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4674 Application & Plans & Other materials
TOWN OF YARMOUTH BOARD OF APPEALS APPLICATION FOR HEARING Appeal#: 74 Hearing Date: A� Fee$ 1 Owner -Applicant: (' : (Full Names- including d/b/a) rrOs To'& - '30 -3& 3 1� C,.,r4 -rvd (Address) % (Telephone Number) (Email Address) �d' and is the (check one) Owner 0 Tenant 0 Prospective Buyer E Other Interested Party Property: This application relates to the property located at: A Y-,os Road and shown on the Assessor's Map #: as Parcel#: Zoning District: Cg iz�-- If property is on an un-constructed (paper) street name of nearest cross street, or other identifying location: Project: The applicant seeks permission to undertake the following construction/use/activity (give a brief description of the project. i.e.: "add a 10` by 15` deck to the front of our house" or "change the use of the existing building on the property"): RELIEF REQUESTED: The applicant seeks the following relief from the Board of Appeals: v t ictos I) REVERSE THE DECISION OF THE BUILDING INSPECTOR OR THE ZONING ADMINISTRATOR dated attach a copy of the decision appealed from). State the reason for reversal and the ruling which you request the Board to make. 2) V SPECIAL PERMIT under §_1QA LOof the Yarmouth Zoning By-law and/or for a use authorized upon Special Permit in the "Use Regulation Schedule" §202.5 .(use space below if needed) 3)ZVARIANCE from the Yarmouth Zoning By-law. Specify all sections of the by-law from which relief is requested, and, as to each section, specify the relief sought: Section: 20 3 J� Relief sought: _g gg U t 9,EV Farr YA 2p s F-T 3A -,- K Section: Relief sought: Section: Relief sought: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Please use the space below to provide any additional information which you feel should be included in your application: FACT SHEET Current Owner of Property as listed on the deed (if other than applicant): Name & Address 21o9�D i U92. Title deed reference: Book & Page# [ or Certificate # Land Court Lot # Plan # (provide copy of recent deed) Use Classification: Existing: Proposed: Is the property vacant: t46 If so, how long?: §202.5 # .59 Lot Information Size/Area: Plan Book and Page Lot# ZO Is this property within the Aquifer Protection Overlay District? Yes No \f— — Have you completed a formal commercial site plan review (if needed)? Yes No — --� Other Department(s) Reviewing Project: Indicate the other Town Departments which are/ have/ or will review this project, and indicate the status of their review process: Repetitive Petition: Is this a re -application: If yes, do you have Planning Board Approval? Prior Relief: If the property in question has been the subject of prior application to the Board of Appeals or Zoning Administrator, indicate the date and Appeal number(s) and other available information. Include a copy of the decision(s) with this application: Building Commissioner Comments: Applicant's /Attorney /Agent Signature Address: Owner's Signature Phone E-Mail: ;,20 Building C. ssioner Signature Date t-C.D &d? ABSENT MEMBER CERTIFICATION MGL c. 39 §2313 Petitioner/Applicant: �r``! tLFile #: �`� Missed Session: 11 Hearing to be attended: Pursuant to Massachusetts General Laws c. 39 section 2313(a), a member of a municipal board when holding an adjudicatory hearing shall not be disqualified from voting in a manner solely due to that member's absence from no more than a single session of the hearing at which testimony or other evidence was received, provided that before any such vote, the member shall certify in writing that he/she has examined all the evidence received at the missed session, which shall include an audio or video recording of the session or a transcript thereof. The undersigned member of the Yarmouth Zoning Board of Appeals, having missed one session of the hearing on the above -referenced