HomeMy WebLinkAboutNOIDEPARTMENT OF CONSERVATION If the applicant is not the property owner, please submit this form with your application_ The owner must be sent a copy of the application on the same day it is filed with this office. Property Address: 23 Crow Street South Yarmouth Assessors Map/Lot: 25/140 I (we) hereby authorize the individual members of the Yarmouth Conservation Commission and its agents to enter upon the referenced property for the purpose of gathering information regarding the application filed with the Commission pursuant to the Wetlands Protection Act (M.G.L. Ch. 131, s. 40) and/or the Yarmouth Wetlands Protection Bylaw (Chapter 143). Authorized Signature: Date: Please Print Name: If other than owner, please state whether tenant, agent, or other: Mailing Address: P.Q. Box 713 SouthDennis-MA 02660 Yarmouth Conservation Commission • 1146 Route 28 • South Yarmouth, MA 02664-4492 Tel. (508)-398-2231 Ext. 1288 * Fax (508)-398-0836 • TTD# (508) 398-2231 Important: When filling out forms on the computer, use only the tab key to move your cursor - do not use the return key, Note: Before completing this form consult your local Conservation Commission regarding any municipal bylaw or ordinance. 4 Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Provided by MassDEP: Bureau of Resource Protection - Wetlands MassDEP File Number W PA Form 3 -- Notice of Intent Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act M.G.L. c. 131, §40 Dacu—me ntTransaction Number YARMOUTH A. General Information City/Town 1_ Project Location (Note; electronic fifers will click on button to locate project site): 23 GROW STREET a. Street Address Latitude and Longitude: 25 f. Assessors Map/Plat Number 2. Applicant: Andrew P. a. First Name c. organization 84 W Broadwi d. Street Address e. CitylTown 603-898-3769 h. Phone Number SOUTH YARMOUTH 02664 b_ City/Town C. Zip Code 41.64657-70.21367 d. Latitude e. Longitude 140 g. Parcel /Lot Number Lane b. Last Name NH 03038 f. State g. Zip Code Fax Number aPlaneLa7cpamba.com j. Email Address 3. Property owner (required if different from applicant) Andrew P. a. First Name NE QOZ 698 LLC c. Organization 84 W. Broadway d. Street Address Derry NH e. Gity/Town f. —State h. Phone Number I. -Fax Number 4. Representative (if any). - Robin W. a. First Name Sweetser Engin c. Company P.O. Box 713 ® Check if more than one owner Lane, Mgr b. Last Name i. Email address Wilcox b. Last Name 03038 g. Zip Code South Dennis MA 02660 e. City/Town f. State g. Z CoCode h. h. Phone 5-69508-385-6991 sweetsereng@aol.com Phone Numbebe r i. Fax Number j. Email address 5. Total WPA Fee Paid (from NOI Wetland Fee Transmittal Form): $500.00 $237.50 $262.50 a. Total Fee Paid b. State Fee Paid C. City/Town Fee wpaform3.doc • rev. 6/18/2020 Page 1 of 9 I Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Bureau of Resource Protection - Wetlands f WPA Form 3 - Notice of Intent Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act M.G.L. c. 131, §40 A. General Information (continued) 6. General Project Description: Provided by MaSSDEP: MassDEP Eile Number Document Transaction Number YARMOUTH C itylrown Raze and replacement of the existing dwelling, installation of new septic system, driveway, utilities, landscaping and appurtenances 7a. Project Type Checklist: (Limited Project Types see Section A. 7b.) 1 - ® Single Family Home 3. ❑ Commercial/Industrial 5. ❑ Utilities 7. ❑ Agriculture (e.g., cranberries, forestry) g. ❑ Other 2. ❑ Residential Subdivision 4. ❑ Dock/Pier 6. ❑ Coastal engineering Structure 8. ❑ Transportation 7b. Is any portion of the proposed activity eligible to be treated as a limited project (including Ecological Restoration Limited Project) subject to 310 CMR 10.24 (coastal) or 310 CMR 10.53 (inland)? I. ❑ Yes ® No If yes, describe which limited project applies to this project_ (See 310 CMR 10.24 and 10.53 for a complete list and description of limited project types) 2. tintited Project Type If the proposed activity is eligible to be treated as an Ecological Restoration Limited Project (310 CMR10.24(8), 310 CMR 10.53(4)), complete and attach Appendix A: Ecological Restoration Limited Project Checklist and Signed Certification, 8. Property recorded at the Registry of Deeds for: Barnstable a. County 34781 b. Certificate # (if registered land) c. Book 303 d. Page Number B. Buffer Zone & Resource Area