HomeMy WebLinkAbout2021 Sign off Transmittal - Renovate and Remodel ot'-.Y44TOWN OF YARMOUTH :,---.•-• • - ti e,:J HEALTH DEPARTMENT PERMIT APPLICATION SIGN OFF TRANSMITTAL SHEET To be completed by Applicant: , Building Site Location: 39 Merchant Ave.,Yarmouth Port,MA 02675 Proposed Improvement: Renovate/remodel to rebuild sunroom,reconfigure&relocate kitchen,dining room hallway& back entrance according to plans. Applicant: Cape Associates Inc. Tel. No-.: 508-362-9770 / / Address: PO Box 1858,N.Eastham,MA 02651 41(.6,k. c Date Filed: **If you would like e-mail notification of sign off,please provide e-mail address: Owner Name: Margaret E. Smith Owner Address: 3000 Tildon Street,Apt.301,Washington,DC 20008 Owner Tel. No.: 202-403-1352 RESIDENTIAL AND/OR COMMERCIAL BUILDING HEALTH DEPARTMENT: Determines Compliance to State and Town Regulations; i.e., Requirements For Septage Disposal and other Public Health Activities. __ Please submit three (3) copies of plans, to include: _ a (1.) Site Plan showing existing buildings, water line location, and septic system location; ` ' y. ( ' 021 (2.) Floor plan labeling ALL rooms within building H,-,.,LTH DEPT. (all existing and proposed) — Note:Floor plans not required for decks, sheds, windows, roofing; (3.) If necessary, Title 5 application signed by licensed installer w' • fee. r W ;(2/"...... REVIEWED BY: ')`'/(),- 41PL ASE NOTE COMMENTS/CONDITIONS: I � � I 9 ✓I V I 1 ILAP- / e T141- ARNE Q j ACNE \ - i wAisa Owe e�DOATi ON EXISTING SECOND FLOOR BED/BATH SCALE- 1/4" = I'-0" SECOND SCALE:. 1/4" = 1'-0" BED/BATH YOUT YOUT FREI f FRY W7 ASSOCIATES, INC. 299 WHITES PATH�� SOUTH YARMOUTH, MASSACHUSETTS. 02664 tel (508) 362-8883 (508) 760-2800 tax (508) 760-5800 EXISTING CONDITIONS FOR: MARGARET SMITH 39 MERCHANT AVE. YARMOUTHPORT, MA FAR PARETTING OR MINCTREACTION 'IT 11 TEE NEAR ART11-1111 lEA11N 'NO "' INCIEFTY TYFIII AN III FEET OF 2� ARE CARRY AT ANN RECIAN TEP ARI MCET FEE INC 10 FARE LICTROF SIALL Of I By My RRACR FAIR AIR PERFORATOR FOR AT El IF TE FIR' EIT AII NC PROJECT N 220588 DATE 155UED: REVISIONS. PERMIT SET PROGRESS SET PRICING SET PROGRESS SET REGISTRATION APPEL �TA._�_o,. UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. SHEET NO TOTAL NUMBER OF SHEETS W SET: THIS SHEET INVALID UNLESS ACCOMPANIED BY A COMPLETE SET OF WORKING DRAWINGS Ex. Y7cu61e french .doors to be replaced with Andersen french soder Cx bininq froom fix, bininq boom NDW; 5un froom Ex. floc- to be built up to match ex ht. of dimnq room & krtchen Li Ex. Shelving be replaced wl cabinets N�W; Ki�iChen �i �x, LIvmcj room 1'eplace bile m entry J �_J , staircasees NewexIn'w C _ __ � --- J 1 New tele In entrance hall tin C D NEW Velux w Skglights Nz O C) Q NEW; Powder ream y and W/ J location E fix. Pen U New; rame above door location E exis-ina brick „,w ra— ,, O O i -r w Nz O C) Q y w .o O U Detelssued: 8/27/21 U h z h D—By'. 1.0 W�[x� C4 o Al a z � cisi� P"k cz z vo New wall and framing indudinci windows and doors to - w replace existin Atrium Sun ^ F. z t?oom which will be emolished, fix. Double french doors to be replaced' with w WIT �X, C.N, 7' S" / - 1" Anderse french slider, �xistinq header to be W.F. a N a NrW Ve x Skyli ht � r A fix, Livinq loom w post down under beam 0 a A ! fix, bininol C?oom j F -x. 6udt- ins to be [3eam below replaced with new NSW flo to be floor( 3> 2xl O cabinetry _ built up to m h ex TL lall Column below W ht. of linin room 4 U ketch n o _._ Z y - W 0 H � w L _� M �N Ilne of loft above NM Kitchen N replace file In entry — � way �amlU C?om _ fix, I o New Exterior St-airca_ Access C 2> 8" Sonotubes N `- wood 20 @ 16'' 0.6. h,T,landing - __ __ — O 4e o C 3i 2x12 p,T, Strings — 2669 2666 = 4 w e Y. 666 cc Poor 2666-� Q O Q NM; PowoL r room and W/ P location I � K, bon rn _z LX, C.N. -7'-5,'i -IN r/u U Now; Frame above �+ Date Issued: existinq foundation, C 11/29/21 demo and remove cCIO w -- - rlc pavers U x. garage I' 3 0 > Drawn By: MB Key Checked By: RB First Floor Plan Al SCAL�:I/4"=1'-O.. demdish new framing Al a