Petition/Application, hereby certify that I have, prior to the further hearing that I will attend, examined all the evidence that was presented at the missed session, including the [ ] audio recording, '[video recording, [ ] transcript of the hearing, and am therefore not disqualified from voting on the matter. Date Member ABSENT MEMBER CERTIFICATION MGL c. 39 §23D 'T� rA-a Petitioner/Applicant:._ r ay,4 14 44ile #l•: q10 Missed Session: !iho 1 7 Hearing to be attended:__ fz/I Pursuant to Massachusetts General Laws c. 39 section 231)(a), a member of a municipal board when holding an adjudicatory hearing shall not be disqualified from voting in a manner solely due to that member's absence from no more than a single session of the hearing at which testimony or other evidence was received, provided that before any such vote, the member shall certify in writing that he/she has examined all the evidence received at the missed session, which shall include an audio or video recording of the session or a transcript thereof. The undersigned member of the Yarmouth Zoning Board of Appeals, having missed one session of the hearing on the above -referenced Petition/Application, hereby certify that I have, prior to the further hearing that I will attend, examined all the evidence that was presented at the missed session, including the [ ] audio recording, video recording, [ ] transcript of the hearing, and am therefore not disqualified from voting on the matter. Date Member I TOWN OF YARMOUTH Board of 1146 ROUTE 28, SOUTH YARMOUTH, MASSACHUSETTS 02664-24451 Appeals Telephone (508) 398-2231 Ext. 285, Fax (508) 398-0836 AGREEMENT FOR EXTENSION The Petitioner understands and agrees: That the public hearing will not be held within 65 days of the filing of this Application, or That the Board will not take "final action" on the request for a Special Permit within 90 days of the conclusion of the public hearing; That the decision of the Board on an Appeal or Variance request will not be made within 100 days of the filing of the application. Further, the petitioner agrees with the Board to extend the time frames within which the hearing, re -hearing or continuance are to he held and the decision(s) are to be made and filed by the Yarmouth Board of Appeals, and to waive any rights to the Constructive Grant of this petition, provided that the Board does act within the time frame of this agreement. It is therefore agreed that the Hearing shall be e ontinued ok-1 , and that the Board's decision shall be made and filed with the Town Clerk within 14 days of the conclusion of that public hearing. anP etition # ad li InitiJ Hearing Date: Date: / a ner Agent. or etitioner ff Date: of Appeals Date Filed with Town Clerk: H:\MyFiles\Documents\ApplicationlHearing Extension Agreement.wpd TOWN OF YARMOUTH BOARD OF APPEALS HEARING NOTES Petition# Petitione Hearing Date: REQUEST: SPECIAL PERMIT:. JA 2,VARIANCE:. Overturn B.I. It appearing that notice property deemed by the publication in the Register IN FAVOR Members of the Board present and voting. J A -1 aids efring hats been giver by senVnotice thereof to the petitioner and all those owners of and e affected thereby and that public notice of such hearing having been given by the hearing was opened and held on the date first above written. Reason for the Decision: OPPOSED Motion by:?_C6� ri Seconded by: Vote: L'L,j Q Al � f11 A Members voting in favor: Opposed: Therefore, the SPECIAL PERMIT VARIANCE APPEAL is GRANTED //\ DENIED WITHDRAWN CONTINUED TO: EXHIBITS RECEIVED AT HEARING: CLERK: Date:21?,-` CLERK -CHAIRMAN HEARING N N Cr Oi CI Q b C 2 �a a to � O� r Vo o' r 0 y .a �- E U v m {� A •�' A Q t T V' GS. j v U F F � d iy" C U U U > > v V G O O C V a V Ln O O O O cc q a � Q O ce U O .a N O tc tom- • P y 0 F .-�^. O D U r m 'O a) aGi N� aai C in G V R a !Z w w w in Q Zo.' Q d o'er d Ei rs UUe O dAd U U \ ce C 4 C u U m Q MMin a mv— o V] .