HomeMy WebLinkAbout2022 Feb - eDEP LIMassachusetts Department of Environmental Protection eDEP Transaction Copy Here is the file you requested for your records. To retain a copy of this file you must save and/or print. Username: EBELAIR Transaction ID: 1341021 Document: Groundwater Discharge Monitoring Report Forms Size of File: 3530.51K Status of Transaction: Submitted Date and Time Created: 2/22/2022:11:03:48 AM Note: This file only includes forms that were part of your transaction as of the date and time indicated above. If you need a more current copy of your transaction, return to eDEP and select to "Download a Copy" from the Current Submittals page. 4 C .§ LJUl OQIA VI I SGJIIUI L.G I I VIOVUVII I I VW QI II I. r 0111111 I'IUI I IUGI Groundwater Permit MONITORING WELL DATA REPORT 2. Tax identification Number 12022 QUARTERLY 1 I 3. Sampling Month&Frequency A. Facility Information Important:When filling out forms on 1. Facility name,address: the computer, use IMAYFLOWER PLACE only the tab key to a.Name move your cursor- do not use the 1579 BUCK ISLAND ROAD return key. b.Street Address ,., IYARMOUTH IMA 102673 c.City d.State e.Zip Code 2. Contact information: FIFA MARK WEINBERGER a.Name of Facility Contact Person 2035574777 mweinberger@maplewoodsl.com b.Telephone Number c.e-mail address 3. Sampling information: 11/6/2022 IRI ANALYTICAL a.Date Sampled(mm/dd/yyyy) b.Laboratory Name NICOLE SKYLESON c.Analysis Performed By(Name) B. Form Selection 1. Please select Form Type and Sampling Month&Frequency Monitoring Well Data Report-2022 Quarterly 1 - All forms for submittal have been completed. 2. — This is the last selection. 3. - Delete the selected form. Groundwater Permit Daily Log Sheet•Page 1 of 1 gdpdls 2015 09 15.doc• rev. 09/15/15 IJW GaU VI I SCJlJUI I,0 1 I VlGl,UVI I- VI VUI IUVYOIGI ✓IOlil 101 VG I I lJl,.I 0111 I. F GI II Ill 111.111IV01 Groundwater Permit MONITORING2.Tax identification Number WELL DATA REPORT :2022 QUARTERLY 1 { 3. Sampling Month&Frequency C. Contaminant Analysis Information • For"0", below detection limit, less than (<)value, or not detected, enter"ND" < • TNTC=too numerous to count. (Fecal results only) • NS = Not Sampled • DRY= Not enough water in well to sample. Parameter/Contaminant MW-1 MW-2 MW-3D MW-3M MW-3S MW-4D Units Well#: 1 Well#: 2 Well#: 3 Well#:4 Well#: 5 Well#:6 NITRATE-N I ND ND 1.5 1.5 0.80 ND MG/L TOTAL NITROGEN(NO3+NO2+TK I ND ND 1.5 1.5 0.8 ND MG/L TOTAL PHOSPHORUS AS P 0.11 ND ND ND 0.65 0.13 MG/L ORTHO PHOSPHATE IND IND I ND ND ND 10.050 MG/L mwdgwp-blank.doc•rev. 09/15/15 Monitoring Well Data for Groundwater Permit•Page 1 of 1 ^„. 1-./1-11 004 111 I.0Ovu1 40 1 Ivlc.uvl l- VI'Jul wvraLGI ✓1..41101 VG 1 I VV10111 1. F 0111111 1,14111401 Groundwater Permit ' 2.Tax identification Number MONITORING WELL DATA REPORT 2022 QUARTERLY 1 3. Sampling Month &Frequency C. Contaminant Analysis Information • For"0", below detection limit, less than (<)value,or not detected, enter"ND" < • TNTC=too numerous to count. (Fecal results only) • NS= Not Sampled • DRY= Not enough water in well to sample. Parameter/Contaminant MW-4M MW-4S MW-5 MW-6 MW-8D MW-8S Units Well#: 1 Well#:2 Well#: 3 Well#:4 Well#: 5 Well#:6 NITRATE-N 1.6 0.11 ND 1.3 2.4 0.80 MG/L TOTAL NITROGEN(NO3+NO2+TK 1.6 1.5 ND 1.3 2.4 0.8 MG/L TOTAL