Impacts (temporary & permanent) 1. ❑ Buffer Zone Only — Check if the project is located only in the Buffer Zone of a Bordering Vegetated Wetland, Inland Bank, or Coastal Resource Area. 2. ❑ Inland Resource Areas (see 310 CMR 10,54-10.58; if not applicable, go to Section B.3, Coastal Resource Areas). Check all that apply below. Attach narrative and any supporting documentation describing how the project will meet all performance standards for each of the resource areas altered, including standards requiring consideration of alternative project design or location. wpaform3.doc • rev. 6/18/2020 Page 2 of 9 4 Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Provided by MassDEP_ ?�— Bureau of Resource Protection - Wetlands �ber � WPA Form 3 —Notice of Intent MassDEP File Num Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act M.G.L. c. 131, §40 Doc mentT nsaction Number YARMOUTH City/Town B. Buffer Zone & Resource Area impacts (temporary & permanent) (coat°d) Resource Area a. ❑ Bank For all projects affecting other b. ❑ Bordering Vegetated Resource Areas, Wetland please attach a narrative explaining how c. ❑ Land Under the resource Waterbodies and area was Waterways delineated. Resource Area d- ❑ Bordering Land Subject to Flooding Size of Proriosed Alteration I. linear feet 1. square feet 1. square feet 3. cubic yards dredged Size of Proposed Alteration t_ square feet Proposed Replacement {if anv) 2. linear feet 2. square feet 2. square feet Proposed Replacement (if any) 2. square feet a. Isolated Land 3. cubic feet of flood storage lost 4. cubic feet replaced ❑ Subject to Flooding 1. square feet 2. cubic feet of flood storage lo3.st cubic feet replaced f. El Riverfront Area 1. Name of Waterway (if available) - specify coastal or inland 2. Width of Riverfront Area (check one). - El 25 ft. - Designated Densely Developed Areas only ❑ 100 ft. -New agricultural projects only ❑ 200 ft. - All other projects 3. Total area of Riverfront Area on the site of the proposed project: square feet 4_ proposed alteration of the Riverfront Area: a. total Square feet b. square feet within 100 ft. c. square feet between 1001. and 200 ft, 5. Has an alternatives analysis been done and is it attached to this NO[? ❑ Yes ❑ No 6. Was the lot where the activity is proposed created prior to August 1, 1996? ❑ Yes ❑ No 3. ❑ Coastal Resource Areas: (See 310 CMR 10.25-10.35) Note: for coastal riverfront areas, please complete Section B.21 above. wpaform3.doc • rev. 6/18/2020 Page 3of9 4 Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Provided by MassDEP: \ ' Bureau of Resource Protection - Wetlands i �, WPA Form 3 — Notice of intent MassDEP File Number Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act M.G.L. c. 131, §40 Dooumentrransaction Number YARMOUTH fN— Online Users_ Include your document transaction number (provided on your receipt page) with all supplementary information you submit to the Department. itylTown B. Buffer Zone & Resource Area impacts (temporary & permanent) (cont'd) Check all that apply below_ Attach narrative and supporting documentation describing how the project will meet all performance standards for each of the resource areas altered, including standards requiring consideration of alternative project design or location. Resource Area a. ❑ Designated Port Areas b. ❑ Land Under the Ocean c. ❑ Barrier Beach d. ❑ Coastal Beaches e. ❑ Coastal Dunes f. ❑ Coastal Banks g- ❑ Rocky Intertidal Shores Size of Proposed Alteration Proposed Re lacement if an Indicate size under Land Under the Ocean, below 1. square feet 2. cubic yards dredged Indicate size under Coastal Beaches and/or Coastal Dunes below 1. square feet I. square feet Size of Proposed Alteration 1, linear feet 1. square feet 2. cubic yards beach nourishment 2. cubic yards dune nourishment Proposed Re lacement if an h- ❑ Salt Marshes i. ❑ Land Under Salt I. square feet 2. sq ft restoration, —rehab Ponds 1. square feet ❑ Land 2. cubic yards dredged 1� Containing Shellfish T square feet k. ❑ Fish Runs Indicate size under Coastal Banks, inland Bank, Land Under the Ocean, and/or inland Land Under Waterbodies and Waterways, above 1- ® Land -1—.cubic yards dredged Subject to b Coastal Storm Flowage 1. square feet 4. ❑ Restoration/Enhancement If the project is for the purpose of restoring or enhancing a wetland resource area in addition to the square footage that has