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4981 Pole 158-1 Windemere Rd Structural Analysis Report 05.09.22
SCOPE OF WORK: Hudson Design Group LLC (HDG) has been authorized by AT&T to conduct a structural evaluation of the proposed utility pole supporting the proposed AT&T equipment. This report represents this office’s findings, conclusions and recommendations pertaining to the support of the proposed AT&T equipment listed below. This office did not conduct an on-site visual survey of the above areas. CONCLUSION SUMMARY: Based on our evaluation, we have determined that the proposed pole is in conformance with the National Electric Safety Code 2017 (NESC). The utility pole structure is rated at 51.0%. APPURTENANCES CONFIGURATION: Appurtenances Elevation Mount (1) GQ2412-06613 Antenna 27’-0” Side of Wood Pole (1) Demark Box 16’-6” Side of Wood Pole (1) 4415 RRH 13’-7” Within Equipment Cabinet (1) B5/B12 4449 RRH 13’-7” Within Equipment Cabinet (1) Disconnect Switch 9’-9” Side of Wood Pole (1) Elec. Meter 8’-0” Side of Wood Pole ANALYSIS RESULTS SUMMARY: Component Max. Stress Ratio Elev. of Component (ft.) Pass/Fail SP 2 (Proposed) 51.0% 0 – 38.5 PASS DESIGN CRITERIA: National Electric Safety Code 2017 (NESC) and International Building Code (IBC) 2015 with Massachusetts State Building Code 9th Edition. Wind City/Town: West Yarmouth County: Barnstable NESC Rule Rule 250B NESC Section 25 Construction Grade C NESC Section 25 Wind Load: 39.53 mph NESC Table 230-2 Ice Loading District Heavy NESC Figure 250-1 Radial Ice Thickness: 0.50 in NESC Table 230-1 1. Approximate height above grade to center of the proposed antenna: 27’-0” +/- *Calculations and referenced documents are attached. PROPOSED STRUCTURE: The proposed 38’-6” +/- wood pole is assumed to be Southern Pine Class 2 (Fb = 8000 psi) with a 12.89” diameter base. If field conditions differ from what is assumed in this report, then the engineer of record is to be notified as soon as possible. ANTENNA SUPPORT RECOMMENDATIONS: The proposed antenna is to be installed on a steel standoff mounting bracket secured to the side of the proposed pole using thru bolts. EQUIPMENT SUPPORT RECOMMENDATIONS: The proposed equipment is to be installed on the wood pole using the approved manufacturer’s mounts. Limitations and assumptions: 1. Reference the latest HDG construction drawings for all the equipment locations details. 2. Mount all equipment per manufacturer’s specifications. 3. All structural members and their connections are assumed to be in good condition and are free from defects with no deterioration to its member capacities. Contractor to perform pre-inspection prior to construction. 4. All antennas and waveguide cables are assumed to be properly installed and supported as per the manufacturer requirements. 