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~ F` ��� `TOWN OF YARMOUTH BOARD OF HEALTH Fav :`kAN'l O� '�Q21 APPLICATION FOR LiCENSE/PERMIT - 2021 y✓ Pit Plea Sc. complete form and attach all necessary documents by December IS, 2020. Nom\- NA– D - Failure to do so will result in the return of your application packet. LOCATION ADDRESS: , _,N i A ''i /, 1/ 1 I ' "I ,. MAILING ADDRESS: i) TIM ' la/7e- ' e r5-te“ M14l/j r MA OZ ritS-----' E-MAIL ADDRESS: amp,wail/IS-Do lmot. I bfo-- OWNER NAME: X/fv/ IAI1ar CORPORATION NAME (IF APPLiC BLE): /%/ A7„, 7 /et i MANAGER'S NAME: jt/ v 1 / TEL.#: W---51-46,2_....24,e MAILING ADDRESS: , i 'P..^ (anu.rs 1 /741// m - D ? Ksts POOL CERTIFICATIONS: The pool supervisor must be certified as a Pool Operator, as required by State law. Please list the designated Pool Operator(s) and attach a copy of the certification to this form. I. – - 2. -- Pool operators must list a minimum of two employees currently certified in standard First Aid and Community Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR), having one certified employee on premises at all times. Please list the employees below and attach copies of their certifications to this form. The Health Department will not use past years' records. You must provide new copies and maintain a file at your place of business. 1. 2. 3. 4. FOOD PROTECTION MANAGERS - CERTIFICATIONS: All food service establishments are required to have at least one full-time employee who is certified as a Food Protection Manager, as defined in the State Sanitary Code for Food Service Establishments, 105 CMR 590.000. Please attach copies ofcertiflcation to this application. The Health Department will not use past years' records. You must provide new copies and maintain a file at your establishment. 1. ' Y /Ad 19907 IQ , PERSON IN CHARGE: Each food est\a/blishment must have at least one Person In ('hark (PiC') on site during hours of operation. 1. M 14914 i (et . -) ALLERGEN CERTIFICATIONS: All food service establishments are required to have at least one full-time employee who has Allergen certification, as defined in the State Sanitary Code for Food Service Establishments, 105 CMR 590.009(G)(3)(a). Please attach copies of certification to this application. The Health Department will not use past years' records. You must provide new copies and maintain a file at your establishment. I. �(ii✓ Ay�i� Qr 2 - HEIMLiCH CERTIFICATIONS: All food service establishments with 25 seats or more must have at least one employee trained in the Heimlich Maneuver on the premises at all times. Please list your employees trained in anti-choking procedures below and attach copies of employee certifications to this form. The Ilealth Department will not use past years' records. You must provide new copies and maintain a file at your place of business. I. • -) 3. 4. RESTAURANT SEATING: TOTAL I/ (0 OFFICE USE ONLY LODGING: LICENSE REQUIRED FEE 1'1•:IZMrrII LICENSE REQUIRED FEE PERMIi Ii I.I('l-.NSF REQIIIRE.D FEE I'ERMrrII _13&B $55 CABIN $55 -- MOTEL $110 INN $55 - CAMPCAMP $55 — , --LODGE $55 TRAILER PARK $1115 —SWIMMING POOL$I Illcn. WHIRLPOOL $110ri. FOOD SERVICE: LICENSE REQUIRED FEE PERMIT II LICENSE REQUIRED IEE. I'HIZMrriI LICENSE RI QIIIRE:1) FEE PERMIT/1 1 0-100 SEATS $125 CONTINENTAL $35 NON-PROFIT $30 >100 SEATS $200 COMMON VI(". $60 WIIOI.ESALE: $50 RESII). KiI(-1 INN $s0 RETAIL SERVICE: LICENSE REQUIRED Hi P1 RM1 I // L.I('1{NSI•. REQUIRED Hi.. PERMIT ll LICENSE REQUIRED H•:1 I'I•;RMII ll _<50 sq.11. $50 -25,000 sq.li. $255 VENDING- FOOD $25 - --- .25,000 sq.li. $15(1 _ FROZEN DESSERT $,40 TOBACCO $110 NAME CHANGE: $15 AMOUNT DUE -- 5 1 5- ,,',A l'I,E A S E ***"*1'I,EASE I ERN OVER AND COMPLETE O 1 TIER SIDE OF FORM***** a• ADMINISTRATION Under Chapter 152, Section 25C, Subsection 6, the Town olYarmouth is now required to hold issuance or renewal of any license or permit to operate a business if a person or company does not have a Certificate of Worker's Compensation Insurance. THE ATTACHED STATE WORKER'S COMPENSATION INSURANCE AFFIDAVIT MUST BE COMPLETED AND SIGNED, OR CERT. OF INSURANCE ATTACI ICD OR WORKER'S — WORKER'S COMP. AFFIDAVIT SIGNED AND ATTACH ACHED Town of Yarmouth taxes and liens must be paid prior to renewal or issuance of your permits.- PLEASE CHECK APPROPRIATELY IF PAID: YES NO MOTELS AND OTHER LODGING ESTABLISHMENTS 'TRANSIENT OCCUPANCY: For purposes of the limitations of Motel or I brei use,Transient occupancy shall be limited to the temporary and short term occupancy,ordinarily and customarily associated with motel and hotel use. Transient occupants must have and be able to demonstrate that they maintain a principal place of residence elsewhere. Transient occupancy shall generally refer to continuous occupancy of not more than thirty(30)days, and an aggregate of not more than ninety(90)days within any six (6) month period. Use of a guest unit as a residence or dwelling unit shall not be considered transient. Occupancy that is subject to the collection of Room Occupancy Excise, as defined in M.G.L. c. 64(i or 830 CMR 64G, as amended, shall generally be considered Transient. POOLS POOL OPENING: All swimming, wading and whirlpools which have been closed fur the season must be inspected by the I lealth Department prior to opening. Contact the I lealth Department to schedule the inspection three (3) days prior to opening. PLEASENOT_L: People are NOT allowed to sit in the pool area until the pool has been inspected and opened. POOL WATER"T'ES'TING: The water must be tested for pseudomonas, total coliform and standard plate count by a State certified lab, and submitted to the I Iealth Department'three (3)days prior to opening, and quarterly thereafter. POOL CLOSING: Every outdoor in ground swimming pool must be drained or covered within seven (7)days of closing. FOOD SERVICE SEASONAL FOOD SERVICE OPENING: All food service establishments must be inspected by the llealth Department prior to opening. Please contact the llealth Department to schedule the inspection three (3) days prior to opening. CATERING POLICY: Anyone who caters within the "Town of Yarmouth must notify the Yarmouth Health Department by filing the required Temporary Food Service Application form 72 hours prior to the catered event. These forms can be obtained at the Health Department, or from the Town's website at www.yarmouthina.us under Health Department, Downloadable Forms. FROZEN DESSERTS: Frozen desserts must be tested by a State certified lab prior to opening and monthly thereafter,with sample results submitted to the llealth Department. Failure to do so will result in the suspension or revocation of your Frozen Dessert Permit until the above terms have been met. OUTSIDE CAFES: Outside cafes(i.e., outdoor seating with waiter/waitress service), must have prior approval from the Board of Health. OUTDOOR COOKING: Outdoor cooking, preparation, or display of any food product by a retail or food service establishment is prohibited. TOBACCO PRODUCT PERMIT CAP A tobacco permit holder who has tailed to renew his or her permit within thirty (30) days of the previous year's permit expiration date is considered an expired license, and the tobacco license cap is reduced. NOTICE: Permits run annually from January 1 to December 3 I. IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY TO RETURN THE COMPLETED RENEWAL APPLICATION(_S,LAND REQUH ED FEE(S)-BY DECEMBER 18, 2020.