HomeMy WebLinkAbout1044 Rte 28 COMPLETE DRC PACKET - Cell Tower 040522YARMOUTH PLANNING STAFF - CELL TOWER CAMOUFLAGE EXAMPLES                               CLOCK TOWERS BELL TOWER SCULPTURE T O W N O F Y A R M O U T H 1146 ROUTE 28, SOUTH YARMOUTH, MASSACHUSETTS 02664-4492 Telephone (508) 398-2231, Ext. 1276, Fax (508) 398-2365 MEMORANDUM To: Cape Cod Commission – DRI Subcommittee Sent via e-mail to: regulatory@capecodcommission.org From: Kathy Williams, Town Planner Date: December 3, 2021 Subject: Blue Sky Tower DRI Resubmission 110’ Cell Tower & Ground Equipment at 1044 Route 28, South Yarmouth CCC File No. 21012 This Memo is in regard to the resubmission of a Development of Regional Impact (DRI) application by Blue Sky Towers III, LLC, for a proposed 110’ monopole wireless communication tower with ground equipment at 1044 Route 28 in South Yarmouth. During the first application process, the Yarmouth Planning Board and Town Staff provided numerous comments regarding the location, height and aesthetics of the proposed cell tower (see previously submitted documents). The minor revisions made to the project in the latest submission will have negligible impacts on these main concerns. Briefly, the applicant is proposing to reduce the height from 120’ to 110’, bring the exposed antennas closer to the pole using 6’ antenna frames rather than 12’, include a 6’ solid fence with more landscaping to screen the ground equipment, and locate utilities underground. Screening: There was no attempt to camouflage the tower in any way and it remains highly visible from Route 28 at a height of 112’ above existing grade. The solid fencing and additional plantings are an improvement, but also something that should have been included in the original submission as these are standard screening practices. The new pad mounted transformer outside the fence area needs to be screened from Route 28. Unfortunately, the increase in the size of the stormwater management system results in increased tree removal near Route 28. Please note Yarmouth zoning requires a 20’ minimum front buffer. Photo-Simulations: The photo-simulations should represent what is being permitted. If up to 4 carriers could be on this tower, the visualizations need to accurately reflect this potential outcome. The photo-simulation located in the parking lot of McDonalds is not representative of the requested view along Route 28 looking towards the facility. The location chosen gives a deceptive impression of the amount of screening provided due to the upward angle of the photo and close proximity of existing smaller buffer trees. Coverage: The applicant contends that a cell tower of this type, height, and location is necessary to meet their coverage needs. However, another carrier (Verizon) has been able to provide adequate coverage through an array of different methods that meet their needs without so severely impacting the community. Their CAM tower behind the post office is barely noticeable due to its lower height and location behind the building, well away from Route 28. Planning Division Blue Sky Tower – DRI Resubmission December 3, 2021 Page 2 of 2 Community Vision and Design: Route 28 is the major commercial corridor and economic engine for the Town of Yarmouth. As such, the Town has expended significant effort to create economic opportunities, including many initiatives and planning documents promoting redevelopment and improved aesthetics along Route 28. These include designation of an Opportunity Zone along a segment of Route 28 to offer economic incentives for investment; extension of the Growth Incentive Zone to ease permitting for 35 motel properties along Route 28; and adoption of the Village Centers Overlay District (VCOD) zoning (see attached) which provides for mixed use and high density development opportunities subject to enhanced design standards (the project is located in VC3). Most recently, the Town has developed a Draft Vision Plan after a 16-month community engagement process. The attached Draft Vision Plan clearly expresses our vision for aesthetically pleasing commercial corridors and a strong economy. With these planning efforts, combined with forthcoming municipal sewer system, and several roadway projects along Route 28 planned by the MA Department of Transportation (MassDOT), the Town is primed for significant redevelopment and aesthetic improvements. The proposed cell tower as currently designed severely contrasts with these efforts and will have negative impacts on these goals for decades. The proposal as currently designed would be detrimental to the Town and the waivers requested from the Commission’s Technical Bulletin should not be granted. Thank you for your consideration of these comments. Please note that we are awaiting input from Isotrope Wireless, the CCC’s peer reviewer, on the supplemental materials and may wish to offer further comments. ATTACHMENTS:  Draft Vision Plan, dated November 22, 2021  Zoning Bylaw Section 414 – VCOD and VCOD Map TOWN OF YARMOUTH Planning BoardI I46 ROUTE 28, SOUTH YARMOUTH, MASSACHUSETTS 02664-4492 Telephone (508) 398-2231,Ext. 1276, Fax (508) 398-2365 December 2,2021 Cape Cod Commission - DRI Subcommittee Sent via e-mail to: regu latorv@capecodcommission.org Re: Blue Sky Towers Monopole, Yarmouth (CCC File No. 2l 005) Dear DRI Subcommittee Members, The Planning Board has reviewed the October 25,2021 submission by Blue Sky Towers III regarding a proposed cell tower with ground equipment at 1044 Route 28 in South Yarmouth (Our Lady of the Highway). The main modifications include reducing the height from 120' to I l0', bringing the exposed antennas closer to the pole using 6' antenna frames rather than l2', and including 6' solid fencing and more landscaping to screen the ground equipment. The vast majority ofthe Planning Board is very disappointed by the minimal modifications proposed by the applicant which do little to address the comments and concems previously expressed by the Planning Board and Town Staff. The Applicant has shown little interest in significant changes to their proposal and the Planning Board would request that the current application be denied by the Cape Cod Commission. Route 28 is one of Yarmouth's biggest challenges and an area where significant planning efforts have been concentrated. The site is located within the Village Centers Overlay District (VCOD) zoning district, which was crafted to promote better design and more attractive redevelopment. The need to improve Route 28 was further articulated through our Community Visioning Project and draft Vision Plan. We are on the cusp ofsignificant redevelopment with the advent of municipal wastewater. An industrial looking cell tower ofthis type, height and location, which will be at the site for decades to come, is the antithesis of our community's vision for our major commercial corridor. Although we appreciate and understand the need for reliable wireless coverage, other cell carriers, such as Verizon, have been able to provide coverage for their users through a variety of methods that are far less intrusive and impactful to our community. The Planning Board may have further comments once the peer review by Isotrope Wireless has been completed and reviewed by the Board. Thank you for your consideration in this matter. Sincerely, Wan*- Joanne Crowley, Chair Yarmouth Planning Board cc: Kathy Williams, Town Planner Bob Whritenour. Town Administrator T O W N O F Y A R M O U T H 1146 ROUTE 28, SOUTH YARMOUTH, MASSACHUSETTS 02664-4492 Telephone (508) 398-2231, Ext. 1276, Fax (508) 398-2365 MEMORANDUM To: John H. McCormack, Chair - Cape Cod Commission Regulatory Committee cc: Jordan Velozo, Regulatory Planner – Cape Cod Commission From: Kathy Williams, Town Planner Date: June 10, 2021 Subject: Blue Sky Towers Monopole – CCC File No. 21005 - 1044 Route 28, South Yarmouth, MA COMMENTS - JUNE 9, 2021 PUBLIC HEARING As requested, I am submitting formal comments related to the June 9, 2021 DRI Public Hearing for the Blue Sky Wireless Tower proposed for 1044 Route 28, South Yarmouth. 1. Existing Concealed Monopole: I can confirm that the 70’ concealed monopole located at 1045 Route 28 was constructed with Verizon using the top two slots. It is my understanding that the bottom two slots remain open. 2. Planning Efforts: Route 28 is our main commercial corridor and sets the stage for how residents and visitors view Yarmouth. Through our ongoing Community Visioning Project, our residents have re- confirmed their desire to improve the look of Route 28. The Town has expended significant efforts over the years to improve Route 28 through various zoning initiatives (VCOD), regulatory relief (GIZ extension), and economic development tools (Opportunity Zone designation), all to promote aesthetically pleasing redevelopment of Route 28. We are also working hard on infrastructure improvements along Route 28 through the replacement of the Parkers River Bridge and MassDOT projects such as the resurfacing project from the Barnstable line to Parkers River. Route 28 is also included in the first phase of our municipal wastewater program. A 120’ monopole with exposed antennas in full view of Route 28 is the antithesis of what we are looking for and counter to our efforts to beautify Route 28. 3. Location, Height and Gap in Coverage: a. We appreciate the input from Isotrope Wireless as this is a complicated, technical topic that benefits from a peer review. Thank you to the Commission for requesting this review. b. Further analysis is needed to confirm that the proposed location and height are the least impactful ways to fill the gap in coverage. The Applicant should determine the wireless coverage using multiple ways to fill the coverage gap including: i. Adding AT&T on the WXTK tower. ii. Using the two unused slots on the existing concealed monopole tower at 1045 Route 28 and then identifying the remaining coverage gap. iii. Evaluating the potential of the other sites identified in the Isotrope Wireless report. iv. Evaluating coverage at lower heights. The Isotrope report notes that there is no demonstration that the 120’ height is necessary, but is proposed to allow for 4-carriers. I’m unclear on who the 4 carriers would be as Verizon already has a tower across the street and the only other carrier notified by the Applicant besides Verizon was DISH Wireless. Other carriers have found ways to balance the need for wireless infrastructure with the need to be less visually intrusive, often using multiple smaller facilities such as the 70’ concealed monopole across the Planning  Division  Blue Sky Tower – 1044 Route 28 - DRI Application June 10, 2021   Page 2 of 2    street, smaller antennas attached to utility poles, and wireless facilities located within church towers, such as at the South Yarmouth Methodist Church. 4. Aesthetics: If the 1044 Route 28 location is confirmed to be the best location, significant improvements would need to be made to camouflage the structure. The existing wooded vegetation to the north and west will provide some screening but the height of the pole exceeds the height of the trees and is fully exposed on the south side facing Route 28 and the majority of the east side facing Forest Road. As noted in the Isotrope report, “the focus of the defined term “camouflaged” is to make the facility look like something that is ordinarily associated with the Cape Cod environs.” The current exposed antennas on a 90’ or 120’ very large pole (6’ diameter at the base and 3’ at the top) are not hidden, located within an existing/proposed structure, or disguised in anyway and are objectionable to the Town of Yarmouth. The Applicant should be required to pursue various options for camouflaging the structure to hide the facility in plain sight. There are many different creative options that have been installed in other Towns that meet the needs of both the wireless carrier and the aesthetics of the community. In addition, improvements are needed to the equipment area which is currently proposed to have a 6’ chain link fence with razor wire, some evergreen trees for screening, and an exposed 12’ drive making the LP gas tanks fully visible from Route 28. Camouflaging the tower by making it something you’d want to look at also necessitates changes be made to the equipment area to locate it behind the structure with access off the side avoiding direct views from public roads and providing better screening, solid fencing and possible shelters. All utilities should be underground. 5. Waivers: The Applicant is requesting three waivers, two related to the height of the structure and one regarding the control over the fall zone. With the wireless facility as designed, no waiver in the height requirement should be provided. Furthermore, the Applicant should be required to have legal control over the fall zones to ensure these areas are not subsequently built upon and to retain the buffer trees which the Applicant is relying upon for screening. 6. Historical Commission Letter: Although the wireless facility is not located within the Bass River Historic District, it will be visible from the District from Photo Location 3. In their May 28th Memo, the Historical Commission felt the structure as currently proposed would impact the view shed and potentially degrade the integrity of the district. 7. Town Zoning: As pointed out in the Public Hearing by Commission Staff, several waivers from the Yarmouth Zoning Bylaw would be required as part of the Special Permit per Section 408. The Applicant will need to prove to the satisfaction of the Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA) that these waivers do not derogate from the intent of the Bylaw. REQUEST OF THE SUBCOMMITTEE: In conclusion, I would respectfully request that the Subcommittee not recommend the current application as presented to the full Cape Cod Commission; and that the Applicant be required to:  Conduct the further analysis regarding the proposed location and height as noted above.  Pursue various options for camouflaging the tower to hide the facility in plain sight and to adjust the location, design and access to the ground equipment area to make it less visible. Multiple options for camouflaging the tower should be presented.  Have legal control over the fall zones.  Provide two additional photo-simulations where the tower will be most visible; one from Route 28 just east of the Forest Road/Route 28 intersection looking west towards the monopole, and another from Forest Road south of the intersection looking northwest towards the monopole.  