5. HDG is not responsible for any modifications completed prior to and hereafter which HDG was not directly involved. 6. If field conditions differ from what is assumed in this report, then the engineer of record is to be notified as soon as possible. 7. HDG did not perform any geotechnical analysis / or / investigation. Soil Information is unknown. FIELD PHOTOS: Photo 1: Sample photo illustrating the existing wood pole (to be removed and replaced). Calculations Pole ID:CRAN_RCTB_MCAPE_110.pplxO-Calc® ProAnalysis ReportMonday, May 9, 2022 11:07 AMUser:kbanomaza HDG OCP:6.02*Includes Load Factor(s) Page 1 of 42Worst Wind Per Guy Wire3Wind At 214.1°Pole Num:ProposedPole Length / Class:45 / 2Code:NESCStructure Type:Unguyed TangentPole Number:ProposedSpecies:SOUTHERN PINENESC Rule:Rule 250BStatus:UnguyedSite Name:CRAN_RCTB_MCAPE_110Setting Depth (ft):6.5Construction Grade:CPole Strength Factor:0.85Address:10 WindemereRoadG/L Circumference (in):40.30Loading District:HeavyTransverse Wind LF:1.75Town, StateWest YarmouthG/L Fiber Stress (psi):8,000Ice Thickness (in):0.50Wire Tension LF:1.00Zip Code:MA 02673Allowable Stress (psi):6,800Wind Speed (mph):39.53Vertical LF:1.90Desisgned By:KSBMFiber Stress Ht. Reduc:NoWind Pressure (psf):4.00Latitude:41.646843Longitude:-70.255867Elevation:2'Pole Capacity Utilization (%)Height(ft)Wind Angle(deg)Maximum51.00.0214.1Groundline51.00.0 214.1Vertical8.321.0214.1Pole Moments (ft-lb)Load Angle(deg)Wind Angle(deg)Max Cap Util59,144230.5214.1Groundline59,144230.5 214.1GL Allowable117,445 Pole ID:CRAN_RCTB_MCAPE_110.pplxO-Calc® ProAnalysis ReportMonday, May 9, 2022 11:07 AMUser:kbanomaza HDG OCP:6.02*Includes Load Factor(s) Page 2 of 42Worst Wind Per Guy Wire3Wind At 214.1°Groundline Load Summary - Reporting Angle Mode: Load - Reporting Angle: 230.5°ShearLoad*(lbs)AppliedLoad(%)BendingMoment(ft-lb)AppliedMoment(%)PoleCapacity(%)BendingStress(+/- psi)VerticalLoad(lbs)VerticalStress(psi)TotalStress(psi)PoleCapacity(%)Powers62825.721,17435.818.01,19882761,20417.7Comms1,352 55.429,73950.325.31,6831,460 111,69424.9GenericEquipments160 6.61,5142.61.386688 5911.3Pole224 9.24,4357.53.82512,633 202714.0Streetlights39 1.61,3992.41.279114 1801.2Risers36 1.57811.30.74461 0450.7Insulators30.11020.20.1659060.1Pole Load2,440100.059,144100.050.43,3465,842453,39249.9Pole Reserve Capacity58,30149.63,4543,40850.1Load Summary by Owner - Reporting Angle Mode: Load - Reporting Angle: 230.5°ShearLoad*(lbs)AppliedLoad(%)BendingMoment(ft-lb)AppliedMoment(%)PoleCapacity(%)BendingStress(+/- psi)VerticalLoad(lbs)VerticalStress(psi)TotalStress(psi)PoleCapacity(%)Existing2,02082.852,41488.644.62,9662,460192,98543.9Proposed196 8.02,2953.92.0130749 