HomeMy WebLinkAbout22-A114 46 Squirrel RunVECE{VED . °TYAR'yo TOWN OF YARMOUTH �C ° p 1146 ROUTE 28, SOUTH YARMOUTH, MA 02664-4451 SEP 19 2022 Telephone (508) 398-2231 Ext. 1292 -Fax (506) 398-0836 ING'S HIGHWAY HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMITTEE APPLICATION FOR CERTIFICATE OF APPROPRIATENESS Application is hereby made for issuance of a Certificate of Appropriateness under Section 6 of Chapter 470, Acts of 1973 as amended, for proposed work as described below & on plans, drawings, photographs, & other supplemental info accompanying this application. PLEASE SUBMIT 4 comes of SPEC SHEET(S), ELEVATIONS, PHOTOS, & SUPPLE ENTAL INFORMATION. Check All Categories That A I Indicate type of Building: Commercial Residential O 1) Exterior Buil in Construction: New Building El Addition Iterations Reroof DGarage Shed Solar Panels Other.- 2) ther: 2) Exterior Painting: TISiding Shutters 0 Doors ❑Trim 00ther: 3) Signs/Billboards: II New Si n Change to Existing Sign 4) Miscellaneous Structures: Fence Wall IlFlagpole IIPooi Other: Please type or print legibly: I - C 1 /� Address of proposed work: j iSqu rcc I +lC.y1 it Map/Lot # J a 3 -1-22 Owner(s): hih 1�Pi lPhone #: -Go/- J 6 90 All applications mIust be submitted by owner or accompanied by letter from owner approving submittal of application. Mailing address: 4� 9! 141 r? -C,1 k u n Year built: Email: —H -5k_100 I / & V 01h'0 ' l��t' Preferred notification method: �� Phone' Email Agent/contractor: Cu r -e Jl � Home. Phone #: qI 6 fp? ib/ — ! i02 6� / Mailing Address: 103 M(tV)eWoad /fVe- GIou e ester A44 01910 Email: r l e t`d i cP Grp zeG u l S 014r_ h OMB - CO/ Preferred notification method: Phone Email Description of Proposed Work: i n s4 -a l I a*1 S•O /ew SD la r' 5 y 6�-ar Con515ti'n5 dt 20 Solaria 41b6 w rna44 e, low Profi'le� Pan ei$ 4 a be� m our3 tf ect on -the Year rda f prper� W r ;_h no 4l iS i 1 %�` frnm V-h,� Pr M a -rd- `fACO-d er Signed (Owner or Date: q/17/A9rz vt' Ownerlcontractor/agent is aware that a permit is required from the Building Department. (Check other departments, also.) If application is approved, approval is subject to a 10 -day appeal period required by the Act. This certificate is good for one year from approval date or upon date of expiration of Building Permit, whichever date shall be later. All new construction will be subject to inspection by OKH. OKH-approved plans MUST be available on-site for framing & final inspections. Rcvd Date: Amount Cash/CK #: Rcvd by: f�i S= 45 Days: Date Signed: Approved Approved with Modifications Denied Reason for Denial: Signed: APPLICATION #: ;P -A t it 7 TOWN OF YARMOUTH p y 1146 ROUTE 28, SOUTH YARMOUTH, MASSACHUSETTS 02664-4451 Telephone (508) 398-2231 Ext. 1292 Fax (508) 398-0836 OLD LUNG'S HIGHWAY HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMITTEE WAIVER OF 45 -DAY DETERMINATION The applicant/applicant's agent understands and agrees that due to the current declared National and State public health emergencies the determination of our Application for a Certificate of Appropriateness/Demolition/Exemption may not be made within 45 days of the filing of such application. The applicant agrees to extend the time frame within which a determination is to be made as required by the Old King's Highway Regional Historic District Act. SECTION 9 Meetings, Hearings, Time for Making Determinations "As soon as convenient after such public hearing but in any event within forty-five (ls) days after thefi'ling of application, or wilhin such further time as the applicant shall allow in tii,riting, the Committee shall make a determination on the application. " Applicant understands that the review of this application will be scheduled as soon as the situation allows, Applicant/Agent Name (please print): Ru -5 -se -11 6CCT-C-4� Applicant/Agent signature: Date: �l j!