PHOSPHORUS AS P 0.043 0.16 0.026 ND 0.021 0.018 MG/L ORTHO PHOSPHATE IND J ND ND ND ND I ND MG/L mwdgwp-blank.doc•rev. 09/15/15 Monitoring Well Data for Groundwater Permit• Page 1 of 1 UUIG04 VI I SGJVUI 1i0 I I I- VIV411V YY OIGI 1.0IJVI10190 I IVW 0111 I. f 0111111 IY41114Gl Groundwater Permit 2.Tax identification Number MONITORING WELL DATA REPORT [2022 ANNUAL 3. Sampling Month&Frequency A. Facility Information Important:When filling out forms on 1. Facility name,address: the computer, use 'MAYFLOWER PLACE only the tab key to a.Name move your cursor- do not use the 1579 BUCK ISLAND ROAD return key. b.Street Address YARMOUTH IMA 02673 0111 c.City d.State e.Zip Code 2. Contact information: A,IMARK WEINBERGER a.Name of Facility Contact Person 12035574777 Imweinberger@maplewoodsl.com b.Telephone Number c.e-mail address 3. Sampling information: 11/6/2022 JRI ANALYTICAL a.Date Sampled(mm/dd/yyyy) b.Laboratory Name NICOLE SKYLESON c.Analysis Performed By(Name) B. Form Selection 1. Please select Form Type and Sampling Month&Frequency I Monitoring Well Data Report-2022 Annual - All forms for submittal have been completed. 2. - This is the last selection. 3. Delete the selected form. gdpdls 2015-09-15.doc• rev. 09/15/15 Groundwater Permit Daily Log Sheet• Page 1 of 1 LJa,Qal4 U, I SCOV41 NG I I VlGVUlJI I- VI VaI IVYYaLGI vIOI.aiai yc I I vy'ani I. U CI MIL i,1uniuci Groundwater Permit MONITORING WELL DATA REPORT 2.Tax identification Number '2022 ANNUAL 3. Sampling Month &Frequency , D. VOC Analysis Information • If VOCs are present, please indicate the amounts of the individual compounds in pg/I. • For"0", below detection limit, less than (<)value, or not detected, enter"ND" • NS = Not Sampled • DRY= Not enough water in well to sample. Parameter/Contaminant MW-1 MW-2 MW-3D MW-3M MW-3S MW-4D Units Well#: 1 Well#: 2 Well#:3 Well#:4 Well#:5 Well#:6 ACETONE ND 1 ND ND ND 1 ND ND UG/L BENNE ND (ND ND ND ND ND UG/L 1,1 DICHLOROETHANE I ND I ND ND ND ND ND UG/L 1,2 DICHLOROETHANE `ND , £ND ND I ND ND ND UG/L 1,1 DICHLOROETHYLENE 1 ND 1 1 ND ND ND ND ND UG/L CIS-1,2-DICHLOROETHYLENE ND ND ND ND ND ND UG/L TRANS 1,2 DICHLOROETHYLENE ND ND ND ND ND ND UG/L ETHYL BENZENE ND ND ND ND ND ND UG/L METHYLENECHLORIDE ND ND ND ND ND ND UG/L TOLUENE ND ND ND ND ND IND UG/L - O-XYLENE ND ND ND ND ND ND UG/L PIM XYLENE ?ND ND ND ND ND ND UG/L CARBON TETRACHLORIDE ND I ND ND `ND ND ND UG/L CHLOROFORM 'I ND ND ND ND ND ND UG/L 2-BUTANONE(MEK) ND ND , ND ND ND ND UG/L mwdgwp-blank.doc•rev. 09/15/15 Monitoring Well Data for Groundwater Permit• Page 1 of 1 1111cau VI 1 S0OV4140 1 1410411411- vIvw 1-)144114444101 J10V1 lall,.c I 1 VUI alll �. f 6111111 IYu111Vc1 Groundwater Permit MONITORING WELL DATA REPORT IL2.Tax identification Number 2022 ANNUAL 3. Sampling Month &Frequency D. VOC Analysis Information • If VOCs are present, please indicate the amounts of the individual compounds in pg/I. • For"0", below detection limit, less than (<)value, or not detected, enter"ND" • NS = Not Sampled • DRY= Not enough water in well to sample. Parameter/Contaminant MW-1 MW-2 MW-3D MW-3M MW-3S MW-4D Units Well#: 1 Well#:2 Well#: 3 Well#:4 Well#: 5 Well#:6 4-METHYL-2-PENTANONE(MIBK ND I ND ND ND ND ND UG/L TRICHLOROETHYLENE IND ND ND ND ND ND UG/L TETRACHLOROETHYLENE 'ND ( ND ND ND ND