HomeMy WebLinkAbout22-E069 183 Pine St Approved�'✓ `` TOWN OF YARMOUTH ��C 1146 ROUTE 28, SOUTH YARMOUTH, MA 02664-4451 Telephone (508) 398-2231 Ext. 1292 -Fax (508) 398-0836 MAY 2 0 202?0 YARMOU i h KING'S HIGHWAY HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMITTEE APPLICATION FOR CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION Application is hereby made for the issuance of a Certificate of Exemption under Sections 6 and 7 of Chapter 470 of Acts of 1973, as amended, for the proposed work as described below and on plans, drawings, or photographs accompanying this application. Type or print legibly: Address of proposed work: l �� t �' " r t7 "` `n�" �'�' ` e-11 Map/Lot # Owner(s): W //4 Fy �V e �� �t ^C't7,' 11 '-Is ....,. _...,,,... Phone #:.. � %_� y y X lyg� �3 All applications must be su ittect by own r or ccompanied bV I r fro owner approving submittal of application. Mailing address: -� t �''' ° ��+ 4f Year built: ^ / Email: C fir' C' Q s+f'' C V,rsc s, S/ preferred notification method: Phone mail Aaent/Contractou —4z Mailing Address: _44-, s ,# J Phone #:� Email: C a C t >(rs @ /++n /Ch "r Preferred notification method: Phone " Email At�t�t /,$ C l r C 746,!t �/ S �'c1 fo F, 1'a o- C 9 7� W farN`'�'4eJ Se— 7 a�'l E� /&1/ rC'�i �7 L� -s� Signed (Owner or agent): aL4WDate: ➢ Ownerlcontractorlagent is aware that a permit maybe required from the Building Department. (Check other departments, also.) ➢ This certificate is good for one year from approval date or upon date of expiration of Building Permit, whichever date shall be later. Egr CRmmittee use only: Dale: Amount "?'b' to Cash/CK #D: 4 �� ROW by: L 5, VApproved Approved with cha Reason for denial: Date Signed: !q2v Signed V5.2017 Y 2 0 2022 YARMOUTH APPLICATION #: aa - Sherman, Lisa From: RICHARD GEGENWARTH <r.gegenwarth@comcast.net> Sent: Friday, May 20, 2022 9:41 AM To: Sherman, Lisa Subject: Re: 22-E059 183 Pine St Attention!: This email originates outside of the organization. Do not open attachments or click links unless you are sure this email is from a known sender and you know the content is safe. Call the sender to verify if unsure. Otherwise delete this email. Looks like a well thought out project. I approve. Richard On 05/20/2022 9:37 AM Sherman, Lisa <Isherman@yarmouth.ma.us> wrote: Hi Richard, ARMOR " T €WN CLLR 212 AV20r io t :--16t REC Request to enclose a porch to make a 4 season room behind the house at 183 Pine Street. Please let me know if you need any additional information. Thanks Richard, Lisa Lisa Sherman Office Administrator Old Kings Highway Committee/Yarmouth Historical Commission Town of Yarmouth 508-398-2231, ext. 1292 APPROVED! MAY 2 0 20'(2 rAHIV'vV ;ir�Gs H{GF i �.G00 TOWN OF YARMOUTH 1146 ROUTE 28, SOUTH YARMOUTH, MASSACHUSETTS 02664-4451 Telephone (508) 398-2231 Ext. 1292 Fax (508) 398-0836 OLD KING'S HIGHWAY HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMITTEE WAIVER OF 45 -DAY DETERMINATION The applicantlapplicant's agent understands and agrees that due to the current declared National and State public health emergencies the determination of our Application for a Certificate of Appropriateness/Demolition/Exemption may not be made within 45 days of the Fling of such application. The applicant agrees to extend the time frame within which a determination is to be made as required by the Old King's Highway Regional Historic District Act. SECTION 9 -Meetings, Hearings, Time for Making Determinations "As soon