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HomeMy WebLinkAbout22-A038 Lot 3 (54) West Great Western RdTOWN OF YARMOUTH 1146 ROUTE 28, SOUTH YARMOUTH, MA 02664-4451 Telephone (508) 398-2231 Ext. 1292 -Fax (508) 398-0836 MA0),LQXINq'S HIGHWAY HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMITTEE rIi-1,Jlii I_' APPLICATION FOR <Ilvc s �IGHwAY CERTIFICATE OF APPROPRIATENESS Application is hereby made for issuance of a Certificate of Appropriateness under Section 6 of Chapter 470, Acts of 1973 as amended, for proposed work as described below & on plans, drawings, photographs, & other supplemental info accompanying this application. PLEASE SUBMIT 4 copies OF SPEC SHEET(S), ELEVATIONS, PHOTOS, & SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION. Check All Cate Dries That A I Indicate type of Building:Elteratlions Comercial Residential 1) Exterior Buildin Construction: New Building Addition Reroof IIGarage Shed M Solar Panels Other: 2) Exterior Painting: IISiding Shutters F Doors frim IIOther: 3) Signs/Billboards: FI New Si n Change to Existing Sign 4) Miscellaneous Structures: Fence Wall OFlagpole nPool IIOther: Please type or print legibly:_d e _} 10Yi%ecel 1.2- Address of propo ed work: � esL4,�C�f j (z�o Mcap/Lot # Owner(s): GC C'S 'CAC,Phone #:, i'66 yV All applications must be submitted by owndr or accompanied by letter from owner approving submittal of application. Mailing address: tL (_ v l Year built: Email: fZ- eh Preferred notification method: F-1 Phone Email Agent/contractor: le v'lL-- *d -Phone #: �2zt Mailing Addres �64 I 0 + Q Email: QV,A 6.) C�-n't Preferred notification method: Phone Email Description of Proposed Work: pz�s :q- .2, L4 1 /4mc Lv -3 LeJ cotw avT c_­14-rCLJ c2 - ��A Signed (Owner or agent): Date: 34��2 ➢ Ownerlcontractortagent is aware that a permit required from the Building Department. (Check other departments, also.) ➢ If application is approved, approval is subject to a 10 -day appeal period required by the Act. • This certificate is good for one year from approval date or upon date of expiration of Building Permit, whichever date shall be later. ➢ All new construction will be subject to inspection by OKH. OKH-approved plans MUST be available on-site for framing & final inspections. For Committee use only: Rcvd Date: 7 Amount i Cash/CK #: 0 Rcvd by: S 45 Days Date Signed: Approved Reason for Denial: Signed: Approved with Modifications Denied 1 APPLICATION #: 9'1� 0_3? GENERAL SPECIFICATION SHEET ect FOUNDATION: Material: CHIMNEY: Material/Color: GUTTERS ROOF: Material: Pitch (7112 min) Height to Ridge:: Color: SIDING: Material/Style. Front: C_ 6 S Sides/Rear: S COLOR CHIPS Color: Front: Cr� r.G.►A-- SideslRear. c.::__�-- TRIM: All windowsdoors to be trimmed with. 1x 1x5 (Circle one.) Material ✓ L k_ Color: l.J DOORS: Qty: Material LColor: Exposure (Not to exceed 18"): `" Material/Color: Style/Size (if not listed/shown on elevations): RECOV- MAR 0 7 2027 YARMOt; � �-, STORM DOORS: Qty: Material: Color: OLU KING'S HILI- GARAGE DOORS: Qty: _0L Mat'I: ' :Style: U Color: r✓.11n,.` �--2 WINDOWS: t !side:: Front: –9-- Left: Right: —4— Rear: Color: 4�c'k' Manufacturer/Series: k �� Material: t Grilles (Required : Pattern (616 211 etc.) Grille Type: True Divided Lite: Snap -In: � Betwe n Glass: Permanently Applied: =Exterior =Interior STORM WINDOWS: Qty: 0 Material: SHUTTERS: Mat'I: 0 Style: Paneled Louvered SKYLIGHTS: Qty: Fixed Vented Size i DECK: Size: Decking Mat'l: ' AL L Plc Railing Mat'i: NO U Q Style: WALLS/FENCES' (Max 6' height): Height: Style: Color: (Show running footage & location on plot plan.) UTILITY METERSIHVAC UNITS: Location: LIGHTS: Qty: Location(s): LIGHT POSTS: Qty: n Material: Location(s): Additional information: -f' MatT Color: Color: Color: Color:vL Color. ��ff `Finished side of fence must face out from fenced in area. Screening: Color: 46'ek- Color: 2 -General X APPLICATION #: ®� TOWN OF YARMOUTH OLD KING'S HIGHWAY HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMITTE RECEJVED Applicant's (Owner) Name: Property Address/Location: Hearing Date: MAR 0 7 2022 ABUTTERS' LIST 1 YAHMOUJ-h 1 �'iCY1 e . Notices must be sent to the Applicant and abutters (including owners of land on any public or private street or way) who's property directly abuts or is across the street from the Applicant. Please provide the Assessor's Tax Map and Lot numbers only. The OKH Office will send out notices using the addresses as they appear on the most recent applicable tax list. Note: Instructions for obtaining the abutters Map and Lot numbers can be found on the Old King's Highway Department page on the Town website: Map Number Lot Number Applicant Information: Abutter Information: Application #: ;'A -b- 8.2018 3 `4n bg p n E �9 t F N Nna �a E ag 5 wn n 4 or 419 aR 4 A n k RECIr . MAR 7 2022 � Yh1ni��.v I t�r f OLD KfNG. HIGHWAY i= } N 0 N co N L- m { Q> O T a r Cy ti O T. z T ai m U L! `T !_ F M t` r 47 O T r O T 00 T- T N O 0 r w ai 0 T N O � T 4 T co T O 1 _ Ln T W)r O 00 r L6 !� LO fo% T G O T L6 M � Q T k! 1 N N O r r LJ L6 O rV r C4 N Qi C m 00 T Ln Lq T _ n 49 O3 O m p N v I O T- T- r iii Ld Qf Wing O �- s `4n bg p n E �9 t F N Nna �a E ag 5 wn n 4 or 419 aR 4 A n k RECIr . MAR 7 2022 � Yh1ni��.v I t�r f OLD KfNG. HIGHWAY i= } N 0 N co N L- m TOWN OF YARMOUTH O�{Y0 1146 ROUTE 28, SOUTH YARMOUTH, MASSACHUSETTS 02664-4451 �Iwo&olj Telephone (508) 398-2231 Ext. 1292 Fax (508) 398-0836 OLD KING'S HIGHWAY HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMITTEE WAIVER OF 45 -DAY DETERMINATION The applicantlapplicant's agent understands and agrees that due to the current declared National and State public health emergencies the determination of our Application for a Certificate of Appropriateness/Demolition/Exemption may not be made within 45 days of the filing of such application. The applicant agrees to extend the time frame within which a determination is to be made as required by the Old King's Highway Regional Historic District Act. SECTION 9 Meetings, Hearings, Time for Making Determinations "As soon as convenient after such public hearing; but in any event within forty-five (45) days after the filing of application, or within such further time as the applicant shall allow in writing, the Committee shall make a determination on the application. " Applicant understands that the review of this application will be scheduled as soon as the situation allows. Applicant/Agent Name (please print Applicant/Agent signature: 312020 r� IMP tJr�� v Application #: Date: ECEINVED MAR 0 7 2022 YARMOUTH N, 4 SERIES ONE of Coachman proves that in simplicity, there is sophistication. Architectural home designs such as Mission, Shakei;._ d Prairie look beautiful with the understated elegance of this classic look. Your choice of rectangular, squ regws ora soli top section provides that finishing touch. MAR 0 7 2022 ,Ahl-o jIh Y SERIES ONE DESIGNS - OLD KING'S Hl H TOP11 TOP12 TOP13 ARCH1 ARCH1 ARCH3 ARCH4 ARCH13 ARCH14 S023 S024 REC11 REC13 REC14 (Solid) (Solid) (Solid) (Solid) Window Window Window Window Window Mow Window Window Window Window CCUCIS�.. i illi rrr iirr r�rt lirr S aa� W ail rri aW rtir ori �raa W W W W W W W W rW uulimim Maul 1 —.41 TOP11 TOP12 TOP13 ARCH1 ARCH1 ARCH3 ARCH4 ARCH13 ARCH14 S023 S024 REC11 REC13 REC14 (Soad) (Solid) (solid) (Solid) Window Window Window Window W{ndow Window Window Window Window Window ai- � err rrra W W CLm CW W W W W iuu ua 12 1MM an [EWEN TOP11 TOP12 TOP13 ARCH1 ARCH1 ARCH3 ARCH4 ARCH13 ARCH14 S023 S024 REC11 REC13 REC14 (Saud) (Solid) (Solid) (Solid) Window Window Window Window Window Window Window Window Window Window Ga w wwd rr,r t� IN, NNW I al � a— X-" air r W W uei u� CD fill till 11111111 till fill oil fill 11111111111111111 13 RNZ 199 IN I"A MER R-Wor 9' wide x Thigh, shmn Wlh San dione base and Standard 4Ank-ererjys Coruud your QV a), Dealer or clnnayypnrrom for additional sizes. Additional Sizes & Windows . Shown at right are common width r ra ft configurations using 7' high Model 1 sawl Ma CGU/CG/0012 with ARCH4 windows as an example. L Shown below are additional window/top section options for double car doors. 