HomeMy WebLinkAbout4801 & 4802 Memo of Decision Order 473, 479, 487 Station Ave 04.06.22COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS BARNSTABLE, ss. SUPERIOR COURT CIVIL ACTION NO$ , 1972CV493; 1972CV494 WOODS REALTY ASSOCIATES, LLC & anotherl vs. TOWN OF YARMOUTH BOARD OF APPEALS, & others2 MEMORANDUM OF DECISION AND ORDER ON DEFENDANTS' MOTIONS FOR SUMMARY JUDGMENT This matter involves a variance granted by the Town of Yarmouth Zoning Board of Appeals ("ZBA") permitting the defendant, Colbea Enterprises ("Colbea"), to construct a gas station and convenience store in Yarmouth. Pursuant to G. L. c. 40A, § 17, the plaintiffs Woods Realty Associates, LLC ("Woods Realty") and Woods Orthodontics, P.C. ("Woods Orthodontics," together with Woods Realty, "Woods" or "plaintiffs"), filed an appeal of the ZBA's decision, alleging that the decision was contrary to the Town of Yarmouth Zoning Bylaws and the provisions of G. L. c. 40A. In the instant motion, the defendants move for summary judgment, arguing the plaintiffs lacked standing to contest the variance. For the following reasons, the defendants' Motions for Summary Judgment are ALLOWED. ' Woods Orthodontics, P.C. 2 Sean Igoe, Dick Martin, Tom Nickinello, and Richard Neitz, as they are members of the Town of Yarmouth Board of Appeals, not individually; Town of Yarmouth Board of Appeals; Colbea Enterprises, LLC; Jeanne L. Luby; Karen J. Luby-Drew; and Station Avenue, LLC. BACKGROUND The following facts are taken from the summary judgment record, with certain facts reserved for the Discussion section below. A. General Agreed Upon Facts Woods Realty owns property located at 495 Station Avenue in Yarmouth ("Woods Property"). Woods Orthodontics operates an orthodontic practice as a tenant at the Woods Property. Dr. Warren D. Wood, D.M.D is an orthodontist at Woods Orthodontics ("Dr. Woods") Woods Orthodontics did not have a written lease with Woods Realty at the time this Complaint was filed. Defendants Jeanne L. Luby ("Jeanne ,)3 and Karen J. Luby-Drew ("Karen") own property located at 473 and 479 Station Road in Yarmouth. Defendant Station Avenue, LLC ("Station Avenue") owns property located at 487 Station Avenue in Yarmouth. Defendant Colbea sought variances to construct a Shell gas station and Seasons Corner Market convenience store on undeveloped land located at 473, 479, and 487 Station Avenue in Yarmouth (the "Proposed Project"). The Woods Property abuts the intended location for the Proposed Project. B. Ruling from the ZBA Colbea submitted two applications for variances with the ZBA: Petition No. 4801 and 4082. Collectively, Colbea sought a variance to divide the 487 Station Avenue property (owned by Station Avenue) to convey approximately 7,305 square feet to the adjacent the 473-479 Station Avenue property (owned by Jeanne and Karen) (the "Variance"). On September 5, 2019, the ZBA unanimously voted to grant the requested relief on both petitions (the "Decision"). The plaintiffs 3 Where Jeanne L. Luby shares, in part, a last name with Karen J. Luby-Drew, the court will refer to these parties by their first names. 2 filed two complaints with this court on September 4, 2019, seeking to appeal the ZBA's Decision as to each of the 4801 and 4082 petitions. C. Affidavits Submitted in Support of Motion for Summary Judgment There are several affidavits included in the summary judgment record, which provide the following information for this court's review pursuant to Mass. R. Civ. P. 56. 1. Affidavit of Deborah Haskell Deborah Haskell ("Haskell") provided an affidavit in support of the defendants' Motions for Summary Judgment. She is the Managing Partner of Winthrop Real Estate Advisors, located in Cotuit. She has over twenty-five years of experience performing valuations of multiple property types, including medical office buildings, as well as gas stations and convenience stores. Haskell has formed the opinion that the Proposed Project is consistent with surrounding commercial uses on Station Avenue. She notes that there is an existing Mobil gas station and convenience store adjacent to the northern side of the plaintiffs' property. Further, she notes that the Yarmouth Shopping Center is across the street from the plaintiffs' property. This shopping center includes several retail and restaurant tenants. There is a second shopping center, Union Station Plaza, which similarly includes