� a O O �� G o 0 0 0 o 4 n m m c ,g 7C x m 't n � C r Q M z O O fn a Go acr 0p a M ark y N wl aIN C o o% V rl ero IV 00 5.1 A 00 0 cm 0 0 0 o Q o U o m Cl 0 ti r oo Us y °O o0 oo T op U w y j e aWo m a a h '13 O h y'1 fr h Ch O1 • 3 = J 7 r C N +n to 0 CD CLu �" F r 00 000 �� VQCGddCO� e tr � vN� h yJ, �� r •a � G �r U O O O m om, ? C > > � ! ° q 4 bq -p CO O s a o o> I.,C. '� � to r t t V C2 � ♦Z C G 3 NN NNN [ vrb a0o q m y n? Ltd i C1aav'vtn r W a0 a0 T LZ cG ,tO O O N N ^ N OD w .�i Q¢< Q C/7 F" > ¢ G Q h 4yi N Fz ° U ` moo 4 Z< Voo O V E12 M1 M1 iz U W o � CD 0 0 col -0 d IQ l hC Lq2 W NZ cz c U L d ............ r tiW„ .0 Q 7 h a e� Fa C C- W p > ooa yA-N=`N � NNNr ° C �� N c 03 >> 4 Q W V1 N 1fy 1n �� �. V '?CiG•I 14 G] � � ti r py U 3 j 12 V, o a o _ = a. deqN O 0 I er n�I�e�vNNaoc Neq 0 c o A N Y 1 N 1� F in rq AQ k7Z O � O � 4 O 0 yUQF'z UQ m U `a r.� r a Z N V a d cz I% a` F O in d V a. Z ;T. F6L W.cc cd amp a 3 a�cnCn� tea_ ° a. WU� �� oY s94a c UU2 U0000 d MORRIS FAMILY IRREVOCABLE TRUST TRUSTEES' GENERAL RELEASE & ASSENT In the matter of the sale of real estate located at 5 Amos Road, West Yarmouth, Massachusetts from the Morris Family irrevocable Trust to BRIAN P. RICHARD AND CHRISTINE M. RICHARD; We, JOSEPH B. MORRIS, MICHELLE BORCI and CHRISTINE M. RICHARD, Co -trustees of the Morris Family Irrevocable Trust, and beneficiaries of the Morris Family Irrevocable Trust, hereby agree and assent to the sale of 5 Amos Road, West Yarmouth, Massachusetts for the purchase price of One Hundred Thirty- five Thousand Dollars ($135,000.00) to CHRISTINE M. RICHARD and BRIAN P. RICHARD. We also hereby release and forever discharge said Christine M. Richard in her capacity as Co -Trustee of the Morris Family Irrevocable Trust from all liabilities in connection •with the sale of the afore mentioned real estate. Dated: JOSEPH B. MORRIS, co -trustee Dated: MICHELLE BORCI, co -trustee Dated: CHRISTINE M. RICHARD, co -trustee KI FROM THE OFFICE OF: Stuart A. Hammer, Esquire Christopher, Hays; Wojcik & Mavricos, LLP 446 Main Street, 811 Fl. Worcester, MA 01608 QUITCLAIM DEED We, Joseph B. Morris, Christine M, Richard and Michelle Borci, Trustees of the Morris Family Irrevocable Trust uldlt dated October 16, 2012, trust not of record, of 19 Countryside Road, N. Grafton, Worcester County, Massachusetts, for consideration paid, and in full consideration of One Hundred Thirty-five Thousand Dollars ($135,000,00), grant to Brian P. Richard and Christine M. Richard, husband and wife as tenants by the entirety, of 41 Meadow Wood Drive, Holden, Massachusetts 01520, with quitclaim covenants, all of our rights, title and interest in the land and buildings in West Yarmouth, Barnstable County, Massachusetts, as set forth in a deed dated November 14, 2012 and recorded with the Barnstable County Registry of Deeds in Book 26970, Page 192, as more particularly described in Exhibit A attached hereto. WITNESS our hands and seals this .7-2 day of April, 2015. Page 1 ofgpages I I SE H B. MORRIS CHRISTINE M. RICHA D MICHELLE BORCI I FROM THE OFFICE OF: Stuart A. Hammer, Esquire Christopher, Hays, Wojcik & Mavricos, LLP 446 Main Street, 8'h Fl. Worcester, MA 01608 QUITCLAIM DEED We, Joseph B. Morris, Christine M. Richard and Michelle Borci, Trustees of the Morris Family Irrevocable Trust u/d/t dated October 16, 2012, trust not of record, of 19 Countryside Road, N. Grafton, Worcester County, Massachusetts, for consideration paid, and in full consideration of One Hundred Thirty-five Thousand Dollars ($135,000.00), grant to Brian P. Richard and Christine M. Richard, husband and wife as tenants by the entirety, of 41 Meadow Wood Drive, Holden, Massachusetts 01520, with quitclaim covenants, all of our rights, title and interest in the land and buildings in West Yarmouth, Barnstable County, Massachusetts, as set forth in a deed dated November 14, 2012 and recorded with, the Barnstable