8', 9' Wide Doors To visualize on your home, go to Oils, ARC1A (Solid); Series 1 and 2 Only t✓M m ARC1A Window; Series 1 and 2 Only ARC3A Window; Series 1 and 2 Only illi 9 K= =Q == ARC4A Window; Series 1 and 2 Only Windows are available single pane or insulated in clear, frosted, seeded, obscure and rain designs. AddiG'onal charges for apGonalglass apply. Additional Features �a Saari s"A 0,110 isnrw ��ww irliaw ■ww1 w0,a0, 10' Wlde Doors 12' Wide Doors err. 10r� ..+sr a:;ro irr0,0, awwa r0,ww ■aww 15',15'6",16',18' Wide Doors Iia no At WW t : ARC13AWindow; Series 1 and 2 Only ARMA (SWd); Series 3 and 4 My ARMA (Solid); Series 3 and 4 Only ARC1A (Solid); Series 3 and 4 Only • Standard doors available in four carriage house design series and 15 different models. Custom designs and sizes also available. See your Clopay® Dealer for details, • Woodgrain embossed, insulated, galvanized steel base door painted front and back for a virtually maintenance -free door. See Colors. Windows with complete overlay and true arch designs are available in double strength or obscure glass. Models CGU/CG also available with insulated glass. ■ Patented clip -in window grilles are removable for easy cleaning. • Available with 2' Intellicorem polyurethane (R -value 18.4), 2' bonded polystyrene (R -value 9.0) or 1-3/8' bonded polystyrene (R -value 6.5) insulation and thermal break. ■ 10 -ball nylon rollers for quiet operation. ■ Heavy-duty 14 gauge steel hinges for long-lasting performance, ■ Replaceable vinyl bottom weatherseal in a rust -resistant aluminum retainer helps seal out the elements. = WINoCoDO: 1-3/8' CD Models are available through W5 (single car) WINDCooE and 2" CG Models are available in W5 (double car)/W6/W8 WINDCooE. Some restrictions apply. See your Clopay Dealer for details. • Product complies with 2015 IECC air infiltration requirement of 0.40 cfnVftz or less (IECC, Section 0402.5.2). Size Availability Series 1, 3 & 4 0 6'0" to 16'0" in 3" increments S .n Seeded Obscure Rain anties LIMITED oaca�o"•no IM. LIM LIFE 10 VEp►Fi 5 YEAR WARRANTY WARRANTY WARRANTY Environmental Assurance Clopay doors are compliant with environmental laws and regulations, Clopay doors do not contain HFCs. All Clopay doors are compliant with: • California SB 1013 • New Jersey A-5583/5-3919 - Greenhouse Gas Bill L Washington HB 1112 - Hydrofluorocarbon Greenhouse Gas Emissions ■ Canadian regulations amending the ozone-depleting Alternatives regulations Same width and height resm'chbns. See yow Clopay Dealer forderalfs. Series 2 - Design 21 Series 2 - Designs 22 & 23 6'0" to 8'0" in 3" increments and 8'6', 6'0" to 10'0" in 3" increments 9'0", 9'6", 10'01, Designs 11,12,13, 31, 32, 33, 3U, Design 21 41, 42, 43 Designs 22 & 23 Designs 34 & 35 Model CD 67, 64", TO', 7'2', T6', 7'8", e'O", 6'2', 6'2',6'4',7'0'.7'2',7'6',7'8-.8'0-. 8'2" 6'2" 6'4", TO", T2", 7'6", 7'8", 8`0', 67, 6'4", 7'0", 7'2", T6", 7'8", 8'O", 8'6", 9'0", 9'2",10'0",12'0',12'2",13'0', 8'6", 9'0", 9'2",10'0",12'0",12'2',13'0', e'2", 8'6", 9'0", 97,10'0',14'0", 87, e'6', 9'0', 92",14'0",14'0", 13'8",14'0",14'2",15'0',15'2", 15'6',15'8', 13'8',14'0", 14'2',15'0",15'2',15'6",15'8', 14'2',150",15'2",15'6",15'6', 14'2",15'0", 15'2",15'6",15'8", 16'0",16'2",170", 18'0",18'2" 16'0", 16'2",17'0",16'0",18'2" 16'0",16'2",1T0",18'0",18'2" 160',162",1TO",18'0",18'2" Models 67, 64", TO", 72", TV, T8", 8'0',8'2'. 6'2", 6'4', 7'0", T2', 7'6", T8', 8'0', 8'2", 6'2", 6'4', 7'0", 77, T6", 7'8", 8'0", 6'2", 64", T0', 72', T6", T8', 87, ca & CGU 66", 9'0", 9'2',10'0",12'0",12'2",13'0", 8'6", 9101,9121, 10'0'. 12'0", 127, 1TV. 8'2", 8'6', 9'0', 9'2",1D'0',14'0", 8'2", 8'6", 9'0", 9'2",10'0",14'0", 13'8",14'0',14'2",15'0',15'2',15'6',15'8", 13'8", 14'0",14'2",15'0',15'2",15'6",15'8", 14'2",15'0",15'2",15'8",15'8", 14'2",15'0", 15'2",15'6",158", 16'0",16'2",1]0',18'0,18'2',19'0', 200" 16'0",167,17'0', 18'0',16'2',19'0', 20'0" 16'0',16T. -IT0",18'0",18'2",19'0" 16'0',16'2",17'0",18'0',18'2",19'0" ;.t1i ':# Visit or at 1-800-2CLOPAY (225-6728) for yy more information on Clopay, America's Favorite Garage Doors. -� ^f +++ Folbw us on MADE IN USA 0 ❑'0 ©0 Cj 02021 Clopay CorporaUdn. Ail rights reserved. RSDR-COACHSS-l2_REV0421 irvlagic-,e' o6 � ;P ,fP-5? DESIGN YOUR DOOR OPEHCANERA AND POINm `:+a,�,pir, E as Standard Almond C White COMPOSITE OVERLAY COLORS Standard Almond Desert Tan Sandtone White Due to the printing process, colors may vary. w Composite overlays and steel base are available in Standard White, Almond, Desert Tan and Sandtone. Overlay and steel base colors can be mixed to achieve desired look. * Coachman" garage doors can be painted using a high-quality exterior latex paint. IMPORTANT: For doors being painted black and very dark colors (having an L.RV of 12 or less) contact Clopay for special product. For colors having an LRV of 13 to 38 we require the use of tested and approved paints. A list of pre -approved paints can be found at h ://infoQara�� Decorative Hardw Spade Strap Hinge' {Complements Spade Lift Ring Door Decorative Handles Handles and Spade Step Plate) Knocker with Keyholes Operable L-Keylocka Spear Lift Handles Colonial Lilt Handles Spear Colonial Escutcheon Step Plate Step Plate Plates Spear Strap Hinge• Colonial Strap Hinge' `y ✓��� 'Doo may not open popery it installed near the top depwldrrg on opening &mend= and t t type. See yarn CWayDeakr for am detalis. SAW ECEIVED MAR 0 7 2022 I a C A2 m 1p N d 7 In M V m G N Oo O c en ` C r~n fir? a 'd OC, cp3� °m 3 e g* 3 a �\ a s wz3w y US 0 ti ani m C U � o c E m m LL p O P 0 0 CD 0) 6 O N f3 30 m L t E w L } LL � d 0 m p C O V,b�-Ua o ECEIVED MAR 0 7 2022 rr;riiviuu i ri yin lY��@ ufr+L 3 2 SL 0 H O 3 i 4 y W � t 4nCDJ N �z a1ic�2'.°iEfS d 0 U w rn m EL '9 m c U a CL VJ1603�- N d [b � N N N Z N< Z N O � o ti N A d 0 E @ o .i C E E Ti d o� �, V iii Oi �Q�3aUQV mC1 N N d Q f- W n ti m d m PQr o z a l a � U ) = v mo z =a •� � C L7 {9 � G -2 C N O E cg, E y� U u� co 0 � Nr�i 2 000 chi ro o� 20 . m . -QE m x 2 m R �z c6 L E N 2 n � co z Ez U bi 2 aLL W U (9 U U ECEIVED MAR 0 7 2022 rr;riiviuu i ri yin lY��@ ufr+L 3 2 SL 0 H O 3 i 4 y W � t 4nCDJ N �z a1ic�2'.