HomeMy WebLinkAbout2936 FORM B-1 Approve Prelim 120420 w attachPage 1 of 4 Table 1 – Summary of Town Staff Comments Preliminary Subdivision Plan 2936 November 24, 2020 Fire:  Fire Department Access shall comply with 527 CMR1.00 Chapter 18,,,  Provide a hydrant at the entrance to the proposed development and another hydrant at the halfway point of the road.  Nine of the proposed driveways are greater than 50’ long, driveways should allow for pumper truck access. Water:  Contact Gary Damiecki and Ryan Holmes of the Town of Yarmouth Water Department for information regarding water main standards and requirements, final hydrant locations, and methods and materials for the establishment or modification of municipal water service.  In addition to hydrants required by the Fire Dept, locate hydrants at the two dead ends.  All water mains to be 8-inch. Health  Sewage systems for each lot must meet all state and local health codes; as new construction, this shall be achieved without the use of variances.  A perc test and soil evaluation must be performed on each lot.  Definitive Subdivision shall include the following language: “No dwelling or unit shall be built on any lot without first securing, from the Health Department, the Disposal System Construction Permit required for the installation of a subsurface sewage system.” Building:  The proposed dwelling location shown for Lot 1 does not meet the 50’ setback requirement from the development boundary as required by Zoning Bylaw Section 402.7.3.1.  Fill in excess of 5’ requires a permit from the Building Commissioner per Zoning Bylaw Section 302.1. Town Planner:  Zoning Table: Modify to note that the furthest point of the 100’x100’ square shall not be more than 250’ from the street, no dwelling may be closer to the boundary of the development than 50’, and no accessory structure shall be placed within 30’ of the front lot line, 10’ from the side lot line or 12’ from any other building (Zoning Bylaw Section 402.7.3). Please note the dwelling shown on Lot 1 does not meet the 50’ development boundary setback requirement.  Open Space: Over 30% Open Space is shown and wraps around the cluster development. Identify the organization proposed to own and maintain the Open Space. Although the Open Space needs to be offered to the Selectmen per Section 402.6.2, it is unlikely they will accept it. A mechanism will need to be put in place to maintain the Open Space. A restriction enforceable by the Town will also need to be recorded to preserve the Open Space per Section 402.6.2.  Roadway/Utilities Maintenance: As a private road, provisions need to be made for the maintenance, repair and/or replacement of shared utilities servicing the development and the roadway.  Road/Utility Design: Road profile shows a section of roadway at 10%. As Minor Streets, the Planning Board may permit a maximum grade of 10% for minor streets where unusual topographic situations exist (Section 4.2.3). Confirm that Page 2 of 4 vertical curves meet the sight distance requirements of Section 4.2.4 and radii of layout meets Section 4.2.1(f). If gas is to be provided, show on plans and typical road section. Dead end watermain should be avoided wherever possible per Section 4.5.1. Drainage calculations should utilize HydroCad, and not the rational method.  Protection of Natural Features: Section 4.6.2 promotes retention of natural features such as large trees which add attractiveness and value to the subdivision. Although the site is heavily graded due to the topography, effort should be taken to preserve as many existing trees as possible and show as being protected on the Definitive plans. Clear cutting of the lots should not be allowed.  Street Trees: Preserve suitable existing street trees if possible, but if not feasible due to grading, install 2-inch caliper trees every 40’ just outside the right-of-way per Section 5.5.5.  Sidewalks: 4’ sidewalks are required on Minor Streets when deemed necessary by the Planning Board per Section 4.6.4.  Drainage: Evaluate location and depth of dry water quality swales regarding aesthetics, especially at the entrance to the subdivision. How are the smaller dry water quality swales between lots to be accessed and maintained? No easements are shown. Consider locating individual dry swales on each lot and requiring maintenance by each property owner. Dry wells for roof runoff should be required for all lots. No easement is shown for the drainage within the Open Space area to the west of the entrance. Provide a Sediment Control Plan per Section 3.4.2 (u).  Sight Distance: The Narrative notes that the sight distance to the East is being increased from 350’ to 450’. This does not appear to be large enough for a posted speed limit of 45 mph on such a major road (Route 6a) where people often exceed the posted limit and it is known to be difficult to take a left turn. Re-evaluate required intersection site distances for left turns for a 45 mph roadway. Coordinate with MassDOT Highway Access Permit requirements. Include provisions for maintenance of the vegetated slope to maintain sight visibility in perpetuity.  Easements: Drainage easements shall be large enough to accommodate 100% reserve capacity per Section 4.3.1 and slope easements shall be provided where cut/fill slopes cannot be contained in the street right-of-way per Section 4.3.3.  