HomeMy WebLinkAbout33 Pleasant St MACRIS 08122019Massachusetts Cultural Resource Information System Scanned Record Cover Page Inventory No: YAR.440 Historic Name: Crowell, Isaiah House Common Name: Address: 33 Pleasant St C ity/Town: Yarmouth VillageiNeighborhood: South Yarmouth Village, Bass River Local No: 218 Year Constructed: 1839 Architect(s): Architectural Style(s): Greek Revival Use(s): Single Family Dwelling House: Boarding House Significance: Architecture: Commerce Area(s): YAR.H: South Yarmouth - Bass River Historic District Designation(s): Nat'l Register District (0 512 911 9 9 0) Root: Asphalt Shingle Building Materials(s): Wall: Wood: Wood Clapboard Foundation: Granite, Stone, Cut The Massachusetts Historical Commission (MHC) has converted this paper record to digital format as part of ongoing projects to scan records of the inventory of Historic Assets of the Commonwealth and National Register of Historic Places nominations for Massachusetts. 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Commonwealth of Massachusetts Massachusetts Historical Commission 220 Morrissey Boulevard, Boston, Massachusetts 02125 www.sec.state.ma.us/mhc This file was accessed on: Monday, August 12, 2019 at 3:43: PM t FORM B - BUILDING ALNSSAC HUSE TTS HISTORICAL COMMISSION Office of the Secretary, State House, Boston 4. Map. Draw sketch of building location in relation to nearest cross streets and other buildings. Indicate north.1 U --don Street e a i n t S .. t Akin Avenne r =. t .7K-7%-77 In Area no. Form no. _- - Bss ever >.,.'..._ Ess 33 Il.easant Street __.. ti 0,;_. 'L'he isaiah Crove.l.l House (over) nt use Reside -rice airL nt owner x lden a `al l ows ion. 8 I�rce ?ampIiIct StV10 Federal Architect Exterior wall fabric �Aiite olalat;oar,. Outbuildings (describe) Large. barr-- Other features wont does not face Pleasant Street, 3/4- 3ape, two story, fieldstone foundation Altered X Moved 5. Lot size Date Date one acre or less X Over one acre -33' on Akin veni:ae Approximate frontage 701 on, '-Pleasant t Street Approximate distance of building from street r 6. Recorded by ; _rctl�ne _ Organization^ Y r€ rn h Tfi +nri ra i r�r r Date 30 11141st 197a - 7. Original owner (if known) Original use Subsequent uses (if any) and dates S. Themes (check as many as applicable) Aboriginal Conservation Recreation Agricultural Education Religion Architectural �•_ Exploration/ Science/ The Arts settlement invention Commerce Industry Social/ Communication Military humanitarian Community development Political _ Transportation 9. Historical significance (include explanation of themes checked above) Isai2.h Crowell, bown in 1799, was a. ship's captain early in life. Being active in foriegn trade, his vessel was captured by the British in the War of 1812 off St. Johns s,evr n�u�dlazad. He and some other sailors were exchanged and sent home.r the 182Clts his voyages had acquired him much wealth. In 1808, the year Peer (one of his six children) was bort he bought the "Red house" or '"ditch Douse" (see building fora # 155). After the vmr, he returned to sea in the Folly, built for Isaiah and David Crowell by local shipbuilder Asa Ssiveriek. By the 1830te Isaiah eras deeply involved in local affairs of Bass River, then called "The Ctker Village". Ile served on town committies and in the state legislature (1831 - 1€130, In 1830 a. house -raising was held by the Mends (-Qaakers) to erect this home for Isaiah Crowell. In the following years he was president of the Barnstable Ba k, (1543 -- 1850, vas a: director of the bank for 37 years„ established an ail cloth warps, fo=ned a stoch company with David X.,A-kin and David Kelley and purchased a Local store originally built by Osborn Chase. =;Ihen he died in 1872, he was 86. His wife Abigail (1785 - 1£72) is on record as vice-president of the newly formed Library association. Both ase buried at the Friendb3 I:leetin; House a mile from their home. The homestead passed to their son Henry Crowell who lived there many years. lh-. s-=antively involved in both state and local politics, and was in business in 33oe.Dn. Their,.son;Peter was lost at sea in a storm in 18.1. c In. the early 1900ts the '=shit s. uaed-this, J rge suture as a boa=ding,bouse to idUch 'local towspeaple often went for bhnday dinner. The Field family after them also kept this as a boarding house. The newest owners, the Fallows, intend to restore the building which is nav in poor shape. They have restored many old houses in Few �tg3axtd. Because of the enormous size of the b-uild.ingt they too wJ 11 make it into a guesthouse. 0. Bibliography and/or references (such as local histories, deeds, assessor's records, early maps, etc.) 1 "Yesterdayts Tide", Florence Baker, 1941 2 "History of Barnstable County", 1890 3 Pamphlet, "Old. ober Village", . :e;.1J.Jenkins, 1915 "Cage Cod, Its People and. Their History", Kittredge 5 "Shipmasters of Cape Cod", Kittredge 6 Oral from George Tapper of Pleasant Street INVENTORY FORM CONTINUATION SHEET MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL F `RSSION Office of the Secretary, b..,ton Ca mmmd ty : Form No : - -ever � " 0 Property Name: the Isaiah Crowell 1 - Indicate each item on inventory form which is being 'continued below. se The basic house is two stomtes but the extensions are one -and -a hall' and one stpry -::ith a large screened porch and varied roo lines. dere are five chimney -� th via fireplaces in the front part alone. The stairs to the widow's walk.remain but the walk itself was blown off in the '1'9500,, The pluming is all in the second extension dating it 'mound 1900. lost windows are six over six and there is only one small dorme±. The baTn is now a two car garage. The old white clapboard building has a tan light transom near the onofline. Staple to Inventory form at bottom