HomeMy WebLinkAbout4915 Link Letter of Concern 041422 REC'D TOO LATE FOR 041422 MEETINGYarmouth Board of Appeals Re: 147 and 153 Route 5A. Board Members: R c V D APR 14 202 YARMoT ri;-goano or ipp'Eers My name is Judith Link and I reside at 18 N. Sandyside Lane in Yarmouth Port with my husband Mark. I want to start by stating that we support development of the downtown area. At the same time, development should not come at the cost of the surrounding residences. Building codes serve an important purpose and should be respected. I would also like to revisit some of the discussion at the last hearing that occurred on September 9,2027. At that hearing, a board member asked the petitioners if they had spoken to town officials about expanding the existing building and they responded they were turned down. After following up with Old King's Highway, I learned that the petitioners did in fact seek approval to expand the building and the approval was granted. lncluded in your packet (see pages l through 3) is the application and related approval for a 28- foot by 35-foot addition. Cleary, they have gotten the approval to proceed with expanding the current structure and this is a viable alternative. I would now like to address the petitioner's request to add a barn to the vacant lot. We are not opposed to adding a barn but there is no reason the structure needs to expand beyond the current zoning requirements. The requests to expand beyond the current setbacks is significant, creating a building too large for the space. Further, the notion that the main floor will be used for a kitchen so close to a residential area is highly concerning. While the petitioners have said they have plans to use the kitchen for only baking and preparing soups, there is nothing to stop them or a subsequent owner from using the kitchen for any purpose. We strongly encourage the board to limit the barn for only residential or storage use. This is not without precedent. Just down the street, the Lighthouse Keeper's Pantry which occupies the former Happy Fish Bakery also has a barn behind the store. A prior owner of the barn sought the Board's approval to replace a deteriorating structure with a new barn. The Board of Appeals, in making its decision about that barn, factored in the issues raised by abutters and allowed a barn to be constructed based on various conditions. Please see pages 4 and 5 for a copy of the Board's decision. The salient parameters in their decision were as follows: 1. The new building could only be used for storage. 2. Additional planting and a fence needed to be constructed to provide a visual screen from the adjoining residential lot. 3. No habitable space was allowed in the building. 