- ALL RENOVATIONS TO ANY FOOD ESTABLISHMENT, MOTEL OR POOL (i.e., PAINTING, NEW EQUIPMENT, ETC.), MUST BE REPORTED TO AND APPROVED BY THE,BOARD OF HEALTH PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT. RENOVATIONS MAY REQUIRE A SITE PLAN. DATE: SIGNATURE: • PRINT NAME & TITLE: • i<��. in:i5;I9 The Commonwealth of Massachusetts Fee Town of Yarmouth $125.00 Food Establishment License Number: BOHF-21-3906 Issue Date: 6/14/2021 Mailing Address: Location Address: XIN AGUIL 918 ROUTE 6A ANNA'S SUSHI BAR YARMOUTH PORT, MA 02675 82 TIMBER LANE MARSTONS MILLS, MA 02648 IS HEREBY GRANTED A 2021 LICENSE TO OPERATE: SUSHI BAR This license is granted in conformity with the statutes and ordinances relating thereto, and expires December 31, 2021 unless sooner suspended or revoked and is not transferable. Board Hillard Boskey, M.D., Chairman Mary Craig, Vice Chairman of Charles T.Holway, Clerk Debra Bruinooge 1111 Health Eric Weston Bruce G. Mu ally, 0 'H, R.S., CHO Health Director The Commonwealth of Massachusetts ltetAll i Department of Industrial Accidents u: Lt Office of Investigations lo wp 1 Congress Street, Suite 100 Boston, MA 02114-2017 "`=1=•,:,,� www.mass.gov/dia Workers' Compensation Insurance Affidavit: General Businesses Applicant Information / Please Print Legibly Business/Organization Name:_ Nna ' Si 56 i' bar Address: 4:i/ C 1 be i-r y fl ui City/State/Zip: 1 , _ J Phone#: .? 6 0 /4-6 Are you an employer? Check the appropriate box: Business Type(required): 1 "I am a employer with 0 employees(full and/ 5. ❑ Retail or part-time).* 6. ® Restaurant/Bar/Eating Establishment 2 , I am a sole proprietor or partnership and have no 7, 0 Office and/or Sales(incl.real estate,auto, etc.) employees working for me in any capacity. [No workers' comp. insurance required] 8. ❑ Non-profit 3.❑ We are a corporation and its officers have exercised 9. ❑ Entertainment their right of exemption per c. 152, §1(4),and we have 10.12 Manufacturing no employees. [No workers' comp.insurance required]* • 11.0 Health Care 4.❑ We are a non-profit organization, staffed by volunteers, with no employees. [No workers' comp. insurance req.] 12.0 Other *Any applicant that checks box#1 must also fill out the section below showing their workers'compensation policy information. **If the corporate officers have exempted themselves,but the corporation has other employees,a workers'compensation policy is required and such an organization should check box#1. I am an employer that is providing workers'compensation insurance for my employees. Below is the policy information. Insurance Company Name: Insurer's Address: City/State/Zip: Policy#or Self-ins. Lic.# Expiration Date: Attach a copy of the workers' compensation policy declaration page(showing the policy number and expiration date). Failure to secure coverage as required under Section 25A of MGL c. 152 can lead to the imposition of criminal penalties of a fine up to $1,500.00 and/or one-year imprisonment,as well as civil penalties in the form of a STOP WORK ORDER and a fine of up to$250.00 a day against the violator. Be advised that a copy of this statement may be forwarded to the Office of Investigations of the DIA'for insurance coverage verification. I do hereby certify,under,the pains and penalties of perjury that the information provided above is true and correct. Signature: r/ ' Date: Phone#: ??-4 ` (moo Z _ 2 4 Official use only. Do not write in this area,to be completed by city or town officiaL City or Town: Permit/License# Issuing Authority(circle one): 1. Board of Health 2.,Building Department 3. City/Town Clerk 4.Licensing Board 5. Selectmen's Office 6. Other Contact Person: Phone#: www.mass.gov/dia Information and Instructions Massachusetts General Laws chapter 152 requires all employers to provide workers' compensation for their employees. Pursuant to this statute,an employee is defined as"...every person in the service of another under any'contract of hire, express or implied,oral or written." An employer is defined as"an individual,partnership, association, corporation or other legal entity, or any two or more of the foregoing engaged in a joint enterprise,and including the legal representatives of a deceased employer,or the receiver or trustee of an individual,partnership,association or other legal entity,employing employees. However,the owner of a dwelling house having not more than three apartments and who resides therein, or the occupant of the dwelling house of another who employs persons to do maintenance,construction or repair work on such dwelling house or on the grounds or building appurtenant thereto shall not because of such employment be deemed to be an employer." MGL chapter 152, §25C(6)also states that"every state or local licensing agency shall withhold the issuance or renewal of a license or permit to operate a business or to construct buildings in the commonwealth for any applicant who has not produced acceptable evidence of compliance with the insurance coverage required." Additionally,MGL chapter 152, §25C(7)states"Neither the commonwealth nor any of its political subdivisions shall enter into any contract for the performance of public work until acceptable evidence of compliance with the insurance requirements of this chapter have been presented to the contracting authority." Applicants Please fill out the workers' compensation affidavit completely,by checking the boxes that apply to your situation and, if necessary,supply your insurance company's name, address and phone number along with a certificate of insurance. Limited Liability Companies(LLC)or Limited Liability Partnerships(LLP)with no employees others than the members or partners,are not required to carry workers' compensation insurance. If an LLC or LLP does have employees,a policy is required.Be advised that this affidavit may be submitted to the Department of Industrial Accidents for confirmation of insurance coverage. Also be sure to sign and date the affidavit. The affidavit should be returned to the city or town that the application for the permit or license is being requested,not the Department of Industrial Accidents. Should you have any questions regarding the law or if you are required to obtain a workers' compensation policy please call the Department at the number listed below. Self-insured companies should enter their self-insurance license number on the appropriate line. City or Town Officials Please be sure that the affidavit is complete and printed legibly. The Department has provided a space at the bottom of the affidavit for you to fill out in the event the Office of Investigations has to contact you regarding the applicant. Please be sure to fill in the permit/license number which will be used as a reference number.In addition,an applicant that must submit multiple permit/license applications in any given year,need only submit one affidavit indicating current policy information(if necessary). A copy of the affidavit that has been officially stamped or marked by the city or town may be provided to the applicant as proof that a valid affidavit is on file for future permits or licenses. A new affidavit must be filled out each year. Where a home owner or citizen is obtaining a license or permit not related to any business or commercial venture(i.e. a dog license or permit to burn leaves etc.)said person is NOT required to complete this affidavit. The Office of Investigations would like to thank you in