Although not mentioned at the Hearing, I would also request that the Applicant address the comments made in the CCC Staff Report, especially those of Isotrope Wireless. Thank you for the opportunity to provide these additional comments. T O W N O F Y A R M O U T H 1146 ROUTE 28, SOUTH YARMOUTH, MASSACHUSETTS 02664-4492 Telephone (508) 398-2231, Ext. 1276, Fax (508) 398-2365 MEMORANDUM To: John H. McCormack, Chair Cape Cod Commission Regulatory Committee Cc: Jordan Velozo, Regulatory Planner – Cape Cod Commission From: Kathy Williams, Town Planner Date: June 1, 2021 Subject: Blue Sky Towers Monopole – CCC File No. 21005 1044 Route 28, South Yarmouth, MA COMMENTS ON DRI APPLICATION This Memo is in regard to the Development of Regional Impact (DRI) application submitted to the Cape Cod Commission (CCC) by Blue Sky Towers III, LLC, for a proposed 120’ monopole wireless communication tower at 1044 Route 28 in South Yarmouth. Planning Efforts: Significant effort has been expended by the Town of Yarmouth to promote aesthetically pleasing economic development and redevelopment along Route 28, our main commercial corridor. This has been done through various zoning and regulatory initiatives including the recent extension of the Yarmouth Growth Incentive Zone (GIZ) by the CCC. We have also worked to secure economic development tools such as the Opportunity Zone designation for a large section of Route 28 (from Parkers River to the Bass River). Route 28 was specifically chosen to be included in the first phase of our planned municipal wastewater system to further incentivize and encourage quality redevelopment. Improving Route 28 was also one of the most frequent comments coming out of the initial survey and workshops for the Community Visioning Project, further emphasizing its importance to our community. Although the Town acknowledges the need for reliable wireless coverage, the currently proposed design of the 120’ tall monopole with exposed antennas for up to four separate carriers and a base diameter of 6’ will be highly visible from Route 28 and is counter to our efforts to beautify our commercial corridor. Technical Bulletin: Technical Bulletin 97-001 Guidelines for DRI Review of Wireless Communication Towers sets forth minimum performance standards and development review policies for wireless communication towers. The DRI application included responses to each of the criteria and the applicant is seeking waivers from some of these standards. The following are comments on the DRI application. Section IV– Location: Paragraph A: To adequately provide the needed coverage, the wireless providers may need to provide multiple wireless service facilities, rather than one very large facility that is out of context Planning  Division  Blue Sky Tower – 1044 Route 28 - DRI Application June 1, 2021   Page 2 of 3   with the area and highly visible from Route 28. Other operators have found ways to balance the need for wireless infrastructure with the need to be less visually intrusive. Some examples in Yarmouth include:  A 70’ concealed monopole (all antennas located inside the pole) was constructed across the street from this property at 1045 Route 28. The applicant located the monopole and the equipment behind the existing building with solid fencing around the equipment area, and has minimal visual impact. The applicant for that project (Cellco Partnership d/b/a/ Verizon Wireless) was able to provide the needed additional cell coverage while successfully screening and camouflaging the cell tower from the public ways and neighbors. It is my understanding that Verizon has the top two slots and the two lower slots remain available.  Other wireless carriers are using smaller antennas that are attached to utility poles.  Other wireless carriers are locating their facilities within reconstructed church towers, such as at the South Yarmouth United Methodist Church on Old Main Street (within the Bass River Historic District). In 2014, AT&T received a Special Permit (Decision 4525) to construct a similar facility within the steeple of the Our Lady of the Highway church located on the same property with the equipment enclosed in a small shed like structure. This installation was never constructed. The Applicant should be required to evaluate the coverage provided by the two lower slots of the existing concealed monopole at 1045 Route 28. If additional coverage is needed, further evaluation of another location for a lower tower, or the other options noted above, should be investigated to meet their coverage needs and be less visually intrusive. Paragraph B: The height, exposed antennas, and location next to the open parking impact the ability to camouflage the structure using screening, landscaping or buffers. There are existing trees on the north and west sides which would remain, but the tree heights are lower than the 120’ and many of those trees are deciduous trees which would make the monopole more visible in the winter. The existing trees on the southern and eastern sides of the monopole will be removed to the edge of the parking lot and the small trees proposed as mitigation will not conceal a 90’ or 120’ monopole. In addition to the monopole, the applicant is proposing an equipment area surrounded by chain link fence with razor wire and all equipment placed on concrete pads. There are small trees proposed to camouflage the equipment area, but the close proximity to the parking lot and the 12’ access will leave this utilitarian area still visible to Route 28. Section V – Dimensional Requirements: Paragraph A - Height, General: The proposed height far exceeds 10’ above the average height of buildings within 300’ of the proposed facility. Most structures are single story commercial buildings with pitched roofs or single family homes and a 120’ tower would be over 4 times the average height of the surrounding structures. The maximum building height under Zoning within the B2 zoning district is only 35’. The tower with exposed antennas has not been camouflaged in any way and is completely out of context with its surroundings and counter to the planning efforts being made to improve the aesthetics of Route 28. It is industrial looking in nature, and will be highly visible from two public ways. With the cell tower as currently designed, no waiver in the height requirement should be provided. Blue Sky Tower – 1044 Route 28 - DRI Application June 1, 2021   Page 3 of 3   Paragraph B - Height, Ground-Mounted Facilities: As noted above, the height of 120’ far exceeds the height of existing trees on the north and west sides. The existing trees on the southern and eastern sides of the monopole will be removed to the edge of the parking lot and the small trees proposed as mitigation will not conceal a 90’ or 120’ monopole. With the cell tower as currently designed, no waiver in the height requirement should be provided. Paragraph D.1 - Setbacks: The Applicant proposes to have control over only 10,000 square feet of the property and is requesting a waiver from control over the fall zone. The Applicant should be required to have legal control over the fall zones to ensure these areas are not subsequently built upon and to retain the buffer trees which the Applicant has relied upon as buffering and screening of the tower in their photo simulations. Section VI.A – Special Regulations, Design Standards: Paragraph A.1 – Camouflage: Although a monopole is proposed, it is not a concealed antenna monopole. The four exposed antennas on such a tall and wide structure, in a location open to public ways, does not camouflage, “blend in” or hide the structure from public view. If other suitable locations cannot be found, more effort needs to be put into camouflaging the structure such as was done for the cell tower in East Harwich at the intersection of Route 137 and 39. This cell tower has the antennas within the flagpole to be hidden from public view and surrounded by a park like setting. Equipment areas are not readily visible. Consideration should also be given to lowering the height of the structure. Paragraph A.2 – Buffers: No existing buffer trees will remain on the southern side and most of the eastern side. No amount of new plantings can provide adequate buffering of the monopole from Route 28. Paragraph A.3 – Color: Even if the monopole itself could have a color that that blends in, the exposed antennas will not be that color and will be visible. Paragraph A.4 – Equipment Shelters: The use of chain link fencing with razor wire exacerbates the incompatibility with the neighborhood and will be visible from Route 28 through the access drive. Solid fencing and gate of a height sufficient to conceal the equipment should be provided. All utilities should be underground. Paragraph A.6 – Historic Districts: Although not in an historic district, the site in very close to the South Yarmouth/Bass River National Register Historic District and further camouflaging of the monopole is needed. The Yarmouth Historical Commission is providing their own comment letter. Paragraph A.7 – Scenic Landscapes and Vistas: As noted previously, the monopole and some of the ground equipment will be visible from public roads. There are no photo simulations of the location where the monopole would be most visible, at the adjacent Route 28/Forest Road signalized intersection where people will be stopped at the traffic light with the monopole in full view. A photo simulation should be done from Route 28 from the viewpoint just east of the intersection looking west towards the monopole. Another photo simulation should be done from Forest Road from the viewpoint just south of the intersection looking northwest towards the monopole. T O W N O F Y A R M O U T H 1146 ROUTE 28, SOUTH YARMOUTH, MASSACHUSETTS 02664-4492 Telephone (508) 398-2231, Ext. 1276, Fax (508) 398-2365 MEMORANDUM To: John H. McCormack, Chair Cape Cod Commission Regulatory Committee Cc: Jordan Velozo, Regulatory Planner – Cape Cod Commission From: Kathy Williams, Town Planner Date: May 31, 2021 Subject: Blue Sky Towers Monopole – CCC File No. 21005 1044 Route 28, South Yarmouth, MA YARMOUTH PERMIT REQUIREMENTS As requested, this Memo provides an outline of the permitting process in the Town of Yarmouth for the proposed Blue Sky Towers Monopole at 1044 Route 28, South Yarmouth. A separate comment letter will be provided on the Development of Regional Impact (DRI) application. Brief Description: Based on the application materials filed with the Commission, the applicant is proposing to construct a 120 foot tall monopole located just off the parking lot in a currently wooded area of the Our Lady of the Highway property at 1044 Route 28, South Yarmouth. The cell tower will have exposed antennas for up to four separate carriers. The ground equipment, generators, and LP gas tanks for the four carriers will be located on concrete pads behind a 6’ chain link fence with barbed wire, screened with evergreen trees 4’ to 6’ tall at planting. The grade at the cell tower will be raised to 13.6 with the grade in the adjacent parking area being at 10. Zoning: The property is located within the B2 Business District. The property abuts residential zoning districts to the north and most of the eastern property line. The property is also located in the Village Centers Overlay District (VCOD) Village Center 4 (VC4). This is an optional overlay district to incentivize redevelopment of Route 28 while requiring strict design standards. The project is being developed using the underlying B2 zoning district. Communication Facilities are considered an F7 use per Section 202.5 – Use Regulation Table. Communication facilities may be permitted in the B2 zoning district only under a Special Permit issued by the Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA) pursuant to Section 408 of the Zoning Bylaw. The main goal of Section 408 is to facilitate the availability of wireless service to the residents of Yarmouth while minimizing adverse visual and environmental effects and impact of communication antennas, communication buildings, and communication towers on the vistas of the community through careful design, siting, and vegetative screening. Planning Division Blue Sky Tower – 1044 Route 28 Yarmouth Permit Requirements May 31, 2021 Page 2 of 2 Per Section 408.4.1, the Board of Appeals may alter or waive one or more of the requirements of Section 408 if it finds that the alteration or waiver of the requirement(s) will not derogate from the intent of the bylaw. Based on the current design, required waivers may include, but are not limited to, the following:  408.7.1 General. All Communications Facilities shall be designed and sited so as to have the least adverse visual effect on the environment.  408.7.5.1 Scenic Landscapes and Vistas - Personal Wireless Service Facilities shall not be located within open areas that are discernable from public roads, recreational areas, or residential development.  408.7.6.1 Height, General. Regardless of the type of mount, Personal Wireless Service Facilities shall be no higher than ten feet above the average height of buildings within 300 feet of the proposed facility.  408.7.6.2 Height, Ground-Mounted Facilities. Ground-mounted Personal Wireless Service Facilities shall not project higher than ten feet above the average building height or, if there are no buildings within 300 feet, these facilities shall not project higher than ten feet above the average tree canopy height.  408.7.10.3 Camouflage by Vegetation: If Communications Facilities are not camouflaged from public viewing areas by existing buildings or structures, they shall be surrounded by buffers of dense tree growth and understory vegetation in all directions to create an effective year-round visual buffer. Ground-mounted Personal Wireless Service Facilities shall provide a vegetated buffer of sufficient height and depth to effectively screen the facility. Prior to submitting to the ZBA for a Special Permit, the project will need to go through the following:  Design Review with the Design Review Committee per Section 103.4.  Site Plan Review per Section 103.3 of the Bylaw. Any other non-land use town permits, such as permits for the LP Gas tanks, and any further relief required of the ZBA will be identified during the Site Plan Review process. TOWN OF YARMOUTH 1146 ROUTE 28, SOUTH YARMOUTH, MASSACHUSETTS 02664-4451 Telephone (508) 398-2231 Ext. 1292 Fax (508) 398-0836 HISTORICAL COMMISSION TO: John H. McCormack, Chair Cape Cod Commission Regulatory Committee FROM: Julie Mockabee, Chair Yarmouth Historical Commission CC: Yarmouth Board of Selectmen RE: Blue Sky Towers Monopole DATE: May 28, 2021 At their May 13, 2021 meeting, the Yarmouth Historical Commission discussed the Blue Sky Tower’s proposed installation of a 120’ monopole to be located at 1044 Route 28, South Yarmouth. While the proposed tower location is not within the boundaries of the Bass River Historic District, it is located in close proximity (0.2 miles away from the nearest boundary (12 Forest Road)). Comprising 108 acres, the Bass River Historic District is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. The district is characterized by an unusually well- preserved mix of residential, institutional, and commercial structures dating from the 18th, 19th, and 20th centuries. At their meeting, the Yarmouth Historical Commission reviewed and discussed the visual simulations submitted as part of the Blue Sky Application to the Cape Cod Commission, noting the negative visual impact to the Bass River Historic District of the exposed antennas located on the 120’ cell tower. The Photolog map submitted to the Cape Cod Commission indicates the cell tower will be visible within the District from Photo Location 3 (see attached). The Historical Commission is concerned for the impacts to the view shed and potential degradation of the integrity of the District. With limited experience associated with the Development of Regional Impact (DRI) process, the Yarmouth Historical Commission would encourage the Cape Cod Commission to reach out to Yarmouth residents, in particular property owners within the Bass River Historic District, to inform them about the proposed cell tower project. 102146\000008\4104787 APPLICATION FOR FORMAL DESIGN REVIEW Blue Sky Towers III, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company, d/b/a BSTMA III, LLC c/o Ricardo M. Sousa, Esq. Prince Lobel Tye LLP One International Place, Suite 3700 Boston, MA 02110 Applicant Property Location: 1044 Route 28 Yarmouth, MA 02664 Assessor’s Map 50, Lot 189.1 Prepared by: Ricardo M. Sousa, Esq. Prince Lobel Tye LLP One International Place, Suite 3700 Boston, MA 02110 Telephone: (617) 456-8123 Facsimile: (617) 456-8100 March 23, 2022 102146\000008\4104787 TABLE OF CONTENTS APPLICATION FOR FORMAL DESIGN REVIEW Property located at: 1044 Route 28 Yarmouth, MA 02664 Assessor’s Map 50, Lot 189.1 Design Review Application Tab 1 Materials Specification Sheet Tab 2 Supporting Statement Tab 3 Plans Tab 4 Photographic Simulation Package Tab 5 Proposed Design Photographic Simulation Tab 6 Alternative Site Analysis Tab 7 Supplemental Alternative Site Analysis Tab 8 AT&T Antenna Specifications Tab 9 T-Mobile Antenna Specifications Tab 10 AT&T Equipment Cabinet Specifications Tab 11 T-Mobile Equipment Cabinet Specifications Tab 12 AT&T Generator Specifications Tab 13 T-Mobile Generator Specifications Tab 14 1 2 BlueSkyTowersIII,LLC,d/b/aBSTMAIII,LLC1044Route28,Yarmouth,MA02664Pleasereferencematerialssubmittedwiththisapplicationpackage. 