ND UG/L 1,1,1 TRICHLOROETHANE I ND ND ND ND ND i ND UG/L VINYLCHLORIDE ND ND ND ND ND ND UG/L STYRENE ND ND ND ND ND ND UG/L CHLOROBENZENE ND 1 ND ND ND ND IND UG/L METHYL TERTIARY BUTYL ETHE ND ND ND ND ND ND UG/L CHLOROETHANE rND ND ND ND ND ND UG/L 1,2-DICHLOROPROPANE ND ND ND ND ND ND I UG/L DIBROMOCHLOROMETHANE ND ND ND ND ND I ND UG/L 1,1,2-TRICHLOROETHANE ND ND ND ND ND ND UG/L 2-CHLOROETHYLVINYL ETHER ND ND ND ND ND ND UG/L BROMODICHLOROMETHANE rND ND ND ND ND ND UG/L BROMOFORM ND ND ND ND ND ND UG/L mwdgwp-blank.doc• rev. 09/15/15 Monitoring Well Data for Groundwater Permit• Page 1 of 1 ✓UIGOU VI I SGJVUI VG I I VLGVlIVI I- VI V\AI14WI CIle 1-0IJVl1C 1 I I Vyl 61111 I. r GI I IIII IVUIIrV01 LiGroundwater Permit MONITORING WELL DATA REPORT 2.Tax identification Number 2022 ANNUAL 3. Sampling Month&Frequency D. VOC Analysis Information • If VOCs are present, please indicate the amounts of the individual compounds in pg/I. • For"0", below detection limit, less than (<)value, or not detected, enter"ND" • NS = Not Sampled • DRY= Not enough water in well to sample. Parameter/Contaminant MW-1 MW-2 MW-3D MW-3M MW-3S MW-4D Units Well#: 1 Well#:2 Well#:3 Well#:4 Well#: 5 Well#: 6 1,1,2,2-TETRACHLOROETHANE iND ND ND ND ND ND UG/L CHLOROMETHANE ND ND ND ND ND ND UG/L BROMOMETHANE ND ND ND ND ND ND UG/L CARBONDISULFIDE ND ND ND ND ND ND UG/L 2-HEXANONE I ND 1 I ND ND ND ND ND UG/L ACROLEIN ND j ND ND ND ND ND UG/L ACRYLONITRILE ND ND _ ND ND ND ND UG/L TRANS-I,3-DICHLOROPROPENE ND ND ND ND 1 ND ND UG/L CIS-1,3-DICHLOROPROPENE ND ND ND ND ND ND UG/L mwdgwp-blank.doc•rev. 09/15/15 Monitoring Well Data for Groundwater Permit• Page 1 of 1 -"\-.' -1: ✓ul Cau ul I\CJVUI NtC I IVICNUVII- VI it AI I4Y1aLCI vIJl.l1alyc I II alll I. F Cl'I111 IYul I IV61 Groundwaer Perm 2.Tax identification Number MONITORING WELL DATA REPORT 12022 ANNUAL 3. Sampling Month &Frequency D. VOC Analysis Information • If VOCs are present, please indicate the amounts of the individual compounds in pg/I. • For"0", below detection limit, less than (<)value, or not detected, enter"ND" • NS= Not Sampled • DRY= Not enough water in well to sample. Parameter/Contaminant MW-4M MW-4S MW-5 MW-6 MW-8D MW-8S Units Well#: 1 Well#:2 Well#:3 Well#:4 Well#: 5 Well#:6 ACETONE ND ND ND ND ND IND UG/L BENZENE 1 ND ND ND ND ND ND UG/L 1,1 DICHLOROETHANE i ND ND ND ND ND ND UG/L 1,2 DICHLOROETHANE I ND ND ND ND ND ND UG/L 1,1 DICHLOROETHYLENE ND ND ND 1 N ND ND UG/L CIS-1,2-DICHLOROETHYLENE ND ND ND ND ND ND UG/L TRANS 1,2 DICHLOROETHYLENE ND ND ND ND ND ND UG/L ETHYL BENZENE ND ND ND ND ND ND UG/L METHYLENECHLORIDE ND I ND ND ND ND ND UG/L TOLUENE 1 ND ND ND ND ND ND UG/L O-XYLENE ND ND ND ND ND ND UG/L P/M XYLENE ND ND ND ND ND ND UG/L CARBON TETRACHLORIDE 1 ND I ND ND ND ND 1 ND UG/L CHLOROFORM ND ND ND ND ND ND UG/L 2-BUTANONE(MEK) ND ND ND ND 71 ND ND UG/L mwdgwp-blank.doc• rev. 09/15/15 Monitoring Well Data for Groundwater Permit• Page 1 of 1 ' ✓UI GQU VI I SG.,,../U1 VG I I VLGVIIVI I- VI VUI IUYYQIGI ✓IJVI IQII�.G I 1 V/Ji C11111. f 0111111.IYUIIIVGI 814.:... Groundwater Permit MONITORING WELL DATA REPORT 2. Tax identification Number XN 3. Sampling2022AMonth &Frequency D. VOC Analysis Information • If VOCs are present, please indicate the amounts of the individual compounds in pg/I. • For"0", below