°iEfS d 0 U w rn m EL '9 m c U a CL VJ1603�- r E Z 0 z C% U � o O i Y r a n N O N { x U `•4 a Q v U W U o .� Cz `� m m a m a E CIF m � s m a E ~ J 0 9 J Wp m Z u m L n rnm 2nmE r = Q=m o EL Z z � ❑ Z m H M off° am=m Umm v EU $ Q C,' Y N 2 Q r LV yon m E m m c63 � E LL q R7 N 0 d' a °z y3 Ufa c �m N N rn A O d z S we C O y o V 7 comUQ y i� g�"o. gag a � C 7.2 a� a m m w 2 3 7} Tui n m c m U LL � N��Fsms axema���4��c fA _N o LL c O 0O A `m FC Sr rwYLLv ° Quo >22 's N(mjm ryl — N € c � 41 o ff m a �Wy«a�gE�t°--mcg rLL uA. p, U' u� C) }r � o Y r a n 1 x W � `•4 Q v LL Q o .� Cz `� 7 O a RECEIVED MAR 0 7 2022 f/iRIYiVV f f ! m LD @ C u m m c� m aU UN J WO y�y V R N 'm m= 0 m o a m = mm� L_ vn ovm _. rn Q m W e u _m E a 2�::i ❑6t;::r_QzQc '� oz Um3g� z m N O v U n O m - �w E=E '° f7� NQS coc = Umm�U (11 >0m Z w m. m O C Tq p c p M U) U E mS= m Tena a—c— a-mQE a'm aC7a cxcmmU z 2� O li E J C$ O EQ Ya m �$o��-os€ o °'O�eU � U c N£�myw9�YcvNj °'a rw�7w5c7xinaawfW473 C } E 2 U31 N O N W IL �i O m U C3 W A E z O E C7 C7 E E Z 2 n. U a� ag LMa m a m m¢ w Q, v w m U� M 0 pb U �W 0 N V � N OF c� 'm N r C p=j CL n O m o m m m w I? m = mrn @ E v � L = W �0^rn _� flOcQ=Qc o z Ua Z m D U =o m din o�_oEp (}r�E N y C ~ m U all [4 acoa Oma � m c SU rymrU g$ mE� oa z LY S o c m o E ' o o K o m rn U E a o - v LL O w 0 W rnI � $ 6 Eac iqs� � E a cx c'—m 3�0 yamdi p = Q RLL E J C m m E U A x`-Vt4LV 0 �JD @ O C oaoohOszcimC� cN OUcL'co OV C c�Obc nEId gP`uuaf°Zm rLL0wsoxinCL RECEIVED MAR 0 7 20?2 LLD KING'S HIGHWAY N 0 3 rn m CL m 0 a CL m U h a iv a a iv N m U 1 4 a Fc C m N X NLjj cr = a [x^0]5 I Ic mo rn �i m Q N c coa �a 'r aw vm 0} C ori m �nm - E LL N u O E cy m Sot _ X z c U m w O m LL SCJ [i S LZ N W �nMod d K'� Z $occa p LL comUa u�va Q Cm a a ll C m Q m m o •C ��F�EW QTc C7 m # N LO �E�4N•co=ma�a N C „H C m c U m N may=UVB mnm�'�{0ypt� 4 ry E aS.S., afi IL LL, a� ag LMa m a m m¢ w Q, v w m U� M 0 pb U �W 0 N V � N OF c� 'm N r C p=j CL n O m o m m m w I? m = mrn @ E v � L = W �0^rn _� flOcQ=Qc o z Ua Z m D U =o m din o�_oEp (}r�E N y C ~ m U all [4 acoa Oma � m c SU rymrU g$ mE� oa z LY S o c m o E ' o o K o m rn U E a o - v LL O w 0 W rnI � $ 6 Eac iqs� � E a cx c'—m 3�0 yamdi p = Q RLL E J C m m E U A x`-Vt4LV 0 �JD @ O C oaoohOszcimC� cN OUcL'co OV C c�Obc nEId gP`uuaf°Zm rLL0wsoxinCL RECEIVED MAR 0 7 20?2 LLD KING'S HIGHWAY N 0 3 rn m CL m Z a iv a iv 1 4 a W E e N X NLjj cr = n �i � X E co 2 LL aw b Z C7 E Z O Z, U RECEIVED MAR 0 7 2022 1 HiUYiou I F, C3 o m p o p � a a m m jllh ea m pEp m 4 U U ymy M C1 a a � J N N N ro ro 'N U U jo c w $ 3 m p ro g d = m = m p° ° c a c d pQpQ O d O O N O Si II O q� 11 .S N p N = p A L Z N _Q Z� mCL z Z a m C w O6 m S m C _ o ansa 9 0 d�Sa 6. 0 z c 0 Le O N m c� O m m c v po Urn `m d Q'U Urn m `O W CT _ 7 # C5 J� � C U' V �J o SVm m > v 'T m aLL � maE ro �LL rimmE v m m N LL `n o, ?8E �"� LL 3m o[o� ro Z C U b@ N Z L p U W m x C_ W w 2 y W X C_ W} 11l LL j z U N 7 d Wi LL p m I j N m Jm Napa N 'w Jmi nMpa o *% Z v= deo _ Z a= o.c6'om c U W �� omUn m adr E �j L IL C -ELL 81 a�mL Q �x=m jvi-.mz3 co a aix C-W�w-€neo .n fA CC.�O C LdC �O�U �FF d_I ��71L �dC mw mU ep .� yLy 3 Ol A LL 4" m 0 ti C j z C F. � OI LL 0�� C 3 Z� 4/ lA �N€o ma.�du p d QN€Q mnym`-' w p.. O- Q m N C 073. ll C U m O CCi Idy G p p O C U UI +n aN=���� GG�c�� in aN=��-2@ °�t�� c N m i O C C C cm N O G S44+ ' f0 DEal y'cm mOceia �6 oEmdL 4yyy++prnya R 47 n:d m`°� Uta+"'C ` p! `�: mgr=° mu.-rf N �f7SNa(77r d rLL1.7W �U' MOCL � c p_ `a a n a n TV 0 04 N N X C X OFE O #W m O { W LL [tel+ E� e W ^" S'Ix "' 7 0 Sa y 7 M a. d A m Z O EC iVED MAR 0 7 2022 YAh jviuQ 1 i`. 2�-/iv3� +��u a niul-tvvHY w O n EL m a g a O h O V a m o a m � rn U C m E y d m� M m d d U J J r0 24 w N V ULw � y c= rn m c m.0 a If o CD a RUQ ¢U u rnm S � z mrn mp v � a v - Z OP V U7 oz 0.m. 2 d m C 10 Lm lilC- .I ¢ra "} U7 Oi =J a s a Z m d )( w ZZ g�gp6 Um3Som V n �(` am` U �W 16 V7 c7 m rnN o�pEo=E y 3 yQ c'i R LY -6 7�Sm 3 2 Um T Nm5o� Li mg L` E _ oaa C c oma:.. �° c•i N m oa:=� o U c m m =} gy m 'm LD LL a= mrn R z oM"on cm ¢ �m oa z o cod o o.% mNU w= n t� E LLM��FRiip `�U m¢ cc OL Cl) Z' C O ytr�y¢Q c%�i��_C7a E m5EvA�m (7W O O WVO1i� w °m �-E 3 Q N� H'Sc c2 mrA-nCzyc c CXEwpUceZ'No ?Ce�mm€���'_ co aoX �wm CL�0CCO- t- m �i x{wF�ancw'm u m Y EUia C 'u o z Wr Q1 am LLLL�c��wo'c� m.2 N C v z c s� N G C C N 'mea=m mai OD O F ° cU w0 `c fA o`o o=°a wm c�y+�0-�OS�UC7c � Sy CVU C 2a `o gL ImJ y� �y CVU C �w C 2- " c _ A dee m c C ro n.� mw2� ui (no. 7a�7mea C7cC29a c 0 c0 a N a n N j N O E W m 0 w �CN w N N CGFL w m LL n c _d L ie d L m y m- 2�-/iv3� a E z O aEi W ui E TTm di LL R E C 9 -11wr -ED MAR 0 7 2022 nnrn,r, �;PfAv3e - �vrfyT N U M j0 O m O a � IL 0 a N LD O a g 0 00 v d �p U dW U Q C N 'N W N C5 d -_ U gng� 'm N tO m m a n O m T n N 0 ° W oUG w E2 oo w WEE ¢ 4 S u' i+? c RLQ oc m®a X C Z cyi 76 a LL � 2 � N z 0. X °z Umi$-'' J Lei �o nQUa�m [i mm m y� c�i m Qr<il o o fp 2 z C y`j ¢ J W U W Hj ma �o� - wm a 3� �g vE�d j o -0 'NN Q/ c7i cc oan�m Jm a� .D W� mm LA - W EO LL c m EO cS mi U p U a� c in Z 22 O C O C Ch 0 4 c C W 3 E O C m y U U N c O ooVfUE 'v_° :a A a mcE no19 E N a �� �� _ w H Jxmo�� ° c m am �o LLacros W mW ¢m @mmw"❑ x E- a rx b Lb 3 U "WF Z cgOm A Za C c L S C C J b O C 9 m« S� gLLLL� t �w W EU W W .� }� gILLL CVS b� fp C m W 3 N e o Z€ a `-°n-mmc n€ ° C z- Q m€ m a ° oo ° 5 g LL 0 U m e o oo``-°ZL'v-o.m5`° K y o 0 3 o_ a 0 U U' `c dN-UV C Wul �U P Q Ki N LL~ CVU= 0 u 1hz. N C O C 'O T NEmy°c S5 Y4�W1°c�'dn !a N u C V€ P] NEmwrw aom6s N �. W q u m W m A LL:)uj V1 d aLU0 N d A e d SQL C 9 C d N= �LL0 W_i7SN7aWOE n`mff G c O FW C at mo a a mo a n O c tv m E ?` W m 2' �` LL LL a E m E c� N U J LL m O �;PfAv3e 6 rt U CL a 3 m am � aro 0 J £ Z J c m o c m U �y U ry c a c a m N U b B L a a m o 21 ao 4$ N Z n r N Z ry E m rnm Zc rn_m Z°c r S J N r S J N m Ol off° U a o L� C- m w W w m a v m ° v U a £ cu �Q E chi 7Z m ori m m '6Z £ ti Z c C7 z U w m V' w =y =m �' D w E v ` Soc m g $ c m M C y O m C N O m a W > a �D ...w tri En+oS cOwm�m �y�+otcoiem€m � mrn�LLLLm3�`c5 m"m�nmLLLLmg�c� m€ -� UryI=O ip 6�— U C��.%N O 2 Q=—U w O �io5 0ii eU�O�m°�e�jo�GO�ii cUyj C7e NW m `�;wtAE6 'm�moNo�mm ZhiC NECo o PEZqNm`oo %mE td o �EmMrEmmcma iE�'tc'9—a LL 43 m Tac � o Y a w Y ,e = Lb LL C 8ft 7 ECRIVED MAR 0 7 2022 N i r-AhivlUU i v 1 KING'S HIGHWAY o ti 3 m m ;P—AD-ser O N c°A ECEIV1�0 MAR 0 7 2022 (Ahf f0u—j t, yLU KINU`5 HiGHW^ AY j o� oco� 0 Ci a D v am p m n m C7 S a U Ua m T IL m aU UN J m0 CIN J Wim- Ur WN U� V/ N �_ Z6 C ComC= C C t 0 tm {L mm p 0 CL O LLO r ° m o o m m v qEc S Q rn oNa ons CC 10 t CL C mC- W� d L L6 O' L 4JoOarp C Yi L 07 2J [L n°_'o' SQ r X oSS Z U W; 3 J E! X 07 U m 3$ J LQN N a- `� C70 nU "m �fq O r f E u= M N CO QU dO m osrj� o E S o ny= O C J m U} m C m C m C m �] �opw�a c j a ro 572 m CD LY v �6 '9 m w15! m 4D :5 m 0 c J� SYmHU LL N LL C N N m 0 d m 3 W N C R Z a p O cd, O f7 N O a ? O C- 0 m y O U U CL sin"vm d E oU C T w� ma ^c7i �' tl LL U C LL' T pJ IL cc0 E m n C O li. MOC W �'�.Fro m Avvmm E 3�Dmmv6 cm-C7a O av4 a`- �em(7a Sr wN �m �m o ulm -gE m m m m ,H 7 a LL c F iri m€ m 0 c a U: Z mrn �yw6c-cZ� N° O O dry€' �amz3'm°� O rt C O m C A D m 6� y w om O O N O� O V U mUC C a ° D n- m O N C°O Ngli LU wmmc CA 7 G D N USS C GLL 4N 0C9 Ol G..