HomeMy WebLinkAboutLab Results Letter (FS-2 and FS-3) - Proposed FedEx Facility - 225 Whites Path, South Yarmouth, MA (10-25-2022) October 25, 2022 Project No. Z486.01 Mr. Greg Bilezikian 225 White’s Path Units 2 and 3, LLC 231 Willow Street Yarmouthport, MA 02675 SUBJECT: Laboratory Soil Test Results - Fill Sample Nos. FS-2 and FS-3 Proposed FedEx Distribution Facility 225 White’s Path South Yarmouth, MA Dear Greg: Attached are the results of laboratory gradation and modified Proctor testing performed on samples of on-site excavated sand (FS-2) and off-site sand and gravel fill (FS-3) proposed for use at the subject site. C.C. Construction provided the fill samples to Northeast Geotechnical on October 11, 2022 (see Field Report No. 4). Sample no. FS-2 is representative of on-site excavated sand. The results of the grain-size analysis performed on sample no. FS-2 indicate the on-site sand represented by sample no. FS-2 is suitable for reuse as structural fill on the project. The on-site sand represented by sample no. FS-2 does not meet our recommended gradation criteria for base course sand and gravel fill according to the laboratory grain-size analysis results. Sample no. FS-3 is reportedly representative of off-site sand and gravel fill from a stockpile at C.C. Construction’s location in Plymouth, MA. The results of the grain-size analysis performed on sample no. FS-3 indicate the off-site fill represented by sample no. FS-3 is suitable for use as structural fill and base course sand and gravel fill on the project. A laboratory modified Proctor test was performed on sample nos. FS-2 and FS-3 to assess the soils’ maximum dry density and optimum moisture content. We intend to use the test results in field density testing to assess that satisfactory compaction percentages are achieved during placement and compaction of fill operations. If you have any questions or require additional information, please contact Mark Zambernardi at 978- 935-6636 or at mzambernardi@northeastgeotechnical.com. 225 White’s Path, South Yarmouth, MA October 25, 2022 Project No. Z486.01 Sincerely, Northeast Geotechnical, Inc. Mark M. Zambernardi, P.E. Principal Engineer Attachment: Laboratory Soil Test Results: Fill Sample Nos. FS-2 and FS-3 cc: Rick Fenuccio – ClearPath Advisors, LLC Kurt Raber – Catalyst Architecture & Interiors Kate Wollman – Catalyst Architecture & Interiors Mike Schmidt – DellbrookǀJKS David Fernandes - DellbrookǀJKS Marina Denisova - DellbrookǀJKS Scott Mitchell - DellbrookǀJKS Mark Grylls – Town of Yarmouth Building Commissioner Tim Sears – Town of Yarmouth Deputy Building Commissioner 1 of 1 10.21.22 As Rcvd Moisture Content % LL % PL % Gravel % Sand % Fines % Org. % pH Dry unit wt. (pcf) Test Moisture Content % gd MAX (pcf) Wopt (%) gd MAX (pcf) Wopt (%) (Corr.) Target Test Setup as % of Proctor CBR @ 0.1" CBR @ 0.2" Permeability cm/sec D2216 D2974 D4792 On-Site FS-2 22-S-4010 3.3 93.1 3.6 111.9 11.1 Brown poorly graded sand Import FS-3 22-S-4011 38.3 54.5 7.2 132.6 7.0 135.2 6.4 Brown poorly graded sand with silt and gravel Date Reviewed:10.21.22 Yarmouth, MA Summary Page: Fax: (401)-467-2398 Phone: (401)-467-6454 North Attleborough, MA 195 Frances Avenue Client Information: Let's Build a Solid Foundation Collected By: Client Project Number: Z486.01 thielsch.com Assigned By: Mark Zambernardi, P.E. PM: Mark Zambernardi, P.E. Project Information: Cranston RI, 02910 Northeast Geotechnical, Inc Proposed FedEx Reviewed By:10.12.22 Depth (ft) LABORATORY TESTING DATA SHEET, Report No.: 7422-K-130 Identification Tests Proctor / CBR / Permeability Tests Date Received: Laboratory No.Source Laboratory Log and Soil Description D6913 Report Date: D1557 Sample No. D4318 This report only relates to items inspect and/or tested. No warranty, expressed or implied, is made. This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without prior written approval from the Agency, as defined in ASTM E329. These results are for the exclusive use of the client for whom they were obtained. They apply only to the samples tested and are not indicative of apparently identical samples.Tested By: SF / RB Particle Size Distribution Report ASTM D6913 PERCENT FINER0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 GRAIN SIZE - mm. 0.0010.010.1110100 % +3"Coarse % Gravel Fine Coarse Medium % Sand Fine Silt % Fines Clay 0.0 0.8 2.5 2.3 24.3 66.5 3.66 in.3 in.2 in.1½ in.1 in.