF RAFTER: CONVENTIONAL LUMBERSTRUCTURAL POST: LVLBEARING WALL BELOWBEARING WALL ABOVE①②③DOOR/WINDOW HEADERS:STRUCTURAL POST ABOVE(3) 134"x714" LVL 2.1E 3100 SP CONTINUOUSHEADER w/ 4x6 DFL #2 POSTS EACH END.STANDARD HEADER (REFER TO STRUCTURAL NOTES, SHEET S1)(3) 2x8 SPF #2 CONTINUOUS HEADER w/ (2) 2x6STUDS EACH END AND AT ALL STUD POCKETSEXISTING BEARING WALL BELOW STRUCTURAL POST: STEEL HSSDRAWING NOTES:1. REFER TO ARCHITECTURAL PLANS FOR ELEVATIONS AND FLOOR LAYOUTS. NOTIFY ENGINEER IF CONDITIONS VARY FROM SHOWN ONTHESE PLANS. REFER TO GENERAL STRUCTURAL NOTES (SHEET S1) FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION AND SPECIFICATIONS.TIMBER FRAMING MATERIALS:1. TIMBER FRAMING MEMBERS SHOWN ON THIS PLAN HAVE BEEN DESIGNED TO MEET THE STANDARD FRAMING SPECIFICATIONS, NOTEDIN THE GENERAL STRUCTURAL NOTES ON SHEET S1 OF THIS PLAN SET.2. TIMBER FRAMING MEETING STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS, IN GENERAL, WILL BE ABBREVIATED ON THESE STRUCTURAL PLANS, UNLESSNOTED SPECIFICALLY OTHERWISE ON STRUCTURAL PLANS - ALL TIMBER FRAMING MATERIALS ARE TO MEET THE FOLLOWINGSPECIFICATIONS:CONVENTIONAL LUMBER:a. BOARDS & BEAMSxINTERIOR (UNTREATED): SPRUCE-PINE-FIR (SPF), GRADE #2xEXTERIOR (TREATED): SOUTHERN YELLOW PINE (SYP) PRESSURE TREATED (PT), GRADE #2.b. POSTSxINTERIOR (UNTREATED) - SPECIES AS NOTED ON DRAWING.- DOUGLAS-FIR-LARCH (DFL), GRADE #2.xEXTERIOR (TREATED): SOUTHERN YELLOW PINE (SYP) PRESSURE TREATED (PT), GRADE #2.ENGINEERED LUMBER:a. I-JOISTSxSEE TO ENGINEERING PLANS FOR SPECIFICATIONS - JOIST TYPE/GRADE VARIES. REFER TO JOIST MANUFACTURERINSTRUCTIONS (AS WELL AS STRUCTURAL PLANS AND CALCULATIONS) FOR REQUIRED I-JOIST BRACING, STIFFENERS,and/or CONNECTORS.xJOIST HANGERS SHALL BE METAL AND ARE TO BE OF SUFFICIENT LOAD RATING TO CARRY DESIGN LOADS, HANGERTYPE/STYLE IS CONTRACTOR PREFERENCE. FOLLOW INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS BY MANUFACTURER (FASTENERS,STIFFENERS, ETC) TO OBTAIN PROPER JOIST HANGER CAPACITY.b. BOARDS & BEAMS:xINTERIOR (UNTREATED): LAMINATED VENEER LUMBER (LVL) SOUTHERN-PINE (SP) , GRADE 2.1E 3100 SP, WIDTH 134"(UNO).xEXTERIOR (TREATED): PARALLEL STRAND LUMBER (PSL) w/ PRESERVATIVE TREATMENT. (BEAM SIZE AS NOTED ONSTRUCTURAL FRAMING PLANS). EXTERIOR PSL HORIZONTAL MEMBERS TO BE TRUSJOIST® 2.0E PARALLAM® PLUS PSLSL2 MOIST USE RATED; OR AN APPROVED EQUIVALENT BY ENGINEER.c. POSTS:xINTERIOR (UNTREATED): LAMINATED VENEER LUMBER (LVL) SOUTHERN-PINE (SP), GRADE 1.8E 2650xEXTERIOR (TREATED): PARALLEL STRAND LUMBER (PSL) w/ PRESERVATIVE TREATMENT. (POST SIZE AS NOTED ONPLAN). EXTERIOR PSL HORIZONTAL MEMBERS TO BE TRUSJOIST ® 2.0E PARALLAM® PLUS PSL SL2 MOIST USE RATED;OR AN APPROVED EQUIVALENT BY ENGINEER. PR01: 6x8 PT SYP RAFTERS @ 5'O.C. HUNG FROM PB01. (3RAFTERS TOTAL EACH SIDE)----USE 4x6 PT PURLINS @3' O.C.2x8 SPF RAFTERS @ 16" O.C.NOTCHED OVER BEAM BELOW2x8 SPF RAFTERS @16" O.C. SEEDETAIL ON S8 FOR CANTILEVEREDRAFTERS OVER GARAGE DOOR2x10 SPF JOISTS @ 16" O.C. (TYP ALL UNO)BEAM BELOW (TYP)PR01: 6x8 PT SYPRAFTERS @5' O.C.,HANG FROM PB01PR01: 6x8 PT SYPRAFTERS @5' O.C.,HANG FROM PB014x6 PT SYPPURLINS @3' O.C.PB01: 6x12 PT SYPRIDGE BEAM4x6 PT POST DOWNW/ SIMPSON SERIESCC POST CAP4x6 DFL POST DOWNWITHIN WALL FROMPB01 W/ SIMPSON CCSERIES POST CAP2x10 PT LEDGER FASTENED TODORMER WALL USING LAGSCREWS W/ 2" MIN.PENETRATION INTO EACH STUD.CEILING JOISTSCLIPPED TORAFTERS ALONGTHIS LINE (TYP)BEAMS BELOW. SEESECOND FLOOR FRAMINGPLAN FOR SPECS.ROOF OUTLINEABOVE (TYP)CB02: (2) 2x8 SPFF.F. BEAM. HANGFROM VB02 &VB03 (SEE ROOFFRAMING PLAN)CLIPPED CEILING (TYP UNO)2x8 SPF CEILING JOISTS/TIES @ 16" O.C. CONNECTED NOHIGHER THAN 12 WAY UP RAFTERS. CONNECT TO RAFTERSUSING (4) SDS OR TIMBERLOK SCREWS AT EACH CONNECTION2x10 SPF CEILING JOISTS/TIES @ 16"O.C. CONNECTED NO HIGHER THAN12 WAY UP RAFTERS. CONNECT TORAFTERS USING (4) SDS ORTIMBERLOK SCREWS AT EACHCONNECTION①①②②①①①①①①2x10 SPF CEILING JOISTS/TIES @ 16" O.C. CONNECTED NOHIGHER THAN 12 WAY UP RAFTERS. CONNECT TO RAFTERSUSING (4) SDS OR TIMBERLOK SCREWS AT EACH CONNECTIONCB01: (2) 2x10 SPF F.F.BEAM. HANG FROM VB01(SEE ROOF FRAMING PLAN)①①②①①①OVERFRAMING (TYP)2x8 SPF RAFTERS @ 16" O.C.2x8 PT SYP #2 LEDGERFASTENED TO EXTERIORWALL USING LAG SCREWSTHAT PENETRATE 2"MINIMUM INTO EACH STUD.2x8 PT SYP #2 LEDGERFASTENED TO EXTERIORWALL USING LAG SCREWSTHAT PENETRATE 2"MINIMUM INTO EACH STUD.(FOLLOW ROOF SLOPE)4ATTIC FRAMING PLANSCALE: 14" = 1'-0"NO.DATESHEET TITLE:COMMENTSOFREVISIONSPROJECT:DRAWN BY:CHECKED BY:SCALE:DATE:STRUCTURAL ENGINEER:SSB Engineering, LLC146 Front Street, Scituate MA 02066www.ssbengineering.com857.504.1065ENGINEER STAMP:TARA LYNN STRASSBURG, P.E.DRAFTE. ArrudaT. StrassburgNovember 22, 2021FITZPATRICK RESIDENCE12 BURCH STREET,YARMOUTH MA 02664S8ATTICFRAMING PLAN1/4" = 1'-0"S5 HANGER SCHEDULEMATERIAL HARDWARE(2) 134" LVLsMGU3.63-SDS(3) 134" LVLsHGU5.50-SDS(4) 134" LVLsHHGU7.25-SDSHANGER NOTES:1. FOR ALL LVL HANGERS, USE SCREWS LONG ENOUGH TO ENGAGE ALL PLYS OF THE LVL BEING CONNECTED INTO.2. ALL CONVENTIONAL LUMBER TO USE FULLY NAILED METAL JOIST HANGERS.3. LVLs THAT FRAME AROUND STAIR OPENING MAY USE NAILED LVL HANGERS INSTEAD OF SCREWED HANGERS ASSHOWN IN HANGER SCHEDULE.FRAMING LEGENDSTRUCTURAL BEAM: LVLSTRUCTURAL BEAM: CONVENTIONAL LUMBERFLOOR CEILING JOIST: CONVENTIONAL LUMBERSTRUCTURAL BEAM: STEELSTRUCTURAL POST: LALLY COLUMNSTRUCTURAL POST: CONVENTIONAL LUMBERROOF RAFTER: CONVENTIONAL LUMBERSTRUCTURAL POST: LVLBEARING WALL BELOWBEARING WALL ABOVE①②③DOOR/WINDOW HEADERS:STRUCTURAL POST ABOVE(3) 134"x714" LVL 2.1E 3100 SP CONTINUOUSHEADER w/ 4x6 DFL #2 POSTS EACH END.STANDARD HEADER (REFER TO STRUCTURAL NOTES, SHEET S1)(3) 2x8 SPF #2 CONTINUOUS HEADER w/ (2) 2x6STUDS EACH END AND AT ALL STUD POCKETSEXISTING BEARING WALL BELOW STRUCTURAL POST: STEEL HSSDRAWING NOTES:1. REFER TO ARCHITECTURAL PLANS FOR ELEVATIONS AND FLOOR LAYOUTS. NOTIFY ENGINEER IF CONDITIONS VARY FROM SHOWN ONTHESE PLANS. REFER TO GENERAL STRUCTURAL NOTES (SHEET S1) FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION AND SPECIFICATIONS.TIMBER FRAMING MATERIALS:1. TIMBER FRAMING MEMBERS SHOWN ON THIS PLAN HAVE BEEN DESIGNED TO MEET THE STANDARD FRAMING SPECIFICATIONS, NOTEDIN THE GENERAL STRUCTURAL NOTES ON SHEET S1 OF THIS PLAN SET.2. TIMBER FRAMING MEETING STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS, IN GENERAL, WILL BE ABBREVIATED ON THESE STRUCTURAL PLANS, UNLESSNOTED SPECIFICALLY OTHERWISE ON STRUCTURAL PLANS - ALL TIMBER FRAMING MATERIALS ARE TO MEET THE FOLLOWINGSPECIFICATIONS:CONVENTIONAL LUMBER:a. BOARDS & BEAMSxINTERIOR (UNTREATED): SPRUCE-PINE-FIR (SPF), GRADE #2xEXTERIOR (TREATED): SOUTHERN YELLOW PINE (SYP) PRESSURE TREATED (PT), GRADE #2.b. POSTSxINTERIOR (UNTREATED) - SPECIES AS NOTED ON DRAWING.- DOUGLAS-FIR-LARCH (DFL), GRADE #2.xEXTERIOR (TREATED): SOUTHERN YELLOW PINE (SYP) PRESSURE TREATED (PT), GRADE #2.ENGINEERED LUMBER:a. I-JOISTSxSEE TO ENGINEERING PLANS FOR SPECIFICATIONS - JOIST TYPE/GRADE VARIES. REFER TO JOIST MANUFACTURERINSTRUCTIONS (AS WELL AS STRUCTURAL PLANS AND CALCULATIONS) FOR REQUIRED I-JOIST BRACING, STIFFENERS,and/or CONNECTORS.xJOIST HANGERS SHALL BE METAL AND ARE TO BE OF SUFFICIENT LOAD RATING TO CARRY DESIGN LOADS, HANGERTYPE/STYLE IS CONTRACTOR PREFERENCE. FOLLOW INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS BY MANUFACTURER (FASTENERS,STIFFENERS, ETC) TO OBTAIN PROPER JOIST HANGER CAPACITY.b. BOARDS & BEAMS:xINTERIOR (UNTREATED): LAMINATED VENEER LUMBER (LVL) SOUTHERN-PINE (SP) , GRADE 2.1E 3100 SP, WIDTH 134"(UNO).xEXTERIOR (TREATED): PARALLEL STRAND LUMBER (PSL) w/ PRESERVATIVE TREATMENT. (BEAM SIZE AS NOTED ONSTRUCTURAL FRAMING PLANS). EXTERIOR PSL HORIZONTAL MEMBERS TO BE TRUSJOIST® 2.0E PARALLAM® PLUS PSLSL2 MOIST USE RATED; OR AN APPROVED EQUIVALENT BY ENGINEER.c. POSTS:xINTERIOR (UNTREATED): LAMINATED VENEER LUMBER (LVL) SOUTHERN-PINE (SP), GRADE 1.8E 2650xEXTERIOR (TREATED): PARALLEL STRAND LUMBER (PSL) w/ PRESERVATIVE TREATMENT. (POST SIZE AS NOTED ONPLAN). EXTERIOR PSL HORIZONTAL MEMBERS TO BE TRUSJOIST ® 2.0E PARALLAM® PLUS PSL SL2 MOIST USE RATED;OR AN APPROVED EQUIVALENT BY ENGINEER. 2x10 SPF RAFTERS @ 16" O.C.VB01: (3) 14" LVLVALLEY BEAM, HANGFROM RIDGE BOARD4x6 LVLPOST DOWNSIMPSON MSCHANGEROVERFRAMING(TYP)VB03: (3) 2x12 SPFVALLEY BEAM, HANGFROM RIDGE BOARD2x10 SPF RAFTERS @16" O.C.AT DORMER2x12 SPF RIDGE BOARD2x10 SPF RAFTERS @ 16" O.C.2x12 SPF RIDGE BOARD(1) 18" LVL RIDGE BOARD2x12 SPF RAFTERS @ 16" O.C.(TYP ALL MAIN ROOF UNO)2x10 SPF RAFTERS @ 16" O.C.0 SPF RAFTERS @ 16" OVB01: (3) 14" LVLLVALLEY BEAM, HANGBEAM,FROM RIDGE BOARDOM R4x6LVLPOST DOWNOST SIMPSON MSCMSCHANGERANGEMINGOVERFRAMINGMINGTYP)(TYP)TYP)VB03: (3) 2x12 SPF12 SPVALLEY BEAM, HANGBEAMFROM RIDGE BOARDROM 2x10 SPF RAFTERS @16" O.C.RS @16" O.CAT DORMERAT2x12 SPF RIDGE BOARDSPF RIDGE BO2x10 SPF RAFTERS @ 16" O.C.0 SPF RAFTERS @ 16" O2x12 SPF RIDGE BOARDSPF RIDGE BO(1) 18" LVL RIDGE BOARD18" LVL RIDGE BOA2x12 SPF RAFTERS @ 16" O.C.S @ 16" O.C.(TYP ALL MAIN ROOF UNO)(TYP ALL MAROOF FRAMING BELOW,SEE ATTIC & LOW ROOFFRAMING PLANSROOF FRAMING BELOW,SEE ATTIC & LOW ROOFFRAMING PLANS2x10 SPF RAFTERS @16" O.C.AT DORMER2x12 SPF RIDGE BOARD(2) 2x12 SPF RAFTERS BELOW DORMER WALL(2) 2x12 SPF RAFTERS BELOW DORMER WALLBEAM BELOW, SEEATTIC FRAMING PLAN2x12 SPF RAFTERS @ 16" O.C.(TYP ALL MAIN ROOF UNO)SIMPSON MSC HANGER,PROVIDE 4x6 LVL POSTDOWN W/POST CAPDIRECTLY BELOW HANGERVB01: (3) 14" LVLVALLEY BEAM, HANGFROM RIDGE BOARD4x6 LVLPOST DOWN4x6 LVLPOST DOWN(1) 18" LVL RIDGE BOARDBEAM BELOW, SEEATTIC FRAMING PLANVB02: (3) 1178" LVLVALLEY BEAM, HANGFROM RIDGE BOARD4x6 DFLPOST DOWN5ROOF FRAMING PLANSCALE: 14" = 1'-0"NO.DATESHEET TITLE:COMMENTSOFREVISIONSPROJECT:DRAWN BY:CHECKED BY:SCALE:DATE:STRUCTURAL ENGINEER:SSB Engineering, LLC146 Front Street, Scituate MA 02066www.ssbengineering.com857.504.1065ENGINEER STAMP:TARA LYNN STRASSBURG, P.E.DRAFTE. ArrudaT. StrassburgNovember 22, 2021FITZPATRICK RESIDENCE12 BURCH STREET,YARMOUTH MA 02664S8ROOFFRAMING PLAN1/4" = 1'-0"S6 DRAWING NOTES:1. REFER TO ARCHITECTURAL PLANS FOR ELEVATIONS AND FLOOR LAYOUTS. NOTIFY ENGINEER IF CONDITIONS VARY FROM SHOWN ONTHESE PLANS. REFER TO GENERAL STRUCTURAL NOTES (SHEET S1) FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION AND SPECIFICATIONS.TIMBER FRAMING MATERIALS:1. TIMBER FRAMING MEMBERS SHOWN ON THIS PLAN HAVE BEEN DESIGNED TO MEET THE STANDARD FRAMING SPECIFICATIONS, NOTEDIN THE GENERAL STRUCTURAL NOTES ON SHEET S1 OF THIS PLAN SET.2. TIMBER FRAMING MEETING STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS, IN GENERAL, WILL BE ABBREVIATED ON THESE STRUCTURAL PLANS, UNLESSNOTED SPECIFICALLY OTHERWISE ON STRUCTURAL PLANS - ALL TIMBER FRAMING MATERIALS ARE TO MEET THE FOLLOWINGSPECIFICATIONS:CONVENTIONAL LUMBER:a. BOARDS & BEAMSxINTERIOR (UNTREATED): SPRUCE-PINE-FIR (SPF), GRADE #2xEXTERIOR (TREATED): SOUTHERN YELLOW PINE (SYP) PRESSURE TREATED (PT), GRADE #2.b. POSTSxINTERIOR (UNTREATED) - SPECIES AS NOTED ON DRAWING.- DOUGLAS-FIR-LARCH (DFL), GRADE #2.xEXTERIOR (TREATED): SOUTHERN YELLOW PINE (SYP) PRESSURE TREATED (PT), GRADE #2.ENGINEERED LUMBER:a. I-JOISTSxSEE TO ENGINEERING PLANS FOR SPECIFICATIONS - JOIST TYPE/GRADE VARIES. REFER TO JOIST MANUFACTURERINSTRUCTIONS (AS WELL AS STRUCTURAL PLANS AND CALCULATIONS) FOR REQUIRED I-JOIST BRACING, STIFFENERS,and/or CONNECTORS.xJOIST HANGERS SHALL BE METAL AND ARE TO BE OF SUFFICIENT LOAD RATING TO CARRY DESIGN LOADS, HANGERTYPE/STYLE IS CONTRACTOR PREFERENCE. FOLLOW INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS BY MANUFACTURER (FASTENERS,STIFFENERS, ETC) TO OBTAIN PROPER JOIST HANGER CAPACITY.b. BOARDS & BEAMS:xINTERIOR (UNTREATED): LAMINATED VENEER LUMBER (LVL) SOUTHERN-PINE (SP) , GRADE 2.1E 3100 SP, WIDTH 134"(UNO).xEXTERIOR (TREATED): PARALLEL STRAND LUMBER (PSL) w/ PRESERVATIVE TREATMENT. (BEAM SIZE AS NOTED ONSTRUCTURAL FRAMING PLANS). EXTERIOR PSL HORIZONTAL MEMBERS TO BE TRUSJOIST® 2.0E PARALLAM® PLUS PSLSL2 MOIST USE RATED; OR AN APPROVED EQUIVALENT BY ENGINEER.c. POSTS:xINTERIOR (UNTREATED): LAMINATED VENEER LUMBER (LVL) SOUTHERN-PINE (SP), GRADE 1.8E 2650xEXTERIOR (TREATED): PARALLEL STRAND LUMBER (PSL) w/ PRESERVATIVE TREATMENT. (POST SIZE AS NOTED ONPLAN). EXTERIOR PSL HORIZONTAL MEMBERS TO BE TRUSJOIST ® 2.0E PARALLAM® PLUS PSL SL2 MOIST USE RATED;OR AN APPROVED EQUIVALENT BY ENGINEER.HANGER SCHEDULEMATERIAL HARDWARE(2) 134" LVLsMGU3.63-SDS(3) 134" LVLsHGU5.50-SDS(4) 134" LVLsHHGU7.25-SDSHANGER NOTES:1. FOR ALL LVL HANGERS, USE SCREWS LONG ENOUGH TO ENGAGE ALL PLYS OF THE LVL BEING CONNECTED INTO.2. ALL CONVENTIONAL LUMBER TO USE FULLY NAILED METAL JOIST HANGERS.3. LVLs THAT FRAME AROUND STAIR OPENING MAY USE NAILED LVL HANGERS INSTEAD OF SCREWED HANGERS ASSHOWN IN HANGER SCHEDULE.FRAMING LEGENDSTRUCTURAL BEAM: LVLSTRUCTURAL BEAM: CONVENTIONAL LUMBERFLOOR CEILING JOIST: CONVENTIONAL LUMBERSTRUCTURAL BEAM: STEELSTRUCTURAL POST: LALLY COLUMNSTRUCTURAL POST: CONVENTIONAL LUMBERROOF RAFTER: CONVENTIONAL LUMBERSTRUCTURAL POST: LVLBEARING WALL BELOWBEARING WALL ABOVE①②③DOOR/WINDOW HEADERS:STRUCTURAL POST ABOVE(3) 134"x714" LVL 2.1E 3100 SP CONTINUOUSHEADER w/ 4x6 DFL #2 POSTS EACH END.STANDARD HEADER (REFER TO STRUCTURAL NOTES, SHEET S1)(3) 2x8 SPF #2 CONTINUOUS HEADER w/ (2) 2x6STUDS EACH END AND AT ALL STUD POCKETSEXISTING BEARING WALL BELOW STRUCTURAL POST: STEEL HSS HEADER TO JACK-STUD STRAP PER TABLE ONBOTH SIDES OF OPENING OPPOSITE SIDE OFSHEATHINGEXTENT OF CONTINUOUS HEADER(TWO BRACED WALL SEGMENTS)REFER TO FRAMING PLANS2' - 18' FINISHED WIDTH OF OPENING FORSINGLE OR DOUBLE PORTALREFER TO FRAMING PLANS10' MAX HEIGHTMIN. 