detection limit, less than (<)value, or not detected, enter"ND" • NS = Not Sampled • DRY= Not enough water in well to sample. Parameter/Contaminant MW-4M MW-4S MW-5 MW-6 MW-8D MW-8S Units Well#: 1 Well#:2 Well#: 3 Well#:4 Well#: 5 Well#:6 4-METHYL-2-PENTANONE(MIBK ND ND ND ND ND ND UG/L TRICHLOROETHYLENE ND ND ND ND ND ND UG/L TETRACHLOROETHYLENE ND ND ND ND ND ND UG/L 1,1,1 TRICHLOROETHANE ND ND ND ND ND ND UG/L VINYLCHLORIDE 1 ND ND ND ND ND ND UG/L STYRENE ND ND l ND 1 ND ND ND UG/L CHLOROBENZENE ND ND ND ND ND ND UG/L METHYL TERTIARY BUTYL ETHE ND ND ND ND ND ND UG/L CHLOROETHANE I ND ND ND ND ND ND UG/L 1,2-DICHLOROPROPANE 1 ND I ND ND ND ND ND UG/L DIBROMOCHLOROMETHANE ND ND ND ND ND ND UG/L 1,1,2-TRICHLOROETHANE ND ND ND ND ND ND UG/L 2-CHLOROETHYLVINYL ETHER ND ND ND ND ND ND UG/L BROMODICHLOROMETHANE ND (ND ND ND ND ND UG/L BROMOFORM 1 ND ND ND ND ND ND UG/L mwdgwp-blank.doc• rev. 09/15/15 Monitoring Well Data for Groundwater Permit• Page 1 of 1 UUI 004 vUV 11 I SGOIIUI I'G I I VIOI+ I I- VI VVOV 1.41 RA IOI'11011,.G I I'JI0111 I CI II111 1,101111101.Ly Groundwater Permit E 1 IIIIIIIIIIIIIMIMIMIIIMIIIII MONITORING WELL DATA REPORT 2.Tax identification Number 12022 ANNUAL 3. Sampling Month&Frequency D. VOC Analysis Information • If VOCs are present, please indicate the amounts of the individual compounds in pg/I. • For"0", below detection limit, less than (<)value, or not detected, enter"ND" • NS = Not Sampled • DRY= Not enough water in well to sample. Parameter/Contaminant MW-4M MW-4S MW-5 MW-6 MW-8D MW-8S Units Well#: 1 Well#: 2 Well#:3 Well#:4 Well#: 5 Well#: 6 1,1,2,2-TETRACHLOROETHANE ND ND I ND ND ND ND UG/L CHLOROMETHANE ND ND ND ND ND ND UG/L BROMOMETHANE ND ND ND ND ND ND UG/L CARBONDISULFIDE ND ND ND ND ND ND UG/L 2-HEXANONE j ND ND ND ND ND ND UG/L ACROLEIN ND ND 1 ND ND ND ND UG/L ACRYLONITRILE ND ND ND ND ND ND UG/L TRANS-1,3-DICHLOROPROPENE 1 ND ND ND ND ND ND UG/L CIS-1,3-DICHLOROPROPENE 1 ND ND ND ND ND ND UG/L mwdgwp-blank.doc•rev. 09/15/15 Monitoring Well Data for Groundwater Permit• Page 1 of 1 )...tr„..7 ✓UI GQU VI I\GJVUI VGt1 I VIGVll VII - VPermit I VUI IU YYQ IGI ✓IJVI 101 G I I‘.1II QI11 1. U GI II IIL IYUI I IUGI Groundwaer • MONITORING WELL DATA REPORT 2.Tax identification Number 12022 JAN MONTHLY 3. Sampling Month&Frequency A. Facility Information Important:When filling out forms on 1. Facility name,address: the computer, use 'MAYFLOWER PLACE only the tab key to a.Name move your cursor- do not use the 1579 BUCK ISLAND ROAD return key. b.Street Address YARMOUTH MA 02673 c.City d.State e.Zip Code 2. Contact information: AmoLAll IMARK WEINBERGER a.Name of Facility Contact Person 2035574777 mweinberger@maplewoodsl.com b.Telephone Number c.e-mail address 3. Sampling information: 11/6/2022 IWHITEWATER a.Date Sampled(mm/dd/yyyy) b.Laboratory Name JAIME STEWART c.Analysis Performed By(Name) B. Form Selection 1. Please select Form Type and Sampling Month&Frequency Monitoring Well Data Report-2022 Jan Monthly r — All forms for submittal have been completed. 2. 1This is the last selection. 