HomeMy WebLinkAbout84 HOMERS DOCK,? I( )\\ \ ()F \ \it\1r )t T r I WATER DEPARTMENT 99 Buck lsland Road West Yarn'routh, ,\,lA 0267 ] felr'1rh<rne: t5O$ 771-7921 . F.r\: (s0tt) 77'l-t-998 tlt Il,l)l\(; t,t..RN I .\PPLI(.{ | tO\ I.1)t{\\ \ I t:R l)1._p.\R I ltt"\-t sI(;\ ()I.'1.-.t R \\s\tt-tt-.{t_ F()R\l BL rLr)rNG s[fE Loc'A'rro \,& +1q4YE bocO \A*a^!v. Po-t PRoPosr.-D $'oRr: h'lSk ll iur?, V$ vryTu(d al)t ,lltt +rla*a gtdz Pooi> ll €d Y^aal+1?o* vn 'rELpnoNE: 5CE ?oJ-qApO Vvc@ XaodePal scaazct-oc|,. C-o r'4 /\I'I'I I('A\T Itl:SII)t:\'f l.\l- A\D OR ( ()\J\llrl{( 1,\I BL ILDI\(i \\'lte[ I)ep nm!-nl: liruineering [)cpanment : ( ()rrscr\iili()lr ( (n]u1ission I lcalth I)eparlnrent I.i cpilllnrcDl .\PPt I( \\t-SIC\ \t ( Rt. I)ctcnrrincs ( orupliancc'of\\'ater.\r ailabililr and or existins location I)clcnrilres ('ornpliance for Parking and I)raina-!:e [)ctcrnrircs (i)n]pliancc ro \\'etlands ,\cr: i c. lt lot(:,) border anv lrpe ol' rr ctlantls. strsarls. pollds. rircrs. occarr. [1r95. [r1r's. rnarshland. ETC... l)ctcrrrrincs ( onrpliance to Statc and lirrvn llcgularions. i.c. rctluirenrcnls li)r Scptage Disposal and othcr I'ublic llcalrh Actiritcs l)clcrnrines (irnrpliance to Statc and 'li\r,n Ilct;uircnrc[ts fbr Personal Sal-cty. l'ropeny I)rotections. i.e. Snrokc [)ctcctors, Sprinkler Systems,etc 4 )\tt. ol.! l( t_ t sf :o\t\t1.\ I s ()\ P1..R\lt I \PPRO\'..\t. ()tt t)t.\t \t. S.3.ZL ItI.\ I a)t, l) B\' \\'\Tt_t{ I)tvtst()\ (st(;\.\Tt'RE)l).\1 t. AI)DI{ESS: NOTES 4 a .ra{ ralE ! tlEI rr il c ilEr iD i !/J tfr r!ol. { r r.^Ea ar .u ffi.8f,3t l.Bx - ^-o FI! a l'r nr! lo - sE l lEmri r.osFJcEl!.txlrIrffitB , E !m (aDrxruaF unuaatl[acrno'ls I nE r sIE iriu (, E( .o{' P\t o CJS UNE rtffiEr$rnroa@6@E{lD EE r+*rr:r, ^ra llftio DrirEE-d u uffin,.. ot6. D ulrlEf.tD@irtc: n. sr r6r-t tr1ur o6rut r{! Ero@ roa^fi ra d ^d,o ia ''.a.aD 1'ooq frooa o, LOCI'S MAP - nrro D SESS0i6 lrrt !'i PriCE- 75 .n'E , i.ao ^ra tuD n * * amrs ,s ltt* FB rt@ za.e r[ tu tu6 rr rr rndo.rr lrxE 6 rr{la^r Eooo H^zrno) A5 oll.! 7 lo/2ot1 ) 7 ZO} G St,I MARY Ir/EADOW NtX *;, Enddnd wndnor, YlrE drib -uro n{tr E (. loa gacasB.-a (brb +bl th+i r. '3 otu &Ire o- (r.4..r5[n!.\hi.h(h.**.dl* .. .r oFr .,...i+ r* * i^Er*.r--'-Or*.,dbEr(L-rlo.,r.'-, 0r- ubnd.- b..-6& Ert E rrt i *, (r-l-*r:-rdEdr.r..+r.bE (*L.r.I rd.^r.rhr-dbhdlLl;trile.db!.anhr!*bt ar*d (r-. ,,.!ol 5t orcf Aral,r^[Y. ulE ta!I^rlaurcE salLro ls lco nEoAlror s6lna m Eu^xr iaD aG ES gEmO tat oox no r^mltn trc€ trJxta 2ollrc OB'lEaI: R-,O D6"lECri€qmI|x. loT szE aO.OOO s.F.lrx. Lor Fi6lT cE rlorl. ,Rorr sEEAo( g {r,r. soE saB^o( N$r{ iErR sElEACl( 20'll^x. iflr c cor/ERAGE 2!lr.^t ,r.Dio t€dir J6'. PReGED &ttDnB @VtiACE lZd N 27.a',l!,,' 11.or il MT|GATION CALq'-ATIONS o E'EISCI€E e(sr G o-!d ao..flb' r2l sf 3t, sa !05 st a5!! SF ,7 lf a7t sf !,a{t sF [^ioscrPE Ncf,tASE(1t!& sa ulrrrarl Piot/Do) S]TE PLAN ( - atrlrEa irrtlta Elrr o eN,o,fn.eMls''c @ lookout d A4 HOTVERS DOCK RD YARMOUTH PORT MA d BECKY & ALBERTO MAITINO BrE rtn 2'. zEr( rGoa xnED* JrrrniY a. 2022 (EDe^rE Pod- gIE lllB rD{)e FlnN ! 2@ (Slllncr Erxs)mr f6rir !3, 2@ (rDmDlxf ll6AIOi) I O*,s##fu q,,t,,iffiLl I clvtl .nglnc.66 l d sritutotsll ue tub sitt ( Rt. 6a)I tn*npoar u ozazt \0^-.*,. ,J'[*+fitl,--D.., t + B F2!.0 otr NOIE 5) o REGE[VED APR 2 2 ?022Foul' HdAJ.TH DEPT. T I DCE 2t-079 tt5lslzt 'rEFI.---t DAII DTXIE . GAII F,E. P,LS. I t ,[,,(^- t"l F-r" L-l. uB8q 1?-Ll A NAM: l/one, 0,"k 1,30 Iookout RoadSTREET I 18L 62 VILLAGE Y arrnou th SERVICE NO. METER NO Hydr a:rt '71,ta,t ib39oa36 ,,/(, TD # 5e3//3 I /"o (- n Lrir t 0n 67 r 7tt 8 " Ilain I IrrcrCUT I RO.AD t 3t r9 t* I I I I I I I I t I I I I I __l