HomeMy WebLinkAboutROAD 2022-2 ApplicationFor Office Use Only Date Received: Z Z Z Gelr pplication Fee Received ($200 + advertising costs) W'Site plans submitted with application BKandscape Plan C4'Sign design Btuilding plans & elevations UkOther documents submitted with application 01-Abutter's list submitted ITSite Plan Review Comments submitted with application Please print clearly or type APPLICATION REVITALIZATION OVERLAY ARCHITECTURAL DISTRICT (R.O.A.D.) DATE: September 28, 2022 Applicant's Information: Name Elcaterina & Family, LLC and Jay Imad, Trustee of the Cedars of Lebanon Trust Address 381 Camp Street, West Yarmouth, MA 02673 Phone c/o Paul R. Tardif, Esq. 508-362-7799 Property Owner, if not applicant: Name Same as above Address Phone Protect Location: n4" R—i`i?_II r j F 04N kid _EK 92 2`5EPc291 ! .*S`3 Address 1272, 1276 and 1282 Route 28, South Yarmouth, MA 02664 Map/Lot Map: 60, Parcel 130 (1272), Map 60, Parcel 131 (1276) and Map 60 Parcel 132 (1282) Project Description: See attached Narrative Briefly explain the economic and other benefits to the town offered by this project (attach a separate document, if necessary): See attached Narrative Applicant's Signat Owner's S Refer to the Yarmouth Zoning Bylaw for more information end to the Yarmouth Architectural and Site Design Standards for minimum design criteria. Both documents are available at the Permits counter in Yarmouth Town Hall or on line at http://www.yarmouth.ma.us. Law Offices of Paul R. Tardif, Esq., P.C. 490 Main Street Yarmouth Port, MA 02675 )-asoline filling station wi h four di 1 it ispensers, overhead steel canopy, two double walled 'iberglass fuel storage tanks and a 4,000 sq ft mixed use building with convenience store and Irive-thru on the first floor, and 4 residential apartments on the second floor. Project will combine three lots, 1272, 1276 � 1282 Route 28, South Yarmouth, which are in the 32/ R.O.A.D. Zoning Districts. The existing gas station/convenience store, canopy and 5 rental units will be razed and replaced with a new canopy, and a building containing a drive through coffee shop (H 10 use), convenience store (1-12 use) and a gas station (1-16 use) on the first floor and four two -bedroom dwelling units (Al 2 use) on the second. The combination of the lots will create a conforming lot of 49,833 sq.ft. Building coverage is currently at 12.5%, lot coverage is 63.3% and 4 curb cuts exist on site. Applicant proposes to use the Revitalization Overlay Architectural District (ROAD) Section 411 of the Yarmouth Zoning Bylaw as allowed for mixed use projects in the B-2 zoning district. Should the Planning Board approve the R.O.A.D. District Development Plan, the project will proceed before the Yarmouth Zoning Board of Appeals for a Special Permit, for the following sections of the Zoning Bylaw. Building front setback, section 203.5 Only 2 in lot trees, section 301.4.6 Drive through buffer distance to residential zone of 100'. Section 301.8. Front landscape buffer, section 3 01.4.4. A 12, Multifamily Use in the B2 Zoning District, section 202.5 and 411 .16, Gas Station Use in the B2 Zoning District, section 202.5 Signs on front and right -side elevations, section 303.5.5 Development of the project is being proposed under the ROAD bylaw which allows for zoning flexibility in exchange for a high standard of site and building design. The Planning Board serves as the Design Review Authority for ROAD projects and is responsible for ensuring the project substantially adheres to the Yarmouth Architectural and Site Design Standards (Design Standards). In order to make this determination, it is