advance for your cooperation and should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to give us a call. The Department's address,telephone and fax number: The Commonwealth of Massachusetts Department of Industrial Accidents Office of Investigations 1 Congress Street, Suite 100 Boston, MA 02114-2017 Tel. # 617-727-4900 ext 406 or 1-877-MASSAFE Fax# 617-727-7749 www.mass.gov/dia Form Revised 7/2010 Pagel 3 Table of Contents 1. Employee Health 4 Grooming 4 Attire 4 Hair Restrains and Jewelry 4 Smoking, Eating, Drinking,and Gum-Chewing 4 Operations Hours, Breaks,and Meals 4 Personal Items 4 Tasting Method 5 Handwashing 5 Glove Use 5 Illness 6 Sneezing/Coughing 6 Cuts, Burns,and Abrasions 7 2. Cleaning and Sanitizing 7 3. Pest Control 7 4. Flow of Food 8 Receiving 9 Food Storage 9 Preparation 10 Cooling 10 Delivery 11 Display 11 Labeling 11 Dating Products 12 5. Preparation of Sushi Rice 15 6. Recipes 25 7. Food Safety Hazards 25 8. HACCP Plan 26 9. Thermometer Calibration 31 Dial Thermometer Calibration 31 Thermo Works Digital Probe Calibration 31 10. pH Meter Calibration 31 Document: Sushi Bar SSOP S:\Compliance\SSOP & HACCP\MA Paged 4 1. EMPLOYEE HEALTH GROOMING • Arrive at work clean-clean hair,teeth brushed,and bathed with deodorant used daily. • Maintain short,clean,and polish-free fingernails.Artificial nails are not permitted. • False eyelashes are not permitted. ATTIRE • Wear clean uniform with clean sleeves. • Wear socks and clean non-skid,close-toed and closed-backs work shoes that are made of leather or similar impermeable material.Shoes should be comfortable for standing and working on floors that can be slippery. HAIR RESTRAINTS AND JEWELRY • Wear the Sushi Chef hat that completely covers hair. • Keep beards and mustaches neat and trimmed.Beard restraints are required in any food production or service areas. • Jewelry is not permitted. Only a plain wedding band is permitted. c No necklaces,bracelets,or dangling jewelry are permitted. No earrings or piercing that can be removed are permitted. c No watches. SMOKING, EATING, DRINKING, AND GUM-CHEWING • No smoking or chewing tobacco may occur inside Hissho Sushi Locations • Eat and drink in designated break areas only, • A closed beverage container may be used in production areas provided it is stored in an area clearly reserved to store the drinking cups. This area must be labeled and completely separated from food preparation areas, surfaces and supplies. • Chewing gum or eating candy is prohibited. OPERATIONS HOURS, BREAKS AND MEALS • Fulltime chefs are assigned to be at the sushi bar from 7am to 7pm daily. • Take breaks and meals in a designated area away from production and service areas. • Wash hands before returning to work. PERSONAL ITEMS • Must be stored completely separate from food and food contact surfaces.Ideally they should be stored in lockers • If an employee must refrigerate medication while working,she/he must place it inside a covered, leak-proof container that is clearly labeled. In the refrigerator,store the container away from food product and food contact surfaces. Document: Sushi Bar SSOP S:\Compliance\SSOP & HACCP\MA Pagel 5 TASTING METHOD • Place a small amount of food into a separate container. • Step away from exposed food and food contact surfaces. • Use a spoon to taste the food.Remove the used spoon and container to appropriate location(i.e.,the dishroom) • Never reuse a spoon that has already been used for tasting. HANDWASHING • Wash hands(including under the fingernails)and forearms vigorously and thoroughly with soap and warm water(water temperature should be at least 100'F)for a period of 20 seconds. • Wet hands with water.Wash hands using soap from a soap dispenser. Lather for 20 seconds. • Wash between fingers thoroughly. • Rinse thoroughly under warm running water for 5-10 seconds. • Use designated sinks for handwashing purposes. Do not use food preparation, utility and dishwashing sinks for handwashing. • Dry hands with single use towels or a mechanical hot dryer. • Turn off faucets using a paper towel in order to prevent recontamination of clean hands if foot pedals are not available. • Use paper towel to open door when exiting the restroom. • Wash hands: o When entering the facility before work begins. Immediately before preparing food or handling equipment. o As often as necessary during food preparation when contamination occurs. o In the restroom after toilet use,and when you return to your work station. • When switching between working with raw foods and working with ready-to-eat or cooked foods. o After touching face,nose,hair,or any other body part,and after sneezing or coughing. o After cleaning prep tables or any cleaning duty. o After touching door knobs or handles. o Between each task performed and before wearing disposable gloves. o After smoking,eating,or drinking. r. Any other time an unsanitary task has been nerformed-i.e. taking out earbaee. sweeping, handling cleaning chemicals,wiping tables,picking up a dropped food item,etc. • Follow FDA recommendations when using hand sanitizers.These recommendations are as follows: o Use hand sanitizers only after hands have been properly washed and dried. o Use only hand sanitizers that comply with the current food codes. o Use hand sanitizers in the manner specified by the manufacturer. GLOVE USE • Bare hand contact with ready-to-eat food is prohibited. • Prior to putting on gloves and when gloves are changed,wash hands thoroughly. • Change gloves when: o Beginning each new task. o They become soiled or torn. Document: Sushi Bar SSOP S:\Compliance\SSOP & HACCP\MA Pagel 6 They are in continual use for one hour. • Cover cuts and sores on hands,including fingernails,with clean bandages. If hands are bandaged, -- clean gloves or finger cots(protective coverings)should be worn at all times to protect the bandage and to prevent it from falling into food. ILLNESS • The local regulatory requires the following for employee illness reporting: a. Food employees are prohibited from working when the employee has diarrhea or vomiting. b. Food employees cannot return to work until at least 24 hours after diarrhea or vomiting symptoms have completely disappeared. c. Food employees must report any of the following to the manager or person-in-charge: i. Any incident of diarrhea,vomiting,or jaundice(yellow skin or eye color),regardless of the cause of the symptoms within the last 24 hours; ii. An open, infected wound on the hands or exposed portions of arms; iii. Any of the following infections when diagnosed: • Enterohemorrhagic or shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli; • Hepatitis A; • Norovirus; • Salmonella spp.; • Salmonella Typhi;Non-Typhoid Salmonella • Shigella; Food managers or person-in-charge must do the following: iv. Exclude (send home) an ill food employee who has, or has had in the last 24 hours, any diarrhea or vomiting; v. Restrict an employee from working with food or clean equipment and utensils if the person is infected with:E.coli 0157•H7,Salmonella,Shigella,Norovirus or Hepatitis A; vi. Keep a written record of all employee reports of diarrhea or vomiting; vii. Notify the local regulatory of any of the following: • An employee infected with any of the six (6) disease-causing organisms listed in 1.c.