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2022 Sign off Transmittal - 1 story sunroom addition
:Y ,, TOWN OF YARMOUTH • - ' . °° HEALTH DEPARTMENT tf':� ;„Z' • c..:-. PERMIT APPLICATION SIGN OFF TRANSMITTAL SHEET To be completed by Applicant: Building Site Location:6 Candlewood Ln,West Yarmouth,MA 02673 Proposed Improvement: Construct 1 story sunroom,14W X 12'D addition on new 14'W 16' deck,non-conditioned space. ('KS+QC or,. t-ec. t-I NO f)S i-s . Applicant: Clint Sheufelt-Permit agent for Contractor:Great Day Improvements Tel. No.: 224-326-0570 Address:250 Cape Highway Unit 8, East Taunton,MA 02718 • Date Filed: 7/4/2022 •*/fyou would like e-mail notification of sign off please provide e-mail address:clint9mach1pd.com Owner Name:Lisa Harkness Owner Address: 6 Candlewood Ln,West Yarmouth, MA 02673 Owner Tel. No.: RESIDENTIAL AND/OR COMMERCIAL BUILDING HEALTH DEPARTMENT: Determines Compliance to State and Town Regulations; i.e., Requirements For Septage Disposal and other Public Health Activities. , RL : '.:::1::'.17:7) Please submit three (3) copies of plans, to include: (1.) Site Plan showing existing buildings, water line location, 7202and septic system location; REAL `C` C �, (2.) Floor plan labeling ALL rooms within building `� T. (all existing and proposed)— Note:Floor plans not requlireflfor decks,sheds, windows, roofing; (3.) If necessary, Title 5 application signed by licensed installer with fee. REVIEWED BY: /1Z• DATE: 7 — / - _ PLEASE NOTE COMMENTS/CONDITIONS: - - I 338nSO1ON3996ore9 sE9 ,E 80rO|.LVd ��m'��l�, , EM VVCJ 2� . anwmm_,m - s-m »fa o eomon - _� ! e� I y A m�z algAHvsl - k « § \ 2 _ /§$ ( \< CO§ a /i j% /\/\ \ \))ki 0DU0 - Q in > $E LJ ro-1 u ) cnC m CO e§ § I- / § )) - u kk §CO<e \ / / n 00 _12 3 0 0 . 3 -4 2 o < @P S � � « Z ooee E )y§ • Z SERI ° -J \ EE ° � kk�} = e1ewI � n a_ « « 2 co. b $ www § O \ 0 / / \ 2 1/\0 Z oo _1 _1uLLU -Joee » » < > 0 / � g0LUUJLU0cuCCmm � n - $ z 0w 2 / n\/g { ) §P - ce 000D » n E \KS ± S Z 7 -0 I- z §$3/ w \ - m r CO CO e S 2 / §< $ Ce } § Lu CCwLU oo WU) § CO 0 0 (§) & 0 Lu ) 0w > I— LO \ 0 \ / 1= §0 2WZ- z <� mac@ L. \ j� \ j\\a/ »_ 2 U) P § K\ <I- < ®( Z § < ES/m\§( q k* 0 \ Z ° R3e» q2mf 0 0 U § § \jiwfl - 00 0 < R §m 0 < ■e 11-1 CLbeoG $ LO 0 §\ \ 2 < ®°°0 CC IX 3 0- 0 w < -- Z 3\§0Lu 0 /< DI k k §§ . / � §43\ / \©§ 5I /7 § \ \q\ »� Z-N ) USCD itr LLI Lj w Z < 4 II (/) 0 Z X < ceZt (-) LULo >- 00- w „.. .S* <C13 CZ N 11411 071'5.L.3^Cb 1Mream/0 a3M3S3tl S1110031N'43119I1OHd SI 11135NOa N3LAN tl110 LIMA ONVAIM SWI JO NdD/311d110 CINV''311'SIN3113A014d111 AVO 1V3219 JOA1N3dONd SI 9NIMVJO SIM. .S3bf1SOON3 9961Z8-804 yeses#130r 011nd 9ELZOVW'NolNfvil B l 'AVMHOIH 1:NO091 CL10 VW'H1f10W21VA1S3M - §' 1 Nv NoisoB-las 3NV1000M310NV0 9 'I/" Nouvaol , SS3NNMVH VSII - o o' N w �z i --- d __ > z ,e g i FA ow yw W3 F �'r,:tis ' °''',•;. it 8 1 m * $ o a w J W W ♦ qqti m.xct yr / - .... \ ..>—-14\ i\'. 6-E-2- a K O O o N Z 2 U