HomeMy WebLinkAboutRodgers Meeting Material 8 04 22EXHIBIT A Attested copy of Decree in the Land Court in Case 86 REG 41875 dated March 11, 2016, filed with Barnstable Registry District of the Land Court as Document No. 1,290,044, Revised Subsequent Complaint A Doc-1,29OrO44 +03-15-2016 8:2.8 G t f �_ - 2089 76 BARNSTABLE LAND COURT RE41STRY • ►_A COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS LAND COURT DEPARTMENT OF THE TRIAL COURT In the matter of"the complaint of Heim J. Quinn and Karol Holden numbered 86 REG 41875 after consideration, the Court loth adjudge and order that Josephine W. Rodgers substituted plaintiff on motion, of Bay Shore, in the State oMew York Is the owner in fee simple subject to right of Nancy J. Rodgers and my husband Kenneth W. Rodgers, jointly during our respective lifetimes and individually to the survivor if one of us predeceases the other, to use and occupy for and during our lives. of that certain parcel of land situate in Yarmouth in the County of Barnstable, and Commonwealth of Massachusetts, bounded and described as follows: Easterly by North Cove Landing, eighty and 471100 (80.47) feet; Southerly sixty and 301100 (60.30) feet, and Easterly about seventy-two (72) feet by land now or formerly of Mary V. Yosgandes; and Southerly by Bass River; Westerly about one hundred eight (108) feet, Northerly thirty (30.00) feet, Westerly fifty (50.00) feet, and Northerly sixty-eight (68.00) feet by lot 1. All of said boundaries, except the water line, are determined by the Court to be located as shown on a plan drawn by Down Cape Engineering, Surveyors, dated February 14, 1985 as modified and approved by the Court, filed in the Land Registration Office, a copy of a portion of which will be filed with the original certificate of title issued on this judgment, and shown as lot 2. After the Court loth adjudge and order that said land be brought under the operation and provisions of Chapter 185 of the General Laws, and that the title of said Josephine W. Rodgers as aforesaid to said land be confirmed and registered, subject however, to any of the encumbrances mentioned in section forty-six of said Chapter which may be subsisting; and subject also as aforesaid. Witness, JUDIT I C. CUTLER, Chief Justice of the Land Court at Boston, in the County of Suffolk, the 11fh day of&?h, in the year two thousand sixteen, at ten o'clock and 00 minutes in the forenoon. Attest with seal of said Court. DEBORAH J. PATTERSON (SEAL) Recorders A TRUE COPY, Attest with the seal of said Court Recorder 84RNSTABLE REGISTRY OF DEEDS �. �', John F. hieede, Register The land hereby registered is subject to and has the benefit of rights in !fie 'Way," approximately shown on said plan, as set forth in a deed given by James T. Donovan. and Lena J. Donovan to John D. Cannon and Winifred G. Cannon, dated May 24, 1946, duly recorded in Book 647, Page 495. The land hereby registered is subject to and has the benefit of a license issued by Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Department of Public Works, to James T. Donovan, dated October 28, 1958, duly recorded in Book 1025, Page 81. -2- 86 REG 41875 ORDER 2 We. James T. Donovan and Lena J. Donovan, husband and wife, as tenants 647 by the entirety, both of Boston Suffolk County, Massachusetts, i>cir,g=vzarried, for consideration paid, grant to John D. Cannon and Winifred G. CiannOA, husband and wife, as joint tenants, and not as tenants in common Both of Tqest Yarmouth, Barnstable County, Massachusetts a: itti quitclaim cavrnanfs lJlk (P.Fc'�n:on and --b--, if ua) A certain parcel of land, together with the buildings tihereon, situated in that part of the.Town of Yarmouth known as Bass River, Barnstable County, Massachusetts, bounded and described as follows:- granted Beginning at atsthe akenortheasterly westerlycorner side ofthe premises town way known as North Cove Landing; s of Thence runningaynard, sixtybyand 35�100 (60.35) feetformerly of the htora concrete A.bound; Thence running onhltroghelfJames . Donovan and Lena J.Doovanhrouacrosscut on awall to the waters of Bass River; m Thence easterly, northerly, easterly and northerly again by the 0 N wattheewesterlysside line River to a drill hole in a stone all of North Cove Landing (so-called); -Z a1 Thence northerly by said North Cove landing to a stake and the x point of beginning. 0 Intending hereby to release all our right, title and interest n in the within described premises which we acquired by deed from Grace E. Maynard, widow, individually and as Administratrix of the Estate of Joseph A. Maynard, late of Brookline, Norfolk County, Massachusetts, and Raymond P. Maynard of Everett, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, ands recorded with the Barnstable County Registry of Deeds, Book 594, Page anc, rcccrded ::`_" said ^c i fro.