(iii) above; • A complaint from a customer who reports becoming ill with diarrhea or vomiting atter eating or drinking at your establishment; • A complaint from a customer who tests positive for E. coil 0157:1-17, Salmonella, Norovirus, Shigello, or Hepatitis A after eating at your establishment. viii. A medical release is required after diagnosis from a physician prior to returning to work. SNEEZING/COUGHING • Step away from food and food contact surfaces. • Cover your mouth.The preferred method to cover your mouth is to extend the arm so that the inner-fold of the elbow- area covers the lips allowing your hands not to be contaminated. • Promptly dispose of tissues used to cough/blow nose. • Wash hands before returning to work. Document: Sushi Bar SSOP S:\Compliance\SSOP & HACCP\MA Pagel 7 CUTS, BURNS, AND ABRASIONS • Immediately treat and bandage any cut,abrasion,or burn that has broken the skin. • Cover a lesion containing pus with a bandage. • When hands are bandaged,cover bandages with an impermeable cover such as gloves and finger cots. • Chefs with infected wounds will be excluded from the sushi bar. 2. CLEANING AND SANITIZING • Wash,rinse and sanitize food contact surfaces of sinks,tables,equipment,utensils,thermometers,carts and equipment at the three compartment sink: Any time you begin working with another type of fish,vegetable,or pre-cooked food If in constant use,clean and sanitize at four-hour intervals. L. Anytime there is an interruption during a task and the tools and items may have been contaminated. Any time contamination occurs or is suspected. • Wash,rinse and sanitize food contact surfaces of sinks,tables,equipment,utensils,thermometers, carts and equipment using the following procedure at the three compartment sink: Wash surface with soap solution. Rinse surface with clean water. Sanitize surface using a sanitizing solution mixed at a concentration of 100ppm for Chlorine, 200ppm for quaternary ammonium,or as specified on the manufacturer's label. Place wet items in a manner to allow air drying. Store clean food containers in an inverted position. In between uses,keep towel inside the sanitizing solution. • PEST CONTROL • Pest control is performed by a licensed pest control operator who is hired by: The area and all associated records are available on request from the management. OR The sushi bar and all associated records should be appended to the back of this SSOP Manual. Document: Sushi Bar SSOP S:\Compliance\SSOP & HACCP\MA Pagel 8 4. FLOW OF FOOD Receiving Food Storage Preparation (CCP) Cooling (CCP) Display Document: Sushi Bar SSOP S:\Compliance\SSOP & HACCP\MA Pagel 9 RECEIVING Peterson's Sushi and its approved seafood suppliers provide fish,shellfish, crustaceans, eggs (roe)and surimi that come from . sources operating under a HACCP plan.Letters indicating compliance with parasite destruction requirements are updated annually and are kept at the sushi bar at all times. All potentially hazardous foods are delivered at or below 41-F(5°C)or solidly frozen. A calibrated thermometer is used to monitor the internal and/or surface temperature of the incoming foods before acceptance.The thermometers provided by Hissho Sushi are end-point sensor thermometers. Chefs inspect all incoming products for product condition, temperature as necessary, integrity of packaging, and proper label information. Do not receive products that are damaged or show signs of temperature abuse.This is reported to your supervisor and logistics. Damaged and/or temperature abused product is not to be used. FOOD STORAGE All foods is protected from contamination and stored in a manner to reduce or prevent bacterial growth that could promote spoilage or potential food safety problems. Food storage includes items that are held at room temperature or in refrigeration or freezers.These items may require further preparation or they could be ready-to-eat as raw or previously cooked foods. The storage unit(s)are clean and orderly. • Products are contained and/or covered for protection. • Containers of sushi products or ingredients that are removed from the original (identified) packages are relabeled,marked for identification and dated. • Ready-to-eat items and items ready-for-display are segregated from products that require further handling or processing. • Products are not stacked without adequate support and means to prevent any leakage between products. • Drippage is prevented in or on packaged products due to condensation, cooler pan leaks or other wet sources. • Products are stored above the floor (approx.G inr_hes)and away CUM wells and llic Lciling. • Storage includes containers,shelves,supports,pallets or other materials that do not absorb water and can be easily cleaned. • The schedule for product rotation follows the'First-in First-out' rule(FIFO). Display counters are not storage units and cannot be used to store raw ingredients. Display counters for sushi are maintained at or below 41°F(5°C). Refrigeration unit(s)are operating to assure the food can be maintained at or below 41°F(5°C). Frozen storage unit(s)are operating to assure the frozen foods are solidly frozen.All unacceptable temperature abused,off- color, off-odor,off-condition,out-of-date or otherwise suspect product are discarded. Frozen products are thawed under refrigeration at or below 41°F (5°C). Thawing must also be done in a manner that prevents cross-contamination with other refrigerated foods. Open vacuum packaged seafood products and removed the product from the package. Place it in an NSF container with a drain shelf and shelf life label. If more rapid thawing is necessary, unpackaged products can be placed in clean flowing water no warmer than 70°F (21°C)only until Document: Sushi Bar SSOP S:\Compliance\SSOP & HACCP\MA Page 10 thawing is complete. Once the unpackaged product is thawed and before exceeding 41°F(5°C),the product is processed or returned to proper refrigerated storage.Thawing cannot be conducted in standing water,at room temperature or in running water warmer than 70°F(21°C). PREPARATION Sushi operations may share the work area and facilities with other food preparation units. If it is necessary to share work space with others,the Chef works with the person in charge to schedule operations, personnel traffic, product traffic, and cleaning to prevent potential cross-contamination of the ready-to-eat sushi products. Standard Operating Procedures for basic sanitation and food safety are used and documented daily on the Daily Sanitation/ Operation Log. Bamboo and plastic mats are lined with plastic film and rewrapped within 4 hours of continuous use and between contact with different sushi products. All mats are cleaned and sanitized daily. The prep schedule is arranged to minimize the exposure of potentially hazardous foods to temperatures outside of refrigeration. Each roll takes approximately 2 minutes to prepare. Fruits and vegetables are washed at the prep sink before cutting for use in sushi. Also, any cutting surface is cleaned to avoid cross-contamination before proceeding with further processing of sushi. Special care is taken in preparation of the sushi rice to prevent potential bacterial growth while assuring the rice can still be formed into balls and rolls. Contact with gloved hands is minimized to prevent cross-contamination of the ready-to-eat -- product. Heat during the cooking of rice can activate certain bacterial spores that can grow and release toxins unless the rice is preserved or refrigerated. Refrigerated rice is more difficult to form