HomeMy WebLinkAboutZBA Memo Petition 4947 with PhotosTOWN OF YARMOUTH
i elepnone (30a) 3y3-iioi ext. iiy'u, rax (wa) iN-oz;tc
10: Loniny Board at Appeals (ZBA)
FROM: uari E. [avvsun, jr., RazaraVas vvaote Inspector (--� L'
SUBJECT: ZBA Petition Number 4947
MiRulay Petrov Danov
cape uua Fine F iw lafta [[u
Proposed vvooa FinisRing Skop
18 Hantinyton Ave.
DATE: April 8, ZUZZ
ATTACHMENT: Photos of Ola Boats on Property
BacRground and Proposal
Nikolay Danov, owner of Cape Cad Fine Fini5Fie5 EEC met with Building Commissioner
Mark Car ylls and I an Sept. 9 regarding his pruposal to rent a commercial snit at 583
Furust Ra., Unit A. Mr. Dano e,&plained hiz, vvcrall Easiness operation a� rd the specific
operations tie proposes to con5net at tMis lecaticn.
Crape Cud Fine Finishes condact5 residential and commercial, interior and exterior
painting along with wood cleaning.
Since that time Mr. Danov Pias cHanyea Plis plan to instead occapy 15 Rantingtcn Avc.
as his occupancy of the unit at 553 Forest Ra. never came to fruition.
At 19 Rantington Ave. Mr. Danov proposes tu: (1) park company veFi;cles; (2) stare Fiord
gVuas; (3) Stare a small yaantity at latax paint and (4) canaact spray finish application rr at
latex paint to finished carpentry uurrlpumumta succi as vzudan trim and moulding.
The proposed lucation is within the Tawn'5 Aquifer Protection District (APD) for the
pal5lic drinking water sapply.
1 Within the APL) tele storage of toxic ana Mazardous materials is limited to normal
household quantities per Town Bylaw Section 406.5.2. Cape Cod Fine Finishes
proposes to store a maximum of 5 yallons of Iat&A paint.
2) THe Board ut RealtH (BUR) Rayalatiun "Randliny and 5toraye at Toxic or
Flayaraoas P interials," errcti.0 May z, i aau, Pias a IicGnsin-y tfirancld ur I u
gallons. Again, Cape Cod Fine FinisPles proposes to store a maximum or a
yallons of latex paint. The reyalation also includes; but is not limited to, 150%
volume secondaq containment of toxlc or Flacardoas materials.
Mr. Dano,, outlined Mis plans —as uuumm-o,-i -od 6cIVYY.
Toxic or Hacarduos Materials Delivery
Mr. ❑ani.v or Fiis asaviiatua will parcriaae tm7u latex paint in container slccs of Una -gallon
or less and wring it to their commercial unit.
Toxic or Hazardous Materials Handling and Storage
i no later paint YYill 6e aturi=_d inside tMe commercial unit witHin plastic tatea tHat will
serve as secondary containment.
Toxic or Flacardous Materials Ose
Thu Intu.. paint ,,,ill Ise nuud in tnu coarse ut spry yan application to tini5lIed carpenter y
components as aescriVed alcove.
Paint bra5hes and rollers will not be used within the commercial unit althvuyh they are
abed atjour) sites.
Equipment Eleanina
1 he spray yan applicators are cleaned by cycling water thruayh the equipment.
Mu 5ru3Pie5 or rollu, 3 are prupcbed to Ou cleaniad at tnia Site.
Mr. Danov is aware that no painting tools or equipment may be cleaned with resultant
waste water discharged to the ground such as would happen if these items were
washed iii a sic IR.
i oxic or Hazardous Materials Disposal
Mr. Danov explained that:
1) 1 he resultant water/paint miA trom the spray yon applicator cleaning will Be
retained in 6acRet5 uT up to B-yyallens in si,.C.
2) No more than one Vucket will De Tilled at a time.
3) 1 he water/paint miA is Hardened acing a dedicated Hardening campoand that
5vlidiTie3 the material.
4) Once solidified the waste material is disposed or in the general trash. i Mis is
acceptable as the material is net flammable or reactive.
5) Encess paint is yiven to custumem that they can a3a tour touch-up application it
needed, tMererore no late paint ac%-.amalatu3.
Site Concern
On Fa6raa, y W, fuzz tMe: FlealtM Dept. conducted an occupancy in3per-tion as part
tMe Building Dept. permitting procedure Tor tMe nev. property uvvmur.
Of concern to the Realth Dept. is the presence of two old power boats stored an the
north side of the property ai id the possibility they could leafs toel to the ground. Again
M3 location i3 vvitRin ME i oYYn A404er Protection District Tur the public drinRiny water
supply. In tMe course oT inspecting Marinas and worRing with tMe Fire Dept., tMe Realtm
Dept. has learned power boats are to be stored filled with fuel, as required by Fire Code
since the liquid fuel crowds out tames and the tire safety issue they create.
HTTer the i -"u uutiun I called Me new property owner, vvRo vva5 nit present at Me
occupancy inspection and discussed my concern regarding a potential Tuel release Trom
the boats. The new property owner stated the boats belong to the former property and
thought the Boats might be empty at teal. I relayed to him that Boats are typically stored
tilled and 5Hvald Be removed tram the property. Re stated He would contact the tormer
pruperty a.,d report VacR to Me Realth VTTizz rugardlny the tiMUTramv Tor rernriviny Me
Goats. i o date no update Mas Veen received.
Regarding any potential tire satety concerns paced By the presence of the Boats the
RealtH Dept. deters to tnc Fire Dept.
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