critical for this Board to understand that full compliance is usually unachievable, and thus the inclusion of the adjective "substantially". Many factors must'be considered in making that decision. In this case, the project does in fact substantially adhere to the Design Standards, Siting Strategies, as follows: SITING STRATEGIES 1. Contribute to the village streetscape/follow established patterns "Design new buildings to front on the sheet and to maintain established setbackpatte�ns, consistent w0th traditional village design. " In th0s case, the Board must look at the Zoning approximaLeiyee Point••• • • • at •••licant• o oses to construct anew •uilding which will be approximately fromthe layout,more conforming and n keeping with the creation of a village streetscape. Substantial compliance compels that the onfiguration of this project be as provided. street. grovided by traditional buildings in the region to continue the established rhythm offacades on the • building with no changes•ll plane,s'canopy, •: �`. a .#: r structure with multiple projections • • changes in wall• •. Since the initial meeting with the Design Review Committee, the front buffer has been re- designed so that there is an approximate 10 to 20 foot buffer on the site, with appropriate trees and grass. In addition, we are making the project more zoning compliant, and clustering the structures on site into one building, creating a cohesive grouping. Parking, as indicated above, has been designed to be located on the side and rear of the building. 5. Design a second story —this has been accomplished to create a mixed use space. 6. Use existing topography to screen new development —not applicable 7. Create effective landscape buffers/full screening —buffer trees have been added to the plan, in addition to fencing. 8. Reduce the visibility of parking areas —the visibility of the parking areas is significantly being reduced, especially in comparison to the existing site. New trees in the front will substantially hide the parking areas. 9. Break up large parking lots -although there is a large expanse of open pavement for parking, pumps, circulation and drive-thru lanes, it is necessary under the zoning bylaw to meet those requirements. Currently all travel lanes need to be 12 feet wide. Space at the pumps is vital to prevent accidents and to allow for emergency vehicles to access the area. The size of parking spaces is dictated by the zoning bylaw. Although seemingly a large paved area, it is required and necessary for safety, and still complies with current zoning regulations. 10. Locate utilities underground - we meet this requirement 11. Shield loading and delivery areas — we meet this requirement 1. Break down the building mass into multiple buildings ..111I I III-- • The main building will be 4,000 square feet, which incorporates both the residential and co ercial components. The proposed structure was designed with a main mass with a smaller, attached components creating an "U, projecting to the road. This design helps to reduce the scale and bulk of the building. 3 . Vary the facade line Create variation in setback of facade The proposed building varies its facade every 36 feet, and includes covered walkways, bulky cornices and cantilevers, which splits into several components, and reduces the visual impact of the building mass. Incorporate open As recited above, the covered walkways are used to accentuate variations in the footprint of the building. 4. Vary wall heights variety in wall height along facades The Proposal is to provide changes in the building wall height to reduce the overall bulk of the structure and to increase variety along the facades, and includes roof forms. 