HomeMy WebLinkAboutMSDS. Page 1 of 11 Pages 材料安全数据表材料安全数据表材料安全数据表材料安全数据表 Material Safety Data Sheet 样样样样 品品品品 名名名名 称称称称 : 8.96kWh 工商业 pack Name of Sample: 8.96kWh Industrial and commercial pack 委委委委 托托托托 单单单单 位位位位 : 双一力(宁波)电池有限公司 Commissioner:::: SYL(NINGBO)BATTERY CO.,LTD. 威凯检测技术有限公司威凯检测技术有限公司威凯检测技术有限公司威凯检测技术有限公司 Vkan Certification & Testing Co., Ltd. No.: GJW2020-4387 Ref, No.: GJW2020-4387 Page 2 of 11 Pages 材料安全数据表 Material Safety Data Sheet 1. 化学品及企业标识化学品及企业标识化学品及企业标识化学品及企业标识 Chemical product and company identification 样品名称 Name of Sample 8.96kWh 工商业 pack 8.96kWh Industrial and commercial pack 样品型号 Type/Mode SBH8.9K2 32V 280Ah 8.96kWh 委托单位 Commissioned by 双一力(宁波)电池有限公司 SYL(NINGBO)BATTERY CO.,LTD. 委托单位地址 Commissioner address 中国浙江省宁波市宁海县梅林街道兴科中路 23 号 No.23 Xingke Zhong Road,Meilin Street,Ninghai,315609 Ningbo City.Zhejiang Province,China 制造商 Manufacturer 双一力(宁波)电池有限公司 SYL(NINGBO)BATTERY CO.,LTD. 制造商地址 Manufacturer address 中国浙江省宁波市宁海县梅林街道兴科中路 23 号 No.23 Xingke Zhong Road,Meilin Street,Ninghai,315609 Ningbo City.Zhejiang Province,China 鉴定依据 Inspection according to 联合国《关于危险品货物运输的建议书》 UN “Recommendations on the TRANSPORT OF DANGEROUS GOODS” 应急电话 Emergency telephone call +86-574-59988908 - 接样日期: 2020-06-10 Receiving date: 签发日期: 2020.7.3 Date of issue: Approved by: Reviewed by: Tested by: 批准: 审核: 检测: Ref, No.: GJW2020-4387 Page 3 of 11 Pages QJ/11.4393-2011.05 2. 成分成分成分成分/组成信息组成信息组成信息组成信息 Composition information 化学名称 Common Chemical Name 化学式 Chemical Formula CAS 号 CAS No. 重量含量 Wt % 石墨 Graphite C 7782-42-5 7-25 磷酸铁锂 Lithium iron Phosphate LFP 15365-14-7 15-40 偏氟乙烯,六氟丙烯共聚物 Hexafluoropropylene-vinylidene fluoride Copolymer -(C2H2F2)x(C3F6)y- 9011-17-0 3-15 六氟磷酸锂 Lithium Hexafluorophosphate LiPF6 21324-40-3 0-5 乙炔炭黑 Acetylene Black C 1333-86-4 0-2 碳酸二乙酯 Diethyl Carbonate C5H10O3 105-58-8 0-15 碳酸二甲酯 Dimethyl Carbonate C3H6O3 616-38-6 0-15 碳酸甲乙酯 Ethyl Methyl Carbonate C4H8O3 623-53-0 0-15 碳酸丙烯酯 Propylene Carbonate C4H6O3 108-32-7 0-15 碳酸亚乙酯 Ethylene Carbonate C3H4O3 96-49-1 0-15 铅 Lead Pb 7439-92-1 Not Detected 镉 Cadmium Cd 7440-43-9 Not Detected 汞 Mercury Hg 7439-97-6 Not Detected Ref, No.: GJW2020-4387 Page 4 of 11 Pages QJ/11.4393-2011.05 3. 危险性概述危险性概述危险性概述危险性概述 Hazards identification 爆炸危险性 Explosive risk 该物品不属于爆炸危险品 This article does not belong to the explosion dangerous goods 易燃危险性 Flammable risk 该物品不属于易燃危险品 This article does not belong to the flammable material 氧化危险性 Oxidation risk 该物品不属于氧化危险品 This article does not belong to the oxidation of dangerous goods 毒害危险性 Toxic risk 该物品不属于毒害危险品 This article does not belong to the toxic dangerous goods 放射危险性 Radioactive risk 该物品不属于放射危险品 This article does not belong to the radiation of dangerous goods 腐蚀危险性 Mordant risk 该物品不属于腐蚀危险品 This article does not belong to the corrosion of dangerous goods 其他危险性 other risk 该电池瓦时率为 8.96kWh,属于第九类危险品。 The watt-hour rate of the battery is 8.96kWh,which belong to the Class 9 dangerous goods. 4. 