for sushi.For this reason,sushi rice should be carefully protected during handling without refrigeration. Proper acidification of cooked rice with Hissho Sushi's Sushi Seasoning helps preserve the rice for temporary handling at temperatures above 41°F (5°C), but the acid level, measured by pH, should be carefully monitored for each batch. The rice is acidified when it is warm to assure better mixing and penetration of the acid solution.The production time and final acid level (pH) is recorded for each batch of sushi rice. Acidified rice has an initial measurable, targeted pH of 4.1 and should be thoroughly mixed to assure the rice does not exceed an equilibrium pH of 4.1. A range of 3.8 -4.1 is acceptable.Properly acidified rice should not be considered a time/temperature control for safety food. COOLING Excessive time for the cooling of potentially hazardous foods has been consistently identified as one of the factors contributing to foodborne illness.Foods that are held at improper temperatures provide an excellent environment for the growth of disease causing microorganisms(spore-formers). Document: Sushi Bar SSOP S:\Compliance\SSOP & HACCP\MA Page ) 11 For all foods: • Display units cannot be used to cool sushi or other foods • Make sure there is adequate air circulation around containers. • Do not cover until food is cooled, then cover. If your local regulators require all foods to be covered,then cover with plastic wrap and poke multiple holes to all allow the heat to escape. • Do not overload the capacity of refrigeration units/freezers. • Use a clean and calibrated thermometer to check the temperature at the center of the food. Make sure that it reaches 41°F within 4 hours. • Food not cooled to<_41°F(5°C)in 4hrs.will be thrown away • Finished sushi packages should be cooled in a cooler,freezer,or blast chiller until temperature is to 5 41°F. Cooling time should not exceed 4 hours. DELIVERY Finished products that are transported to satellite (delivery only) locations require proper equipment and planning. The quantity of packages will determine the needed quantity of coolers and ice blankets. All finished products are only transported in pre- chilled coolers utilizing the "1-2" method (1 ice blanket layer - 2 layers of finished product — 1 ice blanket layer until the cooler is full). A"delivery log"is completed for each delivered location. • The internal temperature of finished product must be 41°F (5°C) or less prior to loading in the cooler and unloading at the delivered location. The temperature and time are recorded in their respective columns on the delivery log when loading and unloading. • The coolers and ice blankets are stored in the walk in freezer overnight for the next day's deliveries. Ice Blanket _ Sushi packages Sushi packages Cooler Box Ice Blanket Diagram Sushi packages Sushi packages Ice Blanket DISPLAY Display involves holding the finished products in temperature control units for a specified duration and condition for public sale. Originally, preparation of sushi was for immediate consumption. Retail preparation and display introduces more prolonged holding that is controlled and monitored to assure product safety before consumption. • The display unit(s)maintain the sushi products at or below 41°F(5°C). • Packaged product is labeled and has a shelf life of one day(24hrs.)before discarding. • Packaged products are arranged and organized based on the type of display case and planogram. Document: Sushi Bar SSOP S:\Compliance\SSOP & HACCP\MA rT1 r *11r ttl Page 12 LABELING PRODUCTS You must correctly label every item you produce and put in the display case. Correct labeling and marking is important to show all the ingredients and any allergens that might be contained in the package.The labels for the packaged products have consumer advisory. It is also important so that customers can easily choose the product they want. • Never write on product labels packages with a marker. • Mark all of the correct ingredients on the label that are used. • Place label along the bottom of the container. DATING PRODUCTS You are required to date all the products properly. Be aware of the shelf life of products. Products are dated with a "Use By"date. On the date of expiration,discard items immediately upon arrival to the sushi bar.The specific time of preparation of an ingredient may be included on the label,as a reference for the specific time of disposal. Ingredient Hold Time .Ingredient Hold Time Avocado 12 Hours Snowcrab 2 Days Carrots 3 Days Squid 2 Days Cucumber 2 Days Tempura Shrimp 2 Days Lettuce 3 Days Tuna 2 Days Sushi package 24 Hours Yellowtail 2 Days Sushi Rice(cooked) 24 Hours Cream Cheese 5 Days Spring Roll 1 Day Gyoza 3 Days Eel 2 Days Inari 5 Days Chicken 2 Days Sauces 5 Days Kani Stick 2 Days Seaweed Medley 5 Days Masago/Tobiko 2 Days _ Seaweed Salad 5 Days Octopus 2 Days Squid Salad 5 Days Salmon 2 Days Tamago 5 Days Shrimp 2 Days Wasabi 5 Days Brown Rice 48 Hours Ginger 5 Days Mango 2 Days Jalapeno Crunch S Days Document: Sushi Bar SSOP S:\Compliance\SSOP & HACCP\MA Page 113 Refrigerator/Dry Items Shelf Life in Cooler/Dry(unopened) Shelf Life(Opened) Natural Mayonnaise 6 Months(Refer to BBD on Package) 21 Days Sriracha Mayonnaise (spicy sauce)/ Combined onsite 5 Days Wasabi Mayonnaise Sushi Ginger 12 Months(Refer to BBD on Package) 30 Days Cream Cheese 120 Days (Refer to BBD on Package) 5 Days Hissho Vinegar 12 Months(Refer to BBD on Package) 30 Days Fried Onion 9 Months(Refer to BBD on Package) 30 Days Roasted Seaweed/Nori 12 Months (Refer to BBD on Package) 60 Days Soy Paper 12 Months (Refer to 880 on Package) 60 Days Rice Paper 12 Months(Refer to BBD on Package) 60 Days Wasabi Pea 12 Months (Refer to BBD on Package) 60 Days Sriracha Pea 12 Months (Refer to BBD on Package) 60 Days Lite Soy Sauce Packet 24 Months (Refer to BBD on Package) N/A Hissho Soy Sauce Packet 24 Months (Refer to BBD on Package) N/A Spring Roll Sauce Gallon Size 12 Months (Refer to BBD on Package) 21 Days Natural Wasabi 12 Months (Refer to BBD on Package) 12 Months Black Sesame Seeds (12 Packs/Case) 12 Months (Refer to BBD on Package) 60 Days Sesame Seeds (5 lb/pk—8pk/cs) 12 Months (Refer to BBD on Package) 60 Days Hissho Natural Sushi (Eel)Sauce (6 12 Months(Refer to BBD on Package) 30 Days bottles/case) Sriracha Chili Sauce 12 Months(Refer to BBD on Package) 30 Days Chili Oil (1 gal/jar;4 jar/case) 24 Months(Refer to BBD on Package) 90 Days Tempura (puffed rice) 12 Months 30 Days Uncooked Rice 12 Months (Cool, dry area &free of 60 Days pest contamination) Jalapeno Crunch 12 Months (Refer to BBD on Package) 5 Days Document: Sushi Bar SSOP S:\Compliance\SSOP & HACCP\MA Pagel 14 ALLERGENS (FISH, CRAB, SHRIMP, SOY, MILK, EGG, WHEAT) Finished product labels must declare the presence of wheat, the type of shellfish, soy, egg, milk and the type of fish. Do not scratch out or write in ingredients on the label. Prepare foods which contain known allergens after all other products have been produced (spring rolls cooked rolls - raw rolls). Follow the sequence to prevent cross-contact. Wash hands thoroughly after handling known allergens. Do not change the recipe as this will not reflect what is listed on the ingredient label. • Do not use spicy mayo (egg) or sesame oil (sesame) to coat gloves for rolling sushi as these are allergens. • Use clean and closed containers for storing allergen ingredients (such as Spicy