HomeMy WebLinkAbout2022 Sign off Transmittal - Deck �,c .-y..:1 TOWN OF YARMOUTH 4, HEALTH DEPARTMENT PERMIT APPLICATION SIGN OFF TRANSMITTAL SHEET • To he completed by Applicant: Building Site Location: C J d M ' v Proposed Improvement: 1 -Q rti Q \I P t'c:i\ m '0,, jAisr\--.::r\`\\ \ ' I c' I/ -.\C Applicant: 0 0 7/ Cwt -P (1 -\„ CC lu ��� 1k , :12C Tel. No.S'og -'1-73r1 5' 3) Address: P- 0 '7 X Li IDate Filed: Ii i Z 2 **/fyou would like e-mail notification of sign off please provide e-mail address: S.--.G u S e c2-5C E,} i \�A,. , ( 0✓`1 Owner Name: A l '� ) c w e 0,. (- Owner Address: ZZ ) um- 10, -S k 0,,, I--e c (xic_?i Owner Tel. No.: 33 7 227 -Z3_30— RESIDENTIAL Z33.- RESIDENTIAL AND/OR COMMERCIAL BUILDING HEALTH DEPARTMENT: Determines Compliance to State and Town Regulations; i.e., Requirements For Septage Disposal and other Public Health Activities. Please submit three (3) copies of plans, to include: (1.) Site Plan showing existing buildings, water line location, ___l;�_ and septic system location; MAY 1 1 2022 (2.) Floor plan labeling ALL rooms within building (all existing and proposed) — HEALTH DEPT. Note: Floor plans not required for decks, sheds, windows, roofing; (3.) If necessary, Title 5 application signed by licensed installer with fee. rm REVIEWED BY: 1 DATE: c"'.16 �'� PLEASE NOTE COMMENTS/CONDITIONS: // I)G ,/).c r r (�c,e �j c..11,-N. `�.4-e ov-e✓ S'r_4J�/ c-. e _. o - gd u. • iq8'g e he: 4 e ,4� i"arp g>g hs§ Q W 4 ' va g b.< °.- 'Vita AA gag v; pia 0, ., E- . ri 3 - +I 0 A § 11 5 1ii;; �. a7a=hs5g to : Rg .:rsp §X lot o 022 ace — . .. ,. E5,0- (A¢11,..5.� W 8 3 N . V to;.,Fp 9.k,.Ai-.@ 2 rig-tixl ->. .g,t,' te% gi i0. ..o ."'1 ...FFA 8' ; � e g j'. §,g o dW k t36 3Zro Vt gao. $ 4 d - o to �o' ,Z :co, W 17. < V "ii g`" -X 4a✓¢ ;gli_-4 A'- 8 R'zn< _- .<( - h i W <m. Kb oitf-AiS.'t.-6oiul ,_ < .ai!o:'1etffd:�`oGam[,,,: .k9 3 .�i. ill h s "'`.1::14 21 § t o llg z 050. IY_t 4 a^ $. ` / : VG.g§b8L3`2• .oV X's4#..g �NsR�;§%iiil`#.lige • _ z\ I U ..: h CV ` V % NAPM MANN } .1- M 3 N LIQl �.:_� ' :� r = ' - III '41.011 tea t e` I x"01 ii to I o .5 tl _� � � T illi; =a q ► . EIS 2i••if s vi 1 3 omr e. u u \ . � O te , . 3 . � • glybi ,���'I •a"., / . A...„,.„:...,,N,,,,\\:: 4° - x on NI\ kit 9k 1�_7ji1j:i oo / /F IC 1 �6 s&o; • i t41 ZY oz. \ iP . ....., 4-4 LL 3�� � o ,j W I R, s. .-, F o o" p\JS /4""4,,,...,-- g ea n us J .....ty_ 2.14181145 I ma \- :1.*i 12 pz w� a< F 3 10 bi -'g f� Bl:o 9L etied.we sAs lesodsla a6emas anelmsans wad uoipedeul re!o'AO 9 elnl 910Z/9Z/L-'VW•oOD'OSIpC r -21 I L--$'E • 9 s-2 g-g2 o- 2/ 2--._,s2 z - ld�a Hl 2- 0/ 9-zc ``r--; �b�H IS 1 ZZOZ L i AVW )( 0 '',\\) \ el .•.0 --/j '..--il\\\s\\).- ° • . . ' I lea c- I Ala;8Jedas payoem 6u!meip C] Moleq eeie eq;ul yo;ails-oust; wawa�tlddns Ja;enn ollgnd aJaynn a;eoo� ;aa :Mo aq saxoq eq;;o auo�loaUO •6ulplmq ay; 90U8 wawa }006 u!yt!M sllaM He a;eooil •s�pewgoueq Jo s)pewpuel nn;;seal;e o;sag 6ulpnlow 'wa;sAs lesodsip e6eMas ay;Jo Maln e apinoad :we;sAS lesodsla e8emas jo tiolaNS 176 (1uoo) uor;ew.iojuI we sig •Q uoiloedsui;o also epo3 dIZ emsumollig_ 6ed 6 Z/9Z/L b99Z0 yW y;no A S tiena Jo;pai nbei si uolieuuo;ui eweN selauMQ Jew° ggel Apnr'8 6wple!d ssalpp 'IclJadaad yW 'y;nowJeA .S deM aa;ueys-0-wel 9Z �,y''kt, = —= `)s;uawssess tie n!o Jo;;oN- wJod we;sits lesodsl0 +Ames aoepnsgns " uLIod uo•R oadsui !e!o!liO 5 aa!1 '__ ,_ill s esng3essew!o 4HeeMuowwo3 ; ;ti Commonwealth of Massachusetts 1,-..i-----4--='77-.±-7.._ (0 Title 5 Official Inspection Form , _ ___ Subsurface Sewage Disposal System Form -Not for Voluntary Assessments -=ilii=i, N ' 25 Tam-O-Shanter Way S. Yarmouth, MA Property Address Fielding &Judy Tabb Owner Owner's Name —information ation is S. Yarmouth required for every _ MA 02664 7/26/21 _ page. City/Town State Zip Code Date of Inspection D. System Information (cont.) 14. Sketch Of Sewage Disposal System: Provide a view of the sewage disposal system, including ties to at least two permanent reference landmarks or benchmarks. Locate all wells within 100 feet. Locate where public water supply enters the building. Check one of the boxes below: ® hand-sketch in the area below ❑ drawing attached separately I �et :4 i c ( i - It \:,.....t:_i_____y_ 1-' . • ti) O ()/ iv eM1 Rm o a �C 0 3—I I 0 J \ ')(\\"' > .` �I �c\c Li MAT, i l 2.027 HEALTH DEPT I -- - B ; � 3L-E lv Zi 2 Zs'--z /g ,0 J 28,8 - 6 i 35- 7 I i$- ! • '5inso.aoe•rev.7/26120/8 Title 5 Official Inspection Form.Subsurface Sewage Disposal System•Page 16 of 18