5. Vary the goof line Alter roof forms to break down lar eg roof The proposed roof height is varied at both the roof peak and the eaves to break down large roof masses into smaller elements and to vary its relationship to the ground. 6. Bring down the building edges ing down the edges with smaller, attached mass The design brings the edges of the building down with a smaller attached mass. The use of arcades (a series of arches supported by columns) are. incorporated and are effective in breaking up the apparent massing of a large building. IIII IN I IIII <I III I )atterns to add depth and interest to the building fagade. In this case, stone is planned for the ,valkway areas, with clapboard above. I I/' i / • / The cultured stone, portions of cedar shingle siding, architectural roof shingles and wood molding, in addition to traditional windows, meet this requirement. 9. Incorporate pedestrian -scaled features ;orporate pedestrian -scaled structures The project, because it is located close to the street to meet siting requirements, incorporates landscaped areas to provide relief and provide interest while also softening the building exterior and mass. 10. Incorporate energy -efficient or "green" architecture in the design Incorporate energy -saving features The project will meet all of the current building code energy requirements Based on these criteria, we believe that we have met the "substantial compliance" standard, and balanced the design of this project with the required zoning requirements. The project will be an economic benefit to the Town of Yarmouth in many ways. First, there are currently 2 employees who work at Jay Mart. Once complete, the Project will employ up to 10 employees. Second, the Town of Yarmouth will benefit from the upgraded Septic System to be installed at the site. Currently there are five septic systems on site, with four systems serving the residential units and one system for the gasoline filling station with leaching pits. With the proposed redevelopment, there will be one septic system for the proposed mixed building in compliance with the current MASSDEP Title V requirements and the current Yarmouth Board of Health regulations. This system will adequately serve the property until sewers are installed on Route 28. Finally, there are a total of 5 residential units on the site, of which one is a 2 bedroom and 4 are one bedroom dwellings, each constructed in approximately 1936, for a total of 6 bedrooms. There will be a total of four new residential units with eight bedrooms on the second floor of the mixed use building (two bedrooms in each unit). In addition, there will be tax revenue benefits from this project. Currently, the owner of the property at 1272 Route 28 pays annual Real Estate Taxes in the amount of $1,580.00, which is ased on I axable Talue ot.,b I zs/,/11,11 11110F. Ine owner ot the property at 12/6 Koute2zi pays annuli eal Estate Taxes in the amount of $4,272,00, which is based on Taxable Value of $5 1 M00*0 rhe owner of the property at 1282 Route 28 pays annual Real Estate Taxes in the amount �i 11which is based on a TaxableValueof 1 11 11'. Combinedthethree • . lt in the generation of real estate - • • ,`• • If �. • •combine ssessed value o $ _ :11. 