been entered in Section B2.b or B.3_h above, please enter the additional amount here. a. square feet of BVW b. square feet of Salt Marsh 5. ❑ Project Involves Stream Crossings a. number of new stream crossmgs b. number of replacement stream crossings wpaform3.doc • rev. 6/18/2020 Page 4 of 9 I Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Provided by MasaDEP: %�-~--- Bureau of Resource Protection -Wetlands WPA Form 3 — Notice of intent Mass©�� File Number Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act M.G.L. c. 131, §40 Document Transaction Number YARMOUTH G. Other Applicable Standards and Requirements Cityrl"own ❑ This is a proposal for an Ecological Restoration Limited Project. Skip Section C and complete Appendix A: Ecological Restoration Limited Project Checklists — Required Actions (310 CMR 10.11), Streamlined Massachusetts Endangered Species Act/Wetlands Protection Act Review 1. Is any portion of the proposed project located in Estimated Habitat of Rare Wildlife as indicated on the most recent Estimated Habitat Map of State -Listed Rare Wetland Wildlife published by the Natural Heritage and Endangered Species Program (NHESP)? To view habitat maps, see the Massachusetts Natural Heritage Atlas or go to htt ://ma s.mass is.state.ma.uslPRI EST NAB/viewer.htm. a- ❑ Yes ® No If Yes, include proof of mailing or hand delivery of NOI to: Natural Heritage and Endangered Species Program Division of Fisheries and Wildlife Online 2022 1 Rabbit Hill Road b. Date of map Westborough, MA 01581 If yes, the project is also subject to Massachusetts Endangered Species Act (MESA) review (321 CMR 10,18)- To qualify for a streamlined, 30-day, MESAIWetiands Protection Act review, please complete Section C.1.c, and include requested materials with this Notice of Intent (NOI); OR complete Section C.2.f, if applicable. If MESA supplemental information is not included with the NOI, by completing Section 1 of this form, the NHESP will require a separate MESA filing which may take up to 90 days to review (unless noted exceptions in Section 2 apply, see below). c. Submit Supplemental Information for Endangered Species Review` 1. ❑ Percentage/acreage of property to be altered: (a) within wetland Resource Area M outside Resource Area percentage/acreage percentage/acreage 2- ❑ Assessor's Map or right-of-way plan of site wetlands jurisdiction, showing existing and proposed cond 2. ElProject plans for entire project site, including wetland resource areas and areas outside of itions, existing and proposed treelvegetation clearing line, and clearly demarcated limits of work - (a) ❑ Project description (including description of impacts outside of wetland resource area & buffer zone) (b) ❑ Photographs representative of the site Some projects not in Estimated Habitat may be located in Priority Habitat, and require NHESP review (see htt s://www-mass. ovima- endan ered-s e Jes-act-mesa-re ula -review)- Priority Habitat includes habitat for state -listed plants and strictly upland species not protected by the Wetlands Protection Act. " MESA projects may not be segmented (321 CMR 10.16)- The applicant must disclose full development plans even if such plans are not required as part of the Notice of Intent process. wpaform1doc - rev. 6/18/2020 Page 5 of 9 4 Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Provided by MassDEP; IL � Bureau of Resource Protection - Wetlands W PA Farm 3 Niasst7EP File Number `t --� Notice of intent Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act M.G.L. c. 131, §40 DocumentTransaction Number YARMOUTH City/Town C. Other Applicable Standards and Requirements (cond) t (c) ❑ MESA filing fee (fee information available at htt s://www.mass. ovlhow-tofhow-to-file-for- a-mesa- roiact-review . Make check payable to "Commonwealth of Massachusetts - NHESP" and mail to NHESP at above address Projects altering 10 or more acres of land, also submit. (d) ❑ Vegetation cover type map of site (e) ❑ Project plans showing Priority & Estimated Habitat boundaries M OR Check One of the Following 1. ❑ Project is exempt from MESA review. Attach applicant letter indicating which MESA exemption applies. (See 321 CM 10.14, htt s;I/www.l> ass. ovlservice-detailslexemtions-from-review-far- roiectsactivities-inriori -habitat; the NOI- must still be sent to NHESP if the project is within estimated habitat pursuant to 310 CMR 10.37 and 10.59.) 