-UU C q� OU O) C i.EmaxiLm#mpOG°Nma 3, NE01exi�w3m°v'Nma m e 2d mw�d^m=om `W c "�wTe-130 -, V10.TWCD3 j �LLC9 t9x UI CF T� 5 u UUJ—(D c 0 Y o Y o 0 = wLL L 4`J E 3'` pFL r�ci S C C C s k ) \ § 2 tFEx I 7 0 _ _ _ F ECEIV ED MAR 0 7 2022 YAWVQGIa 's 2 ) .;P -N3?- Im Encompass by Pella® Double -Hung Window Size a d Performance Dat MAR 0 7 2022 YAN'ViUu'i t: Replacement Frame New Construction Frame Standard High Performance Standard High Performance Standard Sizes • • • • Special Sizes Available Built on 1/8" Increments • • • • Replacement Frame for 3-1/4" Frame Depth • • - - Nail Fin with J -Channel for 2-9/16" Wall Depth - - • • Nail Fin for 2-9/16" Wall Depth - - • • !Vail Fin with J -Channel for 4-9/16" Wall Depth - - • • Interior Primed Wood Jamb Extension (2-9/16" wall depth only) - - • Meets or ExceedsAAMA/WDMA Ratings H -R20 -R35 Hallmark Certified H -R50 Hallmark Certified H -R20 -R35 Hallmark Certified H -R50 Hallmark Certified Air Infiltration (cfm/ft2 of frame @ 1.57 psf wind pressure.) 0.24 0.24 0.24 0.24 Design Pressure 20-35 psf 50 psf 20-35 psf 50 psf Water Penetration Resistance 3.0-5.25 psf 7.5 psf 3.0-5.25 psf 7.5 psf Forced Entry Resistance (Minimum Security Grade) 10 10 10 10 Maximum Operating Force (Ibs) (Initiate Motion/Maintain Motion) 21 21 21 21 Sound Transmission Class and Outdoor -Indoor Transmission Class Series Glazing System Frame Size Tested2 Overall Exterior Interior Glazing Glass Glass Thickness Thickness Thickness STC Rating OITC Rating 3-1/4" Frame Depth 36" x 60" 3/4" 3 mm 3mm 26 22 Replacement Double -Hung - Dual Pane Insulating Glass 36" x 60" 3/4" 2.5 mm 2.5 mm 25 22 9.? _415tW_ Encompass by Pella' vinyl window products are intended only for use less than 40 feet above ground level. Not Available (1) Published performance data is for single unit only. See Design Data pages in this section for specific product performance class and grade values. .p (2) ASTM E 1425 defines standard sizes for acoustical testing. Ratings achieved at that size are representative of all sizes of the same configuration. East Region Only Pella 2021 Architectural Design Manual I Division 08 - Openings I Windows and Doors I www.Pe) V -DH -2 Encompass by Pella® Double -Hung Window Features and Options MAR o 7 2022 YAHIOUi✓ i l •. OLD KING'S HIGHWAY Replacement Frame New Construction Frame Glazing Type Dual -pane insulating glass S S Insulated Glass Options/ Low -E Types Advanced Low -E O O NaturalSun Low -E O O SunDefenseT"^ Low -E O O Clear (no Low -E coating) S S Additional Glass Options Annealed glass S S Tempered glass O O Obscure glass, O O Bronze tinted glass O O Gas Fill/ High Altitude Argon O O Interior/ Exterior Color White S S Almond O O Fossil O O Grille Types 3/4" Contour O O Grille Patterns Traditional O O Prairie, Top Row O O 5 - Standard; O = Optional (1) Contact your local Pella sales representative for current offering. Pella 2021 Architectural Design Manual I Division 08 -Openings I Windows and Doors I East Region Only V -DH -3 M/ I RECEIII iii�'J Encamoass by Pella® Double-Huna W ndow Glazing Performance - Total Unit YAHNIOUTH Shaded Areas Most ENERGY v Glass (mm) Performance Values, STAR® Performance Criteria in Mc NFRC Certified Gap Zones Shown Type of Glazing `o U. S. Canada z r Product # Fill J F Fxt. Int. j rJ Zone ER Zom 3/4" Clear IG PEL-N-108-00130-00001 2.5 1 2.5 Air 1 0.47 1 0.60 0.62 1 43 0.44 with Grilles -between the -glass PEL-N-108-00130-00002 25 CA 3/4" SunDefenseT'I Low -E IG PEL-N-108-00133-00001 0.47 0.54 0.55 43 3/4" Advanced Low -E IG PEL-N-108-00132-00001 2.5 2.5 Air 0.33 0.29 0.53 53 2.5 2.5 Argon 0.30 with Grilles -between -the -glass PEL-N-108-00132-00002 57NC Advanced Low -E IG with Grilles -between -the -glass 0.33 0.26 0.47 53 3/4" Advanced Low -E IG PEL-N-108-00135-00001 2.5 2.5 Argon 0.30 0.28 0.53 56 NC 0.33 with Grilles -between -the -glass PEL-N-108-00135-00002 52 3/4" 0.30 0.26 0.47 56 NC 3/4" NaturalSun Low -E IG PEL-N-108-00131-00001 2.5 1 2.5 Air 1 0.34 1 0.50 0.60 53 25 CA with Grilles-hPtween-the-class PEL-N-108-00131-00002 1 0.47 1 1 0.34 1 0.44 0.53 53 3/4" NaturalSun Low -E IG PEL-N-108-00138-00001 2.5 2.5 Argon 1 0.30 0.49 0.60 56 28 CA with Grilles -between -the -glass PEL-N-108-00138-00002 0.30 0.44 0.53 56 25 CA 3/4" SunDefenseT'I Low -E IG PEL-N-108-00133-00001 2.5 2.5 Air 0.33 0.21 0.49 54 isc 56 42 with Grilles -between -the -glass PEL-N-108-00133-00002 0.33 0.19 0.44 54 0.33 3/4" SunDefense"I Low -E IG PEL-N-108-00136-00001 2.5 2.5 Argon 0.30 0.21 0.49 57NC Advanced Low -E IG with Grilles -between -the -glass PEL-N-108-00136-00002 0.30 0.19 0.44 57 NC 0.53 3/4" Bronze Advanced Low -E IG PEL-N-108-00128-00001 1 3 1 3 Argon 0.30 0.28 0.39 56 NC 3/4" with Grilles -between -the -glass Clear IG PEL-N-108-00128-00002 PEL-N-109-00177-00001 2.5 2.5 Air 0.30 0.47 0.25 0.60 0.35 0.62 56 42 NC 5C: 53 JSC with Grilles -between -the -glass PEL-N-109-00177-00002 PEL-N-109-00180-00002 0.33 0.47 0.53 0.55 42 3/4" Sun DefenseTm Low -E IG 3/4" Advanced Low -E IG PEL-N-109-00179-00001 2.5 2.5 Air 0.33 0.28 0.53 52 0.30 0.19 with Grilles -between -the -glass PEL-N-109-00179-00002 1 0.33 0.26 0.47 52 3/4" Advanced Low -E IG PEL-N-109-00182-00001 2.5 2.5 Argon 0.30 0.28 0.53 55 NC with Grilles -between -the -glass PEL-N-109-00182-00002 0.30 0.25 0.47 55 NC SC 3/4" NaturalSun Low -E IG PEL-N-109-00178-00001 2.5 2.5 Air 0.34 0.49 0.60 52 1 25 1 CA with I PFI -N-1 ng -on 17R-non02 0.34 n.44 0.53 52 3/4" Natural5un Low -E IG PEL-N-109-00185-00001 2.5 2.5 Argon 0.30 0.49 0.60 55 1 29 CA with Grilles -between -the -glass PEL-N-109-00185-00002 0.30 0.44 0.53 55 26 CA 3/4" Sun Defense T"' Low -E IG PEL-N-109-00180-00001 2.5 2.5 Air 0.33 0.21 0.49 53 JSC with Grilles -between -the -glass PEL-N-109-00180-00002 0.33 0.19 0.44 53 3/4" Sun DefenseTm Low -E IG PEL-N-109-00183-00001 2.5 2.5 Argon 0.30 0.21 0.49 56 NC with Grilles -between -the -glass PEL-N-109-00183-00002 0.30 0.19 0.44 56 NC 3/4 1 Bronze Advanced Low -E IG PEL-N-109-00175-00001 1 3 1 3 1 Argon 1 0.30 10.28 1 0.39 1 56 1 1 NC with Grilles -between -the -glass PEL-N-109-00175-00002 1 1 1 10.30 10.25 10.35 1 56 1 1 NC I SC R Value - 1/U -Factor Climate SHGC = Solar Heat Gain Coefficient VLT % -Visible Light Transmission CR = Condensation Resistance (1) Glazing performance values are calculated based on NFRC 100, NFRC 200 and NFRC 500, ENERGY STAR' values are updated to 2016 (Version 6)criteria. - (2) The values shown are based on Canada's updated ENERGY STAR' 2020 initiative. - For more information, see the ENERGY STAR guidelines - Performance values on this page reflect units with standard performance. For performance values on units with a performance upgrade option, please contact Pella Corporation. Size may affect the performance values Pella 2021 Architectural Design Manual I Division 08 -Openings I Windows and Doors I East Region Only V -DH -4 Encompass by Pella® Double -Hung Window Grilles Grille Profiles (east Region only) Gri I les -Between -the -Glass 3/4" Contour Grille Grille Patterns Prairie Lite Patterns B 9 -Lite Prairie Traditional For