'i l • based on propertybe valued at approximately$4 1110,11t t1. the otal real estate taxes will be $36,720.00, an increase of $27,425.00, The location will house 2 separate businesses —the gas station/convenience store, and a Dunkin Donuts franchise. The gas station/convenience store will create 3 full time jobs - 2 clerks and a Store Manager. These jobs will be offered with accrued Personal Time Off, as well as Sick Time as provided under the Massachusetts General Laws. The Dunkin Donuts location will create employment for up to 16 employees as clerks and a Store Manager. It is anticipated that there will be 8 part time positions and 7 full time positions. We have been advised by a representative of Dunkin Donuts that benefits will include health insurance. Formal Review SITE PLAN REVIEW COMMENT SHEET Date: September 20, 2022 Map:60 Applicant: Ekaterina & Family, LLC Parcel:130,131 & 132 _ Location: 1272. 1276 & 1282 RTE 28 Zone: B-2 Persons Present: Mark Grylls Aft . Paul Tardif Carl Lawson Hal Choubah Lt. Matt Bearse Ja Imad Amanda Lima Kyle Pedicini KathyWilliams Bruce Murphy Project Summary The applicant is proposing to redevelop the three parcels, demo all existing buildings (8) and construct a gasoline filling station with 4 fueling dispensers with steel overhead canopy & 4000 sq-ft mix -use building with convenience store and drive thru on first floor, and 4 residential apartments on second floor. Comments MYEBuildin : Project will combine three lots, 1272, 1276 & 1282 Route 28 in the B-2 / ROAD overlay district. The existing gas station / convenience store, canopy and 5 rental units to be razed and replaced with a new canopy, and a 4,000 sq. ft. building containing a drive through coffee shop (1-110 use), convenience store (H2 use) and a gas station (H6 use) on the first floor and four two bedroom dwelling units (Al2 use) on the second. The combination of the lots will create a conforming lot of 49,833 sq.ft. Building coverage is 12.3%. Lot Coverage is 63.3%. Structure as proposed is in the 30' front buffer. Lighting plan indicates that the lighting directly under the canopy to be 77.5 foot candles and mostly compliant at all other boundaries. The plan meets the standard required in the bylaw but seems excessive. It is understood that all lighting will be aimed at the ground, however section 301.4.10 also contains language regarding undue glare to adjoining properties. LED lights which are proposed to be used produce a lot of glare. Recent projects in town have been the cause for complaints from neighbors, as well as passersby on roadways to the Building Dept. Shielding and redirection of lighting have been the only way to solve these issues. Once lights are installed and operable, further review will be required before a Certificate of Occupancy is issued. Applicant proposes to use the Revitalization Overlay Architectural District (ROAD) Section 411 of the zoning bylaw as allowed for mixed use projects in the B-2 zoning district. Project will go through Design Review with the Planning Board prior to submission with the ZBA for the relief identified in this review as well as any additional that may be necessary as a result of PB Design Review. Rear landscape buffer appears to meet the criteria of Section 301.4.9. Relief from the following sections will be required in the form of a Special Permit providing all mandatory sections of 411 are met. • Building front setback, section 203.5. • 1 In lot tree • Drive through buffer distance to residential zone of 100'. Section 301.8. • Parking location in front of principle structure, section 301.4.1. One parking spot • Front landscape buffer dimension, section 301.4.4. • Al2, multifamily use, table 202.5. Also see section 411.3.3 — footnote 1 regarding floor area. Calculations should be confirmed and provided for the ZBA at time of submission. • H6, gas station use, table 202.5. • Curb cut shown at 30' may need relief from section 