3" x 1114" NET HEADERSTEEL HEADER PROHIBITEDTYPICAL PORTAL FRAMECONSTRUCTIONIF NEEDED, PANEL SPLICE EDGESSHALL OCCUR OVER AND BENAILED TO COMMON BLOCKINGWITHIN MIDDLE 24" OF THEPORTAL-LEG HEIGHT. ONE ROWOF 3" O.C. NAILING IS REQUIREDIN EACH PANEL EDGE.EXTENT OF HEADER WITH SINGLE PORTAL FRAME(ONE BRACED WALL PANEL)REFER TO FRAMING PLANS12' MAX TOTAL WALL HEIGHTREFER TO FRAMING PLANSFASTEN SHEATHING TO HEADER WITH8D COMMON OR GALVANIZED BOX NAILSIN 3" GRID PATTERN AS SHOWNMIN. DOUBLE 2x4 FRAMING COVEREDWITH 716" THICK WOOD STRUCTURALPANEL SHEATHING WITH 8D COMMONOR GALVANIZED BOX NAILS AT 3" O.C.IN ALL FRAMING (STUDS, BLOCKINGAND SILLS) TYP.LENGTH OF PANEL,REFER TO PLANSANCHOR BOLTSMIN. DOUBLE 2x4 POST(KING AND JACK STUD)INTERMITTENT BRACED WALL PANELREQUIRED ADJACENT OPENING FORSINGLE PORTAL FRAMETENSION STRAP (ON OPPOSITESIDE OF SHEATHING)MIN 716" WOODSTRUCTURAL PANELSHEATHINGFASTEN TOP PLATE TOHEADER WITH TWOROWS OF 16D SINKERNAILS AT 3" O.C.FASTEN KING STUD TOHEADER WITH 6 16DSINKER NAILSMIN. (2) 58" DIA A307ANCHOR BOLTS w/2"x2"x316" PLATE WASHERTIE-DOWN EACHEND OF PANELEMBEDDED HOLDOWNPONYWALLHEIGHT3"x3"x14" PLATE WASHERPT SILLFOUNDATION58" ANCHOR BOLT, MIN 7"EMBEDMENT. SPACING PER PLAN.NOTES:ALL IDENTIFIED SHEAR WALLS TO USESIMPSON SSPZ SILL TO STUDCONNECTORS, ONE PER STUD. MINIMUMSHEAR WALL PANEL LENGTH OF 3' (UNO).SHEAR WALLS SHOWN APPLY TO 1STFLOOR LOCATIONS.SSPZ CLIPJOIST (BEYOND)ANCHOR BOLT, MIN 7"EMBEDMENT. SIZE AND SPACINGPER PLAN. (MIN 2 PER SILL)3"x3"x14" PLATE WASHERSIMPSON HOLDOWNSTHD14RJPT SILLFOUNDATION WALLRIM BOARD,MAX 17" CLEARSTUD (MIN 3" THICKNESS, SEEMANUFACTURER INSTALLATIONSPECIFICATIONS.3"x3"x14" PLATE WASHERPT SILLSTUDFOUNDATION WALLANCHOR BOLT, MIN 7"EMBEDMENT. SIZE AND SPACINGPER PLAN. (MIN 2 PER SILL)(3) STUD or POST ASSPECIFIED ONDRAWINGSIMPSON HOLDOWNSTHD14RJSIMPSON HDU8-SDS2.5 HOLDDOWNWITH 78"∅ HDG STEEL THRU BOLTTHROUGH 1B07. CONNECT TOMINIMUM TRIPLE STUDSIMPSON MPBZ MOMENTPOST BASE. INSTALLSIMPSON SDS SCREWS.FOUNDATION WALL(SEE FOUNDATIONPLAN FOR LOCATION)POST, SEE FRAMINGPLANS FOR SIZECONCRETE LEVEL MUSTREMAIN 14" OR LESSABOVE EMBEDMENTLINE FOR PROPERWATER DRAINAGE.NO.DATESHEET TITLE:COMMENTSOFREVISIONSPROJECT:DRAWN BY:CHECKED BY:SCALE:DATE:STRUCTURAL ENGINEER:SSB Engineering, LLC146 Front Street, Scituate MA 02066www.ssbengineering.com857.504.1065ENGINEER STAMP:TARA LYNN STRASSBURG, P.E.DRAFTE. ArrudaT. StrassburgNovember 22, 2021FITZPATRICK RESIDENCE12 BURCH STREET,YARMOUTH MA 02664S8WIND DETAILINGAS NOTEDS7 GARAGE PORTAL DETAILSCALE: 34" = 1'-0"AS7SHEAR WALL BASE DETAIL - TYPICALNOT TO SCALECS7HOLD DOWN DETAIL AT GARAGENOT TO SCALEBS7SHEAR WALL BASE DETAIL AT GARAGENOT TO SCALEDS7WIND DETAILING PLANSCALE: 18" = 1'-0"DRAWING NOTES:1. PROVIDE SIMPSON H2A HURRICANE TIES AT ALL RAFTER TO SILL TO STUDCONNECTIONS. PROVIDE SIMPSON H3 STRAPS AT RAFTERS TO DROP BEAMCONNECTIONS AND DECK JOIST TO BEAM CONNECTIONS. ALL EXTERIORPOSTS TO HAVE HDG METAL POST BASE AND CAP.2. PROVIDE STRUCTURAL 1 RATED SHEATHING FOR ALL EXTERIOR WALLS ANDROOF; 716" WALL PANELS, 58" ROOF PANELS. ALL EXTERIOR WALL PANELSTO HAVE MINIMUM 6" EDGE AND 12" FIELD NAILING.3. PROVIDE TWO FULL HEIGHT STUDS ADJACENT TO EACH HEADER AND JACKSTUD. STRAP POSTS TO RIM JOIST BELOW AND TO HEADER ABOVE USINGSIMPSON CS20 STRAPS (TYP EACH WINDOW 1ST FLOOR). USE FULL HEIGHTSTUDS ON GABLE WALLS RUNNING FROM HEADER TO ROOF.4. JOIST BLOCKING FIRST TWO BAYS OF JOISTS AT EACH END WALL AT 4' O.C.TYP. 1ST FLOOR IN ADDITION TO BLOCKING UNDER BEARING WALLS.5. USE SIMPSON CS20 STRAPS OVER RIDGE AT EACH RAFTER OR USE 2x6COLLAR TIES AT EACH RAFTER IN UPPER THIRD OF ROOF.6. USE SIMPSON CS20 STRAPS AT ALL SHEARWALL TO FLUSH FRAMED BEAMCONNECTION AT FIRST FLOOR BEAMS BETWEEN SONOTUBES.7. ALL NAILING TO BE BASED ON NAILING TABLE IN LOCATIONS WHERE METALCONNECTORS ARE NOT USED.MPBZ POST BASE DETAILNOT TO SCALEES7NAILING TABLEJOINT DESCRIPTIONNUMBER OFCOMMON NAILSNUMBER OF BOXNAILSNAIL SPACINGROOF FRAMINGBlocking to Rafter (Toe-nailed)2-8d 2-10d each endRim Board to Rafter (End-nailed)2-16d 3-16d each endWALL FRAMINGTop Plates at Intersections (Face-nailed)4-16d 5-16dat jointsStud to Stud (Face-nailed)2-16d 2-16d24" O.C.Header to Header (Face-nailed) 16d 16d 16" O.C. along edgesFLOOR FRAMINGJoist to Sill, Top Plate or Girder (Toe-nailed)4-8d 4-10dper joistBlocking to Joist (Toe-nailed) 2-8d 2-10d each endBlocking to Sill or Top Plate (Toe-nailed) 3-16d 4-16d each blockLedger Strip to Beam or Girder (Face-nailed) 3-16d 4 -16d each joistJoist on Ledger to Beam (Toe-nailed) 3-8d 3-10dper joistBand Joist to Joist (End-nailed)3-16d 4-16dper joistBand Joist to Sill or Top Plate (Toe-nailed) 2-16d 3-16dper footROOF SHEATHINGWood Structural PanelsRafters or Trusses (Spaced up to 16" O.C.)8d 10d6" edge / 6" fieldRafters or Trusses (Spaced over 16" O.C.)8d 10d4" edge / 4" fieldGable Endwall Rake or Rake Truss w/o Gable Overhang 8d 10d 6" edge / 6" fieldGable Endwall Rake or Rake Truss w/ Structural Outlookers8d 10d6" edge / 6" fieldGable Endwall Rake or Rake Truss w/ Lookout Blocks8d 10d4" edge / 4" fieldCEILING SHEATHINGGypsum Wallboard5d coolers-7" edge / 10" fieldWALL SHEATHINGWood Structural Panels, studs spaced up to 24" O.C.8d 10d6" edge / 12" field12" and 2532" Fiberboard Panels8d1-3" edge / 6" field12" Gypsum Wallboard5d coolers-7" edge / 10" fieldFLOOR SHEATHINGWood Structural Panels1" or Less8d 10d 6" edge / 12" fieldGreater than 1"10d 16d6" edge / 6" fieldS7ES7BS7AS7CTYP.TYP.S7DTYP. NOTES:1. CORNER HOOK AND U-BARS MATCH HORIZ.REINFORCEMENT IN SIZE AND SPACING.2. FOR SINGLE LAYER WALLS, USE SINGLE BARSAS SHOWN.LAP. 40 BARDIA.LAP. 40 BARDIA.LAP. 40 BARDIA.STANDARDHOOK(1) #4 BAR BEND INTO BIGFOOTCONCRETE PIER ON BIGFOOTAPPROVED ALTERNATE: 2'x2'PRECAST CONCRETE PIERELEVATION TO SUIT BOTTOMOF BEAM OR POST ELEVATION.VERIFY ELEVATIONS IN FIELDAND PROJECT CIVIL ENGINEER.GROUND SURFACENON-EXPANDABLE, NON-COMPRESSIVESTABLE UNDISTURBED SOIL ORSTRUCTURAL COMPACTED (>95%)FILL OVER SAMEHDG SIMPSON PBS POSTBASE.8"3" CLR (TYP)4" CONCRETE SLABNON-EXPANDABLE, NON-COMPRESSIVESTABLE UNDISTURBED SOIL ORSTRUCTURAL COMPACTED (>95%) FILLOVER SAME.WELDED WIRE FABRIC (WWF).REFER TO SPECIFICATIONS.SEE FOUNDATION PLANFOR FOOTING SIZE ANDREINFORCEMENTLALLY COLUMN, SEE PLANFOR SPECIFICATIONS.2'-0" MIN.STEPLENGTH1'-0"STEP HEIGHT NOGREATER THAN 34 OFTHE STEP LENGTHREFER TO FOUNDATIONPLAN FOR REINFORCEMENTNON-EXPANDABLE, NON-COMPRESSIVESTABLE UNDISTURBED SOIL ORSTRUCTURAL COMPACTED (>95%) FILLOVER SAME.HORZONTAL BARS . REFER TOSPECIFICATIONS FORREINFORCEMENT.3" CLR (TYP)VERTICAL BARS, ALTERNATE BENDS INTOFOOTING. REFER TO SPECIFICATIONS FORREINFORCEMENT.REFER TO SPECIFICATIONSFOR REINFORCEMENT.FINAL GRADE (VARIES)8" MIN.ANCHOR BOLT, REFERTO PLANSEXTERIOR WALL10" WIDE CONCRETE FROST WALL.PROVIDE CORNER BARS AT ALLCHANGES IN DIRECTION (TYP.).SLAB ON GRADE4' MIN. BELOW GRADE24" WIDE x 12" TALLCONTINUOUS FOOTING @ 48"MIN. DEPTH BELOW GRADE.INCLUDE KEYWAY (TYP).BLOCK OUT OPENINGS WHERE REQUIRED,REFER TO ARCHITECTURAL PLANS FOR FINALPLACEMENT.QUARTER POINT12"12"12"12"QUARTER POINTDETAIL NOTES:1. NAIL TOGETHER USING (2) 10d NAILS (3-1/4") COMMON NAILS2. IF USING 10d NAIL (3") COMMON ADD THIRD LINE AT CENTER LINE3. 4-PLY BEAMS USE (3) SIMPSON SDS 14"x6" SCREWS @12" O.C.4. NAIL TWO TOGETHER AT A TIME12" 12"12" 12"2 BEAMS - 12" ON CENTER3 BEAMS - 12" ON CENTERSTAGGER 6"12" 12"4 BEAMS - 12" ON CENTERSTAGGER TWO 6"NON-EXPANDABLE, NON-COMPRESSIVE STABLEUNDISTURBED SOIL OR STRUCTURALCOMPACTED (>95%) FILL OVER SAME.24" WIDE x 12" TALL CONTINUOUSFOOTING @ 48" MIN. DEPTHBELOW GRADE. INCLUDE KEYWAY(TYP).HORZONTAL BARS . REFERTO SPECIFICATIONS FORREINFORCEMENT.10" WIDE CONCRETE FROST WALL. PROVIDECORNER BARS AT ALL CHANGES IN DIRECTION(TYP).VERTICAL BARS, ALTERNATE BENDS INTOFOOTING. REFER TO SPECIFICATIONSFOR REINFORCEMENT.REFER TO SPECIFICATIONS FORREINFORCEMENT.1st FLOORFINAL GRADE (VARIES)2x6 WALL, SEE PLANSANCHOR BOLT, SEE FOUNDATION PLANSLAB ON GRADE. REFERTO PLANS FOR SPECS.STRUCTURAL MEMBERS AS SHOWN ONFRAMING/FOUNDATION PLANS (TYP.)CRAWL SPACE (HEIGHT VARIES)3" CLR (TYP)8" MIN.6" MIN CRUSHEDSTONE BELOW SLABSee illustration for Allowed Hole ZoneGeneral Notes:xAllowed hole zone suitable for headers and beams with uniformloads only.xRound holes onlyxNo holes in cantilevers.xNo holes in headers or beams in plank orientation.xOther penetrations and loading conditions may be acceptable,contact engineer for approval.dMICROLLAM®LVL ANDPARALLAM® PSLHOLE ZONE2X DIAMETEROF THELARGEST HOLE(MINIMUM)13 DEPTHMICROLLAM® LVL ANDPARALLAM® PSLALLOWED HOLE ZONEMIDDLE 13SPAN ONLY512"714"- 20"438"134"2"1"Maximum RoundHole SizeHeader or Beam DepthPORCH ROOF BEAM (SEE PLANS)DECK FLUSH FRAMED BEAM (SEE PLANS)6x6 PT SYP POSTSIMPSON CC SERIESPOST CAPNOTCH 6x6 POST FOR DECK BEAM(SEE NOTCHING IN DETAIL)(2) 58" A307 THROUGH BOLTS THROUGH POSTAND ALL PLYS OF BEAM6x6 PT POST NOTCHED TO ACCEPTONE PLY DECK DROP BEAM(2) 58" A307 THROUGH BOLTSDECK JOISTS (SEEPLAN)(2) DECK BEAMNOTCHING DETAILFROST WALL SECTION - TYPICALSCALE: 34" = 1'-0"SCALE: 34" = 1'-0"TYPICAL BAR DETAILS @ WALL & FOOTINGSPIER FOOTING DETAIL - TYPICALSCALE: 34" = 1'-0"INTERIOR COLUMN FOOTING - TYPICALSCALE: 34" = 1'-0"SCALE: 34" = 1'-0"STEPPED FOOTING - TYPICALFROST WALL SECTION AT GARAGE - TYPICALSCALE: 34" = 1'-0"NO.DATESHEET TITLE:COMMENTSOFREVISIONSPROJECT:DRAWN BY:CHECKED BY:SCALE:DATE:STRUCTURAL ENGINEER:SSB Engineering, LLC146 Front Street, Scituate MA 02066www.ssbengineering.com857.504.1065ENGINEER STAMP:TARA LYNN STRASSBURG, P.E.DRAFTE. ArrudaT. StrassburgNovember 22, 2021FITZPATRICK RESIDENCE12 BURCH STREET,YARMOUTH MA 02664S8STRUCTURAL SECTIONSAND DETAILSAS NOTEDS8 LVL NAILING SCHEDULESCALE: 34" = 1'-0"SCALE: 34" = 1'-0"LVL AND PSL HEADER AND BEAM ALLOWABLE HOLESDECK POST-BEAM CONNECTION SCALE: 34" = 1'-0" 07-00-00 15-00-00 08-06-00 13-06-00B1B2B3B4 B5 0 1 2 86 3 7 4 5 Total Horizontal Product Length = 44-00-00 Page 1 of 46 Triple 1-3/4" x 11-7/8" VERSA-LAM® LVL 2.1E 3100 SP 1B01 (Floor Beam) BC CALC® Member Report Dry | 4 spans | No cant. November 22, 2021 16:30:41 Build 8013 Job name: Fitzpatrick Residence File name: 12 Burch Street, Yarmouth REVISED Address: 12 Burch Road Description: City, State, Zip: Yarmouth, MA Specifier: Customer: Lineal Inc Designer: Tara Strassburg Code reports:ESR-1040 Company:SSB Engineering Reaction Summary (Down / Uplift) (lbs) Bearing Live Dead Snow Wind Roof Live B1, 3-1/2"4875 / 1000 1316 / 0 119 / 0 B2, 3-1/2" 16688 / 0 5645 / 0 599 / 0 B3, 3-1/2" 20328 / 0 6308 / 0 532 / 0 B4, 3-1/2" 11749 / 0 2528 / 0 177 / 0 B5, 3-1/2" 4179 / 107 1122 / 0 0 / 1 Load Summary Live Dead Snow Wind Roof Live Tributary Tag Description Load Type Ref.Start End Loc.100%90%115%160%125% 0 Self-Weight Unf. Lin. (lb/ft)L 00-00-00 44-00-00 Top 18 00-00-00 1 1ST Unf. Area (lb/ft²) L 00-00-00 44-00-00 Top 40 10 11-00-00 2 2ND Unf. Area (lb/ft²) L 00-00-00 07-00-00 Top 40 10 18-00-00 3 ATTIC Unf. Area (lb/ft²) L 00-00-00 07-00-00 Top 20 10 12-06-00 4 2B02 Conc. Pt. (lbs) L 05-06-00 05-06-00 Top 640 840 698 n\a 5 2B01 Conc. Pt. (lbs) L 07-00-00 07-00-00 Top 6281 2023 n\a 6 2B01 Conc. Pt. (lbs) L 22-00-00 22-00-00 Top 14254 5070 547 n\a 7 2B01 Conc. Pt. (lbs) R 13-06-00 13-06-00 Top 3042 339 166 n\a 8 2ND Unf. Area (lb/ft²) R 00-00-00 13-06-00 Top 40 10 06-06-00 Controls Summary Value % Allowable Duration Case Location Pos. Moment 14541 ft-lbs 45.6%100%3 38-00-08 Neg. Moment -13389 ft-lbs 42.0% 100% 6 30-06-00 End Shear 4157 lbs 35.1% 100% 3 42-08-10 Cont. Shear 7159 lbs 60.4% 100% 4 05-10-06 Total Load Deflection L/522 (0.305") 46.0% n\a 3 37-06-04 Live Load Deflection L/656 (0.243") 54.9% n\a 44 37-06-04 Total Neg. Defl. L/999 (-0.073") n\a n\a 3 26-06-08 Max Defl. 0.305" 30.5% n\a 3 37-06-04 Span / Depth 15.2 Disclosure Use of the Boise Cascade Software is subject to the terms of the End UserLicense Agreement (EULA). Completeness and accuracy of input must be reviewed and verified by a qualified engineer or other appropriate expert to assure its adequacy, prior toanyone relying on such output as evidence of suitability for a particular application. The output here is based on building code-accepted design properties and analysis methods.Installation of Boise Cascade engineered wood products must be in accordance with current Installation Guide and applicable building codes. To obtain Installation Guide or askquestions, please call (800)232-0788 before installation. BC CALC®, BC FRAMER® , AJS™, ALLJOIST® , BC RIM BOARD™, BCI® ,BOISE GLULAM™, BC FloorValue® , VERSA-LAM®, VERSA-RIM PLUS® , Page 2 of 46 Triple 1-3/4" x 11-7/8" VERSA-LAM® LVL 2.1E 3100 SP 1B01 (Floor Beam) BC CALC® Member Report Dry | 4 spans | No cant. November 22, 2021 16:30:41 Build 8013 Job name: Fitzpatrick Residence File name: 12 Burch Street, Yarmouth REVISED Address: 12 Burch Road Description: City, State, Zip: Yarmouth, MA Specifier: Customer: Lineal Inc Designer: Tara Strassburg Code reports:ESR-1040 Company:SSB Engineering Notes Design meets Code minimum (L/240) Total load deflection criteria. Design meets Code minimum (L/360) Live load deflection criteria. Design meets arbitrary (1") Maximum Total load deflection criteria. Minimum bearing length for B1 is 1-9/16". Minimum bearing length for B2 is 5-11/16". Minimum bearing length for B3 is 6-3/4". Minimum bearing length for B4 is 3-5/8". Minimum bearing length for B5 is 1-1/2". BC CALC® analysis is based on IBC 2018. Design based on Dry Service Condition. Calculations assume member is fully braced. Connection Diagram: Full Length of Member aminimum=2" c=7-7/8" b minimum = 2-1/2" d = 24" Calculated Side Load = 0.0 lb/ft Bolts are assumed to be Grade A307 or Grade 2 or higher. Connectors are: 1/2 in. Staggered Through Bolt 01-06-00 05-04-00 05-04-00 06-02-00 06-02-00B1B2B3B4B5 B6 0 17 2 3 4 5 8 6 9 10 Total Horizontal Product Length = 24-06-00 Page 3 of 46 Triple 1-3/4" x 11-7/8" VERSA-LAM® LVL 2.1E 3100 SP 1B02 (Floor Beam) BC CALC® Member Report Dry | 5 spans | No cant. November 22, 2021 16:30:41 Build 8013 Job name: Fitzpatrick Residence File name: 12 Burch Street, Yarmouth REVISED Address: 12 Burch Road Description: City, State, Zip: Yarmouth, MA Specifier: Customer: Lineal Inc Designer: Tara Strassburg Code reports:ESR-1040 Company:SSB Engineering Reaction Summary (Down / Uplift) (lbs) Bearing Live Dead Snow Wind Roof Live B1, 3-1/2"485 / 903 0 / 902 0 / 1037 B2, 3-1/2" 2880 / 17 3238 / 0 2327 / 0 B3, 3-1/2" 4605 / 0 6079 / 0 5252 / 0 B4, 3-1/2" 4027 / 0 3631 / 0 2596 / 0 B5, 3-1/2" 4551 / 0 4991 / 0 3472 / 0 B6, 3-1/2" 3960 / 196 5529 / 0 5439 / 0 Load Summary Live Dead Snow Wind Roof Live Tributary Tag Description Load Type Ref.Start End Loc.100%90%115%160%125% 0 Self-Weight Unf. Lin. (lb/ft)L 00-00-00 24-06-00 Top 18 00-00-00 1 DECK Unf. Area (lb/ft²) L 05-02-00 24-06-00 Top 30 10 22 02-00-00 2 CLG Unf. Area (lb/ft²) L 05-02-00 24-06-00 Top 10 5 02-00-00 3 ROOF Unf. Area (lb/ft²) L 05-02-00 24-06-00 Top 15 30 02-00-00 4 1ST Unf. Area (lb/ft²) L 00-00-00 24-06-00 Top 40 10 02-00-00 5 WALL Unf. Lin. (lb/ft) L 00-00-00 24-06-00 Top 200 n\a 6 2B02 Conc. Pt. (lbs) L 05-02-00 05-02-00 Top 1411 3521 4179 n\a 7 2ND Unf. Area (lb/ft²) L 00-00-00 05-02-00 Top 40 10 09-00-00 8 2J02 Unf. Lin. (lb/ft) L 05-02-00 24-06-00 Top 467 396 353 n\a 9 2B02 Conc. Pt. (lbs) R 00-06-00 00-06-00 Top 1411 3521 4179 n\a 10 1B04 Conc. Pt. (lbs) R 00-00-00 00-00-00 Top 808 411 247 n\a Controls Summary Value % Allowable Duration Case Location Pos. Moment 7165 ft-lbs 19.5%115%18 05-02-00 Neg. Moment -6077 ft-lbs 16.6% 115% 64 18-04-00 End Shear 3355 lbs 24.6% 115% 24 23-02-10 Cont. Shear 7077 lbs 52.0% 115% 48 05-08-06 Total Load Deflection L/999 (0.035") n\a n\a 18 05-00-02 Live Load Deflection L/999 (0.02") n\a n\a 95 21-06-04 Total Neg. Defl. L/999 (-0.001") n\a n\a 18 07-08-10 Max Defl. 