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2022 Sign off Transmittal - Deck
r.�„_Y,, ,i, TOWN OF YARMOUTH 4 HEALTH DEPARTMENT PERMIT APPLICATION SIGN OFF TRANSMITTAL SHEET To he completed by Applicant. Building Site Location: / ."1--A624 hPt S Lk4-1 4,-i(- t-k-114, /-14- O.;1_( p y Proposed Improvement: �j ..J 4074-1M-4". Applicant: lac 5 jije /] /J ' 6A4 ca-olo/ Tel. No.: r"0 s- 355 3F-,-../ Address: / r'L2 7-a,-._4( ;-j- (nt, f41,-/o- L /'--f4 Date Filed: ,)- oZ.f�7/ **If you would like e-mail notification of sign off please provide e-mail address: _ Owner Name: 3--,---ifc:( , ___ 'c e Owner Address: 1 .4/cL- I-N Owner Tel. No.:fr 03 Fatkr S, c�.. AA .----/-1, '4- 0>4 0/ RESIDENTIAL AND/OR COMMERCIAL BUILDING HEALTH DEPARTMENT: Determines Compliance to State and Town Regulations; i.e., Requirements For Septage Disposal and other Public Health Activities. Please submit three (3) copies of plans, to include: __ (1.) Site Plan showing existing buildings, water line location, and septic system location; JUN 0 L 2022 (2.) Floor plan labeling ALL rooms within building (all existing and proposed) — HEALTH DEPT. Note: Floor plans not required for decks, sheds, windows, roofing; (3.) If necessary, Title 5 application signed by licensed installer with fee. REVIEWED BY: 0-L"'1 ' DATE: 6 1:7 — Z PLEASE NOTE COMMENTS/CONDITIONS: Lareasinom %,..., ., ,..4.„,, 1.1f rc- / c .1 ICL IIII = 'tkE. c.--I' 4'4444.4*%44,, . ,,_ Ill!] .,, -,4, (5,.,) = /-- 1 ,1/4..., 000 #,- I „- „ e.,,,#•'‘44'' f4414 - ge 1 44$' 141 — / 1 * .. 4444 P 1.). .. ,02 • -ir 44. ,fi .. .. A . S. ..r. x . • S. % • ... . --,,,. . . T., t., .- . X . , „ 4.4. *. 1 ,q 4 1/4/ 4 ,• gp -,,, , ,- ‘ ' . %, kw. * ;,. .,1 .,-. :4.'' . ,f , (,.• ti,'K Al kl : Cr t CI . . 1.- il .•:.*:,'..,.. 1 I .. littes, / .,,,. . , , . . -,. .. „ . , . . . . . , " . .. ., %. 1 : 4 I f :.,1 ... #: k ...,,,,,:,, • „,„,,..ii-J,_ , I .. 1 , -„: - -001'' '_,. :,. •' 040454, \ ......„,r\'n .„„-. ro, ...„ .0,,e• ...,..- , 'N. ,i,-. .„, . .. .. ,,, " - -- . / \ _,„..„. _ ?"4t‘ 1,. • ' •,,.., • .,.. ,..,„ ,-- ... , ;-• •-.. . ,„. . ,, ''''', .. . ,4 h., . ‘ ,..c. . . ()qrt I \ \ /P.s.