HomeMy WebLinkAbout4601 59 Parkwood Rd Barry v. Morreale Settled 02.09.18 STONE & REID ATTORNEYS AT LAW A PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION SOUTH YARMOUTH PROFESSIONAL BUILDING 1292 ROUTE 28 SOUTH YARMOUTH, MA 02664-4452 TEL (508) 394-5648 FAX (508) 398-1699 awn) S. Rim), ESQ. Act LAfit.F. SToNl:, ESQ. DSReid@verizon.net MFStoneEsq@comcast.net February 9, 2018 Barnstable Superior Court Civil Clerk 3195 Main Street Barnstable MA 02630 RE: Barry v. Morreale, et al 15 72 CV 0326 Dear Mr. Nickerson, The above matter has been settled among the parties and we have executed and file herewith our Agreement For Judgment. Very 1y yo , David S. Rei Encl (1) CC: Jason Talerman, Esq. Rebecca C. Richardson, Esq. REC IV rnEB1220: D •Each Attorney in this office is an independent practitioner who is not responsible for the practice or liabilities of any other attorney in the office.Rule 7.5(d) BOARD MOP ppEgLB TRIAL COURT OF THE COMMONWEALTH SUPERIOR COURT DEPARTMENT BARNSTABLE , ss CIVIL ACTION NO.: 1572 CV 0326 RALPH F. BARRY, JR., TRUSTEE ) Plaintiff ) ) AGREEMENT FOR V. ) JUDGMENT ) LAWRENCE MORREALE, et al, ) TRUSTEE Defendants Now come the parties to the above-referenced action, and agree that Judgment may be entered in this matter as follows: 1. As the Defendant, (Morreale) does not wish to exercise the Special Permit which is the subject of this appeal,judgment shall be entered for the Plaintiff annulling the decision of the Defendant, (Board of Appeals) without prejudice to the Defendant's (Morreale's) ability to re-apply for further relief at a later date. 2. All parties waive any right of appeal herefrom. 3. Judgment is to be entered without costs to either party. Respectfully Submitted, Ralph F. Barry, Jr., Trustee Lawrence Morreale, Trustee By His ttorney, By His Attorney, David S. Reid, Esq. Rebecca C. Richardson, Esq. .j/y/i/ 1292 Route 28 Wynn & Wynn, P.C. South Yarmouth, MA 02664-4452 300 Barnstable Rd. 508-394-5648 Hyannis, MA 02601 dsreid@verizon.net 508-775-7665 BBO #415540 rrichardson@Wynnand Wynn.com BBO 556873 Town of Yarmouth, Zoning Board of Appeals By Town Counsel: a-g-e- /? j �u- -627 Sat' ›/1/d Jason R. Talerman, Esq. Mead, Talerman& Costa, LLC 730 Main Street - Suite 1F Millis, MA 02054 774-993-5000 Jay@mtclawyers.com BBO#567927 dp/f/barry/agrcementforj udgment Commonwealth of Massachusetts County of Barnstable The Superior Court CIVIL DOCKET# 1572CV326 RALPH F. BARRY, JR. TRUSTEE OF RALPH F. BARRY, JR. FAMILY LIVING TRUST vs. LAWRENCE MORREALE TRUSTEE OF LAWRENCE MORREALE LIVING TRUST et al ORDER OF REMAND This matter came on before the Court, Robert C. Rufo, Justice, upon Joint Motion of the parties for Remand, and the Court having granted said motion, It is ORDERED: that this matter be remanded to the Yarmouth Zoning Board of Appeals on issue of Variance. Dated at Barnstable, Massachusetts this 25th day of August, 2017. Scott W. Nickerson, Clerk of the Courts /7 BY:. J 7 Z7 e-A h=-� f" Assistant Clerk A true copy, Attest • Jed fk- S.A14114 - Clerk Order of Remand It.vpd 820160 hrgeet irvinej1 • TRIAL COURT OF MASSACHUSETTS • CIVIL ACTION COVER SHEET SUPERIOR COURT DEPARTMENT DOCKET NO. • COUNTY [BARNSTABLE OF LAWRENCE & ANGELA MORREALE, PLAINTIFF(S) RALPH F. BARRY, JR DEFENDANT(S)TOWN OF YARMOUTH BOARD OF APPEALS Type Plaintiffs Attorney name,Address, City/State/Zip Type Defendant's Attorney Name,Address, City/State/Zip Phone Number and BBO# Phone Number(If Known) DAVID S. REID, ESQ, 1292 ROUTE 28, SOUTH YARMOUTH MA 02664 508-394-5648 BBO 415540 I TYPE OF ACTION AND TRACK DESIGNATION(See reverse side) CODE NO. TYPE OF ACTION(specify) TRACK IS THIS A JURY CASE? CO2 Zoning Appeal G L c 40A- Fast Track ] Yes r; ] No The following is a full, itemized and detailed statement of the facts on which plaintiff relies to determine money damages. For this form, disregard double or treble damage claims; indicate single damages only. TORT CLAIMS Atot tach date•additional sheets as necessary) A. Documented medical expenses 1. Total hospital expenses $ 2. Total doctor expenses $ 3. Total chiropractic expenses $ 4. Total physical therapy expenses $ 5. Total other expenses (describe) $ B. Documented lost wages and compensation to date Subtotal $ C. Documented property damages fo date $ D. Reasonably anticipated future medical expenses $ E. Reasonably anticipated lost wages and compensation to date $ F. Other documented items of damages(describe) G. Brief description of plaintiffs injury,including nature and extent of injury(describe) Total$ CONTRACT CLAIMS Provide a detailed description of cla m(s)ch additional sheets as necessary) TOTAL $ PLEASE IDENTIFY,BY CASE NUMBER,NAME AND COUNTY,ANY RELATED ACTION PENDING IN THE SUPERIOR COURT DEPARTMENT "I hereby certify that I have complied with the requirements of Rule 5 of the Supreme Judicial Court Uniform Rules on Dispute Resolution(SJC Rule 1:18)requiring that I provide my client ith information about court-connected dispute resolution services and discuss with them the advantages and disadvantages of the variethods." /�___ Signature of Attorney of Record �� Date: A.O.S.C.3-2007 - , I1IiII I ' .'1' I 1 .. a CIVIL ACTION COVER SHEET INSTRUCTIONS - SELECT CATEGORY THAT BEST DESCRIBES YOUR CASE --° * CONTRACTS * REAL PROPERTY MISCELLANEOUS A01 Services,Labor and Materials F) C01 Land Taking(eminent domain) (F) E02 Appeal from Administrative A02 Goods Sold and Delivered (F) CO2 Zoning Appeal,G.L.c.40A (F) A03 Commercial Paper (F) Agency G.L.C.30A (X) CO3CO3 Dispute concerning title (F) E03 Claims against Commonwealth A08 Sale or Lease of Real Estate (F) C04 Foreclosure of mortgage (X) Al2 Construction Dispute (A) C05 Condominium Lien&Charges (X) Cr nfiMurma ionty (A) A99 Other(Specify) (F) C99 Other(Specify) (F) E05 Confirmation of Arbitration Awards (X) E03 Claims against Commonwealth (A) E03 Claims against Commonwealth E07 G.L.c.112,s.12S(Mary Moe) (X) (A) E08 Appointment of Receiver or Municipality or Municipality E09 General Contractor bond, (X) EQUITABLE REMEDIES G.L.c.149,ss.29,29a (A) *TORT D01 Specific Performance of Contract (A) E11 Workers Compensation (X) B03 Motor Vehicle Negligence (F) D02 Reach and Apply (F) E12 G.L.c.123A,s.12(SDP Commitment) (X) personal injury/property damage D06 Contribution or Indemnification (F) El4 G.L.c.123A,s.9(SDP Petition) D07 Imposition of a Trust (A) E15 Abuse Petition,G.L.c.209A (X) B04 Other Negligence- (F) personal injury/property damage D08 Minority Stockholder's Suit (A) El 6 Auto Surcharge Appeal BOS Products Liability (A) D10 Accounting (X) D12 Dissolution of Partnership (F; El Civil Rights Act,G.L.c.12,S.11H (A) B06 Malpractice-Medical (A)A D13 Declaratory Judgment G.L.c.231A (A) El Foreign Discovery Proceeding (X) B07 Malpractice-Other(Specify) (A) D99 Other(Specify) (F) El 9 Sex Offender Registry G.L.c.178M, B08 Wrongful Death,G.L.c.229,s.2A(A) s 6 (X) B15 Defamation(Libel-Slander) (A) E25 Plural Registry(Asbestos cases) 619 Asbestos (A) E95 **Forfeiture G.L.c.94C,s.47 (F) B20 Personal Injury-slip&fall (F) E96 Prisoner Cases (F) B21 Environmental (F) • E97 Prisoner Habeas Corpus (X) 822 Employment Discrimination (F) E99 Other(Specify) (X) B99 Other(Specify) (F) E03 Claims against Commonwealth (A) *Claims against the Commonwealth or a municipality are type E03, Average Track, cases. **Claims filed by the Commonwealth pursuant to G L c 94C, s 47 Forfeiture cases are type E95, Fast track. TRANSFER YOUR SELECTION TO THE FACE SHEET. EXAMPLE: CODE NO. TYPE OF ACTION(SPECIFY) TRACK IS THIS A JURY CASE? B03 Motor Vehicle Negligence-Personal Injury (F) [X]Yes [ ] SUPERIOR COURT RULE 29 DUTY OF THE PLAINTIFF.The plaintiff or his/her counsel shall set forth,on the face sheet(or attach additional sheets as necessary),a statement specifying in full and itemized detail the facts upon which the plaintiff then relies as constituting money damages.A copy of such civil action cover sheet,including the statement as to the damages,shall be served on the defendant together with the complaint,If a statement of money damages,where appropriate is not filed,the Clerk-Magistrate shall transfer the action as provided in Rule 29(5)(C). DUTY OF THE DEFENDANT.Should the defendant believe the statement of damages filed by the plaintiff in any respect inadequate,he or his counsel may file with the answer a statement specifying in reasonable detail the potential damages which may result should the plaintiff prevail.Such statement,if any,shall be served with the answer. A CIVIL ACTION COVER SHEET MUST BE FILED WITH EACH COMPLAINT. . FAILURE TO COMPLETE THIS COVER SHEET THOROUGHLY AND ACCURATELY MAY RESULT IN DISMISSAL OF THIS ACTION.