2- ❑ Separate MESA review ongoing. 3. ❑ a. NHESP Tracking # b. Date submitted to NHESP Separate MESA review completed. Include copy of NHESP "no Take" determination or valid Conservation & Management Permit with approved plan. For coastal projects only, is any portion of the proposed project located below the mean high water line or in a fish run? a. ® Not applicable — project is in inland resource area only b. ❑ Yes ® No If yes, include proof of mailing, hand delivery, or electronic delivery of NOI to either: South Shore - Cohasset to Rhode Island border, and the Cape & islands: Division of Marine Fisheries - Southeast Marine Fisheries Station Attn: Environmental Reviewer 836 South Rodney French Blvd. New Bedford, MA 02744 Email: drnf.envreview-soutf. _Mass.gc)y North Shore - Hull to New Hampshire border: Division of Marine Fisheries - North Shore Office Attn: Environmental Reviewer 30 Emerson Avenue Gloucester, MA 01930 Email: dmf.envreviw-noihr�v Also if yes, the project may require a Chapter 91 license. For coastal towns in the Northeast Region, please contact MassDEP's Boston Office. For coastal towns in the Southeast Region, please contact MassDEP's Southeast Regional Office. c. ❑ Is this an aquaculture project? d. ❑ Yes ❑ No If yes, include a copy of the Division of Marine Fisheries Certification Letter (M.G.L. c. 130, § 57). wpaform3.doc • rev. 6/18/2020 Page 6 of 9 4 Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Provided by MassDER Bureau of Resource Protection - Wetlands WPA Form 3 MassDEP Foie Number LLI - Notice of intent Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act M.G.L. c. 131, §40 Document Transaction Number YARMOUTH City/Town D. Other Applicable Standards and Requirements (cont'd) 4. Is any portion of the proposed project within an Area of Critical Environmental Concern (ACEC)? Online users: a. El Yes ® No If yes, provide name of ACEC (see instructions to WPA Form 3 or MassDEP Include your document Website for ACEC locations). Note: electronic filers click on Website. transaction b. number ACEC receipt (provided your 5. Is any portion of the proposed project within an area designated as an Outstanding Resource Water with all page) (ORW) as designated in the Massachusetts Surface Water Quality Standards, 314 CMR 4.00? supplementary a. ❑ Yes ® No information you submit to the 6. 1s any portion of the site subject to a Wetlands Restriction Order under the Inland Wetlands Department. Restriction Act (M.G_L. c. 131, § 40A) or the Coastal Wetlands Restriction Act (M.G.L. c. 130, § 105)? a. ❑ Yes ® No 7. Is this project subject to provisions of the MassDEP Stormwater Management Standards? a- ❑ Yes. Attach a copy of the Stormwater Report as required by the Stormwater Management Standards per 310 CMR 10.05(6)(k)-(q) and check if: 1. ❑ Applying for Low Impact Development (LID) site design credits (as described in Stormwater Management Handbook Vol. 2, Chapter 3) 2. ❑ A portion of the site constitutes redevelopment 3. ❑ Proprietary BMPs are included in the Stormwater Management System. b. ® No. Check why the project is exempt: 1 . ® Single-family house 2. ❑ Emergency road repair 3. ❑ Small Residential Subdivision (less than or equal to 4 single-family houses or less than or equal to 4 units in multi -family housing project) with no discharge to Critical Areas. D. Additional information ❑ This is a proposal for an Ecological Restoration Limited Project, Skip Section D and complete Appendix A. Ecological Restoration Notice of Intent — Minimum Required Documents (310 CMR 10.12). Applicants must include the following with this Notice of Intent (NOf). See instructions for details. Online Users: Attach the document transaction number (provided on your receipt page) for any of the following information you submit to the Department. 