¾ in.½ in.3/8 in.#4#10#20#30#40#60#100#140#200Test Results (ASTM D6913)Material Description Atterberg Limits Coefficients Classification Test Remarks Sample Date: Source of Sample: On Site Sample Number: FS-2 Client: Project: Project No:Figure Sieve Size or Diam. (mm.) Finer (%) Spec.* (%) Out of Spec. (%) Pct. of Fines Brown poorly graded sand 1 1/2" 1" 3/4" 1/2" 3/8" #4 #10 #20 #40 #60 #100 #200 100.0 99.6 99.2 98.6 98.2 96.7 94.4 88.8 70.1 39.8 12.7 3.6 97.6 91.9 72.5 41.2 13.1 3.7 NP NV NP 0.9188 0.6937 0.3494 0.2966 0.2113 0.1596 0.1364 2.56 0.94 SP A-3 10.14.22 Northeast Geotechnical, Inc. Proposed FedEx Yarmouth, MA Z486.01 PL=LL=PI= D90=D85=D60= D50=D30=D15= D10=Cu=Cc= USCS=AASHTO= *(no specification provided) Thielsch Engineering Inc. Cranston, RI 22-S-4010 These results are for the exclusive use of the client for whom they were obtained. They apply only to the samples tested and are not indicative of apparently identical samples.Tested By: SF Checked By: Rebecca Roth COMPACTION TEST REPORT Dry density, pcf108 109 110 111 112 113 Water content, % 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 11.1%, 111.9 pcf ZAV for Sp.G. = 2.65 Test specification:ASTM D 1557-12 Method B Modified SP A-3 2.65 NV NP 1.8 3.6 Brown poorly graded sand Z486.01 Northeast Geotechnical, Inc. 10.18.22 22-MC-4010 Elev/Classification Nat.Sp.G.LL PI % >% < Depth USCS AASHTO Moist.3/8 in.No.200 TEST RESULTS MATERIAL DESCRIPTION Project No.Client:Remarks: Project: Date: Source of Sample: On Site Sample Number: FS-2 Thielsch Engineering Inc. Cranston, RI Figure Maximum dry density = 111.9 pcf Optimum moisture = 11.1 % Proposed FedEx Yarmouth, MA These results are for the exclusive use of the client for whom they were obtained. They apply only to the samples tested and are not indicative of apparently identical samples.Tested By: SF / RB Checked By: Rebecca Roth Particle Size Distribution Report ASTM D6913 PERCENT FINER0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 GRAIN SIZE - mm. 0.0010.010.1110100 % +3"Coarse % Gravel Fine Coarse Medium % Sand Fine Silt % Fines Clay 0.0 9.9 28.4 11.3 24.7 18.5 7.26 in.3 in.2 in.1½ in.1 in.¾ in.½ in.3/8 in.#4#10#20#30#40#60#100#140#200Test Results (ASTM D6913)Material Description Atterberg Limits Coefficients Classification Test Remarks Sample Date:Source of Sample: Import Sample Number: FS-3 Client: Project: Project No:Figure Sieve Size or Diam. (mm.) Finer (%) Spec.* (%) Out of Spec. (%) Pct. of Fines Brown poorly graded sand with silt and gravel 2" 1 1/2" 1" 3/4" 1/2" 3/8" #4 #10 #20 #40 #60 #100 #200 100.0 99.5 95.2 90.1 79.0 72.9 61.7 50.4 38.8 25.7 16.8 10.8 7.2 81.5 62.8 41.6 27.2 17.5 11.7 NP NV NP 18.9505 15.7471 4.1993 1.9479 0.5330 0.2190 0.1345 31.23 0.50 SP-SM A-1-a 10.14.22 Northeast Geotechnical, Inc. Proposed FedEx Yarmouth, MA Z486.01 PL=LL=PI= D90=D85=D60= D50=D30=D15= D10=Cu=Cc= USCS=AASHTO= *(no specification provided) Thielsch Engineering Inc. Cranston, RI 22-S-4011 These results are for the exclusive use of the client for whom they were obtained. They apply only to the samples tested and are not indicative of apparently identical samples.Tested By: SF Checked By: Rebecca Roth COMPACTION TEST REPORT Dry density, pcf120 125 130 135 140 145 Water content, % - Rock Corrected - Uncorrected 1.5 3 4.5 6 7.5 9 10.5 6.4%, 135.2 pcf 7.0%, 132.6 pcf ZAV for Sp.G. = 2.65 Test specification: ASTM D4718-15 Oversize Corr. Applied to Each Test Point ASTM D 1557-12 Method C Modified SP-SM A-1-a 2.65 NV NP 9.9 7.2 Brown poorly graded sand with silt and gravel Z486.01 Northeast Geotechnical, Inc. 10.19.22 22-S-4011 Elev/Classification Nat.Sp.G. LL PI % > % < Depth USCS AASHTO Moist.3/4 in. No.200 ROCK CORRECTED TEST RESULTS UNCORRECTED MATERIAL DESCRIPTION Project No.Client:Remarks: Project: Date: Source of Sample: Import Sample Number: FS-3 Thielsch Engineering Inc. Cranston, RI Figure 132.6 pcf Maximum dry density = 135.2 pcf 7.0 % Optimum moisture = 6.4 % Proposed FedEx Yarmouth, MA