0.035" n\a n\a 18 05-00-02 Span / Depth 6.2 Cautions Uplift of -2357 lbs found at bearing B1. Disclosure Use of the Boise Cascade Software is subject to the terms of the End UserLicense Agreement (EULA). Completeness and accuracy of input must be reviewed and verified by a qualified engineer or other appropriate expert to assure its adequacy, prior toanyone relying on such output as evidence of suitability for a particular application. The output here is based on building code-accepted design properties and analysis methods.Installation of Boise Cascade engineered wood products must be in accordance with current Installation Guide and applicable building codes. To obtain Installation Guide or askquestions, please call (800)232-0788 before installation. BC CALC®, BC FRAMER® , AJS™, ALLJOIST® , BC RIM BOARD™, BCI® ,BOISE GLULAM™, BC FloorValue® , VERSA-LAM®, VERSA-RIM PLUS® , Page 4 of 46 Triple 1-3/4" x 11-7/8" VERSA-LAM® LVL 2.1E 3100 SP 1B02 (Floor Beam) BC CALC® Member Report Dry | 5 spans | No cant. November 22, 2021 16:30:41 Build 8013 Job name: Fitzpatrick Residence File name: 12 Burch Street, Yarmouth REVISED Address: 12 Burch Road Description: City, State, Zip: Yarmouth, MA Specifier: Customer: Lineal Inc Designer: Tara Strassburg Code reports:ESR-1040 Company:SSB Engineering Notes Design meets Code minimum (L/240) Total load deflection criteria. Design meets Code minimum (L/360) Live load deflection criteria. Design meets arbitrary (1") Maximum Total load deflection criteria. Minimum bearing length for B1 is 1-1/2". Minimum bearing length for B2 is 1-13/16". Minimum bearing length for B3 is 3-7/16". Minimum bearing length for B4 is 2-3/16". Minimum bearing length for B5 is 2-13/16". Minimum bearing length for B6 is 3-3/16". BC CALC® analysis is based on IBC 2018. Design based on Dry Service Condition. Calculations assume member is fully braced. Connection Diagram: Full Length of Member aminimum=2" c=7-7/8" b minimum = 2-1/2" d = 24" Calculated Side Load = 0.0 lb/ft Bolts are assumed to be Grade A307 or Grade 2 or higher. Connectors are: 1/2 in. Staggered Through Bolt 03-06-00 08-00-00 08-00-00B1B2B3 B4 0 1 2 3 Total Horizontal Product Length = 19-06-00 Page 5 of 46 Triple 1-3/4" x 11-7/8" VERSA-LAM® LVL 2.1E 3100 SP 1B03 (Floor Beam) BC CALC® Member Report Dry | 3 spans | No cant. November 22, 2021 16:30:41 Build 8013 Job name: Fitzpatrick Residence File name: 12 Burch Street, Yarmouth REVISED Address: 12 Burch Road Description: City, State, Zip: Yarmouth, MA Specifier: Customer: Lineal Inc Designer: Tara Strassburg Code reports:ESR-1040 Company:SSB Engineering Reaction Summary (Down / Uplift) (lbs) Bearing Live Dead Snow Wind Roof Live B1, 3-1/2"838 / 508 258 / 0 B2, 3-1/2" 2940 / 0 2023 / 0 B3, 3-1/2" 3760 / 0 2920 / 0 B4, 3-1/2" 1498 / 156 1049 / 0 Load Summary Live Dead Snow Wind Roof Live Tributary Tag Description Load Type Ref.Start End Loc.100%90%115%160%125% 0 Self-Weight Unf. Lin. (lb/ft)L 00-00-00 19-06-00 Top 18 00-00-00 1 1ST Unf. Area (lb/ft²) L 00-00-00 19-06-00 Top 40 10 02-00-00 2 2ND Unf. Area (lb/ft²) L 00-00-00 19-06-00 Top 40 10 08-03-00 3 WALL Unf. Lin. (lb/ft) L 00-00-00 19-06-00 Top 200 n\a Controls Summary Value % Allowable Duration Case Location Pos. Moment 3878 ft-lbs 12.2%100%2 16-00-07 Neg. Moment -4802 ft-lbs 15.0% 100% 5 11-06-00 End Shear 1612 lbs 13.6% 100% 2 18-02-10 Cont. Shear 2627 lbs 22.2% 100% 5 12-07-10 Total Load Deflection L/999 (0.034") n\a n\a 2 15-07-03 Live Load Deflection L/999 (0.021") n\a n\a 7 15-06-03 Total Neg. Defl. L/999 (-0.001") n\a n\a 3 02-04-12 Max Defl. 0.034" n\a n\a 2 15-07-03 Span / Depth 7.9 Cautions Uplift of -250 lbs found at bearing B1. Notes Design meets Code minimum (L/240) Total load deflection criteria. Design meets Code minimum (L/360) Live load deflection criteria. Design meets arbitrary (1") Maximum Total load deflection criteria. Minimum bearing length for B1 is 1-1/2". Minimum bearing length for B2 is 1-1/2". Minimum bearing length for B3 is 1-11/16". Minimum bearing length for B4 is 1-1/2". BC CALC® analysis is based on IBC 2018. Design based on Dry Service Condition. Calculations assume member is fully braced. Disclosure Use of the Boise Cascade Software is subject to the terms of the End UserLicense Agreement (EULA). Completeness and accuracy of input must be reviewed and verified by a qualified engineer or other appropriate expert to assure its adequacy, prior toanyone relying on such output as evidence of suitability for a particular application. The output here is based on building code-accepted design properties and analysis methods.Installation of Boise Cascade engineered wood products must be in accordance with current Installation Guide and applicable building codes. To obtain Installation Guide or askquestions, please call (800)232-0788 before installation. BC CALC®, BC FRAMER® , AJS™, ALLJOIST® , BC RIM BOARD™, BCI® ,BOISE GLULAM™, BC FloorValue® , VERSA-LAM®, VERSA-RIM PLUS® , Page 6 of 46 Triple 1-3/4" x 11-7/8" VERSA-LAM® LVL 2.1E 3100 SP 1B03 (Floor Beam) BC CALC® Member Report Dry | 3 spans | No cant. November 22, 2021 16:30:41 Build 8013 Job name: Fitzpatrick Residence File name: 12 Burch Street, Yarmouth REVISED Address: 12 Burch Road Description: City, State, Zip: Yarmouth, MA Specifier: Customer: Lineal Inc Designer: Tara Strassburg Code reports:ESR-1040 Company:SSB Engineering Connection Diagram: Full Length of Member aminimum=2" c=7-7/8" b minimum = 2-1/2" d = 24" Calculated Side Load = 0.0 lb/ft Bolts are assumed to be Grade A307 or Grade 2 or higher. Connectors are: 1/2 in. Staggered Through Bolt 04-00-00B1 B2 0 1 2 3 4 Total Horizontal Product Length = 04-00-00 Page 7 of 46 Triple 1-3/4" x 11-7/8" VERSA-LAM® LVL 2.1E 3100 SP 1B04 (Floor Beam) BC CALC® Member Report Dry | 1 span | No cant. November 22, 2021 16:30:41 Build 8013 Job name: Fitzpatrick Residence File name: 12 Burch Street, Yarmouth REVISED Address: 12 Burch Road Description: City, State, Zip: Yarmouth, MA Specifier: Customer: Lineal Inc Designer: Tara Strassburg Code reports:ESR-1040 Company:SSB Engineering Reaction Summary (Down / Uplift) (lbs) Bearing Live Dead Snow Wind Roof Live B1, 3-1/2"808 / 0 411 / 0 247 / 0 B2, 3-1/2" 293 / 0 132 / 0 23 / 0 Load Summary Live Dead Snow Wind Roof Live Tributary Tag Description Load Type Ref.Start End Loc.100%90%115%160%125% 0 Self-Weight Unf. Lin. (lb/ft)L 00-00-00 04-00-00 Top 18 00-00-00 1 1ST Unf. Area (lb/ft²) L 00-00-00 04-00-00 Top 40 10 01-04-00 2 CLG Unf. Area (lb/ft²) L 00-00-00 01-00-00 Top 10 5 05-00-00 3 ROOF Unf. Area (lb/ft²) L 00-00-00 01-00-00 Top 15 30 09-00-00 4 1B04 Conc. Pt. (lbs) L 01-00-00 01-00-00 Top 838 258 n\a Controls Summary Value % Allowable Duration Case Location Pos. Moment 800 ft-lbs 2.7%100%1 01-00-00 End Shear 738 lbs 6.2% 100% 1 01-03-06 Total Load Deflection L/999 (0.002") n\a n\a 1 01-04-07 Live Load Deflection L/999 (0.002") n\a n\a 4 01-03-15 Max Defl. 0.002" n\a n\a 1 01-04-07 Span / Depth 3.6 Notes Design meets Code minimum (L/240) Total load deflection criteria. Design meets Code minimum (L/360) Live load deflection criteria. Design meets arbitrary (1") Maximum Total load deflection criteria. Minimum bearing length for B1 is 1-1/2". Minimum bearing length for B2 is 1-1/2". BC CALC® analysis is based on IBC 2018. Design based on Dry Service Condition. Calculations assume member is braced at ends. See engineering report for the unbraced length. Disclosure Use of the Boise Cascade Software is subject to the terms of the End UserLicense Agreement (EULA). Completeness and accuracy of input must be reviewed and verified by a qualified engineer or other appropriate expert to assure its adequacy, prior toanyone relying on such output as evidence of suitability for a particular application. The output here is based on building code-accepted design properties and analysis methods.Installation of Boise Cascade engineered wood products must be in accordance with current Installation Guide and applicable building codes. To obtain Installation Guide or askquestions, please call (800)232-0788 before installation. BC CALC®, BC FRAMER® , AJS™, ALLJOIST® , BC RIM BOARD™, BCI® ,BOISE GLULAM™, BC FloorValue® , VERSA-LAM®, VERSA-RIM PLUS® , Page 8 of 46 Triple 1-3/4" x 11-7/8" VERSA-LAM® LVL 2.1E 3100 SP 1B04 (Floor Beam) BC CALC® Member Report Dry | 1 span | No cant. November 22, 2021 16:30:41 Build 8013 Job name: Fitzpatrick Residence File name: 12 Burch Street, Yarmouth REVISED Address: 12 Burch Road Description: City, State, Zip: Yarmouth, MA Specifier: Customer: Lineal Inc Designer: Tara Strassburg Code reports:ESR-1040 Company:SSB Engineering Connection Diagram: Full Length of Member aminimum=2" c=7-7/8" b minimum = 2-1/2" d = 24" Calculated Side Load = 0.0 lb/ft Bolts are assumed to be Grade A307 or Grade 2 or higher. Connectors are: 1/2 in. Staggered Through Bolt 04-00-00B1 B2 0 1 2 3 4 5 Total Horizontal Product Length = 04-00-00 Page 9 of 46 Triple 1-3/4" x 11-7/8" VERSA-LAM® LVL 2.1E 3100 SP 1B05 (Floor Beam) BC CALC® Member Report Dry | 1 span | No cant. November 22, 2021 16:30:41 Build 8013 Job name: Fitzpatrick Residence File name: 12 Burch Street, Yarmouth REVISED Address: 12 Burch Road Description: City, State, Zip: Yarmouth, MA Specifier: Customer: Lineal Inc Designer: Tara Strassburg Code reports:ESR-1040 Company:SSB Engineering Reaction Summary (Down / Uplift) (lbs) Bearing Live Dead Snow Wind Roof Live B1, 3-1/2"313 / 0 409 / 0 540 / 0 B2, 3-1/2" 1811 / 0 1458 / 0 540 / 0 Load Summary Live Dead Snow Wind Roof Live Tributary Tag Description Load Type Ref.Start End Loc.100%90%115%160%125% 0 Self-Weight Unf. Lin. (lb/ft)L 00-00-00 04-00-00 Top 18 00-00-00 1 1ST Unf. Area (lb/ft²) L 00-00-00 04-00-00 Top 40 10 01-04-00 2 2ND Unf. Area (lb/ft²) L 00-00-00 04-00-00 Top 40 10 01-04-00 3 CLG Unf. Area (lb/ft²) L 00-00-00 04-00-00 Top 10 5 05-00-00 4 ROOF Unf. Area (lb/ft²) L 00-00-00 04-00-00 Top 15 30 09-00-00 5 1B03 Conc. Pt. (lbs) R 00-00-00 00-00-00 Top 1498 1049 n\a Controls Summary Value % Allowable Duration Case Location Pos. Moment 823 ft-lbs 2.4%115%3 02-00-00 End Shear 377 lbs 2.8% 115% 3 01-03-06 Total Load Deflection L/999 (0.003") n\a n\a 3 02-00-00 Live Load Deflection L/999 (0.002") n\a n\a 6 02-00-00 Max Defl. 0.003" n\a n\a 3 02-00-00 Span / Depth 3.6 Notes Design meets Code minimum (L/240) Total load deflection criteria. Design meets Code minimum (L/360) Live load deflection criteria. Design meets arbitrary (1") Maximum Total load deflection criteria. Minimum bearing length for B1 is 1-1/2". Minimum bearing length for B2 is 1-1/2". BC CALC® analysis is based on IBC 2018. Design based on Dry Service Condition. Calculations assume member is braced at ends. See engineering report for the unbraced length. Disclosure Use of the Boise Cascade Software is subject to the terms of the End UserLicense Agreement (EULA). Completeness and accuracy of input must be reviewed and verified by a qualified engineer or other appropriate expert to assure its adequacy, prior toanyone relying on such output as evidence of suitability for a particular application. The output here is based on building code-accepted design properties and analysis methods.Installation of Boise Cascade engineered wood products must be in accordance with current Installation Guide and applicable building codes. To obtain Installation Guide or askquestions, please call (800)232-0788 before installation. BC CALC®, BC FRAMER® , AJS™, ALLJOIST® , BC RIM BOARD™, BCI® ,BOISE GLULAM™, BC FloorValue® , VERSA-LAM®, VERSA-RIM PLUS® , Page 10 of 46 Triple 1-3/4" x 11-7/8" VERSA-LAM® LVL 2.1E 3100 SP 1B05 (Floor Beam) BC CALC® Member Report Dry | 1 span | No cant. November 22, 2021 16:30:41 Build 8013 Job name: Fitzpatrick Residence File name: 12 Burch Street, Yarmouth REVISED Address: 12 Burch Road Description: City, State, Zip: Yarmouth, MA Specifier: Customer: Lineal Inc Designer: Tara Strassburg Code reports:ESR-1040 Company:SSB Engineering Connection Diagram: Full Length of Member aminimum=2" c=7-7/8" b minimum = 2-1/2" d = 24" Calculated Side Load = 0.0 lb/ft Bolts are assumed to be Grade A307 or Grade 2 or higher. Connectors are: 1/2 in. Staggered Through Bolt 09-00-00B1 B2 0 1 2 3 Total Horizontal Product Length = 09-00-00 Page 11 of 46 Triple 1-3/4" x 11-7/8" VERSA-LAM® LVL 2.1E 3100 SP 1B06 (Floor Beam) BC CALC® Member Report Dry | 1 span | No cant. November 22, 2021 16:30:41 Build 8013 Job name: Fitzpatrick Residence File name: 12 Burch Street, Yarmouth REVISED Address: 12 Burch Road Description: City, State, Zip: Yarmouth, MA Specifier: Customer: Lineal Inc Designer: Tara Strassburg Code reports:ESR-1040 Company:SSB Engineering Reaction Summary (Down / Uplift) (lbs) Bearing Live Dead Snow Wind Roof Live B1, 3-1/2"480 / 0 1101 / 0 B2, 3-1/2" 480 / 0 1101 / 0 Load Summary Live Dead Snow Wind Roof Live Tributary Tag Description Load Type Ref.Start End Loc.100%90%115%160%125% 0 Self-Weight Unf. Lin. (lb/ft)L 00-00-00 09-00-00 Top 18 00-00-00 1 1ST Unf. Area (lb/ft²) L 00-00-00 09-00-00 Top 40 10 01-04-00 2 2ND Unf. Area (lb/ft²) L 00-00-00 09-00-00 Top 40 10 01-04-00 3 WALL Unf. Lin. (lb/ft) L 00-00-00 09-00-00 Top 200 n\a Controls Summary Value % Allowable Duration Case Location Pos. Moment 3205 ft-lbs 17.0%100%1 04-06-00 End Shear 1131 lbs 9.5% 100% 1 01-03-06 Total Load Deflection L/999 (0.033") n\a n\a 1 04-06-00 Live Load Deflection L/999 (0.01") n\a n\a 2 04-06-00 Max Defl. 0.033" n\a n\a 1 04-06-00 Span / Depth 8.6 Notes Design meets Code minimum (L/240) Total load deflection criteria. Design meets Code minimum (L/360) Live load deflection criteria. Design meets arbitrary (1") Maximum Total load deflection criteria. Minimum bearing length for B1 is 1-1/2". Minimum bearing length for B2 is 1-1/2". BC CALC® analysis is based on IBC 2018. Design based on Dry Service Condition. Calculations assume member is braced at ends. See engineering report for the unbraced length. Connection Diagram: Full Length of Member Disclosure Use of the Boise Cascade Software is subject to the terms of the End UserLicense Agreement (EULA). Completeness and accuracy of input must be reviewed and verified by a qualified engineer or other appropriate expert to assure its adequacy, prior toanyone relying on such output as evidence of suitability for a particular application. The output here is based on building code-accepted design properties and analysis methods.Installation of Boise Cascade engineered wood products must be in accordance with current Installation Guide and applicable building codes. To obtain Installation Guide or askquestions, please call (800)232-0788 before installation. BC