multiple retail and restaurant tenants. Additionally, a drug treatment center, offering methadone, suboxone, and subtext to patients, is located directly behind the plaintiffs' property. The Yarmouth -Barnstable Regional Commercial Waste Transfer Station and Management Facility is also located close to the plaintiffs' property. Haskell states that the plaintiffs' property will not suffer any diminution of value or damages from noise because it is already on a heavily travelled roadway adjacent to an existing gas station and convenience store. Further, given the hours of operation at Woods Orthodontics, 7:30 a.m. through 6:00 p.m., Haskell states that any ambient light from the Proposed Project would 3 be consistent with the surrounding commercial development. As to trespassing, she states that Dr. Woods testified that there was preexisting problem with trespassers on the Woods Property, and any concern about increased future trespassing is speculative. Given the absence of any evidence to the contrary, Haskell states there is no diminution in value or increased problems with parking at the Wood's Property. Haskell further states that the plaintiffs will not suffer any damages stemming from visual character, as the Wood's Property is already located in a commercial zone with the above -referenced gas station and shopping centers. On this basis, she reached the opinion that: "Plaintiffs do not allege any unique injury that separates them from the general public, including but not limited to allegations related to traffic, density, noise, light, trespass, parking, visual character and quality impact and diminution of value related to the PROPOSED PROJECT. In my opinion, the plaintiffs' property will not sustain any adverse influence or diminution of value or damages as a result of the development of the PROPOSED PROJECT." 2. Affidavit of Randall Hart In his affidavit, Randall C. Hart ("Hart") states that he is a principal at Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. ("VHB"), which Colbea retained to conduct a traffic impact and access study ("TIAS") in connection with the Proposed Project. Per the study, "VHB concluded that the Proposed Project is expected to have minor impact on local traffic operations." The Woods Property was not the subject of the TIAS. Hart states in his affidavit that "[t]he Woods Property has access for its patients, employees, and emergency vehicles from both Station Avenue and Workshop Road. Further, Workshop Road connects to the traffic signal at Station Avenue/White Path so patients, employees, and emergency vehicles can utilize the signal for left turns." 4 The Cape Code Commission ("CCC") reviewed the TIAS at the request of the Yarmouth Zoning Board. The CCC sent a letter to the Yarmouth Town Planner after reviewing traffic considerations, among other issues, providing generalized comments about the Proposed Project. Hart states that this letter does not constitute a traffic study for the Woods Property or the Proposed Project. Instead, the generalized comments are advisory in nature and do not specifically address the Woods Property. 3. Affidavit of Dr. Woods In his affidavit, Dr. Woods states that he has overseen renovations, lease negotiations, and management at the Woods Property. Further, he states that he owns real estate in Sandwich, Massachusetts, which he acquired as a vacant lot in 1983. Since that time, he oversaw the construction and renovations, as well as lease negotiations and management, at the Sandwich property. Dr. Woods states that, through observations and information conveyed to him by staff members, there are approximately ten to thirty emergency vehicles accessing the Woods Property each month. As to his qualifications to set forth his opinions, Dr. Woods states: "As an owner of two substantial Medical Office real estate properties occupied by medical office tenants having the knowledge and experience detailed in paragraphs 2, 3, and 4 above, I am qualified to testify as to my personal opinion of the value of the Woods Property. It is my opinion that the impacts by any and all harms of traffic, density, noise, light, trespass, parking, visual character and diminution of value will be caused by the Proposed Project as detailed in the materials filed herewith in support of the Opposition to Defendants' Motion for Summary Judgment and will dramatically reduce the value of the Woods Property." 