4. The business hours of operations had to end by 5:00 PM. There is another similar property just down the street from the petitioner. The property at 169 Main Street consists of a store front building near the road with a barn or carriage house behind it. ln a similar request, the owner of the property sought to allow the barn to be usedfora law office. The Boa rd of Appea ls granted a pprova I butplaced strict restrictions on the building. Please see page 6 and 7. The building could only house one full-time attorney and one other full-time employee (plus otherwise allowable customers and invitees). Clearly, the Board of Appeals considered the impact that additional retail traffic would negatively impact surrounding residents. We encourage the Board of Appeals to follow in a similar manner. There is no reason the petitioner cannot use the second floor of the existing building or the expansion of that building for a kitchen. Lastly, we firmly believe the approval of the proposed size of the barn and its use for a kitchen will negatively impact our property value. That is not just our belief but also that of local realtors. I have enclosed letters from three local realtors (please see pages 8 through 10) who have viewed our property and the petitioners' plan and all have concluded such plan would negatively impact the value of our home. ln summary, 1. They have the approval to proceed with expanding the current building to meet their needs. 2. The use of a barn for a kitchen is problematic and should be restricted. 3. The proposal has negative consdquences for the abutting home va lue. Sincerely, J udith Link Mark Link OLD KING'S HIGHYVAY HISTORIC OISTRICT COMiIITTEE . : APPL|CANON FOR CERTIFICAT€ OF APPROPRIATENESS Elr=!lll-s!i!!!!rii:_D_f1i!!r ". r::. -rr-:: .r,.: '-i:-.- /=- - <.:.),-f1-.- .:' t--,:, - i-:. f--1- -2t; Ut .t t'+ :: x:.:. ;'-; r-i- s1 -- r-t:': '- 'r1!'" ..'. L-<rLj/-'-4+ - :j '.- --!? ----- --; - -t ;' . i -"i- -: li-l:: - . 1 ...'' 3 ;i:tu * APR 14 2022 ysBlttourH-eoano d'i"idEears F.l. \L T.E cEiVE D ' i--< ;t- 6Jn /- pj-' +--; n |l 7-t; -r-kz- i'.'-:-.. i-?-''12 Bir- .1 . 2l**Aa; ,,irt .*+'.aaoy '--'^ tJ r€.':i;.T:vla4l; '-+a- .a tz. !4-fJ>84 ?1A9GlAV41A')''--ir''-- \ tlz- :/-i:-.a /.1 -.* av)Lt O'4L,4n<4^jt'-3\ 41- (r' .i: ,"--.a' - ', -/* -,^; ,'t-; |- j^-,L!' ,-c.1p'll:'- .lr j=Vt L'tZ L;- !"- crA NLmb.'. ;qJLl)!u Addrlss: d-i -: *t:: t- l' . ', F - +'!tL) * ^s, ".' ' -2' \i- -f ':-. . . -.- ,-,9=t i. Iri.= y. ,- _--.-4-'-l.-(. -.r l+-": t aqree m tna i'oo'i cohuitSris ahl-ctringii -lo trr ccniicaie of ApproPlr-tlnrs.: . | )' aA Lra r-O-nh n<y45-E.1:<-) ni2cKti 6-+O Lt {-,s q *1fr . O{ -\ lo''J}\14-r{.-frJ't4-, F^1- o.*, ,,al.Z:1rtoe ii _2 RETOVATIoN,:ADDTNON RETA]I 'IOEt53 ROnrE 64 No ?"sc 3 ,l' FILED II'ITII TO1VN CLER& PETmON NO: tJ740 n1827 ntN, RECcrutD' llE^ruir--C DATt: PETITIOJDN: PNOPERTY: MEx![DEns PRESEIiT AND rio NG: Ihrid R?i.I. Ctrl'm.n, Jo..oh s'llrodq, Di'lt. nt!!do{rk, }rE t no&nto!, Robcrr R.Gd. h lFEtidg Odr mth. ott i! lE ri.g t63 ba e,itEn !y sttldire Eoltc. tLttof to th" IPtil;ffi ug'i! rtqi qr.c! ofror.