HomeMy WebLinkAboutDRC Planner Review Memo 101422 T O W N O F Y A R M O U T H 1146 ROUTE 28, SOUTH YARMOUTH, MASSACHUSETTS 02664-24451 Telephone (508) 398-2231, Ext. 1276, Fax (508) 398-2365 MEMORANDUM To: Design Review Committee From: Kathy Williams, Town Planner Date: October 14, 2022 Subject: Revitalization Overlay Architectural District (R.O.A.D) Application 2022-2 1272, 1276 & 1282 Route 28, South Yarmouth MA Please find attached a new R.O.A.D. Application #2022-2 for a revised project at 1272, 1276 & 1282 Route 28 in South Yarmouth (Assessor Map 60, Parcels 130, 131& 132). The application was submitted to the Planning Board on September 29, 2022 by Ekaterina & Family LLC (Jay Mart), and Jay Imad, Trustee of the Cedars of Lebanon Trust. The DRC had reviewed a previous ROAD Application #2022-1 back in May of 2022. The Applicants have resubmitted the project to try to address comments received during the Planning Board’s Public Hearing on this earlier application which was ultimately withdrawn without prejudice. The new plan has been modified to include the parcel to the east (1272 Rte. 28) and reduces the size of the mixed- use building from 6,560 sf to 4,000 sf, and the number of pumps from 5 to 4. The mixed-use building would still have a convenience store and drive-thru on the first floor and four (4) residential apartments on the second floor. Briefly, the modifications made include a smaller building fronting along the road, parking to the side/rear of the structure, and wider buffers with more landscaping and irrigation. For ROAD projects, the Planning Board serves as the Design Review Authority and will be holding their Public Hearing on November 16, 2022. The application is also distributed to the Design Review Committee (DRC) for their input and comments which will be provided to the Planning Board. For ROAD projects, the Planning Board will need to determine whether the project substantially adheres to the Yarmouth Architectural and Site Design Standards (“Standards”). Should the Planning Board make this determination, the Applicant would be able to seek relief from the Zoning Board of Appeals through a Special Permit rather than requiring any Variances. The attached application materials include a narrative from the Applicant outlining how they feel they substantially adhere to the Standards for the Siting and Building Strategies. Also included in the application materials are the 9/20/22 Site Plan Review Comment Sheet and modified project plans. Some edits were made to the DRC plans to address SPR design comments including adding more trees, eliminating the parking space in front of the building, eliminating the duplicate 5’ walkway in front of the building and adding more landscape buffers, eliminating the benches along the drive-thru, reduction in the pavement around the gas pumps allowing for the expansion of the eastern buffer, elimination of the strip of 3’ sidewalk by the employee parking, relocation of the loading area closer to the building, inclusion of 8’ wooden privacy fence and no-smoking signs by the playground. Still of concern is the excessive level of footcandles under the canopy (as high as 77.5 footcandles) and exceeding the limit of 0.05 footcandles adjacent to residential zones. Planning Division