HomeMy WebLinkAbout22-A044 142 Route 6ATOWN OF YARMOUTH 1146 ROUTE 28. SOUTH YARMOUTH, MA 02664.4451 Telephone (508) 398-2231 Ext 1292 -Fax (508) 398-0836 ')'HIGHWAY HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMITTEE APPLICATION FOR CERTIFICATE OF APPROPRIATENESS Application Is hereby made for issuance of a Certificate of Appropriateness under Section 6 of Chapter 470.. Acts of 1973 as amended, for proposed work as described below & on plans, drawings photographs. & other supplemental info accompanying this application PLEASE SUBMIT 4 copies OF SPEC SHEET(S), ELEVATIONS PHOTOS. & SUPPLE14E AL INFORMATION. Check All Categories That A I Indicate type of Building: Commercial Residential 1) Exterior Buildin Construction* New Building n Addition !#erations Reroof F -1 -Garage Shed Solar Panels Other 3,46Y 2) Exterior Painting: JZSidtnq II Doors Trim Other: �� � _G#j;5%C5 3) Signs/Billboards: n NeMIIF%encewall nge to Existing Sign 4) Miscellaneous Structures IIFlagpole nPool IIOther. Please type or print legibly: r I j ( j Address of proposed work: —t-i� �% rG p6 Map/Lot # ! L 2 / Owner(s) ! �e Y%U `2 i� L� Phone 9: �-si7 �'y�-7a3--d7 a �-- All appficafions must be su miffed by ner or aa�companied by letter from owner approving submittal of application. Mailing address f) u N i'0 03lio' ar built: Email_V 'r N Zl1 Kt e (?D MGR53 . NST Preferred notification method f Phone Email Agenticontractor V - j C NT vCc_AL_A ___ Phone # 6o-37 - 2()—6-22-2— Mailing Address Ernall Preferred notification method Phone Email Descri tion of Proposed Work: Signed (Owner or agent) t -or Date: / " j? f Z- 7— Ownerrcontractorragenl is aware tha: a pernt1h required from the Building Department (Checf, other departments also If app+rcalion is approved approval is suoject to a 10 -day appeal period required by the Act. This certificate is good for one year from approval date or upon date of expiation of Building Permit whichever dale shall be later All new Construction will be subject to inspection by OKH OKH-approved plaits MUST be available on-site for framing & final inspections. Rcvd Date Amount 7 Cash/CK #_ Sy _ Rcvd by 45 Days: Date Signed Approved Approved with _Modifications Denied Reason for Denial, Signed APPLICATION # ;l,7 T �W Structure will be on a concrete slab, outside dimension of structure will be 22' in width, 32' in length. Height of gable peak will be 25'. Roof Pitch will be 12/12. Roof will be dressed with architectural asphalt shingles in pewter color. All four exterior walls will be wrapped in red cedar shingles 5 Y2" to the weather. Exterior trim will be 4'/ verticals, 4 Y2 -6" horizontals. Hoping for NH Custom Mill Works to make windows which will be 616 for casement and make 6 pane for gang of three on the east side. 2nd choice will be Anderson 400 series windows and side entry door. (Door will be 6 panes top with panel bottom.) Barn doors will be custom made using 614 fir or cedar (see attached photo). All doors will be finished in Benjamin Moore chrome green to match house shutters. Structure lighting will be traditional gooseneck lamp over each barn door and antique copper onion lights to left of side entry door on west side of building. All exterior trim will be finished in Sherwin Williams bright white, duration paint. A- �L�C {) li�'L/�c�r '� 1 c 5"'-' 1 41vL-1 RECEIVED MAR 18 2022 YAfiMOU i ni n VinV'4'.q HIGz WAY GENERAL SPECIFICATION SHEET 0 RMFIVE MAR 1 8 `0? FOUNDATION: Material: (fc"C ee-) Exposure (Not to exceed 18'): 12 - CHIMNEY: Material/Color: / GUTTERS: Material/Color, s - ROOF: Material S+ A Pitch (7112 min) Height to Ridge: 1; i Color: >� SIDING: Material/Style: Front. CF -8;0? Sides/Rear: - c D�� COLOR CHIPS Color Front N.t tc flljAe Sides/Rear _ cr-npiiQ TRIM: All windows & doors to be triWiNT d with: 1x 4 x5 (Circle one ) Material: color :JT DOORS: Qty: Material: AN 00 r) Color, —a wo Mir, &'QC-& fVG5 lac G!4►P) Style/Size (if not listed/shown on elevations) L J&fteiQ JDUOL _ SI ©� tn7Te� STORM DOORS: Qty --- Material s Calor r GARAGE DOORS: Qty: Mat'I. Style: Color - i WINDOWS: Qty/side: f=ront: Left: —,?