+ -l1 ZO2Z ECEIVED SEP 19 2022 YARMOUTH 312020 Application #: 2---�-A)L/ RECEIVED SEP 19 2022 YARMOU G H TOWN OF YARMOUTH LD KING'S HIGHWAY HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMITTEE ABUTTERS' LIST Applicant's (Owner) Name: _Pk l hLee_ Property Address/Location: '1(o S U i rre, k9u )I Hearing Date: Oc4ybefl 12- Notices 2 Notices must be sent to the Applicant and abutters (including owners of land on any public or private street or way) who's property directly abuts or is across the street from the Applicant. Please provide the Assessor's Tax Map and Lot numbers only. The OKH Office will send out notices using the addresses as they appear on the most recent applicable tax list. Note: Instructions for obtaining the abutters Map and Lot numbers can be found on the Old King's Highway Department page on the Town website: www.varmouth.ma.us Map Number Lot Number Applicant Information Abutter Information: :73 3 -7r l,?3 03 q Application #: 2LJN)q 8.2018 3 9119122, 11:01 AM abouttlank 46 Squirrel Run 123.152 1,23.85 123.79 123.86 123.78 123:87 a 123.77 4� 1-23.88 123.90 Septernber 19, 2022 ECEIV ED SEP 19 2022 YA�«nc�u� rr 123.94 123.96 1 123.97 1 123.93 123.98 i'DE�� 0 u, 123.92 123 a 123.99 1 1,128 0 37.5 75 'SOft 0 1020 40. 3arxef Eat AtIA 04 VSQ- \Gs. NAS{ CG`IA N Rwn{m. YCFAN NES, 05. NS* C*OU!HV*— -WcraWrjX CA G,� ftUIL ?.Cn]0 i'p C:G G'.5 uitr w.^m�nT: v3d Js]i0ie ➢yan MC!f ,ate SK pm,' CO ft,l —.q n0:lla�eaimx pCk6LC e}'to RH,Woq�' ,?a,AI I q about:blank 111 GENERAL SPECIFICATION SHEET Pro'eet Address: q& 5(� , VA/ FOUNDATION: Material: CHIMNEY: Material/Color: ROOF: Mated SIDING: Material/Std: Front: Color: Front: Exposure (Not to exceed 18"): GUTTERS: Material/Color: (7112 min) Height to Ridge: Color: Sides/Rear: Sides/Rear: TRIM: All windows & door to be trimmed with: 1x4 1x5 (Circle one.) Material: Color: DOORS: Qty: Material: Style/Size (if not listed/shown on eleva' STORM DOORS: Qty: Material: GARAGE DOORS: Qty: Mat'!: WINDOWS: Qtylside:: Front: Left: Manufacturer/Series: Color: COLOR CHIPS Color: Style: Color: O cju Alz-A Rear: Color: EE Material: Grilles (Required : Pattern (616, 211, etc.) Grille T : True Divided Lite: Snap -In: I_ Between Glass: Permanently plied: =Exterior =Interior STORM WINDOWS: Qty: Material: Color: SHUTTERS: MatT Style: Paneled Louvered Color: SKYLIGHTS: Qty: Fixed Vented Size DECK: Size: Decking Mat'I: Railing MatT Style: WALLS/FENCES' (Max 6' height): Height: MatT Color: olor: Style: Color: (Show running footage & location on plot plan.) "Finished side of fence must UTILITY METERS/HVAC UNITS: Location: LIGHTS: Qty: Style: Location(s): LIGHT POSTS: Qty: Material: Screening: Color: Color: GEIY ED SEP 19 2022 YARMOU'i h from fenced in area. Location(s): r'b o5C� lnstcilla-hot, Gf 20 Soi&t;4, A5wte, xr ,f o N Additional information: �_ ._ ..,.. i An fie,bJuuc lot✓ ep>5 `ie, 6b144, RaMm *h& rew r- hof- cvil,'-h m Vis -4111 —(Pvm ri m� -tcac `�?'t 12ome , 5 a d eacl -arc s� Q/ pr7 2 -General APPLICATION #: k. f as lob - 50 Q vt e 39 a K iuirrel stun irmouth Port, MA... AMY Ln Amy Ln Array Ln 46 Squirrel Run —Yarmouth 2. hear of home showing roof plane location of proposed solar installations (A) SEP 1 9 2622 A4 VI -0 A -ase-:a� a s.+� wiFi3a� � . • .A,r �7".�.�^jis .ori . . e - .