(ty d..;n b, Gc B.!.d to tc d&acd ttatbv, rd lo l,t pubtb b, poaiq mtire of rh hrirr ltrd gublilh.d in Thc R.8br6' l.h. b6ft8 r}! orxrJ ord hcld q thc dstc *icd alov.. Tbc odilioocr =15 a Srcid P6iit !q b:dtw StO4J.2{r, or b Lk sk6turi!'G r vgitrq h onLi o be rruir"d to co.dftd ! &t!ch.d tlJrl' rEphcinS, hra pre-ailiB mrr<abrdng lt()c.story s'rclllta Ttr qortr. ir li*cd wilhh Or Bl BrE, od tbc soslh dirc otl(oEt. 5A. Yarr$rlhPorl Tb *r. i-irai zo.s90 iqu.rE i..t of uE1 k ts i:nF.o!'!d $*h ! FilciPol *!cln', btttit8 tb' ,.tilirs'! b'!nr6, ito"U fr* otsig (r 6rr:eurc ard i!6io. dccotitirB hsir.tt) 'd r i.r"a fo..rrrrort- ltc ric rlo courier r grrgs Ed relht outhiuitE qtcd for lorog! of tIE blrdc;'3 rt:ydEtf6c. Boti lc.tsory boidilE, !! i'l For Fb'lid Eotdition' d both !t" vtry clo!. to UE silc'! dctt sidc liic (l -4' ud 2t' .t*cdntb). fll FtitbrE propo*t to d@EL tlEa ciiritg lco.slolw hEldlrE+ ltd lo ool*rlEt :t G.r t rn lor.Be terldr4. Tha rr- hddeg vpdd tr loerod b $G rE of tt lol. Tlr fi6!i Fcpolll cdb fo, Urc brifCira !o ttl.a'llE 2{ x 36' sd 1o bc 16' tro|F !E alr.rly lot lbc ed 17 iiorn ot *acrty br era Tic b'itding Ydt oritiE[Y Fo!'o{'d ro bc r'ldiltttuy l"96' bor 1h' ES.C r,rc rltird h E?or* to isE3 itcd by tlE BoilditB Corrairrhs rd rhntgs' th: popo,-d baildh6 rr dovar ou the &rd ritc pb, (t!ti'd dlEo8h 06/06m) 4 th. [-l rtltita'qrt Ore*tE!-C*!d Mry ,, affl2 arn illtirlil ty $E Bocs, oo .tts 7. 2m4. *ouH be lrad lo tlstc fitrnilcE !E d r.k!.d frcltE- No mlEhaorilg or t+wne rodl hc ptr'&T rd b dP.S I DECTSIOS R E c E V E D APR 14 m22 BOARD OI APPEALS Junc 13, Rob..t F & Judi3t CoEia.r, dbr E!r(h Tr('c D.thq tB Rolt 6.L YrlDorlhPo lrlep:12! Prrt<t I20, (l0UA9 riqDhr.id: Bl -t. eG hlgdq (dct.f.! tt. orE t ircihol @!d sgeno ofs.q-'se hr d?h,rd rb! t{o o{c !E tS& at! .rc F o!.d. Tic Hdnt rfofi t d nLf, for@yro.{c 6( rlE bir.!, tidr L E &Git B ?b Etfiao.! r.lE rEc prld .l tI- biE d bd d *nL lb FrlilE Hofl ilE frrlki!. rl !crE, h €&artd wnn rb r!*.!L Tlc ,lPH hi&f 'I tc Ert fit'rk.uar lilrn th h lb i!.o t!. &!c aflcturG. h les t.nrrdrrd in i- b orrlct to t!!a f, &s b8lErotbL llr Ltl! bai! d6ri rl tc rtr, Edog thc c*knid rhrlrr!, tirtlh rE 6! !.tlub rrts.r oalt (.nd Elt h frd bc ibc &o!t). Al ltc lliBErt of tIE 6Ent sirg a.?dhd, .ddtbEl c!i. d.rh!s. 6.ei.r t E b.!rt lrotH. 1.'lrb t rll Bx, rs tF ffi drai8lf. e&td b.&.q Vrrirn .!{diioE v*rr is*ircil dL lLc p.d6otr , in ldilirdir! of. pcairt rtb!. Th '!{orty oflb lord Eer &n ih b !!opo€|. rr EEfiGd rld .olr'Elirn J, lErr th rduiqnr* ofthc hdlw llc aghccntnt tulfra wi! t h.r ioo..otrforilitE bciB losd.d urct &tdE frorr 0E iot li8 rd E cb* to roB&ttni.8 B .tlrrE$bl f.rliDlc br th tic. Thc t!!Lc@rn hIdir8 u,il rll iG $td.r{i{I, ffrc d.tirE lid ro rt rritlGo,trood- It ri[ [,r rta llt pirirl ru or boiE s lcdrrit. lt rt.y isl h kg.! dl[t4{lE !o lrd for! tb dtq h, !.rlrEE sin .# i!$!aq oftiF ritEc 0!s, ri[ Dt ic.d to tt!! l to .d eoEr ltrcir atrtrlt oE lits bcrtirG- Th ilrItic flot co.lt,oB, rr, tE rgDvJ ofGa gltsE, E dlo ilpfovl aiala&]r or tbc:iE- Sora !FSr.d.s iE 6. !.!t!f!