Mayo,Japanese BBQ Sauce, Crab, Shrimp and Types of Fish). Do not store different ingredients in the same container. Use a different container for each type of fish (Salmon,Tuna,Yellowtail, Eel,etc.) • Use the appropriate dispenser (pastry bag, squeeze bottle, shaker) to prevent cross contact of non-allergen ingredients). Do not reach into a bin of Wasabi or Sriracha Pea. Use the pastry bag or shake the product into your hand and sprinkle on the sushi roll. • Use the designated bamboo mat for rolling sushi rolls to prevent cross contact.They are identified with a "V", "C" and "R" (Veggie, Cooked and Raw). • Conduct a thorough cleaning and sanitizing immediately after processing foods that contain allergens on cutting boards, equipment and knives. Sanitizer is not effective on allergens. They are removed by vigorously scrubbing the surface with hot, soapy water, followed by rinsing, sanitizing and air drying. • Do not put food on surfaces that have touched allergens. • In the event of offering samples,ensure the sampling card with allergen information is provided adjacent and in clear view of the samples. Do not offer samples with no allergens in the same container with samples that contain allergens. • Made-to-Order rolls may be prepared upon customer request after following these steps: o Ensure all ingredient containing-allergens are removed from work surface. o Vigorously wash in-use cutting board and sushi knife with hot, soapy water, rinse with warm water,sanitize. o While items are air drying,wash hands with warm, soapy water and change gloves. o Use designated bamboo mat and prepare sushi roll, package and verify label. • Upon completion, vigorously wash cutting board, used equipment and sushi knife with hot soapy water, rinse with clean water, sanitize and air dry. Obtain designated bamboo mat and resume previous processing. Rewrap bamboo mat in the event that cross-contact occurs between allergens or allergens and non-allergen ingredients. • In the event of ingredient cross-contact, discard the ingredient that made contact with the allergen. • In the event of equipment cross-contact, vigorously wash the equipment in hot, soapy water, rinse with clean water, sanitize and air dry. Document: Sushi Bar SSOP S:\Compliance\SSOP & HACCP\MA Page ( 15 5. PREPARATION OF SUSHI RICE ::::::' -- -- — _______ ____ _ _ Materials Needed it ' 7i`:1,; r i,. vtT 1 Rice Cooker Rice Paddle Scoop Menufei 11001 1n11Mn(5(iRr1UV INC Model:5E1-500001 w ' "k2:: t it Large Bin Container Measuring Cup pH Meter and 2-2 oz.cups .. C ,r Y Scale Rice Sushi Seasoning (models vary based on market) 2.5%acidity P . . r 7.-m Distilled Lip Water Water Document: Sushi Bar SSOP S:\Compliance\SSOP & HACCP\MA Page 16 Step 1 pi Verify rice cooker pot is clean and in good repair = � Key Points ood Condition i. i Thy 7 rirty or damaged equipment can harbor ; .;, bacteria and lead to foodbome illness Step 2 ,:: - 1 , - Add 7lbs. Rice to pot Key Points r ,, . 2.Acid ribs. Rice to pot from clean i. undamaged container ., - _. t 4 �yy • Why Weight is used instead of volume for a ?:`,° more accurate recipe Document: Sushi Bar SSOP S:\Compliance\SSOP & HACCP\MA Page 117 4 {f<< r, Wash rice three times " ` "'t i. Visually inspect rice for physical contaminants �f. 2 Agitate with clean gloved hands 3. f rtially till pot each time 4. iaitato with clean gloved hands ` y ; . 5. Drain ;'Dater Why yr .. s 1 r "` - To visually inspect rice and remove any "w` debris that may be present Step 4 ;' _- Add 8lbs.Water' '' 'Take into account the water added during the washing process , r Key Points cz` I. 1'iac& poi cis scale 2. Add 81bs. From a potable water source '.•%, _,.,..:::: k ......„ . taking into account the water added .n- ' 'dn r,nn the washinr; process The total weight of rice and water is • .bs. • s 'Veight is used instead of volume for a • more accurate recipe 1 DOCtiMe t.Such; bar - QP S'.\\(:OrTIP44nr;-a\,SSQP & HA•«P\,iC/IA p@ge I 18 Step 5 Cook Rice for approximately 30 minutes Key Points 'i :C 1.uttk il iC l:l?.�jlll eo!fill_ y..r 2. Dc not lift lid during cooking process s. When rice is cooked the "Keep Warn" light will be on. • • Why ? xw Cooking helps kill any bacteria that may 'gip s is be present in the rice 4.4Step 6 Verify rice container is clean and in good repair Key Points Rice Container 'Clean 'Good Condition Why? •�� :• Dirty or damaged equipment can harbor bacteria and lead to foodborne illness Document: Sushi Bar SSOP S:\Compliance\SSOP & HACCP\MA 19 Step 7 Place cooked rice in container ^ ~ Key Points • I . ,,, ,,;-ntainer can not be u;n 2 inches in depth. Why? acing rice in a larger container speeds cooling process and makes it easier to mix the sushi seasoning into the rice Step 8 • Add 32oz Sushi Seasoning (2.5%acidity) Key Points oning evenly across rice • 32oz. Of Seasoning is added to acidify the rice and add flavor. More seasoning may be added if target pH (55.4.1)is not reached. Document: Sushi Bar SSOP S:\Compliance\SSOP & HACCP\MA 20 Step 9 ""� • ^`! Mix rice with Seasoning - . �x ,,•-' ` a Key Points ... rviix rice with rice paddle 2. Make sure all ;ice is evenly coated in f3 seasoning ;N �,�eh ? r G. 11 g .y y 3. Measure pH within 30 minutes of miring. J t x _ Y ' • *; } 5A- , .2' ,{ v. _ Evenly coating rice with seasoning 's '' , ! r {,i.>.- , ensures that all rice reaches the s - appropriate pH(54.1) :_y Step 10 __ Pour approximately 2oz. Distilled water into container this will be repeated one ac additional .` additional time a' - Key Points F 1. • -- t-4.„,,,- - ' - - •• - .-- • • Distilled water is used to avoid pH ' fluctuations associated with local water supplies tTy: • _ Document: Sushi Bar SSOP S:\Cornpliance\SSOP & NACCP\MA Page ; 21 Step 11 ` y Fill the other 2 oz.container with n five small rice samples from different areas of the container Key Points ,_,,:,. 1. Take five sma:, sz rcipies, aac:; C r,„, and the center of the rice container 2. As you take the samples place them into the other identical container .%.,;q0!--,,,,-. - .-‘1, -;...4--' --. ,--_ ...4t .,, ,,, a .=ive samples are taken from different `'' '"` :eas to make up a representative sample • for a more accurate pH reading. Step 12 d .sMix two parts distilled water with one part `> '' rice 1114 _ ' - - R 14= 1 'The Health Department may require you 1N to use a blender. If you are unsure whether you should use a blender,Please . . , ... , Contatct Your RC/RM** Key Points ,( CISiiCI-: ,,,aiei e'1C, 11C2 li,:0 Sidi i 1 '..k � ; : ,pith chop sticks or other clean utensil "Vh/' �' .',vo parts of distilled water and one part "` --ice are mixed together in order to get a ':iquid so that we can test the pH • Gt Document: Sushi Bar SSOP S:\Compliance\SSOP & HACCP\MA Page 122 Step 13 • t Pour the mixture into a container l K.ey Points d - ''.. :. It help:, 1'C nit)\'C 11). I 01 the11111.