County Registry of Deeds in Book 26970, Page 192, as more particularly described in Exhibit A attached hereto. WITNESS our bands and seals this c'O day of April, 2015. Paged of q pages JOSEPH B. MORRIS CHRISTINE M. RICHARD r - ( L J C J, MI HELLE ORCI COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Worcester, ss April -�W; 2015 Then personally appeared before me the above -named Joseph B. Morris, Christine M. Richard and Michelle Borci, in his/her capacity as Trustee, who is personally known to me or produced a valid driver's license as identification, and acknowledged that they signed the foregoing instrument voluntarily for its stated purpose. ublic My Commis ' n Expires: (PMy LAURIE S. DILLON Notary Public CaaimormealthofMassachusells OWmITdlfln Expired My 31, 2020 Page 3 of 4 pages EXHIBIT A PROPERTY ADDRESS: 5 Amos Road West Yarmouth, MA The land in Yarmouth (West), Barnstable County, Massachusetts, together with the buildings) thereon, bounded and described as follows: WESTERLY by West Yarmouth -Yarmouth Road, fifty-two and 93/100 (52.93) feet, and forty and 32/100 (40.32) feet; and a line curving to the Northeast, twenty-five and 87/100 (25.87) feet, with a radius of thirteen and 01/100 (13.01) feet; NORTHEASTERLY by Amos Road, a line running South 53' 47' 37" East sixty-eight and 01/100 (68.01) feet, and a line curving to the South into Archie Road, thirty-seven and 03/100 (37.03) feet, with a radius of thirty-nine and 55/100 (39.55) feet; EASTERLY by Archie Road, twenty-seven and 81/100 (27.81) feet, and O011()o SOUTHERLY by Lot 21, a line running South 89' 51' l0" West, one hundred and E/00 (100.00) feet. Said premises are shown as LOT 20 on a plan entitled: "Subdivision of Land in West Yarmouth, Massachusetts, for Ralph M. and Annette S. Johnson, Jr. Scale 1" = 50' January 21, 1950 Chase, Kelly & Sweetser, Engineers and Surveyors, DennispoM Mass.", which said plan is duly recorded in the Barnstable County Registry of Heeds in Plan Book 9I, Page 41. Subject to and with the benefit of reservations easements, restrictions and a road taking of record so far as the same may now be in force and applicable. We, the Grantors named herein, do hereby voluntarily release all of our rights of Homestead, if any, as set forth in M.G.L. Chapter 188 and state that there are is no other person or persons entitled to any homestead rights other than those executing this deed. Page 4 of 4 pages n LOT 21 G � v 8 �a.7. s 11.9 , DECK f ` 31 INELO �� O,T• AMOS ROAD PUBLIC - 40' WIDE LOT 3 I LOT 2 SCALE, I'-X, DAT& MAY 8. 2015 .W.- 029-19 ADDRESS: 5 AMOS ROAD Cflr YARMOUTH, MA ODUM?:' HARNSTABLE TTTLF RE1Ei DEED BOOK 25G7D, PAGE 792 PLAN REF.: PLAN BOOK 19 T. PLAN 141 ASSESSORS REF; MAP 39, LOT 782 30 1S d FEET 3D 80 LOT 20 7,500 S.F.& 68.57' LOT I No. MORMWE LOAN #4�i i ON 91/5 I CEMY, TO THE BEST OF MY PROFESSIONAL KNOVILMM NWOR AMN & BELIEF, TO 8== JILWN P.C. THAT THE W"NG(S) AND LOT LINES INDICATED ON THfS PLAN ARE LOCATED AMMXRMTELY AS SHOWN AND THAT THERE ARE NO EASEMENTS OR ENCROA#I aM WW RESPECT TD THE BUp.DWS) SRLLITED ON THIS LOT EXCEPT AS SHOWN. THE LOCATION OF WE STRUCTURE W004TED WAS VIWER IN COMPUAMCE WRN THE ZONW Br --LAWS OF THE MW IX MKQ= U4 WHEN CONSTRUCTED (WITH RESPECT TD WMEN M4L SET$ACKS ONLY) OR MAY BE EXEMPT FROM VIOLATION ENFORCEMENT ACTION UNDER MASS GEN. LAW RILE VR, CHAPTER 40A, SECTION 7 AS REYISEO SY SEC. 481. THE BUILDING *G IN A SPECK FLOOD HAZARD AREA AS DETERMWN0 BY THE FEDERAL EWERGDiCY MANACEMEM AGENCY. (COMMUNITY - PAWL _NVMBPR 25001056W EFFECTIVE WE D7 1207s1 NOTE: NO TITLE EVALUA770H HAS K04 AMU BY THIS FIRM PRIOR 00 SVBSFOUENT TO THE ABOVE REFERENCE THIS PLAN WAS DRAWN FOR MORTGAGE PURPOSES ONLY AND IS NOT TO BE RECORDED. OR CONSTRUED TO BE AN INSTRUMENT SURVEY. ST'PffEFN P. PYER, P.L.S., �IELASTONESLtRVE SERVICES 45 MElJX AVENUE, PLYMOUTH, ALA 02360 774-283-2172 O M C31 M 1f7 6') CV C") M M M a) CO) U v CN M n Y rn o l 00 �cn --- CTI co M — N k ai C4 tn. I M C*) - - "' c r T en A m co G � t"^ M CN M M cm — — M N U M N M _v M M N M C"1 01 � M � T M r � ~ r` � M r LU `�� Q Z� Mtn O C C O O rr E 2 C C Q L O = C ~ O i O ry C Q V) >- (L1 T C1 N C � O .