HomeMy WebLinkAbout4601 59 Parkwood Rd Barry v. Morreale Motion to Quash Deposition 07.01.16 • BLATMAN, BOBROWSKI, MEAD & TALERMAN, LLC ATTORNEYS AT LAW Concord Office 730 MAIN STREET, SUITE 2B 9 DAMONMILL SQUARE,SUITE 4A4 MILLIS,MA 02054 cPHONE 9,MA 01742 PHONE 978.371.2226 PHONE 508.376.8400 FAX 978.371.2296 MICHAEL J.KENNEFICK FAX 508.376.8440 Michael@bbmatlaw.com Ne30 GREEN Office GREEN STREET NEWBURYPORT,MA 01950 PHONE 978.463.7700 FAX 978.463.7747 July 1, 2016 Peter F. Harrington, Esquire Harrington &Harrington 505 Waltham Street West Newton, MA 02645 David S. Reid, Esquire Stone& Reid 1292 Route 28 South Yarmouth, MA 02664 RE: Barry v.Morreale, et al C.A.No. 1659 CV 000242 Dear Attorneys Harington and Reid: Enclosed please find the Defendant, Yarmouth Zoning Board of Appeals' Motion to Quash Deposition Notice and For a Protective Order Precluding the Defendants From Deposing Board Members, which we are serving upon you in accordance with Superior Court Rule 9A. Kindly forward your oppositions to me, if any, within the tie prescribed by the Rule. Sincerely, Mic ael J. Kennefick ,...�.VED cc: Board of Appeals I JUL 8 2016 YARMOUTH BOARD OF APPEALS COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS TRIAL COURT OF THE COMMONWEALTH BARNSTABLE, ss SUPERIOR COURT DEPT. NO. 1572 CV 0326 ) RALPH F. BARRY, JR., Trustee ) ) Plaintiff ) ) vs. ) ) LAWRENCE MORREALE and ) ANGELA MORREALE, Trustees and ) STEVEN DEYOUNG, SEAN IGOE, ) BRYANT PALMER, GEORGE ) GARNICK and CHUCK HART ) ) Defendants ) ) DEFENDANT,YARMOUTH ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS' MOTION TO QUASH DEPOSITION NOTICE AND FOR A PROTECTIVE ORDER PRECLUDING THE DEFENDANT FROM DEPOSING BOARD MEMBERS The defendant members of the Yarmouth Zoning Board of Appeals (hereinafter the "Board" or the "ZBA") request an Order quashing a Deposition Notice served on one of its members, Steven DeYoung, and also a Protective Order precluding the defendants, Lawrence Morreale and Angela Morreale (the Morreales"), from deposing any other Board members. As grounds for this Motion, and more fully explained below, the Board states that any deposition of a Board member would only seek to elicit testimony that is wholly irrelevant in this matter. Furthermore, compelling a Board member to appear for a deposition in this action would subject them to annoyance, oppression and undue burden and expense. The Board, following a hearing held on June 11, 2015, granted the Morreales a special permit allowing them to construct an attached garage to a pre-existing non-conforming single family home located at 59 Parkwood Road in South Yarmouth. The plaintiff, Ralph F. Barry, an abutter to the Moreales' property, opposed the application and brought this appeal following the Board's grant of the special permit. The Morreales now seek to depose Steven DeYoung, a member of the Yarmouth Zoning Board of Appeals. Mr.DeYoung,however,would be unable to provide any testimony whatsoever that would be relevant to this appeal, or would even lead to the discovery of relevant, discoverable information in this case. See Mass. R. Civ. P. 26(1). G.L. c. 40A, § 17 provides for de novo review of a decision of a permit granting authority: "On appeal to the Superior Court or Land Court, a judge determines the legal validity of a zoning board decision on the facts found by him; he gives no evidentiary weight to the board's findings." Roberts v. Bell Mobile Sys., Inc.,429 Mass.478, 485-486(1999) citing Josephs v. Bd. of Appeals of Brookline, 362 Mass. 290, 295 (1972). A deposition of a board member can provide no evidence that would be appropriate for consideration by this Court in this proceeding;because the trial is de novo, the only appropriate witnesses at trial would be percipient witnesses, i.e. the same people that would have addressed the Board at the time of the hearing. Mr. DeYoung can provide no discoverable, personal knowledge in this case - he was merely a Board member who listed to people with personal,discoverable knowledge in this case,and voted on the Morreales' application based on their representations to him. Furthermore, the Morreales have indicated, through counsel, that they seek to question Mr. DeYoung as to whether a variance was required to pursue their project (instead of, or in addition to, their requested special permit). Obviously, Mr. DeYoung is neither qualified nor required to render legal opinions, and any testimony regarding his opinion in that regard would be entirely inadmissible. Moreover, no matter what Mr. DeYoung's opinions are, they have no bearing on this case—if the Morreales failed to seek the appropriate relief, there's nothing Mr. DeYoung can testify to that can change or cure that. Finally, and having established above that a deposition can yield no relevant evidence in this matter, compelling a Board member to attend a deposition in a Section 17 appeal would be unduly burdensome. Members of local boards are volunteers and dedicate their free time to assist in the administration of municipal affairs. Taxing their services with the threat of compelled, needless testimony would act as a powerful disincentive to the volunteerism that is central to municipal government. Here, requiring any Board member to appear for a deposition and provide testimony that would be neither relevant nor admissible, is wholly unnecessary and unduly burdensome. This is particularly true in this case,where the Morreales seek to force Mr. DeYoung to travel from Yarmouth to Newton, Massachusetts to attend the proposed deposition. On these grounds, the Court should enter an Order quashing the Deposition Notice served upon Mr. DeYoung and also issue a Protective Order prohibiting the Morreales from seeking to depose other Board members as well. CONCLUSION Based upon the foregoing,the Court should enter an Order quashing the Deposition Notice served upon Mr. DeYoung and also issue a Protective Order prohibiting the Morreales from seeking to depose other Board members. The Defendant, Yarmouth Zoning Board of Appeals, By its attorneys, /// (.....________-------- Jason R. Talerman(BBO # 567927) Michael J. Kennefick (BBO#648004) Blatman, Bobrowski & Mead, LLC 730 Main Street, Suite 2B Millis, MA 02054 Telephone: (508) 376-8400 Facsimile: (508) 376-8440 michael@bbmatlaw.com jay@bbmatlaw.com Dated: i i / CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I, Michael J Ke efick, hereby certify that I have served copies of the foregoing on all parties of record this ay of ty, , 2016. Michael J. Kennefick