-.r- Right J_ Rear -2-- Color: —\&14jxc� ManufacturerlSeries n1� ��a nJ 0 0 Material /CU �� 1 � }CSU 570+11 Grilles (Required). Pattern (6;6 211. etc) & Grille Type True Divided Lite �oSIJ�ee, Snap In -Between Glass Permanently Applied Exterior Interior STORM WINDOWS: Qty Material. Color: SHUTTERS: Mat'l ./! Style Paneled Louvered Color SKYLIGHTS: Qty._._-,_-_._ Fixed Vented Size Color DECK: Size Decking Matl. Railing Mat'I WALLSIFENCES* (Max 6' height): Height _ Coior Style Color MaH. Style. Color. (Show running footage & location on plot plan.) 'Finished side of fence must face out from fenceu UTILITY METERSIHVAC UNITS: Location: LIGHTS: Qty: --"� Style: 5 Location(s): I c V 0' LIGHT POSTS: Qty Material: Location(sy Additional information. Screening: W beat ) t NEJM 019971'�J Color Ni0N L^ e"11 r t a' s;dE o-jTe Color: 2 -General APPLICATION #y TOWN OF YARMOUTH OLD KING'S HIGHWAY HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMITTEE i MAR 1 8 2022 r iinivivu ABUTTERS' LIST Applicant's (Owner) Name:.�;:.r�; LA Property Address/Location: 19 2- Off. UT E b A Hearing Date: __`"/fl 1;� Notices must be sent to the Applicant and abutters (including owners of land on any public or private street or way) who's property directly abuts or is across the street from the Applicant. Please provide the Assessor's Tax Map and Lot numbers only. The OKH Office will send out notices using the addresses as they appear on the most recent applicable tax list Note Instructions for obtaining the abutters Map and Lot numbers can be found on the Old King's Highway Department page on the Town website: wwur.yarn1outh m@,us Map Number Lot Number Applicant Information: 2J i Abutter Information Application #: shy 82018 3 1221 331 1 1 LOEWEN KARIN J TR Please use this signature to certify this list of properties THE K & M REALTY TRUST directly abutting and across the street from the parcel located at. - 585 OLD JAIL LN BARNSTABLE , MA 02630 142 Route 6A, Yarmouth Port, MA 02675 Assessors Map 122, Lot 34 1221 341 1 ! ZUCCALA VINCENT J ZUCCALA TARYN R Andy Ma6ado, Director of Assessing 1130 UNION ST March 24, 2022 MANCHESTER, NH 03104 1221 1291 C21 1 CLARK CHARLES 139 ROUTE 6A UNIT 2 YARMOUTH PORT, MA 02675-1713 RAFOEI � T) 1221 1281 1 1 ROYAL CAROL WELD PO BOX 130, MAR 2 5 2022 YARMOUTH PORT, MA 02675 1221 361 1 I ODEGAARD JAMES R ODEGAARD JENNIFER 152 ROUTE 6A, YARMOUTH PORT, MA 02675 1221 351 1 1 WITTE PHILIP & SUSAN PO BOX 103 YARMOUTH PORT, MA 02675 1221 24.11 1 1 BASLER BRIAN TRS SULLIVAN WILLIAM TRS 46 MINNETUXET WAY YARMOUTH PORT, MA 02675 1221 129! C11 1 CLARK JON 101 TURNER AVE ENCINITAS , CA 92024 1221 1291 C31 1 CLARK GORDON III 141 ROUTE 6A UNIT 3 YARMOUTH PORT, MA 02675-1713 IM z 4121122, 6:25 AM Gmail - 142 Route 6A proposed build of a large barn on your property Ghali Taryn Zuccala <tarynzuke@gmail.com> 142 Route 6A proposed build of a large barn on your property 2 messages 5B Witte <suzybwitte@g mail. com> To: tarynzuke@gmail.com Dear Vin and Taryn, Tue, Feb 1, 2022 at 8:18 PM Just a short note to document our wholehearted approval of your plans to request permission of the Town of Yarmouth's various departments