� u) E 0 N` O O C3 N C O C2 C6 ( Ln 'E O M E o -4-J M a L I� a n} W c a) C: °) L Q U CD c o w L ° aZn T C � L O Q) OL L N G (6 O a Cl- 0 E ' O C N C O i C N O O y r to C O 0 V Q) C N E C C m 0 (O O 0 YARMOUTH BOARD OF APPEALS ABUTTERS LIST Petition# Nam �/l Filing Date: Hearing Date:���` Property Location' Notices must be sent to the petitioner (applicant), abutters, and owners of land directly opposite on any public or private street or way, and abutters to the abutters (only within 300 feet of the property line) of the petitioner as they appear on the most recent applicable tax list. Provide only the abutters map and lot number . Postage charges for all applications will be determined by multiplying the number of abutters (and the parcel Win guestion)„times .560, which is the current cost for the two required mailings. Add that to the application fee and include your check with the application. Map Number. Lot Number Map Number Lot Number Applicant # Abutters #'s 2 Labels-1 Hard Copy Assessors Field Card with photo Andy Machado, Director of Assessing Abutting Properties for 5 AMOS RD WEST YARMOUTH, MA 02673 39/ 1821 / 1 (300 feet) ` /` ri Location: 31 / 971 1 / 39 WEST YARMOUTH RD Owner: MARIA I MONTEIRO RLTY TRUST 1 PINE ST HUDSON, MA 01749 Location: 39/ 268/ 1 1 47 WEST YARMOUTH RD Owner: SPRAGUE ALICE R 47 WEST YARMOUTH RD WEST YARMOUTH, MA 02673 Location: 39/ 1601 1 1 4 AMOS RD Owner: HEALY MICHAEL TR FOUR AMOS ROAD NOMINEE TRUST 72 OLD MAIN ST SOUTH YARMOUTH, MA 02664-6008 Location: 391 163/ 1 1 14 AMOS RD Owner: CARROLL KRISTENE 14 AMOS RD WEST YARMOUTH, MA 02673 Location: 391 2911 1 1 60 CLOVER RD Owner: DIFILIPPO NICOLA (LIFE EST) DIFILIPPO ANNA (LIFE EST) 65 THAYER RD MONSON, MA 01057 Location: 39/ 1821 1 / 5 AMOS RD Owner: RICHARD BRIAN P RICHARD CHRISTINE M 41 MEADOW WOOD DR HOLDEN, MA 01520 Location: 39/ 1791 I 1 9 ARCHIE RD Owner: MONAGHAN JOHN W JR MONAGHAN BURNETTA F 684 SCHOHARIE TPKE DUANESBURG, NY 12056 Location: 391 1731 1 1 16 ARCHIE RD Owner: SCANGAS ANGELO G SCANGAS STEPHANIE A 18 JOHN RD PEABODY, MA 01960-5118 Location: 311 96/ I 1 86 BEVERLY RD Owner: WRIGHT JENNIFER L ARMY BRENDAN W 86 BEVERLY ROAD WEST YARMOUTH, MA 02673 Location: 391 2691 1 1 53 WEST YARMOUTH RD Owner: CARVALHO ANTONIO CARVALHO MARIA S 90 ANNIE MOORE RD BOLTON, MA 01740-1103 Location: 391161/1I 8 AMOS RD Owner: KELLEHER NEIL F KELLEHER SHERI 8 AMOS RD WEST YARMOUTH, MA 02673 Location: 391 1641 1 1 20 AMOS RD Owner: MARINELLI MARIANO TRS MARINELLI M TRS & CARDARELLI P & D 104 PROGRESS ST WEYMOUTH, MA 02188 Location: 39/ 292I / 1 62 CLOVER RD Owner: BRODEUR JOSEPHINE M TR JOSEPHINE M BRODEUR TRUST 62 CLOVER RD WEST YARMOUTH, MA 02664 Location: 391 2701 / 1 57 WEST YARMOUTH RD Owner: REES LINDA P 0 BOX 996 WEST YARMOUTH, MA 02673 Location: 391 1621 1 1 10 AMOS RD Owner: CORMIER LAWRENCE f CORMIER DONNA M P0BOX 1517 WESTFORD, MA 01886 Location: 391 1651 / 1 24 AMOS RD Owner: CARDUCCI DEBORAH J 8 LELAND RD NATICK, MA 01760 Location: Location: 391 2371 1 1 391 2361 / I 73 WEST YARMOUTH RD 69 WEST YARMOUTH RD Owner: Owner: OSULLIVAN JOHN P HEALY PATRICK J MEHEGAN CATHERINE HEALY PATRICIA A 73 W YARMOUTH RD 69 W YARMOUTH RD WEST YARMOUTH, MA 02673 WEST YARMOUTH, MA 02673 Location: 391 1811 1 1 17 ARCHIE RD Owner: HENNESSY ROBIN MASTERSON LINDA M 278 CLARENDON ST APT #7 BOSTON, MA 02116-1453 Location: 391 1781 1 / 7 ARCHIE RD Owner: TROTTER MARY 7 ARCHIE RD WEST YARMOUTH, MA 02673 Location: 391 1741 1 / 12 ARCHIE RD Owner: JACOBS DONALD 12 ARCHIE RD WEST YARMOUTH, MA 02673 Location: 391 1801 1 1 15 ARCHIE RD Owner: NOCRASZ STEPHEN E 15 ARCHIE RD WEST YARMOUTH, MA 02673 Location: 39/ 1771 1 1 5 ARCHIE RD Owner: FITZGERALD