4 A considerable portion of Dr. Woods' affidavit addresses whether the defendants misconstrued his statements regarding the number of entrances to the Woods Property parking lot. Namely, Dr. Woods states that the defendants improperly aver that he falsely claimed there was only one entrance, on Station Avenue, when in fact there is a second entrance on Workshop Road. This goes to the impact of traffic in the disputed area. For purposes of ruling upon these motions, any intent behind Dr. Woods' responses as to parking entrances is immaterial, as there appears to be no dispute that there were two entrances. Dr. Woods states, however, that the Workshop Road entrance does not provide full access to and from the Woods Property. 5 DISCUSSION I. Standard of Review for Summary Judgment Summary judgment shall be granted where there are no genuine issues as to any material fact and where the moving parry is entitled to judgment as a matter of law. Mass. R. Civ. P. 56; Cassesso v. Commissioner of Corrections, 390 Mass. 419, 422 (1983); Community Nat'l Bank v. Dawes, 369 Mass. 550, 553 (1976). The moving parry bears the burden of affirmatively demonstrating the absence of a triable issue and that the summary judgment record entitles it to judgment as a matter of law. Pederson v. Time, Inc., 404 Mass. 14, 16-17 (1989). The moving parry may satisfy this burden either by submitting affirmative evidence that negates an essential element of the opposing party's case or by demonstrating that the opposing party has no reasonable expectation of proving an essential element of his case at trial. Flesner v. Technical Communications Corp., 410 Mass. 805, 809 (1991); Kourouvacilis v. General Motors Corp., 410 Mass. 706, 716 (1991). H. Standard of Review for Standing The plaintiffs allege they are aggrieved by the ZBA's Decision and will suffer substantial injury if the Proposed Project is allowed. They allege they will be adversely impacted by the Proposed Project as to traffic, density, noise, light, trespass, parking, diminution of value, and visual character. Further, they argue the ZBA exceed its authority and the Decision is contrary to the Town of Yarmouth Zoning Bylaws. To have standing to challenge a zoning board's decision, a plaintiff must be a "person aggrieved." G. L. c. 40A, § 17. Under this framework, abutters are presumed to have standing. The defendant then has the burden to rebut the presumption. Marinelli v. Board of Appeals of Stoughton, 440 Mass. 255, 258 (2003). There is not dispute that the Woods Property abuts the location to the Proposed Project, thereby establishing the plaintiffs' presumed standing. "The presumption recedes when a defendant challenges the plaintiffs status as an aggrieved person and offers evidence supporting his or her challenge." Watros v. Greater Lynn Mental Health & Retardation Ass'n, Inc., 421 Mass. 106, 111 (1995) (emphasis in original). In the context of a motion for summary judgment, a developer cannot simply deny the plaintiff's allegations. However, a "developer may rebut a presumption of standing by seeking to discover from such plaintiffs the actual basis of their claims of aggrievement. If a person claiming to be aggrieved can point to no such evidence, a party seeking summary judgment is entitled to rely on that fact." Standerwick v. Zoning Bd. of Appeals of Andover, 447 Mass. 20, 37 (2006). A. Density, Noise, Light, Trespass, Parking, Visual Character, Diminution in Value The plaintiffs allege they are "person[s] aggrieved' by the Proposed Project because the Woods Property will suffer unique harms regarding density, noise, light, trespass, parking, visual character and diminution of value if the Proposed Project is completed. In their Statement of Material Facts ("SOMF"), the defendants set forth multiple facts specifically addressing each of these issues, most of which the plaintiffs deny without any reference to the evidentiary record. As to density, the SOMF provides: • "With respect to damages alleged by Plaintiffs in regards to density, Plaintiffs acknowledge that they do not know to what extent the Proposed Project's density will negatively impact Plaintiffs and the value of the Woods Property. Rule 30(b)(6) Deposition of Woods Realty Associates at 34:6-I1 (Joint Exhibit E)." o "Response: Denied." • "With respect to density, Plaintiffs have no evidence to support their allegations that the Proposed