HomeMy WebLinkAbout2020 Variance request and application CAPE COD ENGINEERING, INC. Robert M. Perry, P.E. P.O.Box 1517 East Dennis,MA 02641 Tel./Fax 508-385-1445/Fax 508-385-1446 bobperryna,capecod.net RECEIVED February 28, 2020 MAR 0 5 2020 HEALTH DEPT. Town of Yarmouth Board of Health 1146 Route 28 South Yarmouth, MA 02664 RE: 6 Smiths Point Road,West Yarmouth -Health Code Variance Request To The Board of Health, On behalf of the Albright family,the owner or 6 Smiths Point Road, West Yarmouth,we are requesting two variances relating to potable well setbacks. The water supply for 6 Smiths Point Rd. (locus)has been for years a shared well among three properties with appropriate agreements and easements of record. The Albrights,for a number or reasons, one of which is to unburden and reduce demand on the off- site common well, seek an independent water supply. A suitable source for this water supply is a well located on locus installed by a previous owner as a casing with screen but never used. The well likely was placed to investigate water quality for a potable source but this information is unavailable to us. The existing well casing and screen has been evaluated by Atlantic Well Drilling with basic well information listed here. The 4 in. diameter well was set at a max. depth of 32.5 ft. 16 ft. below the static groundwater surface level. We understand a typical 4 ft. screen was installed. Pumping test rate was 30 GPM sustained with approx 2 to 3 ft. drawdown. The water sample quality tests are good quality for potable sources and are attached with this application. A site plan is attached showing the existing conditions and the well now proposed for potable/domestic use. • The subject well is 146 ft. and up gradient(groundwater gradient) from a septic system SAS located at 53 Uncle Roberts Rd. This condition requires a 4 ft. variance from the 150 ft. requirement. • The subject well is located 132 ft. up gradient from the existing septic system SAS located serving locus located on a separate parcel on the opposite side of Smiths Point Road. This condition requires an 18 ft. variance from the 150 ft. requirement. Of note is the observation that both wells are located in a general direction that places them in positions where groundwater flow is logically flowing toward the coastal interface, from the well toward the septic SAS. Water quality and production of the 1 subject well is excellent and highly suitable for domestic use. The residence may employ a pH neutralizer and filter apparatus which is advisable for most current Cape Cod ground water used domestically. The circumstances of the well to SAS layout allow for a reasonable conclusion that with the requested relief granted,the circumstances will provide for an equal or better level of environmental protection as compared with a condition where a 150 ft. separation was met but with a reversed groundwater gradient. Thank you for your consideration of the request. Sincerely, Cape Cod En 'nee g,Inc. ., ./ Robert Perry, P.E. 2 il ENVIROTECH LABORATORIES, INC. MA CERT.NO.:M-MA 063' 8 Jan Sebastian Drive Unit 12 Sandwich,MA 02563 _ . (108)858-6460 1-800-339-6460 FAX(508)888-6446 Client Name: Atlantic Well Drilling Location: 6 Smith's Point Rd Address: PO Box 339 Great Island ' No.Eastham MA W.Yarmouth 02651 Lab Number: OW-191271 Collecied By: R.Peterson Dale Received: 05/14/19 Sample Type: Existing Welt Well Specs: 32.5'Deep,16'Static bleat/an.Source bete Collected lime Calkcled r C ornmettl, ". 05M3119 14:10 _ Pump Discharge - _ i/tultsis Reque3irrl tt Unils Rec m mended Limit/ Analysis Result' hle[Jrad flet!/.Anrtlt�7ed Analyzed Total Coliform CFU/100mL 0 5 SM92228 05/14/2019 MC pH pH units 6.5-8.5 6.18 SM 4500-H-B 05/14/2019 RL Specific Conducfartc eu umhos/cm 500 121 EPA 120.1 05/1412019 RI Nitrite-N mg/L 1.00 <0.006 EPA 300.0 05/14/2019 RI Nitrate-N mgt 10.0 2.12 EPA 300.0 05/14/2010 RL Sodium mg/L 20.0 15 EPA 200.7 05/152019 MC Total Iron mg/L 0.3 0.02 EPA 200.7 05/15/2019 MC Manganese mg/L 0.05 0.007 EPA 200.7 05/152019 MC Continents: tAH is below recommended limit and may have corrosive characteristics. coliform exceeds maximum contaminant level.Suggest retest All samples were analyzed within the established guidelines of US EPA approved methods with all requirements met, unless otherwise noted at the end of a given sample's analytical results. Wu r niriy that the ioltowin 1 results are true:mit accurate to the hest of our knowledge. W for i;:not Strifuhhl far drinking purpo rs for paramcters tested. r �+� ,/;.:..: ',r#,:'l-.'.. ti • Dale 5/21/2019 I Rare,//,!.! Naafi I - Laborutnrt'Director I MU. -helot/Reportable Limits 'See Attached Page 1 of 1 r7:erril•'cattorr Is/rot availableler rhls analyte for parable rrzrtcr samples.. E1V Ir'`IROTECR LABORATORIES, INC :)Lfl 'ERT.. NO.:111-41A 063 8 Jan Sebastian Drive Unit 12 Santhviclr,MA 02563 (508)888-6460 1-800-339-6460 FAX(508)888-6446 €lient Name: Atlantic Well Location: Address: PO Box 339 6 Smiths Point Rd Great Island No.Eastham MA W Yarmouth,MA 02651 Lab Number: 0W-193669 Collected By: C lliffe Date Received: 10/24/19 Sample Type: Weil Head Well Specs: SEE i a.0 Location Source Date Collected Tlme Colleexie tl . Continents A 10123/19 14:30 Analysis Requested Units Recommended Limits Analysis Result Method Date Analyzed Analyzed By Total Coliform CFUl100mL 0 0 SM9222B 10/24/2019 MC Cotarments: All samples were analyzed within the established guidelines of US EPA approved methods with all requirements met, unless otherwise noted at the end of a given sample's analytical results. We certify that the following results are true and accurate to the best of our knowledge. , . tet f'• °i. Date 10/25/2019 - Ronald J.Saari sl — --____- Laboratory Director - fir/mt.Reportcihle Limits ''Sec Attached Page 1 of 1 •Ce,IV/cat/on is rwl uvcriluhle for this analyte for potable water samples..