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22-A070 26 Musket Lane Approved
RECEIVED MAY 2 5 2.022 YARMOUF h TOWN OF YARMOUTH 1146 ROUTE 28, SOUTH YARMOUTH. MA 02564-4451 Telephone (508) 398-2231 Ext. 1292 --Fax (5D6) 398-0836 ING'S HIGHWAY HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMITTEE APPLICATION FOR CERTIFICATE OF APPROPRIATENESS AppiiptOn 1$ tWeby.made for issuance of a Certificate of Appropriateness under Section 6 of Chapter 470 Acts of 1973 as amended, for PMPOS$d work as described below & on plans, drawings photographs, & other supplemental info accompanying this Whcetsttrr PLEASE SUHMtT 4_ Cap,Ies OF SPEC SHEET(S), ELEVATIONS PHOTOS, & SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION. C ecfc Alf CategodeV711hat A i indican typet of Building: Camrnerci Residential 1) Exterior Build'rt Construction: New Building Addition Iterations Hereof ,Garage ,,Shed Solar P els Other 2) Exienor Painting Siding Shutters Moors rias nOkher '} Fes' 3) Signsli3itiboards: ,D Ne Sin Change to xi ting Sign 4) Miscellaneous Structures: LjFence Wall LFfagpole ,pool 001her, Please type or print legibly: r`7 - J Address of proposed work: . = / MaplLot # owner(s): I '^A e 1':` Phone #,�C 'zl All appliC2tions must be submitted by owner or accompan led by fetter from owner appraving submittal of application. Meiling address � pplYear buiiE` � Email-. IM \'P Oa-�Z ' C " "'�^-1 preferred notification method: Phone Email Agent/Lonttactor d � Phone #i5 MailingAddress t' k rnj'�GnLi1�Jl Cn.� - ir� 2, Email 'e v "V"V% 1 retarred notification method. phone Email ©escrlati n of Pr posed Wor 223 z Z Signed (Owner or agent) Date y ovmerlcontractorlagent is awo hat a permit is required from the Building Department (Check other departments. also ) if application is approved, appy vat is subfed to a 10,day appeal period requ€red by the Act y This certificate is good for one year from approval date or upon date at expiration of Buitdrng Permit" whichever dale shalt be tater All neer construction will be subject to inspedion oy OKH. 0KH-approved plans MUST be available on-site for framing A final inspeclions. Approved Revd hate�rrO� I Reason for Denial, Amount_ _--'T'1D CasWK p "b Signed 45 Days: Date Signed. 6 11-3zZ Z. Approved with _Madtfications Y. 13 2022 APPLlCA710N # �f/7p TOWN OF YARMOUTH µ x OLD KING'S HIGHWAY HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMITTEE 1 146 ROUTE 28, SOUTH YARMOUTH, MASSACHUSETTS 02664-4451 Telephone (508) 398-2231 Ext. 1292 Fax (508) 398-0836 STATEMENT OF UNDERSTANDING CHANGES TO AN OLD KING'S HIGHWAY APPROVED PLAN As property owner/contractor/agent for construction at 2t, MU 0*- L,aIn _ Map/Lot CIA # 29-- Jtj] (2 Approval Date:U1 � I certify that I understand the following requirements regarding any changes that may be required for this project: In accordance with paragraph 2(a) of section 1.03(General Procedures) of the OKH 972 CMR Rules and Regulations: Only minor changes may be approved by the Committee without the filing of a new application and a new hearing. Minor changes include alterations