Projects density will negatively impact Plaintiffs. Id. at 34:27- 22 (`I have no evidence to present to you today.') (Joint Exhibit E)." o "Response: Denied." As to noise, the SOMF provides: 7 "With respect to damages alleged by Plaintiffs in regards to noise, Plaintiffs acknowledge that they do not know to what extent the Proposed Project's noise will negatively impact Plaintiffs and the value of the Woods Property. Id. at 35:11-24; see id. at 35:14 (`I don't know that.') (Joint Exhibit E)." o "Response: Denied." "With respect to the allegations of noise, Plaintiffs admit that they [have] no evidence to support their claim that noise resulting from the Proposed Project will negatively impact Plaintiffs. See Id. at 35:24, 36:1) (`I don't have any evidence to give to your today.') (Joint Exhibit E)." o "Response: Denied." As to light, the SOW provides: "With respect to damages alleged by Plaintiffs in regards to lighting, when asked how much the Proposed Project's lighting will negatively impact the value of the Woods Property, Plaintiffs responded "I don't know." Id. at 36:18-21 (Joint Exhibit E)." o "Response: Denied." "When asked what evidence Plaintiffs had to support their claim that the Proposed Project's lighting would negatively impact the value of the Woods Property, Plaintiffs acknowledged `I can't give you any evidence today.' Id. at 36:22-24; 37:1-2 (Joint Exhibit E)." o "Response: Denied." As to trespass, the SOW provides: "With respect to damages alleged by Plaintiff in regards to trespass, Plaintiffs do not know how much the Proposed Project will negatively impact the value of the Woods Property with respect to trespass, nor do they have any evidence to support this claim. Id. at 38:23-24; 39:1-5 (Joint Exhibit E)." o "Response: Denied." As to parking, the SOW provides: "With respect to Plaintiffs' claim that the Proposed Project will negatively impact the value of the Woods Property and result in a decrease of available parking at the Woods Property, Plaintiffs acknowledge that they `don't have any figures for that' and `don't have any evidence to present to [Defendants]. Id. at 44:8- 21 (Joint Exhibit E)." o "Response: Denied." As to visual character, the SOW provides: 8 "Plaintiffs have no evidence to support their claim that the visual character and quality impact of the Wood Property will be negatively impacted as a result of the Proposed Project other than Plaintiffs' own `opinion."' Id. at 46:22-24; 47:1-2 (Joint Exhibit E)." o "Response: Denied." As to diminution in value, the SOMF provides: "With respect to damages alleged by Plaintiffs in regards to diminution of value, the Plaintiffs do not know how much the Proposed Project will negatively impact the value of the Woods Property." Id. at 45:14-22 (Joint Exhibit E)." o "Response: Denied." "With respect to damages alleged by Plaintiffs in regards to the diminution of value issue, Plaintiffs have no evidence to support their allegations that the Proposed Project will negatively impact the value of the Woods Property. Id. at 36:22-24, 37:1-2 (Joint Exhibit E)." o "Response: Denied." "Plaintiffs acknowledge that they do not know how much the Proposed Project will negatively impact the value of the Woods Property with respect to the visual character and quality impact. Id. at 46:17-21 (Joint Exhibit E)." o "Response: Denied." Rule 56 of the Massachusetts Rules of Civil Procedure specifically addresses the materials this court must consider in ruling upon the pending motion. Mass. R. Civ. P. 56(c) ("The judgment sought shall be rendered forthwith if the pleadings, depositions, answers to interrogatories, and responses to requests for admission under Rule 36, together with the affidavits, if any, show that there is no genuine issue as to any material fact and that the moving party is entitled to a judgment as a matter of law."). Here, the plaintiffs have not identified any basis among these discovery items to demonstrate they enjoy standing to proceed with this litigation. The plaintiffs have also baldly failed to comply with the summary judgment procedure set forth in Superior Court Rule 9A. This section provides that a non-moving party's "Opposition may include a response to the Moving Parry's Statement of Facts.... The response to the numbered paragraphs shall be limited to stating whether a given fact is disputed and, if so, cite to the specific evidence, if any, in the