3 X PRINCE LOBELMarch 22,2022VIA ELECTRONIC DELIVERY &T.EDER AI, EXPRESS DE.I,IVERYTown of Yarmouth, Design Review CommitteeYarmouth Town Hall1146 Route 28Yarmouth, MA 02664RE:Property AddressApplication for Formal Design Review1044 Route 28, Yarmouth,i|l4.A02664Assessor's Map 50, Lot 189.1 (the "Property")Blue Sky Towers III, LLC,d/b/a BSTMA III, LLC ("Blue Sky" or the "Applicant")Applicant:Dear Honorable Members of the Design Review Committee:This firm represents the Applicant in connection with an application for design reviewand approval from the Design Review Committee (the "Committee") of the Town of Yarmouth(the "Town") in connection with the Applicant's proposed personal wireless service tower at theProperty. Blue Sky is proposing to construct a one hundred and ten foot (110.00') tall monopoleCommunication Tower (the "Tower"), as defined in the Town of YarmouthZoningBylaw. TheApplicant has entered into lease agreements with AT&T and T-Mobile whereupon completion ofthe construction of the Tower, AT&T and T-Mobile will install antennas on the Tower as well asinstall appurtenant equipment at the base of the Tower for the operation of a Personal WirelessFacility (the "Facility"), as defined in the Town of Yarmouth ZoningBylaw. The Facility willbe surrounded by a six foot (6.00') high stockade fence, and will also be surrounded by a naturalbarrier of screening trees. The Facility is described in greater detail on the plans submitted withthis application, and incorporated herein by reference (the "Plans").The Property is owned by the Roman Catholic Bishop of Fall River located in theBusiness B2 ("82"), Hotel/Motel Overlay District 2 ("HMOD2"), and the Village CentersOverlay District 3 ("VC3"). Pursuant to Section 408.5 of the Town of Yarmouth Zoning Bylaw(the "Bylaw"), all new Towers and Facilities in the Town require a Special Permit from theTown's Board of Appeals and Site Plan Review by the Site Plan Review Team. The Applicant isapplying for design review by the Committee prior to its Site Plan Review application andSpecial Permit application so that the Committee may review the Applicant's proposed projectfor general compliance with the Yarmouth Architectural and Site Design Standards (the"standards"), but also so that the Committee may provide recommendations concerning theconformity of the proposed project with the objectives of Section 103.4.3 of the Bylaw. AT&TPlqlNCf: L.il8Ei. -lYff i-.1.i:'One lnternational Place, Suite 3700, Boston, MA 02'110Office (617) 456-8000 Fax (617) 456-8100www.princelobel.com102146\000008\41 1 0841 Town of Yannouth, Design Review ComrnitteeMarch 23,2022I'}age l2and T-Mobile cannot provide seamless wireless service to the Town based on their existingFacilities within the Town, pursuant to the mandate of the Telecommunications Act of 1996 andtheir licenses issued by the Federal Communications Commission (the "FCC"). Therefore, theApplicant respectfully requests that the Committee approve of its Formal Design Reviewapplication described herein, pursuant to its authority under the Bylaw.I. BackgroundThe communication towers are utilized by wireless carriers that are licensed by the FCC.AT&T and T-Mobile are licensed by the FCC to construct and operate wirelesstelecommunications networks in various markets throughout the country, including theCommonwealth of Massachusetts and in particular the Town of Yarmouth. AT&T and T-Mobileare in the process of identifying gaps in coverage in their networks and designing sites tosupplement their respective telecommunications networks to serve all of the Commonwealth ofMassachusetts for reliable coverage. One of the key design objectives of their systems is toprovide seamless coverage. Such a system requires a gnd of radio transmitting and receivinglinks located approximately one-half (0.5) to two (2) miles apart, depending on the location ofexisting and proposed installations in the surrounding area, the existing use of the network andthe existing topography. The radio transmitting and receiving facilities operate on a line-of-sightbasis, requiring a clear path from the wireless telecommunications facility to the user on theground. The dynamic requires the antennas to be located above the tree line, and in a locationwhere the signal is not obstructed or degraded by other buildings or by topographical featuressuch as hills.II. The Tower and FacilityAs illustrated on the Plans, the Tower will be one hundred and ten feet (110.00') in heightand will be located within the one hundred foot (100.00') by one hundred foot (100.00') leasearea. Within the fenced compound lease area,the Facility is surrounded by natural barriers onevery side by atree line and screening trees. AT&T's panel antennas are proposed to beinstalled at a height of ninety five feet (95.00'), and T-Mobile's panel antennas are proposed tobe installed at a height of one hundred and five feet (105.00'), with both AT&T and T-Mobile'sappurtenant telecommunications equipment to be located within the fenced compound. Theantennas will be connected via coaxial cables installed with AT&T and T-Mobile's respectiveappurtenant equipment at the base of the Tower. The Tower provides for collocationopportunities for two (2) other FCC licensed carriers at centerline heights of seventy four feet(74.00') and eighty four feet (84.00'). Under current FCC regulations, the antennas are requiredto be separated by a minimum of three feet (3.00'). While the lease area will be fenced in, theFacility will also be further surrounded by a six foot (6.00') stockade fence.i:)i;ili'.iil!,; l"t"J[iir: i.. i'Yij l. jf']One lnternational Place, Suite 3700, Boston, MA 02110(617) 456-80001 02 I 46\000008\4 1 I 084 1 Town of Yannouth, Design Review ComrnitteeMarch 23,2022I'age l3After construction and installation, the Facility will be unmanned and will require onlybi-weekly visits by a single vehicle for routine maintenance. The only utilities required tooperate the Facility are standard one hundred and twenty (120) volt electrical power as well astelephone services, which will be installed on the Property as part of the Applicant's proposedproject. Finally, the Facility will comply with all applicable local, state and federal safety codes,including FCC regulations related to radio frequency emissions.III. Legal ArgumentThe Applicant is entitled to design review approval from the Committee because theproposed Facility complies with the design review objectives and Standards as set forth inSection 103.4.3 of the Bylaw.a) Yarmouth Architectural and Site Design Standards' Objectives.1. Protect and enhance the character and quality of Yarmouth whilemaintaining and strengthening a recognizable identity and characterthat is unique to Yarmouth.The Applicant is proposing to construct and install its Facility on an unused area of landon the Property located directly adjacent to the Our Lady of the Highway church. The Applicantis not proposing to construct its Facility on any portion of the land where the existing church islocated, and the existing church will remain untouched through construction and installation ofthe Applicant's proposed Facility. While the Tower is visible from the Property, the Tower andthe FaCility will be partially screened by the Property's natural tree line on the Property. TheProperty is located in the B2 zoningdistrict, making the site an ideal location for the Facility andits need to provide greater wireless telecommunication services to the Town. As such, theApplicant's proposed project utilizes a section of the property with dense tree growth in order toconstruct a structure that is designed to improve reliable, and necessary wireless coverage to thesurroundin g area. Moreover, the Applicant is proposing three (3) different stealth design optionsfor its Tower, including a monopole design, mono-pine design, and a bell tower design, all asshown on the Proposed Design Photographic Simulation document submitted herewith. TheApplicant is open to discussing alternative designs with the Town, provided that any suchdesigns meet the space configuration requirements for the equipment and antennas of thewireless providers. In all, the Applicant is committed to working with the Committee todetermine which design will effectively maintain and promote the character and quality of theTown.;'f; ji!{..,1, LOt.ll'jri.. i'Y'L I 1..,One lnternational Place, Suite 3700, Boston, MA 02110(617) 456-8000I 02 1 46\000008\4 1 1 084 I Town of Yarmouth, Design Review CommitteeMarch 23,2022Pagc l42. Enhance the human scale of development and respect the scale andcharacter of residential neighborhoods that adjoin commercial uses.As previously stated, the Applicant's proposed project is necessary to fiIl a significantgap in coverage in and around the surrounding area and to provide reliable wirelesstelicommunications services to the immediately surrounding area, and more specifically to theTown's residents. The Applicant's proposed Facility is crucial to closing the coverage gapwhich currently exists for at least two (2) wireless carriers (AT&T and T-Mobile). Theconstruction of the Facility will not require large scale development that would result indisruption to surrounding neighborhoods adjoining the Property. Alternatively, the Facility willallow the residents in the surrounding neighborhoods to take advantage of reliable wirelesscoverage, including access to emergency wireless services. As such, the Applicant's proposedFacility complies with this objectives of the Standards.3. Mitigate the negative visual impacts arising from the scale, bulk andmass inherent to large commercial buildings and centers.As noted above, the Applicant's proposed Facility will not require the same level ofconstruction seen in construction of large-scale developments. Furthermore, the construction ofthe proposed Facility will primarily be shielded by the Property's natural tree line so that it is notvisible from certain sections of the adjoining residential neighborhoods. Only the top section ofthe Tower will be visible from above the Property's tree line. The compound at the base of thetower will be shielded from view by the existing tree growth and the proposed landscaping andstockade fence proposed by the Applicant and highlighted in the Applicant's plans submittedherewith. Additionally, the Applicant is proposing various stealth design options for the Tower,including a monopole, mono-pine, and bell tower design. The design options are shown on theProposed Design Photographic Simulation document submitted herewith. The Applicant is opento discussing alternative designs with the Town, provided that any such designs meet the spaceconfiguration requirements for the equipment and antennas of the wireless providers. TheApplicant is committed to working with the Committee to determine a stealth design option that*iil "ff.rtively minimize adverse visual impacts. Overall, the Applicant's proposed project willmitigate negative visual impacts arising from the scale, bulk and mass inherent to largecommercial buildings and centers.l. Strengthen the pedestrian environment.As shown on the Plans, the Property directly adjoins residentially zoned districts withinthe Town. However, the Property is located in the 82 zoningdistrict surrounded by numerousbusiness and commercial property uses. The Applicant's proposed project will greatly serve thepedestrians within these areas by closing the coverage gap and providing reliable wirelesstelecommunications services to these individuals.::;E1ll{.;: i i}iji1}.. -i'r,tl r" !-.rrOne lnternational Place, Suite 3700, Boston, MA 02110(617) 456-8000I 02146\000008\41 10841 Town of Yarmouth, Design Review ComrnitteeMarch 23,2022Pagc l55. Allow for needed flexibility to respond to conditions and constraintsinherent to specific sites and specific areas within the community.As described in detail in the Alternative Site Analysis attached to this application, theApplicant analyzedthe viability of many other locations within the Town for its proposedfacitity. Upon performing its analysis, the Applicant concluded that the Property was the onlyfeasible location and the most suitable location for its proposed Facility for the reasons andcriteria set forth in the Alternative Site Analysis. Furthermore, the Alternative Site Analysisrecognizes that the area of significant gap in coverage and capacity is localized to the area in theTown where the Property is located, which consists primarily of residential properties,recreational u."ur ard apond. The nature ofthe significant coverage gap presents certainconstraints on the siting of a tower within this area of the Town. As such, the Applicant hasdetermined that, Appliiant's proposed Facility on the subject Property is the only feasible site toclose the significantgap in coverage for both FCC licensed carriers who have joined in thisApplication.6. Provide flexibility to respond to the unique characteristics andconstraints inherent to mixed use development and to evolvingdevelopment confi gurations.Similarly noted above, the Applicant's proposed Facility is crucial to closing thesignificant gap in coverage experienced in the Town. With an influx of individuals to the Townduring the spring and summer months, and with ongoing development in the 92 zoning district,there is a need to improve the wireless coverage in this area and the proposed Facility on theProperty is the most suitable location for the Facility in order to successfully close the gap in"ou.rug". Moroover, the Facility's visual impacts on sulrounding residential neighborhoods willbe minimized by the fact that the Tower will be well-hidden behind the Property's nature treeline and additional trees willbe planted to act as natural screening barriers to the equipmentcompound at the base of the Tower.7. Require and promote building designs and practices that areadaptable to multiple uses for extended building lifecycles.While AT&T and T-Mobile have already established lease agreements for installation oftheir antennas on the Tower, the Tower is capable of collocation up to two (2) more wirelesstelecommunications carriers. As such, the Applicant's proposed Facility promotes multiplewireless users on the Tower through collocation while also providing adaptability to the carriersfor future equipment and technology upgrades (such as 5G services) in order to maintain futureservice needs.'i,i;iiiriflli:: L.riBi.:L i YII J. { i)One lnternational Place, Suite 3700, Boston, MA 02110(617) 456-8000102146\000008\4 I I 0841 Town of Yarmouth, Design Review ComrnitteeMarch 23,2022I'agc l68. Minimize negative impacts from on-site activities to adjacent uses.As stated above and as shown on the Plans, the Facility will be surrounded by a six foot(6') stockade fence. Additionally, the Property's natural tree line will be maintained to provide avisual buffer between the Facility and the surrounding property, and additional trees will beplanted to provide a screening buffer for the equipment at the base of the Tower. Moreover, themajority oith" Tower's structure is hidden behind the Property's natural tree growth' Theracifity will be served by one (1) driveway as a means for access, which will only be utilized ona bi-weekly basis for routine maintenance visits. The fences will be locked and secured, and anyappurtenant equipment at the base of the Tower will be secured appropriately. As such, theApplicant's prbpbsed project minimizes the visual impacts from adjacent properties and thedesign elements ensures that the Facility will be safely secured.g, Balance the economic requirements of the development withaesthetic concerns of the community.The Applicant's proposed project will balance the economic requirements of the Facilitywith the aesthetic concerns of the community. As previously stated, the proposed Facility iscrucial to closing the significant gap in coverage in the Town and the Applicant's AlternativeSite Analysis indicate. ihut the property is the only feasible location for the Facility. While theApplicani's Facility will close the gap in wireless coverage, the Applicant has ensured that theu"rth"ti" concerns of the community are addressed. The Facility will be surrounded by thenatural tree line and additional trees will be planted to provide a screening buffer between theFacility. As shown on the Plans, the Applicant has presented a landscaping plan that accountsfor the initial planting, maintenance and care of the trees to be planted as part of this project.Furthermore, as stated above, the Applicant's proposed Facility is crucial for filling a significantgap in coverage throughout the Town. While the proposed Facility will effectively close the gapIn "ou"ruge, the Appl[ant is proposing various stealth designs that will minimize negative visualimpacts. As such, the Applicant has demonstrated that the proposed Facility balances both theeconomic need for the Tower and the aesthetic concerns of the Town.10. Promote energy and resource efficiency.As stated previously, the only utilities required to operate the Facility after its completionare standard one hundred and twenty (120) volt electrical power as well as telephone services.Furthermore, the Applicant proposes the use of natural resources, such as the existing tree lineand planting additional trees for a screening buffer, to minimize visual impacts from the Facility.As a result, the Facility's use of electrical services will be de minimize and the Applicant istaking affirmative steps to make use of natural resources to alleviate visual impacts.1.L. Promote sustainability.The Applicant's proposed Facility makes use of the tree line already existing on theproperty ana firi Applicant will make further use of natural resources to provide a screeningbuffer between the Facility and the church. Moreover, the proposed Facility will not releasepollutants or odors into the environment once fully operational.i'riilrJl\ii,:i- [.r)fl::,. 