that can be done without a detrimental impact on the overall appearance of the project such as altering a single window or door change or a minor change of colors. All minor changes by amendment will require the local Committee's or its designee's approval. All changes to previously OKH approved plans require notification to and approval from the local OKH Committee. Change requests must be submitted to the Committee in writing on the appropriate request form, which may be obtained from the OKH office. All change approvals must be obtained before incorporating the change into the project. If the change has been implemented prior to receipt of OKH approval, a Minor Change approval or Certificate of Appropriateness application for the revised plans is still required and will result in a doubled filing fee for the appropriate category of work. Failure to comply with the above statements will result in the Building Department issuing a stop -work order or delaying issuance of an Occupancy Permit or final inspection approval. have read and understand the above statements. Date: 13 Signed: (Ow r/Contractor/Agent) APPROVE® Signed: JUN 13 2022 (Chairman, Old ing's Highway Committee) YARMOUTH HAOKH COMMITTEEIApplicalion Forms\Statement nt Understanding 2015-docx Updated 12!2015 RECEIVED GENERAL SPECIFICATION SHEET MAY 2 5 2022 Project Address; YHRIvIUIJ l l i L INV HIGHWAY FOUNDATION: Ma#erial.'•" " ,,; Exposure (Plot to exceed i8'j: �. ��---'r - "; n� CHIMNEY: Mater$at/Cotar .' —GUTTERS: Materiayeofdr ROOF: Material a "� .....Patch (7/7 ruin}He#ght to Ridge,- - S1DING: Matariailstyle Front, _. � SideslRear; "f COLOR _CHIPS Color Fronk Sides/Reas TRIM.. All Windom & doors til be trimmed ith- 9x 9x5 Circle one) /Z/� ._ rl G '1 � Material. IL �� L CQ olor DOORS- Qty � Material is l't•ofor A-4 e�.F styletSize tit not E,s#acflshown an eisvations)• T STORM DOORS. Qty t Material, Collar ' { GARAGE DOORS: Qty: Ma#'I /�` Style � �; _'r�'` Color: WINDOWS:! ld :}:f=ront Lett: Right „ Rear CoEor; hllanutar ireriSeries 4 '� • `iJ "� MIterial Gales 1Requi4ed Pi�Between (8f6. 211, etc) ti &nentyly� ne. True Divided t lie: Snap-ln' _ Glass- t Applied =Fxlerior Interior STORM WINDOWS -Qi ty: o Material olar /� SFli1TTEiiS: Matt __ �+ C �� Style Paneled Louvete Colorew i t SKYLIGHTS: Qty ^ Fixed Vented —j— Size � � Calor- DECK: Size, / ' Decking Mat'l` _ `. i Color Railing Mat'I f!Y� f _.� style Tf t Color. WALLSIFENCES` fM2X 6hpJght): Height Mat'l ' -'h Style I — Calor ar , y. (Show running footage & location on plot plan) 'Finished side of fence mast face out from fenced in area UTILITY MIs"TERSIHVAC UNITS: Location: Screening — LfGHT.S:Oty Style Color: Locatian�s) LIGHT POSTS. Qty Material Location(s) Additional information: Color APPROVED JUN 13 2022 U 2 -Genera( �'� l 0 APPLICATION # � _ w. TOWN OF YARMOUTH OLD KING'S HIGHWAY HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMITTEE ABUTTERS' LIST Applicant's (Owner) Name: Property Address/Location: Hearing Date: Notices must be sent to the Applicant and abutters (including owners of land on any