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22-A125 25 Pine Street
4t, >°YYAk� TOWN OF YARMOUTH RECEIII'EA "` y 1146 ROUTE 28, SOUTH YARMOUTH, MA 02664-4451 Telephone (508) 398-2231 Ext. 1292—Fax (508) 398-0836 OCT 01221)�'KING'S HIGHWAY HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMITTEE rHrirv,uu I IAPPLICATION FOR (ING'S HIGHWAY I � CERTIFICATE OF APPROPRIATENESS Application is hereby made for issuance of a Certificate of Appropriateness under Section 6 of Chapter 470, Acts of 1973 as amended, for proposed work as described below & on plans, drawings, photographs, & other supplemental info accompanying this application. PLEASE SUBMIT 4 copies, OF SPEC SHEET(S), ELEVATIONS, PHOTOS, & SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION. Check All Categories That A I Indicate type of Building: Commercial Residential 1) Exterior Buildin Construction: New Building Addition Iterations Reroof IIGarage Shed Solar Panels Other: 2) Exterior Painting: F]Siding Shutters 0 Doors Trim LOther: 3) Signs/Billboards: II New Si n Change to Existing Sign 4) Miscellaneous Structures: Fence Wall IIFlagpole nPoof Other: NCytni.Yt' �l Please type or print legibly: `' ,nr� Address of proposed work: j �� / Ir'� r�r 1 1 Map/Lot # Owner(s): 11i1,$1�l� Phone #;'Li'Pil All applications must be submitted by owner or'`acncompanied by letter from owner approving submittal of application. Mailing address: 1 11T (�11i W' I IA N)P:� . W1� . J% 152;J Year guilt: I� �70 Email: y't Ali, com Preferred notification method: 11 Phone �z Email Agenticontractor: E ft►t A• MLA7 K VV-571%J fJ &M Mf f _ Phone #: 5ll JM,o Mailing Address: f Q.? Xx; 1114 1721160,v�i , LIIJA-. 0741,1 Email: 'VM i ACi Jh4120VIl r VtoW4tJ . to kst Preferred notification method: 1:1Phone Email Description of Proposed Work: -T�v 7pVFoc"09 ?yzVz1F-('T is A-r-3 l Cjj l N [I `711N �i Lt- ?" L"11 L.-J RA) L-LL-1 NG R `JVfS PftrNf!10 ! t1Gt VVG7sS Signed (Owner or ): Date: -1., Z ge ➢ Own erlcontractorlagent is aware that a permit is required from the building Department. (Check other departments, also.) > If application is approved, approval is subject to a 10-day appeal period required by the Act. This certificate is good for one year from approval date or upon date of expiration of Building Permit, whichever date shall be later. > All new construction will be subject to inspection by OKH. OKH-approved plans MUST be available on -site for framing & final inspections. Rcvd Date: 10 x�✓ Amount / ' to CashICK Rcvd by: Li 45 Days: Date Signed: Approved Reason for Denial: Signed: Approved with Modifications Denied APPLICATION #: , �A �� GENERAL SPECIFICATION SHEET Pro'ect Address: r FOUNDATION: Material: �! 1 Gi [,p►`1(.� _ Exposure (Not to exceed 18"): CHIMNEY: Material/Color: GUTTERS: Material/Color: huy MI tj I) IPA Au ROOF: Material: AS�� � Pitch (7/12 min) y Height to Ridge: V5CJ� Color: �" roy. I W ) N SIDING: Material/Style: Front: Vw ftVA4 Wes• Sides/Rear: W 1±4 7 COLOR CHIPS Color: Front: VIM) i f-t I ci'i_ Sides/Rear: TRIM: All windows & doors to be trimmed with: 1x 4 1x5 (Circle one.) Material: ZG - Color: Ly DOORS: Qty: Material: }Gt • Color: Style/Size (if not listed/shown on elevations): STORM DOORS: Qty: Material: V561 5a. Color: ;A15T- CEO EV p OCT 2 6 2o22 YARMOUTH Ilr&r -, . GARAGE DOORS: Qty: I,- Mat'I: l Style: C Color: WINDOWS: Qtylside:: Front: --7— Left: Right: Rear: 4 Color: Ujr Manufacturer/Series: 6N V 00Vr 0 4W Material: W J220 t� V 11`ii l• �� }p�1. Grilles (Required Pattern (6/6, 211, etc.) Grille Type: True Divided Lite: Snap -In: - Between Glass: Permanently Applied: Exterior Interior STORM WINDOWS: Qty: Material: Color: SHUTTERS: Mat'I: Style: Paneled Louvered Color: SKYLIGHTS: Qty: t Fixed Vented Size Color: DECK Size: Decking Mat'I: Railing Mat'I: WALLS/FENCES* (Max 6' height): Height: Style: Mat'I: Color: Color: Style: Color: (Show running footage & location on plot plan.) *Finished side of fence must face out from fenced in area. UTILITY METERSIHVAC UNITS: Location: �iyGl h"fi. Screening: LIGHTS: Qty: - Style: 1G I Color: Location(s): LIGHT POSTS. Qty: Material: Location(s): Color: 2-General APPLICATION #:y� TOWN OF YARMOUTH OLD KING'S HIGHWAY HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMITTEE Applicant's (Owner) Name: ABUTTERS' LIST Diane & Adam Waitkevich Property Address/Location: 25 Pine Street Hearing Date: L) l lql� Notices must be sent to the Applicant and abutters (including owners of land on any public or private street or way) who's property directly abuts or is across the street from the Applicant. Please provide the Assessor's Tax Map and Lot numbers only. The OKH Office will send out notices using the addresses as they appear on the most recent applicable tax list. Note: Instructions for obtaining the abutters Map and Lot numbers can be found on the Old King's Highway Department page on the Town website: www.varmouth.ma.us Map Number Lot Number Applicant Information: Abutter Information: EGA VED OCT 2 6 2022 YARNIO01 r� Application #:�� 8.2018 3 10126/22. 11:43 AM about:blank 25 Pine Street 123.40 12141 vi ROUTE 6A iu z 123.45 1�46 123.47 1201 123.13 1Z3! 123111 s w,48 123.8 ��,��' 123,139 123.iD � r �23?62 L23.137 123.136 123:140 123.135 JU � 123 .?7 � �123.141 123.138 123.134 123.4 5 123.1 � 42 123.153.1 , 4 123.82 123.14 t123.143 12312 123.3 123144 � 12 3%N3 cc 4 � 123r7 � - 1.23.145 131 123.95 123.1 ` 123.801 1231146 123.152 it F 123:85 October 26, 2022 RECEIVED OCT 2 6 2022 YARIVi0U7r, 1 2,257 0 75 150 300 fl 1--, i i, I , i - I " I 0 20 80 m %A?A ='AR h "I— 4CM NLS, M - - sa'—U� L GqA ueoW� 'E%k. �P+PfP GS t about:blank ".A I"! ,-y - u ❑_ . I= t .. t012 '� VARMOUix (ipwNl Y jam.. x., _Sbjr•--I ----- -------- - -� --ay-� a----�--------------- g y - 95 - s o tom? g L77 oY -�❑ e ❑ _� ❑ Y s= "21 Q f� `+� #e !!^' f ❑ '� dei FORTUNE ROPE + +� o sa + 133a16 { # � I �; a jruvul a31N3o C ❑ p= I a j 4 Ap7MUR 44' � W 5 a +1dlooNvo A Y `3tip P. I ❑' ❑ [ ) !s NI,a L41 9 LA xnl LS � 7 I �I p# 41 I I #` ❑ =x °.rh/ I �I � ❑ _� �`� 433t(Ls ■ I 3NY1 W—d' I oY31S3WOk s � of I a {ji b � IS 9 y OYoa 13)*,, O3a - C IV I �44 a 0C T6 2022 I € Cp ----- - 3 ~! YAHmuu'j v, D KING'S HIGHWA r+ I- Ip 1 =1i I I U) , r y � t g uJ p CJ o O T C ; ------------------- _ 9q�ys i-'' i l-IfPR10'd 41 H W N a? - Avas MORTGAGE INSPECTION PLAN 4pplicant: WmXKm& Location: afmmyt t. RECEIVED OCT 2 6 2022 k YAF*!uu-a �� . aCtt xMt6 .3 OLD KING'S HIGHWAY Oft Of 011ri A'Al" pt o 1 tot NOW Ce 1 , �`• let 4 o� P UL y `title ref. 4_2f ( flood ganef.- 250 p, Co 5 8_ J . _, 7l00d none. _x_ 4)R ' ER 9 hereby certify that this Mortgage inspection was prepared for No, 31311 The dwelling shown hereon ojks _npr_ fall in a special 3.E.M.A. flood zone '�� $uRrl� `4"or'Y, with an effective date oLlj-G-14 and the location of thedwelling _.VtW... conform to the local zoning by-laws in effect at the time of Scale: I _5�' construction with respect to horizontal dimensional setback requirements Date:- t�___ or is exemptfrom violation enforcement action underXigf. eh, 40/7, sect.7. ]ileJVo... M- I658 r�iG'ils:BsFru�fuY ShrlWn pr1 lhi., njon jage inypct�.'lion arG�'.�` t7wn ppproxioic#e only. lln i"s1y l WH1 tiurVNy Is ne((�!,Sary to clelerrr�inn a �arcnue la'atir�rr o slrrrc'Car�s 6rnc[ prnperlt! lirt�s. 231is mrirlgaye in.yalion must nr31 Aw used Jar rarrlydirry,?urlx�5ey rir Jor rr5rrirt rrrrigclr. dc�exri��k�r ctrrr�rr�yr'InrlbQw�ed f�rvuriurtceor7au71rdirtyr��rlurtntenl rpase~. Verif�u�rr�rrri/huilr�rnylrcaliurrti. ' fro}sc�ryhn�drrtter�sinns.