1.2 USGS or other map of the area (along with a narrative description, if necessary) containing sufficient information for the Conservation Commission and the Department to locate the site. (Electronic filers may omit this item.) 2- ® Plans identifying the location of proposed activities (including activities proposed to serve as a Bordering Vegetated Wetland [BVWj replication area or other mitigating measure) relative to the boundaries of each affected resource area. wpaform3_doc - rev_ 6/18/2020 Page 7 of 9 4 Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Bureau of Resource Protection - Wetlands '41V1PA Form 3 — Notice of intent `4 l Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act M.G.L. c. 131, §40 F. Signatures and Submittal Requirements Provided by Massot"i': NiassDEP Fife Number Document Transaction Number YARMOUTH City/Town I hereby certify under the penalties of perjury that the foregoing Notice of Intent and accompanying Plans, documents, and supporting data are true and complete to the best of my knowledge_ 1 understand that the Conservation Commission will place notification of this Notice in a local newspaper at the expense of the applicant in accordance with the wetlands regulations, 310 CMR 10.05(5)(a), further certify under penalties of perjury that all abutters were notified of this application, pursuant to the requirements of M_G.L. c_ 131, § 40. Notice must be made by Certificate of Mailing or in writing by hand delivery or certified mail (return receipt requested) to all abutters within 100 feet of the property line of the project location_ 24'2 /1/ Qz'79 LC 1. Signature of Applicant 3. Signature of Property owner (if dii 5. . 2j 2. Date 4. Date 6. Date For Conservation Commission: Two copies of the completed Notice of Intent (Form 3), including supporting plans and documents, two copies of the NOI Wetland Fee Transmittal Form, and the city/town fee payment, to the Conservation Commission by certified mail or hand delivery. For MassDEP: One copy of the completed Notice of Intent (Form 3), including supporting plans and documents, one copy of the NOI Wetland Fee Transmittal Form, and a copy of the state fee payment to the MassDEP Regional Office (see Instructions) by certified mail or hand delivery. Other: If the applicant has checked the "yes" box in any part of Section C, Item 3, above, refer to that section and the Instructions for additional submittal requirements_ The original and copies must be sent simultaneously_ Failure by the applicant to send copies in a timely manner may result in dismissal of the Notice of intent. wpaform3.doc • rev_ 6/1812020 Page 9 of 9 LJMassachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Bureau of Resource Protection - Wetlands �t NOl Wetland Fee Transmittal Form Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act M.G.L. c. 131, §40 Important: When A. Applicant Information filling out forms on the computer, 1. Location of Project: use only the tab key to move your 23 Crow Street cursor - not use the return urn a. Street Address key. 21663 C. Check number r!, 2_ Applicant Mailing Address: Andrew P. a. First Name To calculate filing fees, refer to the category fee list and examples in the instructions for filling out WPA Form 3 (Notice of Intent). South Yarmouth b. Cityrrown $237.50 d. Fee amount Lane b. Last 84 W. Broadway d. Mailing Address — Derry e. City/Town 603-898-3769 h. Phone Number L Fax Number 3. Property Owner (if different): Andrew P a. First Nam NE QOZ 698 LLC c. Organization 84 W. Broardway d. Mailing Address e. CityfTown h. Rhone !Number Fax Number B. Fees f. State aplane@cpamba.com j. Email Address Lane, Mgr b. Last Name Address 03038 g. Zip Code NH 03038 #. State g. Zip Code Fee should be calculated using the following process & worksheet. Please see Instructions before filling out worksheet. Step 11Type of Activity: Describe each type of activity that will occur in wetland resource area and buffer zone. Step 2/Number of Activities: Identify the number of each type of activity. Step 311ndividuai Activity Fee: Identify each activity fee from the six project categories listed in the instructions. Step 4/Subtotal Activity Fee: Multiply the number of activities (identified in Step 2) times the fee per category (identified in Step 3) to reach a subtotal fee amount. Note: If any of these activities are in a Riverfront Area in addition to another Resource Area or the Buffer Zone, the fee per activity should be multiplied by 1.5 and then added to the subtotal amount. Step 5/Total Project Fee: Determine the total project fee by adding the subtotal amounts from Step 4. Step 6/Fee Payments: To calculate the state share of the fee, divide the total fee in half and subtract $12.50, To calculate the city/town share of the fee, divide the total fee in half and add $12.50_ noifeatf.doc • Wetland Fee Transmittal Form - rev. 10/11 Page 1 or 2 Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Bureau of Resource Protection - Wetlands N01 Wetland Fee Transmittal Form Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act M.G,L. c. 131, §40 B. Fees (continued) Step I/Type of Activity Step 2/Number of Activities 2a 1 C. Submittal Requirements Step 3/Individual Activity Fee $500.00 Step 5/Total Project Fee: Step 6/Fee Payments; Total Project Fee: State share of filing Fee.