public or private street or way) who's property directly abuts or is across the street from the Applicant. Please Provide the Assessor's Tax Map and Lot numbers only. The OKH Office will send out notices using the addresses as they appear on the most recent applicable tax list. Note: Instructions for obtaining the abutters Map and Lot numbers can be found on the Old King's Highway Department page on the Town website: www.varmouth.ma.us Applicant Information: Abutter Information: RECHVE.D I MAY 2 5 2022 YARNivd f r-, APPROVED JUN 13 2022 YARMOUTH 8.2018 Map Number Lot Number Application #:7 0 1351 681 1 1 BABINEAU GARY F 22 MUSKET LN, YARMOUTH PORT, MA 02675 1351 691 1 1 BLATZ MICHAEL A 26 MUSKET LN YARMOUTH PORT, MA 02675 1351 1031 ! 1 HERRERA DAVID M 25 MUSKET LN, YARMOUTH PORT, MA 02675 1351 711 1 1 HANSON ELISABETH R 11 JONQUIL RD, YARMOUTH PORT, MA 02675 1351 701 1 1 PETERSON JAMES M CO -TRS PETERSON ELLEN A CO -TRS 1911 BOXWOOD TERR THE VILLAGES, FL 32167 Please use this signature to certify this list of properties directly abutting and across the street from the parcel located at: 26 Musket Ln., Yarmouth Port, MA 02675 Assessors Map 135, Lot 69 Andy M ado, Director of Assessing May 27, 2022 ECEIVED MAY 2 7 2022 YHHIVIUU l n APPROVED JUN 13 2022 YARMOUTH tiw wall LryH 3AIdG 3W3:)ni v► * relm ui o 1 i M �, � 1 JONQUIL ROAD i +-1 MUSKET LANE r"nn! Is M Ln ri W Ln 11 fm�-ft-f MAY 2 �C�22 APPROVED JUN 1 3 2022 YARMOUTH CV N Q nE 04 m 2 v5 �f 7 r F �'O a o z� rF Ln .n a [9 Ln m rl p] CV 4 i z v n -Ag Ng M i {3 C3 a#m � � o n MAY 2 �C�22 APPROVED JUN 1 3 2022 YARMOUTH CV N Q nE 04 m 2 jrv,& M - Aw I f I IIi 7 I RE EIVED 1 MAY 2 5 2022 AP ovED YAI Moi rr, JUN 132022 -i OLq KIN 'S HIGHWAY Y.4RMOu ry OLD KIN 'S Hlr 411A., I_ ECEIVED ! T MAY 2 5 2022 LD KING'S HIGHWAYf L - I--- +ji 13 1Il1 / I i�--i ILL— 2 5 y�y • Ly` PROV I i jl 3U1� 1 3 2022 YARMOUTH �qm V ED1 1 MAY 2 5 2022 YAHMOU_I h,.., APPROVED JUN 13 2022 YARMOUTH rt� N l iii £ 1 N{71 Plvla F , mike 61.1kr- C7(. mlAskt'GA"-c . yaa ", rrd; i%R S10ir-3G-'-7995 wivf't-t-r RECEIVED IRECEIVED yJal1� MAY 15 2018 APR 2 5 2018 YARMOUTH TOWN CLERK OLD KINGS HIGHWAY SOUTH YARMOUTH, MA C)9A�orrr rc+ler RECFIVED MAY 2 5 2022 YARM00 i r' OLD KING'S HIGHWAY po(Asr it J& I,%l/ d g C, 1"1tkSkdf �CtNe APPROVED JUN 13 2022 YARMOUTH OLD KING'S HIGHWAY o� J AST). or+ti*wa7 w gr 0 N` sir App�`�'�t����� MAY 14 2018 OLD KING'S HIGHWAY i =2 > I* . > 3'0"x To"x 8,01 mallogany Ucl' Canvas CCHDO CGVDS020 CCVBOM20 3'0"x Wo" 3'0°x 6'8" 3'0"x 8,0" 3,0,46,6, 3'0"x Wo" 310"4 Gla" 3'0"x 8,0" ECEIVED MAY 2 5 2022 YAF,fvioU-,l h APPROVED JUN 13 2022 YARMOUTH C) 8:03 Done 1 of 5 v :ions, other design RECEIVED MAY 2 5 2022 Y AhIVIUU I h APPR;QVED JUN 13 2022 YARMOUTH 6/1 OT <:� G* ;P�c) RECEIVED MAY 2 5 2022 YARMOU r OLD KING'S HIGHWAY APPROVED JUN 13 2022 YARMOUTH OLD KING'S HIGHWAY 0 Mo 0 g CD u U 8 �� rt o ��o O 00 cYl >C cY1 •A �� hl O O m x (n x a c\j Ln x (q \) N mN '9 `t 14 xt 0 IT m x Ln t C) �� m x Q m x m © 0 m x m M N l,S`1 N N ,92-,D7U cll U Q.3 (1) C/) 1-1 �1 d LZ L C/) 0 Mo 0 g CD u U 8 �� rt o ��o O 00 cYl >C cY1 •A �� hl O O m x (n x a c\j Ln x (q \) N mN '9 `t 14 xt 0 IT m x Ln t C) �� m x Q m x m © 0 m x m M N l,S`1 N N ,92-,D7U FCFIVED MAY 2 5 2022 KING'S HIGH" a V c cn a CL U m (n q� u CL o re G UJ C.a APPROVED JUN r 3 2022 l YARMpUTFi I ■ lc�r"'I�IP[1 MAY YA1 Fixed DeckmMoun Skylight Perfect for visually expanding areas in the home, VELE Skylights are an energy-efficient option that make any dai daylight and sky views. As a fixed option, this skylight is enhancing the brightness and beauty of your home. Ideal Applications: 0ut of reach en ry._wAy_5, iiv0q.ro_ants and becl.i_ootits from daylight. FEATURES & BENEFITS • Clean exterior profile provides natural light without obstructing roofline • Versatile sizing allows for greater flexibility in positioning options • Seamiessly pairs with any VELUX shades for optimal light control — select shades can be pre-installed for free • Flashing kit required for No Leal( Warranty • Eligible for Federal Solar Tax Credit* with the addition of Solar Shades PRODUCT DETAILS • Laminated Lob Glass: double -paned argon -gas-filled LoE3 glass that provid excellent energy performance for year round comfort_ Plus, it includes the added safety of laminated glass, which building codes require for out -of -reach applications. * "+ sf -10-year installation warranty, plus 20 years on glass, 10 years on product, and 5 years on shades and controls. • Pre -finished white painted frames • 10 year hail with Clean, Quiet & Safe glass OPTIONAL SKYLIGHT UPGRADES • Impact Glass • Snowload Glass • Copper Cladding Stain Grade Wood Interior v njr-' s�9i-ft "f=ar mare fntomoatm vlvt �:It�xusatti�n4f taxcrerr; t. • Factory pre-installed Room - Darkening or Light FlItering shades I V5463,0921 02021 VELUX Group, WFLUX. VELUX Inge are registered tra(lemarks. 22,1007L) FCF[V D VERTICAL CROSS SEMON HORIZONTAL CROSS SECTION ?2t t11 m+wed�ry.yw worm s,. �u�usy wMI� VFW1i Me++e+rbfN+e� 4 -wen 1 muaru.FuerR �•-� -E Ilk anvnsnw[ruure�ceer.� I An}.. by Doors �,trc�,�ra wt.imr�+d \ S,airfl'MB�Fhai {k�xdiTro F+'AS 9KkwnbvothM1 FX an "A" 21M SW DOW 'fi aY,`CfiwWrn 3YY�+M1aR6tcYQ i,M�MfRAd Ol.vs in�� Fns k W al'L• COMPLIANCE AND CERTIFICATIONS • DBPR Florida • NFRC, National Fenestration Rating Council • WDMA, Window & poor Manufacturing Association APPROVED JUN 13 2022 YARMOUTH .ddhL Mo(" FS sizes D96 orrr1006 fit perfectly between roof tnmsses kttm"- rx�kv V5063.0921 'For more €nformition 042021 VELUX Wiip. "VELUX, VELUX logoart, registered trademarks. e�,— tAW7() i A06 C01 C04 C06 C08 C12 D26 D06 M02 M04 M06 M08 S01 S06 Rough Opening Width (W""" 14 k/. 21 21 21 21 21 22 kl: 22'/. 30 i/,. 30'/tr. 30'/.,, 30 /n, 44 Vt 44 t/t Rough Opening ltelght _ fHin) �F5'/3 ry Eb7/Y 3T'/>.. -05'/� 4 /,.. 7Ur/� 2_21''hr _ 45`/t 30 379/ 45'/, 154F/tc 2b'/ 45`-1 ~ �taylEght Arca fSq. t Lett 3.56 3.04 4.43 i 5.43 0.52 1 8.52 2.78 5.94 5.15 6.64 8.13 9.77 6,92 12.36 .ddhL Mo(" FS sizes D96 orrr1006 fit perfectly between roof tnmsses kttm"- rx�kv V5063.0921 'For more €nformition 042021 VELUX Wiip. "VELUX, VELUX logoart, registered trademarks. e�,— tAW7()