CALC®, BC FRAMER® , AJS™, ALLJOIST® , BC RIM BOARD™, BCI® ,BOISE GLULAM™, BC FloorValue® , VERSA-LAM®, VERSA-RIM PLUS® , Page 12 of 46 Triple 1-3/4" x 11-7/8" VERSA-LAM® LVL 2.1E 3100 SP 1B06 (Floor Beam) BC CALC® Member Report Dry | 1 span | No cant. November 22, 2021 16:30:41 Build 8013 Job name: Fitzpatrick Residence File name: 12 Burch Street, Yarmouth REVISED Address: 12 Burch Road Description: City, State, Zip: Yarmouth, MA Specifier: Customer: Lineal Inc Designer: Tara Strassburg Code reports:ESR-1040 Company:SSB Engineering Connection Diagram: Full Length of Member aminimum=2" c=7-7/8" b minimum = 2-1/2" d = 24" Calculated Side Load = 0.0 lb/ft Bolts are assumed to be Grade A307 or Grade 2 or higher. Connectors are: 1/2 in. Staggered Through Bolt 06-00-00 06-00-00 06-00-00 06-00-00 06-00-00 06-08-00B1B2B3B4B5B6 B7 0 1 2 16 4 8 5 9 6 10 7 11 3 1213 14 15 Total Horizontal Product Length = 36-08-00 Page 13 of 46 Triple 1-3/4" x 11-7/8" VERSA-LAM® LVL 2.1E 3100 SP 1B07 (Floor Beam) BC CALC® Member Report Dry | 6 spans | No cant. November 22, 2021 16:30:41 Build 8013 Job name: Fitzpatrick Residence File name: 12 Burch Street, Yarmouth REVISED Address: 12 Burch Road Description: City, State, Zip: Yarmouth, MA Specifier: Customer: Lineal Inc Designer: Tara Strassburg Code reports:ESR-1040 Company:SSB Engineering Reaction Summary (Down / Uplift) (lbs) Bearing Live Dead Snow Wind Roof Live B1, 3-1/2"4141 / 105 4989 / 0 3712 / 0 B2, 3-1/2" 5032 / 0 3443 / 0 3673 / 0 B3, 3-1/2" 4684 / 0 2750 / 0 3185 / 0 B4, 3-1/2" 7002 / 0 6902 / 0 6245 / 0 B5, 3-1/2" 4847 / 0 3788 / 0 3177 / 0 B6, 3-1/2" 5366 / 0 5040 / 0 3895 / 0 B7, 3-1/2" 2719 / 196 3124 / 0 1593 / 0 Load Summary Live Dead Snow Wind Roof Live Tributary Tag Description Load Type Ref.Start End Loc.100%90%115%160%125% 0 Self-Weight Unf. Lin. (lb/ft)L 00-00-00 36-08-00 Top 18 00-00-00 1 1ST Unf. Area (lb/ft²) L 00-00-00 36-08-00 Top 40 10 04-06-00 2 DECK Unf. Area (lb/ft²) L 00-00-00 18-00-00 Top 30 10 22 05-00-00 3 2B03 Conc. Pt. (lbs) L 03-00-00 03-00-00 Top 3375 3883 4031 n\a 4 2ND Unf. Area (lb/ft²) L 00-00-00 03-00-00 Top 40 10 09-00-00 5 ATTIC Unf. Area (lb/ft²) L 00-00-00 03-00-00 Top 20 10 09-00-00 6 ROOF Unf. Area (lb/ft²) L 00-00-00 03-00-00 Top 15 30 18-00-00 7 WALL Unf. Lin. (lb/ft) L 00-00-00 03-00-00 Top 200 n\a 8 2ND Unf. Area (lb/ft²) L 15-00-00 36-08-00 Top 40 10 09-00-00 9 ATTIC Unf. Area (lb/ft²) L 15-00-00 36-08-00 Top 20 10 09-00-00 10 ROOF Unf. Area (lb/ft²) L 15-00-00 36-08-00 Top 15 30 18-00-00 11 WALL Unf. Lin. (lb/ft) L 15-00-00 36-08-00 Top 200 n\a 12 2B03 Conc. Pt. (lbs) L 15-00-00 15-00-00 Top 3375 3883 4031 n\a 13 pb04 Conc. Pt. (lbs) L 00-00-00 00-00-00 Top 411 413 n\a 14 pb04 Conc. Pt. (lbs) L 18-00-00 18-00-00 Top 411 413 n\a 15 1B06 Conc. Pt. (lbs) L 00-00-00 00-00-00 Top 480 1101 n\a 16 1B06 Conc. Pt. (lbs) R 00-00-00 00-00-00 Top 480 1101 n\a Controls Summary Value % Allowable Duration Case Location Pos. Moment 15577 ft-lbs 42.4%115%44 03-00-00 Neg. Moment -9259 ft-lbs 25.2% 115% 72 18-00-00 End Shear 6256 lbs 45.9% 115% 44 01-03-06 Cont. Shear 7914 lbs 58.1% 115% 96 16-10-06 Total Load Deflection L/999 (0.08") n\a n\a 44 03-00-00 Live Load Deflection L/999 (0.048") n\a n\a 142 03-00-00 Disclosure Use of the Boise Cascade Software is subject to the terms of the End UserLicense Agreement (EULA). Completeness and accuracy of input must be reviewed and verified by a qualified engineer or other appropriate expert to assure its adequacy, prior toanyone relying on such output as evidence of suitability for a particular application. The output here is based on building code-accepted design properties and analysis methods.Installation of Boise Cascade engineered wood products must be in accordance with current Installation Guide and applicable building codes. To obtain Installation Guide or askquestions, please call (800)232-0788 before installation. BC CALC®, BC FRAMER® , AJS™, ALLJOIST® , BC RIM BOARD™, BCI® ,BOISE GLULAM™, BC FloorValue® , VERSA-LAM®, VERSA-RIM PLUS® , Page 14 of 46 Triple 1-3/4" x 11-7/8" VERSA-LAM® LVL 2.1E 3100 SP 1B07 (Floor Beam) BC CALC® Member Report Dry | 6 spans | No cant. November 22, 2021 16:30:41 Build 8013 Job name: Fitzpatrick Residence File name: 12 Burch Street, Yarmouth REVISED Address: 12 Burch Road Description: City, State, Zip: Yarmouth, MA Specifier: Customer: Lineal Inc Designer: Tara Strassburg Code reports:ESR-1040 Company:SSB Engineering Controls Summary Value % Allowable Duration Case Location Total Neg. Defl. L/999 (-0.022") n\a n\a 44 08-11-05 Max Defl. 0.08" n\a n\a 44 03-00-00 Span / Depth 6.5 Notes Design meets Code minimum (L/240) Total load deflection criteria. Design meets Code minimum (L/360) Live load deflection criteria. Design meets arbitrary (1") Maximum Total load deflection criteria. Minimum bearing length for B1 is 2-3/4". Minimum bearing length for B2 is 2-9/16". Minimum bearing length for B3 is 2-3/16". Minimum bearing length for B4 is 4-1/4". Minimum bearing length for B5 is 2-1/2". Minimum bearing length for B6 is 3-1/16". Minimum bearing length for B7 is 1-5/8". BC CALC® analysis is based on IBC 2018. Design based on Dry Service Condition. Calculations assume member is fully braced. Connection Diagram: Full Length of Member aminimum=2" c=7-7/8" b minimum = 2-1/2" d = 24" Calculated Side Load = 0.0 lb/ft Bolts are assumed to be Grade A307 or Grade 2 or higher. Connectors are: 1/2 in. Staggered Through Bolt 08-08-00 00-09-00B1B2 0 1 2 Total Horizontal Product Length = 09-05-00 Page 15 of 46 Triple 1-3/4" x 11-7/8" VERSA-LAM® LVL 2.1E 3100 SP 1B08 (Floor Beam) BC CALC® Member Report Dry | 2 spans | R cant. November 22, 2021 16:30:41 Build 8013 Job name: Fitzpatrick Residence File name: 12 Burch Street, Yarmouth REVISED Address: 12 Burch Road Description: City, State, Zip: Yarmouth, MA Specifier: Customer: Lineal Inc Designer: Tara Strassburg Code reports:ESR-1040 Company:SSB Engineering Reaction Summary (Down / Uplift) (lbs) Bearing Live Dead Snow Wind Roof Live B1, 3-1/2"237 / 73 0/13 0/162 B2, 3-1/2" 1138 / 0 2008 / 0 1988 / 0 Load Summary Live Dead Snow Wind Roof Live Tributary Tag Description Load Type Ref.Start End Loc.100%90%115%160%125% 0 Self-Weight Unf. Lin. (lb/ft)L 00-00-00 09-05-00 Top 18 00-00-00 1 1ST Unf. Area (lb/ft²) L 00-00-00 09-05-00 Top 40 10 01-04-00 2 VB02 Conc. Pt. (lbs) R 00-00-00 00-00-00 Top 800 1700 1826 n\a Controls Summary Value % Allowable Duration Case Location Pos. Moment 249 ft-lbs 0.8%100%2 02-07-13 Neg. Moment -2772 ft-lbs 10.1% 115% 5 08-08-00 End Shear 167 lbs 1.2% 115% 7 01-03-06 Cont. Shear 3713 lbs 27.3% 115% 5 08-09-12 Total Load Deflection 2xL/1998 (0.012") n\a n\a 7 09-05-00 Live Load Deflection L/999 (-0.008") n\a n\a 14 05-01-01 Total Neg. Defl. L/999 (-0.011") n\a n\a 7 05-03-07 Max Defl. -0.011" n\a n\a 7 05-03-07 Cant. Max Defl. 0.012" n\a n\a 7 09-05-00 Span / Depth 8.5 Cautions Uplift of -189 lbs found at bearing B1. Notes Design meets User specified (2xL/240) Total load deflection criteria. Design meets Code minimum (L/360) Live load deflection criteria. Design meets arbitrary (1") Maximum Total load deflection criteria. Design meets arbitrary (1") Cantilever Maximum Total load deflection criteria. Minimum bearing length for B1 is 1-1/2". Minimum bearing length for B2 is 1-1/2". BC CALC® analysis is based on IBC 2018. Design based on Dry Service Condition. Cantilevers require sheathed bottom flanges, blocking at cantilever support and closure at ends. Calculations assume member is braced at ends. See engineering report for the unbraced length. Disclosure Use of the Boise Cascade Software is subject to the terms of the End UserLicense Agreement (EULA). Completeness and accuracy of input must be reviewed and verified by a qualified engineer or other appropriate expert to assure its adequacy, prior toanyone relying on such output as evidence of suitability for a particular application. The output here is based on building code-accepted design properties and analysis methods.Installation of Boise Cascade engineered wood products must be in accordance with current Installation Guide and applicable building codes. To obtain Installation Guide or askquestions, please call (800)232-0788 before installation. BC CALC®, BC FRAMER® , AJS™, ALLJOIST® , BC RIM BOARD™, BCI® ,BOISE GLULAM™, BC FloorValue® , VERSA-LAM®, VERSA-RIM PLUS® , Page 16 of 46 Triple 1-3/4" x 11-7/8" VERSA-LAM® LVL 2.1E 3100 SP 1B08 (Floor Beam) BC CALC® Member Report Dry | 2 spans | R cant. November 22, 2021 16:30:41 Build 8013 Job name: Fitzpatrick Residence File name: 12 Burch Street, Yarmouth REVISED Address: 12 Burch Road Description: City, State, Zip: Yarmouth, MA Specifier: Customer: Lineal Inc Designer: Tara Strassburg Code reports:ESR-1040 Company:SSB Engineering Connection Diagram: Full Length of Member aminimum=2" c=7-7/8" b minimum = 2-1/2" d = 24" Calculated Side Load = 0.0 lb/ft Bolts are assumed to be Grade A307 or Grade 2 or higher. Connectors are: 1/2 in. Staggered Through Bolt Disclosure Use of the Boise Cascade Software is subject to the terms of the End UserLicense Agreement (EULA). Completeness and accuracy of input must be reviewed and verified by a qualified engineer or other appropriate expert to assure its adequacy, prior toanyone relying on such output as evidence of suitability for a particular application. The output here is based on building code-accepted design properties and analysis methods.Installation of Boise Cascade engineered wood products must be in accordance with current Installation Guide and applicable building codes. To obtain Installation Guide or askquestions, please call (800)232-0788 before installation. BC CALC®, BC FRAMER® , AJS™, ALLJOIST® , BC RIM BOARD™, BCI® ,BOISE GLULAM™, BC FloorValue® , VERSA-LAM®, VERSA-RIM PLUS® , 13-00-00B1 B2 1 Total Horizontal Product Length = 13-00-00 Page 17 of 46 Single 11-7/8" AJS® 140 1J01 (Joist) BC CALC® Member Report Dry | 1 span | No cant. | 16 OCS | Repetitive | Glued & nailed November 22, 2021 16:30:41 Build 8013 Job name: Fitzpatrick Residence File name: 12 Burch Street, Yarmouth REVISED Address: 12 Burch Road Description: City, State, Zip: Yarmouth, MA Specifier: Customer: Lineal Inc Designer: Tara Strassburg Code reports:ESR-1144 Company:SSB Engineering Reaction Summary (Down / Uplift) (lbs) Bearing Live Dead Snow Wind Roof Live B1, 3-1/2"347 / 0 87 / 0 B2, 3-1/2" 347 / 0 87 / 0 Load Summary Live Dead Snow Wind Roof Live OCS Tag Description Load Type Ref.Start End Loc.100%90%115%160%125% 1 1ST Unf. Area (lb/ft²)L 00-00-00 13-00-00 Top 40 10 16 Controls Summary Value % Allowable Duration Case Location Pos. Moment 1311 ft-lbs 41.3%100%1 06-06-00 End Reaction 433 lbs 35.7% 100% 1 00-00-00 End Shear 414 lbs 27.8% 100% 1 00-03-08 Total Load Deflection L/999 (0.114") n\a n\a 1 06-06-00 Live Load Deflection L/999 (0.091") n\a n\a 2 06-06-00 Max Defl. 0.114" n\a n\a 1 06-06-00 NBCC Vibration 12'-5" 70.7% n\a 00-00-00 Span / Depth 12.7 BC FloorValue® and NBCC Vibration Summary BC FloorValue®:Subfloor: 3/4" OSB, Glue + Nail Minimum Enhanced Premium Gypsum Ceiling: None Controlling Location: 06-06-00 Bracing: None Subfloor Rating: Premium Strapping: None Notes Design meets Code minimum (L/240) Total load deflection criteria. Design meets User specified (L/480) Live load deflection criteria. Design meets arbitrary (1") Maximum Total load deflection criteria. Minimum bearing length for B1 is 1-1/2". Minimum bearing length for B2 is 1-1/2". BC CALC® analysis is based on IBC 2018. Composite EI value based on 3/4" thick OSB sheathing glued and nailed to member. Design based on Dry Service Condition. Calculations assume member is fully braced. Disclosure Use of the Boise Cascade Software is subject to the terms of the End UserLicense Agreement (EULA). Completeness and accuracy of input must be reviewed and verified by a qualified engineer or other appropriate expert to assure its adequacy, prior toanyone relying on such output as evidence of suitability for a particular application. The output here is based on building code-accepted design properties and analysis methods.Installation of Boise Cascade engineered wood products must be in accordance with current Installation Guide and applicable building codes. To obtain Installation Guide or askquestions, please call (800)232-0788 before installation. BC CALC®, BC FRAMER® , AJS™, ALLJOIST® , BC RIM BOARD™, BCI® ,BOISE GLULAM™, BC FloorValue® , VERSA-LAM®, VERSA-RIM PLUS® , 13-00-00B1 B2 1 2 Total Horizontal Product Length = 13-00-00 Page 18 of 46 Single 11-7/8" AJS® 20 1J02 (Joist) BC CALC® Member Report Dry | 1 span | No cant. | 16 OCS | Repetitive | Glued & nailed November 22, 2021 16:30:41 Build 8013 Job name: Fitzpatrick Residence File name: 12 Burch Street, Yarmouth REVISED Address: 12 Burch Road Description: City, State, Zip: Yarmouth, MA Specifier: Customer: Lineal Inc Designer: Tara Strassburg Code reports:ESR-1144 Company:SSB Engineering Reaction Summary (Down / Uplift) (lbs) Bearing Live Dead Snow Wind Roof Live B1, 3-1/2"776 / 0 194 / 0 B2, 3-1/2" 610 / 0 153 / 0 Load Summary Live Dead Snow Wind Roof Live OCS Tag Description Load Type Ref.Start End Loc.100%90%115%160%125% 1 1ST Unf. Area (lb/ft²)L 00-00-00 13-00-00 Top 40 10 16 2 2ND Conc. Lin. (lb/ft) L 05-00-00 05-00-00 Top 520 130 16 Controls Summary Value % Allowable Duration Case Location Pos. Moment 3798 ft-lbs 86.3%100%1 05-00-00 End Reaction 970 lbs 79.9% 100% 1 00-00-00 End Shear 951 lbs 63.8% 100% 1 00-03-08 Total Load Deflection L/611 (0.246") 39.3% n\a 1 05-11-06 Live Load Deflection L/764 (0.197") 62.8% n\a 2 05-11-06 Max Defl. 0.246" 24.6% n\a 1 05-11-06 NBCC Vibration 12'-5" 67.7% n\a 00-00-00 Span / Depth 12.7 BC FloorValue® and NBCC Vibration Summary BC FloorValue®:Subfloor: 3/4" OSB, Glue + Nail Minimum Enhanced Premium Gypsum Ceiling: None Controlling Location: 06-06-00 Bracing: None Subfloor Rating: Premium Strapping: None Notes Design meets Code minimum (L/240) Total load deflection criteria. Design meets User specified (L/480) Live load deflection criteria. Design meets arbitrary (1") Maximum Total load deflection criteria. Minimum bearing length for B1 is 1-5/8". Minimum bearing length for B2 is 1-1/2". BC CALC® analysis is based on IBC 2018. Composite EI value based on 3/4" thick OSB sheathing glued and nailed to member. Design based on Dry Service Condition. Calculations assume member is fully braced. 