61362.0Pole2249.24,4357.53.82512,633202714.0Totals:2,440100.059,144100.050.43,3465,842453,39249.9Detailed Load Components:PowerOwnerHeight(ft)Horiz.Offset(in)CableDiameter(in)Sag atMaxTemp(ft)CableWeight(lbs/ft)Lead/SpanLength(ft)SpanAngle(deg)WireLength(ft)Tension(lbs)TensionMoment*(ft-lb)OffsetMoment*(ft-lb)WindMoment*(ft-lb)Momentat GL*(ft-lb)PrimaryAAAC 123.3 KCMAZUSAExisting 39.46 3.98 0.3980 1.88 0.115132.7 116.1 132.7 1,212 -20,246 26 1,970 -18,250PrimaryAAAC 123.3 KCMAZUSAExisting 39.46 3.98 0.3980 1.68 0.115122.0 299.2 122.1 1,196 17,589 24 1,865 19,478SecondaryDUPLEX 1/0 Existing 32.05 6.89 0.9540 0.260 132.7 116.1 132.7 55 822 876SecondaryDUPLEX 1/0 Existing 31.95 6.89 0.9540 0.260 132.7 116.1 132.7 55 819 874SecondaryTRIPLEX 1/0 Existing 32.00 6.89 1.0300 2.21 0.399 76.9 232.6 77.1 558 18,252 53 17 18,322SecondaryDUPLEX 1/0 Existing 32.05 6.89 0.9540 0.260 122.0 299.2 122.1 50 778 828SecondaryDUPLEX 1/0 Existing 31.95 6.89 0.9540 0.260 122.0 299.2 122.1 50 775 826Overlashed Bundle10M Existing 32.00 6.89 0.3060 1.40 0.165 132.7 116.1 132.7 2,706 -36,640 48 1,963 -34,629 Pole ID:CRAN_RCTB_MCAPE_110.pplxO-Calc® ProAnalysis ReportMonday, May 9, 2022 11:07 AMUser:kbanomaza HDG OCP:6.02*Includes Load Factor(s) Page 3 of 42Worst Wind Per Guy Wire3Wind At 214.1°Overlashed Bundle10MExisting32.006.890.30601.260.165122.0299.2122.12,59430,948441,85832,850Totals:9,90340410,86721,174CommOwnerHeight(ft)Horiz.Offset(in)CableDiameter(in)Sag atMaxTemp(ft)CableWeight(lbs/ft)Lead/SpanLength(ft)SpanAngle(deg)WireLength(ft)Tension(lbs)TensionMoment*(ft-lb)OffsetMoment*(ft-lb)WindMoment*(ft-lb)Momentat GL*(ft-lb)Overlashed Bundle6M Existing 22.17 7.51 0.2420 1.58 0.104 122.0 299.2 122.1 749 6,190 39 953 7,182Overlashed Bundle8M Existing 21.08 7.58 0.2720 1.09 0.131 132.7 116.1 132.7 3,579 -31,921 351,039 -30,847CATVCATV .50 Existing 21.06 7.41 0.5700 0.600 132.7 116.1 132.7 69 286 355CATVCATV .50 Existing 21.06 7.76 0.5700 0.600 132.7 116.1 132.7 70 286 356CATVCATV .50 Existing 21.08 7.58 0.57002.22 0.600 76.9 232.6 77.1 521 11,242 549 11,305Overlashed Bundle8M Existing 21.08 7.58 0.2720 0.98 0.131 122.0 299.2 122.1 3,400 26,716 32 984 27,732CATVCATV .50 Existing 21.06 7.40 0.5700 0.600 122.0 299.2 122.1 63 271 334CATVCATV .50 Existing 21.06 7.77 0.5700 0.600 122.0 299.2 122.1 65 271 335Overlashed Bundle8M Existing 20.08 7.64 0.2720 1.19 0.131 132.7 116.1 132.7 3,115 -26,471 521,247 -25,172TelcoTELE 1.0 Existing 20.04 7.64 1.0000 0.400 132.7 116.1 132.7 72 528 600FiberTELE 1.0 Existing 19.95 7.64 1.0000 0.400 132.7 116.1 132.7 72 526 598TelcoTELE 1.0 Existing 20.087.64 1.0000 2.32 0.400 76.9 232.6 77.1 592 12,169 5811 12,237Overlashed Bundle8M Existing 20.08 7.64 0.2720 1.07 0.131 122.0 299.2 122.1 2,988 22,364 48 1,180 23,592TelcoTELE 