HomeMy WebLinkAbout33 Pleasant St StoryboardVozella, ,Beth From: Joseph Dick <jwdarchinc@comcast.net> Sent: Thursday, September 5, 2019 5:41 PM To: Vozella, Beth Cc: Joseph Dick Subject: 33 Pleasant Storyboard contents 05Sep19 Attachments: Connell Historic Storyboard Contents 05Sep19.pdf Attention! This email originates outside of the organization. Do not open attachments or click links unless you are sure this email is from a known sender and you know the content is safe. Call the sender to verify if unsure. Otherwise delete this email. Hi Beth, I also scanned the contents of the storyboard individually as sometimes the iPad photos (photo of entire storyboard I sent previously) don't print out well. Here they are: I�p�l� Fd�t3���s86b1Svt�th,�@OQ1�k11'i+{l/cammonwealtfrxg94jn55n) Back to Search (/seamh?page=l &per_page=20&q=33+Pleasant+Street+South+Yarmouth+MA&search_field=all_fields&ulf8 %E2%9C%93) Start Over Historical Society of Old Yarmouth (l,institutions/commonweaRh:xg84j5B50) ♦ Historical Society of Old Yarmouth Archives and Local History Callectio Isaiah Crowell House 33 Pleasant St., South Yarmou 6 , V:ew,rig 67age '. of 2 Next > (hmage_view / mmonwealth: + [ V11 k� PLEASANT STREt:I, AQU';Y' YARMOUTH, MASS. IJ f%SBrelated_item_hosl_ssim%5D%5B%5D=Hjstodcal+Society+of+Old+Yarmouth+image+Collec� io ) �ownloads Series: Rufus White Collection Vsearch? 1%58related_item_host_ssimO/o5D%5B%5D=Histodcal+Society-rof+Old+Yarmouth+Image+Collec-igW%ft &qa)%Ufpghc%VhR&,krott%5D%5B%5D=Rutu: Subjects: Houses (/search?f%5Bsubject_facet_ssim%5D%58%5D=Houses) (Idownloadslcommonweanh:xg94,,n73k? Streets (/search?f%5Bsubject_racet_ssim%5D%5B%5D=Streels) datastream_ d=producitonMaster) Automobiles (/search?f%5Bsubject_facet_ssim%SD%5B%50=Automobiles) MF. rn,ni-fM ztP, -18.7.MB) Transportation (/search?f%5Bsubject_facet_ssim°i65D%5B%5D=Transportation) Original (full resolution) Places: Massachusetts (/search?f%SBsubject_geographic_ssim%5D%5B%SD=Massachusetts) Vdowntoads/comrnonweanh:xg94jn73k? datastream_ d=accessFuip > Bamstab€e (county) (!search? 1.1PEG. mutt>•fite bP, -r.BS MBf f%5Bsubject_geographic_ssim%5D%55%5D=Barnstable+%28county%29) > Yarmouth i South Yammuth Medium {) VdowloadyccKnmpnweatlh:xa94in73k?(/search?f%58subject_geographic_ssim%SD%SB%SD=Yarmouth) (/search?f%5Bsubject_geographic_ssim%5D%SB%5D--South+Yarmouth) datastream-id=eccess3oj LIPEGL nxitrrdena -a?a Kat. 33 Pleasant St., South Yarmouth, MA (/search? f %58subject-geographic_ssim%5D%58%5D=33+Pleasant+St.%2C+South+Yarmouth%2C+MA) Extent- 1 photograph : color print ; sheet 3 x 5 in. (postcard format) 2 locations mapped „ 1 Permalink: https://ark.digitalcommonwealth.org/arkl50959/xg94jn73k (hnps://ark.digitalcommonwealth.org/ark:/50959/xg94jn73k) Terms of Use: Flights status not evaluated for all images. If you wish to publish this image please _ contact the Historical Society of Old Yarmouth at info®hsoy.org for information regarding use. r 0, C ,,�/ f loll l a � # • % � �/§\k�\%%���� �§ f®§�\�©�%.$\ to :,�k_� �.�% ■s . � isrmouth: Old Hr teat n,ed Cuth Pfurt 179 !