1 I l: i.i,'iOne lnternational Place, Suite 3700, Boston, MA 02110(617) 456-8000I 02 1 46\000008\4 I I 084 I Town of Yarmouth, Design Review CommitteeMarch 23,2022Page l7b) Section 103.4.3. Goals and Objectives. The goals and objectives of the designreview process shall be to revitalize all commercial uses south of Route 6 by:l. Improving the aesthetic quatity of buildings and sites thereinlThe Applicant's proposed Facility will include landscaping and a stockade fence at thebase to shield view of the base cabinets. The Applicant has also utilized the existing tree bufferto minimize visual adverse aesthetic and visual impacts on suffounding areas. Lastly, theApplicant has reduced the height of the Proposed Facility to 110" from the original proposedheight to minimize visual impacts. The Applicant will also select apaint color for the Tower thatis approved by the Town.2. Promoting attractive and viable commercial districts, andlAs stated in the Applicant's Alternative Site Analysis, the Property is the most suitableland only viable location for the proposed Facility. The Property is located in the B2 zoningdistrict, where other businesses and commercial uses and structures are located. The Applicant'sproposed project makes use of the natural tree line and additional plantings to act as a screeningbuffer to hide the Facility from the street. Additionally, the proposed Facility will serve to closethe significant gap in coverage in the Town, which will promote reliable wirelesstelecommunications services to businesses and residents located in the area. Lastly, theApplicant has proposed various stealth design options and is committed to working with theCommittee to determine which stealth design option best serves to maintain and promote thecharacter of this area of the Town.3. Providing a process for review of all changes in land use, theappearance of structures' or the appearances of sites within thedistricts.The Applicant is committed to working with the Committee to review the Plans for theFacility and to ensure the Committee's recommendations for the Facility are accounted for sothat the Facility can best serve the needs of the community'4. Preserve the natural and cultural patterns of the surroundinglandscape whenever possible.As shown on the Plans, the proposed Facility will be constructed upon the land locatedbehind the church on the Property. The development of the Facility will not interfere with thechurch. Moreover, the development of the Facility will take place primarily within the onehundred foot (100.00') by one hundred foot (100.00') lease area. Beyond the lease area, theundeveloped land on the Property will remain as is and serve as a natural buffer between theFacility and the adjoining properties. As such, the Applicant's proposed Facility preserves thenatural and cultural patterns of the surrounding landscape.PFTINICE LOBHL TYE LLPOne lnternational Place, Suite 3700, Boston, MA 02110(617) 456-8000I 02 l 46\000008\4 I I 0841 Town of Yarmouth, Design Review ComrnitteeMarch 23,2022Page l85. Encourage incorporation of public amenities, includingo but notlimited to, sidewalks, benches, and bike racks within commercialdevelopments. Encourage clustering of buildings in largedevelopment to retain more open space.This provision of the Bylaw is not applicable to the Applicant's proposed Facility. Theproposed Facility will be served by one (1) driveway which will be utilized on a bi-weekly basisfor routine maintenance visits once the Facility is complete.6. Building is encouraged to be of a style which complements andpromotes traditional Cape Cod architectural styles and characterwith proper scale, proportion and roof pitch. Traditional buildingmaterials (clapboards and cedar shingles) are recommended forusage. Colors of clapboard and trim should be muted colors oftraditional usage, not designed to shock or stand out.This provision of the Bylaw is not applicable to the Applicant's proposed Facility. TheTower, antennas, and appurtenant equipment on the Tower can be painted a color acceptable tothe Town. Additionally, the Applicant has proposed various stealth design options for the Toweras shown on the Proposed Design Photographic Simulation document submitted herewith,including a monopole design, mono-pine design, and a bell tower design. The Applicant is opento discussing altemative designs with the Town, provided that any such designs meet the spaceconfiguration requirements for the equipment and antennas of the wireless providers. TheApplicant is committed to working with the Committee to determine a design option that willeffectuate this provision of the Bylaw, and promote the character of the Town.7. Identify the internal parking circulation system in a manner whichwill reduce curb cuts, improve landscaping and traffic flow, allow forproper turning radius and parking space' encourage pedestrian usesand access, screen trash receptacles, and minimize any accessorysignage.As stated above and shown on the Plans, the Facility will be served by one (1) drivewaywhich will be utilized on a bi-weekly basis for routine maintenance visits. As such, any impacton traffic flow as a result of the Facility will be de minimis. Additionally, the Applicant'sproposed project will use natural resources to improve the landscaping buffer between theFacility and the church, will also utilizing the natural tree line to minimize visual impacts of theFacility. The Facility willbe barricaded by a stockade fence and locked at all times. Therefore,the Facility will not be open to the public, and pedestrians will not be able to use and access theFacility. There will be no accessory signage located at the Facility, other than small signsrequired by the FCC inside the fenced compound. As such, the Applicant's proposed Facilitycomplies with this provision of the Bylaw.FRIilICF LOBHL TYI LLPOne lnternational Place, Suite 3700, Boston, MA 02110(617) 456-8000r 02146\000008\41 I 0841 Town of Yarmouth, Design Review ComrnitteeMarch 23,2022Pagc l9IV. ConclusionThe Applicant hereby respectfully requests that the Committee determine that the Facilitysatisfies the requirements for the requested design review approval, and to further determine thatthe proposed Facility satisfies the goals and objectives of both the Standards and the relevantprouirionr of the Bylaw pertaining to design review. The Property is an appropriate location forthe installation and operation of the proposed Facility and the proposal set forth herein representsthe least intrusive means through which the Applicant, AT&T, and T-Mobile can close thesignificant gap in reliable service coverage in this section of the Town.For the foregoing reasons, the Applicant respectfully requests that the Committee granttheir approval andlor recommendations as to the Applicant's design review application.WMDirect: 617-456-8123Email : rsousa@princelobel.comt)t{' r\i C i: i."tlhrjht. l-Yt: j--L.pOne lnternational Place, Suite 3700, Boston, MA 02110(617) 456-80001 02146\000008\41 10841 4 LOCUS FO R E S T R O A D LONG POND ROADROUTE 28ZONE X (SHADED) ZONE: B 2 ZONE: R - 4 0 ZONE:R-25ZONE:B-2ZONE:B1 ZONE:B2 ZONE X (UNSHADED) TREA S U R E L N .ZONE AE(BFE=11')ZONE X (SHADED)ZONE X(SHADED)ZONE X(UNSHADED)ZONEAE(BFE=11')C-1 NORTHEAST SURVEY CONSULTANTS LEGEND ABUTTERS PLAN & EXISTING CONDITIONS SURVEY NOTES FAA 1-A CERTIFICATION BLUE SKYTOWERS III, LLC A-1BLUE SKYTOWERS III, LLCAERIAL PHOTOFOREST ROADUSGS MAPLOCUSLOCUSFOREST ROADFOREST ROADLONG POND ROADROUTE 28ROUTE 28TREASURE LANEOLD MAIN STREETLONG POND ROADTIMOTHY ROAD 5 1 Photographic Simulation Package Proposed Wireless Telecommunications Facility: MA-5104 South Yarmouth 1044 Route 28 South Yarmouth, MA 02664 - Revised Design - 110ft Monopole - Balloon Flown/Crane Height 120ft Photo Simulations are for demonstration purposes only. It should not be used in any other fashion or with any other intent. The accuracy of the resulting data is not guaranteed and is not for redistribution Package prepared by: Virtual Site Simulations, LLC 24 Salt Pond Road Suite C3 South Kingstown, Rhode Island 02879 www.VirtualSiteSimulations.com www.ThinkVSSFirst.com 2 Photolog Photo Simulations are for demonstration purposes only. It should not be used in any other fashion or with any other intent. The accuracy of the resulting data is not guaranteed and is not for redistribution Legend:Wireless Telecommunications Facility: MA-5104 South Yarmouth 1044 Route 28 South Yarmouth, MA 02664 Facility Location 1 Mile Radius Photo location-Year Round VisibilityX X Photo location - Obscured Visibility X Photo location - NOT visible 3 Photo #Gps Coordinates Distance to site Orientation Bearing to site Visibility Site: Photo Simulations are for demonstration purposes only. It should not be used in any other fashion or with any other intent. The accuracy of the resulting data is not guaranteed and is not for redistribution Approximate Location 1 1011 MA-28 41.65749 -70.20398 0.1 Miles Year RoundSouth353 MA-5104 South Yarmouth Existing 4 Photo #Gps Coordinates Distance to site Orientation Bearing to site Visibility Site: Photo Simulations are for demonstration purposes only. It should not be used in any other fashion or with any other intent. The accuracy of the resulting data is not guaranteed and is not for redistribution Approximate Location 1 1011 MA-28 41.65749 -70.20398 0.1 Miles Year RoundSouth353 MA-5104 South Yarmouth Simulation 5 Photo #Gps Coordinates Distance to site Orientation Bearing to site Visibility Site: Photo Simulations are for demonstration purposes only. It should not be used in any other fashion or with any other intent. The accuracy of the resulting data is not guaranteed and is not for redistribution Approximate Location 2 95 Long Pond Dr 41.66022 -70.2056 0.12 Miles Year RoundNorth-West 142 MA-5104 South Yarmouth Existing 6 Photo #Gps Coordinates Distance to site Orientation Bearing to site Visibility Site: Photo Simulations are for demonstration purposes only. It should not be used in any other fashion or with any other intent. The accuracy of the resulting data is not guaranteed and is not for redistribution Approximate Location 2 95 Long Pond Dr 41.66022 -70.2056 0.12 Miles Year RoundNorth-West 142 MA-5104 South Yarmouth Simulation 7 Photo #Gps Coordinates Distance to site Orientation Bearing to site Visibility Site: Photo Simulations are for demonstration purposes only. It should not be used in any other fashion or with any other intent. The accuracy of the resulting data is not guaranteed and is not for redistribution Approximate Location 3 65 Old Main St 41.65858 -70.20082 0.18 Miles Year RoundEast277 MA-5104 South Yarmouth Existing 8 Photo #Gps Coordinates Distance to site Orientation Bearing to site Visibility Site: Photo Simulations are for demonstration purposes only. It should not be used in any other fashion or with any other intent. The accuracy of the resulting data is not guaranteed and is not for redistribution Approximate Location 3 65 Old Main St 41.65858 -70.20082 0.18 Miles Year RoundEast277 MA-5104 South Yarmouth Simulation 9 Photo #Gps Coordinates Distance to site Orientation Bearing to site Visibility Site: Photo Simulations are for demonstration purposes only. It should not be used in any other fashion or with any other intent. The accuracy of the resulting data is not guaranteed and is not for redistribution Approximate Location 4 7 Long Pond Dr 41.65686 -70.20751 0.22 Miles Year RoundSouth-West 50 MA-5104 South Yarmouth Existing 10 Photo #Gps Coordinates Distance to site Orientation Bearing to site Visibility Site: Photo Simulations are for demonstration purposes only. It should not be used in any other fashion or with any other intent. The accuracy of the resulting data is not guaranteed and is not for redistribution Approximate Location 4 7 Long Pond Dr 41.65686 -70.20751 0.22 Miles Year RoundSouth-West 50 MA-5104 South Yarmouth Simulation 11 Photo #Gps Coordinates Distance to site Orientation Bearing to site Visibility Site: Photo Simulations are for demonstration purposes only. It should not be used in any other fashion or with any other intent. The accuracy of the resulting data is not guaranteed and is not for redistribution Approximate Location 5 95 Old Main St 41.6592 -70.1992 0.26 Miles Not VisibleEast266 MA-5104 South Yarmouth Existing Balloon not visible from this location 12 Photo #Gps Coordinates Distance to site Orientation Bearing to site Visibility Site: Photo Simulations are for demonstration purposes only. It should not be used in any other fashion or with any other intent. The accuracy of the resulting data is not guaranteed and is not for redistribution Approximate Location 6 1116 MA-28 41.66261 -70.20113 0.3 Miles Year RoundNorth-East 212 MA-5104 South Yarmouth Existing 13 Photo #Gps Coordinates Distance to site Orientation Bearing to site Visibility Site: Photo Simulations are for demonstration purposes only. It should not be used in any other fashion or with any other intent. The accuracy of the resulting data is not guaranteed and is not for redistribution Approximate Location 6 1116 MA-28 41.66261 -70.20113 0.3 Miles Year RoundNorth-East 212 MA-5104 South Yarmouth Simulation 14 Photo #Gps Coordinates Distance to site Orientation Bearing to site Visibility Site: Photo Simulations are for demonstration purposes only. It should not be used in any other fashion or with any other intent. The accuracy of the resulting data is not guaranteed and is not for redistribution Approximate Location 7 937 MA-28 41.6553 -70.20793 0.31 Miles Not VisibleSouth-West 38 MA-5104 South Yarmouth Existing Balloon height 120ft AGL - Simulation not visible at 110ft AGL 15 Photo #Gps Coordinates Distance to site Orientation Bearing to site Visibility Site: Photo Simulations are for demonstration purposes only. It should not be used in any other fashion or with any other intent. The accuracy of the resulting data is not guaranteed and is not for redistribution Approximate Location 8 928 MA-28 41.65505 -70.20879 0.36 Miles Not VisibleSouth-West 42 MA-5104 South Yarmouth Existing Balloon not visible from this location 16 Photo #Gps Coordinates Distance to site Orientation Bearing to site Visibility Site: Photo Simulations are for demonstration purposes only. It should not be used in any other fashion or with any other intent. The accuracy of the resulting data is not guaranteed and is not for redistribution Approximate Location 9 1146 MA-28 41.66377 -70.19881 0.44 Miles Not VisibleNorth-East 220 MA-5104 South Yarmouth Existing Balloon not visible from this location 17 Photo #Gps Coordinates Distance to site Orientation Bearing to site Visibility Site: Photo Simulations are for demonstration purposes only. It should not be used