HomeMy WebLinkAboutCover LetterJ.M. OREILLY & ASSOCIATES, INC.
Site Development • Property Line • Subdivision • Sanitary • Land Court • Environmental Permitting
February 18, 2022
Yarmouth Planning Board
1146 Route 28
South Yarmouth, MA 02664
RE: Definite Site & Subdivision Plan Set for Single -Family Cluster Development -
Miracle Way - Faith Road Subdivision
Parcel 39, Assessor's Map 125
Route 6A, Yarmouth -Port
Dear Board Members,
On behalf of our client, The Davenport Companies, J.M. O'REI LLY & ASSOCIATES, INC. is submitting the attached
Application for Approval of a Definitive Subdivision Plan and Definitive Site Plan Set (12 pages) forthe proposed
Single -Family Cluster Development, at the above referenced parcel. The following is a complete synopsis of
the proposal:
Parcel Information:
Assessors' ID:
Total Lot Area:
Total Frontage:
Existing Conditions:
Map 125, Parcel 39
666,507 sf+/- (15.3 acres)
616.28 feet
Roman Catholic Bishop of Fall River
Deed Book 2776, Page 322
Plan Book 326, Page 22
The parcel Is a wooded vacant lot located to the South of Route 6A, in between Kencomsett Circle and Outward
Reach. The parcel is surrounded by developed residential areas, with an isolated vegetated wetland bordering
the property at its Southeast corner. Eversource and the Town of Yarmouth Water Department both have
easements over the parcel. The two easements run parallel to each other across the southern portion of the
property. The property is not within the FEMA 100 year Flood Zone, is not within a Zone II mapped area, and
is not within an NHESP mapped area. The parcel also has access to the Town of Yarmouth Municipal Water
The topography of the parcel is rolling with multiple high points and adjacent low points. The elevation changes
over the property range from low elevation 28 to a high elevation of 72. The regional groundwater flow, as
provided by the Cape Cod Commission, appears to be to the southeast, towards Mill Pond which in turn feeds
into Follins Pond. Preliminary soil testingwas completed, all test holes had suitable soils for subsurface disposal
of wastewater and stormwater. A perched groundwater table was located at two different low points on the
1573 MAIN STREET, P.Q. BOX 1773, BREWSTER, MA 02631 • PHONE: (508) 896-66oi • FAX:(5o8)896-66o2
parcel, with the highest perched groundwater measured at elevation 23, approximately. All existing site
features are shown on the Existing Conditions Plan (C1).
Project Description:
The project proposes to develop a residential single family cluster subdivision. A total of 14 buildable lots are
proposed, with the remainder of the parcel converted to open space land. The total number of lots has been
determined by the available land area, less 90% of the land area under the easements and divided by the
minimum lot area of the district (40,000 sf). The project proposes approximately 4.85 acres which shall be
converted to open space land, accounting for 37.8% of the acreage available for the cluster development.
The Town's Zoning Bylaw only requires 30% of cluster developments be reserved for open space.
The individual lots range from 10,076 sf to 28,512 sf. Proposed dwellings are all 46 foot by 28 foot, 4
bedroom dwellings. The lots and dwelling locations have been laid out so as to conform to all of the Zoning
bylaws and minimum requirements of a single family residential cluster development. Please refer to the
Definitive Subdivision Plan for the specific lot areas and frontage.
The frontage for the lots is provided by two new 40 foot wide right of ways. Each right of way includes a cul-
de-sac area for vehicle turnaround, The right of way will be improved with a 24 foot wide paved road. The
road will include two 11 foot wide travel lanes and 1 foot berms on either side. Miracle Way, the road that
will intersect with Route 6A, is 627 feet long. Faith Road is 125 feet long.