�'� lit silt lxg1F',, fs,lial acas dee-I)k irn,dlcd in toc;tl lEl.lu, I,1 5tinlh ' the en (,illud the \'ill.lt 1 til h Q(i iket I� 1 111 in 111v 1HI' Irkl,E,ll,(i,ttlit'tai•en41K'i1'not IS , 11, h19241 .t 'Itlwr laiasll; IFst'lie.; 1 l.t > kIA1 livid by ihr F'rirutic to erect httnu' fnl l,.n.ttl t,3uacll h, lite f;sllnwinfi t rj�l. II, i, It FIU w .�. � }tar>.11t` tt •Ih iii t'13 rit'l 11>i Iilt till i�allk, a':E1d il[r('c'[nl I Ullll' iia ill, t, r, 1- ''t14l�f.11llC tslallishe(1 ;in oil ric,ih tp ltks 1r,l lut'(l ., ytlrk ( 0111NIIII wills I);tl id K- Wit dolt ll,nitl Ketl" " 4iIE'1 111(• 1jr�rl"„ and pLu'rhasCd a 1(laal eknr 4), 9111.0h Imik lit (W)orli (:}I;Aje When lie died I►•II in 1:112'. 111'ua. 86 Wan ail age- Pum Pum fits ' R{ Is iasis %tilt \hWAil. ls'hn K'a5lal it in I78:i, i, on i13jti _ ce['nrd A%% il C 131Csidenl of the ncwl4 lurlllCd it+l[Ilt Isaiah Haus, iallrar% Assntiatiml. She (lied in 1,472 anti ht,Lh ale bill"Icti al the Friends Meeting ltr,umv a III& in Elle United Simus Natal suivice during htiln IILVil' home. lite homrste.ad pa. ed tttili(•rl ;,red }oil. Heim {:rowel%, ul(1 liu•(1 [here Inane u•.us, ll,r (:;tit WA r, lit, w;i4 a( lll(•I4' illl'nlwd in loth state alld lot,ll llhc'Il till' wilt cndvd. Caltiml) \itkvl„Ill (allic pr)blk • and t•�:I, in bil,hiv%s in Bo,ktol. their on. hnlllC in esl:11r116h iliTn�l'If alltl In bill .1 hnl15C PvtCl. 1,,N 1,111 .d ,ra rn :1 ,Intltl Ill IM11 ill lit, SCell ril bled 1n71111•1-. Whe•lhcl” hu Iettirrted lit lite Carh 1900's, Iho Whitt,, used Illi, lmg( '111,l1E1[tlfill nl SLAW([ f,l the sc'd [ land is not known, but all Blrnl Uire as a l{!dl'dii1� hbtls(' U, whi(it I+tt :Il E, Ia ll.. 1 %I kill- Ic.,I, Liter he W.k,in iinanrLt! rhlfit ulu kY1'i11fF� to pcople often went for Sunda)' dir11m I Ill: I'(•Itt It, rfl UilCratl.', he look (rill a ltl(11'tgaizc' ,In his II use falnill alta them alsls kept cilli ;kti :l liu:ll7linl: l�,ll.t. 11('1 Akin _ lt(Iln lite Bass River savirigs 1i,m . for 5800. Four 101;a Cited lr,tr%Lirvr the bank fitrvcjoie(j oil { ;:Ll]laftl Nickerson. fitt-d his off rif the Wilm c(entually happened tai t:apt;lin Nickerson N'.S+• not nottrlercd, but the mviie'rship til the house ;ll lln• tnslung years is dortlllic'nicd ill More thall 4mIlt•d I,jt4:I(Ilirl'e.:kil F. i'it'l(I• ;lctill'tlijig it) the 1907 34 Pleasant Street r hnli}(f[t alj''s Imil kl)ll bought the pl•krperly frutn the c 1775 ht It' lilnk. Allui hien it man named Pridgim, :Ilul then Gcorgian thr 11-Pth%ards, ftrllowed h} F:arle N, I.-llntneau, all lined here. This house, one (if tilt oldest, lincr (:c•rlrgi:nls Il, Intl the bass River arra, blas had n lunK. well rrra,ldr(t ,diel 1110 ►film Mr, Fontneau became the (Elsner al)([uE 19'17, history. The house all in ;t 111111111(-t of plllllt ;r.ln'I ShC hnu,e wm krltr m a% the B;iss Rifer L,(xigr altd done by local histurialli an(I t :IlI +'.I,ilr hr I[1 1y 1 (llntlltnit•rl ;i5 I}1C R:ilIll' Sl•tiEEl(I Imply. Since Ile cations to the last dccadr of the cigil'('`''11t1 (rnnns Irtliuluislled rlaitn about Ili kcal's afro, the placc traced According to Daniel Wing, tile 'Re(I tl ,nsr; tit hnt sl rainod tile name. but unutl ]ws leen altered' -Witch liousr; as it h:tS hall called, I,a, built hl h,ulkr+l :old addrtl to. Joseph Gra[Iri(tEl. lie colt a In S.11111.10 blat1yf11 ;I