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2022 Sign off Transmittal - Finish basement
,,,�k TOWN OF YARMOUTH r '' c. HEALTH DEPARTMENT `�'�. • "� APPLICATION SIGN OFF TRANSMITTAL SHEET , s.t- PERMIT To he completed by Applicant:- Building Site Location: V .i(2 (-louse, a Coff /etcvno `W 1114, Proposed Improvement: Fat ,. , 0 Ak,-& v' `` 11 __ Tel. NQ.: VAS�Z/d"i/�� Applicant: �00x.c!. YeAC W�cAN.o V -- t�iV� Address: 2O C tyir)ce\`c. C L - t ' ' "`i'5\'NS/r`,`1SDate Filed: 01— \0-ZZ (13.2.C.'I **If you would like e-mail notification of sign off please provide e-mail address: Owner Name: AL SInP•w ,c'rt c Owner Address: &O,SGS Rck, ��`f Owner Tel. No.: 4\ (604-214-6192- RESIDENTIAL AND/OR COMMERCIAL BUILDING HEALTH DEPARTMENT: Determines Compliance to State and Town Regulations; i.e., Requirements For Septage Disposal and other Public Health Activities. EllANT Please submit three (3) copies of plans, to include: (1.) Site Plan showing existing buildings, water line location, FEB 1 0 2022 and septic system location; HEALTH DEPT. (2.) Floor plan labeling ALL rooms within building (all existing and proposed) — Note: Floor plans not required for decks, sheds, windows, roofing; (3.) If necessary, Title 5 application signed by licensed installer with fee. GP- 9-1 REVIEWED BY: DATE: / Z,2. /'2- Z PLEASE NOTE tt COMMENTS/CONDITIONS: 1d3Q HlTiSH 60 Ice House Road .4 Yarmouth, MA i st Floor _,pvrWt.Y�dsv.R.�ih.c,wwwF,�_ ..i Yli'.. .. .. I a., �w-, r1•. ..... •S -• Livia g-�Room Bedroom 2 T'x 12 r 13'xl, r �F 1 Garage Derr 13 x23 1 2'xl 4' Kitchen Bedroom Bedroom r ; 11`x8' 1ox13 C YI't1:;2�i y'�:°'.d'i ry; 3.e •.e,✓ii �:v-1 (._ .. 1 .2 C•. f.;.. .l. • s. 1 £ ... _ fYU" .:. .. .. 1. p�... ..... ...... f.. :..r _...: .. �i4.1. . . ..... .. ... .._.. � -. _. .. f rt }! F �t uRri'RiatAe�tl�SYno�yA�T�i•AaaNanWw+iM k.da( H, IvBH I I , i ! ; I i f A ZD 6I 6)."_ i ©® ® 1 I - C I.IV U 7-1Z N.G/C��rl�t1y ` `f CAL, T-- = ` I i = CcAon PAoaoX,Ac WC- I =xSo i i Y t,ci�u�ns�S