+ b`.ar_o_^ L. �i:r:ce ed urc - in common 1� 525, except reserving to tote grantors, their tiers and assigns, right of way from North Cove Landing over with others entitled thereto, a the northerly part of the granted premises, said right of way and a more particular description of the granted premises being shown on a plan en- titled "Plan of Land at Bass River, Mass. to be conveyed by Joseph A. Maynard to E. V. B. Parke, August, 1931, George F. Clements, C.E.", and recorded in Barnstable County Registry of Deeds, Plan Book 44, Page 77. man 495 �tj . 0 7 husband and We, James T. Donovan and Lena J. Donovan, .. wife .............................................I.............................. . ................... 496 .............................................................................................................................................. .. tenancy by the curtest' anc other interests therein. release to said granteesall rights of dower and homestead Wi2nrsa••our••••hands and seals this ............ ..�....... ............ day of ........... Ma$.......................19.....4b ...... ....... ...............................................................I.................. / .`r........... .......................... X-4t 13 a =n uraU# of Mnnaarlluartta oftA1k .....................55.................................... Mv............................... 19....46 Then personally appeared the above named......James T. Donovan ............................................................................ .................................................................................................................................................................................. r BARNSTAI W 40hiDf*Wged tie foregoing instrument to be .... k11.9........ free act and deed, before me REGISTRY O:F DE =:DS A TRUE CJPY, ATTEST � JCHN F. ME;�U` RE..GISTER ]I7 tommi..lov aDiree ...................._..._._.._. Barnstable, ss., Received May 27, 1946, and is recorded. We, John D. Cannon and Winifred G. Cannon, husband and wife, both - of --.__�e�t_1'arbo_uth,.__.--------_-------------_Barntable----------------r---County. Massachusetts, for consideration paid, grant to the SECURITY FEDERAL SAVINGS 4ND LOAN ASSOCIATION OF BROCKTON, a United States corporation doing business in Brockton, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, with MORT- GAGE COVENANTS to secure the payment of________ ----- ___________------ For.ty___fivy_-B n_dre_d__aud_- LQ/_1QQ__----�_45.4D._401--------- - ------- Do liars with interest from the date hereof, as provided in._— 0=== note of even date; kV the land, with the buildings thereon, situated in that part of the Town of Yarmouth known I \ as Bass River, Barnstable County, Massachusetts, on the westerly side of North Cove Landing, bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a stake in the westerly line of said North Cove Landing i at the northeasterly corner of the within described premises and the southeasterly corner of land formerly of Joseph A. Maynard; thence westerly by land of said Maynard sixty and 35/100 (60.35) feet to a con- crete bound and other land formerly of said Maynard; Thence southerly through a cross cut on the wall to the waters of Bass River; Thence easterly, northerly, easterly, and northerly again by waters of Bass niver to a drill hole in a stone bound at said North Cove Landing; I o 4If%1AIO( r .4 PLAN OP WD AT 1305RIVER,MASS, b 'ro BE COMMMM-laY Joseph-AMAynard T40 'E.V.B. PARKE Scale Cs%nI,,Co EXHIBIT C Attested copy of a "Plan of Land in Yarmouth" dated February 14, 1985 by Down Cape Engineering, Surveyors, filed with the Land Court, a copy of a portion of which is filed with Barnstable Registry District of the Land Court with Certificate of Title No. 208976 as Land Court Plan No. 41875A, Revised Subsequent Complaint C ,. V,: 7ab"1W PLAN OF LAND IN YARMOUTH Down Cape Engineering, Surveyors h February 14, 1965 a 4187,5A brossC3. .`N8g73QSE- �dh.G� ', m a e ul r. w s . v M � Seyrnoul � N'vodWord one' /rrnc D WovdWard z :� Q o:h.C.B t221. 1 N �• ■ 39" ai 0 o S 48 N 3 572'S9,-AY"W 7.66 !. 30.00 h, N o s=42s 20'W 1 ST17 08,W 1� +a� 4 3500 � �. p d.h. r:R Q— 60.30-- � V f of w Ci b N "5 (broken) �� 0. 61, �' iw o yt ;RYA d26 c fi u C momriV (tondny) 81. S 7-r � 11 19" W ~�1 i _eanc, nG1 carrc usW-+� m Ln (lk No. 2517) (L/G Na 4163) H (lic. Na 2511)- -. � - platform (lfc. Na a163) agss RIVER Ebb Note: Bulldihy offsets ors do eon>erboarft j •s� PTi. G�tr. :J • i • 4 I k, Abutters are not adjudicated. lava Canp/tser Lola 1 aid .? Copy of trt of p/m lied h LANO REGISTRA170N OMCE JAM 17 1985 Suds of this plan 40 hart to ar fte 7•C Fa+tbrion4 £rgi)w for Court