as convenient after such public hearing, but in any event within forty-five (45) days after the filing of application, or within such further time as the applicant shall allow in writing, the Committee shall make a determination on the application. " Applicant understands that the review of this application will be scheduled as soon as the situation allows. Applicant/Agent Name (please pri Applicant/Agent signature: E MAY 2 0 7'�2 312020 Date: APPROVED MAY 2 0 2022 Application 4: --.._._._5p, *j - -- M ^ CO lO V/ z pV HQC a } YW%. f' MQ O m C om v N`o F REQ MAY 2 O LOLL �Ar�,��ou rr, x OLD KING'S }il }iw Y 4 a 7E �z z V a a W� a 0 F Q 6 m U m C � o ■ r E , z P O N E pc APPROVED i MAY 9 YARtVI 6 202 rH OLD KING'S hiN1AY � IjIl// •}r 6j: 1I r/� � 0 d 1� A u_3n d ri N N u_uv u9 7 Fx �1 W - II z @ II II M avt�roci f a w = is L IS��S w V GM u a 71 o CT n ME- cull Uri Gl m I 6 f M 00 U) �o ut . i���`# ✓.1? o oNaY ❑�_oi�. } V Y V d w� RECEIVED MAY 2 0 2022 YAlyIVIUu J rl _... IC l.k wF4 _o Tom, 4 V ;9--E�017T II � II II O �IE II II 1� II aai r II II ate, CF 0 o m 0 o 0 Ea = =o .m r a ❑ �. 0 ,o�QJu g J Lp � p ❑QO QQd>ul o! V J F�j KK Wi<a0a R1J1�N C�°`W L'1h uv. 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C'® t G 4 opea':acadopvp u, T".s 0 RECEIVED MAY 2 0 2022 YAhWIU J�l r�k....... a0 TYpeheretowarch APPROVED MAY 2 0 20?9 JAM- '=-- 22--bq Quote Date: 31812022 m 01 S M 01- �npWIND% 7MAY OVED rl"bows ustorrter Name: 0 2022 Project Name: Dnassi ned PrAddress:Quote Name: eeks on the Cape-CorCorAn }�is u�GhtV'If y Quote Number: 417173 Phone: Order Date: Quote Not Ordered Fax: PO Number: w. Customer Information: Comments- 3�. ITEM & SIZES LOCATION # TAG PRODUCT DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE 1 EXTENDED PRICE tine€tem: Nene Assigned Quantity RO Slxe: 38,5"X615" Unit 5ix8: 38'X63" 1556 Double, Hu - Ven - t PRODUCT — Row 1 1556 Double Hung - Vent - 1 Units - 36W x 63H — DIMENSIONS 38W x 63H FRANCE "" East, Vinyl. Frame Type - Fin, Northern Energy Star Upgrade, Exterior Color - White "' GLASS — Glazing Type - Insulated, Dual, Glass Tint - Clear, HP Low -E. Argon Gas, Glass Strength - DSB GRILLES— Grille RILLES'"'Grille Type - GBG, Gritio Thickness/Style - 11116" Sculptures:, Grille Pattern - Colonial Bottom Glass: Number Wide - 4, Number High - 2 Top Glass: Number Wide - 4, Number High - 2 '.• SCREEN ,•" Screen - Full Flexscreen LT. Screen Mesh Type - Charcoal Fiber, Screens Packed Separately - Yes "' HARDWARE Nitelocks — WRAPPING'•' Extension Jambs - None. Frame Trim - None, J -Channel - None "' NFRC •.• Series 1556::DoubleHung, U-Factor::0.27, SHGC::0.19, VT:A.36 — Performance — Serres 1556::DoubleHung, Calculated Positive DP Elating .35.3, Calculated Negative DP Rating:,50, DP Rule 10::1556 DH, Rating Type:: DesignPressure, Performance Grade::R-PG35', Water Rating::5.43. FL ID:!N1A, STC Rating::30, OITC Data::25 "^' EE) MAY 2 070"- ,-7 701.2 i' 1ir11Y1\Jw? ;�' Ouoted by: Earl Rehrauer QL4A§ Numbor 4171739 Pages: 1 of 4 Fanview-Seabrook 1d,EF I Print Gatw 3i&2022 5:0&34 PM ITEM & SIZES LOCATION i TAG PRODUCT DESCRIPTION Line Item: Quantity: 3 RO Size: 43"X 63.5" Unit Size: 42,5"X 63" None Assigned 1.556_poubl ung - Vent ,Qus#nmCustom "' PRODUCT— Row 1 1556 Double Hung • Vent - 1 Units - 42.5W x 63H "' DIMENSIONS 42.5W x 63H "' FRAME — East, Vinyl, Frame Type - Fin, Northern Energy Star Upgrade, Exterior Color - While •., GLASS "' Glazing Type - Insulated, Dual, Glass Tint - Clear, HP Low -E, Argon Gas, Glass