3. - Delete the selected form. gdpdls 2015-09-15.doc• rev. 09/15/15 Groundwater Permit Daily Log Sheet• Page 1 of 1 UUI COU VI I\GOVVI Vc I I Vtc6.NV1 I- SJI VI.AI 1UYYalc1 VIOla ICI I IVyl allI I. r GI II III.IYUI 111101 Groundwater Permit MONITORING WELL DATA REPORT 2•Tax identification Number Li ,,i 1 ;2022 JAN MONTHLY 3. Sampling Month&Frequency C. Contaminant Analysis Information • For"0", below detection limit, less than (<)value, or not detected, enter"ND" < • TNTC=too numerous to count. (Fecal results only) • NS= Not Sampled • DRY= Not enough water in well to sample. Parameter/Contaminant MW-1 MW-2 MW-3D MW-3M MW-3S MW-4D Units Well#: 1 Well#:2 Well#: 3 Well#:4 Well#:5 Well#: 6 PH 6.2 6.1 6.8 6.4 6.2 16.3 s.u. STATIC WATER LEVEL 8 2 11.2 ;.2 9.6 . 9.7 9.7 11.7 FEET SPECIFIC CONDUCTANCE 267 106 328 417 439 241 UMHOS/C mwdgwp-blank.doc•rev. 09/15/15 Monitoring Well Data for Groundwater Permit• Page 1 of 1 uUIGQU Vt I\OJVl11 NG I I VtGl+NVl I- VI LOU!IUVYQl01 1-JIJl..1101yG I I Vyl CU II I. 1011111111U1 l WV! Groundwater Permit MONITORING WELL DATA REPORT 2.Tax identification Number iimi,, ,, 12022 JAN MONTHLY 3. Sampling Month&Frequency C. Contaminant Analysis Information • For"0", below detection limit, less than (<)value,or not detected, enter"ND" < • TNTC=too numerous to count. (Fecal results only) • NS = Not Sampled • DRY= Not enough water in well to sample. Parameter/Contaminant MW-4M MW-4S MW-5 MW-6 MW-8D MW-8S Units Well#: 1 Well#:2 Well#: 3 Well#:4 Well#: 5 Well#:6 PH 6.4 6.2 5.5 6.2 16.6 16.5 r S.U. STATIC WATER LEVEL 11.7 11.7 10.2 7.9 12.9 11 FEET SPECIFIC CONDUCTANCE 1 187 ( 222 85 300 605 316 UMHOS/C mwdgwp-blank.doc•rev. 09/15/15 Monitoring Well Data for Groundwater Permit• Page 1 of 1 - uui cau WI I SCJcuI,..c I I vw'..uvII- vi vui iuvvaLCI viai.n101 I Ivy 0111 i. F G111111.11U1111./G1Groundwater Permit DAILY LOG SHEET IIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIM 2.Tax identification Number 12022 JAN DAILY 3.Sampling Month&Frequency A. Facility Information Important:When filling out forms on 1. Facility name,address: the computer, use MAYFLOWER PLACE only the tab key to a.Name move your cursor- do not use the 1579 BUCK ISLAND ROAD return key. b.Street Address w YARMOUTH IMA 02673 b c.City d.State e.Zip Code 2. Contact information: I FIFA]i MARK WEINBERGER a.Name of Facility Contact Person 2035574777 mweinberger@maplewoodsl.com b.Telephone Number c.e-mail address 3. Sampling information: 11/31/2022 WH ITEWATER a.Date Sampled(mm/dd/yyyy) b.Laboratory Name 'JAIME STEWART c.Analysis Performed By(Name) B. Form Selection 1. Please select Form Type and Sampling Month&Frequency Daily Log Sheet-2022 Jan Daily l — All forms for submittal have been completed. 2. - This is the last selection. 3. Delete the selected form. gdpdls 2015-09-15.doc• rev. 09/15/15 Groundwater Permit Daily Log Sheet•Page 1 of 1 IJUI GQU V1 I SGJVUI IUG I I VIGGIIVII- VI V1.11 IUVVQIGI V101,1101 C. I 1%.11 alll 1. r Gllllll IVUIIIVGI Groundwater PermitIIIIIIIIIIIIIOIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIMII 2. Tax identification Number DAILY LOG SHEET 12022 JAN DAILY 3. Sampling Month&Frequency C. Daily Readings/Analysis Information Date Effluent Reuse Irrigation Turbidity Influent pH Effluent Chlorine UV Flow GPD Flow GPD Flow GPD pH Residual Intensity (mg/I) (%) 1 7649 a r 2 7649 3 12140 ( 68 4 10944 ( _I=._- i 7.6 5 8325 7.2 -m 6 9113 `7.6 7 7776 7.6 8 7776 NMI 9 7776 111111 10 5665 IM 11 3647E 17.6 12 8819 i 7.1aii 13 14247 ' 7.2 ........