HomeMy WebLinkAboutCorrespondence on Pump Chamber Design PUMP CHAMBER DESIGN
23 Lake Road East, Yarmouth, MA
Daily Flow+ drainback x 4 346 gallons
Required No. Doses 4
Required Dose Title v 86.5 gallons
Length Pump Chamber 102 inches
Width Pump Chamber 60 inches
Depth of Chamber 72 inches
Area Pump Chamber 36 sf
Depth per Dose 0.32 ft
High Invert 11.45
El. Base of Tank 7.12
El. Pump Off 7.45
El. Pump On 7.77
El. Alarm On 8.11
Downward Force
1,000 gallon tank 8800 lbs.
weight of soil 110 lbs/cf
Area of Tank 42.50 sf
Elev. Top of Chamber 12.75
Elev. Ground Above Chamber 14.45
Volume Soil Above Tank 72.25 cf
Weight of Soil above tank 7947.5 lbs.
Total Downward Force 16747.5 lbs.
Uplift Force (assumes tank fully submerged)
Volume Chamber 255 cf
Weight of Water 62.4 lb/cf
Bouyant Force 15912 lbs.
Is Downforce > Bouyant Force Yes
Langler Mallory
From: GEORGE COLLINS <grcpe@aol.com>
Sent: Wednesday, June 3, 2020 10:19 AM
To: Langler Mallory; SteveRumba@aol.com
Subject: RE: 23 Lake Rd East
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Dear Mallory:
I will remove one chamber off of each line, reducing the design flow bellow 330 gpd.
Thank you.
On Tuesday.June 2. 2020 Langler Mallory <mlangler@yarmouth.ma.us> wrote:
Hi George,
I've reviewed the plans for 23 Lake Rd East, and the only way I can approve the variance to groundwater with
an increase in flow is with a deed restriction limiting the property to two bedrooms. Talk to your client and see
if they would prefer that or a reduced size of system, once you let me know I'll approve the plans or make a
note that we're expecting revised plans.
Mallory Langler
Assistant Director of Health
Town of Yarmouth
(508)398-2231, ext.1240