急救措施急救措施急救措施急救措施 First aid measures 电池外壳破裂,内容物接触人体会产生危害,一旦发生接触,应采取以下应急措施: Once battery shell rupture, content contact with the human body will produce harm, once contact, should take the following emergency measures: 眼睛眼睛眼睛眼睛::::万一接触,立即用大量的清水冲洗至少 15 分钟,翻起上下眼睑,直到化学的残留物消失 为止,迅速就医。 Eye: Flush eyes with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes, occasionally lifting the upper and lower eyelids. Get medical aid. 皮肤皮肤皮肤皮肤::::万一接触,用大量水冲洗至少 15 分钟,同时除去污染的衣物和鞋子,迅速就医。 Skin: Remove contaminated clothes and rinse skin with plenty of water or shower for 15 minutes. Get medical aid. 吸入吸入吸入吸入::::立即从暴露处移至空气清新处,如果呼吸困难给予输氧,立即就医。 Inhalation: Remove from exposure and move to fresh air immediately. Use oxygen if available. 食入食入食入食入::::饮用两杯牛奶或水。如果当事人仍然清晰可以采取催吐的方法,并且立即就医。 Ingestion: Give at least 2 glasses of milk or water. Induce vomiting unless patient is unconscious. Call a physician 5. 消防措施消防措施消防措施消防措施 Fire-fighting measures 燃点燃点燃点燃点::::不适用 Flash Point: N/A. Ref, No.: GJW2020-4387 Page 5 of 11 Pages QJ/11.4393-2011.05 自燃温度自燃温度自燃温度自燃温度::::不适用 Auto-Ignition Temperature: N/A. 灭火介质灭火介质灭火介质灭火介质::::大量水(降温),二氧化碳 Extinguishing Media: Water, CO2. 特殊灭火程序特殊灭火程序特殊灭火程序特殊灭火程序::::自给式呼吸器 Special Fire-Fighting Procedures Self-contained breathing apparatus. 异常火灾或爆炸异常火灾或爆炸异常火灾或爆炸异常火灾或爆炸::::当电芯暴露于过热的环境中时,安全阀可能会打开。 Unusual Fire and Explosion Hazards Cell may vent when subjected to excessive heat-exposing battery contents. 燃烧燃烧燃烧燃烧产生的危险物品产生的危险物品产生的危险物品产生的危险物品::::一氧化碳,二氧化碳,锂氧化物烟气 Hazardous Combustion Products Carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, lithium oxide fumes. 6. 泄露应急处理泄露应急处理泄露应急处理泄露应急处理 Accidental release measures 为防止电池材料泄露或释放采取的措施为防止电池材料泄露或释放采取的措施为防止电池材料泄露或释放采取的措施为防止电池材料泄露或释放采取的措施 如果电池内部材料泄露,操作人员应立刻撤离事故区直到烟气消散。将通风设备打开吹散危险性 气体。用抹布擦净试验区,清除溢出的液体,将泄露电池放进塑料袋中,然后放进钢制容器。避 免皮肤和眼睛接触或吸入有害气体。 Steps to be taken in case Material is Released or Spilled If the battery material is released, remove operators from area until fumes dissipate. Provide maximum ventilation to clear out hazardous gases. Wipe it up with a cloth, and dispose of it in a plastic bag and put into a steel can. The preferred response is to leave the area and allow the battery to cool and vapors to dissipate. Provide maximum ventilation. Avoid skin and eye contact or inhalation of vapors. Remove spilled liquid with absorbent and incinerate. 废弃物处置方法废弃物处置方法废弃物处置方法废弃物处置方法 建议将电池完全放电,锂金属电池消耗完电池内部的金属锂,并且交付给专业机构处理。 Waste Disposal Method It is recommended to discharge the battery to the end. Use up the metal lithium inside the lithium metal battery, and delivered to professional institutions for further treatment. 7. 操作处置和储存操作处置和储存操作处置和储存操作处置和储存 Handling and storage 禁止打开、毁坏或焚烧电池,因为电池有可能在这些处理过程中发生爆炸、破裂或泄露等事故。 禁止将电池短路、过充、强制放电或扔入火中。禁止挤压刺穿电池或将电池浸入溶液中。 The battery should not be opened, destroyed or incinerate, since they may leak or rupture and release to the environment the ingredients that they contain in the hermetically sealed container. Do not short circuit terminals, or over charge the battery, forced over-discharge, throw to fire. Do not crush or puncture the battery, or immerse in liquids. 