$o^ oi ttE tlrlr< fton| thett.ilrra ri! bc rocoqllhd. fMlq ! rrDth! *! r& b Mlr Mglioorii, modcd by f'&. Itor" to gr?fi t-b SIEddnrl'i lo r@ rd t! l* th bgrldio8r, .s rt$tnrt, r-r rrn1l/n i^ tli fud plorE, on (l,e 68ori6 conr&iro* l. Tb r* h fog *a[ bc llcd for norlcc oDt, !s !Eo?o..4 .nd E ]€rrdoi. nrdetnbC.0 t Flrtlc4 2, AE ddl h prDriH rr rbl,rt g! rL pb!. 3. Sndt/&r lhrrlsJhU tc hsdH h rhG i.r,hildiry. 4. rvdnfoo.t 9tslthS .rd i f€i.r ltdl fc iicii.d i! dr .!E d, tultr to drat, J.rrcn dE leliE lot Eo|,r rlc ldiqirdrts Eddclrid lo! 5- lll FrfnE ffi {Ell tc Bt hs atEr lO ioln rtr..rsly hr tiE, 6 Tt rEr lE:Ei'B dli loi @uch ory dor*sri ii*r !+d, orhfirrpbE fa. 7. No lat'h*& rF.c $rX bc Foeikd or lttouEd in th trr, bclfr{, 8. Tb hsie'r ho{nr ofoF.dbn $dt Ed by JJ0!},(- .?. .5e i? ToWN OFYARNTOUTH BOARIT OF APPEALS * c & \9 dlt \ FILED NITH TO\TN CLERI(: ?ETITION O: Af,ARIIIG DAT& PETITIO EA! PBOPERTYT rr35t I.lov.dd R..b.st G. Co*o. DDS & J.!c ltf CorEo 169 M.in Sut q Y.nnou& Pott !'lA Itl4: I0r PrrE l, A-6 IIEMEERS OF TBE BOAnD PREIIENT At{D VOTEiG: D'vid R"4 Chrt,tn'4 Lrr Crtufb.ll, Jlslt iob.ttioo, Joh! Richrrdd ,oa.ei S!flo*, Tkc octition'ws Dftialtad to tha Boatd b, Dr. Robgr Corra Thc Fl'rircs coctil of rn ;;J;rA 2l--oob *r"" f&r lol iu rhc B-l (Lirit.d Busio"s) r'oc' Tb' litc is isp'qrcd with ;G-fr# rJit*iii boilling mw hdEbrg bo.h bsin cr rnd tcid'adrl urc5. tnd ' 'c'rd'tc Ht-,!iia..-ti,l""g Th. lilth.s bc.d Or-$bi!.r of gior rdief &orn rbc Bo"4 TTt r9crrtttv ^ Fro- fl loe tNd,3 taD $#cf is hcorp6.r.d tutin ty rif,aarcc fot purpoccr of lhc lirc r,d urc hisory .trd tcd<grouJ. TtE dirinaa tDu, rado pqEi$idt to co.w!fl lha uB ofdE C{i'8! Hou" torn il' ldor Btil t!!c (r-'*ndi ; i t.cl l d&. (o-2) us.. Tb. u.. ir troetd h lh' ,-dctlying zorc' hr bcreu* thc ti"* ii.r* irffi" d'Lriruv rrc'coofoaire .!d iegre rh ril. inp<oltrlurts{pr*ing "O UE r *.1r. ,*t*or.irg'lad dE cJDi.cl of Ddgr trli'{, I tp"irl9"fin rtd v.'irncc "l s...lghr fot fi! Fopo..d *orgc of U.lc. Tie pdiri@at D6o?o!.. !o trrrlt ti aLrratio!. of lt' CrttirSt Hol,lc for llk idcrtd'd ur! Tht ;;fr1-;d;;6"wlrE!! tlEr thc Fir rHral usr' hoi{cd, tllc rcw ulc Yill Dor bG !'atonsl t" ;;;. il-;6*;u bc limit.d ro ooc 6ru-&nc tronrcv urd onc aplovrc iry$'v r}it ;;il,h i;; ilr' ;, nct bc $hd.rid.xv .trorc rlcrircad ro rtc.rrigtrbortnod ora *rs ir e o"rbr urc- mr will ir irarc t!! lorcfift,mitg ttllurc of tic hddiB TItc Pdor d"iion of *c ilorl (*i roz) pwiOcc for rf,c rvriletiity ofddtioc.t Ps*b$ rhftId tbc t!"d lri!. A.csdl{r,.Idotim urt rDdc W It Robqtofl, tocoid'd W Mr' Ricbad!'ro GrT.,t"t ipccirt i-..ri-tgi6.i.tla.L,tt.ttrg;ofltr.rlqtldo4too'2(Lr$lo6cr)ontlEcoddhk'ndul(I)il';;;;'k"i f"t tl* crnigc xoosc ilc rerri.i'd to inEbd' o'lv o" tuI-tittc 'ttorncv !'id ;;;ttunG-dht; 6n" it ult .Ir".lt. "-""-' td irrh'6)' "d (2) tb'r rh' otlEr i** J .".ai i""i .ithc;dot d.cisiotr (a,3 toz) tdndr h rF"t rxclF '5 ir?nrlly iEdificd APR 14 2022 -YARMOUTHeoaiD or aPPeers Q.E' f, necetvlo FEIDlddo.t Alocd cJ35t - H..thBDdc I lA'U96 r*. mun c, cora .nt ,.tE rllcoE o krby. fhDosd vd.d