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349 Main Street, Route 28, Unit D / West Yarmouth, MA 02673 / 508-778-8919
September 30, 2022
Town of Yarmouth
Conservation Commission
1146 Route 28
South Yarmouth, MA 02664
Attn: Brittany DiRienzo, Conservation Agent
RE: Vegetation Report In Response to Enforcement Order, 30 Higgins Crowell Road, Yarmouth, BSC Job
Dear Ms. DiRienzo and Members of the Conservation Commission:
BSC Group, Inc. (BSC) is pleased to submit this Vegetation Report on behalf of Steve Caradimos (the Owner), In
response to the enforcement order dated June 10th, 2022, issued for the alteration of the buffer zone to BVW at 30
Higgins Crowell Road (the Site).
Enclosed please find the Vegetation Report, Existing Conditions Plan, and Restoration Plan. If you have any questions
or require additional information, please contact me at (508) 778 - 8919.
Truly yours,
Paul Mancuso, WPIT
Wetland Scientist
CC: Steven Caradimos, 30 Higgins Crowell Road, Yarmouth, MA 02673
Vegetation Report
30 Higgins Crowell Road
Yarmouth, Massachusetts
Vegetation Report
1.0 Site Description
The property located at 30 Higgins Crowell Road contains a single-story multi-unit commercial office
building. The site contains parking lots on the east and west side of the building. The remaining
portion of the lot was wooded with a mix of Pitch Pine trees and Oak trees. The neighboring property
to the north is owned by the Town of Yarmouth and contains a Cedar Swamp.
2.0 Sequence of Events
In order to improve the aesthetics of the Site, Steven Caradimos (property owner) hired a landscaper
to cut down some of the trees on his property. His intentions of landscaping the area was only to
provide more aesthetic appeal to his business. Mr. Caradimos was unaware of the Cedar Swamp
wetland to the north of his property when he began this work, and therefore did not realize some of
the trees being cut were within the Town of Yarmouth Conservation jurisdiction. He had no intentions
of removing vegetation within the 100’ buffer zone to this wetland. The landscaper cut down over 50
mature trees on Site prior to Mr. Caradimos receiving an Enforcement Order from the Yarmouth
Conservation Commission. All work ceased immediately after Mr. Caradimos received the
Enforcement Order. At this point, Mr. Caradimos hired BSC Group, Inc (BSC) to help address the
enforcement order and to bring the Site back into compliance.
Only July 26th, 2022, BSC delineated the wetland to the north of 30 Higgins Crowell Road and surveyed
the property including the wetland boundary and all stumps and existing hardscape within the 100’
buffer to the wetland. The Vegetation section below details the number, type, and size of trees that
were cut from within the 100’ buffer zone to the wetland. The attached existing conditions plan shows
the location of each tree cut within the 100’ buffer to the wetland along with all hardscapes within the
100’ buffer as well.
3.0 Vegetation Report
In total, fifty (50) trees were cut down from within 100’ buffer to the wetland. Of the fifty trees, thirty-
five (35) were Black Oak (Quercus velutina), eleven (11) were Pitch Pine (Pinus rigida), and the remaining
four (4) were White Oak (Quercus alba). All stumps measured at least 4” in diameter. Diameter breast
height (DBH) is the standard measurement used to determine tree size and volume. To estimate the
DBH from the stump diameter, the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) Forest Service Research
Note S E-99 was used. Tables are provided in this document that give corresponding DBH values for
specific stump diameter values based on height of stump measurement for specific species. So, to
estimate DBH for each tree cut on Site, we apply the assumption that all trees were cut at 0.4’ height;
and therefore, stump diameter was measured at 0.4’ height. Table 1 at the bottom of this report
details the species, stump diameter, and estimated DBH of all fifty trees cut within the 100’ buffer
zone. The total estimate DBH of all trees cut within the 100’ buffer zone is ~335”.
On August 30th, BSC revisited the site to determine which stumps are showing signs of regrowth. Of
the 50 trees that were cut, 22 have new sprouts growing from the stump, indicating that new trees
will grow in these locations. These stumps will be managed and left to regrow. These stumps to be
managed are colored green on the plans, and dead stumps are shown as black. BSC calculated the
area of land within the 100' buffer to the wetland (leaving a 10' buffer around existing hardscape) to be
10,147 sf. The restoration plan has been designed to fill in this area. The plan includes the managed
stumps as well as plants listed on the Cape Cod Cooperative Extension approved plant list and utilizes
the recommended spacing for each species.