standard grille breakpoints, see size tables. Maximum frame height for 25 Series is 72'. RECEIVED MAR 0 7 2022 r tiriiwUU i r 6 -Lite Prairie Prairie . . „ ......... __.,.,. .. - Specify upper or both sash. - Approximately 4' from edge of sash to center of bar. - Minimum actual glass is 13'. - Minimum 6' x 6' center -to -center. Top Row 6 -Lite Prairie Top Row Pella 2021 Architectural Design Manual I Division 08 -Openings I Windows and Doors I V -DN -5 Traditional Specify upper or both sash. Specify number of Iites. - Grilles must be equally divided on visible glass. - Minimum 6' x 6' center -to -center. Top Row - Standard visible glass to separator bar must be s1/2 upper actual glass. Top Row Pella 2021 Architectural Design Manual I Division 08 -Openings I Windows and Doors I V -DN -5 250 Series Awning Performance Data MAK 0 7 2022 YAHIv 001-x1 KING'S HIGHWAY 250 Series Awning Standard Sizes S Special Sizes Available Built on 1/8" Increments O Nail Fin O Nail Fin with J -Channel O 3-1/4" Block Pocket Install / Replacement S Double Wall Flush Flange O Integral 5/8" Flange O Performance 1 Standard Performance Meets or Exceeds AAMANVDMA Ratings LC-PG35 Hallmark Certified Air Infiltration (cfm/ft2 of frame @ 1.57 psf wind pressure.) 0.10 Design Pressure 35 psf Water Penetration Resistance Performance Upgrade Meets or Exceeds AAMA/WDMA Ratings 7.5 psf LC-PG50 Hallmark Certified Air Infiltration (cfm/ft2 of frame @ 1.57 psf wind pressure.) 0.10 Design Pressure 50 psf Water Penetration Resistance Other Performance Criteria Forced Entry Resistance (Minimum Security Grade)2 7.5 psf 10 Maximum Operating Force (lbs)(Initiate Motion/Maintain Motion) 15/6 Sound Transmission Class and Outdoor -Indoor Transmission Class Glazing System Frame Size STC OITC Tested Overall Glazing Exterior Glass Interior Third Pane Rating Rating Thickness Thickness Glass Thickness Thickness Awning - Dual -Pane Insulating Glass Vent 59" x 23-1/2" 3/4" 3mm 3mm — 30 25 Fixed 59" x 47-1/4" 3/4" 3mm 3mm — 28 24 Vent V. 3mm 3mm 3mm 34 28 59" x 23-1/2" S =Standard; O —Optional; (—)—Not Available (1) Published performance data is for single unit only. See Design Data pages in this section for specific product performance class and grade values. (2) The higher the level, the greater the product's ability to resist forced entry. (3) ASTM E 1425 defines standard sizes for acoustical testing. Ratings achieved at that size are representative of all sizes of the same configuration. The presence of low -e or argon have negligible effect on sound attenuation characteristics. Pella 2022 Architectural Design Manual I Division 08 -Openings I Windowsand Doors I V250 -AW -2 250 Series Awning Features and Options 5 — Standard; O — Optional (1) Not available with triple -pane glazing. (2) Contact your local Pella sales representative for current offering. 250 Series Awning Color matched hardware S Conventional black fiberglass screens -flat S Grilles -Between -the -Glass 3/4" Contour O 5/8" flat O Grille Patterns: Traditional, Prairie, Top Row, Custom - O Equally Divided ECEI r ED MAR 4 7 2022 ftitKMOUTH a Pella 2022 Architectural Design Manual I Division OB - Openings I Windows and Doors I V250 -AW -3 250 Series Glazing (insulating Glass) Awning Glazing Type Dual -pane insulating glass S Triple -pane insulating glass O Insulated Glass Options/ Low -E Types Advanced Low -E S NaturalSun Low -E O SunDefenseT"' Low -E, O Bronze -tinted Advanced Low -E1 O Additional Glazing Options Annealed glass 5 Tempered glass O Obscure glass2 O Gas Fill/ High Altitude Argon 5 High altitude O High altitude with argon, O Foam Insulation O Performance Upgrade O Exterior. White Interior/White Exterior S Almond Interior/Almond Exterior O Fossil Interior/Fossil Exterior O White Interior/Brown Exterior O White Interior/Black Exterior O 5 — Standard; O — Optional (1) Not available with triple -pane glazing. (2) Contact your local Pella sales representative for current offering. 250 Series Awning Color matched hardware S Conventional black fiberglass screens -flat S Grilles -Between -the -Glass 3/4" Contour O 5/8" flat O Grille Patterns: Traditional, Prairie, Top Row, Custom - O Equally Divided ECEI r ED MAR 4 7 2022 ftitKMOUTH a Pella 2022 Architectural Design Manual I Division OB - Openings I Windows and Doors I V250 -AW -3 250 Series Awning Glazing Performance - Total Unit Dl N c NFRC Certified x Type of Glazing Product # C7 F 3/4" Advanced Low -E IG PEL-N-241-00002-00007 with rifles -between -the- lass PEL-N-241-00002-00008 3/4" Advanced Low -E IG PEL-N-241-00005-00007 with g rifles -between -the -glass PEL-N-241-00005-00008 3/4" NaturalSun Low -E IG PEL-N-241-00001-00007 withgrilles-between-the- lass PEL-N-241-00001-00008 3/4" NaturalSun Low -E IG PEL-N-241-00004-00007 with 9 rilies-between-the-glass PEL-N-241-00004-00008 3/4" SunDefense T" Low -E IG PEL-N-241-00003-00007 with grilles -between -the -glass PEL-N-241-00003-00008 3/4" SunDefense Low -F_ IG PEL-N-241-00006-00007 3/4" with grilles -between -the -glass Dual -Pane Advanced Low -E IG PEI_ N 241-00006 00008 PEL-N-241-00040-00007 with rilles-between-the- lass PEL-N-241-00040-00008 3/4" Advanced Low -E IG PEL N-241-00043-00007 withgrilles-between-the- lass PEL-N-241-00043-00008 3/4" NaturalSun Low -E IG PEL N-241-00039-00007 with grilles -between -the -glass PEL-N-241-00039-00008 3/4" NaturalSun Low -E IG PEL-N-241-00042-00007 withgrilles-between-the- lass PEL-N-241-00042-00008 3/4" SunDefense TM Low -E IG withgrilles-between-the- lass PEL-N-241-00041-00007 PEL-N-241-00041-00008 3/4" SunDefense Low -E IG PEL-N-241-00044-00007 with grilles -between -the -glass PEL-N-241-00044-00008 RECRV MAR o 7 2022 , YARMOu : IOLD Glass (mm) Gap Fill u F_xt Int 0 0.26 N 0.29 0.30 Performance Shaded Areas Meet values, ENERGY STAR Performance Criteria in Zones Shown U U. S. Canadaz = j u Ln Zone ER Zane 0.25 1 0.46 1 55 0.42 0.52 0.47 0.52 0.47 0.43 0.26 1 0.17 1 0.38 1 59 M NC R -Val us - 1 /U -Factor SHGC = Solar Heat Gain Coefficient vLT %= Visible Light Transmission CR = Condensation Resistance ER = Canadian Energy Rating ANS&W 0) Glazing performance values are calculated based on NFRC 100, NFRC 200 and NFRC 500. ENERGY STAR' values are updated to 2016 (Version 6) criteria. (2)lhe values shown are based on Canada's updated ENERGY STAR` 2020 initiative. Based on unit size, some products will use 2.5mm glass that may have improved glazing performance from what is shown See the Product Performance section for more detailed information or visit for Energy Star guidelines Pella 2022 Architectural Design Manual I Division 08- Openings I Windows and Doors I V250 -AW -4 250 Series Awning Glazing Performance - Total Unit m c R Type of Glazing N FRC Certified Product# Ext. Glass {mm} Middle Int. Gap Fillo LL Performance Values, U 2 7 'n U Shaded Areas Meet ENERGY STAR® Performance Criteria in Zones Shown U. S. Canadaz Zone ER Zone V Advanced Low -E Triple ane IG PEL-N-241-00033-00003 3 1 3 3 Air 0.24 1 0.21 0.36 64 NC SC with Grilles -between -the- lass PEL-N-241-00034-00002 0.24 0.19 0.32 64 NC SC 1" Advanced Low-ETri le- ane IG PEL-N-241-00037-00003 3 3 3 Argon 0.21 0.21 