HomeMy WebLinkAbout2022 Sign off Transmittal - 2nd fl garage addition os-Y`�k TOWN OF YARMOUTH . � HEALTH DEPARTMENT JUL 1 4 2022 �.,, • ,:.T HEALTH DEPT • '�•�`� PERMIT APPLICATION SIGN OFF TRANSMITTA - To be completed by Applicant: , Building Site Location: g(QJStE( Roca LU�i1 t Yur& uk Proposed Improvement: Cxtq_ kx W I \ts, ( 6 2*,t t 1( cC.Li it 1\ i,1Y�[�' c4 /1111 5 )/`ic . - ally -1) ou j+ Ccz t t Gu✓ fSe cl ✓0 Applicant: 3-aftick &f F1 (vanlfc f CaYt atA j ilii Tel. No.: /1"0)-01.1654 Address: N �t i(�t u' �� Yffi1w(t' Date Filed: j"/12.-t **/fyou would like e-mail notification of sign off please provide e-mail address: 3i,�vr Owner Name: Pft- FOrsthA " 1 Owner Address: V 1,))112.,Vikr- �� (�Lk(I Owner Tel. No. OJ -WI - 63 RESIDENTIAL AND/OR COMMERCIAL BUILDING HEALTH DEPARTMENT: Determines Compliance to State and Town Regulations; i.e., Requirements For Septage Disposal and other Public Health Activities. Please submit three (3) copies of plans, to include: (1.) Site Plan showing existing buildings, water line location, and septic system location; (2.) Floor plan labeling ALL rooms within building (all existing and proposed) — Note: Floor plans not required for decks, sheds, windows, roofing; (3.) If necessary, Title 5 application signed by licensed installer with fee. REVIEWED BY: DATE: 8 - 5 PLEASE NOTE COMMENTS/CONDITIONS: House_ _To R., V cr-4v._ 5- • �� S 1'10<.0 94-1 cM p I"4 N— e F-X151-IN6 FOUNPA"ION FL -OOP. PLAN SCALA: I / B" - I ' -O" i N PLAN NOFUH 2 F-X15TING F11,5 vxjj 5CA4-1�1/011-1-01, 1:::1:::1 e::e MENMEN 11MEN ' mum I �� 1�I��' I I ■on Owosso ■OwossoNIEMEN .. . ■■ nuu u F-X15TING F -A51- ( FRONT) F-L-FVAl-ION 5CA-�5: i/S,I-1'-0,1 -- - iu ------------------ � F-XI5TIN6 WE�5T ( pF.Ar) rL-F-VA'ION SCALA: V B" - '-0 1 1 N PLAN NOI,TH i LL.Ll.Ll ------------------------------------- r7s, F-X15TIN6 NOPT H EL-F-VATION 5CA-F-: I / B'' - 1'-0' ------------------------------------ FX151LNG, 50UTH F-L-F:VATION AXI 5CAl,L�: I/ 9'-1'-01' N PLAN NOPTH N V N 04 N N O N Q I:t U U E c=; NNc6 U 2S a , N.� 14 X022 � jot. — O wµ t, HEJ�,LTH DEPT. ^ ED- 0 Z co U d GEVROOM - V ao Q ANo � N PLAN NOI,TH i LL.Ll.Ll ------------------------------------- r7s, F-X15TIN6 NOPT H EL-F-VATION 5CA-F-: I / B'' - 1'-0' ------------------------------------ FX151LNG, 50UTH F-L-F:VATION AXI 5CAl,L�: I/ 9'-1'-01' N PLAN NOPTH EXI N V 04 N O M Q I:t �O E c=; NNc6 O O 2S v N.� co r---4- wQ — O �." � ED- 0 Z co U d O 00 U V ao Q OU � m O � w d..Z EXI � W O W � d O � w EXI W N w N H Q O M Q o W N (Z O N Q O M � Q � Occ' E f Co O U CoN C*4 .I-- Cp w o0 ?-1 Q T-1 cG Q Z0 co 00U I�1 O01 U CO Q OU m O N W (Z Q � � W H � � W w U Z N N rr N Q O U Z ,A N GO CN OcotYJ Q c 5-o E O co N .G ct W o Q O co O U °o U U co n OU � m O N U Z Q W.O. w