(errc vriatcnNfiyura oncurrr»ryheac<nm�lishra�lhy. r�uccura��trtstrumenfsur t�WhfchmayrF/Mcidiljc�r�ht { IrTfrlrri9ulrrit? il?uYr tNl7u1 is tih<�Wq leer 0 i�OTI THiS IS NC37 A 80Ut�'DARY SURVEY AND 15 FOR MORTGAGE PiJRPOses (7NLY. COLONIAL LAND SURVEYING COMPANY, INC. P05T OFFICE BOX 350 - HUMAROCK, MA 02047 ' R 781-826-7186 ' R 761.826-4823 • E: COLONIALSURVEYWGMAIL.COi1 �I . Andersen, I6 CT 2 OLD KING'S HIGHVU, O Tables of Sizes ........................78-81 Specifications .................... ..... 79-83 Custom Sizing..............................84 Grille Patterns..............................85 Window Details ...................... 85-86 Joining Details .............................. 86 Narroline® Conversion Kit.............87 f i Combination Designs ................. 1$1 s Product Performance ................. 194 ,.- .,., _ k CUSTOM SIZING increments :;Px Dimensions in parentheses are in millimetteersy- TILT -WASH DOUBLE -HUNG FULL -FRAME WINDOWS FEATURES Frame 0 Exterior outer frame members are covered with a Perma-Shield® rigid vinyl cladding, minimizing maintenance and providing an attractive appearance. For exceptional long-lasting' performance, sill members are constructed with a wood core and a Fibrex material exterior. Sill ends are protected and sealed with weather -resistant covers. Q Natural wood stops are available in pine and prefinished white, dark bronze and black" A new, taller sill stop increases performance to PG40 while still maintaining egress on our most popular sizes. (D A factory -applied rigid vinyl anchoring flange on the head, sill and sides of the oute frame helps secure the unit to the structure. © An extruded rigid vinyl jamb liner and fin provide a protective seal against the outer frame members. Exclusive slide wash assists make it easy to tilt sash into wash mode position. Unique block -and -tackle balancers feature sized -to -the -unit, rust -resistant springs that require no adjustment. Glass -reinforced nylon balancer shoes provide smooth, reliable sash operation. Sash can be removed, without tCOIS, for drywall pass -through. Jamb liners are available in white or gray and must be specified when ordering. Contact your Andersen supplier for details. () Weatherstrip throughout the unit provides a long-lasting; energy -efficient, weather -resistant seal. For the top and bottom rails, an encased foam material is used. The head jamb liner and sill have a rigid vinyl rib that the weatherstrip material compresses against. At the meeting rail, compressible vinyl bulb material is used. Side jamb liners use leaf -type weatherstrip with foam inserts. M Sash Wash assists make it easy to tilt the sash into wash mode. Q Wood sash members are treated with a water-repellent preservative for long-lasting' protection and performance. Interior surfaces are unfinished pine. Low -maintenance prefinished white interiors are also available. f3 A polyester -stabilized coat with a Flexacmn® finish is electrostatically applied to penetrate all exterior surfaces for maximum protection and a lustrous finish. 0 Sash joints simulate the look of traditional mortise -and -tenon construction inside and out. Glass 0 Silicone bed glazing provides superior weathertightness and durability. 0 High -Performance glass options include: • Low-E4m glass • Low-E4 HeatLocke glass • Low-E4 Sun glass • Low-E4 SmartSun" glass • Low-E4 SmartSunHeatLock glass Tempered glass and other glass options are available. Contact your Andersen supplier. A removable translucent film helps shield the glass from damage during delivery and construction and simplifies finishing at the jobsite Patterned Glass Patterned glass options are available. See page 12 for more details. RFr 11ED OCT 2 6 2022 I I r1tliVi V tJ l r r r,r n urrorr:~ HIGH'i EXTERIOR INTERIOR White Canvas Sandtone Terratone Pine White Forest Dark Black Dark Black" Green Bronze Bronze' Naturally occurring variations in grain, color and texture of wood make each