301.4.3 • Sheets 15 & 16 show attached signs on the front and right -side elevations. Relief will be required for the additional signage. Construction to meet all applicable sections of 780 CMR MA State Building Code & appendant codes including 521 CMR AAB, 2018 IECC. Planning: The Applicant has put a great deal of effort into modifying their proposal to include an adjacent parcel to better adhere to the Architectural & Site Design Standards by moving the building closer to the street with a street facing front entrance and pedestrian amenities, having the vast majority of the parking to the side and rear of the building, and providing wider vegetated buffers. Building design is thoughtful with the roof mounted HVAC units being hidden and the exterior walkway eliminated. However, there may remain some inherent issues related to mixing residential uses with both a gas station and drive-thru. 1. Front yard Setback: Will need relief for the building front yard setback, in addition to the canopy noted. 2. Buffers: Per Section 301.4.4, need to have a 3" caliper tree every 20' around parking of 5 cars or more, so may need some additional buffer trees. Per Section 301.4.9 need to include min. 2.5" caliper trees in front of the building every 35' combined with the comprehensive landscape plan shown so may need a few more trees in front of the building. Show trees to remain as being protected on plans and check to be sure proposed grading will not impact the tree. 3. Stormwater: As there will now be more than 1 acre of disturbance, a Stormwater Management Permit will be required from the Conservation Commission. 4. Loading Zone: Location for delivery trucks is very far from the building and access is through a busy area. Could the loading dock be relocated to the northern parking space next to the island? 5. Fencing: New wooden fencing should be located abutting residential properties in addition to the plantings. 6. Residential Parking/Playground: Residents will still need to go through the "escape lane" to access their parking and kids would need to cross the drive thru lanes and parking area to access the play structure. No smoking should be allowed in the playground/picnic area. Benches should not be located along the drive-thru lane. 7. Bollard Detail: Question the aesthetic of 16 PVC bollards in front of the main entrance. 8. Lighting: Level of lighting under the canopy of as high as 77.5 footcandles is unacceptable and will result in a glowing effect front the canopy area impacting abutters and those traveling on Route 28. Footcandles abutting residential properties should be 0.05 footcandles or less. 9. Pumps Nothing should be located on the pumps that include speakers of any kind (no talking videos). 10. Pavement: It is unfortunate that there is still a large amount of paved area with only two in -lot tree islands. 11. Eastern Property Line: Explain the property line being different per plan book 370/page 8. Who owns the triangle wedge? 12. Refer to Building Comments for zoning relief. 13. Eliminate the T concrete sidewalk next to the employee/overflow parking and add more buffer. 14. Eliminate the 5' sidewalk parallel to Rte 28 on the subject property and add more landscape buffer. Retain sidewalk path to Route 28 and in front of the parking. Conservation: No conservation jurisdiction, but a Stormwater Management Permit application is required since disturbance is > 1 acre Design Review: As a ROAD project, the Design Review Authority is the Planning Board and occurs after Site Plan Review. Engineering: General f . Coordinate addressing upon combination of the lots • Confirm turning movement on Sheet 7 that traverses the island near the drive-thru Drainage • Defer detailed stormwater review to the Stormwater Management permit. If not applicable, coordinate a review from Engineering department. • Sheet 6 references PTP, confirm that is proposed test pit. Remove unsuitable soils around 5' if needed. 