HomeMy WebLinkAboutRDA Prepared by:
349 Route 28, Unit D
W. Yarmouth, Massachusetts 02673
6 Eider Street, Yarmouth Port
Remove Cottage and Shed and Construct Garage
Request for Determination of Applicability
Town of Yarmouth
Conservation Commission
October 2022
Prepared for:
Shea Custom Carpentry, Inc.
c/o Edward Shea
20 Doten Road
Plymouth, MA 02366
BSC Job #50613.00
Environmental Scientists
Software Developers
Landscape Architects
349 Main Street, Route 28, Unit D / West Yarmouth, MA 02673 / 508-778-8919
OCTOBER 5, 2022 www.bscgroup.com
Town of Yarmouth
Conservation Commission
1146 Route 28
South Yarmouth, MA02664
Attn: Brittany DiRienzo, Conservation Agent
RE: Request for Determination of Applicability, Construct Addition, #6 Eider Street, Yarmouth Port, BSC
Job #50613.00
Dear Ms. DiRienzo and Members of the Conservation Commission:
BSC Group, Inc. (BSC) is pleased to submit this Notice of Intent (NOI) Application on behalf of Shea Custom Carpentry,
Inc. (the Applicant) for the property located at6 Eider Street, Yarmouth Port, Massachusetts (the Site). The project
includes replacing an existing stone wall, construct new stone steps and entryway Into the home, and extend existing
deck by 16' overtop of existing driveway. For more information, please refer to the attached Site Plans and Project
This application is being submitted in accordance with the Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act and the Town of
Yarmouth Wetlands Protections By-law. If you have any questions or require additional information, please contact me
at 617-896-4591.
Truly yours,
Paul Mancuso, WPIT
Wetland Scientist
cc: Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection, Southeast Regional Office, 20 Riverside Drive,
Lakeville, MA 02347
Shea Custom Carpentry Inc. c/o Edward Shea II, 20 Doten Road, Plymouth, MA 02366
Steven & Kathryn Lamontagne, 45 W Honeysuckle Road, Lake Forest, IL, 60045
Yarmouth Conservation Commission • 1146 Route 28 • South Yarmouth, MA 02664-4492
Tel. (508)-398-2231 Ext. 1288 • Fax (508)-398-0836 • TTD# (508) 398-2231 • bdirienzo@yarmouth.ma.us
Rev. 9/2022
General Information:
All filings must be made on Town of Yarmouth forms found at www.yarmouth.ma.us/325/Conservation. The
filing deadline is two weeks prior to the next scheduled Conservation Commission meeting. No new
information may be accepted into the Commissioners’ packets within the week before a meeting.
Failure to follow this Checklist shall result in an Administrative Incomplete Application and will not be
advertised for a Public Hearing. Refer to the meeting and fee schedule. Contact the Conservation Office if you
need assistance.
Submitting an Application:
1 hardcopy RDA application with original signatures (double sided). *
1 hardcopy detailed project narrative to include sufficient information to enable the Commission to determine
whether the proposed work will alter an area subject to protection.
1 hardcopy BVW delineation sheet(s), coastal bank calculation and other relevant material if applicable (not
applicable for flood zone only projects).
1 hardcopy Yarmouth Assessor’s locator map highlighting parcel(s) where work is proposed, including map
and parcel numbers. Assessor’s maps can be found at www.yarmouth.ma.us/70/Assessor
1 original and 7 photocopies of the plan/sketch, folded separately, right side out with title and address
visible. All plans shall reference NAVD1988 unless otherwise noted. Landscape plans shall be detailed to
show proposed and existing conditions, native species, size and spacing.
A pdf copy of the entire signed application, supporting information listed above, and plan/sketch emailed to
bdirienzo@yarmouth.ma.us. Please put the property’s street address in the pdf file name.
Local filing fee – separate check payable to “Town of Yarmouth”.
Legal ad fee – separate check payable to “Town of Yarmouth”.
(Refer to Fee Schedule at https://www.yarmouth.ma.us/696/Filing-Forms)
A pdf copy of the entire signed application and plan/sketch must be sent VIA EMAIL the same day to DEP,
Southeast Region at SERO_NOI@mass.gov with the subject line in the email per DEP’s request listed as
“YARMOUTH - RDA - Street Address - Applicant Name” and copied to bdirienzo@yarmouth.ma.us.
We must receive a copy of this email as proof that it has been sent to DEP.
If applicable, submit a copy of any Certified Mail receipts (PS Form 3800) for others, such as Massachusetts
Natural Heritage and Endangered Species Program, Massachusetts Division of Marine Fisheries, etc.
Alternatively, you may visit their websites for electronic filing information. If filed electronically, please copy
* If the applicant is NOT the property owner:
Please submit a signed Site Access Authorization Form; AND
The owner must be sent a copy of the application via Certified Mail on the same day it is filed with this office.
Please submit a copy of the Certified Mail receipt with application.
OFFICE Administrative Checklist
Request for Determination of Applicability
Page 1 of 4
Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection
Bureau of Resource Protection - Wetlands
WPA Form 1- Request for Determination of Applicability
Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act M.G.L. c. 131, §40
A. General Information
When filling out
forms on the
computer, use
only the tab key
to move your
cursor - do not
use the return
1. Applicant:
Shea Custom Carpentry
E-Mail Address
20 Doten Road
Mailing Address
Zip Code
Phone Number
Fax Number (if applicable)
2. Representative (if any):
BSC Group, Inc.