The proposed access off of Route 6A was located so as to maximize the vehicle line of sight to the East. The
project proposes vegetation trimming and grading along Route 6A to the East of the proposed intersection in
order to extend the line of sight. The proposed trimming and grading will increase the sight distance to the
East from 350 feet to 460+ feet. Refer to the Curb Cut Plan (C6) for further details. Proposed site distance
onto Miracle Way for a vehicle turning left off of Route 6A is greater than 200 feet. The road is sufficiently
sized to allow the Yarmouth Fire Department ladder truck to access both roads and turn around within the
cul-de-sacs. See Vehicular Travel Plan (C8) for vehicle path information. Driveways have also been sized to
allow safety vehicle access, as shown on the Details & Notes Plan (C5).
Due to the tight spacing of roadway intersections along Route 6A adjacent to the project site, the proposed
intersection is unable to meet regulation '4.2.1(j) —Street Intersection Spacing' of the Town of Yarmouth
Subdivision Rules & Regulations. The project is requesting a waiver from this regulation, and has sited the
proposed intersection at the best possible location with regard to sight distance to the East and also across
the intersection to vehicles entering Route 6A from Hockanom Road. For a detailed traffic impact analysis for
the proposed intersection, see the Traffic Impact Statement prepared by Hayes Engineering and submitted as
part of this application.
The roadway includes drainage facilities sized to accommodate the 100 year storm event. The stormwater
management system will include deep sump catch basins and dry water quality swales along with a leaching
facility as required under the stormwater treatment requirements of the Massachusetts Stormwater
Management Handbook. The site has been graded so as to attenuate stormwater runoff and utilize existing
natural low points in order to maximize stormwater treatment and prevent stormwater runoff from flowing
off-site. In addition to the roadway stormwater system, the project proposes seven dry water quality swales
designed to collect lawn and driveway runoff. Please refer to the Grading & Drainage Plan (C4), Details &
Notes Plan (C5) and Stormwater Contributory Area Plan (C7), as well as the attached Stormwater Report,
which includes all calculations, specifications and details of the proposed stormwater systems.
Each dwelling will be served by an on-site subsurface sewage disposal system, as shown on the Site Layout
Plan (C2). Preliminary soil testing indicates suitable soil materials across the site. See soil testing logs on the
Existing Conditions Plan (Cl). Perched groundwater is at least 13 feet below finished grade at each proposed
septic system area, and the proposed systems as shown will meet all Title 5 requirements and minimum
setback distances.
As part of the Board's review, we have included Nitrogen loading calculations for the entire development and
the Bass River estuary. In conjunction with the proposed dwelling locations, we have positioned as many of
the proposed sewage system within the Chase Garden Creek / Barnstable Harbor Watershed. The nitrogen
loading within the Bass River Watershed has been determined to be below 5 ppm.
This project completed the Preliminary Subdivision review process with the Planning Board, with the meeting
held on December 2, 2020. The Board included in the preliminary approval language several conditions to be
addressed for the Definitive Subdivision application. Each item listed within the Town's Staff review table
dated November 24, 2020 has been addressed within the plans and documentation. In regard to specific
conditions listed by the town:
• The proposed water main locations, size and connection points were coordinated directly with the
Water Department.
• Septic system design has been altered to allow easier future connection to municipal sewer, once it
becomes available. A sewer easement has also been provided along the back property line of the
lower properties, in planning for a future sewer connection.
• Proposed grading has been adjusted to ensure no disturbance of any kind will occur within the 2S'
buffer zone along the eastern and western property lines of the development.
• Miracle way grading has been revised to lower the maximum roadway pitch from 10% to 8%.
This proposed cluster development allows the parcel to maintain much of its open contiguous natural and
undeveloped land while concentrating the residential portions of the lot together. In addition, the 25' wide
natural buffer zone along each side of the development minimizes its disturbance to neighboring properties.
In comparison to a traditional subdivision, this proposed open space development provides a significantly
better outcome for the area's natural resources and neighboring residential properties.
We look forward to presenting the project at the next Planning Board public meeting. Please contact my
office if you have any questions or comments about the project.
Very truly yours,
John M. O'Reilly, P.E., P.L.S.
CC: Kathy Williams, Town Planner