ROBERT E 5 ARCHIE RD WEST YARMOUTH, MA 02673 Location: 391 1751 1 1 8 ARCHIE RD Owner: MOWRY JULIE A P 0 BOX 2179 TEATICKET, MA 02536-2179 Location: 39/ 176/ 1 1 6 ARCHIE RD Owner: KRYSA CHARLOTTE P TR ARCHIE RD RLTY TRUST 40 AMES PL MARLBOROUGH, MA 01752 Location: 39/ 1561 1 1 23 &25 BOXBERRY LN Owner: DEMARIA ALBERT J DEMARIA DEBORAH A 290 CLIFTON ST MALDEN, MA 02148 Location: 39/ 1591 1 1 3 BOXBERRY LN Owner: ELLIOTT DEREK P 3 BOXBERRY LN WEST YARMOUTH, MA 02673 Location: 39/ 2661 1 1 58 SCHOLL AVE Owner: GISO MARIE 58 SCHOLL AVE WEST YARMOUTH, MA 02673 Location: 39/ 2711 1 I SCHOLL AVE Owner: TOWN OF YARMOUTH 1146 ROUTE 28 SOUTH YARMOUTH, MA 02664-4463 Location: 39/ 1471 1 1 4 BOXBERRY LN Owner: MORROW DAVID R MCLEAN DEBRA A 135 ROCKY RD WHITINSViLLE, MA 01588 Location: 391 172/ / 1 23 AMOS RD Owner: MITCHELL JOHN B 23 AMOS RD WEST YARMOUTH, MA 02673 Location: 391 157/ ! 1 17 BOXBERRY LN Owner: MACDONALD LINDA D 17 BOXBERRY LN WEST YARMOUTH, MA 02673 Location: 39/ 150I 1 1 18 BOXBERRY LN Owner: SCAVONE JAMES J SCAVONE AMY L 143 WEST STREET CLINTON, MA 01510 Location: 39/ 2651 1 1 54 SCHOLL AVE Owner: QUINN JOHN E ESTATE OF MCGUINESS ANNE J EXECUTRIX 16 SUMMIT RD NAUGATUCK, CT 06770 Location: 39/ 238/ ! 1 59 NOBBY LN Owner: MULLEN DOUGLAS W P O BOX 1274 MARSTONS MILLS, MA 02648 Location: 39/ 1481 1 1 8 BOXBERRY LN Owner: DAUPHINAIS ALFRED STANLEY 8 BOXBERRY LN WEST YARMOUTH, MA 02673 Location: 39/ 171/ / 1 45 MCGEE ST Owner: CIFELLI KATHLEEN R 46 WINCHESTER DR SOUTH DENNIS, MA 02660 Location: 391 1581 1 1 9 BOXBERRY LN Owner: ELLIOTT JOHN T ELLIOTT DIANE R 9 BOXBERRY LN WEST YARMOUTH, MA 02673 Location: 391 2721 1 1 59 SCHOLL AVE Owner: SIMONETTI BRUNO S SIMONETTI ELIZABETH A 37 BRIAN DR BOLTON, CT 06043 Location: 391 267/ 1 1 64 SCHOLL AVE Owner: TOWN OF YARMOUTH 1146 ROUTE 28 SOUTH YARMOUTH, MA 02664-4463 Location: 391 2351 1 1 62 NOBBY LN Owner: CHARTIER DEBORAH J TR CIO FEIST JACOB 26 FRANCES HELEN RD YARMOUTH PORT, MA 02675 Location: 391 1491 1 1 12 BOXBERRY LN Owner: WISEMAN STACEY M 12 BOXBERRY LN WEST YARMOUTH, MA 02673 RE C FP,,VE ® wonHone, Amy VIA E-4,0AIL From: vonHone, Amy Sent: Thursday, January 12, 2017 3:14 PM To: Clark, Sandi Subject: RE: 5 Amos Road PETITION #4674: Property location: 5 Amos Road, West Yarmouth Per Health Department records, this property was upgraded with a fully compliant Title 5 septic system in 2010 without variances. The septic system is rated for a maximum 3 bedrooms. Any proposed addition will require full review by the Health Department to insure full compliance with our local and state codes. If you have any additional questions, please don't hesitate to contact our office. Thank you, Array Amy L. von Hone, R.S., C.H.O. Assistant Health Director Yarmouth Health Department 1146 Route 28 South Yarmouth, MA 02664 (0) 508-398-2231 X1241 (F) 508-760-3472 avonhone@yarmouth.ma.us /I / a M O C14 N4- I W n) 60 a1= ROBIN WiLLIAM JX No.:}1341 AMOS ROAD - PRIVATE WAY 2� /099 9 cp LOT 20 8,081 S,F, 4*o DWELING LING DeCK 100,00' t u IM P19.7' Rpp ADDI T 0£D �, �1 00 \ O d !0 TO THE BEST OF MY INFORMATION, r PROPOSED" PLOT PLAN KNOWLEDGE, AND BELIEF THE WEST YARMOUTH, MASS. STRUCTURES SHOWN ON THIS PLAN LOT 20, PL. BK. 91 PG. 41 HAS BEEN LOCATED ON THE GROUND DATE 811912016 SCALE 1" = 20' AS INDICATED. JOB 7757-00 CLIENT MULLIKIN 1/10/2017 �� SWEETSER ENGINEERING 203 SETUCKET ROAD DATE PROFESSIONAL LANIJ SURVEYOR PO BOX 713 SOUTH DENNIS, MA 02660 off. 508-385-6900 fax. 508-385-6991 C:`SB\PROl�7757-00�dwgj7757-PPPI.DWG ® 2016 SWEETSER ENGINEERING EJ AN 112017 YAPr,,O,O()TH BOARU, ;,.