- w _ ,_ � 26n Slrpw Yar; Ii pha6ie Andrews 13/2022 03:09 pm (EDT) ip Lee / 2208-3764433.0} '. S Run Street Yarmou4hl kf.XA _ See 46 Squirrel Run — Yarmouth MA 02662 Rear of Home (4) RECEIVED SEP 1 9 2022 MR10OU 1 f Lmm a a N N n, (D 0 < a J E U 4-jLn� N ti + E al C Ou > W E O E o o X = co O L m J Dp O pap U� oQ�� _ o°�MDami � is N CL M U V (n Q} N M U I CO Ua(D o ECEIVCD SEP 1 9 2022 YaRMOU-i-Fc a a N N n, (D L < a J E 4-jLn� (, C9 o (D > C O X m J Dp O pap ` U C N oLli L CD C {�y�-�) "( CO� D N Q 0 U p., D SOLARIA ECE.IVED SEP 19 2022 - Arr„i—1 i-FLi Solaria PowerXT° I DC Panel Achieving over 20% efficiency, Solaria PowerXT solar panels are one of the highest power panels in the residential and commercial solar market. Compared to conventional panels, Solaria PowerXT panels have fewer gaps between the solar cells'- this leads to higher power and superior aesthetics. Solaria PowerXT Pure Blacklm panels are manufactured with black backsheet and frames, enhancing a home or building's architectural beauty. Higher Efficiency, Higher Power Solaria PowerXT panels achieve over 20% efficiency, conventional panels achieve 15%- 17% efficiency. Solaria PowerXT panels are one of the highest power panels available. Lower System Costs Solaria PowerXT panels produce more power per square meter area. This reduces installation costs due to fewer balance of system components. Improved Shading Tolerance Sub -strings are Interconnected in parallel, within each of the four panel quadrants, which dramatically lowers the shading losses and boosts energy yield. Improved Aesthetics Compared to conventional panels, Solaria PowerXT panels have a more uniform appearance and superior aesthetics. Durability and Reliability Solder -less cell interconnections are highly reliable and designed to far exceed the industry leading 25 year warranty. About Solaria Established in 2000, The Solaria Corporation has created one of the industry's most respected IP portfolios, with over 250 issued and pending patents in PV solar cell and module technology. Headquartered in Oakland, California, Solaria has developed a technology platform that unlocks the potential of solar energy. The Solaria Corporation 1700 Broadway, Oakland, CA 94612 P: (510) 270-2507 www.Solafia.com Product specifications are subject to change without notice. SOP PfRFOJe,yFR 2018 (01 V•GL PV MODULE REL AMUTY SCORECARD TOVRheinland Precisely Right. Copyright © 2020 The Solaria Corpoiatton SOL -DAT -0005 Rev 01 4-2020 Up- SOLARIA Solaria PowerXT [W] 40OR-PM Max Power (Pmax) [W] 400 Efficiency [%] 20.2 Open Circuit Voltage (Voc) (V] 51.1 Short Circuit Current (Ise) [A] 9.82 Max Power Voltage (Vmp) [V] 42.4 Max Power Current (Imp) [A] 9.41 Power Tolerance [%] -0/+3 Max Power (Pmax) [W] 295 Open Circuit Voltage (Voc) [V] 48.1 Short Circuit Current (Ise) [A] 7.92 Max Power Voltage (Vmp) [V] 40.0 Max Power Current (Imp) [A] 7.59 NOCT [°C] 45+/-2 Temp. Coeff. of Pmax 1% l GCI -0.39 Temp. Coeff. of Voc [% / OC] -0.29 Temp. Coeff. of Ise [% / aC] 0.04 ParametersDesign 12 AWG PV Wire (UL) / 1 000m Connector Type Operating temperature [°C] -40 to +85 Max System Voltage [V] 1000 Max Fuse Rating [A] 20 Bypass Diodes [#] 4 19 8 H 2 }l` 1 \ 5 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 VOLTAGE(V? Comprehensive 100% 25 -year Power, Parts and Labor from Solaria . 9$% Typical Tier 1 industry warranty 90% 04% Solaria PowerXT®-400R-PM Cell Type Monocrystalline Silicon Dimensions (L x W x H) 64.72" x 47.4" x 1.57" Pallet Dims (L x W x H) 1644mm x 1204mm x 40mm Weight 21 kg / 46 lbs Glass Type / Thickness AR Coated, Tempered / 2.84mm Frame Type Black Anodized Aluminum Cable Type/ Length 12 AWG PV Wire (UL) / 1 000m Connector Type MC4 Junction Box tP67 / 4 diodes Front Load 5400 Pa / 113 psf* Rear Load 2400 Pa 150 psf* Refer to Solaria Installation Manual for details Certifications UL 61730/UL174110EC CAN/CSA-C22.2 Fire Type (UL 1703) 1 Warranty 25 years* ` Warranty details at www.solaria.com Stacking Method Horizontal / Palletized Panels/ Pallet 25 Pallet Dims (L x W x H) 66.57" x 48.7" x 48.4" 1691mm x 1238mm x 1230 mm Pallet Weight 590 kg 11300 lbs Pallets/ 40 -ft Container 18 Panels / 40 -ft Container 450 25—} _ lid] I A B d4Amm lei B A 25mm U E SEP 19 2022 ,YMfviuij i r-' 5 10 15 20 25 Years The Solaria Corporation 1700 Broadway, Oakland, CA 94612 P: (510) 