Vegetation Report
30 Higgins Crowell Road
Yarmouth, Massachusetts
Table 1. Details the species, stump diameter, and estimated DBH for all trees cut at 30 Higgins Crowell
Road from within the 100’ buffer zone. Check mark In final column Indicates tree Is showing signs of
# Common Name Stump Diameter Estimated DBH Regrowth
1 Pitch Pine 5" 4.0"
2 Pitch Pine 9" 7.1"
3 Pitch Pine 7" 5.6"
4 Black Oak 4" 3.0"
5 Pitch Pine 7" 5.6"
6 Black Oak 12" 8.0"
7 Pitch Pine 15" 11.9"
8 Black Oak 8" 5.3"
9 Black Oak 7" 4.7"
10 Black Oak 13" 8.7"
11 Black Oak 8" 5.3"
12 Black Oak 6" 4.0"
13 Black Oak 10" 6.7"
14 White Oak 13" 8.7"
15 Pitch Pine 12" 9.5"
16 Black Oak 11" 7.3"
17 Pitch Pine 10" 7.9"
18 White Oak 4" 3.0"
19 Pitch Pine 6" 4.8"
20 Black Oak 6" 4.0"
21 White Oak 8" 5.3"
22 Pitch Pine 9" 7.1"
23 Black Oak 10" 6.7"
24 Black Oak 8" 5.3"
25 Black Oak 12" 8.0"
26 Black Oak 10" 6.7"
27 Pitch Pine 14" 11.1"
28 Black Oak 16" 10.7"
29 Black Oak 10" 6.7"
30 Black Oak 8" 5.3"
31 Black Oak 10" 6.7"
32 Black Oak 6" 4.0"
33 Black Oak 8" 5.3"
34 Pitch Pine 12" 9.5"
35 Black Oak 9" 6.0"
36 Black Oak 5" 3.3"
37 Black Oak 13" 8.7"
Vegetation Report
30 Higgins Crowell Road
Yarmouth, Massachusetts
38 Black Oak 16" 10.7"
39 Black Oak 11" 7.3"
40 Black Oak 14" 9.4"
41 Black Oak 16" 10.7"
42 Black Oak 10" 6.7"
43 Black Oak 12" 8.0"
44 White Oak 8" 5.3"
45 Black Oak 20" 13.4"
46 Black Oak 12" 8.0"
47 Black Oak 8" 5.3"
48 Black Oak 4" 3.0"
49 Black Oak 4" 3.0"
50 Black Oak 4" 3.0"
TOTAL 480” 335.30”
4.0 Restoration Plan
As mentioned above the 22 stumps showing signs of regrowth will be managed and left to grow. On
the Restoration plan the green stump Icons Indicate trees that will be managed to regrow. The size
of the restoration area Is 10,147 sf. This area Is outlined in a dashed cyan line on the restoration plan.
Table 1 below details the vegetation species that are proposed to be planted within the restoration
Table 1: Vegetation species proposed within the restoration area at 30 Higgins Crowell Road. Plants
are listed on the Cape Cod Cooperative Extension Approved Plant List.
Common name Scientific name Qty. Spacing
Pasture Rose Rosa carolina 38 4' OC
Sweet Pepperbush Clethra anifolia 17 4' OC
Inkberry Ilex glabra 12 5' OC
Mountain Laurel Kalmia latifolia 5 6' OC
Rose Bay Rhododendron Rhododendron maximum 15 10' OC
Red Maple Acer rubrum 6 20' OC
5.0 Additional Info
The existing Site has some drainage Issues adjacent to Unit's 2 and 3. The topography In this area
slopes towards the buildings and causes stormwater to collect along the edge of the buildings. As
such, we are requesting to do minor grading adjacent to Units 2 and 3 so that stormwater no longer
collects next to the buildings. Additionally, we are requesting to Install a 2'-3' wide strip of crushed
stone along the edge of Units 2 and 3 to help drain any stormwater that still gets trapped next to the