- City/Town share of filling Fee: Step 4/Subtotal Activity Fee $500.00 $500.00 $500.00 a. Total Fee from Step 5 $237.50 b. 1/2 Total Fee less $12.5o $262.50 c. 1/2 Total Fee plus $12.50 a.) Complete pages land 2 and send with a check or money order for the state share of the fee, payable to the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Department of Environmental Protection Box4062 Boston, MA 02211 b.) To the Conservation Commission: Send the Notice of Intent or Abbreviated Notice of Intent; a copy of this form; and the city/town fee payment. To MassDEP Regional office (see Instructions): Send a copy of the Notice of Intent or Abbreviated Notice of Intent; a copy of this form; and a copy of the state fee payment. (E-filers of Notices of Intent may submit these electronically.) no'rfeett.doo • Wetland Fee Transmittal Form . rev. 10111 Page 2 of 2 NOTIFICATION TO ABUTTERS UNDER THE MASSACHUSETTS WETLANDS PROTECTION ACT & TOWN OF YARMOUTH WETLAND BY-LAW, CHAPTER 143 In accordance with the second paragraph of the Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 131, Section 40, you are hereby notified of the following: A. The name of the applicant is __ NE QOZ 698 LLC B. The applicant has filed a Notice of Intent with the Yarmouth Conservation Commission, seeking permission to remove, fill, dredge or alter an Area Subject to Protection under the Wetlands Protection Act (MGL c. 131 s. 40 & Town of Yarmouth Wetland By -Law, Chapter 143). C. The address of the lot where the activity is proposed is 23 Crow Street South Yarmouth D. Proposed work is Raze and replace existing dwelling, upgrade of existing septic sstem and driveway, utilities landscaping and _ d appurtenances E. Copies of the Notice of Intent may be examined at the Yarmouth Town Hall at the Conservation Commission office between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. Monday thru Friday. For more information, call (508) 398- 2231 ext. 1288. F. Copies of the Notice of Intent may be obtained from the applicant's representative. Name Sweetser Engineering $5.00 NOI DOCUMENT COPY FEE Address P.O. Box 713 $5.00 FOR COPY OF PLAN (18"X24") OR Town South Dennis State MA -Alp-02660 $10.00 FOR COPY OF PLAN (24"x36") Telephone 508-385-6900 PLUS MAILING FEE APPLY Email — Sweetsereng@aol.com G. Information regarding the date, time and place of the public hearing may be obtained by calling the Yarmouth Conservation Commission office at (508) 398-2231 ext. 1288 NOTES : • Notice of the public hearing, including date, time and place will be published at least five (5) days in advance in a newspaper of general circulation. • Notice of the public hearing, including date, time and place will be posted in the Town Hall not less than forty- eight hours in advance. You may also contact the Southeast Regional Office of the Department of Environmental Protection at (508) 946-2800 for more information about this application. This is to formally advise that, as required by G.L. Chapter 30A, §§ 18-25, and pursuant to Chapter 20 of the Acts of 2021, An Act Relative to Extending Certain COVID-19 Measures Adopted During the State of Emergency, signed into law on June 16, 2021, the Yarmouth Conservation Commission will hold a public meeting at the date and time noted below. The public is welcome to attend either in -person or via the alternative public access provided below. • TENTATIVE HEARING DATE — JULY 21 2022 Contact the Yarmouth Conservation office for more information at 508-760-6123 and to confirm date and time Hearings begin @ 5:00 PM In person: Yarmouth Town Hall Meeting Room, 1146 Route 28, South Yarmouth, MA OR Alternative access via teleconferencing or zoom (while Covid-19 protocols in effect) Alternative access to meeting — Applicants and abutters Please type the link to join by computer: https://usG2web.zoom,us/j/88471726922 By telephone: Dial: US: +1-301-715-8592 or +1-346-248-7799 or +1-669-900-6833 or +1-253-215-8782 Webinar ID: 884 7172 6922 251 141/ 1 1 MULLANY ANNE L ARGENTO MICHEL A 64 