08-08-00 00-09-00B1B2 1 2 3 Total Horizontal Product Length = 09-05-00 Page 19 of 46 Single 11-7/8" AJS® 140 1J03 (Joist) BC CALC® Member Report Dry | 2 spans | R cant. | 16 OCS | Repetitive | Glued & nailed November 22, 2021 16:30:41 Build 8013 Job name: Fitzpatrick Residence File name: 12 Burch Street, Yarmouth REVISED Address: 12 Burch Road Description: City, State, Zip: Yarmouth, MA Specifier: Customer: Lineal Inc Designer: Tara Strassburg Code reports:ESR-1144 Company:SSB Engineering Reaction Summary (Down / Uplift) (lbs) Bearing Live Dead Snow Wind Roof Live B1, 3-1/2"237 / 44 24 / 0 B2, 3-1/2" 789 / 0 488 / 0 Load Summary Live Dead Snow Wind Roof Live OCS Tag Description Load Type Ref.Start End Loc.100%90%115%160%125% 1 1ST Unf. Area (lb/ft²)L 00-00-00 09-05-00 Top 40 10 16 2 2ND Conc. Lin. (lb/ft) R 00-00-00 00-00-00 Top 360 90 16 3 WALL Conc. Lin. (lb/ft) R 00-00-00 00-00-00 Top 200 16 Controls Summary Value % Allowable Duration Case Location Pos. Moment 455 ft-lbs 14.3%100%2 03-11-00 Neg. Moment -669 ft-lbs 21.1% 100% 1 08-08-00 End Reaction 262 lbs 21.5% 100% 2 00-00-00 Int. Reaction 1277 lbs 53.4% 100% 1 08-08-00 End Shear 242 lbs 16.3% 100% 2 00-03-08 Cont. Shear 907 lbs 60.9% 100% 1 08-09-12 Total Load Deflection L/999 (0.022") n\a n\a 2 04-03-11 Live Load Deflection L/999 (0.022") n\a n\a 5 04-04-14 Total Neg. Defl. L/999 (-0.008") n\a n\a 3 05-05-12 Max Defl. 0.022" n\a n\a 2 04-03-11 Cant. Max Defl. 0.016" n\a n\a 3 09-05-00 NBCC Vibration 8'-2-3/4" 42.7% n\a 00-00-00 Span / Depth 8.5 BC FloorValue® and NBCC Vibration Summary BC FloorValue®:Subfloor: 3/4" OSB, Glue + Nail Minimum Enhanced Premium Gypsum Ceiling: None Controlling Location: 04-05-06 Bracing: None Subfloor Rating: Premium Strapping: None Cautions Design assumes Top and Bottom flanges to be restrained. Disclosure Use of the Boise Cascade Software is subject to the terms of the End UserLicense Agreement (EULA). Completeness and accuracy of input must be reviewed and verified by a qualified engineer or other appropriate expert to assure its adequacy, prior toanyone relying on such output as evidence of suitability for a particular application. The output here is based on building code-accepted design properties and analysis methods.Installation of Boise Cascade engineered wood products must be in accordance with current Installation Guide and applicable building codes. To obtain Installation Guide or askquestions, please call (800)232-0788 before installation. BC CALC®, BC FRAMER® , AJS™, ALLJOIST® , BC RIM BOARD™, BCI® ,BOISE GLULAM™, BC FloorValue® , VERSA-LAM®, VERSA-RIM PLUS® , Page 20 of 46 Single 11-7/8" AJS® 140 1J03 (Joist) BC CALC® Member Report Dry | 2 spans | R cant. | 16 OCS | Repetitive | Glued & nailed November 22, 2021 16:30:41 Build 8013 Job name: Fitzpatrick Residence File name: 12 Burch Street, Yarmouth REVISED Address: 12 Burch Road Description: City, State, Zip: Yarmouth, MA Specifier: Customer: Lineal Inc Designer: Tara Strassburg Code reports:ESR-1144 Company:SSB Engineering Notes Design meets Code minimum (L/240) Total load deflection criteria. Design meets User specified (L/480) Live load deflection criteria. Design meets arbitrary (1") Maximum Total load deflection criteria. Design meets arbitrary (1") Cantilever Maximum Total load deflection criteria. Minimum bearing length for B1 is 1-1/2". Minimum bearing length for B2 is 3". BC CALC® analysis is based on IBC 2018. Composite EI value based on 3/4" thick OSB sheathing glued and nailed to member. Design based on Dry Service Condition. Cantilevers require sheathed bottom flanges, blocking at cantilever support and closure at ends. Calculations assume member is fully braced. 15-00-00 08-06-00B1B2 B3 0 1 2 3 Total Horizontal Product Length = 23-06-00 Page 21 of 46 Triple 1-3/4" x 11-7/8" VERSA-LAM® LVL 2.1E 3100 SP 2B01 (Floor Beam) BC CALC® Member Report Dry | 2 spans | No cant. November 22, 2021 16:30:41 Build 8013 Job name: Fitzpatrick Residence File name: 12 Burch Street, Yarmouth REVISED Address: 12 Burch Road Description: City, State, Zip: Yarmouth, MA Specifier: Customer: Lineal Inc Designer: Tara Strassburg Code reports:ESR-1040 Company:SSB Engineering Reaction Summary (Down / Uplift) (lbs) Bearing Live Dead Snow Wind Roof Live B1, 3-1/2"6281 / 167 2023 / 0 0/24 B2, 3-1/2" 14254 / 0 5070 / 0 547 / 0 B3, 3-1/2" 3042 / 1974 339 / 0 166 / 0 Load Summary Live Dead Snow Wind Roof Live Tributary Tag Description Load Type Ref.Start End Loc.100%90%115%160%125% 0 Self-Weight Unf. Lin. (lb/ft)L 00-00-00 23-06-00 Top 18 00-00-00 1 2ND Unf. Area (lb/ft²) L 00-00-00 23-06-00 Top 40 10 18-00-00 2 ATTIC Unf. Area (lb/ft²) L 00-00-00 15-06-00 Top 20 10 12-06-00 3 2B02 Conc. Pt. (lbs) L 17-06-00 17-06-00 Top 640 840 689 n\a Controls Summary Value % Allowable Duration Case Location Pos. Moment 24790 ft-lbs 77.7%100%2 06-04-12 Neg. Moment -25255 ft-lbs 79.1% 100% 1 15-00-00 End Shear 6647 lbs 56.1% 100% 2 01-03-06 Cont. Shear 9791 lbs 82.7% 100% 1 13-10-06 Total Load Deflection L/287 (0.617") 83.6% n\a 2 06-11-13 Live Load Deflection L/374 (0.475") 96.4% n\a 9 07-02-03 Total Neg. Defl. L/999 (-0.085") n\a n\a 2 18-04-10 Max Defl. 0.617" 61.7% n\a 2 06-11-13 Span / Depth 14.9 Cautions Uplift of -1635 lbs found at bearing B3. Notes Design meets Code minimum (L/240) Total load deflection criteria. Design meets Code minimum (L/360) Live load deflection criteria. Design meets arbitrary (1") Maximum Total load deflection criteria. Minimum bearing length for B1 is 2-1/8". Minimum bearing length for B2 is 4-15/16". Minimum bearing length for B3 is 1-1/2". BC CALC® analysis is based on IBC 2018. Design based on Dry Service Condition. Calculations assume member is fully braced. Disclosure Use of the Boise Cascade Software is subject to the terms of the End UserLicense Agreement (EULA). Completeness and accuracy of input must be reviewed and verified by a qualified engineer or other appropriate expert to assure its adequacy, prior toanyone relying on such output as evidence of suitability for a particular application. The output here is based on building code-accepted design properties and analysis methods.Installation of Boise Cascade engineered wood products must be in accordance with current Installation Guide and applicable building codes. To obtain Installation Guide or askquestions, please call (800)232-0788 before installation. BC CALC®, BC FRAMER® , AJS™, ALLJOIST® , BC RIM BOARD™, BCI® ,BOISE GLULAM™, BC FloorValue® , VERSA-LAM®, VERSA-RIM PLUS® , Page 22 of 46 Triple 1-3/4" x 11-7/8" VERSA-LAM® LVL 2.1E 3100 SP 2B01 (Floor Beam) BC CALC® Member Report Dry | 2 spans | No cant. November 22, 2021 16:30:41 Build 8013 Job name: Fitzpatrick Residence File name: 12 Burch Street, Yarmouth REVISED Address: 12 Burch Road Description: City, State, Zip: Yarmouth, MA Specifier: Customer: Lineal Inc Designer: Tara Strassburg Code reports:ESR-1040 Company:SSB Engineering Connection Diagram: Full Length of Member aminimum=2" c=7-7/8" b minimum = 2-1/2" d = 24" Calculated Side Load = 0.0 lb/ft Bolts are assumed to be Grade A307 or Grade 2 or higher. Connectors are: 1/2 in. Staggered Through Bolt 18-00-00B1 B2 0 1 2 3 4 Total Horizontal Product Length = 18-00-00 Page 23 of 46 Triple 1-3/4" x 11-7/8" VERSA-LAM® LVL 2.1E 3100 SP 2B02 (Floor Beam) BC CALC® Member Report Dry | 1 span | No cant. November 22, 2021 16:30:41 Build 8013 Job name: Fitzpatrick Residence File name: 12 Burch Street, Yarmouth REVISED Address: 12 Burch Road Description: City, State, Zip: Yarmouth, MA Specifier: Customer: Lineal Inc Designer: Tara Strassburg Code reports:ESR-1040 Company:SSB Engineering Reaction Summary (Down / Uplift) (lbs) Bearing Live Dead Snow Wind Roof Live B1, 3-1/2"1411 / 0 3521 / 0 4179 / 0 B2, 3-1/2" 640 / 0 840 / 0 698 / 0 Load Summary Live Dead Snow Wind Roof Live Tributary Tag Description Load Type Ref.Start End Loc.100%90%115%160%125% 0 Self-Weight Unf. Lin. (lb/ft)L 00-00-00 18-00-00 Top 18 00-00-00 1 2ND Unf. Area (lb/ft²) L 00-00-00 18-00-00 Top 40 10 01-04-00 2 CLG Unf. Area (lb/ft²) L 00-00-00 03-00-00 Top 10 5 05-00-00 3 ROOF Unf. Area (lb/ft²) L 00-00-00 03-00-00 Top 15 30 09-06-00 4 VB01 Conc. Pt. (lbs) L 03-00-00 03-00-00 Top 940 3293 4022 n\a Controls Summary Value % Allowable Duration Case Location Pos. Moment 19192 ft-lbs 52.3%115%3 03-00-00 End Shear 7086 lbs 52.0% 115% 3 01-03-06 Total Load Deflection L/368 (0.573") 65.3% n\a 3 07-11-03 Live Load Deflection L/680 (0.309") 52.9% n\a 6 07-11-03 Max Defl. 0.573" 57.3% n\a 3 07-11-03 Span / Depth 17.7 Notes Design meets Code minimum (L/240) Total load deflection criteria. Design meets Code minimum (L/360) Live load deflection criteria. Design meets arbitrary (1") Maximum Total load deflection criteria. Minimum bearing length for B1 is 1-15/16". Minimum bearing length for B2 is 1-1/2". BC CALC® analysis is based on IBC 2018. Design based on Dry Service Condition. Calculations assume member is fully braced. Disclosure Use of the Boise Cascade Software is subject to the terms of the End UserLicense Agreement (EULA). Completeness and accuracy of input must be reviewed and verified by a qualified engineer or other appropriate expert to assure its adequacy, prior toanyone relying on such output as evidence of suitability for a particular application. The output here is based on building code-accepted design properties and analysis methods.Installation of Boise Cascade engineered wood products must be in accordance with current Installation Guide and applicable building codes. To obtain Installation Guide or askquestions, please call (800)232-0788 before installation. BC CALC®, BC FRAMER® , AJS™, ALLJOIST® , BC RIM BOARD™, BCI® ,BOISE GLULAM™, BC FloorValue® , VERSA-LAM®, VERSA-RIM PLUS® , Page 24 of 46 Triple 1-3/4" x 11-7/8" VERSA-LAM® LVL 2.1E 3100 SP 2B02 (Floor Beam) BC CALC® Member Report Dry | 1 span | No cant. November 22, 2021 16:30:41 Build 8013 Job name: Fitzpatrick Residence File name: 12 Burch Street, Yarmouth REVISED Address: 12 Burch Road Description: City, State, Zip: Yarmouth, MA Specifier: Customer: Lineal Inc Designer: Tara Strassburg Code reports:ESR-1040 Company:SSB Engineering Connection Diagram: Full Length of Member aminimum=2" c=7-7/8" b minimum = 2-1/2" d = 24" Calculated Side Load = 0.0 lb/ft Bolts are assumed to be Grade A307 or Grade 2 or higher. Connectors are: 1/2 in. Staggered Through Bolt 12-06-00B1 B2 0 1 2 3 4 5 Total Horizontal Product Length = 12-06-00 Page 25 of 46 Double 1-3/4" x 14" VERSA-LAM® LVL 2.1E 3100 SP 2B03 (Floor Beam) BC CALC® Member Report Dry | 1 span | No cant. November 22, 2021 16:30:41 Build 8013 Job name: Fitzpatrick Residence File name: 12 Burch Street, Yarmouth REVISED Address: 12 Burch Road Description: City, State, Zip: Yarmouth, MA Specifier: Customer: Lineal Inc Designer: Tara Strassburg Code reports:ESR-1040 Company:SSB Engineering Reaction Summary (Down / Uplift) (lbs) Bearing Live Dead Snow Wind Roof Live B1, 3-1/2"3375 / 0 3883 / 0 4031 / 0 B2, 3-1/2" 3375 / 0 3883 / 0 4031 / 0 Load Summary Live Dead Snow Wind Roof Live Tributary Tag Description Load Type Ref.Start End Loc.100%90%115%160%125% 0 Self-Weight Unf. Lin. (lb/ft)L 00-00-00 12-06-00 Top 14 00-00-00 1 2ND Unf. Area (lb/ft²) L 00-00-00 12-06-00 Top 40 10 09-00-00 2 ATTIC Unf. Area (lb/ft²) L 00-00-00 12-06-00 Top 20 10 09-00-00 3 ROOF Unf. Area (lb/ft²) L 00-00-00 12-06-00 Top 15 30 17-06-00 4 WALL Unf. Lin. (lb/ft) L 00-00-00 12-06-00 Top 100 n\a 5 PB01 Conc. Pt. (lbs) L 06-03-00 06-03-00 Top 808 1500 n\a Controls Summary Value % Allowable Duration Case Location Pos. Moment 30387 ft-lbs 91.0%115%3 06-03-00 End Shear 7461 lbs 69.7% 115% 3 01-05-08 Total Load Deflection L/277 (0.522") 86.7% n\a 3 06-03-00 Live Load Deflection L/471 (0.307") 76.5% n\a 6 06-03-00 Max Defl. 0.522" 52.2% n\a 3 06-03-00 Span / Depth 10.3 Notes Design meets Code minimum (L/240) Total load deflection criteria. Design meets Code minimum (L/360) Live load deflection criteria. Design meets arbitrary (1") Maximum Total load deflection criteria. Minimum bearing length for B1 is 3-5/8". Minimum bearing length for B2 is 3-5/8". BC CALC® analysis is based on IBC 2018. Design based on Dry Service Condition. Calculations assume member is fully braced. Disclosure Use of the Boise Cascade Software is subject to the terms of the End UserLicense Agreement (EULA). Completeness and accuracy of input must be reviewed and verified by a qualified engineer or other appropriate expert to assure its adequacy, prior toanyone relying on such output as evidence of suitability for a particular application. The output here is based on building code-accepted design properties and analysis methods.Installation of Boise Cascade engineered wood products must be in accordance with current Installation Guide and applicable building codes. To obtain Installation Guide or askquestions, please call (800)232-0788 before installation. BC CALC®, BC FRAMER® , AJS™, ALLJOIST® , BC RIM BOARD™, BCI® ,BOISE GLULAM™, BC FloorValue® , VERSA-LAM®, VERSA-RIM PLUS® , Page 26 of 46 Double 1-3/4" x 14" VERSA-LAM® LVL 2.1E 3100 SP 2B03 (Floor Beam) BC CALC® Member Report Dry | 1 span | No cant. November 22, 2021 16:30:41 Build 8013 Job name: Fitzpatrick Residence File name: 12 Burch Street, Yarmouth REVISED Address: 12 Burch Road Description: City, State, Zip: Yarmouth, MA Specifier: Customer: Lineal Inc Designer: Tara Strassburg Code reports:ESR-1040 Company:SSB Engineering Connection Diagram: Full Length of Member a minimum = 2" c = 10" b minimum = 2-1/2" d = 24" Calculated Side Load = 0.0 lb/ft Bolts are assumed to be Grade A307 or Grade 2 or higher. Connectors are: 1/2 in. Staggered Through Bolt Disclosure Use of the Boise Cascade Software is subject to the terms of the End UserLicense Agreement (EULA). Completeness and accuracy of input must be reviewed and verified by a qualified engineer or other appropriate expert to assure its adequacy, prior toanyone relying on such output as evidence of suitability for a particular application. The output here is based on building code-accepted design properties and analysis methods.Installation of Boise Cascade engineered wood products must be in accordance with current Installation Guide and applicable building codes. To obtain Installation Guide or askquestions, please call (800)232-0788 before installation. BC CALC®, BC FRAMER® , AJS™, ALLJOIST® , BC RIM BOARD™, BCI® ,BOISE GLULAM™, BC FloorValue® , VERSA-LAM®, VERSA-RIM PLUS® , 18-00-00B1 B2 1 Total Horizontal Product Length = 18-00-00 Page 27 of 46 Single 11-7/8" AJS® 25 2J01 (Joist) BC CALC® Member Report Dry | 1 span | No cant. | 16 OCS | Repetitive | Glued & nailed November 22, 2021 16:30:41 Build 8013 Job name: Fitzpatrick Residence File name: 12 Burch Street, Yarmouth REVISED Address: 12 Burch Road Description: City, State, Zip: Yarmouth, MA Specifier: Customer: Lineal Inc Designer: Tara Strassburg Code reports:ESR-1144 Company:SSB Engineering Reaction Summary (Down / Uplift) (lbs) Bearing Live Dead Snow Wind Roof Live B1, 3-1/2"480 / 0 120 / 0 B2, 3-1/2" 480 / 0 120 / 0 Load Summary Live Dead Snow Wind Roof Live OCS Tag Description Load Type Ref.Start End Loc.100%90%115%160%125% 1 2ND Unf. Area (lb/ft²)L 00-00-00 18-00-00 Top 40 10 16 Controls Summary Value % Allowable Duration Case Location Pos. Moment 2564 ft-lbs 36.8%100%1 09-00-00 End Reaction 600 lbs 49.4% 100% 1 00-00-00 End Shear 581 lbs 39.0% 100% 1 00-03-08 Total Load Deflection L/811 (0.259") 29.6% n\a 1 09-00-00 Live Load Deflection L/1014 (0.208") 47.3% n\a 2 09-00-00 Max Defl. 0.259" 25.9% n\a 1 09-00-00 NBCC Vibration 17'-5" 88.7% n\a 00-00-00 Span / Depth 17.7 BC FloorValue® and NBCC Vibration Summary BC FloorValue®:Subfloor: 3/4" OSB, Glue + Nail Minimum Enhanced Premium Gypsum Ceiling: None Controlling Location: 09-00-00 Bracing: None Subfloor Rating: Premium Strapping: None Notes Design meets Code minimum (L/240) Total load deflection criteria. Design meets User specified (L/480) Live load deflection criteria. Design meets arbitrary (1") Maximum Total load deflection criteria. Minimum bearing length for B1 is 1-1/2". Minimum bearing length for B2 is 1-1/2". BC CALC® analysis is based on IBC 2018. Composite EI value based on 3/4" thick OSB sheathing glued and nailed to member. Design based on Dry Service Condition. Calculations assume member is fully braced. 