Strength - DS8 ,,, GRILLES'-' Grille Type - GBG. grille ThicknessfStyle - 1111$" Sculptured, Grille Pattem - Colonial Bottom Glass: Number Wide - 4. Number High - 2 Top Glass: Number Wide - a, Number High - 2 SCREEN — Screen - Full Flexscreen LT, Screen Mesh Type - Charcoal Fiber. Screens Packed Separately - Yes HARDWARE — Nitelocks "' WRAPPING Extension Jambs - None, Frame Trim - None, J -Channel - None NFRC — Series 1556::0oubleHung, U-Faclor:;0.27, SHGC::0.19, VT: 0.36 "' Performance Series 1555 :DoubleHung, Calculated Positive I.7P Raling::20.05, Calculated Negative DP Rating:,20.05, DP Rule ID::1556 DH. Rating Type::DesignPressure, Performance Grade::R-PG20, Water Rating::3.13, FL ID::N1A, STC Rating:30, OITC Data::25 ITEM & SIZES LOCATION 1 TAG PRODUCT DESCRIPTION Line Item: None Assigned Quantity 1 R Si. 5.5" X 63.5° Unit Size: 35"X63" 1556 Doubly Hung , Vent - CustomCutorn ""' PRODUCT — Raw 1 1556 Double Hung - Vent - 1 Units - 35W x 63H — DIMENSIONS 35W x 63H •'" FRAME ,• East, Vinyl, Frame Type - Fin, Northern Energy Star Upgrade, Exterior Color - While . GLASS — Glazing Type - Insulated. Dual, Glass Tint - Clear, HP Low -E, Argon Gas, Glass Strength - DS8 "' GRILLES— Grille RILLES—Grille Type - GBG, Grille Thickness/Style - 11116" Sculptured, Grille Pattern - Colonial Bottom Glass: Number Wide - 3, Number High - 2 Top Glass: Number Wide - 3, Number High - 2 •,, SCREEN — Screen - Full Flexscreen LT, Screen Mesh Type - Charcoal Fiber, Screens Packed Separately - Yes — HARDWARE ,`• Nitelocks — WRAPPING Extension Jambs - None, Frame Trim - None, J -Channel - None — NFRC "' Series 1556::DoubieHung, U-Factor;:0.27, SHGC;:0,19, VT::0.36 — Performance — Series 1556:.DoubleHung, Calculated Positive IJP Rating::35.3, Calculated Negative DP Rating ::50, DP Rule ID;;1556 DH, Rating Type::DesignPressure, Performance Grade::R-PG35'. Water Rating;:5.43, FL 1D:VA, STC Rating::30, OITC Data::25 UNIT PRICE I EXTENDED PRICE APPRJHIGHWAY MAY 2 YARIVIU OLD KING'S Unit Price: $456.00 Extended Price: $1,3$8.030 UNIT PRICE / EXTENDED PRICE Quoted by: Earl Rehrauer Quote Number: 4171739 Pages: 2 of 4 Fairview-Sea'Jrook MAY 2 0 ?02? j {Arvv., t,j f OD KING lit H41r',Y �r C oc Print Dste: 1318--'-1022 5 0 3= PM I I cm a ;DW -1:S LLlLiA i JUN i i Ata F'KUIJUG`r DESCRIPTION Line Item: 400-1 Norte Assigned Quantity: 1 RO Size: 95"X80" Unit Size: 94.5" X 79.5" ------ -- 34 F _ ................ Intm-UNNENT 01- "ff PRODUCT— Row 1 1617 Two Panel KD Patio Door - XO - i Units - 94.5W x 79.51.1 "f DMENSIONS 'ff 94.5W x 79,511 FRAME — East, Vinyl, Frame Type - Fin, 4.5625, -50DP, Exterior Color - White ffMG ACYL'+- Glazsng Type - Insulated, Dual, Glass Tint - Clear. Low -E, Argon Gas, Tempered Location - Full, Glass Strength - 3116" •— SCREED -" Screen - Silencia, Screens Packed Separately • Yes — HARDWARE — 2 -Point Keyed, Hardware Calor - White NFRC "` Series 1617::DoubleSlidingDoor, U-Factor;:0.27, SHGC::0,28, VT,,.0.5 — Performance — Series 161T:DouhleSlidingDoor, Calculated Positive DP Rating::50.13, Calculated Negative DP Rating::50.13, DP Rule 10::1615HP-2 PD, Rating Type::DesignPressure, Performance Grade:1C-PG50, Water Rating::7.52, FL 0::26012, STC Rating::3G CEIVED MAY 2 0 2022 I Ahiviuu 1 I UNIT PRICE l EXTENDED PRICE Unit Price; $2,269 00 Extended Pnce: $2,269.00 APPROVED MAY 2 0 2022 YAHIVIO i h OLD KING'S HIGHWAY ;9, <✓ c! oi3oted by: E3ri Rehrauer Quote Number: 4171739 Pages: 3 of 4 Print tate: 31812022 &00:34 PM �airv�ew-Seabraok