in any other fashion or with any other intent. The accuracy of the resulting data is not guaranteed and is not for redistribution Approximate Location 10 108 Clear Brook Rd 41.6636 -70.21037 0.45 Miles Not VisibleNorth-West 136 MA-5104 South Yarmouth Existing Balloon not visible from this location 18 Photo #Gps Coordinates Distance to site Orientation Bearing to site Visibility Site: Photo Simulations are for demonstration purposes only. It should not be used in any other fashion or with any other intent. The accuracy of the resulting data is not guaranteed and is not for redistribution Approximate Location 11 75 Meadowbrook Rd 41.65997 -70.21404 0.51 Miles Not VisibleWest98 MA-5104 South Yarmouth Existing Balloon not visible from this location 19 Photo #Gps Coordinates Distance to site Orientation Bearing to site Visibility Site: Photo Simulations are for demonstration purposes only. It should not be used in any other fashion or with any other intent. The accuracy of the resulting data is not guaranteed and is not for redistribution Approximate Location 12 519 Winslow Gray Rd 41.6665 -70.2067 0.54 Miles Not VisibleNorth166 MA-5104 South Yarmouth Existing Balloon not visible from this location 20 Photo #Gps Coordinates Distance to site Orientation Bearing to site Visibility Site: Photo Simulations are for demonstration purposes only. It should not be used in any other fashion or with any other intent. The accuracy of the resulting data is not guaranteed and is not for redistribution Approximate Location 13 852 MA-28 41.6525 -70.2134 0.65 Miles Not VisibleSouth-West 47 MA-5104 South Yarmouth Existing Balloon not visible from this location 21 Photo #Gps Coordinates Distance to site Orientation Bearing to site Visibility Site: Photo Simulations are for demonstration purposes only. It should not be used in any other fashion or with any other intent. The accuracy of the resulting data is not guaranteed and is not for redistribution Approximate Location 14 51 Circuit Rd 41.6593 -70.21705 0.66 Miles Year RoundWest92 MA-5104 South Yarmouth Existing 22 Photo #Gps Coordinates Distance to site Orientation Bearing to site Visibility Site: Photo Simulations are for demonstration purposes only. It should not be used in any other fashion or with any other intent. The accuracy of the resulting data is not guaranteed and is not for redistribution Approximate Location 14 51 Circuit Rd 41.6593 -70.21705 0.66 Miles Year RoundWest92 MA-5104 South Yarmouth Simulation 23 Photo #Gps Coordinates Distance to site Orientation Bearing to site Visibility Site: Photo Simulations are for demonstration purposes only. It should not be used in any other fashion or with any other intent. The accuracy of the resulting data is not guaranteed and is not for redistribution Approximate Location 15 182 South St 41.64815 -70.20014 0.77 Miles Not VisibleSouth344 MA-5104 South Yarmouth Existing Balloon not visible from this location 24 Photo #Gps Coordinates Distance to site Orientation Bearing to site Visibility Site: Photo Simulations are for demonstration purposes only. It should not be used in any other fashion or with any other intent. The accuracy of the resulting data is not guaranteed and is not for redistribution Approximate Location 16 314 Winslow Gray Rd 41.66299 -70.21827 0.78 Miles Not VisibleWest111 MA-5104 South Yarmouth Existing Balloon not visible from this location 25 Photo #Gps Coordinates Distance to site Orientation Bearing to site Visibility Site: Photo Simulations are for demonstration purposes only. It should not be used in any other fashion or with any other intent. The accuracy of the resulting data is not guaranteed and is not for redistribution Approximate Location 17 1240 MA-28 41.66619 -70.19259 0.78 Miles Not VisibleNorth-East 230 MA-5104 South Yarmouth Existing Balloon not visible from this location 26 Photo #Gps Coordinates Distance to site Orientation Bearing to site Visibility Site: Photo Simulations are for demonstration purposes only. It should not be used in any other fashion or with any other intent. The accuracy of the resulting data is not guaranteed and is not for redistribution Approximate Location 18 272 Forest Rd 41.6687 -70.21354 0.83 Miles Not VisibleNorth-West 145 MA-5104 South Yarmouth Existing Balloon not visible from this location 27 Photo #Gps Coordinates Distance to site Orientation Bearing to site Visibility Site: Photo Simulations are for demonstration purposes only. It should not be used in any other fashion or with any other intent. The accuracy of the resulting data is not guaranteed and is not for redistribution Approximate Location 19 Davis Beach Rd 41.64998 -70.19324 0.84 Miles Not VisibleSouth-East 317 MA-5104 South Yarmouth Existing Balloon height 120ft AGL - Simulation not visible at 110ft AGL 28 Photo #Gps Coordinates Distance to site Orientation Bearing to site Visibility Site: Photo Simulations are for demonstration purposes only. It should not be used in any other fashion or with any other intent. The accuracy of the resulting data is not guaranteed and is not for redistribution Approximate Location 20 335 Long Pond Dr 41.67082 -70.19996 0.85 Miles Not VisibleNorth195 MA-5104 South Yarmouth Existing Balloon not visible from this location 29 Photo #Gps Coordinates Distance to site Orientation Bearing to site Visibility Site: Photo Simulations are for demonstration purposes only. It should not be used in any other fashion or with any other intent. The accuracy of the resulting data is not guaranteed and is not for redistribution Approximate Location 21 220 South St 41.64502 -70.19802 1.01 Miles Not VisibleSouth342 MA-5104 South Yarmouth Existing Balloon not visible from this location 30 Photo #Gps Coordinates Distance to site Orientation Bearing to site Visibility Site: Photo Simulations are for demonstration purposes only. It should not be used in any other fashion or with any other intent. The accuracy of the resulting data is not guaranteed and is not for redistribution Approximate Location 22 MA-28 41.65934 -70.20264 458.91 Feet Year RoundEast250 MA-5104 South Yarmouth Existing 31 Photo #Gps Coordinates Distance to site Orientation Bearing to site Visibility Site: Photo Simulations are for demonstration purposes only. It should not be used in any other fashion or with any other intent. The accuracy of the resulting data is not guaranteed and is not for redistribution Approximate Location 22 MA-28 41.65934 -70.20264 458.91 Feet Year RoundEast250 MA-5104 South Yarmouth Simulation 32 Photo #Gps Coordinates Distance to site Orientation Bearing to site Visibility Site: Photo Simulations are for demonstration purposes only. It should not be used in any other fashion or with any other intent. The accuracy of the resulting data is not guaranteed and is not for redistribution Approximate Location 23 MA-28 41.66055 -70.20341 0.12 Miles Year RoundNorth200 MA-5104 South Yarmouth Existing 33 Photo #Gps Coordinates Distance to site Orientation Bearing to site Visibility Site: Photo Simulations are for demonstration purposes only. It should not be used in any other fashion or with any other intent. The accuracy of the resulting data is not guaranteed and is not for redistribution Approximate Location 23 MA-28 41.66055 -70.20341 0.12 Miles Year RoundNorth200 MA-5104 South Yarmouth Simulation 6 1Photo Simulation of Proposed Site 4HY0604H (MA-5104 South Yarmouth)Tree line starting from 85 Feet and below 7 ALTERNATIVE SITE ANALYSIS 1044 Route 28 South Yarmouth, MA STANDARD Technical Bulletin 97-001 – Guidelines for DRI Review of Wireless Communication Towers XI.B.2. Demonstration that all existing structures have been identified and fairly rejected. a) Provide results from tower databases, town records, Cape Cod Commission maps, and other reasonably available resources to identify potential sites on existing structures. b) Provide aerial photographs of sufficient resolution and coverage to identify significant features such as utility rights of way, towers, steeples, tanks, and other existing tall structures. c) For a) and b), consider area greater than the typical "search ring." Extend search for existing structures to the acceptable coverage contours of adjacent sites. d) Provide propagation plots to demonstrate anticipated coverage from rejected sites or structures. e) Identify whether a combination of the existing structures considered in a. and b. could address the coverage and/or capacity problem defined in item 1). f) Provide documentation that demonstrates that sites with potentially good coverage are not available or otherwise unusable. BACKGROUND The radiofrequency (“RF”) spectrum is an allotment of frequencies used for the transmission of radio waves over long distances.1 These radio waves carry data to and from devices used in television, AM and FM radio, XM/Sirius satellite radio, DirecTV, LoJack, radar, garage door openers, baby monitors, walkie talkies, cordless phones, and remote controls. This spectrum is also utilized by wireless carriers like T-Mobile and AT&T to provide a wide variety of services such as phone, internet, email, video and music clips, mobile television, text messaging, games, and software applications. Like visible light, radio waves require a clear “line of sight” in order to function properly. That is, there must be a clear, unobstructed path between the transmitter and the receiver. If there are any obstacles in this path, such as trees or buildings, the radio waves can be attenuated. Attenuation is a reduction in signal strength of radio waves. The closer that the obstruction is to the transmitter or receiver, the greater that the signal will be disrupted. SUMMARY Blue Sky Towers III, LLC (“Blue Sky”) has prepared this Alternative Site Analysis in order to describe the process for evaluating potential sites for a wireless facility in South Yarmouth, Massachusetts. 1 The RF spectrum is just one part of the electromagnetic spectrum. The electromagnetic spectrum contains all frequencies of electromagnetic radiation, which includes visible light, x-rays, microwaves, infrared and ultraviolet radiation, and gamma rays. The process of identifying a technologically appropriate location, as well as the need for this communications facility is provided in the RF Analysis prepared by T- Mobile’s RF Engineer and RF Report as prepared by C Squared Systems, LLC for AT&T on July 6, 2020. As certified in those reports, T -Mobile and AT&T have identified the need to add a new facility to their existing network of sites in this area of Yarmouth to improve coverage and capacity to a gap in service that now exists throughout much of South Yarmouth. To maintain a reliable and robust communications system for the individuals, businesses, public safety workers and others who use its network, T-Mobile and AT&T deploy a network of cell sites (also called wireless communications facilities) throughout the areas in which they are licensed to provide service. Due to technological constraints, there is limited flexibility as to where a new facility can be located and still function properly. The goal of the search area is to define the permissible location for placement of a cell site that will provide adequate service in the subject area, and also work properly as part of the overall network. The area of the significant gap in coverage and capacity in this area of South Yarmouth consists primarily of residential properties, recreational areas and ponds. T-Mobile and AT&T performed an extensive search of all existing structures within their search areas in order to find an appropriate site for a wireless facility. There were no existing structures in the area that were suitable for attachment of wireless equipment to close T-Mobile and AT&T’s significant gap in coverage. Aerial Photo Showing Area SITE IDENTIFICATION PROCESS Using the search areas identified by the radiofrequency engineers, T-Mobile and AT&T’s site acquisition specialists attempted to locate tall buildings, structures or wireless towers within the search ring for the co-location of their wireless equipment. Whenever, possible, T-Mobile and AT&T will co-locate on an existing structure instead of building a new tower. The only identified existing telecommunications tower within the search area is located at 1045 Route 28. The telecommunications tower consists of a 70’ tall monopole designed for antennas mounted internally inside of canisters. The available centerline heights for the installation of internally mounted antennas is at 45’ and 35’ centerline heights. The available heights would not allow T-Mobile and AT&T to address the significant gap in coverage and capacity in their respective networks in this area of South Yarmouth. Furthermore, a monopole with internally mounted antennas rather than externally mounted on an antenna platform involves reducing the number of antennas on the tower and limits spatial diversity causing diminution in performance resulting in a loss of signal strength that could result in increases in the number of dropped calls and disrupted data transmissions. T-Mobile and AT&T’s agents were unable to find an existing structure that would close its significant gap in wireless coverage. It was therefore necessary to find a “raw land” site and construct a tower in order to close the gap. Blue Sky then attempted to locate a property used for commercial or institutional purposes within the search area for the construction of a new wireless facility that also possessed the necessary attributes for siting a new telecommunication tower. Blue Sky analyzed numerous properties within the search area to find a site that would meet the following criteria: • Sufficient ground space to permit construction of a wireless facility; • Sufficient and unobstructed airspace to allow for the installation and maintenance of the tower, and effective propagation of wireless signals; • Sufficient setback from lot lines, public ways, and residential structures; • Adequate screening between proposed facility and residential areas; • Topography that does not prevent the effective propagation of wireless signals; • Avoidance of locations that would be in close proximity to residential structures; • Avoidance of locations within or close to historical structures or districts; • Avoidance of locations within wetlands or other environmentally sensitive areas; • Lack of adverse title conditions in land records for the property; • Lack of environmental contamination at the site and in the surrounding area; • Appropriate separation from airports, heliports, instrument approach area, or other aviation structure or area as required by the Federal Aviation Administration; • Proper soil conditions to ensure that the tower foundation will be secure; • Ability to bring utilities (power and telephone) onto the property; • Unobstructed vehicle access to the area of the proposed facility; and • Ability to secure a lease with the landowner on commercially reasonable terms. In considering the location for the wireless communications facility, Blue Sky also considered compliance with Town of Yarmouth Zoning Bylaws. The Bylaws impose standards for vegetative screening, height and setback distances. When considering locations for the proposed wireless communications facility, Blue Sky endeavored to find a property that would allow for compliance with the provisions and intent of the Town of Yarmouth Zoning Bylaws. The only identified commercially or institutionally used lot in the area that was of sufficient area, satisfied lot coverage requirement, offered a vegetative screening and otherwise satisfied the criteria listed above is the property at 1044 Route 28. Almost all other lots in the area are used for residential purposes that are too small or are commercially used properties that are too crowded, lacked sufficient vegetative screening and were therefore ruled out as feasible alternatives. This Analysis concludes that the site on the 1044 Route 28 property is the most suitable site to support the necessary facility to close T-Mobile’s and AT&T’s significant gap in coverage. CONCLUSION Based on the requirements of the Town of Yarmouth Zoning Bylaws and standards of the Cape Cod Commission, the existing conditions and land use and for the above listed reasons as well as the results of the review and analysis, the location at 1044 Route 28 is the only feasible location for the proposed facility. 