18-00-00B1 B2 1 2 3 4 5 Total Horizontal Product Length = 18-00-00 Page 28 of 46 Single 11-7/8" AJS® 25 2J02 (Joist) BC CALC® Member Report Dry | 1 span | No cant. | 16 OCS | Repetitive | Glued & nailed November 22, 2021 16:30:41 Build 8013 Job name: Fitzpatrick Residence File name: 12 Burch Street, Yarmouth REVISED Address: 12 Burch Road Description: City, State, Zip: Yarmouth, MA Specifier: Customer: Lineal Inc Designer: Tara Strassburg Code reports:ESR-1144 Company:SSB Engineering Reaction Summary (Down / Uplift) (lbs) Bearing Live Dead Snow Wind Roof Live B1, 3-1/2"621 / 0 526 / 0 469 / 0 B2, 3-1/2" 525 / 0 251 / 0 151 / 0 Load Summary Live Dead Snow Wind Roof Live OCS Tag Description Load Type Ref.Start End Loc.100%90%115%160%125% 1 2ND Unf. Area (lb/ft²)L 00-00-00 18-00-00 Top 40 10 16 2 LOW ROOF Conc. Lin. (lb/ft) L 04-06-00 04-06-00 Top 38 75 16 3 ROOF Conc. Lin. (lb/ft) L 04-06-00 04-06-00 Top 195 390 16 4 ATTIC Conc. Lin. (lb/ft) L 04-06-00 04-06-00 Top 140 70 16 5 WALL Conc. Lin. (lb/ft) L 04-06-00 04-06-00 Top 100 16 Controls Summary Value % Allowable Duration Case Location Pos. Moment 5203 ft-lbs 65.0%115%3 04-06-00 End Reaction 1344 lbs 96.2% 115% 3 00-00-00 End Shear 1329 lbs 77.5% 115% 3 00-03-08 Total Load Deflection L/437 (0.482") 54.9% n\a 3 08-01-09 Live Load Deflection L/701 (0.3") 68.5% n\a 6 08-03-13 Max Defl. 0.482" 48.2% n\a 3 08-01-09 NBCC Vibration 17'-5" 88.7% n\a 00-00-00 Span / Depth 17.7 BC FloorValue® and NBCC Vibration Summary BC FloorValue®:Subfloor: 3/4" OSB, Glue + Nail Minimum Enhanced Premium Gypsum Ceiling: None Controlling Location: 07-08-15 Bracing: None Subfloor Rating: Premium Strapping: None Cautions Web stiffeners are always required under concentrated loads that exceed 1000 lbs. Install the web stiffeners snug to the top flange. Follow the nailing schedule for intermediate bearings. Disclosure Use of the Boise Cascade Software is subject to the terms of the End UserLicense Agreement (EULA). Completeness and accuracy of input must be reviewed and verified by a qualified engineer or other appropriate expert to assure its adequacy, prior toanyone relying on such output as evidence of suitability for a particular application. The output here is based on building code-accepted design properties and analysis methods.Installation of Boise Cascade engineered wood products must be in accordance with current Installation Guide and applicable building codes. To obtain Installation Guide or askquestions, please call (800)232-0788 before installation. BC CALC®, BC FRAMER® , AJS™, ALLJOIST® , BC RIM BOARD™, BCI® ,BOISE GLULAM™, BC FloorValue® , VERSA-LAM®, VERSA-RIM PLUS® , Page 29 of 46 Single 11-7/8" AJS® 25 2J02 (Joist) BC CALC® Member Report Dry | 1 span | No cant. | 16 OCS | Repetitive | Glued & nailed November 22, 2021 16:30:41 Build 8013 Job name: Fitzpatrick Residence File name: 12 Burch Street, Yarmouth REVISED Address: 12 Burch Road Description: City, State, Zip: Yarmouth, MA Specifier: Customer: Lineal Inc Designer: Tara Strassburg Code reports:ESR-1144 Company:SSB Engineering Notes Design meets Code minimum (L/240) Total load deflection criteria. Design meets User specified (L/480) Live load deflection criteria. Design meets arbitrary (1") Maximum Total load deflection criteria. Minimum bearing length for B1 is 3-1/8". Minimum bearing length for B2 is 1-1/2". BC CALC® analysis is based on IBC 2018. Composite EI value based on 3/4" thick OSB sheathing glued and nailed to member. Design based on Dry Service Condition. Calculations assume member is fully braced. Disclosure Use of the Boise Cascade Software is subject to the terms of the End UserLicense Agreement (EULA). Completeness and accuracy of input must be reviewed and verified by a qualified engineer or other appropriate expert to assure its adequacy, prior toanyone relying on such output as evidence of suitability for a particular application. The output here is based on building code-accepted design properties and analysis methods.Installation of Boise Cascade engineered wood products must be in accordance with current Installation Guide and applicable building codes. To obtain Installation Guide or askquestions, please call (800)232-0788 before installation. BC CALC®, BC FRAMER® , AJS™, ALLJOIST® , BC RIM BOARD™, BCI® ,BOISE GLULAM™, BC FloorValue® , VERSA-LAM®, VERSA-RIM PLUS® , 10-00-00B1 B2 0 1 Total Horizontal Product Length = 10-00-00 Page 30 of 46 Double 2 x 10 SPF #2 CB01 (Floor Beam) BC CALC® Member Report Dry | 1 span | No cant. November 22, 2021 16:30:41 Build 8013 Job name: Fitzpatrick Residence File name: 12 Burch Street, Yarmouth REVISED Address: 12 Burch Road Description: City, State, Zip: Yarmouth, MA Specifier: Customer: Lineal Inc Designer: Tara Strassburg Code reports:NLGA Company:SSB Engineering Reaction Summary (Down / Uplift) (lbs) Bearing Live Dead Snow Wind Roof Live B1, 3-1/2"350 / 0 207 / 0 B2, 3-1/2" 350 / 0 207 / 0 Load Summary Live Dead Snow Wind Roof Live Tributary Tag Description Load Type Ref.Start End Loc.100%90%115%160%125% 0 Self-Weight Unf. Lin. (lb/ft)L 00-00-00 10-00-00 Top 6 00-00-00 1 ATTIC Unf. Area (lb/ft²) L 00-00-00 10-00-00 Top 20 10 03-06-00 Controls Summary Value % Allowable Duration Case Location Pos. Moment 1267 ft-lbs 36.9%100%1 05-00-00 End Shear 438 lbs 17.6% 100% 1 01-00-12 Total Load Deflection L/999 (0.075") n\a n\a 1 05-00-00 Live Load Deflection L/999 (0.047") n\a n\a 2 05-00-00 Max Defl. 0.075" n\a n\a 1 05-00-00 Span / Depth 12.4 Notes Design meets Code minimum (L/240) Total load deflection criteria. Design meets Code minimum (L/360) Live load deflection criteria. Design meets arbitrary (1") Maximum Total load deflection criteria. Minimum bearing length for B1 is 1-1/2". Minimum bearing length for B2 is 1-1/2". BC CALC® analysis is based on IBC 2018. Design based on Dry Service Condition. The analysis of solid sawn wood members is in accordance with the NDS and is limited to the output shown above. All other support and design for these products, including but not limited to notching, connections, installation, and engineer/architect certification is the responsibility of the project's design professional of record. Calculations assume member is fully braced. Disclosure Use of the Boise Cascade Software is subject to the terms of the End UserLicense Agreement (EULA). Completeness and accuracy of input must be reviewed and verified by a qualified engineer or other appropriate expert to assure its adequacy, prior toanyone relying on such output as evidence of suitability for a particular application. The output here is based on building code-accepted design properties and analysis methods.Installation of Boise Cascade engineered wood products must be in accordance with current Installation Guide and applicable building codes. To obtain Installation Guide or askquestions, please call (800)232-0788 before installation. BC CALC®, BC FRAMER® , AJS™, ALLJOIST® , BC RIM BOARD™, BCI® ,BOISE GLULAM™, BC FloorValue® , VERSA-LAM®, VERSA-RIM PLUS® , 12-04-00B1 B2 0 1 Total Horizontal Product Length = 12-04-00 Page 31 of 46 Double 2x8SPF#2 CB02 (Floor Beam) BC CALC® Member Report Dry | 1 span | No cant. November 22, 2021 16:30:41 Build 8013 Job name: Fitzpatrick Residence File name: 12 Burch Street, Yarmouth REVISED Address: 12 Burch Road Description: City, State, Zip: Yarmouth, MA Specifier: Customer: Lineal Inc Designer: Tara Strassburg Code reports:NLGA Company:SSB Engineering Reaction Summary (Down / Uplift) (lbs) Bearing Live Dead Snow Wind Roof Live B1, 3-1/2"308 / 0 185 / 0 B2, 3-1/2" 308 / 0 185 / 0 Load Summary Live Dead Snow Wind Roof Live Tributary Tag Description Load Type Ref.Start End Loc.100%90%115%160%125% 0 Self-Weight Unf. Lin. (lb/ft)L 00-00-00 12-04-00 Top 5 00-00-00 1 CLG Unf. Area (lb/ft²) L 00-00-00 12-04-00 Top 10 5 05-00-00 Controls Summary Value % Allowable Duration Case Location Pos. Moment 1410 ft-lbs 61.3%100%1 06-02-00 End Shear 422 lbs 21.5% 100% 1 00-10-12 Total Load Deflection L/531 (0.268") 45.2% n\a 1 06-02-00 Live Load Deflection L/850 (0.168") 42.4% n\a 2 06-02-00 Max Defl. 0.268" 26.8% n\a 1 06-02-00 Span / Depth 19.7 Notes Design meets Code minimum (L/240) Total load deflection criteria. Design meets Code minimum (L/360) Live load deflection criteria. Design meets arbitrary (1") Maximum Total load deflection criteria. Minimum bearing length for B1 is 1-1/2". Minimum bearing length for B2 is 1-1/2". BC CALC® analysis is based on IBC 2018. Design based on Dry Service Condition. The analysis of solid sawn wood members is in accordance with the NDS and is limited to the output shown above. All other support and design for these products, including but not limited to notching, connections, installation, and engineer/architect certification is the responsibility of the project's design professional of record. Calculations assume member is fully braced. Disclosure Use of the Boise Cascade Software is subject to the terms of the End UserLicense Agreement (EULA). Completeness and accuracy of input must be reviewed and verified by a qualified engineer or other appropriate expert to assure its adequacy, prior toanyone relying on such output as evidence of suitability for a particular application. The output here is based on building code-accepted design properties and analysis methods.Installation of Boise Cascade engineered wood products must be in accordance with current Installation Guide and applicable building codes. To obtain Installation Guide or askquestions, please call (800)232-0788 before installation. BC CALC®, BC FRAMER® , AJS™, ALLJOIST® , BC RIM BOARD™, BCI® ,BOISE GLULAM™, BC FloorValue® , VERSA-LAM®, VERSA-RIM PLUS® , 09-06-00 09-06-00B1B2 B3 0 1 2 3 Total Horizontal Product Length = 19-00-00 Page 32 of 46 Double 2x8SPF#2 DB01 (Floor Beam) BC CALC® Member Report Dry | 2 spans | No cant. November 22, 2021 16:30:41 Build 8013 Job name: Fitzpatrick Residence File name: 12 Burch Street, Yarmouth REVISED Address: 12 Burch Road Description: City, State, Zip: Yarmouth, MA Specifier: Customer: Lineal Inc Designer: Tara Strassburg Code reports:NLGA Company:SSB Engineering Reaction Summary (Down / Uplift) (lbs) Bearing Live Dead Snow Wind Roof Live B1, 3-1/2"447 / 35 564 / 0 750 / 0 B2, 3-1/2" 695 / 0 290 / 0 521 / 0 B3, 3-1/2" 447 / 35 564 / 0 750 / 0 Load Summary Live Dead Snow Wind Roof Live Tributary Tag Description Load Type Ref.Start End Loc.100%90%115%160%125% 0 Self-Weight Unf. Lin. (lb/ft)L 00-00-00 19-00-00 Top 5 00-00-00 1 DECK Unf. Area (lb/ft²) L 00-00-00 19-00-00 Top 30 10 22 02-00-00 2 PB02 Conc. Pt. (lbs) L 00-00-00 00-00-00 Top 190 471 570 n\a 3 PB02 Conc. Pt. (lbs) R 00-00-00 00-00-00 Top 190 471 570 n\a Controls Summary Value % Allowable Duration Case Location Pos. Moment 758 ft-lbs 28.7%115%8 04-00-05 Neg. Moment -1114 ft-lbs 42.1% 115% 13 09-06-00 End Shear 327 lbs 14.5% 115% 8 00-10-12 Cont. Shear 523 lbs 23.2% 115% 13 08-09-00 Total Load Deflection L/999 (0.076") n\a n\a 12 14-06-09 Live Load Deflection L/999 (0.063") n\a n\a 27 14-05-13 Total Neg. Defl. L/999 (-0.014") n\a n\a 3 06-10-14 Max Defl. 0.076" n\a n\a 12 14-06-09 Span / Depth 15.3 Notes Design meets Code minimum (L/240) Total load deflection criteria. Design meets Code minimum (L/360) Live load deflection criteria. Design meets arbitrary (1") Maximum Total load deflection criteria. Minimum bearing length for B1 is 1-1/2". Minimum bearing length for B2 is 1-1/2". Minimum bearing length for B3 is 1-1/2". BC CALC® analysis is based on IBC 2018. Design based on Dry Service Condition. The analysis of solid sawn wood members is in accordance with the NDS and is limited to the output shown above. All other support and design for these products, including but not limited to notching, connections, installation, and engineer/architect certification is the responsibility of the project's design professional of record. Calculations assume member is fully braced. Disclosure Use of the Boise Cascade Software is subject to the terms of the End UserLicense Agreement (EULA). Completeness and accuracy of input must be reviewed and verified by a qualified engineer or other appropriate expert to assure its adequacy, prior toanyone relying on such output as evidence of suitability for a particular application. The output here is based on building code-accepted design properties and analysis methods.Installation of Boise Cascade engineered wood products must be in accordance with current Installation Guide and applicable building codes. To obtain Installation Guide or askquestions, please call (800)232-0788 before installation. BC CALC®, BC FRAMER® , AJS™, ALLJOIST® , BC RIM BOARD™, BCI® ,BOISE GLULAM™, BC FloorValue® , VERSA-LAM®, VERSA-RIM PLUS® , 09-00-00 09-00-00B1B2 B3 0 1 2 3 Total Horizontal Product Length = 18-00-00 Page 33 of 46 Double 2 x 10 SPF #2 DB02 (Floor Beam) BC CALC® Member Report Dry | 2 spans | No cant. November 22, 2021 16:30:41 Build 8013 Job name: Fitzpatrick Residence File name: 12 Burch Street, Yarmouth REVISED Address: 12 Burch Road Description: City, State, Zip: Yarmouth, MA Specifier: Customer: Lineal Inc Designer: Tara Strassburg Code reports:NLGA Company:SSB Engineering Reaction Summary (Down / Uplift) (lbs) Bearing Live Dead Snow Wind Roof Live B1, 3-1/2"1329 / 78 805 / 0 1771 / 0 B2, 3-1/2" 1562 / 0 590 / 0 1172 / 0 B3, 3-1/2" 1329 / 78 805 / 0 1771 / 0 Load Summary Live Dead Snow Wind Roof Live Tributary Tag Description Load Type Ref.Start End Loc.100%90%115%160%125% 0 Self-Weight Unf. Lin. (lb/ft)L 00-00-00 18-00-00 Top 6 00-00-00 1 DECK Unf. Area (lb/ft²) L 00-00-00 18-00-00 Top 30 10 22 04-09-00 2 PB03 Conc. Pt. (lbs) L 00-00-00 00-00-00 Top 750 616 1366 n\a 3 PB03 Conc. Pt. (lbs) R 00-00-00 00-00-00 Top 750 616 1366 n\a Controls Summary Value % Allowable Duration Case Location Pos. Moment 1581 ft-lbs 40.1%115%8 03-10-05 Neg. Moment -2316 ft-lbs 58.7% 115% 13 09-00-00 End Shear 672 lbs 23.4% 115% 8 01-00-12 Cont. Shear 1100 lbs 38.3% 115% 13 08-01-00 Total Load Deflection L/999 (0.068") n\a n\a 8 04-02-15 Live Load Deflection L/999 (0.058") n\a n\a 23 04-03-09 Total Neg. Defl. L/999 (-0.013") n\a n\a 2 11-06-12 Max Defl. 0.068" n\a n\a 8 04-02-15 Span / Depth 11.4 Notes Design meets Code minimum (L/240) Total load deflection criteria. Design meets Code minimum (L/360) Live load deflection criteria. Design meets arbitrary (1") Maximum Total load deflection criteria. Minimum bearing length for B1 is 2-7/16". Minimum bearing length for B2 is 2-1/16". Minimum bearing length for B3 is 2-7/16". BC CALC® analysis is based on IBC 2018. Design based on Dry Service Condition. The analysis of solid sawn wood members is in accordance with the NDS and is limited to the output shown above. All other support and design for these products, including but not limited to notching, connections, installation, and engineer/architect certification is the responsibility of the project's design professional of record. Calculations assume member is fully braced. 