�:II'11'Vill !:1S1tle the rit'r. _. Il 11011)S(will tilt' IlliXtlin.. ,: t aL�� ::".t.:...h VV h y 7„, '' L I or an iicen I 'rcarlin,the product aced- w halt. it:pi{ reading taken roughh at mull) temperature. It a1M)helps..,:n;lritlrt-that the 1)rul)t•i'p1I (-CIntrt,li,are being timet. Step 14 Please calibrate the p1I meter(see pane 311. Place the pH meter,that is in calibration,into , << the cup. ggs. Key Points Cf w urn cm pH Iileiel 2. Place calibrated pH meter into the clip -- 3 Record reading once the stability icon i is displayed at the top left of the display 111 I it: ) 4 Veriiy reading is between pH <q.i : . li reading is above the required range ;a add more Sushi Seasoning and repeat steps 10-14. Record the reading in the corrective action portion of the Sushi Rice Why ") 'Critical Control 'oi. Aelr... ,.. A pH of 4.1 or below is used to control bacteria and must be strictly followed or someone may become sick from our product Document: Sushi Bar SSOP S:\Compliance\SSO? & HACCP\MA 23 Step 15 • —.,•%-_ Sushi Rice is ready for the next step g x Ke Points - ` 4.1 before proceeding to i tile next step k' x .." ?P ty � �x _. Layer of rice in container can not be �j Greater than 2 inches in depth. >:: ! �" t-'P SL's r . p` ,,'-7--'-'—:',4.- , • p� t Y -- r " ' :: :;•,c ,, n . 12.,- ; pH was verified and now rice can proceed .4 to the next step „..t. ,,...4„.._. Step 16 c 3;. � , Sushi Rice has a 24 hour shelf life t m ; Key Points consicuei ed shelf stable. ` . + t . ,, Fcidified r ice after 24 f i. . s R v� ! ci i. 5 sushi rice that is >4.1. Y' - _# rr �er5 r :ns =�.1 after adding e ,::z. of sushi seasoning. tj "' 17,416V.i>'-,-, cr why? j A 24 hour shelf life of sushi rice is used to ensure quality. oiiiiimimimiiiioiui Document: Sushi Bar SSOP S:\Compliance\SSOP & HACCP\MA Page X24 5A. PREPARATION OF BROWN SUSHI RICE —TIME & TEMPERATURE CONTROLLED 1. Weigh and place 4 lbs.of brown rice in an empty rice pot. 2. Wash and scrub the rice cold water at the food preparation sink for at least 3 minutes. The rice must be scrubbed to scratch the outer coat of the grains. 3. Weigh and add 8 16s.of water to the rice pot. 4. Cook the rice in the rice cooker for 1 hour and 30 minutes. 5. After the rice is finished cooking,transfer the rice into an NSF°shallow container.The rice may not be stored any more than 2 inches high inside the container.Spread the rice into a flat even layer. 6. Pour 16 oz.of vinegar evenly across onto the rice and thoroughly mix the rice and vinegar with the rice paddle to evenly coat. 7. DO NOT COVER! 8. Mix the rice every 10 minutes until the rice reaches an internal temperature of 135°F. 9. Using a calibrated thermometer,measure and record the time the rice reaches 135°F. 10. After the rice cools to 135°F,place the container of rice into cooling equipment such as a cooler or freezer • Do not cover the container!The lid must remain off in order for the rice to properly cool. • For locations that require for all food to be covered regardless of whether it's cooling or not: Place plastic wrap on top of the container of cooling food and poke enough holes all over the top of the plastic to allow the steam to escape and for proper airflow.Do not place a solid plastic lid over the container. 11. Using a calibrated thermometer, measure and record the time when the rice reaches 70°F, it should be 2 hours or less from the time that the rice reached 135°F. 12. Using a calibrated thermometer, measure and record the time when the rice reaches 41°F or below,it should be 4 hours or less from the time the rice reached 70°F.You may use the rice or place a lid onto the container after it reaches 41°F or below and place it into cooling equipment. 13. The cooling process must be monitored the entire time.You may not prepare rice in the evening and leave it in the cooler to cool overnight,this is not monitoring. 14. Label the container with the rice pot#, product name and use by date and time.Your rice must be used up or discarded within 48 hours from the time the rice reached 41°F. 15. Brown sushi rice is controlled by temperature;so only bring out enough rice necessary for preparation. Each roll takes 2 minutes to prepare. Document: Sushi Bar SSOP S:\Compliance\SSOP & HACCP\MA Page 125 6. RECIPES Half Pot White Rice • Rice-3.5 lbs • Water-4 lbs • Cooking time-45 minutes • Vinegar-16 oz(2 cups) • Acidity for sushi rice:<-4.1 Brown Rice • Brown Rice-4 lbs • Water-8 lbs • Cooking time-1 Hour and 30 minutes • Vinegar-16 oz After mixing the rice with vinegar,the rice needs to cool down below 70°F in the first two hours.Then,it needs to be below 40°F in four hours. Multi-grain Rice • Multi-grain Rice-1 lbs • White Rice-2Ibs • Water-4.5lbs • Cooking time-1 Hour and 30 minutes • Vinegar-12 oz After mixing the rice with vinegar,the rice needs to cool down below 70°F in the first two hours.Then, it needs to be below 40°F in four hours. 7. FOOD SAFETY HAZARDS Sushi becomes unsafe when it is contaminated by harmful substances or microorganisms.There are three main types of food safety hazards. • Biological: Bacteria,viruses,parasites and fungi. • Chemical:Pesticides,cleaning supplies or toxics that get into food. • Physical:Foreign matter like hair,dirt,bandages,metal staples,or broken glass,etc.that gets into food. Sushi can also become unsafe through cross-contamination; the transfer of harmful substances or micro-organisms from one source to another. An example would be when raw fish is stored above a ready to eat product and fluid drips from the fish onto the other product. Your product can also become contaminated when you do not do a good job of cleaning and sanitizing food contact areas.These are food contact surfaces such as cutting boards.These surfaces must be cleaned (free of visible soil) and sanitized (free of harmful levels of contamination),when changing from raw to cooked items,after using seafood, or every 4 hours or when needed. Document: Sushi Bar SSOP S:\Compliance\SSOP & HACCP\MA Y n n b b r 26 8. HACCP PLAN Peterson's Sushi's 2021 HACCP plan was reviewed by Xin Aguilar to ensure accuracy of the plan. this plan will be reviewed annually Sushi Bar Location: 918 MA-6A, Yarmouth Port, MA 02675 Document: Sushi Bar SSOP S:\Compliance\SSOP & HACCP\MA Page 127 Flow Chart RPCPIVP Yeueivr� Ret:eive Refrigerated Frozen rozen Goods V • i Place Place in Place in in Refrigerated 4 Frozen Dry Storage Storage • • Prepare Gather Thaw Sushi* Utensils Frozen and Critical Limit:pH of v 554.1 See page 9 Prepare ::) SL]shi Hold Sushi v Rice Package Cush_ 4, Cool Sushi * 1 Display *Critical Control Point Document: Sushi Bar SSOP S:\Compliance\SSOP & HACCP\MA f' ,; , 1 ! 28 a L.) U Q L I C v) N O 00 a a) u u L CD 3 Ln 3 iv CU 0 V L u C 3 O n 0 1N § E c`, c ‘4..., C v. c — -a a, c v u u Q v x 0 0 o c a a)c 7:; c o v c O o u C }i U _0 C i (7 22 ••-• L N 0 3 a a. .- '^ v - u N ti ,� p • U l'ol c 1 u Q 3 0 a, _ of i U flfl E o ° ti @ i ll O ra a'' ‘67., r --Vii N v c 0 3 c L a, 0a, o v c ° a) C u ate) o° ra v m C o c v 3 C . of c ar 3 v Co Y 3 `n O `^ u O O O N u O O U a) •C C — O ry U U "C CZ C) w _ a) a) ti ti • I • LO CJ C: O. y, N _ a 0 U ra ..- u Cj CO u �, .Q O r c o vL. t NI aI 6. 'x o': — 3 ro c v r rc C . O cc, it O L 3 -C L I 1 .a) c t' c f6 H c r coif o°'il v o ='' a, a) ;J CC M1: VI rV Vl N N? O C1 c NI k.D CC k.:- 0 a) N L C 7 C CC rC j .1. _v a) Oi O U v *clic ~ O C ti � W �^ s•+ P a-, p r t u 3' c O vOi FK Q U II11 -0 cvs u 7 -O o cu o C a — Document: Sushi Bar SSOP S:\Compliance\SSOP & HACCP\MA Page X29 N 0 W a U u O \.iL._ C b t a— J a1 U, .a' O > y vi a1 L ° Y U .10 a a n O c co O O (0 N to 5. LL N C vl r E v U C 0m in ° 7 O U v, ro v o I- - N w -z a1 L 3 o v • v 0 3 U .S ra H 0) >-L a ra E t u v 3 S! rr a U C ° v Z. rro U N c a v_ ti I ao o o ¢ -o I; 2 0 3 a 1.+ O .2 o ° v • C C 811 n E a IJ a um 01 O a, a -0 .0 O 01 C Vl a1 C C a ,,,, - = a N C E -c r9 a! oe N G, E 'a) 'O o C C QJ O 0 L C a ti a, a, V Y Q a1 U a, 4- v a .a0 O YO 7 'D u C N '3 •D .00 a� 06 ,� U a 0 .