HomeMy WebLinkAbout22-E124 25 Route 6A ApprovedfiV K.r TOWN OF YARMOUTH 1146 ROUTE 28 SOUTH YARMOUTH MA 02664-4451 �a Telephone (508) 398.2231 Ext 1292-Fax (5081 398.0836 SEP 0 7 2022 LD KING'S HIGHWAY HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMITTEE r r1h N10 J I r' } KiN S� WAY APPLICATION FOR CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION Application is hereby made For the issuance of a Certificate & Exemption under Sentions 6 and 7 of Chapter 470 of Acts of 1973, as amended for the proposed work as described below and on plans, drawings, or photographs accompanying this application. Type or print legibly: Address of proposed work- 25 Route bA IataplLot # Owner(s) Anthony Garref i Phone #. 508--897-9325 All applications must be submitted by owner or accompanied by letter from owner approving submittal of application. Mailing address- Same as above Year bull: 1971 Email tony_g@me.com Preferred non"catlon method Phone ✓ Email AcienuContractor NA Phone # Mailing Address - Email Preferred notification method Phone Description of proposed Work (Additional pages may be attached if necessary): A backyard vegetable garden to be surrounded with chicken -wire fencing to protect against animal, particularly deer, invasion. Signed (pwner or agent) _ Data Ormerlcontraclodagenl is atrare that a pemut may be required from the Budding Department. ;Check otner depadmenis. also ) This certificate is good for ore year frond approval dale or upon date of expiration of Building Permit Oiv ever date shalt be later For Committee use only: AP Date q[_f 1// Amount Cash/CK a ` Al Rcvd by- _J Approved Approved with c ill nges SEP 2 6-202penied Reason for denial. Date Signed rI f �f/�d� Signed YARMOUTH 5ee wflze�,ea twe I — APPLICA1t0ly # /4f " Sherman, Lisa From: RICHARD GEGENWARTH <r.gegenwarth@comcast.net> Sent: Friday, September 23, 2022 6:41 PM To: Sherman, Lisa Subject: Re: 22-E124 25 Route 6A Attention!: This email originates outside of the organization. Do not open attachments or click links unless you are sure this email is from a known sender and you know the content is safe. Call the sender to verify if unsure. Otherwise delete this email. Should do the job and not be too obtrusive. approve. Richard On 09/23/2022 2:52 PM Sherman, Lisa <Isherman@yarmouth.ma. us> wrote: Hi Richard, - -.. i9:1 - The resident supplied the information you requested regarding the fencing around the vegetable gardens in his backyard. I updated the COE accordingly.. Please let me know if you need any additional information. Thanks Richard, Lisa Lisa Sherman Town of Yarmouth APPROVED SEP 2 6 2m YARMOUTH Administrator, Old King's Highway Historic District and Yarmouth Historical Commission ,0�, ;?k4 As indicated above, the residence will have a fenced garden in the back -yard. There will be one fence enclosing the garden area. The fence and gates are indicated as the exterior rectangle. The size of the enclosure is indicated above. The fencing and gate locations and will be made of wood in a natural finish. RECEIVED APPROVED S f P 0 7 2022 iAhiwVU, v OLD KING R HIGI m m l7 0 a L Y a 0 E r d a� 0 a SEP 2 f 2022 YARMOUTH -6XV A v Sx. 0 a I A Ave-+ Is RE FIVED SEP 0 7 2022 r nrnwlw I , , X N APPROVED SEP 2 6 2022 YARMOU fH ct X 0 t 60