操作处置和储存中的防范措施操作处置和储存中的防范措施操作处置和储存中的防范措施操作处置和储存中的防范措施 禁止物理或电滥用,禁止高温储存,最好将电池储存在阴凉、干燥、通风及温度变化较小的环境 中。禁止将电池接触加热设备或将电池直接暴露于阳光中。 Precautions to be taken in handling and storing Ref, No.: GJW2020-4387 Page 6 of 11 Pages QJ/11.4393-2011.05 Avoid mechanical or electrical abuse. Storage preferably in cool, dry and ventilated area, which is subject to little temperature change. Storage at high temperatures should be avoided. Do not place the battery near heating equipment, nor expose to direct sunlight for long periods. 其他要注意的防范措施其他要注意的防范措施其他要注意的防范措施其他要注意的防范措施 拆解、挤压、直接放入火中或高温条件下,电池可能发生爆炸和燃烧。禁止短接或将电池正负极 错误的安装在设备中。 Other Precautions The battery may explode or cause burns, if disassembled, crushed or exposed to fire or high temperatures. Do not short or install with incorrect polarity. 8. 接触控制接触控制接触控制接触控制/个人防护个人防护个人防护个人防护 Exposure controls/personal protection 呼吸防护呼吸防护呼吸防护呼吸防护:::: 当电池排气阀打开时,应尽量使通风设备开至最大,避免将打开排气阀的电芯局限在某一狭窄空 间内。正常操作条件下,呼吸保护是不必要的。 Respiratory Protection In case of battery venting, provide as much ventilation as possible. Avoid confined areas with venting cell cores. Respiratory Protection is not necessary under conditions of normal use. 通风条件通风条件通风条件通风条件 正常使用条件下不必考虑。 Ventilation Not necessary under conditions of normal use. 防护手套防护手套防护手套防护手套 正常使用条件下不必考虑。 Protective Gloves Not necessary under conditions of normal use. 其他防护服装或设备其他防护服装或设备其他防护服装或设备其他防护服装或设备 正常使用条件下不必考虑。 Other Protective Clothing or Equipment Not necessary under conditions of normal use. 电池开阀试验时应做好个人防护电池开阀试验时应做好个人防护电池开阀试验时应做好个人防护电池开阀试验时应做好个人防护 呼吸防护,防护手套,防护服装和有护边的安全玻璃罩都是要准备的。 Personal Protection is recommended for venting battery Respiratory Protection, Protective Gloves, Protective Clothing and safety glass with side shields. 9. 物理和化学特性物理和化学特性物理和化学特性物理和化学特性 Physical and chemical properties 外形外形外形外形:::: 棱柱形 Appearance: Prismatic 气味气味气味气味:::: 泄漏时,有醚的气味。 Odour: If leaking, smells of medical ether. 酸碱度酸碱度酸碱度酸碱度::::不适用 pH: Not applicable as supplied. Ref, No.: GJW2020-4387 Page 7 of 11 Pages QJ/11.4393-2011.05 闪点闪点闪点闪点::::针对单个组分暴露情况,其他不适用。 Flash Point: Not applicable unless individual components exposed. 易燃度易燃度易燃度易燃度::::针对单个组分暴露情况,其他不适用。 Flammability: Not applicable unless individual components exposed. 相对密度相对密度相对密度相对密度::::针对单个组分暴露情况,其他不适用。 Relative density: Not applicable unless individual components exposed. 溶解性溶解性溶解性溶解性((((水溶性水溶性水溶性水溶性):):):):针对单个组分暴露情况,其他不适用。 Solubility (water): Not applicable unless individual components exposed. 溶解性溶解性溶解性溶解性((((其他其他其他其他):):):):针对单个组分暴露情况,其他不适用。 Solubility (other): Not applicable unless individual components exposed. 10. 稳定性和反应活性稳定性和反应活性稳定性和反应活性稳定性和反应活性 Stability and reactivity 稳定性稳定性稳定性稳定性::::产品在第 7 节所述的条件下稳定。 Stability: Product is stable under conditions described in Section 7. 应避免的条件应避免的条件应避免的条件应避免的条件::::加热 70°C 以上或焚烧、变形、毁坏、粉碎、拆卸、过充电、短路,长时间暴露 在潮湿的条件下。 