window one of a kind. All wood interiors are unfinished unless a prefinished option is specified, HARDWARE FINISHES 0 MEN Antique Black Bright Brushed Distressed Distressed Brass Brass Chrome Bronze Nickel Gold Dust Oil Rubbed Polished Satin Stone White Bronze Chrome Nickel Distressed bronze and oil rubbed bronze are 'living' finishes that will change with time and use. DOUBLE -HUNG HARDWARE STANDARD Lock & Keeper Black I Gold Dust I Stone I White Stone is standard with natural interior units. cow While comes with prefinished white interiors. Other finishes optional. OPTIONAL DOUBLE -HUNG HARDWARE ESTATE- CONTEMPORARY Lock & Keeper Bar Lift t.— errs• Antique Brass I Black I Bright Brass Optional Estate lock & keeper reduces the Brushed Chrome I Distressed Bronze clear opening height by 946 (14). Check distressed Nickel I Gold Dust with local building code officials to determine Oil Rubbed Bronze I Polished Chrome compliance with egress requirements. Satin Nickel I Stone I White :.........................................................................I....... TRADITIONAL Bar Lift Hand Lift Finger Lifts Antique Brass I Black I Bright Brass I Brushed Chrome I Distressed Bronze I Distressed Nickel Gold Dust I all Rubbed Bronze I Polished Chrome I Satin Nickel I Stone I White Bold name denotes finish shown. Visit andersenwinclDws.com/warrantyror for details. " Dark bronze and black interiors are only available with dark bronze and black exteriors respectively. "Flexacron" is a registered trademark of PPG Industries, Inc. Dimensions in parentheses are in millimeters. Printing limitations prevent exact replication of colors and finishes. See your Andersen supplier for actual color and finish sari 76 r Andersen. WATCH' " x a T e c T, o N 400 Series tilt -wash double -hung full -frame windows are available with Stormwatch' Protection. Visit andersenwindows.com/coestal for more details. Performance Grade (PG) Upgrade A high inside sill stop' with exterior sill brackets and hidden interior brackets are available to provide additional structural support for tilt -wash units, allowing standard glass units to achieve higher performance grade ratings. Performance Grade (PG) Ratings are more comprehensive than Design Pressure (OP) Ratings for measuring product performance. Use of this option will subtract 5/a" (15) from clear opening height. PG Upgrade not available for 72" (1829) and 76" (1930) heights. Contact your Andersen supplier for availability. For up-to-date performance information of individual products, please visit andersenwindows.com. Sash Options Cottage Reverse Cottage ECEIVED O C T 2 6 202? YAHNiow s I. For more information about glass, patterned glass, art glass, grilles and TruScene Insect screens, see pages 12-14. For more iniormation about combination designs, product performance, installation instructions and accessories, see pages 181-211 or visit andcisanwinclnws,r.nm ACCESSORIES Sold Separately Frame Extension Jambs . 4 l Standard jamb depth is 4 �/" (114), Extension jambs are available in unfinished pine or prefinished white. Some sizes may be veneered, Factory -applied and non -applied interiorextension jambs are available in Me" 0.5) increments between 5 %4" (129) and 7 K' (181). Extension jambs can be factory applied to either three sides (stool and apron application) or four sides (picture frame casing). Pine Stool r ' - A clear pine stool is available and ready for finishing. The tilt -wash stool is available in 4 9/6• (116) for use in wall depths up to 5 %4' (133) and 6 9/ia" (167) for use in wall depths up to 7 ys" (181). Works with 2'/4" (57) and 2 1i" (64) wide casings. Hardware Window Opening Control Device I 1 i I A recessed window opening control device is available factory applied. H limits the sash tfavel to less than 4" (102) when the window is