HomeMy WebLinkAbout22-E028 122 Mayflower Terr ApprovedTOWN OF YARMOUTH IAPPRnVED 146 ROUTE 28, Ouu I rl YARMOUTH, MA 02664-4451 ilephone (508) 398-2231 Ext. 1292 -Fax (508) 398-0836 S HIGHWAY HISTORIC DISTRICT COMM APPLICATION FOR CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION MAR 1 8 2022 E YARMOUTH Application is hereby made for the issuance of a Certificate of Exemption under Sections 6 and 7 of Chapter 470 of Acts of 1973, as amended, for the proposed work as described below and on plans, drawings, or photographs accompanying this application. Type or print lectibly: Address of proposed work: 19,SL M%iuE t- I *- .E. Map1Lot # )T�� owners : ` Y 2 CSM Orn -S Ak J D M AA&&1rE0)L- A-�S Phone #: f 7k -'Z 13 -gg23 All applications must be submitted by owner or accompanied by letter from owner approving submittal of application. Mailing address: ''� �a � �I E "t;&V r k 4 Q) S« 6 Year built: Email. -hY1 u ri—i,-'f.tS?,3,L,[ a(UZdA AL40 "`Preferred notification method: _Phone Email r7 Agent/Contractor: F' Phone d & - 1/20 - ;)Ik640 Mailing Address: r� Q Email: I r'�1 FO�(iN9,h A&& JZ.CG A Preferred notification method: X Phone Email Description of Proposed Work (Additional pages may be attached if necessary): CO NST It tk4T LM, Q +A" I,$TO R - d Sffir � , ?116'Sh-cj) ex o ) � tk f Vt <4�w w 14. G- L'u, ) -S, s T o Q y 'X 38 `/ e) pe A,0 j" w, A'l2)V s iv D 0 A) AL S � IQo b �D 1:1040 IE . s,'�11�5 Aj 64.. A -F SEA3 N42 �C12Ay 04p 96A2D d N 44.1 St��5• �oo�r5 tIt, �yj ~/IL.lSO4`- AeC k47tc�U.44- t^�}aKr�L 5 +"A Ml� GAS re, .02,1 t,, 6,Q 11r �rtlrVl tr Whti-r_tp�t . shtp GG�UtCS 5igned(Owneroragent): Date: /1/1,.�.,.,, �'3�s , ,.._ Ownerlcontraclodagent is aware that a permit may be required from the Building Department. (Check other departments, also.) This certificate is good for one year from approval date or upon date of expiration of Building Permit, whichever date shall be later. For committee use only: Date: -3 29 Amount 30, Cash/CK #. j �f Revd by: L 51 Date Signed: : ;q)0 V5 2017 Approved Approved with changes Denied Reason for denial: _ _ ;�Ociy= K, Signed: �5ef 4�t 44v) 7l APPLICATION #: Oo'E7 Sherman, Lisa From: RICHARD GEGENWARTH <r.gegenwarth@comcast.net> Sent: Friday, March 18, 2022 4:22 PM To: Sherman, Lisa Subject: Re: 22-EO28 122 Mayflower Terr Attention!: This email originates outside of the organization. Do not open attachments or click links unless you are sure this email is from a known sender and you know the content is safe. Call the sender to verify if unsure. Otherwise delete this email. Again, Lisa, I approve the design and location of this shed. Richard On 03/18/2022 4:05 PM Sherman, Lisa <lsherman@yarmouth.ma.us> wrote: APPROVE® MAR 18 2022 Hi Richard, YARiMOU-I hi ill f1 Residents requesting approval for a new shed at 122 Mayflower Terrace. Please let me know if you need any additional information. Thanks Richard, F. Lisa '22I; AR21;i_;4 �:62 i�EC Lisa Sherman Office Administrator Old Kings Highway Committee/Yarmouth Historical Commission Town of Yarmouth 508-398-2231, ext. 1292 lsherman @ yarmouth.ma.us FSE MAR l 8 2022 YAHMOU i r3 APPROVED MAR 1 8 2022 YARMOUTH <ING'S HIGF KESS SHED PERMIT APPLICATION TOWN OF YARMOUTH Yarmouth Building Department 1146 Route 28 South Yarmouth, MA 02664 (508) 398-2231 Ext. 1261 Office Use Only Permit# Amount Penn it expires 180 days from issue date CONSTRUCTION ADDRESS:`YA Q oc,, ASSESSOR`S INFORMATION: Map: �� Parcel: OWNER: 1 r 1 6 M ASVKt- U -,ti's Arw Lj- g!