HomeMy WebLinkAboutDecision 4947 - 18 Huntington Ave TC Certified 06.21.22TOWN OF YARMOUTH BOARD OF APPEALS O 1 t' , , , DECISION gbf` d rAGMEa • I FILED WITH TOWN CLERK: May 19, 2022 PETITION NO: 4947 HEARING DATE: April 14,2022 PETITIONER: Nikolay Petrov Danov J, .....k.k` PROPERTY:18 Huntington Avenue, South Yarmouth,MA Map 98, Parcel 96 Zoning District: B-3/APD Title: Book 34927,Page 167 MEMBERS PRESENT AND VOTING: Chairman Steve DeYoung,Jay Fraprie,Dick Nietz, and Sean Igoe(remote) Notice of the hearing has been given by sending notice thereof to the Petitioner and all those owners of property as required by law, and to the public by posting notice of the hearing and publishing in The Cape Cod Times,the hearing opened and held on the date stated above. The Petitioner seeks a Special Permit pursuant to bylaws section 103.2 concerning property in a zoning district B3/APD. The purpose of the petition is to allow his use of the property for a small wood coating operation. The applicant is Nikolay Petrov Danov who did a fine job of representing himself. The property location is 18 Huntington Ave., South Yarmouth, Massachusetts. The applicant explained that he is seeking to use the property to paint small wooden objects such as moulding, baseboards, cabinet doors etc. He reports that all paint will be water-based and contained within the building.The Board reviewed the well-written report from Carl Lawson Jr.,Hazardous Waste Inspector,who set forth his concerns and recommendations, and specifically those set forth on pages 2- 3 in the April 8,2020 memorandum from Mr. Lawson. No one spoke in favor of the Petition and no one spoke in its opposition.No exhibits were received at the hearing. The project is well thought out and recognizes the need for caution within the Aquifer Protection District (APD). The Board had various discussions and felt that approval could be granted without resulting in any nuisance, hazard or congestion and without any detriment or harm to the existing or future character of the neighborhood or town. Moreover, relief by way of a Special PermitcouldbegrantedontheconditionthattheBoardofHealth's conditions as set forth on pages 2-3 asabovereferencedtogetherwithanynewconditions,restrictions or the like that the Board of Health maychoosetoimposeinthefuture, be made a part of the grant of Special Permit. Motion was made by Mr.Neitz and seconded by Mr. Fraprie to grant the Special Permit on the condition set forth above. A roll call vote proceeded and all members voted in favor of the motion: kTRUE COPY ATTEST: Xillit W1411-1)(44 LMNIC CMC/TOWN CLERK juw 212022 Mr. DeYoung AYE Mr. Fraprie AYE Mr. Neitz AYE Mr. Igoe AYE No permit shall issue until 20 days from the filing of this decision with the Town Clerk. Appeals from this decision shall be made pursuant to MGL c40A section 17 and must be filed within 20 days after filing of this notice/decision with the Town Clerk. Unless otherwise provided herein,the Special Permit shall lapse if a substantial use thereof has not begun within 24 months. (See bylaw 103.2.5, MGL c40A §9) Steve DeYoung, Chairman CERTIFICATION OF TOWN CLERK I, Mary A. Maslowski, Town Clerk, Town of Yarmouth, do hereby certify that 20 days have elapsed since the filing with me of the above Board of Appeals Decision #4947 that no notice of appeal of said decision has been filed with me, or, if such appeal has been filed it has been dismissed or denied. All appeals have been exhausted. Mary A. Maslowski Town Clerk JUN 2 9 2022 A TRUE COPY ATTEST: blit•dthti-th CMG/CMC/ C;J -:K JUN 2 1 2022 ON' .Yllle COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS 4,..) 4,r.` - TOWN OF YARMOUTH BOARD OF APPEALS 0` Petition #: 4947 Date: June 9, 2022 Certificate of Granting of a Special Permit General Laws Chapter 40A, Section 11) The Board of Appeals of the Town of Yarmouth Massachusetts hereby certifies that a Special Permit has been granted to: Nikolay Petrov Danov 18 Huntington Avenue, South Yarmouth,MA Affecting the rights of the owner with respect to land or buildings at: 18 Huntington Avenue, South Yarmouth, MA; Map #:98; Parcel#: 96; Zoning District: B-3/APD; Book 34927,Page 167 and the said Board of Appeals further certifies that the decision attached hereto is a true and correct copy of its decision granting said Special Permit, and copies of said decision, and of all plans referred to in the decision, have been filed. The Board of Appeals also calls to the attention of the owner or applicant that General Laws, Chapter 40A, Section 11 (last paragraph) and Section 13, provides that no Special Permit, or any extension, modification or renewal thereof, shall take effect until a copy of the decision bearing the certification of the Town Clerk that twenty (20) days have elapsed after the decision has been filed in the office of the Town Clerk and no appeal has been filed or that, if such appeal has been filed, that it has been dismissed or denied, is recorded in the Registry of Deeds for the county and district in which the land is located and indexed in the grantor index under the name of the owner of record or is recorded and noted on the owner's certificate of title. The fee for such recording or registering shall be paid by the owner or applicant. 4.. ......„ .80..,.... Steven S. DeYoung, Chairman A TRUE COPY ATTEST: wilmta if/141044 . CMMC/CMC/TOWN CLERK JUt 2= 1 2022