-PEALS 0 m 00 M (:D H 124 E— O Ri ROBIN WILLIAM WILCOX No. 31341 OP k,-o, �a4 � L 15 ll' ; AMOS ROAD PRIVATE WAY r 4*o L EIT 20 8,081 S,F, R 0 CV DWFLLl/vG GAtypos Q 1��1111 ADD TIpN � - J 0' - "Eck _- 4 00 SHED O �0,00' ROBIN WILLIAM i WILCOX 9 No.31341 a/ TER L LANO S TO THE BEST OF MY INFORMATION, KNOWLEDGE, AND BELIEF THE STRUCTURES SHOWN ON THIS PLAN HAS BEEN LOCATED ON THE GROUND AS INDICATED 9/20/2016 DATE PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR "PROPOSED" PLOT PLAN WEST YARMOUTH, MASS. LOT 20, PL. BK. 91 PG. 41 DATE 8 19 2016 SCALE 1 " = 20' JOB 7757-00 CLIENT MULLIKIN SWEETSER ENGINEERING 203 SETUCKET ROAD PO BOX 713 SOUTH DENNIS, MA 02660 ]8-385-6900 fox. 508-385-6991 C.• \SB\PROJ�7757-00�dwg j7757-PPP.DWG ®2016 SWEETSER ENGINEERING _ k f p� f. j ;S r ', l S ai ?: t:` 4 Mt, +a N N - ;l'%- , r 1 _ a 2 � I� :. 4 {-`y _,c k I, ~ r y t11 *t/ 'i �, r j "Y`%r °,y7�3' i .rq =4 ; �' '�` r• , fl ;M1!` ; TM y .-�'`} `K 7 s x ': 's saw i 4. ,# � c � s1. N_ �.t ' � ' . ` 4 * 5 AtF" f �. S€ 4 s - e �^ '�'r =y- F a `# r - { '?t v� ' `- { tz �r�s: -> - , ,� ,, v 3'.� ,, s Z#-. e ,`, y Ytr".� -as r #. , � s d �� - d ', , x 1. a-r 3 " 4 - y s +t r it L S g to �s _�.aJz-�"". S ,f ll ..7 .f { i-'yt -�4a*s Tt' ;_�j �5-yn..y- y p .'.t m -Y'� r Fy t,,y% ��1. ; xr s fi.e'�"•#'^.''.� v._ -.,tk Via: -.'. R I sr _ ' S . 1�6. _ i F s , s � a- y e,w, r - r 1 - -: ~r 4 5 y v r-!' y- -1.- °P" s '�" d r, v r "` ,� a` i_ % i "t'4 S :!�a �,, R I , y4 fi , i4 '• V" rlls " 't* +% `. Yt 3 , .- a w ,: w,r�+ � f` �, r y, ti 'aY _ f - v, s.-i�� a '+�`� ." . `�" -, ,�.� j .v' �.,�- A�l� i t r' E t' f _ t '. y# -a k L F .y .* - 5 � 4 i i $1 41 a - f .l i 1+ r, ' :� v, i.. ,ar ♦ t m t � s A•k<. - 4 d r J c` �: k s a7 R A �� ` Pt. `{+ 'qk i i . }ai .i r - p V .1 " rF ,�i - } ." ; fi v F sayer {}��$ _ { V. , : ", , 4 "K ('.j ( r r _h 4'- L .`r Yam. - `` !.{ ;�' , �Y � i'.,. .. r 1 1 _ y ,.?4 q a "1 J't J t 1 -i k 5" *�% " I 7" 1' .'i y 6 y 4 a4-� -' A .y $ 5 �. tom}.�ki"q�-3 'k+ a .t ra',t Ki '4_ Y a �:'E,$ a """Zy T 1 &" ' „ R�. � ` a � � iI _ e i> a it y ;,C:. -k •r f t s a fr 6x Y f.> � "� .,sr € c a g `� c a` t d . � . , . �,� � '.. I , , " . , ., " , . �e., t -.,, m . I ��.. . . `i' .�. ?- rtv h iPF'-i'(� - l'`f`1. kN'` .+# �' - % <''i2 a L.+ , . , � 41 , . . -,�, , . - � - -11 , ll�l -.,,.,I :, - 111. V , L " e:-�l . :: . . . , i . . . , - - L JXV 1-1 . " -1 , 11 . - . ,�,,,lw;l . , , ( i(-- 0 T1. 4 I L I j ,�:] '+ #VV//�yyl,.k E'i}i�lfi3 t1'ZI I I.i lei xl DIAl 11 i a I. , 1 * _ � g ' , � j s ; e - J, , E i , - . � a F f' S i' i '1>2 ,p a. j -�I 7 I . y_. t F.:, -i.;; c t 1-t - p- s ';: ...3 i .. c :.�{s i;' i L".;�.p i a::•Es i'-5 _ =.i _ ,i.,' - s r. - i;4. `� ,L _ ,� ';y1...." .� j_ i- - %t1. T I Y s `' - S �'"' " #t i t,.,- !,1 ^`a 1% f € .'' `� 't .... h 1 Y 't a.} \ .;: } f P t - -% f _ h i .g 1tt r4. i - , a w r t q u -. gw r y. - ! - IN ) Zvi Y I I }' ':r It �i 4 i i :•,- 1.t *icy 1•..,, y i ' '+a �, .tip , v _ . i '} i_ . „K `§' _ a1. 1.Y L. t �- r a"i �Ffh �fv s �S:s ? 4° } F i7r �r ` - 5 - t= S� yy 4 ° I ' r'rt ` r5 C" 4 f +, h # - r3,a.. i �� y �i i>t� ,� ; - � . r s, ; ' ``S r.-' - s' 1 (WATER 1500 GAL SEPTIC TANK UNDER OR ,Y COMPACTED) UP, 13" DOWN 6" UP, 14" DOWN —ZABEL EFFLUENT FILTER (OR EQUAL) AT OUTLET COVERS WITHIN 6" OF FINISHED GRADE TEE AT INLET i CLICK DISCONNECT 98.5 98.2 ELEV, (WATER PROOFED) ELEV.102.04 101.87 98. V ELEV. ELEV. ELEV. D-BOX (6" OF STONE UNDER) GAS BAFFLE 1000 GAL PUMP CHAMBER DRAIN HOLE WITH MYERS SRM-4 PUMP, PUMP ALARM PACKAGE TO BE INSTALLED IN DWELLING POWERED BY A CHECK CIRCUIT SEPARATE FROM THE PUMP POWER, VALVE DISTANCE BETWEEN ON/OFF SWITCH TO BE 4" DISTANCE BETWEEN ON SWITCH AND ALARM TO BE 12") T MAX, COVER (1' MIN) FILTER FABRIC OVER CHAMBERS INSPECTION PORT /--- ELEV.= 102.2 ELEV. E 24' x 12 � 10f.75 USE 9 CULTEC C-4 CHAMBERS K x 8') 5' [N A 24' x 12' CONFIGURATION ELEV. (24' x 12' x 3" EFFECTIVE DEPTH) ADJUSTED GROUND WATER ELEVATION = 96.5 v` w TH-1 TEST HOLE LOGS ELEV. O/AHORIZON BED LIVING ENGINEER: ENGINEER: THOMAS McLELLAN, P.E. LOAMY SAND 10YR 211 ROOM ROOM 91. WITNESS: AMY VON HONE, R.S. 101.3 B HORIZON PERC DATE: 7-14-10 LOAMY SAND PERCOLATION RATE: a 2 MINIIN 30"1 10YR 5/8 99.5 C HORIZON BED BTH KITCHEN ROOM MEDIUM SAND USGS GROUNDWATER ADJUSTMENT: 2.5Y 7/4 WELL: MIW-29, ZONE: B, ADJ (JUNE): 1.5' 8411 OBSERVED 95.0 ADJUSTED GROUND WATER ELEV.