ulrlliDady h i!d' ofdit lt/iotixl A t .od '*oiiot rlE3 EdG h },t- nat. co.t' sdad ly !'t CqUd' io Lqty Y'if''!'l!gud4! ii..iJfriltilamtliltt*rstr:t!6htcpaitic ltrllloafttEirdd blh tlE ,ddi;;r;d 6ffiy, sivqtd!.mhc.irhF li4 d'Dad b FoFd (E Prtd lbt-*r,io"iEi*lref .ra -'dr.tqr.r a drwai! d *'totFovrt*rE L Frpo"d rtc i"-lta: ""r.1 ,otitAv b nlltr ddir ftrotin TbG SptaLl Dsrfi it tlEtft.t Gtdcd. Ttc VtrittE ir tha.!6tt DEicd. Aaocdr Eom tlis d!e!i@ $d bG ddc FEBr!fi m o{tA $U !o!t rEtli bG fl'd sili' 20 dtyr lftcr r# ffoe ofdi& !Dli!./d.d!ioa qiih ri. Tor"E O'rt- P.P T A EE4 Cape EEAL E5 TAT E frcrotEr 6, 20? I lr ii Ey Er&Runditlg th{ tlc Tr,nir8 B@d of A!?C.ls E ta,ic!.'i!8 a ph for tlte &vdeo€rrl of lors t47 rrd 153 oo Rourc 6c- I hw€ t!vigi.'!d rh. pla srboti$rd for d.vcbfrrtt:nt- I haw bca ttr Top Rcal Esrdc Agc a ERA @ Rr.l i.seE for li.18 ffi.cn yc{r, Dy cac{mtino bciag ia thc midc+e ttr- $uirirlly, hcnts dra lc a *uh<ntirl srcut of privr4v hat a dimiaishod valoc rtaiking in r arhr*ldd lower sclling price. Thr sbccr sia ofthc bam. irs fodprim (trhich significaltv a(ccc& cl'rtnt allotrlblc sctbqcls) ard in'rcioa of privry of ahe Lir*'s prcpctty will rneke drir home end othct rtsidcntirl popcaics rbrcing 6c ArcDos.d ptar L*s dcirebh ro furu$ boycB Plcrse cUlsidcr dl r+cc'ts of la,frd iDFst dc dcrrdopDcs ofthis plso t*'ill b!vc. Rc*cdfirlly. $*a"1, t|w*' Sussr ,. Ddn, l:RA Crpc Rc.l tsrt! 7OO Rcfie 64. DennB. MA 02638 O.1iCe: 50E.385-4400 srr.GlpGcodERA.cqr P.s tr Y5Eoa{l Zo.ia8 B€rd Yrftlqrh To*r Olft. Sodh Yllrsrni - Itrt {D6?i RE; VdLgc Bsiur tr Rcridcdrl l'o lltrlrn n fu{er (i,rli.rn: t lt5,c viccd ll-t t{ Jdy l.ir*s hqE c t! NdD Sr4/sidc Lc od tu UE vla of..il lrri. r| h. r6y &CmG in todry's trltt l I rlo hlc prvi*dy rrl! tss oda loc of €le ir dr cigl$odood llEkirlt|.it E pLr rlorirE lll.rd 153 Potlc 6 A ri& &cn i*cr* hriu rddcd tqlroonr I H iI l,odd t erdy d.niod lo lr. [i*] rEsildrial b(e.I toDc lDir ldF lic boqlo ofc a f& rdirg rbcniG i! Ild, !aLr. P-s t T DAY toldr,t Ol Yo,nE n Bofit Ot4p.* Ocrooc a. @I orqBcqd dAP9ad r(cfio..r: I ho[t rd'Errti, fE pl, ra.tfflcd t6ltE.t6lcbp.rE |l d 9orEdr l4t qd 153 doag ScrJL ao q|d horre obo v.okld tE p.Aaly o.nad by lrdfh Li* d 16 t{ Sdr#do LoiE. Gfircn the Foiirt}, ol llE til(r tidlE to tu Frlpoc.d bq.n I b..6,a fha dn alE rf,rt o{ f. fF..iy 6 f:ed $l naocfi'raly irT!6at ttra vdJ. o, ib tErEorrlr/r fPlrt. DE o\,sflL of li. lira xrbods ro. i.a boi ir s,Ott(t$d g{ $d gqrktg rB/fihtqri gi.6y to rh. tin&f p.Ep..ty. Jgrl crrry rtd.rcitg lha nrartat rd,. oa ftat rilpar+y- w. d bala,. d B rrFdtorn ftd rla bui'rc6.t dorlg ?l Yqfiqrlh E &r corridc dG lfvan t re oppdlrrfty t'o daraloD. bd ,rot ol tha dt*trsil ot ltE hofteo.ryE o&rffi.{ fh6a gggqrill PLora rata ttir iolo condrtolirr ot ttE bOOd rolEd rE C rCqr6l! "ld{dtrg tE C(rOCl bcrortca te'txns' bJ*!G! dovobg.rErn qrd l'E hle0l6yot tha r|Cighbo.r ' i,OOCrli.6 $orXO bc tni girth h thi rrion6. Sincarrry, Glerm tu{fih Poolld, to&y fu<i grrota q Joi?a i€