Old Kings Highway (OKH): Any retaining walls and future structures will require review by OKH. Coordinate with OKH to see if there is any applicability related to tree removal and guardrail style. Consider using a wooden guardrail versus metal guardrail for aesthetics. Community Development Housing  The project shall contain two affordable rental units. The project proponent is responsible to work with the Town of Yarmouth and DHCD to create the units. The affordable units must qualify as low-income units for the purposes of M.G.L. Ch 40B, sec. 20-23, must be in compliance with 760 CMR 56.00 the Local Initiative Program (LIP), and must meet the guidelines and standards there under promulgated thereunder by the DHCD for the inclusion in the DHCD Ch 40B Subsidized Housing Inventory as Local Action Units. The affordable units must comply with the Town of Yarmouth Affordable Housing Standards. The units shall be deed restricted affordable in perpetuity with an Affordable Housing Restriction or Regulatory Agreement approved by the Town and DHCD. No relocation of tenants shall be caused by the creation of these units unless a relocation plan is approved by the Town and DHCD. Tenant selection shall be made by lottery per an Affirmatively Marketed Fair Housing Plan approved by the Town and DHCD. The Timing of Issuance of Building Permits, Construction and Occupancy shall be per Section 412.1.9 of the Town of Yarmouth Zoning Bylaw. Page 3 of 4 Engineering: General:  Miracle Way and Faith Road appear to be suitable road names. Please find the following addressing to be incorporated into the subdivision plan with a rectangular box around each number: o Open Space- 1 Miracle Way o Lot 1- 3 Miracle Way o Lot 2- 5 Miracle Way o Lot 3- 7 Miracle Way o Lot 4- 9 Miracle Way o Lot 5- 11 Miracle Way o Lot 6- 13 Miracle Way o Lot 7- 15 Miracle Way o Lot 8- 17 Miracle Way o Lot 9- 16 Miracle Way o Lot 10- 12 Miracle Way o Lot 11- 2 Faith Road o Lot 12- 4 Faith Road o Lot 13- 3 Faith Road  On the Preliminary Site Plan, adjust work limit line through Lot #13 to include the proposed grading adjacent to Rte 6A.  Per Section 4.2.3, confirm if a waiver is required by the planning board for the 10% maximum grade requirement. Stormwater/Drainage:  Engineering Division accepts the drainage pipe material change.  Provide invert elevations for all elements of the stormwater management system.  Recommend implementing an O&M covenant which requires the continued maintenance of the stormwater management system and proposed sight distance clearing.  Provide detailed calculation package pertaining to the design/sizing of all stormwater management BMPs, including all pertinent data used, to Engineering Division for review.  Provide detail drawings for all elements of the stormwater management system.  Consider the use of cascade grates for catch basin inlets at Station 3+09.48 to improve efficiency.  Provide a construction-period erosion control, sedimentation, and pollution prevention plan. Any pertinent detail drawings should also be included.  Provide a long-term operation and maintenance (O&M) plan for the stormwater management system. Page 4 of 4 Conservation:  There are no wetlands identified in the state GIS maps for the area. No wetlands have been identified on the site plan and there are no visible vegetation changes in aerial photos that indicate wetlands are present. Therefore, there is considered to be no wetlands protection jurisdiction for this proposal.  The current stormwater bylaw regulations require that no person may undertake a construction activity, including clearing, grading, and excavation that results in a land disturbance that will disturb equal to or greater than one acre of land or will disturb less than one acre of land but is part of a larger common plan of development or sale that will ultimately disturb equal to or greater than one acre of land draining to the Town of Yarmouth municipal separate storm sewer system (MS4) that is hydraulically connected to a wetland without a Stormwater Management Permit issued by the Commission. An exemption applies to any construction that can be proven beyond a reasonable doubt to the satisfaction of the Commission to occur in a completely contained watershed that cannot possibly empty into the Town of Yarmouth MS4 that is hydraulically connected to a Wetland Resource Area. The applicant shall have the burden of proof in demonstrating that an activity is not subject to the jurisdiction of these regulations.  Please note that the Conservation Commission is working on updating the Yarmouth Stormwater Regulations to include all projects disturbing more than one acre regardless of discharge into an MS4 system. Some provisions are being considered regarding projects already in development prior to this date. However, depending on the final Stormwater Regulations adopted, and start of construction, this project may require a Stormwater Permit from the Conservation Commission.  As with Engineering, request detailed stormwater calculations, construction period erosion and sediment control plans and O&M plans be submitted for review by Engineering.