= 96.5 138" GROUNDWATER1 90,5 EXISTING FLOOR PLAN NOTES: 1. VERTICAL DATUM: ASSUMED 2, MUNICAPAL WATER IS AVAILABLE. 3. SCHEDULE 40 - 4" PVC PIPE TO BE USED THROUGHOUT SEPTIC SYSTEM. 4. ALL PRECAST UNITS SUBJECT TO TRAFFIC LOADS TO CONFORM WITH AASHTO H-20 SPECIFICATIONS. 5. PIPE PITCH = 1/4" PER FOOT (UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE). 6. FIRST 2' OF PIPE OUT OF D-BOX TO BE SET LEVEL. 7. THE SEPTIC SYSTEM HAS NOT BEEN DESIGNED TO ACCOMODATE THE USE OF A GARBAGE DISPOSAL. 8. ALL CONSTRUCTION DETAILS ARE TO BE IN CONFORMANCE WITH THE STATE OF MASS. ENVIRONMENTAL CODE (TITLE FIVE) AND LOCAL HEALTH REGULATIONS. 1(auth Health Department 9. CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY LOCATIONS OF ALL UTILITIES PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. "PROVED 10. GROUND COVER OVER ALL SEPTIC SYSTEM COMPONENTS NOT TO EXCEED 3'. + / 11. FIELD SURVEY PROVIDED BY TERRY A. WARNER, P.L.S., HARWICH, MA. -�-_- 12, THIS PLAN REQUIRES THE REVIEW AND APPROVAL OF ONE OR MORE TOWN DEPARTMENTS AND IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE UNTIL SUCH TIME. 13. EXISTING CESS POOL IS TO BE PUMPED AND FILLED WITH SAND OR REMOVED. 14. D-BOX TO BE WATER TESTED TO ENSURE LEVELNESS AND EQUAL FLOW. ALL UNS DEEP)WITHIN 5' OF PROPOSED LEACH AREA IS TO BE ABLE SOIL, A ORIZOC 'EAN r y DI MEDIUM 1 . AN ELECTRIC PERMIT IS REQUIRED PRIOR TO THE INSTALLATION OF THE PUMP SYSTEM. 0;C; 2 2010 �! 1 . SEPTIC TANK AND PUMP CHAMBER ARE TO BE WATER PROOFED BY MANUFACTURER WITH IPANEX CONCRETE ADDITIVE OR CONSEAL 55. A 6" EZ WRAP IS ALSO REQUIRED 1" IEALT!-I DAP FOR BOTH TANKS. - STTE PLAN rL-„ LOCATION: 5 AMOS RD., W. YARMOUTH, MA n7 PREPARED F012: JULLIA MORRIS �.. CIVIL r �No. 36471 ,cj DATE: 9-30-10 REVISED: 10-28-10 SCALE: 1" = 20' BASS RIVER ENGINEERING THOMAS J. McL AN, P.E. P.O. BOX 1163, EAST DENNIS, MA 02641 508-385-342,6 . 0 w N �g 4�� LOCATION MAP LOT 20 (8,113 SF) ASSESSORS MAP: 39 PARCEL: 182 PLAN BOOK: 91, PAGE: 41 FLOOD ZONE: C KEY: EXISTING CONTOUR: - — — - PROPOSED CONTOUR: ............. EXISTING SPOT ELEVATION: 25.5 PROPOSED SPOT ELEVATION: 25.5 TEST HOLE* UTILITY POLE: -� FENCE LINE: HYDRANT:-6- RETAINING WALL:o R. M 10-24 SEPTIC SYSTEM DESIGN FLOW ESTIMATE: (3 BEDROOM DESIGN MINIMUM) 3 BEDROOMS AT 110 GAL 1 DAY = 330 GAL I DAY SEPTIC TANK: 330 GAL I RAY x 2 DAYS = MO GAL USE 1500 GALLON SEPTIC TANK LEACHING AREA: USE 9 CULTEC C4 CHAMBERS (4' x 8') IN A 24' x 12' CONFIGURATION (24' x 12' x 3" EFF. DEPTH) TOTAL LINEAR FEET = 9 UNITS x 8' 1 UNIT = 72' EFFECTIVE BOTTOM LEACHING AREA = 72' x 6.7 SFIFT = 482 SF EFFECTIVE LEACHING CAPACITY = 482 SF x (0.74) = 357 GAL/DAY 8 4 BENCHMARK AT ' ORANGE PAINT ON PATIO ELEVATION = 101.17 SEPTIC SY% 99.57 TOP OF FOUNDATION ELEV. a 99.0 -71 ELEV. (6 OFS7 INVERT AT PVC &CHAN CLEAN OUT = 99.2 TEE SIZE INLET: 6' OUTLET BUOYANCY CALCULATION (SEPTIC TANK: 10.5' x 5.67' x (96.5 - 94.5) x 62.4 LBICF = ,429 LB WEIGHT OF TANK = 11,480 LB BUOYANCY CALCULATION (PUMP CHAMBER): 8.5' x 4.83' x (96.5 - 94) x 62.4 LBlCF = 6,405 LB WEIGHT OF TANK = 8,240 LB BENCHMARK AT RIGHT CORNER OF BOTTOM STEP ELEVATION = 102.27 D 0 I m 0 98 Z= A n 0� .z co mM r- m O --1 *m -n_0 �m O� v m RICHARD RESIDENCE 5 AMOS ROAD, WEST YARMOUTH, MA. SCALE 1/4" = 1'-O" DATE: 12-8-16 LU 4. C= MEL EU Z)Q EL 0 :ii i� Q O m 3" -17 LL- 41-0'r m X co --I z G) x m cn 0 m z 0 m 261-011 ma 41-011 T-611 RICHARD RESIDENCE 5 AMOS ROAD, WEST YARMOUTH SCALE 1/411 = 1 1-011 DATE: 12-8-16 U) 0 c --i r m r- m 0 z OD IF7 -n 0 --� 0 z G) m X cl) IL I z z 0 m r- m 0 z RICHARD RESIDENCE 5 AMOS ROAD, WEST YARMOUTH, MA. SCALE 1/411 = 1 1-011 DATE: 12-8-16 7 — — -- — 9( z= n �O =z m� rm O --4 *m ma zm O� O m RICHARD RESIDENCE 5 AMOS ROAD, WEST YARMOUTH, MA. SCALE 114" = 1'-0" DATE: 12-8-16 © LO W a LU Wo Lu N —' � Q °m