14 Fire: Fire Dept. Lock boxes needed for access to sprinkler room and residential units. FDC to be determined, Fire hydrant needed within 100 feet of FDC, Fire truck access needs to be YFD engine template. 527 CMR 1 Ch 18 for access and water supply. BDA expected, Fire Alarm system required. Business fire protection needs to be integrated with above residences. Additional permits required for Service station and UST. Health: The Health Dept. is unable to approve the project because the Sewage System Plan and Proposed First Floor Layout Plan were only received by the Health office yesterday afternoon, 9-19-22. Please schedule a meeting with the Health Dept. to review outstanding information and any required plan revisions. Hazardous Materials: Project must comply with Town of Yarmouth, Board of Health Regulation: Handling and Storage of Toxic or Hazardous Materials, which includes, but is not limited to 150% volume secondary containment of all toxic and hazardous materials and annual Board of Health licensing. The Health Department defers to the Fire Department regarding Fire Regulation compliance for all fuel tanks and associated components. Consult with septic system engineer regarding the onsite disposal of retail store floor wash water (consisting of only soap and water) to the septic system. Floor strip water should be hauled off -site by the contractor for proper disposal at a septic treatment plant. The site plan review application lists only gasoline and diesel as toxic and hazardous materials. Please state whether or not any retail sale of toxic or hazardous materials such as, but not limited to automotive fluids, and cleaners is planned. If such is planned submit a list of the types and quantities of materials to the Health Dept. Secondary containment is required for materials stored off of the retail floor. Waste oil must be accepted for proper disposal from customers who purchased new motor oil as required by State Regulation. Rental Housing: All second -floor rental housing units have a maximum occupancy of two individuals per bedroom and 4 individuals per unit. Food Service: See opening comment concerning plan review and meeting with Health Dept. Septic System: See opening comment concerning plan review and meeting with Health Dept. Water: Previous comments have been incorporated into this set of plans, so no additional comments. The irrigation sy m appears-l"e tied to the Town water system, so the proponent may consider drought tolerant plants to more e sil comply with fure Town Water Conservation Meisures. I ! 1 TOWN OF YARMOUTH PLANNING BOARD ASSESSOR'S CERTIFICATION FOR ABUTTERS LIST Petition # Name: Ekaterina & Family, LLC / Cedars of Lebanon Trust Filing Date: Hearing Date: Property Location: 1272, 1276 and 1282 Route 28, South Yarmouth, Notices must be sent to the petitioner (applicant), abutters, and owners of land directly opposite on any public or private street or way, and abutters to the abutters within 300 feet of the property line of the petitioner's, as they appear on the most recent applicable tax list. Map Number Lot Number Map Number Lot Number Applicant: See Attached Abutters: Assessor's Field Card with photo required Andrew Machado, Director of Assessing Abutting Properties for 1276 ROUTE 28 SOUTH YARMOUTH, MA 02664 60/ 