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Professional Services on Land or At Sea
290 Center St.,Dennis Port,MA 02639 www _shorefrontconsulting.com
508-280-8046 shorefrontconsulting@gmail.com
Yarmouth Conservation Commission September 21,2022
Attn:Brittany DiRienzo
1146 Route 28
South Yarmouth,MA 02664-4492
Byhand delivery
Re:Request for Certificate of Compliance and Statement of Compliance
Proposed Elevated Walkway
Martin Dugal
41 Standish Way
West Yarmouth,MA
Map 29,Parcels 190 &191
On behalf of my client,Martin Dugal,please accept this request for a Certificate of Compliance for the abovereferencedproject.A site inspection was performed by Shorefront Consulting on July 19,2022.The proposedworkiscomplete.An As-built plan was not required to close out this project.Photographs of the completed work
are included in this request.The project was monitored and inspected by Shorefront Consulting during the 2014constructionprocess.The walkway was constructed substantially in accordance with the plans and one approvedficldchange,dated July 21.2015.The field change was to add an additional kayak rack to the walkway.and acanoerackonthelawn,which has been completed.There was a separate request submitted in September 15,2015 to extend the walkway with a revised plan.This request was not approved.The walkwaywas constructedwithonlyminorchangesindimensionsandmaterialsasnotedbelow.The vegetated buffer that was enhanced
per note 11 on the plan appears to be in good condition.
1)The walkway is 3.4 feet wide between the handrails.where the plan showed 4 feet.
2)The clearance over the marsh was measured and is approximately 3.5 feet to the underlving structural
member,where 4 feet to the decking was shown on the plan.Since the support stringers are 2°x107s (9.5incheshigh),and the decking is 2”x6”(1.5 inches high),the decking is approximately 11 inches abovethe3.5 feet,for a deck height of 4 feet,5 inches,about 3 inches higher than shown on the plan.Therefore.the deck is approximately 5 inches higher than the plan showed.
3)The piles are in a slightly different position than shown on the plan;the outer pile is landward about 2
feet,and the landward pile is about 4 feet further landward.the spacing is now 20 feet instead of 18.Themarshiscompletelygrowninunderthedockandaroundthepiles.
4)The outer posts that support the end of the steps is a 4x6”instead of 6”square.
5)The landward posts for the start of the walkway are 4x4"instead of 67"x6™,
6)The deck spacing is larger (1 inch)instead of the %inch that is shown on the plan.
7)The 2-inch caliper beech tree that was proposed on the southwest lawn was installed.but landward of the
kayak rack,instead of seaward of it.It can be seen in the background for one of the photos of the kayakrack.Also,an additional evergreen tree was planted on the southwest corner of the lot.Several additionaltallshrubsofapproximatelythesamesizewereplantedonthefencelinetothenorthwheresomeinvasiveshrubswereremoved(note on record plan indicates administrative approval on 12-17-14).
The above changes do not substantially affect the project either structurally or physically in a negative way.The
most substantial changes,such as the width and the height.arc positive changes with respect to the environment.
Therefore,the project has been completed in accordance with the Order of Conditions.and all Special Conditions
contained in SE-83-2009 issued on 12/19/14.Attached please find Yarmouth form WPA-8A Request for
Certificate of Compliance,photos of the completed project,and a check for $75 made payable to the Town of
Yarmouth.As noted in the certificate of compliance form.this letter is also signed by Mr.Dugal.a professional
Please include this request in your next public hearing.The original Certificate of Compliance should be mailedtoShorefrontConsultingforrecording.If there are anv questions or concerns regarding this request.please contactmeassoonaspossible.
Mark Burgess
Shoretront Consulting
B.S.Ocean Engincering
Martin Dugal,P.E.4 )Date __/9/5)ze 2\Enclosures:As Stated
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fu |Cae
Upon completion
of the work
authorized in
an Order of
property owner
must request a
Certificate of
from the issuing
authority stating
that the work or
portion of the
work has been
Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection DEP File Number:Bureau of Resource Protection -Wetlands
WPA Form 8A —Request for Certificate of Compliance
Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act M.G.L.c.131,§40 Provided by DEP
Town of Yarmouth Wetland By-law,Chapter 143
A.Project Information
This request is being made by:
Martin Dugal
823 E.Third Street
Mailing Address
Boston MA 02127
City/Town State Zip Code
Phone Number
This request is in reference to work regulated by a final Order of Conditions issued to:
Martin Dugal
12/19/2014 SE83-2009
Dated DEP File Number
The project site is located at:
41 Standish Way West Yarmouth
Street Address City/Town
Map 29 Parcels 190 &191
Assessors Map/Plat Number Parcel/Lot Number
The final Order of Conditions was recorded at the Registry of Deeds for:
Property Owner (if different)
Barnstable 28624 203
County Book Page
Certificate (if registered land)
This request is for certification that (check one):
X]the work regulated by the above-referenced Order of Conditions has been satisfactorily completed.
[1 the following portions of the work regulated by the above-referenced Order of Conditions havebeensatisfactorilycompleted(use additional paper if necessary).
[J the above-referenced Order of Conditions has lapsed and is therefore no longer valid,and theworkregulatedbyitwasneverstarted.
wpaform8a.doc «-rev.5/29/14 Page 1 of 2
Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection
Bureau of Resource Protection -Wetlands
WPA Form 8A —Request for Certificate of Compliance SE832000,.
Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act M.G.L.c.131,§40 re
DEP File Number:
Town of Yarmouth Wetland By-law,Chapter 143
A.Project Information (cont.)
6.Did the Order of Conditions for this project,or the portion of the project subjectto this request,contain
an approval of any plans stamped by a registered professional engineer,architect,landscape
architect,or land surveyor?
Yes If yes,attach a written statement by such a professional certifying substantial
compliance with the plans and describing what deviation,if any,exists from the plans
approved in the Order.
J No
B.Submittal Requirements
Requests for Certificates of Compliance should be directed to the issuing authority that issued the final
Order of Conditions (OOC).If the project received an OOC from the Conservation Commission,submit
this request to that Commission.If the project was issued a Superseding Order of Conditions or was the
subject of an Adjudicatory Hearing Final Decision,submit this request to the appropriate DEP Regional
Office (see http://www.mass.gov/eea/agencies/massdep/about/contacts/find-the-massdep-regional-office-
wpaform8a.doc «=rev.5/29/14 Page 2 of 2
Completed Walkway looking west
North access steps and vegetati
Martin Dugal;41 Standish Way,Map 29,Parcels 190 &191 COC pictures (taken 7-19-22)
3 ham am em ii)no
Bank vegetation looking northerly Bank vegetation loo
in g southerly
Lawn and buffer;south side Lawn and buffer;north side
da .
Canoe rack and evergreen tree
Beech tree and evergreen treeCanoerack
Martin Dugal;41 Standish Way,Map 29,Parcels 190 &191 COC pictures (taken 7-19-22)
Close up of new trees planted
Martin Dugal;41 Standish Way,Map 29,Parcels 190 &191 COC pictures (taken 7-19-22)