MATTACHEE RD SOUTH YARMOUTH , MA 02664 251 1401 1 1 BARLETTA RAYMOND A TRS BARLETTA TONI L 335 UNION AVE PROVIDENCE, RI 02909 251 1421 1 1 FOLEY ALAN D 15 TAFT ST UNIT 1 DORCHESTER , MA 02125 251 1431 1 1 IACONO ANTHONY M TR THE ANTHONY IACONO LIVG TRUST 218 MANSION DR WESTCHESTER , PA 19382-1807 331 2821 1 / TOWN OF YARMOUTH MUNICIPAL 1146 ROUTE 28 SOUTH YARMOUTH , MA 02664 331 283/ 1 1 PREVOST TIMOTHY J PREVOST PATTI 74 COCASSET ST FOXBOROUGH , MA 02034 331 2691 / OLIVIERI ANTHONY LUKE TR ANTHONY LUKE OLIVIERI REV TRUST 316 STATE ROUTE 20 NEW LEBANON , NY 12125.2625 251 1391 1 1 HUFF JOHN RICHARD HUFF MAUREEN ANNE 263 LEFOLL BLVD SOUTH WINDSOR , CT 06074-4270 251 1381 1 1 BIEDERMAN DONNA S TRS 24 VINEYARD ST SOUTH YARMOUTH , MA 02664 Please use this signature to certify this list of properties abutting within 100' of the parcel located at: 23 Crow St., South Yarmouth, MA 02664 Assessors Map 25, Lot 140 Andy Ma ado, Director of Assessing January 31, 2022 33.315 33.3f41 25.169 25.147 A p 33.270 33.281 33.28�, CROW STREET r 125.1'39 25,140 25138 • k � r 4r `] 25.143 5,137IN 25.145 33.265 33.267 0 25.17 25.185 El NARRATIVE 23 Crow Street, West Yarmouth The house was built in approximately 1960 according to assessing records making the structure 60+ Years old and pre -dates Environmental regulations. This site consists of a 100' X 118 (approx.) 11,810-sf lot with an existing dwelling. The current structure is unsafe as the first floor has dry rotted and collapsed. The owner of the property is NE QOZ 698 LLC and is seeking permission to redevelop their property by demolishing the existing structure and replace it with a new dwelling. This site is in a Flood Hazard Zone. The proponents of the redevelopment are also replacing the existing septic with a new Title 5 system. The system is designed on the lot to the north of the structure by the road. There is grading, gutters, downspouts into drywells to contain runoff. Flood Zone AE L 11 The entire property is located wholly within Flood Zone A.E EL 11. As a result, both the current and proposed dwelling are in the flood zone. The current building does not meet flood compliance in regards to the first -floor elevation. The first -floor elevation of the proposed house is designed at 12.5' meeting FEMA regulations regarding first floor elevation. Soil tests were performed on the property and provided a less than 2 min/inch perc rate with no organic material encountered. We are proposing a new septic that meets Title 5 requirements and the required separation to groundwater with no variances needed from Health. Per the Oliver Maps, this parcel is not located within a rare or endangered species or habitat. As this is a re -development of a previously developed parcel there would be no adverse effect on wildlife or it's habitat. EQUIPMENT SCHEDULE Equipment to be utilized include: A pump truth, an Excavator, loader, crane, dump & other specialized trucks, power and hand tools and additional equipment/tools (as necessary), dumpster, port a potty (as may be necessary)_ In the event of a coastal storm event, all power equipment and dumpster shall be removed from site to an area above the base flood elevation. CONSTRUCTION PROTOCOL Disconnection of all utilities from the current structure The existing dwelling and foundation to be demolished with debris placed in dumpsters/trucks to be hauled away from site. Existing septic components to be pumped and removed from site including polluted soils Excavation for the new footings and foundation for the new dwelling Install the footings/foundation for the dwelling, backfill and rough grade area once forms removed. Commence with construction of dwelling with framing, plywood for exterior walls and roof, install windows, make weathertight, interior partitions, rough plumbing and electrical, drywall. Interior work to be completed including but not limited to finish carpentry work, utilities, wiring, plumbing etc. Excavation for new septic system to meet the distances shown on the plan. Installation of the septic system. Inspections of the system with partial backfilling. Revegetation of site and disturbed areas and landscaping Final inspection by Engineer or Land Surveyor of the site for report to Conservation Commission for release of Certificate of Compliance 10 J is x a m x m Ntt a) m ua F ? 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