270-2507 www.solaria.com Product specifications are subject to change without notice. B A FRAME PROFILE Copyright O 2020 The Solaria Corporation SOL -DAT --0005 Rev 01 4-2020 22-Al1 y solar & INott+i ® 0WO 1937 CAZEAULT SOLAR & HOME Stephanie Andrews 103 MAPLEWOOD AVENUE T Stephanie@cazeauItsolarhome.com GLOUCESTER, MA 01930 ............................. (978) 281-4625 Solar Contract Philip Lee..................................................................I..... 46 Squirrel Run Street _,,.. .......................... fichl0011@yahoo com Yarmouth -...................................................................................................................................................... (978) 501-3680 Massachusetts.......................02675.......... .............................. DESCRIPTION OF WORK TO BE PERFORMED COSTS Provide a 8.0 KW Solar installation consisting of 20 Solaria 400 watt panels with 20 Enphase IQ8+ Micro- $28,480.00 Inverters and an IQ Envoy with means of communication to the online monitoring portal. 12 months - Cash Back Energy Guarantee and Solar Performance Plan including Proactive (2417) Monitoring and Included Warranty Service By Cazeault Solar & Home's partner Omnidian. After 12 months you can continue with Omnidian via monthly subscription IF a IMF -- Black Rails and Footings with Skirt Critter Guard Array Protection SEP ?o?? Snow Guard Installation rAHivill j, r, 30 — Year Production Warranty from Panel Manufacturer* 25 — Year Manufacturer Warranty for Micro -inverters* 5 -- Year Workmanship Warranty from Cazeault 5 — Year Warranty for Envoy" 2- Year Labor Warranty coverage *Only the service or equipment provider named for each warranty shall have any liability under such warranty Services Included Equipment procurement and installation, Site Preparation for Solar Cazeault to obtain necessary permits and engineering approval, including inspections and close-out of permits interconnection filing and submittal of Authorization to connect, along with compliance with state and local law SMART Incentive application and claim filing and necessary paperwork Training with the solar equipment and monitoring platforms will take place with client at customer debriefing following commissioning and approval to operate. PAYMENT SCHEDULE: $2,000 deposit with this signed agreement, remainder less $1,000.00 due upon completion of the install (to move to final inspection) Remainder due when system is turned on Please verify State and Federal tax incentives and SMART payments and total savings with your tax advisor or relevant professional. NOTE: This agreement is conditional based upon client procuring financing, if applicable. NOTE: Cazeault recognizes client right of rescission as defined by governing jurisdiction. NOTE: Excludes any service upgrades or roofing upgrades (unless listed in other scope of work) or electrical compliance to accommodate solar Customer has full rights necessary for the proposed solar installation and grants Cazeault all necessary access rights to install the equipment referenced above. Customer recognizes that the SMART incentive is based upon the information and incentive monies (Block assignment) at time of the agreement. The incentive rate could be less in value should the SMART block not being applied or funded. Cazeault shall not be responsible for any reduction in tax credits, reduction in rebates or rebate income and or reduction in electricity savings or any other benefits contemplated by this Agreement that are a result of delays in interconnection or permission to operate by jurisdictions and utilities. Cazeauit shall not be responsible for any loss in electricity savings or incentive payments due equipment failure within the warranty period. Critter Guard is a deterrent -rodent damage is outside