Joint Appendix that demonstrates the dispute. It shall not: W a. Deny a fact unless the party has a good faith basis for contesting it. For purposes of summary judgment, each fact set forth in the moving parry's statement of facts is deemed to have been admitted unless properly controverted in the manner forth in this Paragraph (b)(5)(iii)(A)." (emphasis added). Mass. Superior Court Rule 9A(b)(5)(iii)(A). Throughout the Joint Statement of Material Fact, the plaintiffs merely state "Response: Denied" as to factual allegations. In several places they impermissibly deny asserted facts that reflect direct language from deposition testimony. On this basis, the plaintiffs have failed to comply with the requirements of Superior Court Rule 9A in responding to the defendants' SOME The facts asserted by the defendants, which include ongoing references to the plaintiffs' lack of evidence supporting a basis to find them persons aggrieved, are therefore "deemed to have been admitted." Id. Aside from these procedural deficiencies, the plaintiffs' arguments surrounding standing similarly fail because the summary judgment record is devoid of any evidence to support the plaintiffs' claim that they will suffer unique harms regarding density, noise, light, trespass, parking, visual character and diminution of value if the Proposed Project is completed. Nickerson v. Zoning Bd. of Appeals of Raynham, 53 Mass. App. Ct. 680, 683 (2002) (quotation omitted) ("Individuals acquire standing by asserting a plausible claim of a definite violation of a private right, a private property interest, or a private legal interest, as distinct from a claim that involves a matter of general public interest."). The court acknowledges that there is competing caselaw regarding which, if any, of these purported damages are sufficient to deem the plaintiffs as persons aggrieved. However, the plaintiffs' claims throughout this case for each type of purported damages are. merely speculative 10 and unsupported by the record. They have not put forth any evidence quantifying or substantiating the specific harms they would suffer if the Proposed Project were completed. This is insufficient to establish standing after the defendants rebutted the plaintiffs' presumptive standing. See Denney v. Zoning Bd. of Appeals of Seekonk, 59 Mass. App. Ct. 208, 212 (2003) (if standing is challenged, "[t]he plaintiffs evidence must be more than unsubstantiated claims or speculative personal opinions."). Additionally, the court acknowledges that there is competing caselaw regarding which factors, if any, require expert testimony to identify and quantify any alleged harm. To the extent any such evidence is required, the plaintiffs have not produced any affidavits or other means for setting forth any opinions. Given Dr. Woods' status as an orthodontist rather than having any specialized real estate training, the court does not credit his affidavit in establishing any sort of expertise in rendering his opinions about any purported damages arising from the completion of the Proposed Project.' By contrast, the defendants have included the affidavit from Haskell, which addresses each of these issues for which the defendants allege to have been harmed. Haskell has formed the opinion, based upon her experience in real estate valuations and view of the surrounding area, that the plaintiffs will not suffer the necessary particularized harm sufficient to confer standing. Accordingly, having failed to introduce any evidence, expert or otherwise, the plaintiffs are not entitled to standing based upon harm regarding density, noise, light, trespass, parking, visual character, and diminution of value if the Proposed Project is completed. ' Notably, in an attempt to address any deficiency in his deposition testimony, Dr. Woods states in his affidavit that he "was not qualified to testify as to legal matters, which is how [he] interpreted to be the questions regard[ing] what `evidence' [he] had as to the factual assertions Plaintiffs are making. [He viewed] identifying evidence as calling for legal interpretation." This belies his claims, because, on the one hand he wants to be construed as an expert, while on the other he holds himself out as a layman unfamiliar with the legal proceedings at issue. 