HomeMy WebLinkAbout4982 438 Route 6A Family Related Apartment Affidavit 08.26.22 TOWN OF YARMOUTH FAMILY RELATED APARTMENT AFFIDAVIT AFFIDAVIT OF: OSF21- 4-v p &11-ic—eci (Name of Petitioner) I/We hereby certify that I/we are the owners in principal residence, and will occupy the main portion of the residence, at T- O 1L (Address) I/WE further certify that the FAMILY RELATED ACCESSORY APARTMENT at said address will be occupied by (-GC-1 -F- 1�-n-t r# 134 1 (Name) as his/her principal residence who is my/our L .-�-� (' pG c e vc (Relationship to petition rs) 1,'— Signed under the pains and penaltie ry,thisA, day of / ST— 20 Owner/ wners of grope --COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Barnstable, ss. On this the day of , aJZ F+efore me, I4U/sealed-eX h Year Name of otary Public The undersigned Notary Pubiic,personally appeared ame of Signer(s) Proved to me through satisfactory evidence of identity,which was/were L 1UCY biegj1 _, , to be the person(s) whose name(s) was/were signed on the preceding or attached document in my presence, and who ore or affirmed to me that the contents of this document is truthful and accurate to the best of his/her/their know] ge and belief Tracey E. Hubbard-Pox NOTARY PUBLIC Signatur NotaryPublic Commonwealth of g Massachusetts TraCettIlu -6x Nti My Commission Expires 11/3/202E Printed Name of Notaty Place Notary Seal and/or Stamp Above My Commission Expires /1 J f /2"624ir H:\MyFiles\Documents\Application\AffidavitFam ilyRelated.doc(1/2015)