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Percolation Test Log
PERCOLATION TEST LOG Time: P rY�.- I Date: - Map/Lot No. Address: / 81,14/ Yo Sea_U 1 c c_t_) Engineer: D 0 CIO,I•D (Te Health Agent: L-.1 . �'flRD,i_oi c&._ i Expansion Area: Yes: No: Suitable/Subsurface Sewage: Yes: No: i Expansion Area Tested: Yes No: Leaching Field: Pits: Trenches: If No, Why? Unsuitable: Why? ( I Well: Town'Water: Subdivision/Owner's Name: t • SKETCH: �ccreAr-01-e..._ . 1 . ,,,H,„.. L____7°4 "---I 5 ' . ii.,-/JM Notes: Water At: b Ft. DEEP OBSERVATION HOLE LOG Depth fromSurface Soil Horizon Soil Texture Soil Color Soil Motting Other (inches) (USDA) (Structure,Stones,Boulder, Consistency,%Gravel) d - 8 " er 4S ioYe '/ E „ i „ y--(N.,._c /0 t-R 64.2./ , / ."' r PI" - 3a ' 3 ),. 3 / (7f-- y/L • 3a'' 8 `ir' c ‘c,r,_s , . si y, ._ • DEEP OBSERVATION HOLE LOG Depth fromSurface Soil Horizon Soil Texture Soil Color Soil Motting Other (inches) - (USDA) (Structure,Stones.Boulders, t Consistency,V.Gravel) 2erc boprr /O ;. D tr,r..; ^J