HomeMy WebLinkAboutSystem B - O & M Contract tra7.v1`. te.o.T� e. ►. .a.T`.areor-71c. .e,t-aeko..4, yore
44 Commercial Street
Raynham,MA 02767
Agreement entered into by and between Wastewater Treatment Services,Inc. (herein called WTS)and the
FAST® System OWNER(herein called OWNER)for the inspection by WTS of certain equipment of OWNER
which is described below.
Upon acceptance of this agreement at WTS's office,WTS will render the following services only:
Equipment will be inspected at least 4 times per year that this Agreement remains in effect, with the first
inspections beginning . These inspections will include:
1) Testing of the sludge depth in the septic tank.
2) Inspection,power testing and clean/replace intake filter of the air blower. _
3) Inspection of the alarm system. AUU 0 2 2022
4) Inspect overall condition of FAST® System. HEALTH DEPT.
5) Notification to OWNER of any problems encountered.
6) Service other than routine maintenance will be billed at an hourly rate, plus travel and parts.
WTS shall notify the local Board of Health and Department of Environmental Protection in writing within 24 hours
of a system failure or alarm event including corrective measures that have been taken.
OWNER will be billed standard WTS charges for any parts used in repairs or maintenance. Any additional labor
time will be billed to the OWNER at our current labor rates.
Emergency service between regular inspections will be provided at standard labor rates during normal business
hours; at time and one-half after 5:00 PM and on Saturdays;and at double time on Sundays and holidays.
Emergency service charges will include a minimum four(4)hours of labor,plus standard WTS charges for parts,
plus mileage and travel charges. The annual rate includes routine maintenance,but does not include repairs
required for damages caused by abuse, accident,theft,acts of third persons,forces of nature, or alterations made to
the equipment. WTS shall not be responsible for failure to render the agreed services if caused by strikes, labor
disputes,non-cooperation by OWNER, or other factors beyond the control of WTS.
OWNER understands and agrees that WTS is not responsible for special, incidental or consequential damages,
including but not limited to loss of time, injury to person or property, or equipment failure.
OWNER agrees that WTS may enter OWNER's property and have acceptable access to all areas deemed by WTS
to be necessary or appropriate for WTS to perform its duties hereunder.
Current WTS practice is to send OWNER approximately 10 days before expiration of the term of the current
contract an invoice for one year of service. It is OWNER's responsibility to timely return the payment. WTS must
receive the payment before expiration of the current contract year to assure continuous contract coverage. Failure
to return payment may result in suspension of service, cancellation of the contract and/or nullification of warranties,
at the election of WTS. OWNER may not assign this contract without the prior written consent of WTS. It will
remain in force until a party cancels by written notice to the other at the address given herein.
Bio-Microbics MicroFAST.9 W. Yarmouth,MA $790.00* (1s'Year) General-Denite
(System B) $450.00* (After Is'Year)
Includes Field Testing
EQUIPMENT OWNER j� Wastewater Treatment Services,Inc.
*Signed by OWNER: 441 C
Signed: Lily' '" 7 ' L <r�r _
Horse Pond Corporation 44 Commercial Street
d/b/a Halcyon Condominiums Raynham, MA 02767
300 Buck Island Road Tel: (508)880-0233
West Yarmouth, MA 02673 Fax: (508) 880-7232
Tel: Effective Date of Agreement
E-mail: ( )
OWNER understands that(1)ANNUAL RATE payment is for one year only commencing on the effective date set
forth above and is non-refundable; (2)Current DEP Regulations require OWNER to maintain a service agreement
for the life of the FAST®System; and (3)ANNUAL RATE is subject to change based on current WTS rates:.+'
*Signed by OWNER: /�'i - AUG 0 2 2022
Field Testing HEALTH DEFT
Onsite testing performed four(4)times per year will be used to demonstrate that the systems are operating at a
secondary treatment standard of 30 mg/L of BODS and TSS. The following will be performed:
1) Visual examination of the effluent for color, turbidity and effluent solids.
2) Effluent pH to determine if the waste water is between 6 and 9 standard units.
3) Dissolved Oxygen,2mg/L or more,to ensure that the system is operating.
4) Turbidity, less than or equal to 40 NTU.
If the effluent does not meet effluent quality standards,a grab sample will be collected for laboratory analysis.
Results sent to state and local Agencies as well as the OWNER. OWNER is responsible for providing acceptable
access to effluent for field testing and/or to enable a grab sample to be taken for laboratory testing performed. If
such laboratory sample is required, OWNER will be responsible for charges incurred. IF REQUIRED,THE
Effluent Testing
Town Requirements are four(4)grab sample per year for: Nitrate,Ni it and TKN at a cost of$230.00/test.
*Approval for Additional Testing if Required ` (�� 44.1.161
Owner's Signature
Operator assigned: Michael Moreau
Telephone: (508) 880-0233
*your property is subject to a S50.00/Year fee for the Barnstable County Septic Management Program*