Conditions to Avoid : Heat above 70°C or incinerate. Deform. Mutilate. Crush. Disassemble. Overcharge. Short circuit. Expose over a long period to humid conditions. 应避免的材料应避免的材料应避免的材料应避免的材料::::氧化剂,碱,水。 Materials to avoid: Oxidising agents, alkalis, water. 危险分解物危险分解物危险分解物危险分解物::::有毒烟雾,并可能形成过氧化物。 Hazardous Decomposition Products : Toxic Fumes, and may form peroxides. 聚合危害聚合危害聚合危害聚合危害::::不适用 Hazardous Polymerization : N/A. 如果发生泄露,避免与强氧化剂,无机酸,强碱,卤代烃接触。 If leaked, forbidden to contact with strong oxidizers, mineral acids, strong alkalies, halogenated hydrocarbons. 11. 毒毒毒毒理学资料理学资料理学资料理学资料 Toxicological information 标志及症状标志及症状标志及症状标志及症状::::无,除非电池破裂。 Signs & symptoms: None, unless battery ruptures. 内部物质暴露的情况下,蒸汽烟雾可能对眼睛和皮肤的刺激性。 In the event of exposure to internal contents, vapour fumes may be very irritating to the eyes and skin. 吸入吸入吸入吸入::::对肺有刺激性。 Inhalation: Lung irritant. 皮肤接触皮肤接触皮肤接触皮肤接触::::对皮肤刺激性。 Skin contact: Skin irritant. 眼睛接触眼睛接触眼睛接触眼睛接触::::对眼睛有刺激性。 Eye contact: Eye irritant 食入食入食入食入::::吞下中毒。 Ingestion: Poisoning if swallowed. 下列情况下会危险人员身体健康:如果与电池内部材料直接接触,皮肤可能会出现干燥、灼烧等 轻微或严重的刺激,并且损坏靶器官的神经,肝脏和肾脏。 Ref, No.: GJW2020-4387 Page 8 of 11 Pages QJ/11.4393-2011.05 Medical conditions generally aggravated by exposure: In the event of exposure to internal contents, moderate to server irritation, burning and dryness of the skin may occur, Target organs nerves, liver and kidneys. 12. 生态学资料生态学资料生态学资料生态学资料 Ecological information 对哺乳动物的影响对哺乳动物的影响对哺乳动物的影响对哺乳动物的影响::::目前未知。 Mammalian effects: None known at present. 生态毒性生态毒性生态毒性生态毒性::::目前未知。 Eco-toxicity: None known at present. 生物体内积累生物体内积累生物体内积累生物体内积累::::慢慢地生物降解。 Bioaccumulation potential: Slowly Bio-degradable. 环境危害环境危害环境危害环境危害::::目前没有已知的环境危害。 Environmental fate: None known environmental hazards at present. 13. 废弃处置废弃处置废弃处置废弃处置 Disposal consideration 禁止焚烧,或使电池温度超过 70°C,这种滥用可导致泄漏和/或电池爆炸。应按照相应的地方性 法规处理。 Do not incinerate, or subject cells to temperature in excess of 70°C, Such abuse can result in loss of seal leakage, and/or cell explosion. Dispose of in accordance with appropriate local regulations. 14. 运输信息运输信息运输信息运输信息 Transport information 运输标签运输标签运输标签运输标签::::第 9 类锂电池危险品标签 Label for conveyance: class 9 lithium battery hazard label UN 编号编号编号编号::::UN3480 UN Number: UN3480 包装等级包装等级包装等级包装等级::::II Packaging Group: II EmS 编号编号编号编号::::F-A ,S-I EmS No: F-A ,S-I 海洋污染物海洋污染物海洋污染物海洋污染物::::无 Marine pollutant: No 正确的装运名称正确的装运名称正确的装运名称正确的装运名称:锂离子电池(包括锂离子聚合物电池) Proper Shipping name: Lithium-ion batteries (Including lithium-ion polymer batteries) 危害分类危害分类危害分类危害分类::::货物应符合《国际海运危险货物规则》包装导则 LP903(Amdt. 39-18)(2018 年版), 《欧洲道路危险货物国际运输协议》包装导则 LP903(2018 年版),JT/T 617.3-2018 危险货物 道路运输规则 第 3 部分:品名及运输要求索引 包装导则 LP903(2018 年版),包括通过 UN38.3 测试手册要求。 Hazard Classification: The goods shall be complied with Packing Instruction LP903 of IMDG CODE(Amdt. 39-18)(2018 Edition),Packing Instruction LP903 of ADR 2017, Packing Instruction LP903 of 188 JT/T 617.3-2018 Regulations concerning road transportation of dangerous goods —Part 3:Index of dangerous goods name and transportation requirement Ref, No.: GJW2020-4387 Page 9 of 11 Pages QJ/11.4393-2011.05 including the passing of the UN38.3 test. 15. 