131/// (300 Feet) Location: 60/ 155/ 20 GENEVA RD Owner: OCONNELL EDWARD J OCONNELL KAREN J 48 NORMAN DR SOUTH WINDSOR, CT 06074-2813 Location: 60/ 196/ 1261 ROUTE 28 Owner: CAPE COD VERANDA LTD 1261 ROUTE 28 SOUTH YARMOUTH, MA 02664 Location: 60/ 170/ ROUTE 28 Owner: GREATER BOSTON EXCHANGE COMPANY LLC 84 HOMERS DOCK RD YARMOUTH PORT, MA 02675 Location: 60/ 158/ 6 GENEVA RD Owner: MARICHAL LARIEL SOMARRIBA SOCORRO 6 GENEVA RD SOUTH YARMOUTH, MA 02664 Location: 60/ 136/ 25 GENEVA RD Owner: GOLDSMITH LESLIE 25 GENEVA RD SOUTH YARMOUTH, Location: 60/ 159/ 1300 ROUTE 28 Owner: TRAN FAMILY LLC 156 SEA ST QUINCY. MA 02169 Location: 60/ 173/ 20 COMMERCIAL ST Owner: FORTY FIVE COMMERCIAL LTD LIABILITY CO MA 02664 PO BOX 1210 SOUTH YARMOUTH, MA 02664 Location: 60/ 156/ 16 GENEVA RD Owner: HOMSEY LINDA HOMSEY WADE 16 GENEVA RD SOUTH YARMOUTH, MA 02664 Location: 60/ 172/ 1273 ROUTE 28 Owner: BOISVERT LEE TRS BOISVERT VICTORIA ANN TRS 15 CRANWOOD RD HARWICH, MA 02645 Location: 60/ 169/ 1297 ROUTE 28 Owner: MCLAUGHLIN BRIAN J PO BOX 519 WEST BRIDGEWATER, MA 02379 Location: 60/ 157/ 10 GENEVA RD Owner: BEALE GERALD R 10 GENEVA RD SOUTH YARMOUTH, MA 02664 69.13 16, 69.44 INDIAN . 4 , ' O'd -150 •�_ .. .per' � `'�, \ ,•\ �T '`��. •� t ' tip :�= = ��'' `'`•,,d. ��.��9� uY#" �A� r" 'sty � `� �ti a 'po -pp�1 a �Q C60. 03 0 A` Let 60.258X \ 60.253�� 60.2b9.1 O ' \ \, ION 69.118 �' � , � 4'�' \>� . •,� -''•i Bpi ;S'�l J� _ 1-- . fi `•, \ V --�. `��'/y 2C�° •� 9 F' PINE — y,5�''_STREET 1p )lO � GRI to -p•- Q gla 61.27 p0 51.60 ,L�� - ib'\• Y f'",,51�38v��`�, , d � ' _J � % r � l��`1• ! 51:39 `> �'\ 51�34\,h\ Abutting Properties for 1272 ROUTE 28 SOUTH YARMOUTH, MA 02664 60/ 130/ (300 Feet) Location: 60/ 122/ 1258 ROUTE 28 Owner: MCGRAIL PATRICIA A TR 1258 MAIN STREET REALTY TRUST 1258 ROUTE 28 SOUTH YARMOUTH, MA 02664 Location: 60/ 123/ 7 NAUHAUGHT RD Owner: KELLY ROBERT C J KELLY LISA A 130 REBECCA ST KITTANNING, PA 16201 Location: 60/ 130/ 1272 ROUTE 28 Owner: EKATERINA & FAMILY LLC 381 CAMP ST WEST YARMOUTH, MA 02673 Location: 60/ 138/ 16 BRYAR LN Owner: EAGER CHARLES W III (LIFE EST) CORMIER BRITTANY ANN TR 240 CHARNOCK HILL RD RUTLAND, MA 01543 Location: 60/ 134/ 15 GENEVA RD Owner: ALIBRIO JAMES J 100 RANDOR STREET HARRISBURG, PA 17110 Location: 60/ 195/ 1265 ROUTE 28 Owner: BROWN PETER W TR THE 1265 REALTY TRUST PO BOX 2772 ORLEANS, MA 02653 Location: 60/ 119/ 66 POND ST Owner: GAINER NANCY SANTOS GAINER CURTIS 1652 LINDA DR WEST CHESTER, PA 19380 Location: 60/ 126/ 11 POWHATAN RD Owner: BRADFORD RUSSELL S BRADFORD STEPHANIE M 11 POWHATAN RD SOUTH YARMOUTH, MA 02664 Location: 60/ 121 / 1252 ROUTE 28 Owner: IRISH BAKERS LLC 36 GREENWICH RD NORWOOD, MA 02062 Location: 60/ 124/ 11 NAUHAUGHT RD Owner: FURRER LAWRENCE E FURRER SHEILA A 11 NAUHAUGHT RD SOUTH YARMOUTH, MA 02664-4409 Location: 60/ 139/ 20 BRYAR LN Owner: MURDOCK DAVID T YOUNG HELENE A 20 BRYAR LN SOUTH YARMOUTH, MA 02664-4404 Location: 60/ 137/ 39 POWHATAN RD Owner: WRISLEY PETER L PETTIPAS MARCIA J 134 WHEELER RD HOLLIS, NH 03049 Location: 60/ 173/ 20 COMMERCIAL ST Owner: FORTY FIVE COMMERCIAL LTD LIABILITY CO PO BOX 1210 SOUTH YARMOUTH, MA 02664 Location: 60/ 196/ 1261 ROUTE 28 Owner: CAPE COD VERANDA LTD 1261 ROUTE 28 SOUTH YARMOUTH, MA 02664 Location: 60/ 118/ 72 POND ST Owner: JEAN REXNORD RICHARD 72 POND ST SOUTH YARMOUTH, MA 02664 Location: 60/ 127/ 20 NAUHAUGHT RD Owner: TUTTLE JAMES S TR THE TWENTY NAUHAUGHT RD RLTY TRUST 20 NAUHAUGHT RD SOUTH YARMOUTH, MA 02664 Location: 60/ 120/ 62 POND ST Owner: GRIFFIN G WESLEY GRIFFIN LUELLA 62 POND ST SOUTH YARMOUTH, MA 02664-4414 Location: 60/ 129/ 1268 ROUTE 28 Owner: TATRA LLC 1268 