t, �r ll,rl 33 Pleasant Street ill 1RO K C:apLliti Isaiah {:rosrcit of land cactcnding 11-11 lite slttl I,I IA3y with a strip Section (if Mail' Strec' wiltt'11 lat" Iles ,e111t' l+ll(tnl 7.the Fede)d] that site of the owl Club. t s„, rt, It (:alllain Isaiah House t�ltlnslcll.t it lah,t4 iti%; j'.I,.IL t It,tt(•11, burn in 1 7(E'l, N,t% a chili, t ,llli:,illC;s•(>ac11 Additional ol,nerstsfC'Plaiu ll,111CI ell and his snn. ,t �•-� (Illo,illilt'. ]il']nf;,itiRC ill tt11(`l�I1 (r.ltlt'. hE, was iog at Bea. 1"Q�'st'ls r ,ll,ltirt-d b( Ow lit MAI in Ill"liar eel (sf the hnttsr hale 6crn r�pl,linrd lI fl wl. �n11li s, bra l+Iulteil.uut lir ,hill ♦tall[' '<i lll'4 'Ille n;ckllanik'l an"olle Can rcr-Milrl. As It,n d� ' wa, gatt(I, �1'll A ,•, kt111'� Btl're' t'\( h.lil't,I ,nit] ,t'Elt IliEilkl'- 1St Ilt,. th'-F1♦ F, ......L,lt;Ys hdll b1111 ![llltl' ht nGC.'Red Ilnu,r' (l,llt. Partially. • tipllff red ' has horn railed "11'llt h (IruLsc•. hasher(11't' 1 ill(•}7 lt• .it(lltk!(',I till it •11• 1'1 !`aljj� lit- iltlnj;lll thc.Rt(f Illtll�(" Ich • it sI1I,r(,priatc,Hit) aIIIEcdreddre(1"vintstl, 14,;k4,hr(•np' lGlnSr :Utei tit(• %%.11. hr A(-I(lIIIk-I M, ,r,l wji5'ithasal ;tact • ,t�(•111 IO i]l• h,rlhc/)t7111lI!, lit' r( It' llle 1,11!1,, I,nili !tn il.arafl .tit,] Il.tt ltl l E,I14c11 !It 1''k te, w'hieh no answ 11 ; •11\tn{sbti illit.'E, 11,L Motel lkk INVENTORY FORM CONTINUATION SHEET MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL (- '�IISSION Office of the Secretary, b..,ton CammtMity : Form No: 0 Property Name: `llt= saia , ro, ill r;o Indicate each item on inventory form which is being continued below. s The basic house is two stories but the extensions are one -and -a half and one story with a large screened porch and varied rooflines. There are five chimneys with six fireplaces in the front part alone. The stairs to the u-idow's +,talk remain but the walk itself was blown off in the 1'95o►a.- rMe pluming is all in the second extension dating it awound 9900. I•lost uindows are six over six and there is only one small dormer. The barna is now a tuo car gaxagge. The old white clapboard building has a ten limit transom near the aoofline. Staple to Inventory form at bottom FORM B - BUILDING MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL COMMISSION Office of the Secretary, State House, Boston 4. Map. Draw sketch of building location in relation to nearest cross streets and other buildings. indicate north. Union Street I i e a t s i a tt t Ficin Avenue r __...__.._. e e t 377-77 I (over) In Area no. Form no. ''ass River Ess 33 Pleasant Sfre-ei "1te Isaiah Crowell house nt use i2sidQ130a ani nt owner ;,lden Fallows iption: puree Pamphlet Styie Federal Architect Exterior wall fabric 'r?hite clapboard Outbuildings (describe) _arje barn-Lara4e Other features Front does not face Pleasant "t-eet, 3/4 Cape, two story, fieldstone y V_L4 fo,midation Altered X Hate Moved Date 5. Lot size one acre or less X Over one acre �55' on ikin Ikvente - Approximate frontage 70' on Pleasant 7t-i7c-t Approximate distance of building from street 0 6. Recorded by ',ii3 rrpnnp Organization Yammifn ITi ej-orj on1 .�-- lMm Date 30 3t _27g � F ,\ _.... -rTA a- :21