11 B. TRAFFIC The above discussion regarding the plaintiffs' failure to produce any supporting evidence as to density, noise, light, trespass, parking, visual character, and diminution of value similarly applies to the purported impact on traffic. As to traffic, the SOMF provides: "With respect to damages alleged by Plaintiffs in regards to traffic, Plaintiffs acknowledge that they do not know to what extent the Proposed Project will negatively impact traffic near the Woods Property. Id. at 33:1-3 (`I don't have any specifics on that') (Joint Exhibit E). o "Response: Denied." The plaintiffs did not provide any references to the summary judgment record or other grounds for denying this fact. Thus, they have failed to comply with Mass. R. Civ. P. 56 and Rule 9A by asserting denials without a good faith basis for doing so. Aside from this procedural defect, the plaintiffs have also failed to establish standing by providing any substantive evidence to demonstrate they will suffer a unique harm if the Proposed Project is completed. There is no definitive information, by way of any quantitative assessment, regarding the specific impact upon traffic. The summary judgment record demonstrates that there are two entrances to the Woods Property parking lot: Station Avenue and Workshop Road. The plaintiffs admit that the two entrances allow patients, medical personnel, and emergency vehicles to access the parking lot.6 The plaintiffs argue, however, that they would be harmed by increased traffic at the Station Avenue entrance if the Proposed Project is completed, and that the second entrance at Workshop Road will not alleviate such problem. However, the plaintiffs have failed to provide any evidence, expert or 6 As to this issue, the SOMF provides: • "In Plaintiffs' Rule 30(b)(6) deposition, however, Plaintiffs acknowledge that the Woods Property has a second entrance off of Workshop Road that would permit patients, medical personnel, and emergency vehicles to access the medical offices at the Woods Property. See Rule 30(b)(6) Deposition of Woods Realty Associates at 50:21-24; 51:1-7 (Joint Exhibit E). o "Response: Admitted." 12 otherwise, to conclude that they will suffer a unique harm as to traffic. Instead, the plaintiffs vaguely reference local maps and other unsupported information such as the affidavit from Dr. Woods, which does not constitute expert opinion establishing such harm.7 By contrast, the defendants have produced the Hart affidavit, which notes the Proposed Project will only minorly impact local traffic and addresses the significance of the second entrance on Workshop Road in alleviating traffic. The plaintiffs have failed to demonstrate that any such minor impact will cause them any harm. Finally, any reliance upon the CCC letter is misplaced. The correspondence states: "Cape Cod Commission staff provides the following comments" and the "Commission staff's comments herein are more generalized than would be provided if the Project was subject to and under DRI review by the Commission." (emphasis added). Thus, this letter from the CCC is only advisory in nature, rather than setting forth opinions or parameters for completion of the Proposed Project. Further, this letter does not specifically address the impact of traffic on the Woods Property. Therefore, to the extent the CCC letter addresses traffic, it is immaterial as to the Woods Property because it does not set forth a unique impact on the Woods Property if the Proposed Project is completed. Nickerson, 53 Mass. App. Ct. at 683 (2002) (the plaintiffs must show "a plausible claim of a definite violation of a private right, a private property interest, or a private legal interest, as distinct from a claim that involves a matter of general public interest."). Given the absence of evidence supporting their claim, the plaintiffs are not entitled to standing based upon harm resulting for the impact of traffic if the Proposed Project is completed. Dr. Woods' affidavit makes mention of this issue, noting what he perceives to be an inconsistency in the record before this court. He argues that the defendants misconstrue the plaintiffs' discovery responses to questions about the ingress and egress to the Woods Property. Any consistency, to the extent any exist, is immaterial to the court's ruling on these motions. 13 For the foregoing reasons, it is hereby ORDERED that the defendants' Motions for Summary Judgment be ALLOWED. April 5, 2022 14 Elaine M. Buckley 1 Justice of the Superior Court A true copy, Atiest: Clerk f►