- O 03 i ra v u a o .g o °° Co c 3 n v a C _ _ V C ` O 0 C y, �/ ✓ a ro a, a co•° ° ro 6- a ' • g •a Ju C V Y C a, 0 N f0 m .+ c0 '� s u -0 a ij a ra N o 7 - V a N U a1 v N U O CU u. V y • d No E a ro c = a O. v a O N N 00 t/, a1 O C L N = a, O d rn a C 0 an• E a/ ra r113U t U L, L0 CU O 8> En U U U U 0 0 0 +.. C w v, Z Z z Z > z z >. z U (0 io v, 3 a, - 12 O Q a 2 i o d at -D vi �^ •C 'n ,� U C Y C L — Y o X X 3 X 3 v = cc3 c 0 ° g c v lu Q � � ° c, u ~ c9 L -- .. .. .. ro a1 Lel o m ry CC ° '� o CC ° a ° - °0-0 a ° •to c a �,, V E V — U -O c N a .N o o ° ° E ° a0 O E o0 O a, >- T C CO ,7, 13 C CO U T to [O .O. m - CO L L C L L ° .0 U a a d 2 d CD C = a S a T a m m ma, oa c c c c a C r`o mo O o O ao ? C ra Q ,,, j O O N fa !a fa - -� Q1 a1 V1 v ro ra ra ra 0 �' >_ ° a,a, Ira - a a a a o (ti 2 O O a, `, ` `, U N a o o a a. a a ra LL LL `___., I Document: Sushi Bar SSOP S:\Compliance\SSOP & HACCP\MA P a g e I 30 k » ! ; $ E.! j }$, !} $& { /k \/a _ { 7& { !_ I 12, VAI ; 16 � \f ///kk/! ;5' � a; � ■ a � & ! #� f! k {l ,4ma&F@ £�! $ lJ ;3A & E \ E5 2 / . k . k 13 CU z \ [ ; § § f S. ! _ E ; ; - t { § k \ 2 � k t © ° ; ! 2t = » k § ; t= ! t , « ! : ! £ v, & - \ \ ' \\_{ \ C.* ' 0tO a Rpjm - . . . � £ | 7, ; ( 1 k - ! k\ k § � § { � ill f{Ift1t a 2 \ ! 5 ; \ƒ E {i § 2 Is p \! a !°° 2 a ; fit® ; § a 2 ! / klk � @ \) R \ / k ƒE /i ( /kft o. t §§d . } - k !\ / i . . Document: Sushi BarSSOP S:\Compliance\SSOP & H ACCP\M A Page 131 9. THERMOMETER CALIBRATION DIAL THERMOMETER CALIBRATION • You will need a 50/50 mix of ice and water. • Place your thermometer into the ice water. • Take the reading once the dial/reading stays put. • If it reads 32 degrees F it is calibrated. • If it doesn't read 32 degrees F adjust the hex nut under the dial to get a 32 degree F reading. • Make note on the temperature log every time you calibrate,because calibration is a corrective action. THERMOWORKS DIGITAL PROBE CALIBRATION (END-POINT SENSOR THERMOMETER) • You will need a 50/50 mix of ice and water. • Place your thermometer into the ice water. • Take the reading once the reading stays put. • If it reads 32 degrees F it is calibrated. • If it doesn't read 32 degrees F then remove the Phillips head screw on the front panel. • Place a suitable flat head screw driver onto the screw hole and adjust the potentiometer to display 32 degrees F. • Make note on the temperature log every time you calibrate,because calibration is a corrective action. 10. PH METER CALIBRATION (HANNA HI 98127 WATERPROOF PH METER) • pH meter calibration must be done every day. • Please make sure the expiration dates of the pH buffer solutions must be checked before using for calibration of the pH meter. �,..,,,, • Pour each pH 7 and pH 4 buffer solution into separate 2 oz.cups and label. '' • For normal measuring mode,press and hold the MODE button until OFF on the secondary LCD is replaced by CAL. • Release the button.The LCD enters the calibration mode displaying"pH .er•► 7.01 USE". • After 1 second the meter activates the automatic buffer recognition Itp. feature. • If a valid buffer is detected then its value is shown on the primary display and REC appears on the secondary LCD. • If no valid buffer is detected,the meter keeps the USE indication active for 12 seconds,and then it replaces it with WRNG,indicating the sample being measured is not a valid buffer. • Place the electrode in pH 7.01 buffer. After the first calibration point has been accepted, the "pH 4.01 USE" message appears. • The message is held for 12 seconds, unless a valid buffer is recognized. If no valid buffer is recognized,then the WRNG message is shown. • If a valid buffer is detected,then the meter completes the calibration procedure.When the buffer is accepted,the LCD shows the accepted value with the "OK 2" message, and then the meter returns to the normal measuring mode. *Ph buffer solutions must be marked with the manufacturer's expiration date. Check expiration date before using buffer solution for calibration. • When not in use,rinse the electrode with water to minimize contamination and store it with a few drops of storage (HI 70300)or pH 7(HI 7007)solution in the protective cap after use. Document: Sushi Bar SSOP S:\Compliance\SSOP & HACCP\MA Page 132 — 10 A. PH METER — EXTECH PH100 METER EXSTIK 1. For new meters, remove the battery cap then remove the battery insulating strip. 2. Remove the cap from the bottom of the ExStik`"meter to expose the electrode probe. 3. Before first use or after extended storage.soak the electrode(with its can removed)in the off 4.0 buffer solution for about 10 minutes. 4. White crystals may be present in the cap. These crystals will dissolve in 4.0 buffer or it can be simply rinsed with distilled water. 5. A sponge is located in the electrode protective cap. Keep this sponge soaked with a pH 4.0 solution to preserve electrode life during storage. HOW TO CALIBRATE: 1. pH meter calibration must be done every day. 2. Please make sure the expiration dates of the pH butter solutions must be checked before for calibration of the pH meter. 3. Pour each pH 7 and pH 4 buffer solution into separate 2 oz.cups. 4. Pour distilled water into a 2 oz. cup and place in between of the V buffers. .� 5. Turn on pH meter. Place the electrode into a pH buffer 7.0 solution and press the "CAL"button. 6. The ExStikr" automatically recognizes the solution and calibrates itself to that value. 7. During the calibration,the pH reading flashes on the main display. 8. When calibration is complete,the ExStik'"automatically displays "END"andQwill appear on the display. It then returns to normal operating mode. 9. Rinse the electrode by dipping the electrode in the 2 oz. of distilled water. 10. Place the electrode in pH buffer 4.0 solution and press the"CAL" button. 11. The ExStik'"automatically recognizes the solution and calibrates itself to that value. 12. During the calibration,the pH reading flashes on the main display. 13. When calibration is completed, the ExStik'" automatically displays "END" and O will appear on the display. It then returns to normal operation mode. 14. The pH meter is now ready to measure. 15. Place electrode in sushi rice slurry.Document reading in log book. Reset: it the meter will 1101 calibrate 01 displays d -1,reset the meter and attempt iv re-r_dlibrate. 1. Turn off meter. 2. Remove the battery cartridge from the top of the meter. 3. Press the On/Off button for 10 seconds 4. Re-insert the batteries, power on the meter and attempt to re-calibrate the meter. Ph buffer solutions must be marked with the manufacturer's expiration date. Check expiration date before using buffer solution for calibration Document: Sushi Bar SSOP S:\Compliance\SSOP & HACCP\MA Renaud, Philip From: Anna Wang <annawang5001@gmail.com> Sent: Tuesday, June 22, 2021 4:28 PM To: Renaud, Philip Subject: Re: Sushi Rice PH Test Attention! This email originates outside of the organization. Do not open attachments or click links unless you are sure this email is from a known sender and you know the content is safe. Call the sender to verify if unsure. Otherwise delete this email. On Mon, Jun 21, 2021 at 10:07 PM Anna Wang<annawang5001 @gmail.com>wrote: Hi Philip i just got the lab email about the PH test , i dont know they sent you or not, i have the Ph test in the attachment, please have a look, thank you best regards Xin Client Name : Aguilar, Address : 82 Timb Marston 02648 collected By Sample Type : RICE