HomeMy WebLinkAbout 2022 Property Transfer Notice .oi•Y TQWI..Qf MARMOUTIri WATER DIVISION RECEIVED "`4s M y 99 Buckislan Road west Yarmouth,MA 02673 MAR 2 3 2022 = � Telephone:•5(18.771.792l Fax 508-771=7998. HEALTH DEPT. ACCOUNT#::030077.25 READ DATE: 1/V22 .. ... ... . . .... ... .. I hereby assuniC:o nerip of the:ptoperty identified:as: PROPERTY ADDRESS: 65 SWAN LAKE ROAD oRMERLY'OWNED:BY DON ALD KELL FDEENA ILLY NEW OWNER; DIANE VAN..ALLENNJASON VAN ALLEN agree to complywill all Federal,State mid Local Laws,Rules_and Regulations: they pertain to the use of the Public Water Supply. chapter 22548 of.tlte Towirt`of Yarmouth CodeJWater:Division Rules and Regulations States The`propetty awner'shall;be responsible;for the:payment of all water bills.When a property which:uses water is:sold,it is .responsiibility of the new_property owner to complete a water service transfer form: Failure e to completthe•water service transfer form.will not:relieve the new property owner of the tesponsibility for payment of all;current or outstanding water bills.Water service:transfer::forms are availableonline at N.u6u:yarmnuth.ga,us and the Town Collector's:office: DATE OF TRANSFER; .3/4/22 SIPGNATURE.(NEW OWNl ) fame ADDRESS: 65 SWAN LAKE ROAD,;WES:p YARMOUTH,MA 0.2673 HOME PHONE: . CEL. PHONE: EMAIL .. . ... ... .. NOTES: this a second home to be open seasonally please contact the Water Dept to inqu[r about the`sea tiortal,erect.cif the rnete1.. Billing Schedule 1$'of:each;of the following months; Yarmouth'Port October,January,and April,'illy(usage+quarter) South Yarmottih::.November,February,and:May,.August(usage+quarter) West Yarmouth:December,March and June September(usage+quarter) C:tElseis abreramesktopl :252Q WATER TRANSFER FOR.M.doc