0.36 67 NC SC 26 CA with G ril les-betwee n -the -g lass PEL-N-241-00038-00002 0.21 0.19 0.32 67 NC SC 25 CA 1" Natural5un Low-ETri le- ane IG PEL-N-241-00031-00003 3 3 3 Air 0.24 0.37 0.46 64 NC with Grilles -between -the- lass PEL-N-241-00032-00002 0.25 0.34 0.41 64 NC 1" NaturalSun Low-ETri le- ane IG PEL-N-241-00035-00003 3 3 3 Ar on 0.21 0.37 0.46 67 NC 35 CA V with Grilles -between the -glass Advanced Low-ETriple-pane IG PEL-N-241-00036-00002 PEL-N-241-00071-00003 3 3 3 Air 0.22 0.24 0.34 0.21 0.41 0.36 67 64 NC NC SC S with Grilles -between -the- lass PEL-N-241-00072-00002 0-24 0.19 0.32 64 NC SC S 1" Advanced Low -E Triple -pane IG PEL-N-241-00075-00003 3 3 3 Argon 0.20 0.21 0.36 68 INC SC 5 27 CA with Grilles -between -the- lass PEL-N-241-00076-00002 0.21 0.19 0-32 68 NC SC S 25 CA 1" NaturalSun Low -E Triple -pane IG PEL-N-241-00069-00003 3 3 3 Air 0.24 0.37 0.46 64 NC with Grilles -between -the- lass PEL-N-241-00070-00002 0.24 0.34 0-41 64 NC 1" NaturalSun Low-ETri le ane IG PEL-N-241-00073-00003 3 3 3 Ar on 0.21 0.37 0.46 67 NC 35 CA with Grilles -between -the -glass PEL-N-241-00074-00002 1 0.21 0.34 0.41 67 = NC 33 CA RECEIVED MAR o 7 2022 OLS KIh1C''G �'10M',Vf1Y �� R -Value - 1 W -Factor SHGC = Solar Heat Gain Coefficient VLT % = Visible Light Transmission CR = Condensation Resistance ER - Canadian Energy Rating {1) Glazing performance values are calculated based on NFRC 100, NFRC 200 and NFRC 500. ENERGY STAR' values are updated to 2016 (Version 6) criteria. (2) The values shown are based on Canada's updated ENERGY STAR' 2020 initiative. Based on unit size, some products will use 2.5mm glass that may have improved glazing performance from what is shown. See the Product Performance section for more detailed information or visit for Energy Star guidelines. Pelia 2022 Architectural Design Manual I Division 08 -Openings I Windowsand Doors I V250 -AW -5 250 Series Awning Glazing Performance - Total Unit Gk MAR 0 7 2022 T Ar11VIUU I l' i R -Value — ULI-Factor SHGC — Solar Heat Gain Coefficient VLT%— Visible Light Transmission CR — Condensation Resistance ER — Canadian Energy Rating (1 ) Glazing performance values are calculated based on NFRC 100, NFRC 200 and NFRC 500. 17 ENERGY STAR' values are updated to 2016 (Version 6) criteria. (2) The values shown are based on Canada's updated ENERGY STAR` 2020 initiative. + Based on unit size, some products will use 2.5mm glass that may have improved glazing performance from what is shown. See the Product Performance section for more detailed information or visit for Energy Star guidelines. Pella 2022 Architectural Design ManuaI I Division 08- Open ings I Windows andDoors I V250 -AW -6 Glass Performance Shaded Areas Meet ENERGY STAR®Performance to (mm) Values, Criteria in Zones Shown c c NFRC CertifiedGap Type of Glazing Product NTE-t.Int- Fill V U. S. Canada2 Is LL = j U w Zone ER Zone 3/4' Bronze Advanced Low -E IG PEL-N-241-00002-00013 3 5 Air 0.30 0.25 0.34 1 55 NC SC with riIles- between -the lass PEL-N-241-00002-00014 0.30 0.23 0.31 55 NC SC 3/4' Bronze Advanced Low -E IG PEL-N-241-00005-00013 3 5 Argon 0.27 0.24 0.34 59 NC SC with grilles -between -the -glass PEL-N-241-00005-00014 0.27 0.22 0.31 59 NC 314' Bronze Advanced Low -E IG PEL-N-241-00040-00013 3 3 Air 0.29 0.25 0.34 55 NC S. with rilles-between-the lass PEL-N-241-00040-00014 0.29 0.23 0.31 55 NC SC 3/4' Bronze Advanced Low -E IG PEL-N-241-00040-00013 3 1 3 !Argon! 0.26 0.24 0.34 1 59 NC SC with grilles -between -the -glass PEL-N-241-00040-00014 I 1 1 0.26 0.22 0.31 1 59 NC SC Gk MAR 0 7 2022 T Ar11VIUU I l' i R -Value — ULI-Factor SHGC — Solar Heat Gain Coefficient VLT%— Visible Light Transmission CR — Condensation Resistance ER — Canadian Energy Rating (1 ) Glazing performance values are calculated based on NFRC 100, NFRC 200 and NFRC 500. 17 ENERGY STAR' values are updated to 2016 (Version 6) criteria. (2) The values shown are based on Canada's updated ENERGY STAR` 2020 initiative. + Based on unit size, some products will use 2.5mm glass that may have improved glazing performance from what is shown. See the Product Performance section for more detailed information or visit for Energy Star guidelines. Pella 2022 Architectural Design ManuaI I Division 08- Open ings I Windows andDoors I V250 -AW -6 250 Series Awning Grilles Grille Profiles Grilles -Between -the -Glass ti ti ti �ti � -r- 0 -- 0 5/8" 3/4" "v—ti ti "vti N 5/8" Flat 3/4" Contour Grille Patterns Prairie Lite Patterns 9 -Lite Prairie MENEM MEN Eli UN ENS Traditional Top Row Custom–Equally Divided For traditional patterns, see size tables. _r_ 0314" ;:C MAR Q 7 2V2 3/4" Contour YAhIVIUV I r. Prairie - Approximately 4' from edge of sash to center of bar. - Minimum actual glass is 13'. Traditional - Specify number of lites. Grilles must be equally divided on visible glass. - Minimum 6' x 6'. Top Row - Standard visible glass to separator bar must be s1/2 upper actual glass. Pella 2022 Architectural Design Manual I Division 08 - Openings I Windows and Doors I V25O-AW-7 250 Series Casement Size and Performance Data Ji/fq}� 7 2022 YAhiviouI,- OLQ KING'S HIGHLNAY _j 250 Series Casement Standard Sizes S Special Sizes Available Built on 1/8" Increments O Nail Fin Only O Nail Fin with J -Channel O 3-1/4" Block Pocket Install/Replacement S Double -Wall Flush Flange O Integral 5/8" Flange O Standard Performance STC Meets or Exceeds AAMA/WDMA Ratings LC-PG35 Rating Hallmark Certified Air Infiltration (cfm/ftz of frame @ 1.57 psf wind pressure.) 0.10 Design Pressure 35 psf Water Penetration Resistance 5.25 psf Performance Upgrade 30 Meets or Exceeds AAMA/WDMA Ratings LC-PG50 33 Hallmark Certified Air Infiltration (cfm/ft2 of frame @ 1.57 psf wind pressure.) 0.10 Design Pressure 50 psf Water Penetration Resistance 7.5 psf Other Performance Criteria Forced Entry Resistance (Minimum Security Grade)2 10 Maximum Operating Force (lbs) (Initiate Motion / Maintain Motion) 15/6 Sound Transmission Class and Outdoor -Indoor Transmission Class Glazing System Frame Size Tested 3 STC OITC Overall Glazing Exterior Glass Interior Third Pane Rating Rating Thickness Thickness Glass Thickness Thickness Casement - Dual -Pane Insulating Glass Vent 23-1/2" x 59" 3/4" 3mm 3mm — 30 25 Vent 23-1/2"x59" V. 5mm 3mm — 33 27 Fixed 47-1/4" x 59" 3/4" 3mm 3mm — 28 24 Fixed 47-1/4" x 59" V. 5mm 3mm — 30 25 Casement -Triple-Pane Insulating Glass Vent 23-1/2"x59" V. 3mm 3mm 3mm 34 28 5 — Standard; O — Optional 0) Published performance data is for single unit only. See Design Data pages in this section for specific product performance class and grade values. {2) The higher the level, the greater the product's ability to resist forced entry. (3) ASTM E 1425 defines standard sizes for acoustical testing. Ratings achieved at that size are representative of all sizes of the same configuration. The presence of low -e or argon have negligible effect on sound attenuation characteristics. r %� !