the scope of all warranties Cazeault Incentive -$599'00 DEPOSIT PAID -$2,000.00 BALANCE $25,881.00 The above prices, specifications, and conditions are satisfactory and hereby accepted. You are authorized to do the work as specified. Payment to be made as outlined above. Acceptance of this proposal also gives Cazeault temporary, limited Power of Attorney to sign and apply for the required permits. The Power of Attorney is limited to this project alone and expires once the project is completed. In addition to the above, if Customer fails to make payment as set forth above, then Customer agrees to pay Cazeault Solar & Home, Inc. all reasonable costs and fees (including, but not limited to Attomeys' fees) incurred in collecting payment from Customer. Acceptance of Proposal ����]IV V1.;1;_. 4... !µ. i n .. 9113/2022 Customer Signature 09112/2022 Cazeault Solar & Horne Representative RECEIVED SEP 19 2022 ( AMMUO, I f, OLD KING'S HIQHWAY ECFIVF n SEP 19 2022 VAtifvioU i I• Customer Name Customer Address Philip Lee........................................................................ _48 Squirrel Run Street .................................................. Customer Email City fish10011 @yahoo.com Yarmouth _....................................................................................... Customer Phone State Zip Code Massachusetts 02675 (978) 501-3680 ..........................................................................................................._.......................................... Project Manager Date -Stephanie Andrews...........................................................0911212022..................................................................... I hereby grant Cazeault Solar and Horne and agents thereof the right to electronically provision and reproduce my signature on any applications or forms related to the interconnection, permitting, and incentive paperwork of the solar electric system. The following signature is my authorized signature as it should appear on all forms and applications related to the interconnection, permitting, and incentive paperwork of the solar electric system. Acceptance of Grant Phdi..fm s R 9113/2022 09112/2022 Customer Signature Cazeault Solar & Home Representative CAZEAULT SOLAR & HOME 103 MAPLEWOOD AVENUE 4L,F-e'QK�f Solar & Home GLOUCESTER, MA 09930 (844) 765-2746 MENO Stephhan a@ca ea.ultsolarhome. om lM�rll.r.i..�slirk�a s �s�� ....................................... Homeowner . . . Signature ......... Grant ECFIVF n SEP 19 2022 VAtifvioU i I• Customer Name Customer Address Philip Lee........................................................................ _48 Squirrel Run Street .................................................. Customer Email City fish10011 @yahoo.com Yarmouth _....................................................................................... Customer Phone State Zip Code Massachusetts 02675 (978) 501-3680 ..........................................................................................................._.......................................... Project Manager Date -Stephanie Andrews...........................................................0911212022..................................................................... I hereby grant Cazeault Solar and Horne and agents thereof the right to electronically provision and reproduce my signature on any applications or forms related to the interconnection, permitting, and incentive paperwork of the solar electric system. The following signature is my authorized signature as it should appear on all forms and applications related to the interconnection, permitting, and incentive paperwork of the solar electric system. Acceptance of Grant Phdi..fm s R 9113/2022 09112/2022 Customer Signature Cazeault Solar & Home Representative