ROUTE 28 SOUTH YARMOUTH, MA 02664 Location: 60/ 140/ 24 BRYAR LN Owner: MALAQUTAS MARIA C 24 BRYAR LANE SOUTH YARMOUTH, MA 02664 Location: 60/ 135/ 19 GENEVA RD Owner: BARON THOMAS S BARON DOROTHY A 19 GENEVA RD SOUTH YARMOUTH, MA 02664 Location: 60/ 171 / 1279 ROUTE 28 Owner: DESIMONE CHARLES A III TRS COCO BEAN RLTY TRST 8 RED CEDAR CIR DENNIS, MA 02638 Location: 60/ 174/ 24 &32 COMMERCIAL ST Owner: KIMBALL PETER V TR COMMERCIAL YARMOUTH NOM TRUST C/O CAPE CODDER 5 NAMSKAKET RD ORLEANS, MA 02563 Location: 60/ 125/ 17 NAUHAUGHT RD Owner: KELLY MICHAEL 675 ADAMS ST DORCHESTER, MA 02122 Location: 60/ 128/ 10 NAUHAUGHT RD Owner: HUSEBY JEANNE S 10 NAUHAUGHT ROAD SOUTH YARMOUTH, MA 02664 Location: 60/ 144/ 21 POWHATAN RD Owner: LOWELL ROBERT N 21 POWHATAN RD SOUTH YARMOUTH, MA 02664 Location: 60/ 131/ 1276 ROUTE 28 Owner: EKATERINA & FAMILY LLC C/O JAY IMAD 381 CAMP ST WEST YARMOUTH, MA 02673 Location: 60/ 133/ C1/ / 1292 ROUTE 28 UNIT 1 Owner: PICCIONE JOSEPH A 1292 ROUTE 28 UNIT 1 SOUTH YARMOUTH, MA 02664 Location: 60/ 133/ C4/ / 1292 ROUTE 28 UNIT 4 Owner: BIEGA JOHN BIEGA JULIANA 1292 ROUTE 28 UNIT 4 SOUTH YARMOUTH, MA 02664-4452 Location: 60/ 133/ C7/ / 1292 ROUTE 28 UNIT 7 Owner: 1292 ROUTE 28 LLC 1292 ROUTE 28 UNIT 7 SOUTH YARMOUTH, MA 02664 Location: 60/ 142.1 / 27 BRYAR LN Owner: REYBURN NANCY C PERS REP MARTHA B CATTEN TRUST P O BOX 715 FORESTDALE, MA 02644 Location: 60/ 143/ 15 BRYAR LN Owner: PITTS AUDREY 15 BRYAR LN SOUTH YARMOUTH, MA 02664 Location: 60/ 132/ 1282 ROUTE 28 Owner: IMAD JAY TR CEDARS OF LEBANON TRUST 381 CAMP ST WEST YARMOUTH, MA 02673 Location: 60/ 133/ C2/ / 1292 ROUTE 28 UNIT 2 Owner: APKISSELL PROPERTIES LLC 1292 ROUTE 28 UNIT 2 SOUTH YARMOUTH, MA 02664-4452 Location: 60/ 133/ C5/ / 1292 ROUTE 28 UNIT 5 Owner: CHEVERIE KAREN E TR K C REALTY TRUST 1292 ROUTE 28 UNIT 5 SOUTH YARMOUTH, MA 02664-4452 Location: 60/ 133/ C8/ / 1292 ROUTE 28 UNIT 8 Owner: STONE MICHAEL F TRS 1292 ROUTE 28 UNIT 8 SOUTH YARMOUTH, MA 02664-4452 Location: 60/ 142/ 23 BRYAR LN Owner: MORRISON SHELLY K 23 BRYAR LANE SOUTH YARMOUTH, MA 02664 Location: 60/ 141 / 28 BRYAR LN Owner: REYBURN NANCY C CO-TRS MARTHA B CATTEN TRUST P O BOX 715 FORESTDALE, MA 02644 Location: 60/ 133/ C3/ / 1292 ROUTE 28 UNIT 3 Owner: THE OLD TIME HOCKEY RLTY TRUS- C/O STEVEN ANZUONI TR P0BOX 1178 SAGAMORE BEACH, MA 02562-1178 Location: 60/ 133/ C6/ / 1292 ROUTE 28 UNIT 6 Owner: LEIGHTON PATRICIA S 1292 ROUTE 28 UNIT 6 SOUTH YARMOUTH, MA 02664-4452 Location: 60/ 172/ 1273 ROUTE 28 Owner: BOISVERT LEE TRS BOISVERT VICTORIA ANN TRS 15 CRANWOOD RD HARWICH, MA 02645 64.'13 "S� N 0 69.12 0 0 ��-—69.122Z 69-11 < 4 69.5 .,69.6 C) ul tv op \AQ. -7w cp 70.8 X WAY, 0, 60.162 V1, ''60,71 60+161 .133C ROUTE 28 0 (01 N -. % 0 0. 10 3 1p- —.7, 1 -Ig 60.174 led 60.187 60.6 1 60.191 60!5 �C\ 60.2 .7 'gilt 60.269.1 0 A Kc.) 60.270 rn 6 r, i .51.57 Abutting Properties for 1282 ROUTE 28 SOUTH YARMOUTH, MA 02664 60/ 132/ (300 Feet) Location: 60/ 155/ 20 GENEVA RD Owner: OCONNELL EDWARD J OCONNELL KAREN J 48 NORMAN DR SOUTH WINDSOR, CT 06074-2813 Location: 60/ 139/ 20 BRYAR LN Owner: MURDOCK DAVID T YOUNG HELENE A 20 BRYAR LN SOUTH YARMOUTH, MA 02664-4404 Location: 60/ 168/ 1301 ROUTE 28 Owner: VSH REALTY INC C/O CUMBERLAND FARMS INC 165 FLANDERS RD WESTBOROUGH, MA 01581 ,69 136 69.150 69.142 69.149 6 69.139 69.140 69.14IPA Ti 4 5 v 69.143' 69.147 a. 69.. 60k1'49 R�O I 53 60i15,4 6M51 60.150 A52, 60.1 V 48 - 6( 60.147 60.1,37, 6 0 �l 318 6 64h451". 60!.139 60.141 00. 144;`• 0 '.140 60(i-25 60.124 i4A 603123 04 66�120 Z2 60.255.2 60.254C ROP 60.2 531 ON 9L L.3 6 6155 Vill 41� 601135 60 . 207 60.174 60Ti 58 6( 60.15 ;{ROUTE 28 U