/ Pella 2022 Architectural Design Manual I Division 08 -Openings I Windows and Doors I V250 -CM -2 250 Series Casement Features and Options 250 Series Casement 250 Series Casement Glazing Type Dual -pane insulating glass S Color matched hardware 5 Triple -pane insulating glass O Conventional black fiberglass screens - flat S Insulated Glass Options/ Low -E Types Advanced Low -E 5 Grilles -Between -the -Glass NaturalSun Low -E O 3/4" Contour O SunDefenseTm Low -E, O 5/8" Flat O Bronze -tinted Advanced Low -E, O Grille Patterns: Traditional, Prairie, Top Row, Custom - O Additional Glazing Options Equally Divided Annealed glass S Tempered glass O Obscure glass2 O Gas Fill/ High Altitude Argon 5 RECEIVE® High attitude O High altitude with argon, O MAR 0 7 2022 Foam Insulation 0 HOLDSHPerformance � IGWgy Upgrade O Interior/ Exterior Color White Interior/White Exterior S Almond Interior/Almond Exterior O Fossil Interior/Fossil Exterior O White Interior/Brown Exterior O White Interior/Black Exterior O S = Standard; O = Optional (1) Not available with triple -pane glazing. (2) Contact your local Pella sales representative for current offering. i A Pella 2622 Architectural Design Manual ( Division 08 -Openings I Windows and Doors I V250 -CM -3 M/ 250 Series Casement Glazing Performance -Total Unit Dl � 5 c NFRCCertiffed Type of Glazing Praductff �F 3/4" Advanced Low -E IG PEL-N-239-00002-00007 Performance with grilles -between -the -glass PLL -N-239-00002-00008 3/4" Advanced Low -E IG PEL-N-239-00005-00007 Valuest with rifles -between -the- lass PEL-N-239-00005-00008 3/4" NaturalSun Low -E IG PEL-N-239-00001-00007 PEL-N-239-00039-00007 with grilles -between -the -glass PEL-N-239-00001-00008 3/4" NaturalSun Low -E IG PEL-N-239-00004-00007 with grilles -between -the -glass with grilles -between -the -glass PEL-N-239-00004-00008 3/4" SunDefenselm Low -E IG PEL-N-239-00003-00007 NC with grilles -between -the -glass PEL-N-239-00003-00008 3/4" SunDefense Low -E IG PEL-N-239-00006-00007 3/4' with grilles -between -the -glass Dual -Pane 1 Advanced Low -E IG PEL-N-239-00006-00008 PEL-N-239-00040-00007 ti 7 with ­ill­-hetween-the-nlass PFL-N-239-0n040-00n0R Glass PEL-N-239-00043-00007 3 3 Amon 0.26 Performance 0.46 Shaded Areas Meet (mm) with grilles -between -the -glass PEL-N-239-00043-00008 Valuest ENERGY STAR" Performance 0.42 61 INC SC S 3/4" NaturalSun Low -E IG PEL-N-239-00039-00007 3 3 Air 0.29 Criteria in Zones Shown 0.52 Gap 57 with grilles -between -the -glass PEL-N-239-00039-00008 0.29 0.39 0.47 Fill NC uF PEL-N-239-00042-00007 3 3 Ar on 0.26 U.S. Canada2 0.52 60 ti Q x ti 7 U 0.39 0.47 60 j Ln NC Zone ER Zone 3 3 Air 0.29 0.25 0.46 57 NC 57 0.29 0.23 1 0.42 57 NC 5 _ 3 3 Ar on 0.26 0.25 0.46 60 NCT. NC 0.26 0.23 0.42 60 3 3 Air 0.30 0.43 0.52 56 0.31 60 0.30 0.39 0.47 56 NC 3 3Ar on 0.27 0.43 0.52 59 0.27 0.39 0.47 59 NC 3 3 Air 0.29 0.19 0.43 57 NC SC S 0.29 0.17 0.38 57 NC SC 3 3 Ar on 0.26 0.18 0.43 61 NC SC ` 0.26 0.17 0.38 61 M NC SC I S ` 211 0.25 1 0.46 i 57 1 NC 1 SC S 0214 023 0.42 57 NC SC S 3/4" Advanced Low -E IG PEL-N-239-00043-00007 3 3 Amon 0.26 0.25 0.46 61 NC SC S with grilles -between -the -glass PEL-N-239-00043-00008 0.26 0.23 0.42 61 INC SC S 3/4" NaturalSun Low -E IG PEL-N-239-00039-00007 3 3 Air 0.29 0.43 0.52 56 57 with grilles -between -the -glass PEL-N-239-00039-00008 0.29 0.39 0.47 56 NC 3/4" Naturalsun Low -E IG PEL-N-239-00042-00007 3 3 Ar on 0.26 0.43 0.52 60 with grilles -between -the -glass Bronze Advanced Low -E IG with grilles -between -the lass PEL-N-239-00042-00008 0.26 0.39 0.47 60 NC 3/4" SunDefenseT" Low -E IG PEL-N-239-00041-00007 1 3 1 3 1 Air 1 0.28 1 0.19 1 0.43 1 57 1 INC I SC withgrilles-between the lass PEL-N-239-00041-00008 1 1 1 0.28 1 0.17 0.38 1 57 NC 3/4" SunDefense Low -E IG PEL-N-239-00044-00007 3 3 Ar on 0.25 0.18 0.43 6i NC 3/4" with grilles -between -the -glass Bronze Advanced Low -E IG PEL-N-239-00044-00008 PEL-N-239-00002-00013"33 025 0.29 0.17 0.25 0.38 0.34 61 57 NC with rilles-between-the lass PEL-N-239-00002-000140.29 0.23 0.31 57 3/4" Bronze Advanced Low -E IG PEL-N-239-00005-00013 0.26 0.24 0.34 60 with grilles -between -the -glass PEL-N-239-00005-00014 I I 1 1 0.26 1 0.22 0.31 60 EEC������F' MAR o 7 2022 YARMOUTH 010 !•i it c . i i-��nrAY R -Value= 1/U -Factor SHGC = Solar Heat Gain Coefficient VLT%= Visible Light Transmission CR - Condensation Resistance ER - Canadian Energy Rating (1) Glazing performance values are calculated based on NFRC 100, NFRC 200 and NFRC 500. ENERGY STAR' values are updated to 2016 (Version 6) criteria. (2) The values shown are based on Canada's updated ENERGY STAR' 2020 initiative. Based on unit size, some products will use 2.5mm glass that may have improved glazing performance from what is shown See the Product Performance section for more detailed information or visit for Energy Star guidelines 1 j t=. t�►!rte Pella 2022 Architectural Design Manual I Division 08 - Openings I Windows and Doors I ;0 -)A03,' V250 -CM -4 M/ 250 Series Casement Glazing Performance -Total Unit 1" NaturalSun Low-ETriple-pane IG PEL-N-239-00073-00003 1 3 1 3 1 3 lArgonj 0.20 1 0.37 10.46 1 67 NC 36 CA with Grilles -between -the -glass PEL-N-239-00074-00002 I I I 1 10.21 10.34 1 0.41 1 67 NC 33 CA RA E C E i v MAR 0 7 2022 YAhlViUW r, R -Value = 1/U -Factor SHGC = Solar Heat Gain Coefficient VLT % = Visible Light Transmission OR = Condensation Resistance ER = Canadian Energy Rating (1) Glazing performance values are calculated based on NFRC 100, NFRC 200 and NFRC 500. ENERGY STAR' values are updated to 2016 (Version 6) criteria. (2)The values shown are based on Canada's updated ENERGY STAR' 2020 initiative. Based on unit size, some products will use 2.5mm glass that may have improved glazing performance from what is shown. See the Product Performance section for more detailed information or visit for Energy Star guidelines. •'fir r�- Pella 2022 Architectural Design Manual I Division 08- Openings I Windowsand Doors I V250 -CM -5 Glass Performance Shaded Areas Meet Valuest ENERGY STAR® Performance m(mm) Criteria in Zones Shown c NFRC Certified Ga RType of Glazing Product # Fill U. S. Canada 2 a E J U Zone ER Zone LU u'0. _ > i j '^ 1" Advanced Low -E Triple -pane IG PEI --N-239-00033-00003 3 3 3 Air 0.24 0.21 0.36 64 NC xS NC with Grilles -between -the -glass PEL-N-239-00034-00002 0.24 0.19 0.32 64 1" Advanced Low -E Triple -pane IG PEL-N-239-00037-00003 3 3 3 Argon 0.21 0.21 0.36 67 NC NC NC 26 CA 26 CA with G ri Iles-betwee n -the -9 lass PEL-N-239-00038-00002 0.21 0.19 0.32 67 V NaturalSun Low-ETriple-pane IG PEL-N-239-00031-00003 3 3 3 Air 0.24 0.37 0.46 63 with Grilles -between -the- lass PEL-N-239-00032-00002 0.24 0.34 0.41 63 NC V, NaturalSun Low -E Triple -pane IG PEL-N-239-00035-00003 3 3 3 Ar on 0.21 0.37 0.46 67 NC 35 CA with Grilles -between -the -glass PEL-N-239-00036-00002 0.21 0.34 0.41 67 INC 33 CA 1" Advanced Low-ETri le- ane IG PEL-N-239-00071-00003 3 3 3 Air 0.23 0.21 0.36 64 NC SC with Grilles -between -the- lass PEL-N-239-00072-00002 0.23 0.19 0.32 64 NC SC 1" Advanced Low-ETriple-pane lG PEL-N-239-00075-00003 3 3 3 Argon 0.20 0.21 0.36 68 NC SC 27 CA with Grilles -between -the- lass PEL-N-239-00076-00002 0.20 0.19 0.32 68 NC SCM 25 1 CA 1" NaturalSun Low-ETriple-pane IG PLL -N-239-00069-00003 3 3 1 3 1 Air 1 0.23 1 0.37 1 0.46 64 NC with Grilles -between -the -glass