法规信息法规信息法规信息法规信息 Regulation information 法律信息 Law information 《危险品规则》 《Dangerous Goods Regulations》 《对危险货物运输的有关规定的建议》 《Recommendations on the Transport of Dangerous Goods Model Regulations》 《国际海运危险货物规则》 《International Maritime Dangerous Goods》 《危险货物品名表》 《List of dangerous goods》 《欧洲道路危险货物国际运输协议》 《European Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road》 《危险品安全运输技术指令》 《Technical Instructions for the Safe Transport of Dangerous Goods》 《危险货物分类和品名编号》 《Classification and code of dangerous goods》 《职业安全卫生法》 《Occupational Safety and Health Act》(OSHA) 《有毒物质控制法》 《Toxic Substance Control Act》(TSCA) 《消费产品安全法》 《Consumer Product Safety Act》(CPSA) 《联邦环境污染控制法》 《Federal Environmental Pollution Control Act》(FEPCA) 《石油污染法案》 《The Oil Pollution Act》(OPA) 《超级基金修正案和再授权法案Ⅲ(302/311/312/313)》 《Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act TitleⅢ (302/311/312/313)》(SARA) 《资源保护及恢复法案》 《Resource Conservation and Recovery Act》(RCRA) 《安全饮用水法》 《Safety Drinking Water Act》(CWA) 《加州 65 提案》 《California Proposition 65》 《美国联邦法规》 《Code of Federal Regulations》(CFR) 根据所有联邦、州和地方法律。 In accordance with all Federal, State and local laws. 16. 其他信息其他信息其他信息其他信息 Other information 本文件仅对由委托方双一力(宁波)电池有限公司提供的,并由双一力(宁波)电池有限公司生 产的电池(SBH8.9K2)有效。该电池的成分信息由委托方提供并承诺其完整性和准确性。用户 应仔细阅读此文件,并按照正确的方法使用电池,如因电池使用不当造成的损害或损失,威凯检 Ref, No.: GJW2020-4387 Page 10 of 11 Pages QJ/11.4393-2011.05 测技术有限公司(CVC)不承担任何责任。 This file is only effective to the batteries (SBH8.9K2 ) provided by commissioner SYL (NINGBO)BATTERY CO.,LTD., which manufactured by SYL(NINGBO)BATTERY CO.,LTD.. The commissioner provides the composition information of batteries, and promises its integrity and accuracy. Users should read this file carefully, and use the batteries in correct method. Vkan Certification & Testing Co., Ltd. (CVC) doesn’t assume responsibility for any damage or loss because of misuse of batteries. Ref, No.: GJW2020-4387 Page 11 of 11 Pages QJ/11.4393-2011.05 注 意 事 项 Important 1. 本报告无检测单位印章无效。 The test report is invalid without the official stamp of CVC. 2. 未经本试验室书面同意,不得部分地复制本报告。 Nobody is allowed to photocopy or partly photocopy this test report without written permission of CVC. 3. 本报告无批准人、审核人及检测人签名无效。 The test report is invalid without the signatures of Ratifier, Reviewer and Testing engineer. 4. 本报告涂改无效。 The test report is invalid if altered. 5. 对检测报告若有异议,应于收到报告之日起十五天内向检测单位提出。 Objections to the test report must be submitted to CVC within 15 days. 6. 本报告仅对送检样品负责。 The test report is valid for the tested samples only. **报告中未加 CMA 标志时,检测数据和结果仅供科研、教学或内部质量控制之用。** 地 址:中国 广州市科学城开泰大道天泰一路 3 号 Address: No.3,Tiantaiyi Road, Kaitai Avenue, Science City, Guangzhou China 电 话(Tel):020 32293888 传 真(FAX):020 32293889 邮政编码(Post Code):510663 E—mail: office@cvc.org.cn http://www.cvc.org.cn