to erect a free standing barn in your very spacious back and at 142 Route 6A in Yarmouthport. We have shared your enthusiasm for the project from the first time you mentioned it several years ago. Your careful attention to working with surveyors and architects locally have insured and assured that the size and design will be in harmony with the scale and appearance of our historic and beautiful neighborhood. Philip and I will be alongside you and your representatives at any required public hearings to support your most attractive proposed project. All the best Suzy B. and Philip Witte Susan Bennett Witte, GRI, CRS, ABR, CCIM, ePro Bennett Witte Real Estate suzybwitte@_gmaii.com 508-269-3309 146 Route 6A (mail to:PO Box 103) Yarmouthport, MA. 02675 Taryn Zuccala <tarynzuke@gmail.com> To: Taryn Zuccala <tzuccala@mansd.org> [Quoted text hidden] Wed, Feb 2, 2022 at 10:28 AM 2022 �, APR 2 � r i+xlv;OUTr, `ALU ,nNGS VAIGHN]A`l �P,NA hupOlmail.google.com/mail/u/01?ik=93fa67 ba3b&view=pt&search=all&permthid=thread-f%3A 1723612253527365246&simpl=msg-€%3A 1723612253527365246... 1I1 To: The Yarmouth Historical Society From: Karin & Mark Loewen K & M Realty Trust Owners of 138 6A Yarmouth Port Re: New Construction of a barn at 142 6A (abutting our property) Dated: January 18, 2022 fo Whom it May Concern, We have reviewed the plans for the barn that the Zuccalas are proposing to build on their property, 142 6A Yarmouth Port. It looks like it will be a beautiful building in keeping with the character of 6A. i ne /_uccalas nave a lovely, well-maintained property with beautiful gardens and a nicely manicured lawn, and everything they do to keep up their home is done with the utmost care and quality of materials. We have no doubt that anything they add to the property will be a beautiful, well-built, and tasteful addition to the neighborhood. We encourage the Yarmouth Historical Society to approve their proposal. Sincerely, Karin & Mark Loewen K & M Realty Trust CEIVE i APR 2 1 ' < Y P%nir 1) it Ci CN Lo 6 ebP 6 III O 41 NS J5 RFC! 'ftf3- MAR 18 291? Ln OLD KING'S HIAVAY :3 o 04 CN p 4P 2 Q F. Ci CN PS CD C14 4N C14 cLi c"I Iii o n IA k. -O 4, IF cnV n fi 1 .1 .19 0 U9 in �j rh R F C T A MAR ;9-A--wY z _:tVMlet tin Notes 1.) Assessor's Map 122 Parcel 34 2.) Book 29134 Pg. 223 3.) Plan Book 181 Page 23 4.) This property is not in a Groundwater Protection District 5.) This property is not in the Flood Zone Zone: RS 40 Mop 122 Parcel 33 40,000 Sq. Ft. Existing 150' Frontage Garage/Barn 100' Width Setbacks Front 30' ��/ E 5; 136 / Side 20' Rear 20' N DB Site Coverage 25% Max Existing Coverage 12.9% Existing %� K Proposed Coverage 18.9% "r- Septic Tank KKK K % K \% % i / A Ven #138 r / House #142 o p 3 Bedroom �. TOF EL 42.0 / Parcel A \� ^ N 74'48'10" V}i\ �/ / / �0 23.04' 12,31 0± SF e per.. IV v ti 60 ,6V�� House #146 // �C, s / NOTE: LOCATION OF UTILITIES IS APPROXIMATE AND UNDERGROUND AND OVERHEAD UTILITIES MU`_ DETERMINED IN THE FIELD PRIOR TO COMMEI\ OF ANY WORK, THIS INCLUDES, BUT NOT LIM REQUESTS TO DIGSAFE, ANY PRIVATE UTILiTI AND THE LOCAL WATER DEPARTMENT. simmumm II IIII IIII ���� IIII ���� Illl l�ii 1111 ���� 111 ���� IIII ���� IIII ���� IIII ���� llkl�II#IH�#IH- �#IH�#�H- �#IH-=#IH-=#IH�#IH-= #IH- �#IR�---- - H�#1H ,-= }1H�#1H�#IHS#!H�#IH--#IH-- =#IHS#IH , =-#1 1 FRONT ELEVATION Aa.1 Scale: 1/4"- P-0" 3 BACK ELEVATION Aa.1 Scale: 1/4" = P-0` 1111-IIII=IT= -1111-I111�11 1111-Illl�llll- IIII-IIII-11 4 LERT Aa.l Soala: FC91 D APR 2 12022 rf glvj")U j t, APP 2 12022 (Ahivi,jo i i, OLD KING'S HIGHWAY li K'e"f i i" �lllf *11 It I il� No z J Il li K'e"f i i" �lllf *11 It I il� No