PEL-N-239-00070-00002 I 1 1 0.24 1 0.34 1 0.41 64 NC 1" NaturalSun Low-ETriple-pane IG PEL-N-239-00073-00003 1 3 1 3 1 3 lArgonj 0.20 1 0.37 10.46 1 67 NC 36 CA with Grilles -between -the -glass PEL-N-239-00074-00002 I I I 1 10.21 10.34 1 0.41 1 67 NC 33 CA RA E C E i v MAR 0 7 2022 YAhlViUW r, R -Value = 1/U -Factor SHGC = Solar Heat Gain Coefficient VLT % = Visible Light Transmission OR = Condensation Resistance ER = Canadian Energy Rating (1) Glazing performance values are calculated based on NFRC 100, NFRC 200 and NFRC 500. ENERGY STAR' values are updated to 2016 (Version 6) criteria. (2)The values shown are based on Canada's updated ENERGY STAR' 2020 initiative. Based on unit size, some products will use 2.5mm glass that may have improved glazing performance from what is shown. See the Product Performance section for more detailed information or visit for Energy Star guidelines. •'fir r�- Pella 2022 Architectural Design Manual I Division 08- Openings I Windowsand Doors I V250 -CM -5 C7 H 250 Series Casement Glazing Performance - Total Unit Type of Glazing Glass Performance (mm) Values, NFRC Certifled Gap Product #� � Fill LL s > u Shaded Areas Meet ENERGY STAR® Performance Criteria in Zones Shown U.S. Canada2 Zone ER I Zone 3/4" Advanced Low -E IG PEL N-240-00002-00001 3 3 1 Air 1 0.30 0.30 1 0.57 57 IVC with grilles -between -the -91 ass PEL-N-240-00002-00002 0.30 0.27 0.5157 60 NC 3/4" Advanced Low -E IG PEL-N-240-00005-00001 3 3 Argon 0.27 0.30 0.57 61 NC with rilles-between-the-91ass PEL-N-240-00005-00002 0.27 0.27 0.51 61 NC 3/4" NaturalSun Low -E IG PEL-N-240-00001-00001 3 3 Air 0.31 0.53 0.64 57 NC with nrillec-hetwePn-the-class PEL-N-240-00001-00002 0.31 0.47 0.57 57 61 3/4" NaturalSun Low -E IG PEL-N-240-00004-00001 3 3 Argonj 0.28 0.53 0.64 60 1 1361CA with grilles -between -the -glass PEL-N-240-00004-00002 0.28 0.47 0.57 60 NC 3/4" SunDefensel" Low -E IG PEL-N-240-00003-00001 3 3 Air 0.30 0.23 0.52 58 NC with grilles -between -the -glass PEL-N-240-00003-00002 0.30 0.21 0.47 58 NC 3/4' SunDefense Low -E IG PEL-N-240-00006-00001 3 3 Argon 0.26 0.22 0.52 61 NC with grilles-hetvveen-the-class with grilles -between -the -glass PEL-N-240-00006-00002 0.26 0.20 0.47 61 NC 62 NC a$G; 0.30 0.27 0.36 58 with rilles-between-the lass PEL-N-240-00025-00002 1Advanced Low -E IG PEL-N-240-00024-00001 5 1 5 1 Air 0.30 1 0.30 0.56 1 58 1 NC withgrilles-between-the- lass PEL-N-240-00024-00002 0.30 0.27 0.50 58 NC 1" Advanced Low -E IG PEL-N-240-00028-00001 5 5 Ar on 0.27 0.29 0.56 62 NC with 9 rilles-between-the-glass PEL-N-240-00028-00001 0.27 0.27 0.50 62 NC 1" NaturalSun Law -E IG PEL-N-240-00023-00001 5 5 Air 0.31 0.50 0.63 58 0.52 with grilles-hetvveen-the-class PFL-N-240-00023-00002 0.31 0.45 0.56 58 0.20 1" NaturalSun Low -E IG PEL-N-240-00027-00001 5 5 Argon 0.27 0.50 0.63 61 35 CA with 9 rilles-between-the- lass PEL-N-240-00027-00002 0.27 0.45 0.56 61 1" SunDefense7m Low -E IG PEL-N-240-00026-00001 5 5 Air 0.30 0.23 0.52 59 1 1 NC :SC" PEL-N-240-00005-00007 with 9 rid les -between -the -9 lass PEL-N-240-00026-00002 0.30 0.21 0.46 59 1 INC SC. 1" SunDefense Low -E IG PEL-N-240-00030-00001 5 5 Argon. 0.26 0.22 0.52 62 NC -5C 0.38 with grilles -between -the -glass • -. PEL-N-240-00030-00002 0.26 0.20 0.46 62 NC a$G; 0.30 3/4" Bronze Advanced Low -E IG PEL-N-240-00002-00007 3 3 1 Air 1 0.30 0.30 1 0.42 57 NC with grilles -between -the -glass PEL-N-240-00002-00008 0.30 0.27 0.38 57SNC 3/4" Bronze Advanced Low -E IG PEL-N-240-00005-00007 3 3 Ar on 0.27 0.30 0.42 61 with grilles -between -the -glass e - PEL-N-240-00005-00008 0.27 0.27 0.38 61 1' Bronze Advanced Law -E IG PEL-N-240-00025-00001 5 5 Air 0.30 0.27 0.36 58 with rilles-between-the lass PEL-N-240-00025-00002 0.30 0.24 0.33 58 1" Bronze Advanced Low -E IG PEL-N-240-00029-00001 5 5 Ar on 0.27 0.27 0.36 62 with grilles -between -the -glass PEL-N-240-00029-00002 I I 1 1 0.27 0.24 0.33 1 62 = NC RECEIVE® hAnq n �,,•? i R -Value = 1/U -Factor SHGC = Solar Heat Gain Coefficient VLT % = Visible Light Transmission CR - Condensation Resistance ER - Canadian Energy Rating (1) Glazing performance values are calculated based on NFRC 100, NFRC 200 and NFRC 500. ENERGY STAR' values are updated to 2016 (Version 6) criteria. (2) The values shown are based on Canada's updated ENERGY STAR' 2020 initiative. Based on unit size, some products will use 2.5mm glass that may have improved glazing performance from what is shown See the Product Performance section for more detailed information or visit www.energystacgov for Energy Star guidelines Pella 2022 Architectural Design Manual I Division 013 - Openings I Windows and Doors I Waim- i!► r,r V250 -CM -6 250 Series Casement Glazing Performance - Total Unit GlassPerformanceI I Shaded Areas Meet (mm) Values, ENERGYSTARI Performance Criteria in Zones Shown ` c Type of Glazing NFRC Certified Product # Gap Fill t u U. S. Canada: U' = Nw t7 2 � j `�Zone ER Zone 1" Advanced Low -E Tri le- ane IG PEL-N-240-00041-00003 3 3 3 Air 0.23 0.26 NC with Grilles -between -the lass PEL-N-240-00041-00004 0.23 0.23 t44 NC S1' Advanced Low -E Tri le- ane IG PEL-N-240-00045-00003 3 3 3 Ar on 0.19 0.26 NC 31 CA with Grilles -between -the lass PEL-N-240-00045-00004 0.20 0.23 NC SC 28 CA 1" Natural5un Low -E Tri le- ane IG PEL-N-240-00039-00003 3 3 3 Air 0.24 0.45 36CA with Grilles -between -the lass PEL-N-240-00039-00004 0.24 0.41 34 CA 1" Natural5un Low -E Tri le- ane IG PEL-N-240-00043-00003 3 3 3 Ar on 0.20 0.45 41 CA with Grilles -between -the -glass PEL-N-240-00043-00004 0.20 0.41 39 CA E v MAR 0 7 2022 Y AhlyIl1U I—rk R -Value — 1/1.1 -Factor SHGC = Solar Heat Gain Coefficient VLT % = Visible Light Transmission CR = Condensation Resistance ER = Canadian Energy Rating (1) Glazing performance values are calculated based on NFRC 100, NFRC 200 and NFRC 500. ENERGY STAR' values are updated to 2016 (Version 6) criteria. (2) The values shown are based on Canada's updated ENERGY STAR' 2020 initiative. Based on unit size, some products will use 2.5mm glass that may have improved glazing performance from what is shown. See the Product Performance section for more detailed information or visit for Energy Star guidelines. Pella 2022 Architectural Design Manual I DivisionOB- Openings I Windows and Doors I V250 -CM -7 250 Series Casement Grilles Grille Profiles Grill es -B etween -the-Glass 518" Fiat Grille Patterns Prairie Lite Patterns 9 -Lite Prairie Other Available Patterns I� Traditional _r__ 0 314" �b ti 314" Contour Top Row Custom- Equally Divided 3 v 14" � 314" Contour ECRL D MAR 0 7 2022 r Hr7 n,,—v 11 OLD KING'S HIGHWAY Prairie Approximately 4' from edge of sash to center of bar - Minimum actual glass is 13' Custon - Equally Divided - Specify number of lites. - Grilles must be equally divided on visible glass. - Minimum 6'x 6'. Top Row - Standard visible glass to separator bar - 14' or half of total visible glass height, whichever is smaller. Pella 2022 Architectural Design Manual I Division 08 -Openings I Windows and Doors I www, 1 ' JlJ V250 -CM -8 m T o O �z A "m am n 1 0 z C7 m a �-T r9l { z _� br 8 m MIL�' 4 fV 1 14'e N w to mr n m C - _. zn \ d # 2$0 in I = -4 2�a 2