Paul Mancuso
Contact Name
E-Mail Address
349 Route 28, Unit D
Mailing Address
West Yarmouth
Zip Code
Phone Number
Fax Number (if applicable)
B. Determinations
1. I request the Yarmouth
Conservation Commission
make the following determination(s). Check any that apply:
a. whether the area depicted on plan(s) and/or map(s) referenced below is an area subject to
jurisdiction of the Wetlands Protection Act.
b. whether the boundaries of resource area(s) depicted on plan(s) and/or map(s) referenced
below are accurately delineated.
c. whether the work depicted on plan(s) referenced below is subject to the Wetlands Protection Act.
d. whether the area and/or work depicted on plan(s) referenced below is subject to the jurisdiction
of any municipal wetlands ordinance or bylaw of:
Name of Municipality
e. whether the following scope of alternatives is adequate for work in the Riverfront Area as
depicted on referenced plan(s).
Page 2 of 4
Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection
Bureau of Resource Protection - Wetlands
WPA Form 1- Request for Determination of Applicability
Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act M.G.L. c. 131, §40
C. Project Description
1. a. Project Location (use maps and plans to identify the location of the area subject to this request):
6 Eider Street
Street Address
Yarmouth Port
Assessors Map/Plat Number
Parcel/Lot Number
b. Area Description (use additional paper, if necessary):
The existing Site contains a single family home. The coastal bank on Site runs through the middle of
Eider Street. As such the house is within the buffer zone to top of coastal bank. There is also a BVW
across the street, which portions of the property are within the 50'-100' buffer zone to BVW. All
proposed work is located within previously disturbed areas.
c. Plan and/or Map Reference(s):
Certified Plot Plan
2. a. Work Description (use additional paper and/or provide plan(s) of work, if necessary):
See attached project description.
Page 3 of 4
Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection
Bureau of Resource Protection - Wetlands
WPA Form 1- Request for Determination of Applicability
Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act M.G.L. c. 131, §40
C. Project Description (cont.)
b. Identify provisions of the Wetlands Protection Act or regulations which may exempt the applicant
from having to file a Notice of Intent for all or part of the described work (use additional paper, if
310 CMR 10.02 (2)(b) lists exempt work. 10.02(2)(b)(b) says stone walls are exempt so long as they
do not constitue a barrier to wildlife movement. The proposed rock wall replcaement will not affect
wildlife movement.
All proposed work is located within areas that are currently disturbed. No new impacts within resource
areas or buffer zones will result from the project.
3. a. If this application is a Request for Determination of Scope of Alternatives for work in the
Riverfront Area, indicate the one classification below that best describes the project.
Single family house on a lot recorded on or before 8/1/96
Single family house on a lot recorded after 8/1/96
Expansion of an existing structure on a lot recorded after 8/1/96
Project, other than a single family house or public project, where the applicant owned the lot
before 8/7/96
New agriculture or aquaculture project
Public project where funds were appropriated prior to 8/7/96
Project on a lot shown on an approved, definitive subdivision plan where there is a recorded deed
restriction limiting total alteration of the Riverfront Area for the entire subdivision
Residential subdivision; institutional, industrial, or commercial project
Municipal project
District, county, state, or federal government project
Project required to evaluate off-site alternatives in more than one municipality in an
Environmental Impact Report under MEPA or in an alternatives analysis pursuant to an
application for a 404 permit from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers or 401 Water Quality
Certification from the Department of Environmental Protection.
b. Provide evidence (e.g., record of date subdivision lot was recorded) supporting the classification
above (use additional paper and/or attach appropriate documents, if necessary.)
Request for Determination of Applicability
6 Eider Street
Yarmouth, MA
The proposed project located at 6 Eider Street (the Site) in Yarmouth, MA involves replacing an
existing stone wall, constructing new stone stairs, a new entryway, and extending an existing deck
16” out over an existing paved driveway (the Project). This application is being submitted in
accordance with the Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act and the Town of Yarmouth Wetlands
Protection Bylaw.
The property located at 6 Eider Street contains a single-family home bordered by single-family
homes to the north, south, east, and west. There is a coastal bank that runs through the middle of
Eider Street, and a Bordering Vegetated Wetland across Eider Street. The wetland resource areas
and areas of conservation jurisdiction on the site that are protected under the Wetlands Protection
Act and the Town of Yarmouth Wetland Protection Bylaw include:
• Bordering Vegetated Wetland (BVW)
• Coastal Bank
The proposed project includes replacing an existing stone wall, constructing new stone stairs, a new
entryway, and extending an existing deck 16” out over an existing paved driveway. No new impacts
are proposed as part of this project. All work will take place in areas that are currently disturbed. No
work is proposed within the 0’-35’ buffer to top of coastal bank. All work is proposed outside of the
0’-50’ buffer to BVW.
There is a stone wall out front of the existing home. This stone wall is proposed to be replaced in
kind with a few stone steps. The existing entrance to the house is proposed to be changed. A few
stone walls exist at the entrance to the house. In place of these stone walls, the client proposes to
construct a new entranceway into the house which will include a new stone stairwell to the front
door. Lastly, the existing deck above the garage and driveway is proposed to be extended 16” out
further over the driveway. This work will not increase the amount of impacts within the buffer zone
to either the Coastal Bank or the BVW.
Roll off containers will be located within the existing driveway outside of all resour ce areas. Caution
will be taken to ensure that no construction debris enters the resource areas. Any debris that does
enter the resource area will be removed and disposed of immediately. No temporary or permanent
impacts are proposed within the 0’-50’ buffer to BVW, or the 0’-35’ buffer to top of coastal bank.
Following construction, all disturbed areas will be returned to pre-existing conditions.
Sources: Esri, Airbus DS, USGS, NGA, NASA, CGIAR, N Robinson, NCEAS,
NLS, OS, NMA, Geodatastyrelsen, Rijkswaterstaat, GSA, Geoland, FEMA,
Intermap and the GIS user community
October 6, 2022 0 75 15037.5 ft
0 20 4010 m
Data and scale shown on this map are provided for planning and informational
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