8 SUPPLEMENTAL ALTERNATIVE SITE ANALYSIS 1044 Route 28 South Yarmouth, MA ANALYSIS OF ALTERNATIVE SITES Most residentially used lots within the search ring are small lots that had very little free space due to building coverage and would not satisfy setback requirements. Almost none of them had any vegetative screening. For those reasons, the vast majority of residentially used lots within the search ring were ruled out as viable candidates. PROPOSED SITE Site ID Address Description MA-5104 South Yarmouth 1044 Route 28 (Map 50, Lot 189.1) The existing Our Lady of the Highway Chapel church building is located in the northern end of the lot and immediately surrounded by a grass lawn area, and then by a large, parking lot. In accordance with the request, eight additional raw land sites were considered by Blue Sky, but ultimately rejected as feasible alternatives. REJECTED SITES Site ID Address Description Reason for Rejection Rejected 1 1067 Route 28 (Map 50, Lot 116) Retail Recreational No response to certified mailing Rejected 2 72 Old Main Street (Map 50, Lot 121) Residential (a) Lack of space to satisfy setback standards (b) Closer Proximity to Residences (c) Lack of developable location for wireless facility Rejected 3 Long Pond Road & 1106 Route 28 (Map 50, Lot 105) Retail No response to certified mailing Rejected 4 Jupiter Lane (Map 50, Lot 81) Vacant Land No response to certified mailing Rejected 5 7 Long Pond Road (Map 50, Lot 1) Retail No response to certified mailing Rejected 6 908-928 Route 28 (Map 41, Lot 21.1) Mixed use No response to certified mailing Rejected 7 864-878 Route 28 (Map 41, Lot 17) Residential Property Owner not Interested Rejected 8 688 Willow Street (Map 42, Lot 42) Residential/Commercial No response to certified mailing CONCLUSION Based on the requirements of the Town of Yarmouth Zoning Bylaws and standards of the Cape Cod Commission, the existing conditions and land use and for the above listed reasons as well as the results of the review and analysis, the location at 1044 Route 28 is the only feasible location for the proposed facility. 9 10 Dimension ComparisonAIR21, AIR32 SB and AIR32 DBT-Mobile Confidential38Mechanical AIR21 B4a B2pAIR32 Single Band (SB)B4a B2pAIR32 Dual Band (DB)B66Aa B2aWeight (without mounting brackets)41 Kg (=90.4 lbs) 48 Kg (=105.8 lbs) 60 Kg (=132.2 lbs)Dimensions (H x W x D)1427 x 307 x 200 mm(=56.2”x 12.1”x 7.9”)1439 x 327 x 220 mm (=56.6”x 12.9” x 8.7”)1439 x 327 x 220 mm (=56.6”x 12.9” x 8.7”)Frontal Wind load @ 150 km/h (=42 m/s) wind speed580 N 650 N 650 N17% (SB)and 46% (DB) heavier than AIR21Just 6.5%thicker but almost the same height Technical Features FEATURES / BENEFITS This antenna provides a four port platform for advanced use in 600MHz and 700MHz deployment scenarios in a high quality package design built to withstand harsh environments. Field Replaceable (Integrated) AISG RET platform for reduced environmental exposure and long lasting quality. Supreme evelation performance across the entire electrical down tilt range. High Gain performance for optimum site coverage, reduced power and signal integrity. Excellent Front-to-Back Ratio for less interference from neighboring cells. Manual Override feature for electrical downtilt adjustment. ANTENNA PERFORMANCE - LEFT R1 Frequency Range MHz 617-698MHz 698-746MHz Gain dBi 15.0 15.4 Horizontal Beamwidth deg 67 63 Vertical Beamwidth deg 10.7 9.7 Electrical Downtilt Range deg 0-10 0-10 Upper Side Lobe Suppression Peak to +20 dB 21 27 Upper Side Lobe Suppression 0 to +20 dB 19 20 Front to Back Ratio +/-30 Copolar dB 27 28 Cross Polar Isolation Between Ports dB 28 28 Cross Polarization (XPD) @ Boresight dB 27 24 Cross Polarization (XPD) @ +/-60 dB 7 4 VSWR 1.5:1 1.5:1 3rd Order IMP 2 x 43dBm dBc 153 Maximum Power Input Watts 300W 300W APXVAA24_43-U-A20 www.rfsworld.comREV: Preliminary REV DATE: Jun 2, 2017 All information contained in the present datasheet is subject to confirmation at time of ordering Page 1 of 2 PRODUCT DATASHEET APXVAA24_43-U-A20 Dual Slant Polarized Dual Band (4 Port) Antenna, 617-746MHz, 65 deg, 15.4dBi, 2.4m(8ft), VET, RET, 0-10° Tilt Range Preliminary Product ORDERING INFORMATION Model Number Configuration Mounting Hardware Mounting pipe Diameter Antenna Weight APXVAA24_43-C-A20 Field Replaceable RET Included (1) APM40-5E Beam tilt kit 60-120mm 46.0kg (101.4lbs) External Link Reference External Document Links APM40_Series_Installation_Instructions Notes ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS Impedance Ohm 50.0 Polarization Deg ±45° MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS Dimensions - H x W x D mm (in)2438 x 610 x 215 (96 x 24 x 8.5) Weight (Antenna Only)kg (lb)46 (101.4) Weight (Mounting Hardware only) kg (lb)10.5 (23) Shipping Weight kg (lb)68 (149.9) Connector type 4 x 4.3-10 Long Neck Female/Bottom + 2 AISG connectors (1 male, 1 female) Adjustment mechanism Integrated RET solution AISG compliant (Field Replaceable) + Manual Override + External Tilt Indicator Mounting Hardware Material Diecast Aluminium and Galvanized steel Radome Material / Color Fiberglass / Light Grey RAL7035 TESTING AND ENVIRONMENTAL Temperature Range °C (°F)-40 to 60 (-40 to 140 ) Lightning protection Direct Ground Survival/Rated Wind Velocity km/h 241 (150 ) Environmental ETSI 300-019-2-4 Class 4.1E ANTENNA PERFORMANCE - RIGHT R2 Frequency Range MHz 617-698 698-746 Gain dBi 14.8 15.1 Horizontal Beamwidth deg 67 63 Vertical Beamwidth deg 10.7 9.7 Electrical Downtilt Range deg 0-10 0-10 Upper Side Lobe Suppression Peak to +20 dB 21 26 Upper Side Lobe Suppression 0 to +20 dB 19 20 Front to Back Ratio +/-30 Copolar dB 27 28 Cross Polar Isolation Between Ports dB 28 28 Cross Polar Discrimination (XPD) @ Boresight dB 24 23 Cross Polar Discrimination (XPD) @ +/- 60 dB 7 3 VSWR 1.5:1 1.5:1 3rd Order IMP 2 x 43dBm dBc 153 Maximum Power Input Watts 300 300 APXVAA24_43-U-A20 www.rfsworld.comREV: Preliminary REV DATE: Jun 2, 2017 All information contained in the present datasheet is subject to confirmation at time of ordering Page 2 of 2 PRODUCT DATASHEET APXVAA24_43-U-A20 Dual Slant Polarized Dual Band (4 Port) Antenna, 617-746MHz, 65 deg, 15.4dBi, 2.4m(8ft), VET, RET, 0-10° Tilt Range Preliminary Product © CellMax Technologies AB reserves the right to modify or change the above specifications without notice.CMA-BDHH_6521_E0-6_D6 1Feb2016 XX-Pol: 1710-2180 / 1710-2180 Electrical specification: Frequency range per input (MHz)2 x 1710-2180 2 x 1710-2180 Frequency band definitions (MHz)1710-1880 1850-1990 1920-2180 1710-1880 1850-1990 1920-2180 Polarization (º)Dual linear ±45 Dual linear ±45 Gain (dBi)20.2 20.6 21.2 20.2 20.6 21.2 Horizontal = 3dB beamwidth (º) ±4º 65 64 62 65 64 62 Vertical = 3dB beamwidth (º) ±0.3º 4.5 4.2 3.9 4.5 4.2 3.9 Adjustable electrical downtilt (º)0 –6 0 –6 Front to back ratio +/-30º total power (dB)>26 > 26 First upper sidelobe suppression (dB)0º, 3º , 6º >18, >16, >16 0º, 3º, 6º >18, >16, >16 First nullfill below horizon (dB)< 20 < 20 Cross-polar discrimination +/-0º (dB)> 20 > 20 Cross-polar discrimination +/-60º (dB)> 10 > 10 VSWR < 1.5:1 < 1.5:1 Isolation between inputs (dB)> 30 > 30 Isolation between bands (dB)> 30 Antenna Efficiency*> 94 %> 94 % Inter modulation, IM3 (dBc)<-153 @2x43 dBm, typical <-160 Nominal impedance (Ω)50 Max power per input (W)500 Mechanical specification: Connectors 4 x 7/16 female Connector position Bottom Lightning protection DC grounded Height/Width/Depth mm (in) 2060 (81.1) / 374 (14.7) / 132 (5.2) Antenna weight kg (lb)28 (61.6) Wind load at 42 m/s (94 mph) Frontal:694 N (156 lbf) Lateral:135 N (30 lbf) Rear:873 N (196 lbf) Survival wind speed 67 m/s (150 mph) Colour radome Light Grey, RAL 7035 Radome material ASA Mounting hardware: Mounting bracket 2 Bracket weight (complete) 5,2 kg (11.5 lb) Pole diameter 45-120 mm (1.8-4.7 in) Tilt bracket 0º -5º mechanical Ordering information: CMA-BDHH/6521/E0-6/MET 110420 CMA-BDHH/6521/E0-6/RET 110425 * Based on true measurements and calculated according to Prad/Pin. CMA-BDHH/6521/E0-6 Quad-Port Antenna © CellMax Technologies AB reserves the right to modify or change the above specifications without notice.CMA-BDHH_6521_E0-6_D6 1Feb2016 XX-Pol: 1710-2180 / 1710-2180 Electrical specification: Frequency range per input (MHz)2 x 1710-2180 2 x 1710-2180 Frequency band definitions (MHz)1710-1880 1850-1990 1920-2180 1710-1880 1850-1990 1920-2180 Polarization (º)Dual linear ±45 Dual linear ±45 Gain (dBi)20.2 20.6 21.2 20.2 20.6 21.2 Horizontal = 3dB beamwidth (º) ±4º 65 64 62 65 64 62 Vertical = 3dB beamwidth (º) ±0.3º 4.5 4.2 3.9 4.5 4.2 3.9 Adjustable electrical downtilt (º)0 –6 0 –6 Front to back ratio +/-30º total power (dB)>26 > 26 First upper sidelobe suppression (dB)0º, 3º , 6º >18, >16, >16 0º, 3º, 6º >18, >16, >16 First nullfill below horizon (dB)< 20 < 20 Cross-polar discrimination +/-0º (dB)> 20 > 20 Cross-polar discrimination +/-60º (dB)> 10 > 10 VSWR < 1.5:1 < 1.5:1 Isolation between inputs (dB)> 30 > 30 Isolation between bands (dB)> 30 Antenna Efficiency*> 94 %> 94 % Inter modulation, IM3 (dBc)<-153 @2x43 dBm, typical <-160 Nominal impedance (Ω)50 Max power per input (W)500 Mechanical specification: Connectors 4 x 7/16 female Connector position Bottom Lightning protection DC grounded Height/Width/Depth mm (in) 2060 (81.1) / 374 (14.7) / 132 (5.2) Antenna weight kg (lb)28 (61.6) Wind load at 42 m/s (94 mph) Frontal:694 N (156 lbf) Lateral:135 N (30 lbf) Rear:873 N (196 lbf) Survival wind speed 67 m/s (150 mph) Colour radome Light Grey, RAL 7035 Radome material ASA Mounting hardware: Mounting bracket 2 Bracket weight (complete) 5,2 kg (11.5 lb) Pole diameter 45-120 mm (1.8-4.7 in) Tilt bracket 0º -5º mechanical Ordering information: CMA-BDHH/6521/E0-6/MET 110420 CMA-BDHH/6521/E0-6/RET 110425 * Based on true measurements and calculated according to Prad/Pin. CMA-BDHH/6521/E0-6 Quad-Port Antenna Technical Features FEATURES / BENEFITS This antenna provides a 8 Port multi-band flexible platform for advanced use for flexible use in deployment scenarios for encompassing 600MHz, 700MHz, AWS & PCS applications. 24 Inch Width For Easier Zoning Field Replaceable (Integrated) AISG RET platform for reduced environmental exposure and long lasting quality Superior elevation pattern performance across the entire electrical down tilt range Includes three AISG RET motors - Includes 0.5m AISG jumper for optional diasy chain of two high band RET motors for one single AISG point of high band tilt control. Low band arrays driven by a single RET motor LOW BAND LEFT ARRAY (617-746 MHZ) [R1] Frequency Band MHz 617-698 698-746 Gain dBi 15.1 15.5 Horizontal Beamwidth @3dB Deg 65 62 Vertical Beamwidth @3dB Deg 11.4 10.4 Electrical Downtilt Range Deg 0-12 0-12 Upper Side Lobe Suppression 0 to +20 dB 19 20 Front-to-Back, at +/-30°, Copolar dB 25 24 Cross Polar Discrimination (XPD) @ Boresight dB 19 19 Cross Polar Discrimination (XPD) @ +/-60 dB 5 3 3rd Order PIM 2 x 43dBm dBc -153 VSWR -1.5:1 1.5:1 Cross Polar Isolation dB 25 25 Maximum Effective Power per Port Watt 250 250 LOW BAND RIGHT ARRAY (617-746 MHZ) [R2] Frequency Band MHz 617-698 698-746 Gain dBi 14.8 15.1 Horizontal Beamwidth @3dB Deg 65 62 Vertical Beamwidth @3dB Deg 11.4 10.3 Electrical Downtilt Range Deg 0-12 0-12 Upper Side Lobe Suppression 0 to +20 dB 19 20 Front-to-Back, at +/-30°, Copolar dB 25 23 Cross Polar Discrimination (XPD) @ Boresight dB 19 19 Cross Polar Discrimination (XPD) @ +/-60 dB 5 3 3rd Order PIM 2 x 43dBm dBc -153 VSWR -1.5:1 1.5:1 Cross Polar Isolation dB 25 25 Maximum Effective Power per Port Watt 250 250 APXVAARR24_43-U-NA20 www.rfsworld.comREV: C REV DATE: Dec 1, 2017 All information contained in the present datasheet is subject to confirmation at time of ordering Page 1 of 4 PRODUCT DATASHEET APXVAARR24_43-U-NA20 Dual Slant Polarized Quad Band (8 Port) Antenna, 617-746/617-746/1695-2200/1695- 2200MHz, 65deg, 15/15/18/18dBi, 2.4m (8ft), VET, RET, 0-12°/0-12°/2-12°/2-12° HIGH BAND LEFT ARRAY (1695-2200 MHZ) [B1] Frequency Band MHz 1695-1880 1850-1990 1920-2200 Gain dBi 17.3 17.8 18.5 Horizontal Beamwidth @3dB Deg 66 59 59 Vertical Beamwidth @3dB Deg 5.3 4.7 4.3 Electrical Downtilt Range Deg 2-12 2-12 2-12 Upper Side Lobe Suppression 0 to +20 dB 15 15 15 Front-to-Back, at +/-30°, Copolar dB 25 25 25 Cross Polar Discrimination (XPD) @ Boresight dB 19 17 16 Cross Polar Discrimination (XPD) @ +/-60 dB 4 6 4 3rd Order PIM 2 x 43dBm dBc -153 -153 -153 VSWR -1.5:1 1.5:1 1.5:1 Cross Polar Isolation dB 25 25 25 Maximum Effective Power per Port Watt 250 250 250 HIGH BAND RIGHT ARRAY (1695-2200 MHZ) [B2] Frequency Band MHz 1695-1880 1850-1990 1920-2200 Gain dBi 17.1 17.8 18.5 Horizontal Beamwidth @3dB Deg 66 59 59 Vertical Beamwidth @3dB Deg 5.2 4.7 4.3 Electrical Downtilt Range Deg 2-12 2-12 2-12 Upper Side Lobe Suppression 0 to +20 dB 15 15 15 Front-to-Back, at +/-30°, Copolar dB 25 24 25 Cross Polar Discrimination (XPD) @ Boresight dB 20 17 16 Cross Polar Discrimination (XPD) @ +/-60 dB 4 6 5 3rd Order PIM 2 x 43dBm dBc -153 -153 -153 VSWR -1.5:1 1.5:1 1.5:1 Cross Polar Isolation dB 25 25 25 Maximum Effective Power per Port Watt 250 250 250 APXVAARR24_43-U-NA20 www.rfsworld.comREV: C REV DATE: Dec 1, 2017 All information contained in the present datasheet is subject to confirmation at time of ordering Page 2 of 4 PRODUCT DATASHEET APXVAARR24_43-U-NA20 Dual Slant Polarized Quad Band (8 Port) Antenna, 617-746/617-746/1695-2200/1695- 2200MHz, 65deg, 15/15/18/18dBi, 2.4m (8ft), VET, RET, 0-12°/0-12°/2-12°/2-12° ORDERING INFORMATION Order No.Configuration Mounting Hardware Mounting pipe Diameter Shipping Weight APXVAARR24_43-U-NA20 Field Replace RET included (3)APM40-5E Beam tilt kit (included) 60-120mm 80 Kg ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS Impedance Ohm 50.0 Polarization Deg ±45° MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS Dimensions - H x W x D mm (in)2436 x 609 x 222 (95.9 x 24 x 8.7) Weight (Antenna Only)kg (lb)58 (128) Weight (Mounting Hardware only) kg (lb)11.5 (25.3) Shipping Weight kg (lb)80 (176) Connector type 8 x 4.3-10 female at bottom + 6 AISG connectors (3 male, 3 female) Adjustment mechanism Integrated RET solution AISG compliant (Field Replaceable) + Manual Override + External Tilt Indicator Mounting Hardware Material Galvanized steel Radome Material / Color Fiber Glass / Light Grey RAL7035 TESTING AND ENVIRONMENTAL Temperature Range °C (°F)-40 to 60 (-40 to 140 ) Lightning protection IEC 61000-4-5 Survival/Rated Wind Velocity km/h 241 (150 ) Environmental ETSI 300-019-2-4 Class 4.1E APXVAARR24_43-U-NA20 www.rfsworld.comREV: C REV DATE: Dec 1, 2017 All information contained in the present datasheet is subject to confirmation at time of ordering Page 3 of 4 PRODUCT DATASHEET APXVAARR24_43-U-NA20 Dual Slant Polarized Quad Band (8 Port) Antenna, 617-746/617-746/1695-2200/1695- 2200MHz, 65deg, 15/15/18/18dBi, 2.4m (8ft), VET, RET, 0-12°/0-12°/2-12°/2-12° Global RFS Website http://www.rfsworld.com External Link Reference External Document Links APM40_Series_Installation_Instructions Manual_Overdrive_Instructions Global RFS Website Notes All electrical parameters are compliant with BASTA NGMN 9.6 requirements. Available Configurations APXVAARR24_43-U-NA20 -- External ACU is included -- shipping weight 80kg. For additional mounting information please click "External Document Links". This data is provisional and subject to changes. APXVAARR24_43-U-NA20 www.rfsworld.comREV: C REV DATE: Dec 1, 2017 All information contained in the present datasheet is subject to confirmation at time of ordering Page 4 of 4 PRODUCT DATASHEET APXVAARR24_43-U-NA20 Dual Slant Polarized Quad Band (8 Port) Antenna, 617-746/617-746/1695-2200/1695- 2200MHz, 65deg, 15/15/18/18dBi, 2.4m (8ft), VET, RET, 0-12°/0-12°/2-12°/2-12° 11 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 A A B B C C D D VERTIV TOLERANCES UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED ALL DIMENSIONS ARE IN INCHES. ALL TOLERANCES APPLY TO THE AT&T WIC +_ _ _+ + .X .XXX .XX = = = DRAWING NUMBER:SHEETSCALE: OF DWN BY: VERTIV DATE: PRJ: + HOLES _ +_ ANGLES APR BY: VERTIV FINISH: MATERIAL: TITLE: REV: NTS .003" 1` 1 11 REVISION HISTORY REF REV DESCRIPTION DATE APPROVED 01 UPDATED THE PRINT TO SHOW CHANGES 01-19-17 VERTIV 02 UPDATED THE PRINT TO SHOW CHANGES 07-27-17 VERTIV 03 UPDATED THE PRINT TO SHOW CHANGES 12-26-17 VERTIV 80 80 115 105 F2017012-WIC 133 50-2019-00 12 13 © 2014 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved. AT&T and the AT&T logo are trademarks of AT&T Intellectual Property. Instructions: For RE027, EH&S Notification related to Generator and Fuel Storage Tank projects, the vendor is to attach the manufacturer specification sheet, manufacturer emissions data sheet, and manufacturer certificate of conformity for the associated Generator and Engine to each respective section below. When attached, the completed Template Form is to be uploaded into CCN/FileNet under Document ID EH310, Generator and Engine Manufacturer Documents. Please contact Ron Houser, Sr. Project Manager, at rh037s@att.com or 330-509-6543 with questions. Document Attachments: 1. Generator Manufacturer Specification Sheet 2. Generator Manufacturer Emissions Data Sheet 3. Generator Manufacturer Certificate of Conformity RE027, EH&S Notification Template Form for EH310, Generator and Engine Manufacturer Documents Version 2.0 PRIME POWER DC GENERATOR SET 8340-100 series RUGGED POWER SMALL FOOTPRINT. Polar’s DC generator is considerably smaller in size than an AC generator. You can now backup sites that could not accommodate an AC generator. Smaller also means less cost for space leasing. LOW MAINTENANCE. Due to oversized oil sump, and oil/fuel filtration system. LOW ACOUSTIC NOISE. <62 dBA @ 7 meters for LPG, and low vibration so as not to disturb the local residents or building landlords. LIGHTWEIGHT. Up to 1/3 the weight of a comparable AC generator. CORROSION RESISTANT. All-aluminum enclosure with stainless hardware for low maintenance, and long service life. FUEL EFFICIENT. Up to 85% fuel savings due to smaller engine displacement, high efficiency alternator, and variable speed operation. RODENT RESISTANT. Small animals can quickly destroy a generator set by gnawing on wires, fuel lines, radiator hoses, etc. Cooling air inlets and outlets have perforated aluminum screens to keep small rodents and large insects out. Stainless steel wire braid is placed over fuel and radiator lines to prevent damage. SUPERCAPACITOR STARTER. Failure to start is the number one problem plaguing generator reliability and typically this is caused by a bad starting battery. Polar unique design has replaced the starting battery with a Super Capacitor. Capacitors are more reliable and last longer than batteries (10-15 year life). LONG LIFE. Controls and wire harnesses are designed to exceed a 20 year life. Higher grade, longer life electrical wire (UL 3173), weather tight connectors, gold plated connector pins on signal circuits. No transfer switches are required. ADVANCED MONITORING. Remote diagnostics, control, and monitoring. Ethernet and RS232 standard, with optional SNMP. Founded in 1979 Polar Power specialized in solar photovoltaic systems, solar air conditioning and refrigeration. We developed and provided photovoltaic charging controls for telecommunications in the 1980s along with DC generators for the military. In 1994 we were first to provide DC generators with remote control and monitoring to the telecommunications industry. Polar’s success is based on engineering generators to meet the very specific needs of each application.  Telecom site optimization is best met with the DC generator technology as the loads and batteries are DC.  It makes no sense to install an AC generator and convert the output to DC. The AC generators are designed for a wide range of applications and they are not specifically produced for telecom applications so there are issues with reliability, space, and fuel efficiency.  Polar can save you considerable time and cost in permitting, installing, purchasing, and maintaining a backup generator. We reduce CAPEX and OPEX costs while improving backup reliability. The concepts and features behind Polar’s Hybrid application generator for telecommunications include: Made in USA 2 year standard warranty Meets EPA Emission Regulations CA/MA Emissions Compliant 8340-100 series1 of 5 Intertek 4003706 Conforms to UL STD 2200 Certified to CSA STD C22.2 No. 100 Available Models: • 8340-100-LP-15-03 LPG 15 kW -48 VDC 100 seriesAPPLICATION AND ENGINEERING DATA 8220 ALTERNATOR FEATURES • No mechanical adjustments • Very lightweight • Class 220° C insulation • High quality electrical output • Anodized type III process for aluminum parts • Voltage and current regulation • Nickel plating for steel parts • Up to 94% efficiency • Stator is varnished COMPARING THE COST OF AC vs DC AC DC Transfer switch required Yes No Permitting costs $$$ Shipping to site and installation cost $$$ Site preparation/reinforcing struc- tures $$$$ Ethernet/RS232 remote control and monitoring Extra Standard PERMITTING IS FACILITATED 249 E. Gardena Blvd, Gardena CA, 90248 | 310.830.9153 | www.polarpower.com | info@polarpowerinc.com 2 of 5 • Small engine horsepower • DC generator is fully isolated from the utility grid • No transfer switch • Low acoustic noise • Incorporates all requirements made by local Fire Marshals Type Permanent Magnets, NdFeB Weight (lb/kg)46.5/21 Regulation Type Variable engine speed Stator 3 phase/32 poles Overcurrent Protection (A)350 Disconnect Means Pull fuse block, sized for each generator kW Voltage Range (VDC)44 to 62 Alternator Exhaust Flow (cfm/cmm)130 to 180 / 3.68 to 5.1 MTBF (hr)100,000+ 8220 ALTERNATOR SPECIFICATIONS ENCLOSURE Model 20-16-0001 Storage Rating (Farads)500 Voltage (VDC)13-14.4 Weight (lb/kg)12.1/5.5 Operating Temperature (°C/°F)-40 to 65 / -40 to 149 Service Life (year)10 to 15 STARTER SUPERCAPACITOR SPECIFICATIONS Model 00-10-0015 Input Voltage (VDC)28.8 to 60 Output Voltage (VDC)14 to 14.4 Recharge time from 0 VDC (min)10 Recharge time from 8 VDC (min)2 Weight (lb/kg)2.2/1 CHARGER SPECIFICATIONS SOUND EMISSIONS Contact us for current sound data. Model 88-25-0100 Type Weather Protective Materials Marine Grade Aluminum Door Hardware Pad Locked with Removable Side Panels Mounting Secure Mounting Tabs 100 series3 of 5APPLICATION AND ENGINEERING DATA Engine Model Natural Gas - Kubota DG972 LPG - Kubota WG972 Cylinders 3 In-line Displacement (L)0.962 Bore (in./mm)2.93/74.5 Stroke (in./mm)2.9/73.6 Intake Air System Naturally Aspirated Engine HP 18 Emissions Compliance EPA and CARB Certified Variable RPM 2650 to 3150 SPECIFICATIONS NATURAL GAS and LPG Oil Filter Type Full flow spin-on canister Oil Capacity 3.7 L - DG972/WG972 Oil Pressure Switch Yes Oil Pressure Transducer Optional ENGINE LUBRICATION SYSTEM ENGINE COOLING SYSTEM Operating Temperature (°C/°F)-40 to 72 or -40 to 162 Operating Humidity %100 Cold Start Aids Glow Plugs ENVIRONMENTAL 249 E. Gardena Blvd, Gardena CA, 90248 | 310.830.9153 | www.polarpower.com | info@polarpowerinc.com WEIGHTS AND DIMENSIONS Type Pressurized Aluminum Radiator Water Pump Belt-driven, Pre-lubed, self-sealing Fan Type Electric Fans Airflow CFM or M3/hr 1300 or 2200 Fan Mode Pusher Temperature Switch Yes POWER ADJUSTMENT FOR AMBIENT CONDITIONS Temperature Deration 1% derate for every 5.6 0C (10 0F) above 25 0C (77 0F) Altitude Deration 3% derate for every 300 m (1000 ft) above 91 m (300 ft) Type Natural Gas or Propane Fuel Tank/Line Supplied By Customer Max Fuel Flow Rate (BTU/hr)15 kW - 340,000 FUEL SYSTEM Minimum Recommended Maximum 0.14 psi 0.39 psi 0.5 psi 4 in H2O 11 in H2O 13.9 in H2O 10 mbar 27.4 mbar 34.5 mbar Pressure Chart Output (kW)gal/hr L/hr Kubota 972 4 0.97 3.67 5 1.1 4.16 6 1.26 4.77 7 1.475 5.58 8 1.69 6.4 9 1.945 7.36 10 2.2 8.33 12 2.52 9.54 15 3.55 13.44 PROPANE ENGINE FUEL CONSUMPTION Dry Weight (lb/kg)680/308 Dimensions (LxWxH) (in/cm)54 x 38 x 38/137 x 97 x 97 250 psi 250 gal. tank First (stage )Regulator Recommended 35 psiSecond (stage) Regulator Supplied by Polar Installed in Cabinet Fisher Type: 912-101 88-25-0100 100 seriesOPERATING DATA System coolant capacity (gal/L)2.2/8.3 Maximum operation air temperature on radiator (°C/°F)54/129 Maximum ambient temperature (°C/°F)49/120 ENGINE COOLING COMBUSTION REQUIREMENTS EXHAUST CONTROLLER FEATURES WARNING ALARMS Flow at rated power (cfm/cmm)47/1.34 Exhaust flow at rated output (cfm/cmm)90/2.55 Exhaust temperature at rated output (°C/°F)480/900 Controller Type..................................................................................................................................................................Supra Model 250 4-Line Plain Text LCD Display....................................................................................................Simple user interface for ease of operation Engine Run Hours Indication..........................................................................................................................................................Standard Programmable Start Delay..............................................................................................................................................................Standard Run/Alarm/Maintenance Logs.......................................................................................................................................................Standard Engine Start Sequence....................................................................................Cyclic cranking: 5 sec on, 45 sec rest (3 attempts maximum) Starter Supercapacitor Charger......................................................................................................................................................Standard Automatic Voltage Regulation with Over and Under Voltage Protection......................................................................................Standard Automatic Low Oil Pressure/High Oil Temperature Shutdown......................................................................................................Standard Overcrank/Overspeed....................................................................................................................................................................Standard Automatic High Engine Temperature Shutdown............................................................................................................................Standard Field Upgradeable Firmware..........................................................................................................................................................Standard Glow Plug Delay ............................................................................................................................................Automatic With Temperature Engine Start Delay..................................................................................................................................................Adjustable, Set at 60 sec Return to Utility Delay............................................................................................................................................Adjustable, Set at 60 sec Engine Cooldown...................................................................................................................................................Adjustable, Set at 60 sec Exerciser.................................................................................................................................................Programmable, weekly/bi-weekly Low/High Supercapacitor Voltage.................................................................................................................................................Standard High Water Temperature...............................................................................................................................................................Standard Low Oil Pressure............................................................................................................................................................................Standard CONTACT CLOSURE FOR REMOTE INDICATION (PN 84-12-0640) Shutdown Alarm.............................................................................................................................................................................Optional Warning Alarm................................................................................................................................................................................Optional Engine Run......................................................................................................................................................................................Optional E-Stop Depressed............................................................................................................................................................................Optional 249 E. Gardena Blvd, Gardena CA, 90248 | 310.830.9153 | www.polarpower.com | info@polarpowerinc.com 4 of 5 100 series5 of 5INSTALLATION LAYOUT 249 E. Gardena Blvd, Gardena CA, 90248 | 310.830.9153 | www.polarpower.com | info@polarpowerinc.com864mm34in969mm38in102mm4in475mm19in905mm36in1016mm40in1365mm54in871mm34in130mm5inCLOSEDHEIGHT971mm38in1776mm70inOPENHEIGHT 813mm32in 546mm22in 4x 13mm.50in610mm[24]610mm[24]610mm[24]460mm[18]MINIMUMSERVICECLEARANCEAIR INTAKESIDEEXHAUSTSIDEDCBAABCD1234567887654321THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DRAWING IS THE SOLE PROPERTY OFPOLAR POWER INC. ANY REPRODUCTION IN PART OR AS A WHOLE WITHOUTTHE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF POLAR POWER INC. IS PROHIBITED.PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIALNEXT ASSYUSED ONAPPLICATIONDIMENSIONS ARE IN INCHESTOLERANCES ARE:MATERIALFINISHDRAWNCHECKEDENG APPR.MFG APPR.Q.A.DATETITLE:SIZEBDWG. NO.REVSCALE: 1:16UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED:AAL Enclosure - Kubota DG972 w/ SumpDO NOT SCALE DRAWINGFRACTIONS±1/32"DECIMALSX.X±0.1"X.XX±0.03"X.XXX±0.010"ANGLES±1/2°APPROVALSCAD GENERATED DRAWINGDO NOT MANUALLY UPDATEWEIGHT: 653 Lbs88-25-0043RICHARD RODRIGUEZ07/23/12SHEET 1 OF 2REVDESCRIPTIONECO#BYDATEINITIAL RELEASE--POLAR POWER INC.22520 AVALON BLVD, CARSON, CA 90745COMMENTS:A07/23/12 Engine Model TSG415 Displacement 1.5L Engine Family KEDIB01.5TSG Compression 11:1 Aspiration NA Bore 79mm Cylinders I-4 Stroke 76.4mm Torque [ft-lbs]77 TIER LSI 2010 Power [bhp]26.4 Test Cycle D1 Fuel Type Propane HC [g/hp-hr]0.002 NMHC [g/hp-hr]0.002 CO [g/hp-hr]0.121 THC+NOx [g/hp-hr]0.009 CO2 [g/hp-hr]476.90 NMHC+NOx [g/hp-hr]0.009 BSFC [g/hp-hr]0.351 Torque [ft-lbs]80.1 TIER LSI 2010 Power [bhp]41.2 Test Cycle C2 Fuel Type Propane HC [g/hp-hr]0.021 NMHC [g/hp-hr]0.014 CO [g/hp-hr]0.170 THC+NOx [g/hp-hr]0.049 CO2 [g/hp-hr]591.63 NMHC+NOx [g/hp-hr]0.042 BSFC [g/hp-hr]0.436 Torque [ft-lbs]81.5 TIER LSI 2010 Power [bhp]55.9 Test Cycle D1 Fuel Type Propane HC [g/hp-hr]0.078 NMHC [g/hp-hr]0.063 CO [g/hp-hr]0.445 THC+NOx [g/hp-hr]0.112 CO2 [g/hp-hr]463.88 NMHC+NOx [g/hp-hr]0.097 BSFC [g/hp-hr]0.342 Engine Data 1800 RPM Emissions Data 2700 RPM Emissions Data 3600 RPM Emissions Data CALIFORNIA AIR RESOURCES BOARD ENGINE DISTRIBUTORS, INC. EXECUTIVE ORDER U-L-034.0043 New Off-Road Large SPark-lgnition Engines Above 19 Kilowatts Pursuant to the authority vested in California Air Resources Board by the Health and Safety Code, Division 26, Part 5' Chapters 1 and 2; and pursuant to the authority vested in the undersigned by Health and Safety Code Sections 39515 and 39516 and Executive Order G-14-012; lT lS ORDERED AND RESOLVED: That the following new large spark-ignition engines and emission control systems. proJui"a OV tne minufacturer are certified for use in-off-road dquiimenias described below. Production engines shall be in all material respects the same as those for which certification is granted. MODEL YEAR ENGINE FAMILY NAME ENGINE DISPLACEMENT (liters)FUEL TYPE 201 I KEDIBOl.sTSG 1.5 Gasoline, LPG, CNG, Gasoline-LPG Dual Fuel, Gasoline-CNG Dual Fuel DURABILITY HOURS SPECIAL FEATURES & EMISSION CONTROL SYSTEMS TYPICAL EQUIPMENT USAGE 5000 Three-Way Catalytic Converter, Heated Oxygen Sensor, Sequential Multiport Fuel lnjection (Gas), Gaseous Fuel Mixer (LPG, CNG) Forklift, Aerial Lift, Generator, Compressor, Pump, Other lndustrial EquiPment ENGINE MODELS (rated power in kilowatt, kW)See Attachment (s/kW-hr)HC+NOx co Exhaust Standards 0.8 20.6 Certification Levels 0.5 2.5 The following are the hydrocarbon plus oxides of nitrogen (HC+NOx) and carbon monoxide (CO) exhaust certification emission sta-ndards (Tiile 13, California Code of Regulations, (13 CCR) Section 2433(bX1)) and certification emission levels for this enginefamily in grams per kilowatt-hour (g/kWhr). Engines within this engine family shall have closed crankcases in conformance with 13 CCR Section 2433(bX3)' The folloyy;ng is the evaporative hydrocarbon emission standard (13 CCR Section 2433(bX4)) and certification emission level for this-engine famity in granis per gallon of fuel tank capacity (g/gallon)' BE lT FURTHER RESOLVED: That for the listed engines for the aforementioned model-year, the manufacturer has JrUritt"O, and the Executive Officer hereby approve!, the information and materials to demonstrate certification ffi;ifi;t*itn re CCnSeition Z+SS1c) (i;eriiilcation and test.procedures), 13 CCR Section 2434 (emission control labeis), and 13 CCR Sections 2435 andZ+gO (emission controlsystem warranty). Engines certified under this Executive Order must conform to all applicable California emission regulations' This Executive Order is only granted to the engine family and model-year listed above. Engines in this family that are produced for any otlrer modet-year are not covered by this Executive Order' Executed at El Monte, California on this ) t \^rof November 2018. \.