09-06-00B1 B2 0 1 2 Total Horizontal Product Length = 09-06-00 Page 34 of 46 Double 1-3/4" x 11-1/4" VERSA-LAM® LVL 2.1E 3100 SP GB01 (Floor Beam) BC CALC® Member Report Dry | 1 span | No cant. November 22, 2021 16:30:41 Build 8013 Job name: Fitzpatrick Residence File name: 12 Burch Street, Yarmouth REVISED Address: 12 Burch Road Description: City, State, Zip: Yarmouth, MA Specifier: Customer: Lineal Inc Designer: Tara Strassburg Code reports:ESR-1040 Company:SSB Engineering Reaction Summary (Down / Uplift) (lbs) Bearing Live Dead Snow Wind Roof Live B1, 3-1/2"1710 / 0 957 / 0 B2, 3-1/2" 1710 / 0 957 / 0 Load Summary Live Dead Snow Wind Roof Live Tributary Tag Description Load Type Ref.Start End Loc.100%90%115%160%125% 0 Self-Weight Unf. Lin. (lb/ft)L 00-00-00 09-06-00 Top 11 00-00-00 1 2ND Unf. Area (lb/ft²) L 00-00-00 09-06-00 Top 40 10 09-00-00 2 WALL Unf. Lin. (lb/ft) L 00-00-00 09-06-00 Top 100 n\a Controls Summary Value % Allowable Duration Case Location Pos. Moment 5737 ft-lbs 51.0%100%1 04-09-00 End Shear 1977 lbs 26.4% 100% 1 01-02-12 Total Load Deflection L/999 (0.113") n\a n\a 1 04-09-00 Live Load Deflection L/999 (0.072") n\a n\a 2 04-09-00 Max Defl. 0.113" n\a n\a 1 04-09-00 Span / Depth 9.6 Notes Design meets Code minimum (L/240) Total load deflection criteria. Design meets Code minimum (L/360) Live load deflection criteria. Design meets arbitrary (1") Maximum Total load deflection criteria. Minimum bearing length for B1 is 1-1/2". Minimum bearing length for B2 is 1-1/2". BC CALC® analysis is based on IBC 2018. Design based on Dry Service Condition. Calculations assume member is braced at ends. See engineering report for the unbraced length. Connection Diagram: Full Length of Member aminimum=2" c=7-1/4" b minimum = 2-1/2" d = 24" Disclosure Use of the Boise Cascade Software is subject to the terms of the End UserLicense Agreement (EULA). Completeness and accuracy of input must be reviewed and verified by a qualified engineer or other appropriate expert to assure its adequacy, prior toanyone relying on such output as evidence of suitability for a particular application. The output here is based on building code-accepted design properties and analysis methods.Installation of Boise Cascade engineered wood products must be in accordance with current Installation Guide and applicable building codes. To obtain Installation Guide or askquestions, please call (800)232-0788 before installation. BC CALC®, BC FRAMER® , AJS™, ALLJOIST® , BC RIM BOARD™, BCI® ,BOISE GLULAM™, BC FloorValue® , VERSA-LAM®, VERSA-RIM PLUS® , Page 35 of 46 Double 1-3/4" x 11-1/4" VERSA-LAM® LVL 2.1E 3100 SP GB01 (Floor Beam) BC CALC® Member Report Dry | 1 span | No cant. November 22, 2021 16:30:41 Build 8013 Job name: Fitzpatrick Residence File name: 12 Burch Street, Yarmouth REVISED Address: 12 Burch Road Description: City, State, Zip: Yarmouth, MA Specifier: Customer: Lineal Inc Designer: Tara Strassburg Code reports:ESR-1040 Company:SSB Engineering Connection Diagram: Full Length of Member Calculated Side Load = 0.0 lb/ft Bolts are assumed to be Grade A307 or Grade 2 or higher. Connectors are: 1/2 in. Staggered Through Bolt Disclosure Use of the Boise Cascade Software is subject to the terms of the End UserLicense Agreement (EULA). Completeness and accuracy of input must be reviewed and verified by a qualified engineer or other appropriate expert to assure its adequacy, prior toanyone relying on such output as evidence of suitability for a particular application. The output here is based on building code-accepted design properties and analysis methods.Installation of Boise Cascade engineered wood products must be in accordance with current Installation Guide and applicable building codes. To obtain Installation Guide or askquestions, please call (800)232-0788 before installation. BC CALC®, BC FRAMER® , AJS™, ALLJOIST® , BC RIM BOARD™, BCI® ,BOISE GLULAM™, BC FloorValue® , VERSA-LAM®, VERSA-RIM PLUS® , 0 12 09-06-00B1 B2 0 1 Total Horizontal Product Length = 09-06-00 Page 36 of 46 Single 6 x 12 SPF #2-Beam PB01 (Roof Beam) BC CALC® Member Report Dry | 1 span | No cant. November 22, 2021 16:30:41 Build 8013 Job name: Fitzpatrick Residence File name: 12 Burch Street, Yarmouth REVISED Address: 12 Burch Road Description: City, State, Zip: Yarmouth, MA Specifier: Customer: Lineal Inc Designer: Tara Strassburg Code reports:NLGA Company:SSB Engineering Reaction Summary (Down / Uplift) (lbs) Bearing Live Dead Snow Wind Roof Live B1, 3-1/2"746 / 0 1354 / 0 B2, 3-1/2" 746 / 0 1354 / 0 Load Summary Live Dead Snow Wind Roof Live Tributary Tag Description Load Type Ref.Start End Loc.100%90%115%160%125% 0 Self-Weight Unf. Lin. (lb/ft)L 00-00-00 09-06-00 Top 14 00-00-00 1 ROOF Unf. Area (lb/ft²) L 00-00-00 09-06-00 Top 15 30 09-06-00 Controls Summary Value % Allowable Duration Case Location Pos. Moment 4517 ft-lbs 64.8%115%4 04-09-00 End Shear 1547 lbs 25.5% 115% 4 01-03-00 Total Load Deflection L/999 (0.095") n\a n\a 4 04-09-00 Live Load Deflection L/999 (0.061") n\a n\a 5 04-09-00 Max Defl. 0.095" n\a n\a 4 04-09-00 Span / Depth 9.4 Cautions For roof members with slope (1/4)/12 or less final design must ensure that ponding instability will not occur. For roof members with slope (1/2)/12 or less final design must account for Rain-on-Snow surcharge load. Notes Design meets Code minimum (L/180) Total load deflection criteria. Design meets Code minimum (L/240) Live load deflection criteria. Design meets arbitrary (1") Maximum Total load deflection criteria. Minimum bearing length for B1 is 1-1/2". Minimum bearing length for B2 is 1-1/2". BC CALC® analysis is based on IBC 2018. Design based on Dry Service Condition. The analysis of solid sawn wood members is in accordance with the NDS and is limited to the output shown above. All other support and design for these products, including but not limited to notching, connections, installation, and engineer/architect certification is the responsibility of the project's design professional of record. Calculations assume member is fully braced. Disclosure Use of the Boise Cascade Software is subject to the terms of the End UserLicense Agreement (EULA). Completeness and accuracy of input must be reviewed and verified by a qualified engineer or other appropriate expert to assure its adequacy, prior toanyone relying on such output as evidence of suitability for a particular application. The output here is based on building code-accepted design properties and analysis methods.Installation of Boise Cascade engineered wood products must be in accordance with current Installation Guide and applicable building codes. To obtain Installation Guide or askquestions, please call (800)232-0788 before installation. BC CALC®, BC FRAMER® , AJS™, ALLJOIST® , BC RIM BOARD™, BCI® ,BOISE GLULAM™, BC FloorValue® , VERSA-LAM®, VERSA-RIM PLUS® , 19-00-00B1 B2 0 1 2 Total Horizontal Product Length = 19-00-00 Page 37 of 46 Triple 2 x 10 SPF #2 PB02 (Floor Beam) BC CALC® Member Report Dry | 1 span | No cant. November 22, 2021 16:30:41 Build 8013 Job name: Fitzpatrick Residence File name: 12 Burch Street, Yarmouth REVISED Address: 12 Burch Road Description: City, State, Zip: Yarmouth, MA Specifier: Customer: Lineal Inc Designer: Tara Strassburg Code reports:NLGA Company:SSB Engineering Reaction Summary (Down / Uplift) (lbs) Bearing Live Dead Snow Wind Roof Live B1, 3-1/2"190 / 0 471 / 0 570 / 0 B2, 3-1/2" 190 / 0 471 / 0 570 / 0 Load Summary Live Dead Snow Wind Roof Live Tributary Tag Description Load Type Ref.Start End Loc.100%90%115%160%125% 0 Self-Weight Unf. Lin. (lb/ft)L 00-00-00 19-00-00 Top 10 00-00-00 1 CLG Unf. Area (lb/ft²) L 00-00-00 19-00-00 Top 10 5 02-00-00 2 ROOF Unf. Area (lb/ft²) L 00-00-00 19-00-00 Top 15 30 02-00-00 Controls Summary Value % Allowable Duration Case Location Pos. Moment 4707 ft-lbs 79.5%115%2 09-06-00 End Shear 924 lbs 21.5% 115% 2 01-00-12 Total Load Deflection L/317 (0.701") 75.6% n\a 2 09-06-00 Live Load Deflection L/579 (0.384") 62.1% n\a 5 09-06-00 Max Defl. 0.701" 70.1% n\a 2 09-06-00 Span / Depth 24.1 Notes Design meets Code minimum (L/240) Total load deflection criteria. Design meets Code minimum (L/360) Live load deflection criteria. Design meets arbitrary (1") Maximum Total load deflection criteria. Minimum bearing length for B1 is 1-1/2". Minimum bearing length for B2 is 1-1/2". BC CALC® analysis is based on IBC 2018. Design based on Dry Service Condition. The analysis of solid sawn wood members is in accordance with the NDS and is limited to the output shown above. All other support and design for these products, including but not limited to notching, connections, installation, and engineer/architect certification is the responsibility of the project's design professional of record. Calculations assume member is fully braced. Disclosure Use of the Boise Cascade Software is subject to the terms of the End UserLicense Agreement (EULA). Completeness and accuracy of input must be reviewed and verified by a qualified engineer or other appropriate expert to assure its adequacy, prior toanyone relying on such output as evidence of suitability for a particular application. The output here is based on building code-accepted design properties and analysis methods.Installation of Boise Cascade engineered wood products must be in accordance with current Installation Guide and applicable building codes. To obtain Installation Guide or askquestions, please call (800)232-0788 before installation. BC CALC®, BC FRAMER® , AJS™, ALLJOIST® , BC RIM BOARD™, BCI® ,BOISE GLULAM™, BC FloorValue® , VERSA-LAM®, VERSA-RIM PLUS® , 09-06-00B1 B2 0 1 Total Horizontal Product Length = 09-06-00 Page 38 of 46 Triple 2 x 12 SPF #2 PB04 (Floor Beam) BC CALC® Member Report Dry | 1 span | No cant. November 22, 2021 16:30:41 Build 8013 Job name: Fitzpatrick Residence File name: 12 Burch Street, Yarmouth REVISED Address: 12 Burch Road Description: City, State, Zip: Yarmouth, MA Specifier: Customer: Lineal Inc Designer: Tara Strassburg Code reports:NLGA Company:SSB Engineering Reaction Summary (Down / Uplift) (lbs) Bearing Live Dead Snow Wind Roof Live B1, 3-1/2"411 / 0 713 / 0 B2, 3-1/2" 411 / 0 713 / 0 Load Summary Live Dead Snow Wind Roof Live Tributary Tag Description Load Type Ref.Start End Loc.100%90%115%160%125% 0 Self-Weight Unf. Lin. (lb/ft)L 00-00-00 09-06-00 Top 12 00-00-00 1 ROOF Unf. Area (lb/ft²) L 00-00-00 09-06-00 Top 15 30 05-00-00 Controls Summary Value % Allowable Duration Case Location Pos. Moment 2418 ft-lbs 30.4%115%1 04-09-00 End Shear 833 lbs 15.9% 115% 1 01-02-12 Total Load Deflection L/999 (0.048") n\a n\a 1 04-09-00 Live Load Deflection L/999 (0.03") n\a n\a 2 04-09-00 Max Defl. 0.048" n\a n\a 1 04-09-00 Span / Depth 9.6 Notes Design meets Code minimum (L/240) Total load deflection criteria. Design meets Code minimum (L/360) Live load deflection criteria. Design meets arbitrary (1") Maximum Total load deflection criteria. Minimum bearing length for B1 is 1-1/2". Minimum bearing length for B2 is 1-1/2". BC CALC® analysis is based on IBC 2018. Design based on Dry Service Condition. The analysis of solid sawn wood members is in accordance with the NDS and is limited to the output shown above. All other support and design for these products, including but not limited to notching, connections, installation, and engineer/architect certification is the responsibility of the project's design professional of record. Calculations assume member is fully braced. Disclosure Use of the Boise Cascade Software is subject to the terms of the End UserLicense Agreement (EULA). Completeness and accuracy of input must be reviewed and verified by a qualified engineer or other appropriate expert to assure its adequacy, prior toanyone relying on such output as evidence of suitability for a particular application. The output here is based on building code-accepted design properties and analysis methods.Installation of Boise Cascade engineered wood products must be in accordance with current Installation Guide and applicable building codes. To obtain Installation Guide or askquestions, please call (800)232-0788 before installation. BC CALC®, BC FRAMER® , AJS™, ALLJOIST® , BC RIM BOARD™, BCI® ,BOISE GLULAM™, BC FloorValue® , VERSA-LAM®, VERSA-RIM PLUS® , 4 12 09-00-00B1 B2 1 Total Horizontal Product Length = 09-00-00 Page 39 of 46 Single 6 x 8 SPF #2-Beam PR01 (Rafter) BC CALC® Member Report Dry | 1 span | No cant. | 24 OCS | Repetitive | 4/12 November 22, 2021 16:30:41 Build 8013 Job name: Fitzpatrick Residence File name: 12 Burch Street, Yarmouth REVISED Address: 12 Burch Road Description: City, State, Zip: Yarmouth, MA Specifier: Customer: Lineal Inc Designer: Tara Strassburg Code reports:NLGA Company:SSB Engineering Reaction Summary (Down / Uplift) (lbs) Bearing Live Dead Snow Wind Roof Live B1, 3-1/2"95 / 0 180 / 0 