HomeMy WebLinkAbout4973 219 Pleasant St Letter of Opposition 5RCN Webmail 8/25/22,12:07 PM RCN Webmail RECEIVED Itlloyd@rcn.com 2022 Petition # 49773 YARMOUTH BOARD OF APPEALS From : Francis V Lloyd <fvlloyd@rcn.com>Thu, Aug 25, 2022 12:03 PMSubject : Petition # 49773 To : Itlloyd@rcn.com To: Yarmouth Board of Appeals Re: Petition # 49773: James and Mora Modisette 219 Pleasant Street South Yarmouth, MA 02664 The following addresses my objections to Petition # 49773: 1. The set-back request : I am not aware of any factual basis fortheBoardtoallowtheset-back request, which would imply that a 30ft . setback would be an unduly harsh restriction. The Petitioner hasampleroomonhispropertyofaboutoneacre.The housemorethanapproximately50ft. from Pleasant St. , allowingmoreg forcurrentlythanenoughspacetobuildasizableaddition. 2. The proposed use of the property does not conform with thecurrentuseoftheotherpropertiesonAuntJane 's Road or, to myknowledge, the use of any property on Pleasant Street. Ship Shops isanexceptionbutiszonedforcommercialuseandhasbeenin p business for more than seventy years. In my neighborhood inBrookline, MA, my primary residence, it would be inconceivable thatacollectorofautomobilescouldlegallymaintainagaragewithevenafewvehiclesforeitherprivateorcommercialpurposes . As anexample, an automobile collector friend of mine in Brookline storeshisautomobilesinaneighboringtownwherehecanlawfullystoreandservicehiscollectionofcars .If there is not currently legal precedent in South Yarmouth topreventthestorageandmaintenanceofvehiclesofallkindsin aresidentialarea, as in Brookline, I implore the Yarmouth Board ofAppealstoactnowbeforeourneighborhoodisbesetwithagrowingtrendofhousesusedforotherthanstrictlyresidentialpurposes. Respectfully submitted, https://mail2.rcn.com/h/printmessage?id=C:-117368&tz=America/New_York Page 1 of 2 RCN Web` J d 7 8/25/22,12:07 PM Francis V. Lloyd III 222 Pleasant Street South Yarmouth, MA 02664 Sent from my iPad https://mail2.rcn.com/h/printmessage?id=C:-117368&tz=America/New York Page 2 of 2