__ 1410765 I 7.2 1 . 15 10765 16 10765 17 15287 7.2 18 9306IIIIIII 11 7.1 19 6075 I 7.4 20 122327.2 7-1 NM 21 8576 s 22 8576 11111111 23 8576 1 24 10359 7.6 1 25 9969 a 7.6 I 26 9028 E.-----1E-1 MI MIIII ri.-6 27 ° 10034 7.5 -i 28 8123 7.3 29 8123 1 30 8123 ._________I 31 118428 I 7.4 gdpols.doc•rev. 09/15/15 Groundwater Permit Daily Log Sheet•Page 1 of 1 L„ ✓U GCIU VI \OOVu1l.G 1 IVIG,.UV11- VI VIAIIIAVYGIIGI 1,10,-.1 IGIVG 1 1,./VI CU I I GInul I`Iuu1VG1 ne Groundwater Permit .,„ LDISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT 2.Tax identification Number ,2022 JAN MONTHLY 3. Sampling Month&Frequency A. Facility Information important:when filling out forms on 1. Facility name,address: the computer, use MAYFLOWER PLACE only the tab key to a.Name move your cursor do not use the 1579 BUCK ISLAND ROAD return key. b.Street Address r All YARMOUTH IMA 02673 c.City d.State e.Zip Code MINIMEL 2. Contact information: IMil MARK WEINBERGER a.Name of Facility Contact Person 2035574777 Imweinberger@maplewoodsl.com b.Telephone Number c.e-mail address 3. Sampling information: 11/25/2022 IRI ANALYTICAL a.Date Sampled(mm/dd/yyyy) b.Laboratory Name INICOLE SKYLESON c.Analysis Performed By(Name) B. Form Selection 1. Please select Form Type and Sampling Month&Frequency I Discharge Monitoring Report-2022 Jan Monthly J — All forms for submittal have been completed. 2. 1This is the last selection. 3. r Delete the selected form. gdpdls 2015-09-15.doc• rev. 09/15/15 Groundwater Permit Daily Log Sheet• Page 1 of 1 ✓UI GQU VI I\GJVUI,.,G I IVIGI,IIVI I- VI VUI IUYVQIGI ✓IJI,I101I I J 10111 I. f GIIIIIt IYUI II✓GI E �i Groundwater Permit LDISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT 2. Tax identification Number 2022 JAN MONTHLY 3. Sampling Month&Frequency D. Contaminant Analysis Information • For"0", below detection limit, less than (<)value, or not detected, enter"ND" • TNTC=too numerous to count. (Fecal results only) • NS = Not Sampled 1. Parameter/Contaminant 2.Influent 3.Effluent 4.Effluent Method Units Detection limit BOD 280 3.5 3.0 MG/L TSS 160 [7.0 2.0 MG/L TOTAL SOLIDS 520 MG/L AMMONIA-N 14 I MG/L NITRATE-N 7.7 0.050 MG/L TOTAL NITROGEN(NO3+NO2+TKN) 10.7 0.50 f MG/L OIL&GREASE 13.0 { 0.50 MG/L infeffrp-blank.doc•rev. 09/15/15 Groundwater Permit Discharge Monitoring Report• Page 1 of 1 4 I- .11 GQU V1 I\GJVUI VG I IVIG'.itlVl I- VI VUI 1UVVQLGI ✓IJV1 lffl l,.G 1 I%J I CII I I. I GIIIIIt I YUI11✓GI Groundwater Permit DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT 2.Tax identification Number 2022 QUARTERLY 1 I 3.Sampling Month&Frequency A. Facility Information Important:When filling out forms on 1. Facility name,address: the computer, use 'MAYFLOWER PLACE only the tab key to a.Name move your cursor- do not use the 1579 BUCK ISLAND ROAD return key. b.Street Address YARMOUTH MA 102673 ifill � c.City d.State e.Zip Code Contact information: IiIMARK WEINBERGER a.Name of Facility Contact Person [2035574777 mweinberger@maplewoodsl.com b.Telephone Number c.e-mail address 3. Sampling information: 11/25/2022 IRI ANALYTICAL a.Date Sampled(mm/dd/yyyy) b.Laboratory Name 'NICOLE SKYLESON c.Analysis Performed By(Name) B. Form Selection 1. Please select Form Type and Sampling Month&Frequency lDischarge Monitoring Report-2022 Quarterly 1 r All forms for submittal have been completed. 