�Z, ALC IIAJPO �-Q NAMEPRESENT ADD SS TEL. # CONTRACTOR: i ( IVE 6A 2 iC KE11,ew M01 30 '� Q f NAME MAILING ADDRESS TEL. ,# Residential D Commercial Est. Cost of Construction S /a.20 O�• �� Home Improvement Contractor Lic. # Construction Supervisor Lic. N Workman's Compensation Insurance: (check one) I)<I am the homeowner D I am the sole proprietor _ I have Worker's Compensation Insurance Insurance Company Name: Worker's Comp. Policy# SHED INFORMATION New Size L iC� x W _ x H �` Co ner Lot: Yes No Per Town of Yarmouth Zoning- By -Law Sec 203.5 E. Side and rear setbacks for accessory buildings less than 150 square feet and single story, shall be 6 feet in all districts, but in no case built closer than 12 feet to any other building. Replace existing* *The debris will be disposed of at: Size L x W x H Location of Facility I declare under penalties of perjury that the statements herein contained are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. I understand that any false answer(s) will be just cause for denial or revo ti of my license and for prosecution under M.G.L. Ch, 268, Section 1. Applicant's Signature: � 7z—? � Date: /I.;- Owners Signature (or attachment) Date: Approved By: Date: _ Building Official (or designee) EMAIL ADDRESS: Zoning District: Historical District: Y Yes ' No Flood Plain Zone: Yes /< No Water Resource Protection District: Within 100 ft. of Wetlands: *� Yes No X Yes No ***Note: Conservation review required if within 100 ft. of Wetlands 9113 T PR 1 €i 2022 C .C1 r tU 0 O m f 0 V N 7 CC ro rt� O' V � A p pQ r wru fl CL Y7• - V _ o CY m 2j aCYO e EL rJyy4 0 p o -o E a� p E o ao c a a � 3 a t ru a V '0 ro as m 'a 2 = '; E C J O 0 a w w c E L6o -5 o p a o- -0 d -`00 v •o a CN m -a N ro y o p X �_ p � t 0 n. 3 F3 ao v O 0000 , I_ ..... C A a � 0. d ^ m v 3 ° O m V p x w a .x-6 -a N mQ, a x iV p lJ c � a c Qj s do O F` - �- � .C- ° c p T m M 0 C ItW 3 ° c nu N O o. wN_ �� N w M O a N Q -%N x X 'C .Ni 1 --�k�+Y p � c 3 _ O ae :j o m `o L ro N O 0 d O N 3� 3 - o u c° 3° tz-0 - -00c a V w v C 00 v U- aUm / R m mv p At fir° r LOd N n' ci "O } O J o r v 3 c 3 vn p O oc o m 3 > y a V co 0 .O 1 00 0 0 I I ° ° 0 p o -o E a� p E o ao c a a � 3 a t ru a V '0 ro as m 'a 2 = '; E C J O 0 a w w c E L6o -5 o p a o- -0 d -`00 v •o a CN m -a N ro y o p X �_ p � t 0 n. 3 F3 ao v O 0000 x x ►L , � C A a � 0. d ^ m v 3 ° O m V p x w a .x-6 -a N mQ, a x iV p x oo c a a c Qj s do > a °1 w a j- F` - �- � .C- ° c p T m M 0 a, ro a i c nu N O o. wN_ �� N ip N Q N Q -%N x X 'C .Ni 1 --�k�+Y p � c 3 _ y o E o °K L co N m d ¢ o x = � OOOOOQO o Qi. X 022 0� o C6 o '� 00 v U- aUm / R C fir° r R if 11 �1 1 E V f3.HkNA�' I cr:" 0 .O 1 o Y UO Q, ° ° o o _� a v co 3 o ro v N 3 V 3 _E v a E >, k ° x N O a V d 6 a m aro, O w o a.- O o'X 00�_Q=o` �v p i 3 o. L F` w' �o O 000 x x ►L x x d ^ x w a .x-6 -a N mQ, x iV p c d ro �D 0 oa Q, c ' x m F` - �- � N x 0 O o. wN_ �� N ip N Q N Q -%N x X 'C .Ni 1 --�k�+Y O 00 Ln N '�r4 yJ ' v,c c LU 0. _J d ¢ o x = fED - U z c 0 v '�_ o Qi. X 022 0� o C6 o uj 0. 'N O v U- aUm �3If fir° r R if 11 �1 1 ,C , f3.HkNA�' I V ' uj s= (� L 0 o c a V m v V N a opo Q p z v aa 3 ELU a ro x Q x °1CL '3 a O3 �= O oC O vi N N N -n vi U=0 Q M� l.1 ldil OJ9 d ti, �, O � o z ^ti [L aLU o ro LU LU F LL 6 �m zx F~ aca Q0 M. f- z m n d oC LLco Q o rx �r '3N > O Q) U O w w D z Jm F d Dm � ZONE : SETBACKS FRONT - SIDE - REAR - - -� ! R C -58. a7• - 10N81'57-'p4- 0N81.57-'p4- IN,O -S POND I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE DWELLING DEPICTED ON THIS PLAN WAS LOCATED ON THE GROUND BY SURVEY ON AUG. 12. 2008 AND EXISTS AS SHOWN AS OF THE DATE OF LOCATION. n THIS PLAN IS FOR PLOT PLAN PURPOSES ONLY AND NOT FOR RECORDING. DEED DESCRIPTIONS OR ESTABL !$RING PROPERTY LINES. THE LOCATION OF THE OR 1 GI NAL DWELLING SHOWN HEREON EITHER WAS IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE LOCAL APPLICABLE ZONING BYLAW IN EFFECT WHEN CONSTRUCTED (WITH RESPECT TO HOR I ZONAL DIMENSIONAL REOU1 R47MENTS ONLY) OR EXEMPT FROM VIOLATION ENFORCEMENT ACTION UNDER TITLE V11 CHAPTER 40A SECTION 7. S'A OF y�'r PL 0 T FLAN FF C. ya 1N N o. 29669 YARMOUTH. NA. e . 9EaST0��a Jt.�y SCALE: 1.-40' AUG. 12. 2048 ,n 7 EAGLE SURVEYING, INC 673 Rout* OA Yonmuthport. MR. 62678 (08) M THIS PLAN IS VOID IF NOT mwmq STAMPED AND SIGNED IN RED. p._-_ 20 40 80 PR04ECT-#AL-Af-%A" 4k, �4- . AA