\.q* t_", [-1tu,'y\--t* , -A'nnette Hebert. Chief rtlpissions Compliance, Automotive Regulations and Science Division Evaporative Certification Method HG Certification Level (g/gallon)HG Certification Standard (g/gallon) Design Based N/A 0.2 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY2019 MODEL YEARCERTIFICATE OF CONFORMITYWITH THE CLEAN AIR ACTOFFICE OF TRANSPORTATIONAND AIR QUALITYANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN 48105Certificate Issued To:Engine Distributors, Inc. (U.S. Manufacturer or Importer)Certificate Number: KEDIB01.5TSG-001Effective Date:12/04/2018Expiration Date:12/31/2019_________________________Byron J. Bunker, Division DirectorCompliance DivisionIssue Date:12/04/2018Revision Date:N/AManufacturer: Engine Distributors, Inc.Engine Family: KEDIB01.5TSGMobile/Stationary Certification Type: Mobile and StationaryFuel : Gasoline (up to and including 10% Ethanol) LPG/Propane Natural Gas (CNG/LNG)Emission Standards : Stationary Part 1048 NMHC + NOx ( g/kW-hr ) : 0.8 CO ( g/kW-hr ) : 20.6 HC + NOx ( g/kW-hr ) : 0.8 Mobile Part 1048 HC + NOx ( g/kW-hr ) : 0.8 CO ( g/kW-hr ) : 20.6 NMHC + NOx ( g/kW-hr ) : 0.8Emergency Use Only : NPursuant to Section 213 of the Clean Air Act (42 U.S.C. section 7547) and 40 CFR Part 1048, 40 CFR Part 60, 1065, 1068, and 60 ( stationary only and combined stationary and mobile ) and subject to theterms and conditions prescribed in those provisions, this certificate of conformity is hereby issued with respect to the test engines which have been found to conform to applicable requirements and whichrepresent the following nonroad engines, by engine family, more fully described in the documentation required by 40 CFR Part 1048, 40 CFR Part 60 and produced in the stated model year.This certificate of conformity covers only those new nonroad spark-ignition engines which conform in all material respects to the design specifications that applied to those engines described in thedocumentation required by 40 CFR Part 1048, 40 CFR Part 60 and which are produced during the model year stated on this certificate of the said manufacturer, as defined in 40 CFR Part 1048, 40 CFR Part60. This certificate of conformity does not cover nonroad engines imported prior to the effective date of the certificate.It is a term of this certificate that the manufacturer shall consent to all inspections described in 40 CFR 1068.20 and authorized in a warrant or court order. Failure to comply with the requirements of such awarrant or court order may lead to revocation or suspension of this certificate for reasons specified in 40 CFR Part 1048, 40 CFR Part 60. It is also a term of this certificate that this certificate may be revokedor suspended or rendered void ab initio for other reasons specified in 40 CFR Part 1048, 40 CFR Part 60.This certificate does not cover large nonroad engines sold, offered for sale, or introduced, or delivered for introduction, into commerce in the U.S. prior to the effective date of the certificate. 14 Standard Features D Kohler Co. provides one-source responsibility for the generating system and accessories. D The generator set and its components are prototype-tested, factory-built, and production-tested. D The generator set accepts rated load in one step. D A five-year/2000 hour limited warranty covers all generator set systems and components. A five-year extended comprehensive limited warranty is also available. D Engine Features d Powerful and reliable 2.2 L turbocharged liquid- cooled engine d Electronic engine management system. d Simple field conversion between natural gas and LPG fuels while maintaining emission certification. D Innovative Cooling System d Electronically controlled fan speeds minimize generator set sound signature. D Alternator features: d Kohler’s wound field excitation system with its unique PowerBoostt design delivers great voltage response and short-circuit capability. d The unique Fast-Responser X excitation system delivers excellent voltage response and short-circuit capability using a rare-earth, permanent magnet (PM)-excited alternator. d The brushless, rotating-field alternator has broadrange reconnectability. D Kohler designed controller for one-source system integration and remote communication. See Controller on page 3. D Certifications d The generator set engine is certified by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to conform to the New Source Performance Standard (NSPS) for stationary spark-ignited emissions. d UL 2200/cUL listing is available. d The generator set meets NFPA 110, Level 1, when equipped with the necessary accessories and installed per NFPA standards. d CSA certification is available. d Accepted by the Massachusetts Board of Registration of Plumbers and Gas Fitters. D Approved for stationary standby applications in locations served by a reliable utility source. Ratings Range 60 Hz Standby: kW 30-36 kVA 30-45 Model:36CCL 208-600 V Gas (LP/NG) EPA-Certified for Stationary Emergency Applications The Kohler r Advantage D High Quality Power Kohler generators provide advanced voltage and frequency regulation along with ultra-low levels of harmonic distortion for excellent generator power quality to protect your valuable electronics. D Extraordinary Reliability Kohler is known for extraordinary reliability and performance and backs that up with a premium five-year or 2000 hour limited warranty. D All-Aluminum Sound Enclosure Durable aluminum sound-attenuating enclosure. G4-283 (36CCL) 9/19a Generator Set Ratings Natural Gas LP Gas130_C Rise 130_CRise Standby Rating Standby Rating Alternator Voltage Ph Hz kW/kVA Amps kW/kVA Amps 4E8.3 120/240 1 60 36/36 150 36/36 150 RATINGS: All three-phase units are rated at 0.8 power factor. All single-phase units are rated at 1.0 power factor.Standby Ratings:The standby rating is applicable to varying loads for the duration of a power outage. There is no overload capability for this rating. Ratings are in accordance with ISO-8528-1 and ISO-3046-1. Obtain technical information bulletin (TIB-101) for ratings guidelines, complete ratings definitions, and site condition derates. The generator set manufacturer reserves the right to change the design or specifications without notice and without any obligation or liability whatsoever. G4-283 (36CCL) 9/19a Alternator Specifications Specifications Alternator Manufacturer Kohler Exciter type Brushless, Wound-Field Leads: quantity, type 4D 12, Reconnectable 4E 4, 110-120/220-240 V 4PX 12, Reconnectable 4QX 4, 110-120/220-240 V Voltage regulator Solid State, Volts/Hz Insulation: NEMA MG1 Material Class H Temperature rise 130_C, Standby Bearing: quantity, type 1, Sealed Coupling Flexible Disc Amortisseur windings Full Voltage regulation, no-load to full-load Controller Dependent One-step load acceptance 100% of Rating Unbalanced load capability 100% of Rated Standby Current Peak motor starting kVA: (35% dip for voltages below) 480 V 4D8.3 (12 lead) 120 240 V 4E8.3 (4 lead) 74 480 V 4P7BX (12 lead) 180 240 V 4Q7BX (4 lead) 113 D NEMA MG1, IEEE, and ANSI standards compliance for temperature rise and motor starting. D Sustained short-circuit current enabling downstream circuit breakers to trip without collapsing the alternator field. D Self-ventilated and dripproof construction. D Windings are vacuum-impregnated with epoxy varnish for dependability and long life. D Superior voltage waveform from a two-thirds pitch stator and skewed rotor. Application Data Engine Engine Specifications Manufacturer Kohler Engine: model, type KG2204T, 2.2 L, 4-Cycle Turbocharged Cylinder arrangement In-line 4 Displacement, L (cu. in.) 2.2 (134.25) Bore and stroke, mm (in.) 91 x 86 (3.5 x 3.4) Compression ratio 10.5:1 Piston speed, m/min. (ft./min.)340 (1016) Main bearings: quantity, type 5, plain alloy steel Rated rpm 1800 Max power at rated RPM, kW (HP) LPG 47.8 (64.1) Natural Gas 47.6 (63.9) Cylinder head material Cast Iron Piston type and material High Silicon Aluminum Crankshaft material Nodular Iron Valve (exhaust) material Forged Steel Governor type Electronic Frequency regulation, no-load to full-load Isochronous Frequency regulation, steady state 1.0% Frequency Fixed Air cleaner type, all models Dry Engine Electrical Engine Electrical System Ignition system Electronic Battery charging alternator: Ground (negative/positive) Negative Volts (DC) 14 Ampere rating 90 Starter motor rated voltage (DC) 12 Battery, recommended cold cranking amps (CCA): Qty., rating for -18_C(0F)One, 630 Battery voltage (DC) 12 Battery group size 24 Exhaust Exhaust System Exhaust manifold type Dry Exhaust temperature at rated kW, dry exhaust,_C(_F)633 (1171) Maximum allowable back pressure, kPa (in. Hg)7.5 (2.2) Fuel Fuel System Fuel type Natural Gas or LPG Fuel supply line inlet 1 NPTF Natural gas fuel supply pressure, kPa (in. H2O)1.7-2.7 (7-11) LPG vapor withdrawal fuel supply pressure, kPa (in. H2O)1.7-2.7 (7-11) Fuel Composition Limits *Nat. Gas LP Gas Methane, % by volume 90 min.— Ethane, % by volume 4.0 max. — Propane, % by volume 1.0 max. 85 min. Propene, % by volume 0.1 max. 5.0 max. C4 and higher, % by volume 0.3 max. 2.5 max. Sulfur, ppm mass 25 max. Lower heating value, MJ/m3 (Btu/ft3), min.33.2 (890) 84.2 (2260) * Fuels with other compositions may be acceptable. If your fuel is outside the listed specifications, contact your local distributor for further analysis and advice. G4-283 (36CCL) 9/19a Application Data Lubrication Lubricating System Type Full Pressure Oil pan capacity, L (qt.)w 4.2 (4.4) Oil added during oil change (on average), L (qt.)w 3.3 (3.5) Oil pan capacity with filter, L (qt.)w 8.5 (9.0) Oil filter: quantity, type w 1, Cartridge w Kohler recommends the use of Kohler Genuine oil and filters. Cooling Radiator System Ambient temperature,_C(_F)50 (122) Engine jacket water capacity, L (gal.) 2.65 (0.7) Radiator system capacity, including engine, L (gal.)13.2 (3.5) Engine jacket water flow, Lpm (gpm) 62 (16.4) Heat rejected to cooling water at rated kW, dry exhaust, kW (Btu/min.)24 (1365) Water pump type Centrifugal Fan diameter, including blades, mm (in.) qty. 3 @ 406 (16) Fan power requirements (powered by engine battery charging alternator)12 VDC, 18 amps each Operation Requirements Air Requirements Radiator-cooled cooling air, m3/min. (scfm)]51 (1800) Combustion air, m 3/min. (cfm) 1.6 (57) Air over engine m 3/min. (cfm) 25 (883) [Air density = 1.20 kg/m 3 (0.075 lbm/ft 3) Fuel Consumption ] NaturalGas,m3/hr. (cfh) at % load Standby Ratings 100%13.4 (473) 75% 11.2 (394) 50% 8.9 (315) 25% 6.7 (236) 0% 4.5 (158) LP Gas, m 3/hr. (cfh) at % load Standby Ratings 100%5.4 (190) 75% 4.3 (151) 50% 3.2 (112) 25% 2.1 (73) 0% 1.0 (34) ]Nominal fuel rating: Natural gas, 37 MJ/m 3 (1000 Btu/ft. 3) LP vapor, 93 MJ/m 3 (2500 Btu/ft. 3) LP vapor conversion factors: 8.58 ft. 3 =1lb. 0.535 m 3 =1kg. 36.39 ft. 3 = 1 gal. Controller APM402 Controller Provides advanced control, system monitoring, and system diagnostics for optimum performance and compatibility. D Digital display and menu control provide easy local data access D Measurements are selectable in metric or English units D Remote communication thru a PC via network or serial configuration D Controller supports Modbusr protocol D Integrated hybrid voltage regulator with 0.5% regulation D Built-in alternator thermal overload protection D NFPA 110 Level 1 capability Refer to G6-161 for additional controller features and accessories. Modbusr is a registered trademark of Schneider Electric. Sound Enclosure D Durable aluminum, sound-attenuating enclosure with quiet operation of 57 dB(A) log average @ 7 m (23 ft.) at no load. D Internally mounted silencer. D Fade-, scratch, and corrosion-resistant Kohlerr Power Armort automotive-grade textured finish. D Acoustic insulation that meets UL 94 HF1 flammability classification and repels moisture absorption. (91 x 33 x 48) (1400) 2018, 2019 by Kohler Co. All rights reserved. DISTRIBUTED BY: Dimensions and Weights Overall Size, L x W x H, (in.): Weight, with engine fluids, (lb.): NOTE: This drawing is provided for reference only and should not be used for planning. Contact your local distributor for more detailed information. H WL G4-283 (36CCL) 9/19a Standard Features D Alternator Protection D Aluminum Sound Enclosure with Enclosed Silencer D Battery Rack and Cables D Flexible Fuel Line D Gas Fuel System (includes fuel mixer, electronic secondary gas regulator, gas solenoid valve, and flexible fuel line between the engine and the skid-mounted fuel system components) D Integral Vibration Isolation D Local Emergency Stop Switch D Low Fuel Pressure Switch (with NFPA fuel module) D Oil Drain Extension D Operation and Installation Literature D Standard 5-Year Limited Warranty Available Options Approvals and Listings -CSA Certified -UL 2200 Listing Controller -15-Relay Dry Contact Board -Communication Products -Input/Output Module (2 inputs, 5 outputs) -Lockable Emergency Stop (lockout/tagout) -Manual Key Switch -Manual Speed Adjust -Remote Annunciator Panel -Remote Emergency Stop -Run Relay Enclosure Accessories -Enclosure Doors for 291 kph (181 mph) Wind Load Starting Aids* -Block Heater, 110-120 V -Block Heater, 220-240 V Oil Pan Heater* -Oil Pan Heater, 110-120 V -Oil Pan Heater, 190-240 V * One block heater or oil pan heater is required for ambient temperatures below 0C(32F). At temperatures below -18C(0F) installation of both heaters is required. Electrical System -Alternator Strip Heater -Battery -Battery Charger, 6 Amp -Battery Charger, 10 Amp w/Alarms -Battery Heater -Temperature Compensation for 10 Amp Battery Charger Miscellaneous -Air Cleaner Restriction Indicator -Certified Test Report -Engine Fluids Added -Maintenance Kit (filters, spark plugs, oil) -Rated Power Factor Testing Literature -General Maintenance -NFPA 110 -Overhaul -Production Warranty -Optional Extended 5-Year/2000 Hour Comprehensive Limited Warranty Other Options -_______________________________________________ -_______________________________________________ -_______________________________________________ -_______________________________________________ -_______________________________________________ -_______________________________________________ -_______________________________________________ -_______________________________________________ KOHLER CO., Kohler, Wisconsin 53044 USA Phone 920-457-4441, Fax 920-459-1646 For the nearest sales and service outlet in the US and Canada, phone 1-800-544-2444 KOHLERPower.com