B2, 3-1/2" 95 / 0 180 / 0 Load Summary Live Dead Snow Wind Roof Live Tributary Tag Description Load Type Ref.Start End Loc.100%90%115%160%125% 1 ROOF Unf. Area (lb/ft²)L 00-00-00 09-00-00 Top 15 30 01-04-00 Controls Summary Value % Allowable Duration Case Location Pos. Moment 606 ft-lbs 16.4%125%2 04-04-02 End Shear 281 lbs 6.5% 125% 1 00-03-08 Total Load Deflection L/999 (0.042") n\a n\a 2 04-05-00 Live Load Deflection L/999 (0.028") n\a n\a 7 04-05-00 Max Defl. 0.042" n\a n\a 2 04-05-00 Span / Depth 13.7 Slope and Cut Length Slope Fascia Depth Horiz. Length Product Length Plumb Cut with Hanger to dbl. top plate 4/12 7-7/8"09-00-00 09-08-05 Notes Design meets Code minimum (L/180) Total load deflection criteria. Design meets Code minimum (L/240) Live load deflection criteria. Design meets arbitrary (1") Maximum Total load deflection criteria. Minimum bearing length for B1 is 1-1/2". Minimum bearing length for B2 is 1-1/2". BC CALC® analysis is based on IBC 2018. Design based on Dry Service Condition. The analysis of solid sawn wood members is in accordance with the NDS and is limited to the output shown above. All other support and design for these products, including but not limited to notching, connections, installation, and engineer/architect certification is the responsibility of the project's design professional of record. Calculations assume member is fully braced. Disclosure Use of the Boise Cascade Software is subject to the terms of the End UserLicense Agreement (EULA). Completeness and accuracy of input must be reviewed and verified by a qualified engineer or other appropriate expert to assure its adequacy, prior toanyone relying on such output as evidence of suitability for a particular application. The output here is based on building code-accepted design properties and analysis methods.Installation of Boise Cascade engineered wood products must be in accordance with current Installation Guide and applicable building codes. To obtain Installation Guide or askquestions, please call (800)232-0788 before installation. BC CALC®, BC FRAMER® , AJS™, ALLJOIST® , BC RIM BOARD™, BCI® ,BOISE GLULAM™, BC FloorValue® , VERSA-LAM®, VERSA-RIM PLUS® , 0 12 04-06-00B1 B2 0 1 Total Horizontal Product Length = 04-06-00 Page 40 of 46 Single 4x6SPF#2 PURLIN (Roof Beam) BC CALC® Member Report Dry | 1 span | No cant. November 22, 2021 16:30:41 Build 8013 Job name: Fitzpatrick Residence File name: 12 Burch Street, Yarmouth REVISED Address: 12 Burch Road Description: City, State, Zip: Yarmouth, MA Specifier: Customer: Lineal Inc Designer: Tara Strassburg Code reports:NLGA Company:SSB Engineering Reaction Summary (Down / Uplift) (lbs) Bearing Live Dead Snow Wind Roof Live B1, 3-1/2"111 / 0 203 / 0 B2, 3-1/2" 111 / 0 203 / 0 Load Summary Live Dead Snow Wind Roof Live Tributary Tag Description Load Type Ref.Start End Loc.100%90%115%160%125% 0 Self-Weight Unf. Lin. (lb/ft)L 00-00-00 04-06-00 Top 4 00-00-00 1 ROOF Unf. Area (lb/ft²) L 00-00-00 04-06-00 Top 15 30 03-00-00 Controls Summary Value % Allowable Duration Case Location Pos. Moment 285 ft-lbs 14.4%115%4 02-03-00 End Shear 209 lbs 10.5% 115% 4 00-09-00 Total Load Deflection L/999 (0.013") n\a n\a 2 02-03-00 Live Load Deflection L/999 (0.009") n\a n\a 7 02-03-00 Max Defl. 0.013" n\a n\a 2 02-03-00 Span / Depth 8.8 Cautions For roof members with slope (1/4)/12 or less final design must ensure that ponding instability will not occur. For roof members with slope (1/2)/12 or less final design must account for Rain-on-Snow surcharge load. Notes Design meets Code minimum (L/180) Total load deflection criteria. Design meets Code minimum (L/240) Live load deflection criteria. Design meets arbitrary (1") Maximum Total load deflection criteria. Minimum bearing length for B1 is 1-1/2". Minimum bearing length for B2 is 1-1/2". BC CALC® analysis is based on IBC 2018. Design based on Dry Service Condition. The analysis of solid sawn wood members is in accordance with the NDS and is limited to the output shown above. All other support and design for these products, including but not limited to notching, connections, installation, and engineer/architect certification is the responsibility of the project's design professional of record. Calculations assume member is fully braced. 9 12 16-10-00B1 B2 0 4 5 1 2 3 Total Horizontal Product Length = 16-10-00 Page 41 of 46 Triple 1-3/4" x 14" VERSA-LAM® LVL 2.1E 3100 SP VB01 (Roof Beam) BC CALC® Member Report Dry | 1 span | No cant. November 22, 2021 16:30:41 Build 8013 Job name: Fitzpatrick Residence File name: 12 Burch Street, Yarmouth REVISED Address: 12 Burch Road Description: City, State, Zip: Yarmouth, MA Specifier: Customer: Lineal Inc Designer: Tara Strassburg Code reports:ESR-1040 Company:SSB Engineering Reaction Summary (Down / Uplift) (lbs) Bearing Live Dead Snow Wind Roof Live B1, 3-1/2"940 / 0 3293 / 0 4022 / 0 B2, 3-1/2" 407 / 0 1694 / 0 1952 / 0 Load Summary Live Dead Snow Wind Roof Live Tributary Tag Description Load Type Ref.Start End Loc.100%90%115%160%125% 0 Self-Weight Unf. Lin. (lb/ft)L 00-00-00 16-10-00 Top 27 00-00-00 1 ROOF Trapezoidal (lb/ft) L 00-00-00 16-10-00 Top 210 0 420 0 n\a 2 ROOF Trapezoidal (lb/ft) L 00-00-00 16-10-00 Top 143 0 285 0 n\a 3 CB01 Conc. Pt. (lbs) L 08-03-00 08-03-00 Top 350 207 n\a 4 CLG Unf. Area (lb/ft²) L 00-00-00 08-03-00 Top 10 5 05-00-00 5 ATTIC Unf. Area (lb/ft²) L 00-00-00 08-03-00 Top 20 10 03-06-00 Controls Summary Value % Allowable Duration Case Location Pos. Moment 22644 ft-lbs 45.2%115%5 07-02-11 End Shear 6915 lbs 43.1% 115% 5 00-03-08 Total Load Deflection L/355 (0.692") 67.7% n\a 5 07-11-13 Live Load Deflection L/661 (0.372") 54.5% n\a 8 07-11-13 Max Defl. 0.692" 69.2% n\a 5 07-11-13 Span / Depth 14.0 Slope and Cut Length Slope Fascia Depth Horiz. Length Product Length Plumb Cut with Hanger to dbl. top plate 9/12 17-1/2"16-10-00 21-11-00 Notes Design meets User specified (L/240) Total load deflection criteria. Design meets User specified (L/360) Live load deflection criteria. Design meets arbitrary (1") Maximum Total load deflection criteria. Minimum bearing length for B1 is 1-7/8". Minimum bearing length for B2 is 1-1/2". BC CALC® analysis is based on IBC 2018. Design based on Dry Service Condition. Calculations assume member is fully braced. Disclosure Use of the Boise Cascade Software is subject to the terms of the End UserLicense Agreement (EULA). Completeness and accuracy of input must be reviewed and verified by a qualified engineer or other appropriate expert to assure its adequacy, prior toanyone relying on such output as evidence of suitability for a particular application. The output here is based on building code-accepted design properties and analysis methods.Installation of Boise Cascade engineered wood products must be in accordance with current Installation Guide and applicable building codes. To obtain Installation Guide or askquestions, please call (800)232-0788 before installation. BC CALC®, BC FRAMER® , AJS™, ALLJOIST® , BC RIM BOARD™, BCI® ,BOISE GLULAM™, BC FloorValue® , VERSA-LAM®, VERSA-RIM PLUS® , Page 42 of 46 Triple 1-3/4" x 14" VERSA-LAM® LVL 2.1E 3100 SP VB01 (Roof Beam) BC CALC® Member Report Dry | 1 span | No cant. November 22, 2021 16:30:41 Build 8013 Job name: Fitzpatrick Residence File name: 12 Burch Street, Yarmouth REVISED Address: 12 Burch Road Description: City, State, Zip: Yarmouth, MA Specifier: Customer: Lineal Inc Designer: Tara Strassburg Code reports:ESR-1040 Company:SSB Engineering Connection Diagram: Full Length of Member a minimum = 2" c = 10" b minimum = 2-1/2" d = 24" Calculated Side Load = 0.0 lb/ft Bolts are assumed to be Grade A307 or Grade 2 or higher. Connectors are: 1/2 in. Staggered Through Bolt 9 12 16-00-00B1 B2 0 4 5 1 2 3 Total Horizontal Product Length = 16-00-00 Page 43 of 46 Triple 1-3/4" x 11-7/8" VERSA-LAM® LVL 2.1E 3100 SP VB02 (Roof Beam) BC CALC® Member Report Dry | 1 span | No cant. November 22, 2021 16:30:41 Build 8013 Job name: Fitzpatrick Residence File name: 12 Burch Street, Yarmouth REVISED Address: 12 Burch Road Description: City, State, Zip: Yarmouth, MA Specifier: Customer: Lineal Inc Designer: Tara Strassburg Code reports:ESR-1040 Company:SSB Engineering Reaction Summary (Down / Uplift) (lbs) Bearing Live Dead Snow Wind Roof Live B1, 3-1/2"1241 / 0 3215 / 0 3664 / 0 B2, 3-1/2" 521 / 0 1613 / 0 1775 / 0 Load Summary Live Dead Snow Wind Roof Live Tributary Tag Description Load Type Ref.Start End Loc.100%90%115%160%125% 0 Self-Weight Unf. Lin. (lb/ft)L 00-00-00 16-00-00 Top 23 00-00-00 1 ROOF Trapezoidal (lb/ft) L 00-00-00 16-00-00 Top 195 0 390 0 n\a 2 ROOF Trapezoidal (lb/ft) L 00-00-00 16-00-00 Top 143 0 285 0 n\a 3 CB02 Conc. Pt. (lbs) L 08-03-00 08-03-00 Top 308 185 n\a 4 ATTIC Unf. Area (lb/ft²) L 00-00-00 08-03-00 Top 20 10 07-00-00 5 CLG Unf. Area (lb/ft²) L 00-00-00 08-03-00 Top 10 5 03-06-00 Controls Summary Value % Allowable Duration Case Location Pos. Moment 20579 ft-lbs 56.1%115%6 06-10-11 End Shear 6512 lbs 47.8% 115% 6 00-03-08 Total Load Deflection L/256 (0.912") 93.9% n\a 6 07-07-03 Live Load Deflection L/485 (0.481") 74.3% n\a 12 07-07-03 Max Defl. 0.912" 91.2% n\a 6 07-07-03 Span / Depth 15.7 Slope and Cut Length Slope Fascia Depth Horiz. Length Product Length Plumb Cut with Hanger to dbl. top plate 9/12 14-13/16"16-00-00 20-08-14 Notes Design meets User specified (L/240) Total load deflection criteria. Design meets User specified (L/360) Live load deflection criteria. Design meets arbitrary (1") Maximum Total load deflection criteria. Minimum bearing length for B1 is 1-3/4". Minimum bearing length for B2 is 1-1/2". BC CALC® analysis is based on IBC 2018. Design based on Dry Service Condition. Calculations assume member is fully braced. Disclosure Use of the Boise Cascade Software is subject to the terms of the End UserLicense Agreement (EULA). Completeness and accuracy of input must be reviewed and verified by a qualified engineer or other appropriate expert to assure its adequacy, prior toanyone relying on such output as evidence of suitability for a particular application. The output here is based on building code-accepted design properties and analysis methods.Installation of Boise Cascade engineered wood products must be in accordance with current Installation Guide and applicable building codes. To obtain Installation Guide or askquestions, please call (800)232-0788 before installation. BC CALC®, BC FRAMER® , AJS™, ALLJOIST® , BC RIM BOARD™, BCI® ,BOISE GLULAM™, BC FloorValue® , VERSA-LAM®, VERSA-RIM PLUS® , Page 44 of 46 Triple 1-3/4" x 11-7/8" VERSA-LAM® LVL 2.1E 3100 SP VB02 (Roof Beam) BC CALC® Member Report Dry | 1 span | No cant. November 22, 2021 16:30:41 Build 8013 Job name: Fitzpatrick Residence File name: 12 Burch Street, Yarmouth REVISED Address: 12 Burch Road Description: City, State, Zip: Yarmouth, MA Specifier: Customer: Lineal Inc Designer: Tara Strassburg Code reports:ESR-1040 Company:SSB Engineering Connection Diagram: Full Length of Member aminimum=2" c=7-7/8" b minimum = 2-1/2" d = 24" Calculated Side Load = 0.0 lb/ft Bolts are assumed to be Grade A307 or Grade 2 or higher. Connectors are: 1/2 in. Staggered Through Bolt 9 12 11-06-00B1 B2 0 4 5 1 2 3 Total Horizontal Product Length = 11-06-00 Page 45 of 46 Triple 2 x 12 SPF #2 VB03 (Roof Beam) BC CALC® Member Report Dry | 1 span | No cant. November 22, 2021 16:30:41 Build 8013 Job name: Fitzpatrick Residence File name: 12 Burch Street, Yarmouth REVISED Address: 12 Burch Road Description: City, State, Zip: Yarmouth, MA Specifier: Customer: Lineal Inc Designer: Tara Strassburg Code reports:NLGA Company:SSB Engineering Reaction Summary (Down / Uplift) (lbs) Bearing Live Dead Snow Wind Roof Live B1, 3-1/2"800 / 0 1700 / 0 1826 / 0 B2, 3-1/2" 218 / 0 764 / 0 874 / 0 Load Summary Live Dead Snow Wind Roof Live Tributary Tag Description Load Type Ref.Start End Loc.100%90%115%160%125% 0 Self-Weight Unf. Lin. (lb/ft)L 00-00-00 11-06-00 Top 15 00-00-00 1 ROOF Trapezoidal (lb/ft) L 00-00-00 11-06-00 Top 135 0 270 0 n\a 2 ROOF Trapezoidal (lb/ft) L 00-00-00 11-06-00 Top 98 0 195 0 n\a 3 CB02 Conc. Pt. (lbs) L 04-00-00 04-00-00 Top 308 185 n\a 4 ATTIC Unf. Area (lb/ft²) L 00-00-00 04-00-00 Top 20 10 07-00-00 5 CLG Unf. Area (lb/ft²) L 00-00-00 04-00-00 Top 10 5 03-06-00 Controls Summary Value % Allowable Duration Case Location Pos. Moment 7200 ft-lbs 90.5%115%6 04-02-06 End Shear 3384 lbs 64.6% 115% 6 00-03-08 Total Load Deflection L/526 (0.315") 45.6% n\a 6 05-04-10 Live Load Deflection L/995 (0.166") 36.2% n\a 12 05-04-10 Max Defl. 0.315" 31.5% n\a 6 05-04-10 Span / Depth 11.8 Slope and Cut Length Slope Fascia Depth Horiz. Length Product Length Plumb Cut with Hanger to dbl. top plate 9/12 14-1/16"11-06-00 15-00-15 Disclosure Use of the Boise Cascade Software is subject to the terms of the End UserLicense Agreement (EULA). Completeness and accuracy of input must be reviewed and verified by a qualified engineer or other appropriate expert to assure its adequacy, prior toanyone relying on such output as evidence of suitability for a particular application. The output here is based on building code-accepted design properties and analysis methods.Installation of Boise Cascade engineered wood products must be in accordance with current Installation Guide and applicable building codes. To obtain Installation Guide or askquestions, please call (800)232-0788 before installation. BC CALC®, BC FRAMER® , AJS™, ALLJOIST® , BC RIM BOARD™, BCI® ,BOISE GLULAM™, BC FloorValue® , VERSA-LAM®, VERSA-RIM PLUS® , Page 46 of 46 Triple 2 x 12 SPF #2 VB03 (Roof Beam) BC CALC® Member Report Dry | 1 span | No cant. November 22, 2021 16:30:41 Build 8013 Job name: Fitzpatrick Residence File name: 12 Burch Street, Yarmouth REVISED Address: 12 Burch Road Description: City, State, Zip: Yarmouth, MA Specifier: Customer: Lineal Inc Designer: Tara Strassburg Code reports:NLGA Company:SSB Engineering Notes Design meets User specified (L/240) Total load deflection criteria. Design meets User specified (L/360) Live load deflection criteria. Design meets arbitrary (1") Maximum Total load deflection criteria. Minimum bearing length for B1 is 1-15/16". Minimum bearing length for B2 is 1-1/2". BC CALC® analysis is based on IBC 2018. Design based on Dry Service Condition. The analysis of solid sawn wood members is in accordance with the NDS and is limited to the output shown above. All other support and design for these products, including but not limited to notching, connections, installation, and engineer/architect certification is the responsibility of the project's design professional of record. Calculations assume member is fully braced.