1.0 Existing 20.04 7.64 1.0000 0.400 122.0 299.2 122.1 66 500 566FiberTELE 1.0 Existing 19.95 7.64 1.0000 0.400 122.0 299.2 122.166498564Totals:20,2898628,58829,739GenericEquipmentOwnerHeight(ft)Horiz.Offset(in)OffsetAngle(deg)RotateAngle(deg)UnitWeight(lbs)UnitHeight(in)UnitDepth(in)UnitDiameter(in)UnitLength(in)OffsetMoment*(ft-lb)WindMoment*(ft-lb)Momentat GL*(ft-lb)BoxSideMount Proposed 25.33 16.81 116.0 0.019.31 2.00 24.00 -- 4.00 -22 88 66CylinderPipe Proposed 26.58 27.50 116.0 0.09.15 30.00 -- 2.38 -- -17 86 69CylinderGQ2412-06613AntennaProposed 27.00 28.69 116.0 0.0 30.90 25.00 -- 15.00 -- -60 453 394BoxFiber Demarc Proposed 16.50 7.07 26.0 0.0 3.00 12.30 3.40 -- 3.00 -3 47 44BoxEquipment Cabinet Proposed 13.58 19.06 26.0 0.0 274.00 50.00 27.00 -- 30.00 -770 1,545 776BoxDisconnect Switch Proposed 9.75 7.80 26.0 0.0 9.70 13.00 4.00 -- 9.00 -11 8473BoxElec. Meter Proposed 8.00 8.4126.0 0.0 16.30 19.00 5.00 -- 10.00-2011392Totals:-9032,4161,514StreetlightOwnerHeight(ft)Horiz.Offset(in)OffsetAngle(deg)RotateAngle(deg)UnitWeight(lbs)UnitHeight(in)UnitDepth(in)UnitDiameter(in)UnitLength(in)OffsetMoment*(ft-lb)WindMoment*(ft-lb)Momentat GL*(ft-lb)Flood LightStreetlight - 6 ft. Arm Existing 24.00 4.90 206.0 206.0 60.00 24.00 20.00 3.00 72.004539451,399Totals:4539451,399RiserOwnerHeight(ft)Horiz.Offset(in)OffsetAngle(deg)RotateAngle(deg)UnitWeight(lbs)UnitHeight(in)UnitDepth(in)UnitDiameter(in)UnitLength(in)OffsetMoment*(ft-lb)WindMoment*(ft-lb)Momentat GL*(ft-lb) Pole ID:CRAN_RCTB_MCAPE_110.pplxO-Calc® ProAnalysis ReportMonday, May 9, 2022 11:07 AMUser:kbanomaza HDG OCP:6.02*Includes Load Factor(s) Page 4 of 42Worst Wind Per Guy Wire3Wind At 214.1°2" U Guard 296.0°H:32.02" U Guard Proposed 32.00 6.57 296.0296.0 32.00 384.00 2.00 2.00 384.007774781Totals:7774781InsulatorOwnerHeight(ft)Horiz.Offset(in)OffsetAngle(deg)RotateAngle(deg)UnitWeight(lbs)UnitDiameter(in)UnitLength(in)OffsetMoment*(ft-lb)WindMoment*(ft-lb)Moment atGL*(ft-lb)SuspensionSuspension 11.50" Existing 38.50 0.00 206.0 0.0 11.00 4.75 11.50 0 100 100BoltSingle Bolt Existing 32.00 0.00 206.0 0.0 5.00 3.00 0.10 0 0 0BoltThree Bolt Existing 22.17 0.00 206.0 0.0 5.00 3.00 0.10 0 0 0BoltThree Bolt Existing 21.08 0.00 206.0 0.0 5.00 3.00 0.10 0 0 0BoltThree Bolt Existing 20.080.00 206.0 0.0 5.00 3.00 0.10000Totals:0102102Pole BucklingBucklingConstantBucklingColumnHeight*(ft)BucklingSectionHeight(% BucklingCol. Hgt.)BucklingSectionDiameter(in)MinimumBucklingDiameter atGL(in)Diameter atTip(in)Diameter atGL(in)Modulus ofElasticity(psi)PoleDensity(pcf)Ice Density(pcf)Pole TipHeight(ft)BucklingLoadCapacity atHeight(lbs)BucklingLoadApplied atHeight(lbs)BucklingLoad Factorof Safety2.0020.9933.1011.956.887.9612.832.13e+660.0057.0038.5070,495703.8612.05