2. iThis is the last selection. 3. CDelete the selected form. gdpdls 2015-09-15.doc• rev. 09/15/15 Groundwater Permit Daily Log Sheet•Page 1 of 1 ✓41 Gq4 1./1 I\GJV4I VG I I VLGGIII/1 I VIV4114 VYglGI 1-IIJV111:41 .G I IVl.�l alll 1. 1 Gllllll 1,141114G!Groundwater Permit Ls 2.Tax identification Number DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT 12022 QUARTERLY 1 3. Sampling Month&Frequency D. Contaminant Analysis Information • For°011, below detection limit, less than (<)value, or not detected, enter"ND" • TNTC=too numerous to count. (Fecal results only) • NS = Not Sampled 1. Parameter/Contaminant 2.Influent 3.Effluent 4.Effluent Method Units Detection limit TOTAL PHOSPHORUS AS P 4.9 0.010 MG/L ORTHO PHOSPHATE 4.6 0.020 MG/L infeffrp-blank.doc•rev. 09/15/15 Groundwater Permit Discharge Monitoring Report• Page 1 of 1 1-01.II000 UI I SGJUUI I.rG I I U1.GV4.IVI I - V1 VUI IUVVG16G1 ✓IJUI 101\J.G I I'J jI 0111 I. f GI IIIA IYUI IIUGI iT Groundwater Permit IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Tax identification Number DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT 12022 ANNUAL 3.Sampling Month&Frequency A. Facility Information Important:When filling out forms on 1. Facility name,address: the computer, use !MAYFLOWER PLACE only the tab key to a.Name move your cursor- do not use the 1579 BUCK ISLAND ROAD return key. b.Street Address N !YARMOUTH MA 102673 t� c.City d.State e.Zip Code 1 2. Contact information: ir41il !MARK WEINBERGER a.Name of Facility Contact Person 2035574777 mweinberger@maplewoodsl.com b.Telephone Number c.e-mail address 3. Sampling information: 11/25/2022 IRI ANALYTICAL a.Date Sampled(mm/dd/yyyy) b.Laboratory Name 'NICOLE SKYLESON c.Analysis Performed By(Name) B. Form Selection 1. Please select Form Type and Sampling Month&Frequency Discharge Monitoring Report-2022 Annual I- - All forms for submittal have been completed. 2. - This is the last selection. 3. - Delete the selected form. gdpdls 2015-09-15.doc• rev. 09/15/15 Groundwater Permit Daily Log Sheet• Page 1 of 1 1-$UI00I.A VI I SGOVUI VG I I VIGVLIVI I - V1 VI.I114YY0LGI 1-,1J1,I IOU 3C I I Vl,.l all l I. L GI II III.1,14111.101 Li Groundwater Permit -... DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT 2.Tax identification Number 2022 ANNUAL 3. Sampling Month& Frequency E. VOC Analysis Information • If VOCs are present, please indicate the amounts of the individual compounds in pg/I. • For"0", below detection limit, less than (<)value, or not detected, enter"ND11 • NS = Not Sampled 1. Parameter/Contaminant 2.Influent 3.Effluent 4.Effluent Method Units Detection limit ACETONE ND 10 UG/L BENZENE ND 11.0 UG/L 1,1 DICHLOROETHANE ND 1.0 UG/L 1,2 DICHLOROETHANE ND 1.0 UG/L 1,1 DICHLOROETHYLENE ND 1.0 UG/L CIS-1,2-DICHLOROETHYLENE ND 1.0 UG/L TRANS 1,2 DICHLOROETHYLENE IND 1.0 UG/L ETHYL BENZENE ND 1.0 UG/L METHYLENECHLORIDE I ND I 1.0 UG/L TOLUENE ND 1.0 UG/L O-XYLENE ND 1.0 UG/L P/M XYLENE ND 1.0 UG/L CARBON TETRACHLORIDE ND 1.0 UG/L CHLOROFORM ND 1.0 UG/L 2-BUTANONE(MEK) ND 1.0 UG/L infeffrp-blank.doc•rev. 09/15/15 Groundwater Permit Discharge Monitoring Report• Page 1 of 1 ° ta 1.41.11dI COU VI I\GJVUI VG I IVI.GVLIPermitVI I- VI VUI IUVYQIGI VIJVI lot G I I VI,.I Q111 I. f CIIIIII IVUIIIVGI