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HomeMy WebLinkAboutDeed Restriction Doc- 170897538 05-13-2008 10:21 BARNSTABLE LAND COURT REGISTRY • -o., TOWN OF YARMOUTH '� •I' 1146 ROUTE 28 SOUTH YARMOUTH MASSACIIUSETTS 02664-4451 MATTACFIEES oq,p,�to,e}9�',, Telephone (508) 398-2231,Ext. 241 — Fax (508) 760-3472 BOARD OF HEALTH NOTICE OF DEED RESTRICTION(Page 1 of 2) RESIDENTIAL Notice is hereby given of the applicability of the Town of Yarmouth Board of Health for a deed restriction, to 113 Winding Brook Road , shown in Town Assessors Book dated 2007 , Map 68 , parcel 211. As Deed is recorded in the Land Court at the Barnstable County Registry of Deeds on the Deed Document 261055. As plan of land is recorded in the Land Court at the Barnstable County Registry of Deeds, on a subdivision plan titled Plan 30561-B Gerald A. Mercer& Co., Inc., Surveyors,Lot 110 and dated • November 2, 1964. . The engineered plan prepared by Eagle Surveying,Inc. , dated April 2, 2008 , approved by the Health Department on April 30, 2008 , requires a maximum, not to exceed: (1) the number of bedrooms not to exceed Two ( 2 ) per design restrictions,Title V, Section 15.214,Nitrogen Loading Limitations, Zone II Areas of Wellhead Contribution. Al II dos :nice G. Murphy, /lth 'rector, R.S., C.H.O., M.P.H. Date ASA 66 ,i i3 a? George P. Antaya, Owner Date 113 Winding Brook Road, South Yarmouth, MA 02664 COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Barnstable County h On this the` day of II y , 2008, before me, :75-uP f�',-h 4. ��C�e , the undersigned Notary Public, personally appeared extiv_ W+ IATA%, ., proved to me through satisfactory evidence identity, which wasAvtii Pit02 ja ev f j�C�e,�s Q- to be the person(.) whose name(,).is signed on this preceding or attached document, and acknowledged to me that heL.hE signed it voluntarily for its stated purpose(s). ,tine " ► ary Public `3 _ �013 Commission expires: I/_e JUDITH A. LUCIER NOTARY PUBLIC Commonwealth of Massachusetts My n Expires Printed on NovemberCommissio2013 29, Recycled � S Paper . NOTICE OF DEED RESTRICTION (Page 2 of 2) RESIDENTIAL Reference Address: 113 Winding Brook Road,South Yarmouth 1-4 R . q,4-- IA) s 0-c)Ot Shirley B. • a, Owner Date 113 Winding : sok Road, South Yarmouth, MA 02664 COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Barnstable County 1n f On this the a-day of H A y ,2008,before me coo I� i • 4.)C,-;e� , the undersigned . Notary Public,personally appeared M //if 3 h P-ie ,/�I�Ir�FAy,4 ., proved to me through satisfactory evidence identity,which was/wore A 6aio S s Q_ to be the person(s)whose names)is signed on this preceding or attached document,and acknowledged to me that he/she signed it vs • for its stated purpose(e). „A' CO I ' ti�j,a1, 0\1t3nd't Naublic •'• • M •mmission expires: //- a 9—cads VIOLA ��' 'y`°c' JUDITH A. LUCIER � +s%�1t► ,�'�, NOTARY PUBLIC Commonwealth of Massachusetts %, t My Commission Expires • November 29, 2013 BARNS1 Ar3LEE COUNTY REGISTRY OF DEEDS A TRUE COPY,ATTEST JOHN F.MEADE,REGISTER_ BARNSTABLE REGISTRY OF DEEDS , o•,,, TOWN OF YARMOUTH Y t-- ',ort,,, • �% 1146 ROUTE 28 SOUTH YARMOUTH MASSACHUSETTS 02664-4451 MATTACME s 60:,/ '',5-Da hcoRpORAilD�6� Telephone (508) 398-2231, Ext. 241 — Fax (508) 760-3472 � *%::-• BOARD OF HEALTH May 5, 2008 Mr. & Mrs. George Antaya 113 Winding Brook Road South Yarmouth, MA 02664 RE: Two Bedroom Deed Restriction for 113 Winding Brook Road, South Yarmouth,MA Dear Mr. & Mrs. Antaya: Please find enclosed the Two Bedroom Deed Restriction for the above address which is required as part of the septic system approval process. Your property is located within a Zone of Contribution to a Public Drinking Well, and, is, therefore, restricted to the total number of bedrooms based on the Title 5 regulations. The Deed Restriction must be signed and dated by the owner(s) or legal designee in front of a notary. There are several notaries available at Yarmouth Town Hall,if needed. Once the restriction is signed and notarized, please make a copy and have the original restriction recorded and the copy stamped with the new Registry recording information at the Barnstable County Registry of Deeds, Route 6A, Barnstable. The copy of the stamped Restriction must then be returned to the Health Department as proof of the recording prior to issuance of the Title 5 Certificate of Compliance. Your septic engineer may be available to help you process the required paperwork, if needed. If there are any further questions, please contact this office at 508-398-2231 X241. Thank you for your prompt attention. Sinc y, my . von Hone, R.S. ' Assistant Health Director cc: file iiil Printed on LERecycled P _off•Yq�� _ , TOWN OF YARMOUTH -, ! y 1146 ROUTE 28 SOUTH YARMOUTH MASSACHUSETTS 02664-4451 \ce MTEES 4PORATf�TACM�6�GO)/ Telephone(508) 398-2231, Ext. 241 — Fax(508) 398-2365 � • BOARD OF HEALTH APPLICATION FOR TITLE V DEED RESTRICTION The information requested below must be accurate and completed in full to ensure the deed restriction can be completed properly and in a timely manner. 1. Town of Yarmouth Assessor's Book(most current): Map 6,8 Lot 2./' Address //3 e../, 2. The property deed is recorded at the Barnstable County Regis - • ' � :��� Deed Book Page or Land Court Certifica - k 26 / 0 3. The lot indicated above is shown on a plan of land entitled: Le P 30-5-6"/ to i/,/ , dated The plan of land for the lot is recorded at the Barnstable County Registry of Deeds in Plan Book Page or Land Court Plan 4. The engineere4 sep)ic plan has been prepared by 6-4t-4c . '.- and dated el/ /of,' 5. Board of Health approval date 4 ; ' . 6. The number of bedrooms is restricted to 7. Owner Name: c L F74 i-7T '/F ./ (4 d1c-(1 Address: //3 w' 4 The required information supplied to this department for the application of a Title V Deed Restriction is correct as shown above. Applicant Date 5/02 ifyPrinted on Recycled Paper