first opened. Available in stone, white and black. Afield -applied window opening control device is also available. Grilles Grilles are available in a variety of configurations and widths. For double -hung grille patterns, see page 84. Security Sensors VeriLock® Sensors VeriLock sensors are available in live colors. See page 15 for details. Open/Closed Sensors Wireless open/closed sensors are available in four colors. See page 15 for details. Glass Andersen" Art Glass Available for 400 Series tilt -wash transom and picture units. Andersen art glass panels come in a variety of original patterns. See pages 173-174 for details on Andersen art glass. Visit andersenwindows.com/artglass for details and pattern information. Storm/Insect Screen Combination Unit" A self -storing storm window combined with an insect screen provides greater energy efficiency, while allowing ventilation when needed. Constructed with an aluminum frame, single -pane upper and lower glass panels and charcoal powder -coated aluminum screen mesh. Available in white. Sandtone and Terratone to match product exteriors. Canvas, forest green, dark bronze and black available by special order. Combination units can improve Sound Transmission Class (STC) and Outdoor Indoor Transmission Class (01M ratings. Ideal for projects near airports, busy roadways or other noisy environments. For example, adding a combination unit to a 400 Series tilt -wash double -hung (3862) unit with Low-W glass will improve its STC rating fTom 26 to 32. Contact your Andersen supplier for additional STC and OITC rating information. Insect Screens Insect Screen Frames Full and half insect screens are available for most unit sizes. Frame colors match product exteriors. Half insect screen (shown above) allows ventilation without affecting the view through the upper sash. Not available on windows with Stormwatch Protection. TruScene® Insect Screen Exclusive Andersen TruScene insect screens provide over 50% more clarity than our conventional insect screens for a beautiful unobstructed view. They allow more fresh air and sunlight in, while doing a better job of keeping out small insects. Conventional Insect Screen Conventional insect screens have charcoal powder -coated aluminum screen mesh. Exterior Trim This product is available with Andersen exterior trim. See pages 175-180 for details. CAUTION: • Painting and staining may cause damage to rigid vinyl. • Do not paint 400 Series windows with while, canvas, Sandlone, forest green, dark bronze or black exterior colors. + Andersen does not warrant the adhesion or performance of hameowner-applied paint over vinyl or other factory -coated surfaces. • 400 Series windows in Terratone color may be painted any color righter than Terratone color using quality oil -based or latex paint. • For vinyl painting instructions and preparation, contact your Andersen supplier, • Do not paint weatherstrip. • Creosote -based stains should not come in contact with Andersen products. • Abrasive cleaners or solutions containing corrosive solvents should not he used an Andersen products. ' Infringes on the overall net clear opening. Unit clear operable area may not meet egress requirements. See your local building code official for more information. " Do not add combination units to windows with Low-E4 Sun glass, unless window glass is tempered- Combination units may also reduce the overall clear operable area of the window. See your local code official for egress requirements in your area. f Values are based an comparison of Andersen doublehungwindow conversion kit U-Factor to the U-Factor for clear dual -pane glass non-metal frame default values from the 2006, 2009, 2012. 2015 and 201E International Energy Conservation Code 'Glazed Fenestration' Default Tables. Dimensions in parentheses are in millimeters. 95W 77