Grounwater DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT 2.Tax identification Number !2022 ANNUAL 3. Sampling Month&Frequency E. VOC Analysis Information • If VOCs are present, please indicate the amounts of the individual compounds in pg/I. • For"0", below detection limit, less than (<)value,or not detected, enter"ND" • NS = Not Sampled 1. Parameter/Contaminant 2.Influent 3.Effluent 4.Effluent Method Units Detection limit 4-METHYL-2-PENTANONE(MIRK) I ND 1.0 UG/L TRICHLOROETHYLENE ND _ I 1.0 UG/L TETRACHLOROETHYLENE jND 1.0 UG/L 1,1,1 TRICHLOROETHANE ND 1.0 UG/L VINYLCHLORIDE 1 ND I 0.40 UG/L STYRENE ND 1.0 UG/L CHLOROBENZENE ND 1.0 UG/L METHYL TERTIARY BUTYL ETHER ND 1.0 UG/L CHLOROETHANE ND 1.0 UG/L 1,2-DICHLOROPROPANE ND 11.0 UG/L DIBROMOCHLOROMETHANE ND 1.0 UG/L 1,1,2-TRICHLOROETHANE ND 1.0 UG/L 2-CHLOROETHYLVINYL ETHER ND 1.0 UG/L BROMODICHLOROMETHANE j ND ( 1.0 UG/L BROMOFORM ND I 1.0 UG/L infeffrp-blank.doc•rev. 09/15/15 Groundwater Permit Discharge Monitoring Report• Page 1 of 1 UUI GOU VI I%GJVUI I,G I I VIG1/4ellV1 I - VI Vl111UIIVOIGI 1-.•IJls1101lJ.G I IVI I CII lli IL I. U Glll111 IVUIIIVGI Groundwater PermitIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 2.Tax identification Number DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT '2022 ANNUAL 3. Sampling Month&Frequency E. VOC Analysis Information • If VOCs are present, please indicate the amounts of the individual compounds in pg/I. • For"0", below detection limit, less than (<)value, or not detected, enter"ND" • NS = Not Sampled 1. Parameter/Contaminant 2.Influent 3.Effluent 4.Effluent Method Units Detection limit 1,1,2,2-TETRACHLOROETHANE ND 1.0 UG/L CHLOROMETHANE ND 11.0 UG/L BROMOMETHANE ND 1.0 UG/L CARBONDISULFIDE ND 1.0 UG/L 2-HEXANONE ND 1.0 UG/L ACROLEIN ND 1.0 UG/L ACRYLONITRILE !ND 1.0 UG/L TRANS-I,3-DICHLOROPROPENE ND 1.0 UG/L CIS-1,3-DICHLOROPROPENE ND 11.0 UG/L infeffrp-blank.doc•rev. 09/15/15 Groundwater Permit Discharge Monitoring Report• Page 1 of 1 LJUI Gau VI I NUJVUI t.O I I - V1 Vul IUVVaIGI VWl.l ICU VG I I‘,./W allI I. f 0111111 IYUIIIVGI Groundwater Permit 2.Tax identification Number Facility Information Important:When MAYFLOWER PLACE filling out forms on a.Name the computer, use only the tab key to 1579 BUCK ISLAND ROAD move your cursor- b.Street Address do not use the 'YARMOUTH IMA 102673 return key. c.City d.State e.Zip Code Vreit Certification "I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. pBased on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system,or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information,the information submitted is,to the best of my knowledge and belief,true,accurate and complete.I am aware that the are significant penalties for submitting false information,including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations." .ELIZABETH BELAIR 2/18/2022 Any person signing a.Signature b.Date(mm/dd/yyyy) a document under 314 CMR 5.14(1)or (2) shall make the Reporting Package Comments following PLANT DID NOT MEET ALL DISCHARGE PERMIT REQUIREMENTS FOR JANUARY 2022. certification TN=10.7 PUMPED 1,800 GALLONS FROM CLEARWELL. If you are filing electronic-ally and want to attach additional comments, select the check box. gdpdls 2015-09-15.doc• rev. 09/15/15 Groundwater Permit•Page 1 of 1