HomeMy WebLinkAbout2022 Amended Health Sign Off - Partial basement finish I Ace4 01 :4;.;:.`4.,\ TOWN OF YARMOUTH 416 ';)3, c> HEALTH DEPARTMENT r �''s: _ 2`'' PERMIT APPLICATION SIGN OFF TRANSMITTAL SHEET To he completed by Applicant: / Building Site Location: ( \/ /V L 5 , ' exA/ait,v ti . Proposed Improvement: . e' '1,1 (I t41 tiZ 4 I,t4 Q4.1.4, U,.�l1�?j(a-W�UM c *Tt.1.)...Nne\,1/4_ , Applicant: V /1_0044 t-f-k> Tel. No. 0 7C-7 Lc/7 Address: 1 -1:\--\/ ,/1/ 7 Date Filed: ____ _47a "/fyou would like e-mail notification of sign off please provide e-mail address: Owner Name:_ �� . i , -44.E Owner Address: I �i "� /C� wStIA�T` N Owner Tel. No.: *- RESIDENTIAL AND/OR COMMERCIAL BUILDING HEALTH DEPARTMENT. Determines Compliance to State and Town Regulations; i.e., Requirements For Septage Disposal and other Public Health Activities. IPlease submit three (3) copies of plans, to include: MAY 3 .l 2022 (1.) Site Plan showing existing buildings, water line location, TH DEPT: and septic system location; ���` (2.) Floor plan labeling ALL rooms within building (all existing and proposed) — Note: Floor plans not required for decks,sheds, windows, roofing; (3.) If necessary, Title 5 application signed by licensed installer with fee. S _REVIEWED -- ate, BY: / /, DATE: ' /i PLEASE NOTE T COMMENTS/CONDTTIONtS;� 'e n 3edvo ' 5 o� 4s[ r Feoc)ft .14 w �4e v Ne.:rC'e T (164 v e. , C_Ace 1G, c„ N o boolg_ �ac—c, -e 0 r----A a.Se N IP w Cc.IA(c go cid- fklil' ,_1_ i;-.-)s., .. /l c cye- c. /,,,' f 1. ._ -1(1 U b C.- 5 5 1 ;., sJPry f r ...1,,r-}-----t=-____ ... , 1 ¢3 C� r.. ___v ) ..i.- t . r. t p--- ........5 ,..., ...f....„.„. to „ t.i... " ... r\ \1--- %,,, tv-, I ('A,..,\ s I 1 m c-- r- z f7 { CD m N < :-moi N 0 - L_ __- ----- — -,.... . , 174 / ...4 ommil. . \M . ." C'? 1!I —.it. —i-' ....r.' rb .4--- C--- a-1 ( \ ..;i.. 13 Asr........ .1-..., -...r o ; r ..- - G •,t_.t"s,Tr'- 11I1 - —\\. --N-- _...- 1 IP 5... NC •.- 3 ....... \c. 1...- IH ' 4...., . Ai. •-' ) 1.../. (-- cj:: ipir , el t ‘ .,..? m o 111111 7._4 ha tt-!t \ l' N i 1 i V 1 2 :1 y i I!I �- illi r 1— • v r /is --C,: r C n s. J r I) s..)